Page created by Samuel Alvarez

   3   Waste Management at a Glance                             10   Processing Services

   5   Industries We Serve                                      11   Short-Term & Event Processing

   6   Commitment to Safety                                     11   Long-Term Processing

   6   Commitment to Quality                                    12   Support Services
                                                                12		WM IGNITIONSM
   7   Commitment to Environmental Compliance                   13		Process Chemical Sales
                                                                13		Centrifuge Repair & Maintenance Services

   7   Efficient Waste Processing Solutions for Your Industry
                                                                14   Industrial Waste Processing Crude Oil Reclamation

   8   Scoping, Testing & Design Services
                                                                15   Industrial Waste Processing Successes
   8   Fine-Tuning Your Waste Processing Program
   8		Innovative Dewatering & Resource Recovery Services        17   Appendix A: Key Personnel Bios

   9   Engineering, Feasibility Studies & Design                19   Appendix B: Centrifuge Specs & Services

Waste Management is North America’s largest
environmental services provider, delivering
innovative solutions to more than 21 million
industrial, commercial, federal, state, municipal
and residential customers.

With 2018 revenues of nearly $14.9B and over
43,700 employees, Waste Management has the
resources to invest in developing long-term
efficient, effective and sustainable solutions that
help solve our clients’ environmental, financial
and regulatory concerns.

Waste Management's Industrial Waste Processing
team is here to provide a wide variety of
efficient on- and off-site treatment services,
including Industrial Waste Processing (IWP) to
augment your industrial expansion processes
and keep your business compliant while
improving sustainability efforts.

WASTE MANAGEMENT                                                     SAFETY                    0.58                    0.61                   0.18
                                                                                                 2016                    2017                      2018
IN SUMMARY                                                                                                TRIR (Total Recordable Incident Rate)
                                                                                                          Waste Management National Services
Information presented in this report is for the
year ending December 31, 2018, unless noted.

Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE: WM), based
in Houston, Texas, is the leading provider
                                                                 OPERATIONS                          314                         43.7K
of comprehensive waste management and                                                                Transfer                     Employees
environmental services in North America.                                                             facilities

                                                           RECYCLING                                                   102

                                                                                                                  Material recycling

                                                       LANDFILLS                           247                                                5
                                                                                         Active solid                                  Active hazardous
                                                                                        waste landfills                                 waste landfills

                                                  CONSERVATION                             90*                                            20K*
                                                    *2017 data                     Wildlife habitat programs                           Acres of certified
                                                                                    38 pollinator programs                                 habitats

                                              FINANCIALS                 1.7B                 3.6B                   1.8B                    14.9B
                                                                           Capital            Cash from             Returned to                     Total
                                                                        expenditures          operations           stakeholders                   revenue

The Waste Management Industrial Waste Processing team has over 30 years of on-site processing experience. In addition, the key leadership
team has a collective 200 years of operational experience in providing industrial waste processing solutions that help our customers effectively
manage, minimize and recover value from their waste streams. Our expertise revolves around designing waste processing solutions for specific
customer requirements utilizing a wide array of mechanical dewatering and ancillary support equipment such as pumps, strainer skids, mix
tanks, shaker screens, DAF systems, thermal desorption systems, coker injection systems and more. All of our solutions are custom designed,
constructed and operated to meet customer-specific requirements. Some of the industrial clients and market we serve include:

•   Upstream Exploration and Production                              • Industrial and Municipal Wastewater Treatment and
•   Midstream Terminals and Pipelines                                  Water Conditioning Facilities
•   Downstream Refining                                              • Food/Protein Manufacturing and Processing
•   Petrochemical Complexes                                          • Mining and Metals
•   Chemical Manufacturing Facilities                                • Electric Utilities
•   Surface Impoundment Dredging and Dewatering

                   OIL & GAS SERVICES from upstream exploration &                              CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING to include treatment of biological,
                   production to midstream terminals & pipelines to                            brine & silica sludges; solids removal, moisture content
                   downstream refining within petrochemical facilities                         reduction in sludges & maintenance events

                   INDUSTRIAL, MUNICIPAL AND COMMERCIAL WASTEWATER                             FOOD PROTEIN MANUFACTURING & PROCESSING from harvesting to
                   TREATMENT & WATER CONDITIONING FACILITIES for solids                        processing facilities & rendering plants
                   removal, reducing moisture in solid waste streams &
                   supporting maintenance events
                                                                                               ELECTRIC UTILITIES for dewatering of pollution control device
                                                                                               sludge blowdown & gypsum recovery
                   STEEL MILLS for oily water & fines separation & recovery

