QUAD-PRESS A Strong and Safe Grip - Flexibility Productivity Quality

Page created by Julio Flores
QUAD-PRESS A Strong and Safe Grip - Flexibility Productivity Quality
A   Strong and Safe Grip

        Permanent-electro magnetic system
             for quick mold clamping      the   original d
                                                      d gri
                                          with the re



                  Safety through power
QUAD-PRESS A Strong and Safe Grip - Flexibility Productivity Quality

                       Rapidity and uniformity of clamping


                                                                                 Intrinsic safety
                                                                                 The permanent electro circuit
                                                                                 Quadsystem made with square
                                                                                 poles of alternating polarization
The strength                            The success                              North/South in a chessboard
of the Leaders                          of an innovative                         configuration guarantees the flat
                                        technology                               and horizontal circuiting of the
In the early ’70s, Tecnomagnete                                                  magnetic flux concentrated
was the first company to invent and     Quad-Press is currently the most         exclusively in the polar area.
offer a permanent-electro magnetic      complete answer to the growing
system able to perform with high        requirements of concepts like JIT          MAG            DEMAG
power and in total safety for           (Just In Time) and SMED (Single
clamping and lifting ferrous parts of   Minute Die Exchange) in all
any shape and size.                     advanced manufacturing
                                        process to face smaller
The early ’80s Tecnomagnete             production batches and wider
further developed this system by        product ranges, by offering:
patenting the square pole circuit                                                A short electric pulse lasting some
with a neutral yoke called              -   improved manufacturing flexibility   fractions of second activates
Quadsystem.                             -   reduction of machine down time       the system securing the clamping
This enabled them to manufacture        -   better quality in molding            of the mold for unlimited time
permanent-electro systems more          -   reduction of inventory               without consuming electrical
efficient and able to satisfy the       -   lean manufacturing process           energy or generating any heat.
various requirements of                 -   practical and safe use               Only by a subsequent electric
workholding for heavy duty cutting      -   higher productivity                  pulse is it possible to demagnetize
on machine tools.                                                                the system and disengage
                                        Many thousands installations are         the mold that has been held
During the ‘90s Tecnomagnete was        already done all over the world          exclusively by the strength
again the first to apply such           on the best machine brands either        of permanent magnets during
technology for quick mold clamping      new or already in use have proven        the working session.
on plastic injection machines.          the great economical convenience
                                        of the Quad-Press system
                                        in noumerous industrial sectors.
QUAD-PRESS A Strong and Safe Grip - Flexibility Productivity Quality
Safety through power

optimize the manufacturing process

    Constant force                                          Absolute Uniformity
    Each square pole of the Quad-Press                      A mold - when magnetically
    system is an independent magnetic                       clamped - does not receive any stress
    island made by a steel core and                         or deformation as its
    surrounded on its 5 faces by                            holding strength is equally
    “high energy” permanent magnets                         distributed across
    (AlNiCo + neodymium) able to generate                   the contact area instead
    a high value of magneto motive force                    of the peripheral points
    (m.m.f.) concentrated and constant at                   when the traditional
    indefinite period of time.                              systems are in use which
    The total holding force available                       unavoidably also tends
    is directly proportional to the number of               to bend with heavy
    magnetic poles engaged with the surface                 molds.
    of the mold thus always predictable.                                                               QuadPress
                                                            The combination of mold/magnetic            clamping
                                                            module/machine platen becomes
                QUAD-PRESS                                  a perfect match and
                                                            guarantees superior
                                                            operating conditions.
 Holding                                                    The absence of deflections
  force                                    Traditional      in the mold and machine
                                            magnetic        platens translates to better
                                            solutions       quality and repeatability of
                                                            the molded parts.

