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 When a normal day at work turns into an extraordinary day, where survival may depend on
 you and your team, you will need all of the elements that make up resilience. In this long
 read, Steven Shorrock interviews Richard Champion de Crespigny, Captain of QF32,
 about how things went right, when they could have gone so badly wrong.

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It’s the 4th of November 2010 and QF32,          “We first concentrated on just flying the       parameters affected other systems.
an A380, is taking off from Singapore            airplane”, said Richard, “because it’s          “When a complex black-box system fails,
bound for Sydney – a seven and a half            vital in the first 30 seconds of a crisis to    you may not know why and you may
hour flight for the 469 passengers and           act habitually to avoid the startle effect      not even know if or how you can fix it.
crew. There would normally be three              of fight, flight or freeze. Stay alive, keep    When one complex system, with all its
pilots: Pilot in Command Richard de              above the mountains, and maybe then             interactions, takes out other complex
Crespigny, First Officer Matt Hicks, and         communicate. It was probably after 40           systems, you quickly get an avalanche of
Second Officer Mark Johnson. On that             or 50 seconds that I told air traffic control   other failures. When a ‘black swan’ event
day, Richard was having an annual route          ‘Pan, Pan, Pan, Qantas 32, engine failure,      happens, the Swiss cheese model doesn’t
check, and the crew were joined by               number two engine, maintaining 7,400            apply.”
Senior Check Captain Dave Evans, who             feet, maintaining current heading. Stand
was training, and Check Captain Harry            by for instructions.’”                          ECAM armageddon
Wubben. Richard briefed his other two
pilots to focus on keeping the flight as         ATC left the QF32 crew alone until the          The electronic centralised aircraft
safe as possible, and to not keep quiet          crew called for a new heading.                  monitoring (ECAM) system is a
or be distracted because it was a route                                                          computer program that monitors the
check.                                           The damage                                      250,000 sensors and parameters on an
                                                                                                 A380, an aircraft with four million parts.
It was a flight that was characterised           To those untrained in dealing with              When a message goes into the network
by many non-routine decisions and                emergencies, the sense of calm control          system that something's wrong, ECAM
trade-offs. The first came after clearance       in the first half a minute may have             checks a database of around 1240
to push back, when Richard noticed               seemed at odds the seriousness of the           checklists. During the initial seconds
that that one of the Check Captains              situation: 21 out of 22 aircraft systems        following the engine failure, Richard and
was occupying the seat that the second           were compromised – everything except            his crew ignored the ECAM, focusing
officer would occupy. After a short              the oxygen system, which was not                instead on flying the aircraft. After a
discussion, Richard ensured that a               needed because the aircraft was below           brief period, he informed the crew that
Second Officer sat where he normally             10,000 feet.                                    the aircraft was at constant altitude,
would, in order to play his usual team                                                           heading and speed, that the thrust was
role. “It’s vital in a team environment that     The damage list is extraordinary, and           under control and the aircraft was safe.
every person feels psychologically safe to       the full extent of damage and loss of           “I then said, ‘ECAM actions’”, explained
state concerns or in a critical situation, say   capability was not fully known to the           Richard. “That's a sign for co-pilot Matt
‘stop’!”                                         crew at the time. Electrics were down to        Hicks to action the checklists. But that
                                                      40 to 45%. Roll control was down           was probably 20 to 30 seconds after the
                                                      to 35%. Brakes were down to 40%.           engine had failed. There's no rush to go
                                                      There were holes in the wing and           into ECAM. You absolutely must first get
                                                      all of the leading edge slats and half     the aircraft under control.”
It’s vital in the first 30 seconds of a               of the spoilers were lost, increasing
crisis to act habitually to avoid the                 the stall speed significantly. The         Richard compares ECAM to threat and
startle effect of fight, flight or freeze             flight displays were in error. Anti-       error management (TEM), laid out in
                                                      skid was broken.                           a linear progression. “You first identify
                                                                                                 the threats and then you try to stop
                                                     None of the engines was operating           them. If you can't stop them then you
                                                     normally. Two engines dropped               try to fix them. If you can't fix them then
Everything else was routine until four           down two layers of redundancy to the            you mitigate them. At the end of ECAM
minutes after take-off, when engine              bottom layer. Engine number 3, which            process, you know what systems have
number two exploded without warning,             the crew thought was working normally,          failed and you should have a mental
followed by a second explosion. “It was          had dropped down one layer.                     model of the state of the airplane, how
louder than what I'd ever heard in the                                                           it will respond and how you're going to
simulator. But it was obviously an engine        Critically, the aircraft was out of balance     manage it.”
failure.” At that point, Richard pressed         and leaking fuel quickly from the wing.
the altitude hold button and pulled              “We saw hydraulic pressure warnings             But 40 ECAM checklists queued up
the heading select knob, reflecting the          and system failure warnings. The whole          within the first second, followed by
‘aviate, navigate, communicate’ mantra           hydraulic system failed on the left-hand        another 60 checklists over the next
that helps pilots to focus and prioritise.       side. We had to shut down six out of eight      few minutes. Distraction was a major
For the first 30 seconds or so, the crew         hydraulic pumps.” Richard didn’t find out       challenge to crew performance. “The
concentrated on flying the aeroplane             until four months later that most of the        alarm bell was ringing continually. We
and got it under control, in the process         warnings about the hydraulic and brake          cancelled it, and it came back. For every
discovering that the auto thrust had             systems were wrong.                             new warning, the master caution warning
failed.                                                                                          light illuminated and the aural alert
                                                 Around half of the computer networks            sounded. These warnings pierced our
                                                 had been compromised, and the lost              senses. They're incredibly distracting.”       