At Waste Management, safety is far more than      Our Industrial Waste Processing team provides
                                                                                                    WM Industrial Waste
just a program or strategy. It is a core value,   quality dewatering services across a broad        Processing Technology
a cornerstone of our operational excellence.      range of industries. No matter the industry
                                                                                                    Our Industrial Waste Processing technology
Our goal is to attain world-class safety and,     or waste mix, we will develop customized Key
                                                                                                    significantly reduces total suspended solids
more importantly, to be the safest company        Performance Indicators (KPI’s) that allow us to
                                                                                                    (TSS) from the centrate discharge.
in our industry.                                  accurately measure the best possible outcomes.
                                                  KPI’s include:                                    Project specific KPIs are initially evaluated
Waste Management’s Mission to Zero (M2Z)
                                                  • Processing rate in gallons & barrels / minute   during feasibility studies and then incorporated
initiative establishes a zero tolerance policy
                                                  • BS&W solids in centrate water (or improved      into the system design. Final adjustments
for unsafe behaviors and actions. Through this
                                                     capture rate)                                  are made during system start-up by the
program, Waste Management has focused on                                                            Industrial Waste Processing services team
                                                  • Water by weight in solids
making improvements in key areas, including                                                         to ensure performance criteria will be met.
                                                  • Pass/Fail on paint filter test
those monitored by the Occupational Safety and                                                      Once fully operational, these custom KPIs
                                                  • Net weight per roll-off box or end-dump
Health Administration (OSHA). The Industrial                                                        are monitored continuously using WM
                                                  • Unscheduled Processing Equipment Down
Waste Processing team has implemented a                                                             IGNITIONSM to verify system performance and
behavioral-based safety program to promote                                                          identify when repairs or modifications are
                                                  • Chemical Consumption
improvements in our system and processes                                                            necessary. Real-time verification of their
as potential issues are identified.               These KPI’s help us customize design              system operations is available to the customer
                                                                                                    using the WM IGNITION SM platform.
                                                  specifications that work towards your goals,
                                                  including solids moisture level, oil quality,     Our Industrial Waste Processing team aims
                                                  discharge water quality and more. But we          for innovation and constant improvement by
                                                  don’t stop there— we’ll continue to evaluate      implementing new technologies that address
                                                  your KPI's on a regular basis to ensure your      customer and disposal concerns. When a
                                                  goals are continually met.                        problem emerged regarding the odor and
                                                                                                    landfill placement of the wet sludges produced
                                                  One of the key differentiators from our           from centrifuge processing, we responded
                                                  competitors is our remote monitoring (WM          by developing a system that combined the
                                                  IGNITIONSM) system. It helps us provide an        centrifuges with thermal drying to produce
                                                  open dialogue with our team and yours by          drier solids that can be directly landfilled
                                                  performing some of these tests automatically,     and more easily stacked without additional
                                                  and reporting back on your parameters and         amending or conditioning.
                                                  where you stand with your performance goals.
                                                  The WM IGNITIONSM system allows us to collect
                                                  a large amount of data over time, allowing us
                                                  to see trends, possible deficiencies, and track
                                                  mechanical degradation of equipment so we can
                                                  respond before a catastrophic failure.

         KPI IDENTIFICATION                                    KPI REFINEMENT                                         KPI VERIFICATION
                  Sitewalk                                       Feasibility Studies                                       System Start-up
            Customer Interviews                                        Design                                         WM IGNITIONSM Interface

COMMITMENT TO ENVIRONMENTAL                                                     EFFICIENT WASTE PROCESSING
COMPLIANCE                                                                      SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR INDUSTRY
In conjunction with our commitment to safety, the Industrial Waste              Our Industrial Waste Processing team is the single source for
Processing team is dedicated to environmental compliance to ensure              your industrial waste processing and oil recovery needs. We help
the safety of the surrounding environment. One of the key components            our industrial customers effectively manage, minimize and recover
of our focus on environmental compliance is the establishment of Best           value from their waste streams. These solutions focus on improving
Management Practices (BMPs) to be implemented for our projects.                 current waste processing and driving total cost reduction using both
For industrial waste processing systems, these BMPs are focused on              2-phase and 3-phase centrifuge services. Our waste processing
prevention and containment of spills, as well as operational compliance         solutions are designed, constructed and operated to meet specific
to include:                                                                     customer performance requirements. The Industrial Waste Processing
                                                                                services team of technologists offers a combined 200 years of personnel
•   Additional secondary containment as part of the processing skids            experience providing effective waste and oil recovery processing
•   Placement of units in temporary secondary containment                       services. We successfully manage waste streams from various sources
•   Dual contained piping for influent and effluent waste streams               and facilities for industrial clients operating in many different markets.
•   Guided-radar liquid-level detection with multiple alarms
•   Leak detection monitoring
•   Interlock pump deactivation/activation
•   Continuous monitoring of operating parameters

                                                                                             Innovative Dewatering &
DESIGN SERVICES                            PROCESSING PROGRAM                                Resource Recovery Services
The Industrial Waste Processing team       We don’t keep our expertise to ourselves—
has a combined 200 years of on-site        we provide it as a resource to our customers      A large-scale national poultry producer with complex
processing facility experience with a      to help them optimize their waste processing      sludge dewatering and oil recovery wanted to unlock
thorough understanding of the project      and resource recovery needs. The deep             the operational and ROI potential of its centrifuge
requirements, constraints and challenges   understanding of these complex systems            and wastewater processing system. The original
involved in properly scoping, designing    demonstrated by our team of field engineers       centrifuge was installed for the purposes of
and improving the waste process. Our       and technicians allows for maximum                dewatering sludge and recovering cooking oil. The
seasoned engineers and operators are       effectiveness, seamless integration               purchased centrifuge required the facility to maintain
inside refineries, petrochemical plants    and the fine-tuning of operations and             a specific blend of dissolved area flotation (DAF) 1
and hazardous waste treatment and          maintenance protocols. Our first step for         and DAF 2 sludge to maintain speed or output quality.
disposal facilities every day, ready to    any project is to coordinate a technical          When combined, only half of the daily volume of
consult with customers. We operate in      discovery meeting and site visit to the           DAF sludges could be processed without seriously
challenging environments and excel         customer’s facility. During this meeting,         degrading outputs. Additionally, water returned to
at making the resource recovery process    our seasoned team of operations leaders           the head of the treatment system contained highly
more efficient and effective.              and technicians will work closely with facility   inconsistent total suspended solids (TSS) ranging
                                           personnel to understand the project needs         from 1,000 to 6,500 mg/L. Oil recovered from this
                                           and establish initial KPIs. Together, we’ll       process was given an “industrial grade” rating, the
                                           troubleshoot the challenges presented by          lowest commodity value.
                                           waste streams and implement strategies
                                                                                             Starting with a comprehensive audit and step-
                                           to assist in reducing operating costs.
                                                                                             by-step recommendations, the Industrial Waste
                                                                                             Processing team applied its expertise to address
                                                                                             these challenges. We began by analyzing the highly
                                                                                             variable and complex emulsion composition of the
                                                                                             influent sludge waste stream as well as the effluent
                                                                                             moisture content and oil recovery. Our team of
                                                                                             experts were able to fine-tune the process (e.g., spin
                                                                                             rates, feed rates, pH and processed solids handling)
                                                                                             to account for product variations to bring operations
                                                                                             to full capacity, reduce downtime, amplify solids
                                                                                             concentration and increase the yield and value of
                                                                                             recovered oil by 4-5 times while upgrading recovered
                                                                                             oil from industrial grade to premium.