                  Contact area
    The innovative polar geometry                                                                       clamping
    of QuadPress can reach the maximum
    operating efficiency even on molds of
                                                                           e  ap p lia n  ce s, lighting, packag
    smaller size being the polar area                Automotive, ho               rs , fi ttings, furniture
                                                                                                            , health
                                                                    co n n ec  to
    concentrated in the inner surface of the         electronics,                                      already
    magnetic module corresponding almost                     d  m  an y  o th ers industries are
                                                     care an                                        stems on
    to the size of the smallest mold
                                                          es sf u lly u si n g Quad-Press sy
                                                     succ                                        age.
    acceptable by the machine.                                           y size and tonn
                                                     machines of an
QUAD-PRESS A Strong and Safe Grip - Flexibility Productivity Quality

                          A great competitive advantage

Total Flexibility
Molds of any shape and size
are easily clamped without any
modification of the mold base
plates, even in the presence of
previous QMC standardization.


Quad-Press allows entire machine
platens utilization without the                             loading.
                                                            Press open
                                                            and mold

constraints of the traditional mold
clamps and, in some cases,
the mold can even overhang
increasing the press capacity.

Smaller presses can operate
larger and more complex
molds at higher speeds.
This translates into
                                                                                               2      Mold set up
                                                                                                 on the stationary
a lower initial investment                                                                       platen by locating
and less operating costs.                                                                        ring.

Perfect adaptability
Quad-Press can be easily and
quickly installed on any press
by bolting the magnetic modules
to the slots or hole pattern
present on the machine platens                                                          Ergonomical and
without any modification.                                                               practical
                                                                                        A single mold setter,
                                      Quick pay-back                                    without special skills,
                                         The competitive price                          can perform the mold
                                         combined with                                  change standing
                                         the high R.O.I.                 outside the machine and away from
                                         of the system allow             the mold during its handling phase.
                                         to justify the
                                         investment within a
                                         few months
                                         of use.

         H i g h l y           c o s t     e f f e c t i v e
                            N o
                         c o n s u m p t i o n
                                                                     N o
        N o                                                       m a i n t e n e n c e
   p o l l u t i o n                                  N o
                                                    w e a r i n g
QUAD-PRESS A Strong and Safe Grip - Flexibility Productivity Quality
Safety through power

                                                                                                                        s always
te records in safety and                                                      speed                        Performance le and
 Mold change and set up time reduced to 1/10                                                                sure, repeata tected.
                                                                                                                       y e

     3                                                                                       5
    Press                                                                          Correct
    closed                                                                         mold set up ready
                                                                                   to work in a very
                                                                                   short time

                                       Activation of the safety key
                                       (removable) and the MAG push button
                                       of the stationary and moving plate

                       Easy access                                                                      Scrap reduction
                        Easier access
                                                   Reduced inventory                                       The quality of clamping with
                        and maintenance
                                                                                                           rapid mold changes, that
                        to all the “peripherals”                The implementation                         helps to keep the working
                        (electrical, hydraulic,                   of the “Just in Time”                    temperature, enhances the
                        air) of the mold due to                     manufacturing                          productivity of the machine,
                        the absence                                 process translates           generates a significant reduction of non
     of traditional clamp                                          into sharp reduction          conforming parts.
                                                    of inventory with the optimization of
                                                    the floor space, handling costs
                                                    and time.

                                                                                              No additional “hidden” cost.
             Long lasting
                      Quad-Press prevents                                                                   The only investment is the
                      any damage                                                                            initial one.
                      to the machine                             Clean enviroment                           No cost for bolts, nuts,
                      platens. No need                           The absence                                clamps or dedicated tools
                      to re-thread any                           of hydraulic oil makes                     and no more problems
                      stripped holes or                          QuadPress the ideal              with maintenance of the hydraulic
     resurface the surface of the platens                                                         circuit and with oil waste disposal.
                                                               solution for the production
     with unavoidable loss of productivity.                                                       No maintenance of the QuadPress
                                                           of uncontaminated parts
     The machine and the magnetic                                                                 modules and machine platens.
     modules will retain their value                      in a clean room environment.
                                                                                                  No loss of production.
     over the time.
QUAD-PRESS A Strong and Safe Grip - Flexibility Productivity Quality

         A “State of Art” manufacturing concept according
        to the international standards (Euromap, SPI, JIS ..)