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The long read

 Another problem was the nature of
 interaction with ECAM. “The overhead
 and lower panels were a sea of red
 lights. Checklists flooded the screens. We
 were running through nasty checklist
 after checklist without knowing how
 many more checklists lay underneath.
 And some of the checklists were not
 just wrong, but would have made our
 situation worse.”

 As a result, Richard said that he
 eventually lost the picture and became
 overloaded, with insufficient capacity
 to make sense of the information. “All
 these checklists coming in were filling
 up my mental model. I'd lost all my free
 mental space. I couldn't absorb more
 failures and I’d lost the ability to create
 the complex knock-on effects in my mind.
 My mental model of the aircraft had

 The crew did around 100 ECAM
 checklists in the air and then another
 20 or so on the ground. To put that
 into perspective, he said, a pilot in
 a simulator might do four ECAM

 ECAM is prioritised but, as Richard
 explained, just like any computer
 system, ECAM caters for only the known
 situations that have been programmed
 into it, “ECAM is generally designed to
 manage only the first layer of the failure.
 For instance, we lost 65% of our roll
 control and we had three increasing fuel
 imbalances that were each out of limits.
 ECAM doesn't combine those problems to
 predict whether we would retain control       The decision to do the control check was                the brakes only when the
 when we slowed and reconfigured to            critical. I think it was the most important             nose wheel was down on the
 land. We'd lost 60% of our brakes but         decision that I made on the flight.                     ground, when there was less
 we were also landing 60 tons over our                                                                 lift on the wings. The crew
 maximum landing weight. The computers                                                                 went through the ECAMs one
 couldn’t calculate our correct landing                                                                at a time, building a shared
 performance. ECAM didn’t warn us of a         that ECAM checklists for the fuel system                mental model of the aircraft
 possible runway overrun.”                     would never make sense. Other failure        and planned the approach, a process
                                               messages displayed and cleared quickly:      that took around an hour of the hour
 To make matters worse, QF32 has               “We had a turbine overheat message that      and 50 minutes that the aircraft was
 lost many sensors and in many cases           I didn't see because it came and went in a   airborne.
 couldn't differentiate a ‘no signal’          second.”
 (because of a severed controller area                                                      The crew faced several dilemmas. If
 network bus wire) from a ‘zero’. This is      Still, ECAM gave essential information.      they stayed up too long, fuel leakages
 why ECAM became compromised and               For instance, faults with the hydraulics,    from the wings would take the aircraft
 confusing, indicating that some systems       electrics and the landing gear meant         further out of balance. If they landed
 were functioning better (brakes) or           that the crew had to put the gear            too quickly, they wouldn’t know what
 worse (hydraulics) than they really were.     down using gravity, with special             the aircraft was capable of doing or
 Officials at the Australian Transport         actions for the brakes because leading       how it would perform on landing.
 Safety Bureau told Richard that the fuel      edge slats, spoilers and anti-skid were      “Your priorities change depending on
 system was damaged so extensively             compromised. ECAM advised to apply           the situation. You need to keep a shared