                                                                                             LEARN MORE HERE
    Waste Management’s team will design a custom         The Industrial Waste Processing team stays on the     rendering based on leading-edge environmental
    waste minimization and resource recovery process     forefront of technology by incorporating automation   technologies. Our team uses sample feasibility
    based on your safety, environmental and economic     to enhance safety and data collection. Our data       studies to evaluate waste stream(s) and create
    goals. The design and engineering phase includes     collection methods provide real-time operational      a chemical program to meet KPIs. These studies
    site visits, feasibility studies, equipment          data on equipment parameters as well as effluent      allow us to identify cost-effective empirical
    specifications, detailed general arrangement         specifications through automated testing. This        formulas which result in alternatives to your
    drawings, process flow diagrams, piping and          extensive data collection ensures your customized     current chemical programs.
    instrumentation diagrams, electrical integration     process continually meets set KPIs, predicts
    with one-line drawings, a detailed integration       maintenance needs and enables trend evaluation        We validate all operational parameters and
    and build schedule and HAZOP/pre-startup safety      for economic efficiency.                              process output requirements with our clients
    reviews. Our process is extensive to ensure we                                                             before initiating the detailed design. Detailed
    understand what level of equipment, resources        The key to optimal separation and resource            designs are finalized in a two-step process
    and integration is required in your facility while   recovery is pairing the right chemical program        (i.e., draft and final) to ensure all process
    preventing disruption of your operations.            and process equipment. After holding technical        specifications are incorporated and the final
                                                         discovery meetings and conducting site visits, our    design operates efficiently and achieves all
                                                         team develops a conceptual design and process         performance requirements.

DESIGN RENDERING                                                               COMPLETE INSTALLATION

Whether you need assistance managing unpredictable waste           The Industrial Waste Processing team maintains one of the
volumes or optimizing the current waste processing method,         largest lease and dedicated service fleets of modern high-G force,
Waste Management’s Industrial Waste Processing team can help       modular, skid-mounted dewatering and decanter centrifuges, all
maximize your uptime, increase processing capacity, minimize       manufactured in North America. Surfaces in contact with waste or
volumes and reduce your overall environmental footprint. And       sludge are constructed of stainless steel for overall durability and
we take care of everything from design, installation and process   ease of maintenance. We understand each process is different
management at the facility. This can include waste processing,     and brings its own set of challenges and we’ll work with you to
product recovery, containerization, transportation and disposal.   determine the most cost-effective way to manage waste streams.

SHORT-TERM & EVENT                                  LONG-TERM PROCESSING
PROCESSING                                          We have been successfully processing sludge streams
                                                    generated by our refining and petrochemical clients
Our Industrial Waste Processing team has            for years. Our long-term processing services are
the proven expertise required to safely handle      designed to help minimize our customers’ offsite
scheduled maintenance for waste processing          disposal costs and maximize material recovery. Our
equipment, episodic events, turnarounds,            experience allows us to provide long-term design,
outages and more. We can provide complete           build, operate and maintain (DBOM) solutions that
turnkey services from system design through         are reducing the environmental impact of both
installation and operation until the customer’s     hazardous and non-hazardous waste treatment and
system has returned to full operating capacity.     disposal facilities across North America, including:
                                                                                                           National Network of
Our 2-phase and 3-phase high-G modular
centrifuges are skid-mounted with secondary         • WWTP Bio-Sludge Waste Processing
                                                                                                           Specialty Contractors
containment. Along with our process chemicals,      • Non-Hazardous and Hazardous Waste                    The Industrial Waste Processing team has
we can provide strainer skids, chemical injection     Stream Processing                                    established a vetted and proven national
skids and additional secondary containment to       • Crude Oil Tank Bottom Reclamation                    network of specialized service companies.
provide an all-in-one transportable modular         • Oil/Water Emulsions Processing                       These companies provide proprietary and/or
system that is easily customized to meet all        • Oil Recovery Units                                   specialized equipment and processes
short-term processing needs.                        • Refinery Coker Injection Processing                  developed for very specific applications to
                                                    • Oil Bearing Secondary Material                       include: tank cleaning, industrial cleaning
                                                      (OBSM) Management                                    and processing, and lagoon and surface
We recognize that many short-term processing        • Alternative Recycled Material (ARM) 		               impoundments dredging. Working alongside
events require additional specialty services,         Processing for Cement Kiln Feed Stock                these preferred companies allows us to
which is why we’ve developed strategic              • Thermal Drying Units (TDU) Low                       provide our customers with turnkey solutions
relationships with a network of various               and High Temperature                                 to improve efficiency, reduce cost, stay on
                                                                                                           budget and stay on schedule while meeting
specialized service contractors (industrial tank
                                                    We are currently operating over 20 units within        safety standards.
cleaning and processing companies, unmanned
                                                    the Food/Protein, Chemicals and E&P segments
robotic tank cleaning solutions and companies
                                                    with an additional 10 units deployed on seasonal
which specialize in surface impoundment
                                                    short-term events and 20 units deployed under
dredging and pumping). Combined with our
                                                    our third-party lease program. For long-term
nationwide access to waste transporters and
                                                    design, build, operate and maintain solutions,
our network of solid waste landfills and five
                                                    the Industrial Waste Processing team provides
hazardous waste landfills, we’re able to offer
                                                    the initial evaluation, engineering, installation,
vertically integrated turnkey services not just
                                                    long-term operations and maintenance services
for waste processing, but all other related
                                                    necessary to maximize efficiency and recovery.
services for the entire short-term event.


