Page created by Harold Holmes


         HOUSING (JUNE 19)                                   GROSS REGIONAL                                                GREAT BARRIER REEF
             MEDIAN PRICE
                                                                          (Y/E 30 JUN 18)
             $418,000 House                                                                                                            1/7
             $209,000 Unit                                                                                                                                            $56B
                                                                                                                               One of the seven
             $200,000 Residential Land                                                                                        natural wonders of
             1.8 % Rental vacancy rate                                                                                            the world
                                                                                                                                                              Economic, social and
                                                                                                                                                                  icon value
                                                            $8.8B                      $15.4B                                  KILOMETRES LONG

                                                                 Cairns            Far North Queensland
                                                                                                                              Covering an area of
                                                                                                                                 344,000 km2

                 WATER                                                                                                                                                 64,000

                 Cairns and FNQ region’s water                       VISITORS                                                                                    Employment
                 run off as a % of:                      (TROPICAL NORTH QUEENSLAND REGION                                             1,625                      supported
                                                                    Y/E 30 JUN 19)                                              SPECIES OF FISH
                 60%      Queensland’s total
                                                                                                                            (10% of the world’s fish
                 26%      Australia’s total                                                                                        species)

                    Average annual rainfall (Far
 1,998mm            North Region)
                                                                 2.1m                 849,000                                                                     ANNUALLY

                                                          Domestic visitors         International visitors                            600+                        Economic
                                                                                                                               TYPES OF HARD &
                                                           spending $2.2B              spending $1.1B                            SOFT CORALS

                                                            WET TROPICS RAINFOREST
                 $2.95B Sector value
                 $1.81B Export value                                  2.0m
                                                                                                                       35%                             CAIRNS
                                                            Bioregion area                2,800                   of Australia’s
                                                                                         Plant Species           mammal species                        PUBLIC
      CAIRNS AIRPORT                                                                                                                                        82,714 Total
      (PASSENGER MOVEMENTS Y/E 30 JUN 2019)                                                                                                                    admissions
                                                             $5.2B                                                                                           (y/e 30 Jun 19)
                                                             ANNUALLY                     40%                        60%
            686,000 International                            Economic                of Australia’s bird           of Australia’s                             >6,000
                                                                                                                                                        Total staff employed
            4.2m Domestic                                   Contribution                  species                butterfly species

            7th Busiest airport in Australia

                                                                CAIRNS SEAPORT                                                            RESIDENT
                                                                     Cargo movements                                                     POPULATION
            UNEMPLOYMENT                                             (y/e 30 Jun 19)
                                                                     552,000 tonnes Export
                                                                     754,000 tonnes Import                                                                   306,000
                                                                                                                                                             2050 (projected)

     4.1%                4.8%                                    5%                                 952                         165,000
    (JUN 2019)          (SEP 2019)
                                           9.6%           Average annual                         Total vessel                          (today)
                                          (SEP 2019)
                                                          growth in cargo                          arrivals
  Cairns City       Cairns Region (SA4)       Youth         movements                          (y/e 30 Jun 19)               Cairns City Resident
Unemployment         Unemployment                           (last 5 years)                                                       Population

                                                                                                                                467,000                            (today)
                                                                                                                                2050 (projected)
                                                                                                                                                            Far North Queensland
                                                          JCU         CQUniversity             TAFE                                                             (FNQ) Resident

                                     Students enrolled   3,913              1,684             11,269                                    9.8%
                                     Persons employed    1,213               162                381
EDUCATION                                                                                                                     Proportion of population
                                                                                                                            that is Indigenous (highest of
                                     Number of courses    134                127                180
 (CAIRNS CAMPUS)                                                                                                                     any Australian city)


It’s time to invest in the future of Cairns and the Far North
Cairns Regional Council is calling on the Queensland Government and Queensland
Opposition to commit to the following key priorities for the Cairns region.