18   HindSight 29 | WINTER 2019-2020
mental model and situation awareness of       All these checklists coming in were filling inverted the logic, and it worked.
what's happened and what is happening,        up my mental model. I'd lost all my free    But to do that, you have to have
and make the best decisions for the           mental space                                a good foundation knowledge of
future.” As commander, Richard’s sole                                                                 your systems and the core layers
concern and responsibility was the                                                                    of their technologies.
safety of the passengers.
                                                                                                      By inverting the logic, the QF32
But with the complexity of the situation      you can't guarantee fuel, you can't                     crew turned a glass-half-empty
and the loss of capability, the crew were     guarantee flight”, said Richard. Both fuel      approach to TEM into a glass-half-full
concerned about control when they             computers failed and the fuel synoptic          approach. Instead of focussing on
came in to land.                              screens went blank. The crew reset the          the myriad complicated failures, they
                                              computers, but it didn’t help. The fuel         focussed on the systems and services
The control check                             synoptic screen and ECAM made no                that remained. Richard reduced a
                                              sense. “I said to the rest of the pilots, I'm   complicated four million piece A380
Controllability checks feature more in        looking at this fuel system and I don't         down to a simple light aircraft. All they
military than civil pilot training, and       understand it. Does anybody understand          needed then, was enough fuel, wings,
Richard credits this check with being         this fuel system? There was silence. At         flight controls, wheels and brakes to
critical to the safe landing of QF32.         that point I realised that no one else          land.
“It's normal Air Force procedure that if      understood the fuel system.”
your aircraft has a mid-air collision or                                                      They had two and a half hours of fuel
has taken damage from an attack, and          Eight out of eleven fuel tanks were             in engine one, and three and a half
flight controls are affected, then you must   unusable. Both transfer galleries had           hours in engines three and four. That
determine the best configuration and the      failed. Half of the fuel pumps, including       was enough. “A great mantra in aviation
minimum speed that you need to land. I        the jettison pumps and a jettison               is ‘fuel gives you time and time gives you
knew I had to do control checks at a safe     valve, had failed. With fuel control            options’. You often have more time than
height.” Flaps, slats and spoilers, as well   computer faults, the crew was unable            you think, so in a crisis try to create time.”
as the landing gear, should behave as         to understand how the fuel system was
expected, so that the aircraft remains        working.                                        Knowing that they now had two
controllable while slowing down and                                                           and a half hours to solve the many
configuring to land.                          Fearing a loss of all the engines, Richard      outstanding problems, the crew
                                              asked ATC for clearance to climb and for        monitored the engines and fuel
Richard explained that, while this            ATC to keep the flight inside 30 miles          situation every five minutes. Every 10
procedure is habitual for military            of the airport, to mitigate an all engine       minutes, they re-evaluated whether
aviators, it wasn't documented in any         out approach to Singapore. He was               to stay airborne and continue ECAM
Airbus manual or the airline's manual         positioning to enable the ‘Armstrong            checklists, or commit to and bracing
until after QF32.                             Spiral’, a procedure he named after Neil        themselves for an immediate landing.
                                              Armstrong’s approach techniques in the
He was aware that if hydraulics were          X-15. The decision to climb to height           The landing configuration
lost, the flight controls could become        was an intuitive reaction, Richard said,
saturated, with inadequate hydraulic          to thinking that the crew had lost the          The crew now had to calculate landing
power to move the controls quickly            ability to monitor the remaining fuel.          performance, including where they
enough, or limiting the controls’ effects.                                                    would stop on the runway. Richard
Either problem can induce a (rate-            Inverting the logic                             delegated the performance calculations
limited) pilot-induced oscillation. So                                                        to Senior Check Captain David Evans,
while doing a controllability check,          Aircraft warning computers are ‘glass           who put all the failures into the
Richard monitored the flight control          half empty’ machines: they tell you what        computer. “He put in about 12 failures.
displays to determine that the flight         is wrong. And on QF32 there were too            Normally, the most I've ever seen put in is
controls were not saturated and were          many failures to diagnose and correct           two.” However, the computer would not
behaving as expected.                         fully.                                          calculate landing performance, even
                                                                                              when David entered only the critical
“The decision to do the control check was     Richard decided to ‘invert the logic’. He       failures.
critical. I think it was the most important   credits this idea to Gene Krantz, a NASA
decision that I made on the flight.”          mission controller. “During the Apollo 13       Richard was confident that the crew had
Recalling El Al 1862, he remarked that        crisis, the mission engineers were melting      the knowledge, training and experience
“You need to study and learn from the         down because they had lots of error             to solve the known problems, and the
past, so you don’t repeat it”.                messages. Nothing was making sense and          decision-making and team skills to solve
                                              the engineers were losing their mental          the unknown problems. “I knew we had
The Armstrong spiral                          model of the Apollo command module.             the tools and the brains on board to solve
                                              So Gene Kranz yelled out, ‘gentlemen stop       this. It didn't really worry me when Dave
With fuel leaking rapidly, it was essential   wondering about what's failed and let's         said it won't calculate it. In fact, I went
to understand the fuel situation. “If         focus on what's working’.” Gene Kranz           off and gave a 10-minute public address               

