Pulse Disease Guide 2020 - Joshua Fanning, April 2020 - Agriculture Victoria

Page created by Jose Park
Pulse Disease Guide 2020 - Joshua Fanning, April 2020 - Agriculture Victoria
Pulse Disease Guide 2020
                                                                                                      Joshua Fanning, April 2020

A new pulse disease rating system has been implemented in               There were continuing reports of increased ascochyta blight
2020. Disease rating definitions were revised and standardised          infection in resistant bean lines such as PBA Samira, during 2019.
nationally (see back page). Some disease ratings changed to             All ascochyta samples thought to come from PBA Samira, did not
reflect these definitions. Always consult a current disease guide for   infect PBA Samira grown from a pure seed source indicating
the latest ratings and definitions to plan disease management.          outcrossing in the field.

Season summary 2019: A dry spring meant diseases in pulses              To reduce outcrossing between varieties and erosion of disease
were generally of minor importance during 2019 in Victoria.             resistance, plant seed multiplication areas away from other faba
However, there were widespread reports of significant crop losses       bean crops.
due to bacterial blight in field peas and Sclerotinia white mould was   If you notice high levels of disease, please submit samples to
identified in both lentil and chickpea crops across the Mallee.         Agriculture Victoria (details on back page) who are monitoring the
Soil-borne diseases affected many paddocks across Victoria. An          situation.
ongoing survey of pulse crops identified several pathogens (e.g.        Field peas: There are rating changes for bacterial blight. PBA
Phoma pinodella, Pythium, Macrophomina phaseolina, rhizoctonia          Percy is the least susceptible cultivar available. Bacterial blight, a
and root lesion nematodes) in affected crops. Further work is           widespread disease of field pea, is more damaging in regions prone
required to determine the importance of each pathogen in pulse          to frost. There are no in-crop control options for bacterial blight.
crops to enable control measures to be investigated.                    To reduce disease impacts, avoid paddocks with pea stubble,
Implications for 2020: A proactive disease management                   select a less susceptible cultivar, and in areas with a high frost risk,
strategy will reduce the risk of pulse diseases causing yield losses    it may be best to avoid field pea.
during 2020. Due to the high risk posed by stubble borne diseases       Vetch: Botrytis grey mould and ascochyta blight are the main
growers should not double crop paddocks with pulses.                    causes of yield losses in vetch. Both diseases can be managed with
Sclerotinia white mould affects multiple crops, so where this           careful monitoring and strategic fungicide applications.
disease was identified during 2019 use rotational crops, such as        Lupins: Sclerotinia was the main disease detected in lupins during
cereals to provide a disease break.                                     2019. It is recommended to avoid growing lupins in rotation with
Chickpeas: Ascochyta blight was widespread at low levels in crops       canola to avoid Sclerotinia.
during 2019. To prevent seed transmission of ascochyta blight,          If you see something different, or high levels of disease
seed should be treated with a thiram-based fungicide. Growers           please send a sample to Agriculture Victoria or request a sampling
should observe a minimum three-year break between chickpea              kit by emailing croppathology.horsham@agriculture.vic.gov.au.
crops and avoid sowing into paddocks adjacent to last year’s
stubble.                                                                If you suspect an exotic pest or disease contact CropSafe or the
                                                                        Emergency Plant Pest Hotline. Details on back page.
PBA Royal, a newly released kabuli chickpea variety, is rated MS to
ascochyta blight, similar to Genesis 090. It has other agronomic        Crop protection products: There are often changes to permits
benefits including a more stable seed size.                             for the use of fungicides in pulse crops. See Pulse Australia’s
                                                                        website (www.pulseaus.com.au) for current information on Crop
Lentils: There are now two pathotypes of lentil ascochyta. Both         Protection Products.