                           Through our Industrial Waste Processing WM IGNITIONSM Customer Portal, our
                           technicians and customers are able to obtain real-time data of the system process that

                          Feed and mix tank levels                               Vibration

                         Bowl speed                                            Bearing temperatures
                         (i.e., RPM & percentage)
                                                                              Effluent tank levels
                       Influent feed                                         (e.g., oil, centrate, cake hopper)
                       (i.e., temperature, pH, density, flow rate)
                                                                            System Performance Results
                     Polymer(s) feed                                       (e.g., TSS, pH, oil/water percentages,
                      (i.e., rate, pump speed)                             moisture content)

                    Differential speed                                    Polymer consumption

                   Scroll hydraulic pressure                            Preventative maintenance

                                                                             The WM IGNITIONSM platform is available
                                                                             from any device with an internet connection
                                                                             and the proper credentials. As part of our
                                                                             commitment to continuous improvement,
                                                                             we have started incorporating artificial
                                                                             intelligence technology into our systems to
                                                                             allow adjustments to be made automatically
                                                                             to the operating parameters in response
                                                                             to feed and output monitoring results.
                                                                             WM IGNITIONSM produces operational
                                                                             reports that can be customized to meet our
                                                                             customers’ needs. All data generated in
                                                                             the WM IGNITIONSM Interface is retained
                                                                             in an online library and available to our
                                                                             customers upon request.

In addition to our turnkey waste processing services, WM Industrial Waste Processing is a
distributor for different proprietary polymers, demulsifiers, scavengers and odor abatements
used for dewatering and resource recovery. For our short-term and long-term process customers,
the selected process chemicals are included as part of the operations package. For our customers
who choose to manage and operate equipment themselves, whether by purchase or lease, we
offer consulting services and proprietary chemical solutions and sales. Using sample feasibility
studies, our technical team will design a chemical program and separation process that will
minimize waste generation and optimize resource recovery.

Our experienced service technicians can service, repair, maintain and optimize every brand of
decanter centrifuge. We respond quickly to address repair and maintenance needs, reducing
downtime and extending the life of the equipment. We leverage our knowledge of centrifuges
and the centrifugal process to help systems operate more efficiently. For our short-term and
long-term customers, these services are included as part of our maintenance package. For
customers who choose to operate and maintain equipment themselves, we offer these
services separately.

Waste Management maintains a comprehensive inventory of spare parts for our fleet,
including full spare centrifuge rotating assemblies in order to minimize downtime. We pride
ourselves on being able to replace all components of our operations faster than other service
providers, most of which source parts from overseas.We monitor key operating components
of our centrifuge skids remotely and proactively ensure timely preventative maintenance
and maximum production from these units.

Maintenance and repair services include:
• Repair                                                 •   Flight Repair and Replacement
• Retrofit                                               •   Field and Telephone Consultations
• Refurbish/Rebuild                                      •   Automation and Upgrades
• Parts Sourcing and Integration                         •   Maintenance Agreements
• Centrifuge/Process Evaluation and Optimization         •   Emergency Service Repairs
• Complete Bowl and Scroll High Speed Balancing

One of the main goals of The Texas Railroad Commission is ensuring          requiring reclamation are tank bottoms from pipeline storage,
that Texas’ natural resources are not wasted. As a result, reclamation      production tanks, refinery crude oil storage tanks, rail car bottoms
from oil and gas waste streams is highly encouraged. The Industrial         and crude oil barges. The viscosity of the material ranges from
Waste Processing team operates a Texas Railroad Commission                  easily flowable to extremely thick. The Industrial Waste Processing
permitted R-9 Reclamation Plant. Using heat, chemical and mechanical        facility can accept vacuum boxes, roll-off boxes and tankers. A pit
separation, the Industrial Waste Processing service can remove basic        is used to offload, and if the customer so desires, a wash-out can
sediment and water from what normally would be considered an unusable       be conducted.
product. The solids portion that is removed is transported to a permitted
                                                                            The Industrial Waste Processing team has successfully taken in
Waste Management landfill, and the water is injected into a TXRRC
                                                                            many streams of crude oil for reclamation that normally would have
permitted deep-well for secure disposal. The reclaimed crude oil is then
                                                                            gone to landfill disposal or thermal desorption. Before making a
a clean, usable resource that is sold back to the crude oil markets.
                                                                            disposal decision, please consider reclamation. Let our Industrial
Crude oil can come into the Industrial Waste Processing plant               Waste Processing team help reduce your environmental liability
in many forms. Some of the most common sources of crude oil                 while conserving valuable natural resources at the same time.