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The long read

 to the passengers while Dave kept on              Shutting down the engines                     rather than disembarkation via the
 working on it.”                                                                                 stairs, was less clear. The door sill of the
                                                   When QF32 stopped, air traffic control        A380 upper deck is eight metres above
 After the public address, David                   instructed the crew to shut down the          the ground. With rescue slides angled at
 announced that he had a landing                   engines and call the fire service on a        approximately 45 degrees, descending
 performance. It would give a 130 metre            dedicated fire frequency. On shutting         onto a hot runway at Singapore, the risk
 margin at the end of the four-kilometre           down the engines, the crew expected           of injury had to be balanced against the
 Singapore runway. Richard wasn’t                  the APU to provide electrical power and       need for rapid escape. Richard remarked
 worried. “When I got told 130 metres I            compressed air for the air conditioning.      that there were risks associated with
 thought ‘that's great’”, he said. Having          However, problems with the air data           people attempting to take objects
 researched the handling of big jets for           computers meant that the aircraft             from the cabin, slipping on kerosene,
 a book, he knew how the A380 was                  thought it was still in the air. Both APU     approaching a running engine, being
 certified and that the aircraft must be           generators were inhibited from coming         run over by a fire truck, or – worse –
 on the ground, touched down, within               online. The aircraft now had two car          accidentally igniting kerosene.
 seven seconds from 50 feet. He was                batteries of power remaining and had
 confident that the crew would do it.              lost nine out of ten cockpit computer         Richard recalled the A330 evacuation
 “If you've done the research then all that        sceens and six out of seven radios,           at Gatwick in 2012 following multiple
 knowledge, experience and training                including the radio that they needed to       smoke warnings, which turned out
 eliminates concerns that others might             contact the fire controller.                  to be spurious. Over 300 people had
 perceive as fears. This is why we must                                                          to be evacuated. Fifteen passengers
 commit to a lifetime of learning. You must        The 20 or so internal and external wing       were hospitalised. “Our threats were
 never stop learning.”                             leaks were even more of a problem now         enormous”, Richard said, “and this was
                                                   that the aircraft was level and the wing      now the longest most difficult decision
 QF32 was on final approach, descending            was flat. The holes that used to be above     that we had – whether to evacuate down
 at 1400 feet per minute or 23 feet per            the fuel level were now below it. Around      slides and lose control of the passengers,
 second. The landing gear oleos are                four tons of fuel was gushing out of          or to let them go slowly down the stairs
 certified to a rate of 12 feet per second.        the left-hand wing, close to very hot         and keep control. The longer that decision
 There was now a choice of a hard and              brakes. And with the radio problems, it       took, the longer we stayed on the airplane,
 short landing, or flaring for a softer long       took 30 to 40 seconds to contact the fire     the more the brakes cooled down and
 landing that uses more runway.                    controller. “When we did get in touch, we     more foam was put over the fuel.” After
                                                   said ‘Put water over the hot breaks, and      10 minutes, the scene stabilised outside
 “One of the pilots said to me during your         put foam over the fuel’. They said, ‘Well     and the aircraft became inert for the
 approach, ‘Rich, don't flare’, because with       shut down the engines first.’ And we said,    next hour. The cabin crew were on alert
 a limited runway it’s recommended to              ‘We have!’”.                                  to evacuate for the two-hour period
 have a hard touchdown and just accept                                                           after landing until the aircraft was fully
 it – you can't float. But I if I hadn't flared,   There was confusion about the status          deplaned – two hours of continuous
 I would have destroyed the oleos, the             of the engine, Richard opened up the          decision-making. There were no injuries,
 wheels would have gone up through                 left-hand window and saw that engine          which Richard also credits to the cabin
 the wing, and we’d be sliding down the            number one was still turning. The crew        crew: “They were exceptional. That's what
 runway with sparks around leaking fuel. I         tried more emergency shut down                they trained for, and I am proud of them
 knew I had to flare.”                             systems. None of them worked. “I knew         all.”
                                                   that there are two discrete sets of wires
 The aircraft was slow to flare and then           going to each of the high- and low-           In his book, FLY!, Richard describes
 over-flared. As the wheels got closer             pressure fuel shutoff valves in the engine    various ways to make decisions. “The
 to the runway, Richard thought they               and the pylon. At that point, I realised      decision whether to evacuate or not was
 might hit the runway so hard as to                they'd clearly been broken. Even the fire     a really good slow decision. We used
 risk destroying the landing gear. “So I           bottles, each with dual dedicated wire,       a decision model that is taught in the
 used a technique that is not practised in         didn't work. That wing must have been         airline. It involves everyone's input. It's
 any simulator. If it's going to be a heavy        electrically destroyed. And then it sank in   dynamic. You keep revisiting the decision,
 landing, then at the last minute you push         that the damage was far greater than we       especially if things don't go to plan or if
 the stick full forward to lower the nose.         had thought.”                                 you find you're surprised.”
 That raises the wheels around its centre
 of gravity. That in turn gives you an extra       Evacuation or disembarkation?                 Briefing the passengers
 half a second floating in ground-effect,
 a cushion of air.” The rate of descent at         On the ground, there were different           After an accident, there are further
 touchdown was 160 feet per minute,                perceptions in the cockpit about the          decisions about briefing those affected,
 and QF32 touched down five seconds                best course of action, with fuel now          especially passengers. How much
 after 50 feet – giving more remaining             pouring out on the ground near hot            information do you give and how do
 runway than calculated.                           brakes, and an engine that wouldn't           you convey that information both while
                                                   shut down. While the risk of fire was         you're in the air and while you're on the
                                                   clear, the need for evacuation via slides,    ground?