                                                      Locating ring
                                                                  For a quick
                                                                  and precise
  Through holes                                                   mold set up.
                 The monoblock frame
                 is drilled with all
                 the mounting holes
                                                                                                Lower resin level
                                                                                                                Special epoxy resin
                 for installation and
                                                                                                                with high thermal and
                 the through holes
                                                                                                                dynamic resistance
                 for ejectors
                                                                                                                is used to seal the
  clearance on the moving platens.
                                                                                                                magnetic circuit.
                                                                                                                The under surface level
                                                                                                           positioning helps to stabilize
                                                                                                           the temperature and to avoid
                                                                                                           any possible “air-gap”
                                                                                                           in case of micro expansions.

Junction box
               Machined into the mono
               block Quad-Press frame
                                                                                                           FCS sensor
                                                                                                                          To check
               becomes an integrated
                                                                                                                          the value
               part without protruding
                                                                                                                          of the
               elements that could be
                                                                                                                          magnetic flux
               damaged and with
better characteristics of resistance
                                                                                                                          reached by
and waterproof.
                                                                                                           some pilot poles and to
                                                                                                           the machine cycle.

                                                                                 Side filling blocks
                                     Proximity sensors                                             Rectangular steel blocks
       An inductive proximity sensor located                                                       to be bolted over
              in the “neutral” area detects the                                                    the area surrounding
         presence of the mold to enable the                                                        the magnetic module to
                                      activation                                                   grant the full contact with
                   of the magnetization cycle.                                                     the mold base.
          The 0,2 mm (0.0078 in) threshold                                       As an alternative, modular round POT
           value prevents any “open field magnetization” to                      blocks can be provided with magnetic
                grant the operator safety and it immediately                     fixturing for free positioning
                          halts the machine functions in case                    on the machine platens.
                          of mold detachment. The full safety
                              for the operator is also granted.
QUAD-PRESS A Strong and Safe Grip - Flexibility Productivity Quality
                                                                                          Special soluti
Solid block                                   Neutral Yoke                            for different a
                                              The Quadsystem circuit works
The two magnetic modules                      with the “neutral yoke” principle
                                                                                        Side mold loading.
for the stationary and moving side are        invented by Tecnomagnete where
built with a specific milling machining       the whole magnetic flux
out of a solid steel plate. This gives the    is concentrated exclusively
system structural stability                   in the polar area. The absence
and durability over time.                     of any stray flux guarantees constant
                                                    performances of the system and
                                                         no trouble for the machine
                                                              and mold components.

                        The solid block
                     besides granting
                  a perfect planarity
allows to keep a reduced thickness
of the Quad-Press modules.

                          Mag phase                 Operating phases
                                                         Magnetization                   Multi-shot injection with revolving platen.
                                             During the Mag phase the magnetic
                                             flux is short-circuited outside
                                             the magnetic surface safely clamping
                                             the mold with a very limited magnetic
                                             depth so as not to affect any internal
                                             part of the engaged mold.

                       DEMAG phase
                                             During the Demag phase
                                             the magnetic flux is short circuited
                                             inside the magnetic module frame,
                                             perfectly releasing the mold                Solution for tiebarless machines.
                                             for its changeover.

                                                                                                   Vertical press.
QUAD-PRESS A Strong and Safe Grip - Flexibility Productivity Quality
Safety through power