THERMAL DESORPTION UNIT                              BIOLOGICAL RETENTION POND                              DESIGN, BUILD & OPERATE
(TDU) PROJECTS                                       DEWATERING AT FOOD PROCESSING                          REFINERY BIO SLUDGE & EVENT
The principals of the Industrial Waste Processing
                                                     FACILITY                                               PROCESSING FACILITY
team have extensive experience with Thermal          In 2016 the Industrial Waste Processing team           The Industrial Waste Processing team went
Desorption Units (TDU) across the United States,     was contacted by a large poultry processing facility   to work on a 3-phase processing operation in
many having previously worked for a major thermal    to dewater finished biological sludge from the         a Texas refinery, upgrading the process design,
desorption waste company.                            plant’s wastewater treatment retention ponds.          and adding state-of-the-art equipment to
                                                     Due to an upset condition, the ponds required          optimize separation and increase capacity
Waste Management currently owns and operates         immediate attention to prevent plant down time.        and efficiency. Timing was critical to prevent
a TDU at the Arlington, Oregon RCRA treatment                                                               disruption of the client’s wastewater treatment
and disposal facility.                                                                                      operations, and the engineering and fabrication
                                                                                                            teams were able to seamlessly fit the new
                                                                                                            system to the existing piping at the job site
                                                                                                            within 48 hours of arriving.

                                                     The portability of our system is ideally suited
                                                     for event work and scenarios requiring rapid
                                                     deployment. The Industrial Waste Processing team
The Industrial Waste Processing team currently       was initially contacted on a Friday afternoon and
operates an Oil Recovery Unit (ORU) in conjunction   immediately began preparing and sourcing all
with one of the nation's newest TDU's located at     necessary equipment to ensure it was on-site by        Our improved operation delivered immediate
the Waste Management Lake Charles, Louisiana         Monday morning. The system was fully operational       results, doubling the post-processing solids
RCRA treatment and disposal facility.                by Wednesday morning. The first load of dewatered      content of the waste stream and eliminating
                                                     biosolids was delivered to a Waste Management          waste solidification surcharges at the disposal
                                                     landfill on Wednesday, less than a week after the      facility. Our Industrial Waste Processing services
                                                     first contact was made.                                team is the first contractor to successfully
                                                                                                            process the site’s “river-mud” stream, and is
                                                     The Industrial Waste Processing team was onsite        assisting with event work, including a complex
                                                     24-hours per day, seven days per week for just         and ever-changing sludge stream from a large
                                                     over six weeks. During that time, the system           wastewater tank cleanout.
                                                     averaged 95 gpm and approximately 20 hours
                                                     per day of processing time, with no unplanned          While the equipment upgrade contributed to
                                                     downtime. Over 1,800 tons of dewatered solids          the site’s increased capacity, the improved
                                                     were sent to the landfill and required no additional   processing flexibility is due mostly to our
                                                     treatment, freeing up almost three years of            operational expertise and attention to detail
                                                     operating space for the wastewater plant.              and careful control of variables such as spin
                                                                                                            rate, feed rate and chemical dosage.

Our Industrial Waste Processing team has
                                                      MAJOR GULF COAST REFINERIES
designed, built and operated several processing                                                          Non-Hazardous & Biological WWTP Streams:
                                                      By 2000, the principals of the Industrial
facilities specific to Exploration & Production                                                          The principals found that many refineries
                                                      Waste Processing team had taken the refinery
(E&P) waste streams. We work with each client                                                            were using belt presses for biological streams.
                                                      industry from having no centrifuge technology
to determine their needs and desired outcomes,                                                           The new centrifuge allowed them to produce
                                                      to operating complete process facilities in five
while handling operations.                                                                               a drier solid, reducing transportation and
                                                      major Gulf Coast refineries, with plans to
                                                                                                         off-site disposal costs of non-hazardous
                                                      operate in refineries across the country.
                                                                                                         biological streams, sometimes by 50%.

                                                                                                         Hazardous Waste Streams: The ability to
                                                                                                         achieve drier solids also applied to hazardous
                                                                                                         waste. The 8,000 Btu per pound requirement
                                                                                                         was met and a coker injection process was
                                                                                                         designed for solids coming off the centrifuge
In 2011, the Industrial Waste Processing team
                                                                                                         and other areas within the refinery. The solids
principals designed and built the Industrial          The processes designed by our Industrial
                                                                                                         were prepared and injected into the quench
Waste Processing facility located in Lufkin, TX.      Waste Processing team principals proved to
                                                                                                         cycle of the refinery cokers and helped
Our Industrial Waste Processing team operates         be a success, creating a drier cake than
a Texas Railroad Commission permitted                 previous technologies and providing optimum        eliminate some hazardous waste streams.
reclamation facility, focused on oil recovery         secondary treatment of the solids. In some
of crude wastes associated with exploration,          cases, hazardous waste solids were eliminated
production and transportation.                        completely by utilizing coker injection and
                                                      fuel blending of the centrifuge cake.
In 2012, the Industrial Waste Processing team
began working with Waste Management designing
a Mud Processing and Oil Recovery Facility for
the Covel Gardens Landfill located in San Antonio,
TX. This facility, utilizing 2-phase and 3-phase
centrifuge technology, was able to process 8,000
bbls of drilling fluids per day while reducing the
solid waste stream, saving valuable air space in
the landfill. The process was also able to recover
oil from drilling fluids processed.