20   HindSight 29 | WINTER 2019-2020
For Richard, it was not a concern. “Gene      for two reasons. First, when involved in       of other Qantas staff and the Australian
Krantz said when things are going well        an incident or accident, people need           public”.
at NASA, you tell the media a whole lot,      to know the truth. Second, Richard
and when things go bad you tell them          knew that the media would be waiting,          People in control
everything. Particularly today with           and wanted passengers to feel able to
social media, everyone with a phone is        correct misreporting. He also checked          The story of QF32 is one of success
a reporter and they will be transmitting      on the passengers’ wellbeing, and found        against the odds, borne of deep
live as the incident happens. You can't try   that there were no injuries. “I took all the   expertise not only in how to fly an
to hide it, and there is no longer a golden   elements that create fear and panic then       aircraft, but in how to manage risks
hour for companies to prepare for the         slowly and systematically dissolved them.”     and make decisions as a team when
media.” Richard was aware that if you                                                        procedures and checklists are not
don't communicate the facts, as the           The last thing Richard did was also not        enough.
most knowledgeable party, then the            in any manual. He gave the passengers
media will. “Take control in a crisis, get    his personal mobile phone number in            This is why humans must always
the facts out there, shut down the fears      case they had questions or concerns.           remain in control of systems. Only
and rumours, and become the single point      “This is something that you would do if        people can make dynamic trade-off
of contact” is his advice.                    you had a daughter that you were leaving       decisions that can’t be programmed
                                              behind in a foreign country to go on a         into a computer. Pilots are responsible
Richard made several public addresses         holiday. You would say, ‘Call me if you've     for their passengers and controllers are
using the NITS checklist: nature,             got a problem’." He gave his personal          responsible for traffic separation. So
intentions, time, special requirements.       guarantee to the passengers to provide         pilots must always remain in command
“NITS stops fear and panic. Fear and          full communication and attend to their         of their flights and controllers must
panic are caused by people not knowing        needs. The combination of the full             always remain in command of air traffic.
what's happening, not knowing why, not        and open disclosure and the personal           This being the case, tasks, technology,
knowing what's going to happen, not           guarantee changed the perception of            and environments must be designed
having any control, and not knowing who       the incident outside the aircraft. “I’m        for people, and people must have the
to turn to. The other thing that I did was    not aware of a single photograph of any        competency and expertise to handle
not in any of my company manuals. I told      QF32 passenger crying when they left           situations that we can foresee and those
the passengers go to the terminal and         the terminal. The passengers became the        we can’t, like QF32.
wait there for me.”                           eighth team during the QF32 crisis. They
                                              took control of the media, delivered the       ‘QF32’ was published by Pan Macmillan
Richard followed the passengers to            facts, shut down rumours and protected         in 2012 (QF32.com). ‘FLY! Life Lessons
the terminal where he gave debriefs,          my company’s brand.”                           from the Cockpit of QF32’ was published
with full and open disclosure, in two                                                        by Penguin Random House in 2018 (Fly-
of the lounges. Each briefing lasted          In 2011, Richard was awarded the               TheBook.com).
45 minutes: 15 minutes of NITS, 15            Qantas Chairman’s Diamond Award
minutes of group questions, and 15            “for valour and/or selflessness so
minutes of individual questions. He           extraordinary, that the reputation of the
gave passengers all the relevant facts        airline has been enhanced in the eyes

                                              We must commit to a lifetime of learning.
                                              You must never stop learning.

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