AVIATION                                        CAIRNS METRO/                                   NATIONAL
Establishment of a flexible                     AIRPORT LINK                                    INDIGENOUS
$50 million state-wide                          $400,000 in funding to                          HERITAGE CENTRE
Attracting Tourism Fund to                      undertake the market needs                      Funding to support initial
contribute to the establishment                 assessment and business case                    concept development and
of new international aviation routes for        for this innovative public transport project.   business case preparation for a National
Queensland including the priority routes                                                        Indigenous Heritage Centre located
identified for Cairns.                                                                          in Cairns.
                                                CAIRNS ROAD NETWORK
$20 million funding commitment to the           PROJECTS
Cairns Aviation Excellence Precinct             $370 million for capacity                       NORTHERN BEACHES
development.                                    improvements on the Cairns                      LEISURE TRAIL
                                                Western Arterial Road (CWAR)                    Provision of funding towards
CAIRNS CITY CENTRE                              linking Smithfield to south                     the estimated $20 million to
MASTER PLAN                                     Cairns. Confirmation of $72 million             $30 million total capital cost
$33 million commitment from                     commitment from the Queensland                  of delivering the remaining connectivity
the Queensland Government                       Government (complementing an existing           components of the Northern Beaches
(as part of a $100 million                      commitment of $287 million federally)           Leisure Trail.
tripartite funding pool) over the ten years     towards enhancements on the Captain
to 2030 for the implementation of the           Cook Highway between Cairns and
                                                                                                NULLINGA DAM
Cairns City Centre Master Plan.                 Smithfield. $21 million for a Strategic
                                                                                                Commitment from the
                                                Assessment of Service Requirements,
                                                                                                Queensland Government to
                                                Preliminary Evaluation and Business Case
CAIRNS CITY DEAL                                                                                proceed with the Nullinga
                                                development for the Kuranda Range
Queensland Government                                                                           Dam project.
                                                Road corridor to address significant
commitment to work with
                                                safety, capacity and reliability issues on
Cairns Regional Council
                                                this strategic road link between Cairns,        PRIORITY
and the Federal Government
                                                the Atherton Tablelands and beyond.             RENEWABLE
to establish a 10-year City Deal
                                                Confirmation of $45 million commitment          ENERGY ZONE FOR
for Cairns based on the priorities outlined
                                                from the Queensland Government                  CAIRNS AND FNQ
in the Cairns Region City Deal Proposal
                                                (complementing an existing commitment           Designation of the Cairns and
                                                of $180 million federally) towards Cairns       FNQ region as a Priority Renewable
                                                Southern Access Corridor Stage 5 (Foster        Energy Zone and implementation of
CAIRNS GALLERY                                  Road Intersection) project.                     the policy and investment required to
PRECINCT                                                                                        support regional renewable energy
$13.3 million funding                                                                           development.
commitment towards the
                                                CAIRNS SEAPORT
estimated capital cost ($39.8
                                                Consider the wider economic                     QUEENSLAND’S
million) of the Cairns Gallery Precinct as
                                                benefits of future expansion                    FIRST UNIVERSITY
part of the proposed tripartite (Federal,
                                                of the Cairns Seaport and                       HIGH SCHOOL
State and Local Governments) funding
                                                investigate innovative funding and finance      $10 million towards the establishment
arrangement for this iconic cultural and
                                                opportunities (subject to relevant business     of Queensland’s first University High
tourism infrastructure project.
                                                case) to support implementation of the          School.
                                                Seaport Master Plan.
CAIRNS HOSPITAL                                                                                 SUSTAINABLE
$100 million to establish the
                                                DRAPER ROAD WATER                               TOURISM FUNDING
Cairns Health and Innovation
Precinct (CHIP); $15 million
                                                TREATMENT PLANT                                 Legislative change to
                                                Commitment from the                             enable local governments
for upgraded emergency
                                                Queensland Government                           to choose to introduce a visitor levy/
department facilities/infrastructure; and
                                                and/or Federal Government                       tourism contribution.
$60 million to fund 70 new beds at the
                                                to a funding arrangement
hospital. In addition, $6 million is required
                                                for the capital cost of the Draper Road
for the completion of a detailed business
                                                Water Treatment Plant.
case for the implementation of the
CHHHS strategic master plan.