have been detected in Victoria, so the most susceptible rating is
documented in the ratings tables.                                       Fungicide resistance is being reported frequently in cereals and
                                                                        could occur in pulses. Fungicide resistance is more likely to develop
With the arrival of this new pathotype in Victoria the disease          in situation where growers become over reliant on chemicals for
ratings of PBA Hurricane XT and PBA Hallmark XT have been               disease control. Industry wide adoption of the following strategies
reduced to MRMS, and in-crop monitoring for disease development         can help protect the longevity of currently effective fungicides:
will be required. There is no change in the ratings of PBA Jumbo2
and PBA Highland which remain at R and MR, respectively.                    •    Use a range of control strategies to minimise disease
                                                                                 development such as avoiding growing highly susceptible
Beans: There have been no changes to the faba bean ratings.                      cultivars and rotating crops to avoid planting into
Pathotype 1 and 2 of ascochyta blight in faba beans are both                     paddocks with disease present (i.e. infected stubbles);
widespread in Victoria. Therefore, the most susceptible rating of           •    Use seed treatments to suppress early disease
the two pathotypes is provided in the Disease Table.                             development;
PBA Amberley, released during 2019, is rated RMR to ascochyta               •    Avoid unnecessary fungicide use;
blight and MR (provisional) to chocolate spot. This provides an             •    Use fungicide mixtures formulated with more than one
overall improvement in disease resistance for faba beans.                        mode of action; and
                                                                            •    Adhere to label recommendations.
Pulse Disease Guide 2020 - Joshua Fanning, April 2020 - Agriculture Victoria
Bean Disease Reactions 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                  Root lesion nematode
                                                                                       Chocolate spot
 Variety                                 Ascochyta blight*                                                          Cercospora                        Rust#                          (Pratylenchus)
                                                                                                                                                                              P. neglectus             P. thornei
 Broad bean
 Aquadulce*                                       MS                                          MS                          S                           MR                           MR                      MS
 PBA Kareema*                                     MR                                          MS                          S                          MRMS                           -                       -
 Faba bean
 PBA Amberley                                    RMR                                          MRp                         S                             S                          MR                     MSp
 Farah                                            S                                            S                          S                             S                          MR                     MS
 Fiesta VF                                        S                                            S                          S                             S                          MR                     MS
 Nura                                           RMR                                           MS                          S                            MS                          MR                     MS
 PBA Bendoc                                      MR                                           MS                          S                             S                          MR                    MRMSp
 PBA Marne                                      MRMS                                           S                          S                            MR                          MR                     MSp
 PBA Rana                                       MRMS                                          MS                          S                            MS                          MR                     MS
 PBA Samira                                     RMR                                           MS                          S                            MS                          MR                    MRMS
 PBA Zahra                                      MRMS                                          MS                          S                            MS                          MR                     MS

Chickpea Disease Reactions 2020                                                                             Lentil Disease Reactions 2020
                          Phytophthora                                     Root lesion nematode                                           Ascochyta           Botrytis              Root lesion nematode
                                                Ascochyta blight
                            root rot                                          (Pratylenchus)                  Variety                    blight (foliar        grey                    (Pratylenchus)
                         (Phytophthora                                                                                                      rating)            mould
                                                 Foliage       Pod        P. neglectus      P. thornei                                                                       P. neglectus            P. thornei
 Desi                                                                                                         Small red seed
 Ambar                          VS                  S            S           MRMS              MS             Nipper                        MRMS               RMR              RMR                    MR
 Neelam                         VS                  S            S           MRMS              MS             PBA Hurricane XT              MRMS               MRMS             MRMS                  MRMS
 PBA Maiden                     VS                  S            S           MRMS             MRMS            Medium red seed
 PBA Slasher                    VS                  S            S           MRMS             MRMS            Nugget*                       MRMS               MRMS             MRMS                 MRMS
 PBA Striker                    VS                  S            S           MRMS             MRMS            PBA Ace                        R                 MRMS              MR                  MRMS
 Kabuli                                                                                                       PBA Blitz                     MRMS                MR               MR                  MRMS
 Almaz                          VS                 S             S           MRMS                S            PBA Bolt                      MRMS                 S               MR                   MR
 Genesis 090                    VS                 MS            S           MRMS               MS            PBA Flash*                     MS                MRMS              MR                  MRMS
 Genesis Kalkee                 VS                 MS            S           MRMS               MS            PBA Hallmark XT               MRMS               RMR               MRp                 MRMSp
 PBA Monarch                    VS                 S             S           MRMS               MS            PBA Highland XT                MR                MRMS              MRp                 MRMSp
 PBA Royal                      VS                 MS            S            MR                MSp           Large red seed
                                                                                                              PBA Jumbo*                    MRMS                 MS              MR                   MRMS
All data except breeder data (#) and non-NVT varieties (*) comes from the new NVT system.                     PBA Jumbo2                     R                  RMR              MR                   MRMS
#Breeder data is used for the following chickpea and faba bean diseases: Phytophthora root rot (P.            Medium green lentil
medicaginis) and Rust                                                                                         PBA Greenfield*               MRMS                 MR              MR                     MR
*Indicates that data from before the new NVT system. In this case a R resistance rating may require a         Large green lentil
fungicide application under severe disease pressure to prevent yield loss in addition to seed staining.       Boomer*                         MR               MRMS              MR                    MR
p= These ratings are provisional.