In 2019, the Industrial Waste Processing team
started E&P processing operations for drilling muds
and fluids at locations in Texas and Mississippi.

CHISUM L. COOKE                               RICHARD H. CUMMINS                          LEE A. FENSLER                                 MICHAEL A. STILLEY
                                              Former Vice President of Dolphin Services                                                  WASTE PROCESSING
Mr. Cooke joined RPS, a global energy         and Chemicals, LLC                          Mr. Fensler joined Scaltech Technologies,
and environmental engineering firm,                                                       LLC in 1992 as a Process Operator at           Michael enlisted in the U.S. Armed
in November 2009, where he quickly            Mr. Cummins joined MCS Technologies,        BP, in Lima, OH. By 1994, Mr. Fensler          Forces in 1999 and, after serving
moved up to Air Quality Division              LLC in 1995 as an operator of a waste       was assisting with construction and the        honorably for six years, decided to
Manager. He led a team of Air Quality         processing system at the Koch Refinery in   training of operators for new process          step back into his role as a civilian.
specialists doing large-volume                Corpus Christi, TX. Mr. Cummins excelled    facilities built at various refineries.        Eventually, Mr. Stilley started a side
permitting and compliance work in             at MCS and became a site manager                                                           business that later became a very
the mid and upstream oil and gas              overseeing multiple sites in the U.S.       In 2000, Mr. Fensler accepted the position     successful oilfield service company
sectors for major pipeline and oil            and Canada, specializing in providing       of Project Manager at Scaltech Process         with thirty-plus full-time employees.
companies throughout the U.S.                 centrifuge waste minimization.              Facility at Sunoco in Toledo, Ohio. Mr.
                                                                                          Fensler worked very quickly to resolve         In mid-2018, Mr. Stilley started with
In October 2013, Mr. Cooke was                After seven years at MCS, Mr. Cummins       the issues and reestablish productive          American Oil Recovery (AOR). Waste
promoted to executive management              was further promoted to Director of         operations at the site. Later in 2000,         Management was in the process of
where he worked with the firm’s oil and       Operations and helped merge two Veolia      Scaltech was acquired by US Filter and         purchasing the majority ownership of
gas consulting divisions and gained a         acquisitions to create Process Solutions.   Mr. Fensler remained as Project Manager.       AOR and needed Mr. Stilley's expertise
wealth of knowledge about the global oil      He ran the day-to-day operation of the                                                     as a full-time BDM to help maintain
and gas business.                             largest refinery waste process company      In 2002, US Filter was acquired by Veolia      current customer waste streams
                                              in the U.S. and was involved in designing   and merged into the Process Solutions          and seek out new potential growth
In January 2015, Mr. Cooke joined the         and building processes, creating cost       division. Mr. Fensler was promoted to          opportunities.
Industrial Waste Processing team,             models, reviewing contracts, managing       Area Operations Manager, responsible
where he served as Director of Refinery       maintenance and procurement                 for all aspects of operations.
Services and General Counsel. Along           departments, creating annual budgets
with his operational experience,                                                          In 2009, Mr. Fensler accepted a position
                                              and managing budgets for operating sites
Mr. Cooke adds regulatory expertise                                                       with DuraTherm as Project Manager in
                                              and overhead departments.
to the company’s consulting services.                                                     Belleville, MI where he managed the new
                                              In 2008, Mr. Cummins accepted a             Thermal Desorption Unit (TDU) being
After WM's acquisition of Dolphin Services,   position with DuraTherm and headed          constructed at the EQ facility.
Mr. Cooke has focused on new business         up the Field Service Group, eventually
                                                                                          In 2011, Mr. Fensler accepted a position
development in the food and protein           becoming Director of Operations.
                                                                                          on the Industrial Waste Processing team
processing/manufacturing sector. He           In 2010, Mr. Cummins co-founded
                                                                                          as Operations Manager. Mr. Fensler is
and his team have successfully designed,      Dolphin Services and served as
                                                                                          responsible for day-to-day operations
built, operated and maintained 7 different    the Vice President of Operations.
                                                                                          at several facilities including our facility
projects in the beef, poultry, and further
                                                                                          in Lufkin, TX.
processing/prepared food sectors.                                                                                                                                                 17