                                                Technical features and sizes
                                                                                  P     L                                  Size                 L       H       P
                                                                                                                           Electrical cabinet
                                                                                                                           Machine tonnage
                                                                                                                           up to 1600 t   mm 600        600     200
                                                                                                                                          in    23.62   23.62   7.87
                                                                                                                           over           mm 1200       600     300
                                                                                                                                          in    47.24   23.62   11.81
                                                                                                                           With IPC
                                                                                                                                          mm 500        400     200
                                                                                                                   H                      in    19.68   15.75   7.88
                                                                                                                           Standard push-button
                                                                                                                                          mm 140        140     80
                                                                                                P                                         in    5.51    5.51    3.15
                                                                                                                           Touch screen push-button
                                                                                                                                          mm 211        160     80
                                                                                                                       H                  in    8.3     6.3     3.14
                                                                                                                           Box touch screen
                                                                                                                                          mm 280        254     95
                                                                                            P                  L                          in    11      10      3.75

                                       Pull / gap curve                                                                Supply specification
                                                                                                                       • QP permanent-electro magnetic modules, in
                                                                                                                         steel monoblock, for fixed and moving platen,
        90%                                                                                                              with centering ring.
                                                                                                                       • Fixing and ejectors holes, based on standard

                                                                                                                         (EUROMAP / SPI / JIS).
                                                                     Quad-Press                 Mold
                                                                                                                       • Electronic control unit, IP54 cabinet, provided
        60%                                                                            Average Air-gap - T (mm)
                                                                                                                         with interface for PLC, UCS current Control
                                                                                                                         Unit, FCS electronic Flux Control System.
               0     0,05        0,1        0,15        0, 2                                                           • Remote push-button for MAG/DEMAG cycle,
                                                                                                                         with signal lamps and interlock key.
                      Air-gap - T (mm)
                                                                                                                       • Wiring cables: control unit-modules, interface
                                                                                                                         and power supply connections.
Optionals          (for 80HC only)
                                                                                                                       • No.1 proximity sensor for each platen installed
IPC: Interactive power control push-                 CT: set of connectors on the cabinet for                            on QP modules.
button with color touch screen.                      interfacing the machine/remote                                    • Set of fixing bolts with nogs.
THB thermal probe included.                          control (Harting) and
                                                                                                                       • Instruction book and TUV-CE certifications.
                                                     for the QuadPress modules (FEME).
FCP: electronic control system                       THB: thermal probe
to monitor in “real time”                            built in fixed side.
(process) any variation
of the magnetic flux.

                                              QUAD-PRESS Technical characteristics
  Model		                                                                   80HC				                                                  50HC (**)
 Magnetic strength for each pole (*)         1000 daN		    2200 lb		           370 daN 		    830 lb
 Size of the square poles sides               80 mm		        3.14"		            50 mm		      1.96"
 Thickness of the module                      51 mm		         2.0"		            35 mm		      1.37"
 Max working temperature (mold contact face)  120 °C		      248 °F		            120 °C		    248 °F
 Depth of magnetic flux                       20 mm		        0.78"		            10 mm		      0.39”
 Proximity sensor threshold value             0,2 mm		     0,0078"		           0,2 mm		     0,0078"
 Standard voltages 			                                  200/230/400/440/480 VAC, 50/60 Hz
 Electrical input		15kVA (220V single phase) / 25kVA (380V two phase) / 32 kVA (480V)
 Fixing holes and locating ring                                  EUROMAP / SPI / JIS
  * The declared magnetic performance has been calculated with the full coverage of each pole, with a perfect contact (T=0), on mild steel plate.
 ** Suggested for small size machines.

 Special solution on request
 - for temperatures up to 180 °C / 356 °F (HC80) - 150 °C / 300 °F (HC50)             - for multi shot press with revolving moving table including fast
   in mold contact face (in special pole configuration)                                 connectors, “anti-rotation” dummy plug and automatic drum reel for
 - with magnetic lay out different from the standard                                    the mold sensor cable
 - with additional machinings/holes                                                   - with additional mold proximity sensor
 - for tie bar less machines                                                          - for vertical molding
 - with rollers for mold side loading
QUAD-PRESS A Strong and Safe Grip - Flexibility Productivity Quality
Safety through power