                                                                                                              PBA Giant*                      MR                MS               MR                   MRMS
R = Resistant; RMR = Resistant to moderately resistant; MR = Moderately resistant; MRMS = Moderately resistant to moderately susceptible; MS = Moderately susceptible; MSS = Moderately susceptible to susceptible;
S = Susceptible; SVS = Susceptible to very susceptible; VS = Very susceptible
Field Pea Disease Reactions 2020
                                                                                                                                           Pea seed-borne    Bean leaf roll virus      Root lesion nematode
                                   Blackspot                                                                                Powdery                                                        (Pratylenchus)
 Variety                                                 Bacterial blight                   Downy mildew                                    mosaic virus        (field rating)
                                  (Ascochyta)                                                                                mildew
                                                                                                                                             (PSbMV)#              (BLRV)#           P. neglectus P. thornei
 Yellow pea grain type
 PBA Hayman*                          MS                         -                                 -                            R                -                     -                    -                -
 PBA Pearl                            MS                        MS                                 S                            S                S                     R                   MR              MRMS
 Sturt                                MS                         S                                 S                            S                S                     S                   MR               MR
 Kaspa grain type
 Kaspa                                MS                         S                                 S                            S                S                     S                   MR              MRMS
 PBA Butler                           MS                        MS                                 S                            S                S                     S                   MR              MRMS
 PBA Gunyah                           MS                         S                                 S                            S                S                     S                   MR              MRMS
 PBA Twilight                         MS                         S                                 S                            S                S                     -                   MR              MRMS
 PBA Wharton                          MS                         S                                 S                            R                R                     R                   MR              MRMS
 Australian Dun grain type
 Morgan*                              MS                         S                                 S                            S                S                     S                 RMR                MR
 Parafield*                           MS                         S                                 S                            S                S                     -                 MRMS               MR
 PBA Coogee*                          MS                         S                                 -                            R                -                     -                 MRMS               MR
 PBA Oura                             MS                        MS                                 S                            S                S                     R                  MR               MRMS
 PBA Percy                            MS                       MRMS                                S                            S                S                     S                  MR               RMR

                                                                                                                                              Vetch Disease Reactions 2020#
Lupin Disease Reactions 2020                                                                                                                  (provided by Stuart Nagel, vetch breeder, SARDI)
                                                           Cucumber mosaic virus                                      Phomopsis                                                                 Chocolate
                       Brown          Pleiochaeta
 Variety                                                           (CMV)                      Anthracnose                                       Variety          Rust       Ascochyta             spot
                      leaf spot         root rot                                                                  Stem       Pod/Seed
                                                            (seed transmitted)*a                                                                                                                (Botrytis)
 Albus lupin                                                                                                                                    Common vetch
 Luxor*                  MR                 R                        Immune                         VS             MR               S           Blanchefleur       VS           MS                 S
 Murringo*               MR                MR                        Immune                         VS             MS               S           Cummins            VS           MS                 S
 Narrow leaf                                                                                                                                    Morava              R            S                VS
 Jenabillup             MRMS             MRMSp                       MRMS                         MS               MS           MR              Rasina              R           MS                 S
 Jindalee                MS              MRMSp                        MS                          MS              RMR          RMR              Timok               R           MS                 S