MARK C. WIGGINS                              JULIE WINDSOR                               MICHAEL W. WINDSOR
EQUIPMENT / MAINTENANCE MANAGER                                                          Former President of Dolphin Services
                                             Julie Windsor is the Business Development   and Chemicals, LLC
Mr. Wiggins joined Scaltech Technologies     Manager for Waste Management Dolphin
(later US Filter) LLC in 1991 and started    Services. She works inside the energy       Mr. Windsor entered the crude oil
out as an operator of a waste processing     services sector that provides dewatering    reclamation business in 1987, and in
system at the Exxon Refinery in Baton        and sludge processing services to the       1995, Mr. Windsor co-founded MCS
Rouge, LA. He rapidly advanced into          petrochemical industry. Julie has been      Technologies, LWMLC (MCS). Serving as
new operational roles through his            working in the dewatering industry since    President and CEO of MCS, Mr. Windsor
design, construction and maintenance         2012. She had an interest in centrifuge     guided MCS from a start-up company to
of equipment such as vertical disks,         technology from a young age, growing        one of the top three providers of refinery
3-phase centrifuges, screw presses           up around the oilfield. The highlight       waste processing in the U.S. with
and belt presses. This equipment was         of Julie’s career is being able to work     partnerships in three foreign countries.
widely utilized by Scaltech teams in many    directly with refineries and chemical
refineries.                                                                              In 2002, MCS was acquired by Veolia
                                             facilities to implement WM’s processes,
                                                                                         Water North America (Veolia), the
                                             which have shown significant industrial
After more than a decade of work at                                                      world’s largest wastewater treatment
                                             waste reduction.
Scaltech/US Filter, US Filter was acquired                                               company based in Paris, France. After
in 2002 by Veolia and merged with MCS                                                    the acquisition, Mr. Windsor served
Technologies (MCS). Mr. Wiggins was                                                      as the Vice President and General
instrumental in the merger.                                                              Manager and formed a new division
                                                                                         called Process Solutions. By 2003,
In 2013, Mr. Wiggins accepted a position                                                 Process Solutions was the largest and
with the Industrial Waste Processing                                                     most successful provider of refinery
team in Lufkin, TX as Manager of                                                         waste processing in the U.S. Mr. Windsor
Operations and Maintenance of lease                                                      remained the VP/GM until 2005, after
equipment. His duties were expanded to                                                   which he served as a consultant for
include purchasing, inventory, shipping                                                  Veolia Water North America.
and receiving management. In 2014, his
duties were again expanded to manage                                                     In October of 2010, Mr. Windsor formed
the Industrial Waste Processing facility                                                 the Industrial Waste Processing team
in Lufkin, TX.                                                                           with longtime partners Lee Cooke,
                                                                                         Michael Kopper and Richard Cummins
                                                                                         and served as the President and CEO.


                         Solids Separation Services
                         Our 2-phase and 3-phase centrifuges are essential equipment for solids, oil and water separation.
                         We often operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. These high capacity decanter centrifuges
                         can handle base waste streams along with planned and unplanned event streams. We offer
                         complete process solutions including secondary containment, strainer skids, chemical injection
                         skids and process chemicals. Our centrifuges are also available for lease on a short-term and
                         long-term basis. Detailed equipment specifications are available upon request.

                         FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS             2-Phase Centrifuge            3-Phase Centrifuge

                         Automatic hydraulic back drive        Standard                      Standard

                         Adjustable bowl speed                 Standard                      Standard

                         Flow rate (gpm)                       50-100                        75-200

                         G-Force                               3000                          3000

                         Standard main motor HP                40                            75

                         Dimensions                            9’5”H x 18’L x 8’W            9’5”H x 20’L x 7’10”W


INDUSTRIAL WASTE PROCESSING SERVICES                                                                                                     INDUSTRIAL WASTE PROCESSING SERVICES

                                                                                                        DOLPHIN SERVICES                                                                                                                           DOLPHIN SERVICES

                                                                                                        309 Southpark Drive                                                                                                                        309 Southpark Drive
                                                                                                        Lufkin, Texas 75904                                                                                                                        Lufkin, Texas 75904
                                                                                                        888-499-1189                                                                                                                               888-499-1189
                                                                                                        wmdolphin.com                                                                                                                              wmdolphin.com

CS 18-3 2-Phase Centrifuge                                                                                                               CS 21-4HC 3-Phase Centrifuge
Dolphin’s decanter centrifuge CS18-3 2-Phase with automatic hydraulic backdrive. Bowl                                                    Dolphin’s decanter centrifuge CS21-4HC 3-Phase with automatic hydraulic backdrive.
speed adjustable from 0–3500 RPM (G-force 3000). CS18-3 2-Phase is a solid bowl                                                          Bowl speed adjustable from 0–3150 RPM (G-force 3000). CS21-4HC 3-Phase is a solid
centrifuge that continuously separates one liquid and one solid. Centrate is discharged                                                  bowl centrifuge that continuously separates two liquids and one solid. Centrate is
over an adjustable weir plate under free flow. The weir plate adjustment is necessary for                                                discharged over an adjustable weir plate under free flow. The weir plate adjustment is
optimizing. All wetted parts are manufactured of stainless steel. Parts that are not in                                                  necessary for optimizing. The oil or light phase is discharged through adjustable nozzles.
contact with the product are painted.                                                                                                    All wetted parts manufactured of stainless steel. Parts that are not in contact with the
SCROLL                              BOWL                              BACK DRIVE                        COLORS
                                                                                                                                         product are painted.
The OD is machined                  All parts are casted of           • Automatic hydraulic backdrive   WM Green
                                    Duplex Steel                                                                                         SCROLL                                    BOWL                              HOUSING                       SEALS
Wear protection                                                       • Hydraulic motor mounted
                                                                                                        SEALS                            The OD is machined                        All parts are casted of           • Fabricated 304 of           Viton
• Feed chamber is protected         Dimensions                          on machine
                                                                                                        Laminar                                                                    Duplex Steel                        stainless steel
  with liner                        • ID: 460mm                       • Hydraulic pump unit                                              Wear protection
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CAKE DISCHARGE
                                                                        separately mounted                                               • Feed chamber is protected               Dimensions                        • Upper housing is equipped
• Feed nozzles are replaceable      • Length inside: 1,480mm                                            CAKE DISCHARGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       with vent connections       Wear plates are installed into
  TC Bushings                                                                                           Wear plates are installed into     with liner                              • ID: 550mm                                                     the housing
                                    • L:D Ration: 3:1                 • 10HP, 460V, 60HZ,
                                                                        1800RPM will be supplied        the housing                      • Feed nozzles are replaceable            • Length inside: 2,400mm          COLORS
• Flights protected with TC Tiles
                                    Wear protection                     (Class 1, Div 2)                                                   TC Bushings
  over entire length                                                                                                                                                               • L:D Ration: 4:3:1               WM Green
                                    • Cake discharge protected with
• Feed chamber is replaceable                                                                                                            • Flights protected with TC               Wear protection
                                      replaceable TC Bushings
                                                                                                                                           powder sprayed over half of
                                    • Entire bowl is protected with                                                                                                                • Cake discharge protected with
FRAME                                                                                                                                      scroll and TC tiles over solids
                                      wear strips                                                                                                                                    replaceable TC Bushings
• Manufactured of carbon steel                                                                                                             end of scroll
                                                                                                                                                                                   • Entire bowl is protected with
• Sandblasted and                   MAIN DRIVE                        8'                                          9' 5"                                                                                              7' 10"                                        9' 5"
                                                                                                                                         FRAME                                       wear strips
  powder coated                     • Electro motor with                                                                                 • Manufactured of carbon steel
• Supported with                      frequency converter                                                                                                                          MAIN DRIVE
                                                                                                                                         • Sandblasted and
  vibration isolators               • 40HP, 460V, 60HZ, 3600                             18'                                                                                       • Electro motor with
                                      RPM will be supplied
                                                                                                                                           powder coated
                                                                                                                                                                                     frequency converter                                     20'
SAFETY GUARDS                         (Class 1, Div 2)                             23,000 LBS.                                           SAFETY GUARDS                             • 75HP, 460V, 60HZ, TEFC,                          29,000 LBS.
All rotating parts are protected
                                                                                                                                         All rotating parts are protected            3600 RPM will be supplied
with OSHA guards
                                                                                                                                         with OSHA guards                            (Class 1, Div 2)