 The electronics that combines functionality and simplicity

Electronic control unit                 The machine enable will be available    Remote control
                                        only when the mold is perfectly         All the operating functions
Designed according to the upmost
                                        positioned and the system magnetized.   are activated and controlled
recent standardizations Euromap, SPI,
                                        The electronic control units are        by a dedicated remote push-button
JIS. It can be interfaced with great
                                        standard equipped with UCS                      conveniently located; the mold
flexibility both to new or existing
                                        current Control and FCS                          setter oversees the whole mold
machines. High level of integration
                                        Flux Control Systems.                            change procedure from
can be achieved with those machine
                                        The electric panel                               outside the machine in full
properly prearranged with interface
                                        is contained in                                  safety. A specific safety key
                                        standardized watertight                           enables the “mold-set-mold”
                                        cabinet IP54 rated.                               procedure and the
                                                                                          Mag/Demag cycles.

                           The ultimate solution for a supplay of excellence                      Optional

The interactive control
of strenght
The IPC system automatically
detects the real work holding
strength, related to the actual size
of the mold, the quality of the
contact area with the magnetic
surface and relevant airgap,
the thickness and the material
of the mold base plate.

A touch screen panel shows
the magnetic status
of the system and all
the working parameters thus                                                      Based on the IPC values,
enabling all the operating                                                       the press working parameters
functions. The IPC system                                                        can be adjusted - manually or
guides step by step                                                              automatically– to avoid the
the mold setter during                                                          machine forces exceeding those
the mold change phase                                                           of the magnetic system.
for a correct set up and
The “help in line” automatically
rejects any incorrect
command and
prevents the use
of the machine
whenever the work
holding strength
developed does not
reach the threshold
value pre set.                                                                        A safety password denies
                                                                                       the use of unauthorized
                                                                                       personnel by blocking any
                                                                                       mag/demag function
                                                                                of the magnetic modules.
QUAD-PRESS A Strong and Safe Grip - Flexibility Productivity Quality
                                                                                                                   The world of the Permanent
                                                                                                                      electro Magnetism
                                                                                                                        With Tecnomagnete      Tecnomagnete after having invented
                                                                                                                        new solutions and      the permanent-electro magnetic “field” has been
                                                                                                                        new ideas come         able with over 30 years activity to maintain and
                                                                                                                        constant with new      to increase its worldwide leadership with a wide
                                                                                                                        investments.           range of high technology products distributed all
                                                                                                                                               over the major industrialized markets through
                                                                                              Modern manufacturing plants with innovative      a specialized network of direct subsidiaries and
                                                                                              CNC machines and FMS systems, powerful           qualified distributors and with the cooperation
                                                                                              stations of magnetization, marking laser and     of the most important machine builders.
                                                                                              sophisticated measuring machines confirm         The unique know how, the specialized team
                                                                                              the full commitment for high quality standard.   of engineers, the use of up to date CAD/CAM
                                                                                                                                               systems for designing and manufacturing
                                                                                                                                               the products, the laboratories of research are
                                                                                                                                               the proof of our mission:
                                                                                                                                               “to accept the challenges of the ongoing


                                                                                                                                                                  Material Handling
We reserve the right to make changes connected with engineering progress.

                                                                                                          Moulding and Stamping

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         QP ENG-02/10

                                                                       Head office:                                                                                      France          Tecnomagnete   S.A.R.L.
                                                                       TECNOMAGNETE spa                                                                                  Germany         Tecnomagnete   GmbH
                                                                       Via Nerviano 31 - 20020 Lainate (MI) - Italy                                                      USA             Tecnomagnete   Inc.
                                                                       Tel. +39-02.937.591, Fax +39-02.935.708.57                                                        Japan           Tecnomagnete   Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                         China           Tecnomagnete   Shanghai R.O.
                                                                       e-mail: info@tecnomagnete.it
                                                                                                                                                                         Singapore       Tecnomagnete   Singapore R.O.
                                                                                                                                                                         Korea           Tecnomagnete   Seoul R.O.
                                                                                                                                                                         India           Tecnomagnete   Mumbai R.O.


                                                                                                                            Safety through power
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