 Mandelup                MS              MRMSp                        MS                          MR              RMR          MRMS             Volga               R           MS                 S
 PBA Barlock             MS              MRMSp                        MR                         RMR               MR           MR              Purple vetch
 PBA Bateman             MS              MRMSp                        MR                         MRMS             RMR           MS              Popany              R            S                VS
 PBA Gunyidi             MS              MRMSp                        MS                          MR              RMR          MRMS             Woolly pod vetches
 PBA Jurien              MS               MRp                         MS                         RMR              RMR          MRMS             Capello             R            S                VS
 Wonga                   MS              MRMSp                        R                          RMR               MR           MR              Haymaker            R            S                VS
                                                                                                                                                RM4                 R           MR                VS
All data except breeder data (#) and non-NVT varieties (*) comes from the New NVT system.                                                       #Vetch is not included in the NVT, hence all ratings are
 Breeder data is used for the following diseases; Pea Seedborne Mosaic Virus (PSbMV), Bean leaf roll virus (field rating)                       based on breeder data.
*Indicates that data from before the new NVT system. In this case a R resistance rating may require a fungicide application under severe
disease pressure to prevent yield loss in addition to seed staining.
a= These ratings are the 2019 ratings.
p= These ratings are provisional.

R = Resistant; RMR = Resistant to moderately resistant; MR = Moderately resistant; MRMS = Moderately resistant to moderately susceptible; MS = Moderately susceptible; MSS = Moderately susceptible to susceptible;
S = Susceptible; SVS = Susceptible to very susceptible; VS = Very susceptible
Integrated Disease Management: Adopting integrated                          Further Information
disease management strategies will reduce the risk of disease in            Detailed information on each of the pulse diseases can be
                                                                            obtained from:
2020. These strategies incorporate sowing healthy vigorous
                                                                            Agriculture Victoria AgNotes
seed, variety selection (i.e. choosing more resistant varieties
                                                                            Pulse Australia
where possible), using seed dressings, appropriate paddock                  Victorian Crop Sowing Guide
selection and active crop monitoring for diseases and insect                www.grdc.com.au/ManagingFrostRisk
vectors to inform timely foliar fungicide and/or insecticide
application.                                                                Interpreting Resistance Classifications
Seed quality: Testing seed for germination, vigour and seed-
                                                                            Below is an explanation of the resistance ratings used in this
borne diseases before sowing is important to ensure good
                                                                            guide for foliar diseases, and how they should be interpreted.
establishment. Infected seed may be smaller, shrivelled or                  R        Resistant - No symptoms visible. No fungicides are
discoloured, depending on the level of infection. In some                            required.
situations, seed infection may not be obvious with testing                  RMR      Resistant to Moderately Resistant - The disease may
required by specialist laboratories (see list below).                                be visible but will not cause significant plant damage
                                                                                     or loss. However, under extreme disease pressure or
Fungicides: Seed treatments are a cheap and effective means                          highly favourable environments conditions fungicide
of suppressing many fungal diseases. However, fungicide seed                         applications may be required e.g. to prevent seed
treatments do not combine well with rhizobium used for                               staining.
inoculation. Read labels for compatibilities. Seed should be                MR       Moderately Resistant - The disease may be visible but
                                                                                     will not cause significant plant damage or loss.
treated first with fungicide and then, in a separate operation,
                                                                                     However, under high disease pressure or highly
inoculated with rhizobium. Granular inoculants provide the                           favourable environments conditions fungicide
opportunity to separate the rhizobium from fungicides.                               applications may be required e.g. to prevent seed
Foliar fungicides are an important part of the integrated                   MRMS Moderately Resistant to Moderately Susceptible - The
management of pulse diseases. Although many pulse varieties                          disease symptoms are moderate and may cause some
are considered resistant to diseases, they may still require a foliar                yield and/or seed quality losses in conducive
fungicide application at podding. This will reduce seed infection                    conditions. Fungicide applications, if applicable, may
and prevent yield and quality loss (e.g. ascochyta blight in                         be required to prevent yield loss and seed staining.
chickpeas). See Pulse Australia’s information note Pulse Seed               MS       Moderately Susceptible - Disease symptoms are
                                                                                     moderate to severe and will cause significant yield and
Treatments and Foliar Fungicides.