                                                                                                                                         © 2016 WM Intellectual Property, L.L.C.

                                                                                                                                    INDUSTRIAL WASTE PROCESSING SERVICES
  INDUSTRIAL WASTE PROCESSING SERVICES                                                                                               INDUSTRIAL WASTE PROCESSING SERVICES

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      WANT TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      WANT TO LEARN MORE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MORE ABOUT
                                                                                                              WM DOLPHIN SERVICES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      OUR        REPAIR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CENTRIFUGE    SERVICE?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     REPAIR SERVICE
                                                                                                              309 Southpark Drive
                                                                                                              Lufkin, Texas 75904
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Contact an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Contact    an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Industrial Representative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Industrial   Representativetoday!
                                                                                                              (888) 499-1189
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (888) 499-1189

                                                                                                                                    Repair & Maintenance Services
                                                                                                                                    REPAIR                                    Repair all damaged parts and brings critical areas back to
                                                                                                                                                                              manufacturer specifications.

                                                                                                                                    RETROFIT                                  Replace with modified parts to fit into an existing machine. Retrofit
                                                                                                                                                                              on all backdrives in all configurations.

                                                                                                                                    REFURBISH/REBUILD                         Re-align, refinish, clean and calibrate settings. Disassemble unit,
                                                                                                                                                                              inspect and replace all worn parts.

                                                                                                                                    PART SOURCING & INTEGRATION               Sourcing capabilities to provide OEM compatible parts for
                                                                                                                                                                              all equipment.

  Centrifuge Repair Service                                                                                                         BALANCING                                 Computer balanced units for smooth acceleration and operation.

                                                                                                                                    CENTRIFUGE/PROCESS                        Dolphin is an industry leader in process engineering for petroleum
  Dolphin owns and operates an authorized Centrisys Service Center                                                                  EVALUATION & OPTIMIZATION
                                                                                                                                                                              and industrial applications. Our proven track record includes:
                                                                                                                                                                              lowered operating costs, improved polymer consumption, lowered
  located in Lufkin, Texas. Our working knowledge of the centrifugal                                                                                                          transport and tipping fees, lowered energy consumption. We can
  process allows us to service, repair, and maintain ALL brands of                                                                                                            improve performance on all makes/models of decanter centrifuges.

  decanter centrifuges including:                                                                                                   FLIGHT REPAIR & REPLACEMENT               Scroll feed zone and flight repair services plus hard surfacing for
                                                                                                                                                                              scroll type decanter conveyors.
  • Alfa Laval                   • Humbolt                               • Siemens
                                                                                                                                    TELEPHONE & FIELD                         Consultations for your centrifuge and/or process problems.
  • Andritz                      • Hutchinson-Hayes                      • Westfalia                                                CONSULTATIONS

  • Bird                         • Pieralisi                                                                                        AUTOMATION & UPGRADES                     Upgrade or integration of back-drives and complete
  • Centrisys                    • Sharples                                                                                                                                   control system.

                                                                                                                                    EMERGENCY SERVICE REPAIRS                 A 24 hour maintenance and after-sales support team is available
  All Makes/Models                                                                                                                                                            for emergencies.

  We are an authorized Centrisys repair and service center. We service other brands of decanter centrifuges                         MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS                    A planned maintenance schedule is highly recommended for all
  not listed above. To find out if we service your brand of equipment, please contact our service center
                                                                                                                                                                              brands of centrifuges. We offer several plan options and will
  at (888) 499-1189.
                                                                                                                                                                              customize a proposal to fit within your needs. We will help and plan
                                                                                                                                                                              maintenance budgets.

                                                                                                                                    INSPECTION                                A detailed inspection and report on centrifuges and parts.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      © 2020 WM Intellectual Property Holdings, LLC

                                                                                                                                    © 2016 WM Intellectual Property, L.L.C.

To learn more about how Waste Management
can assist you with industrial waste processing
and resource recovery, please contact your
Industrial or National Account Manager
or visit WMDolphin@wm.com

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