                                                                                     seed quality loss in the absence of fungicides in
Blackspot Manager is a tool to predict the risk of blackspot                         conducive seasons, but not complete crop loss.
                                                                            S        Susceptible - The disease is severe and will cause
infection in field peas. To subscribe to this free service, text
                                                                                     significant yield and seed quality loss, including
‘blackspot’, your name and nearest weather station to 0475 959                       complete crop loss in the absence of fungicides, in
932 or email Blackspot.Manager@agric.wa.gov.au.                                      conducive conditions.
                                                                            VS       Very Susceptible - Growing this variety in areas where
Pulse Pathology (Agriculture Victoria)
                                                                                     a disease is likely to be present is very high risk.
Croppathology.horsham@agriculture.vic.gov.au                                         Significant yield and seed quality losses, including
Joshua.fanning@agriculture.vic.gov.au                                                complete crop loss can be expected without control
Ph: 03 4344 3111                                                                     and the increase in inoculum may create problems for
Private Bag 260 Horsham, Vic 3401                                                    other growers.

Seed Testing Laboratories                                                   Below is an explanation of the resistance ratings used in this
Crop Health Services, Agriculture Victoria, Tel. (03) 9032 7515             guide for nematodes, and how they should be interpreted.
                                                                            R        Resistant, nematode numbers will decrease when this
DDLS Specimen Reception, DPIRD, Tel. (08) 9368 3351,
                                                                                     variety is grown.
                                                                            MR       Moderately Resistant, nematode numbers will slightly
                                                                                     decrease when this variety is grown.
                                                                            MS       Moderately Susceptible, nematode numbers will
                                                                                     slightly increase when this variety is grown.
Ph: 03 4344 3111
                                                                            S        Susceptible, nematode numbers will increase greatly in
Private Bag 260 Horsham, Vic 3401
                                                                                     the presence of this variety.
Exotic plant pest hotline: 1800 084 881
                                                                            VS       Very Susceptible, a large increase in nematode
Acknowledgements                                                                     numbers can occur when this variety is grown and this
Most disease ratings for pulse crops are provided by GRDC under the                  will cause problems to a following intolerant crop.
National Variety Trial program. Other ratings come from breeding
programs and are noted. Vetch disease ratings are provided by
Stuart Nagel (SARDI). This guide was prepared with assistance               Disclaimer: This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria
                                                                            and its employees do not guarantee that it is without flaw of any kind or is wholly
from Grant Hollaway, Luise Fanning, and Jason Brand                         appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any
(Agriculture Victoria, Horsham). Last updated 2 April 2020                  error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any
Contact/Services available from DJPR Field Crops Pathology,                 information in this publication.
Grains Innovation Park, 110 Natimuk Rd, Horsham 3400. Tel (03) 4344         Published by the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions, February 2020
3111, or the DJPR Customer Service Centre 136 186                           Spring Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Telephone (03) 9208 3333
                                                                            © Copyright State of Victoria, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions 2020
Accessibility: If you would like to receive this publication in an
                                                                            Except for any logos, emblems, trademarks, artwork and photography this
alternative format, please telephone the Customer Service Centre 136 186,   document is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
via the National Relay Service on 133 677 www.relayservice.com.au. This     3.0 Australia license. To view a copy of this licence, visit
document is also available at www.agriculture.vic.gov.au                    http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au/deed.en This document is also
                                                                            available at Agriculture.vic.gov.au/agriculture
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