    A targeted plan to deliver jobs, growth and
    liveability in Cairns and Far North Queensland

          airns is the capital of Far North Queensland (FNQ), the largest region in Northern Australia (population circa 286,000)
          and is a strategic gateway to the Pacific, Asia and beyond. With a resident population of 165,000 people and an
    average 30,000 additional visitors staying in the city on any given night, Cairns is one of the largest and most dynamic
    regional cities in Australia. Unique liveability and solid economic fundamentals have seen Cairns experience significant
    population growth (2.3% per annum in the 15 years to 2016) – well in excess of the national growth rate. Significant
    private investment and renewed business confidence has also seen the Cairns region unemployment rate reduce
    significantly in recent years. The region’s unemployment rate currently sits at 4.8% (SA4, Sep 19). A unique combination
    of economic potential and superior liveability means Cairns is ideally positioned as a growth centre of strategic
    significance to the State of Queensland. But in order to realise this potential, Cairns and indeed the FNQ region, requires
    investment in the infrastructure, programs and policy that will provide the foundation for future growth.

    A FAIRER SHARE                                  TARGETED                                          STRATEGIC
    Capital investment by the Queensland            INVESTMENT                                        ALIGNMENT
    Government is critical to delivering the        It is recognised that in order to be effective,   The Cairns 2050 Shared Vision was
    infrastructure and projects that will support   regional investment and policy needs to           developed in the context of policy and
    the future prosperity of the Cairns region.     be developed in the context of a broader          strategy settings at the Federal, State and
    Set out on the opposite page are some           regional strategy to ensure such initiatives      Regional level. From a State perspective,
    highlights from analysis undertaken by          are complementary and contribute to               investment in the priorities contained
    Cairns Regional Council on Queensland           the realisation of a long-term vision. With       within this document aligns with, and will
    Government budgeted capital expenditure         this in mind, Cairns Regional Council and         support the implementation of, a number
    over the eight years ending 2019-20.            key regional stakeholders have worked             of key Queensland Government strategies
    Over that eight-year period,                    together to develop the Cairns 2050               and plans including (amongst others):
    the Queensland Government                       Shared Vision (www.cairns.qld.gov.au/             The Queensland Plan: Queenslanders’
    budgeted capital expenditure                    vision2050). This vision also incorporates        30-year vision 2014; State Infrastructure
    allocation per person for the                   the views and priorities of the Cairns            Plan 2016; Far North Queensland Regional
    Cairns region was the lowest of                 community as expressed through the 2016           Plan 2009-2031; and Advancing North
                                                    Our Cairns Survey, a community survey             Queensland – Investing in the Future of the
    any region outside of SEQ.
                                                    conducted by the Cairns Regional Council          North (2016) plan. Accordingly, investing
    Cairns deserves a fairer share of
                                                    that attracted over 6,000 responses.              in the priorities contained in this document
    investment from the Queensland
                                                    The Cairns 2050 Shared Vision provides            not only contributes to the delivery of the
    Government and this document sets out
                                                    a framework that will deliver economic            Cairns 2050 Shared Vision, it also supports
    where this investment should be directed.
                                                    prosperity, quality of life and liveability for   the delivery of the state-wide strategic
                                                    the Cairns community both today, and for          objectives of the Queensland Government.
                                                    the generations that follow. It sets out the
                                                    projects, investment and policy required
                                                    for the vision to be realised. The Cairns
                                                    2050 Shared Vision has provided the
                                                    foundation for the priorities contained in
                                                    this document.

Compared to other Queensland regions, over the past
               nine years the Cairns region has received a significantly
                     lower share of State Government budgeted capital
                       expenditure. Our region deserves a fairer share.

                                           IF Cairns had the same $ per capita
                                           allocation as the Central Queensland
                                           region over the past eight years
                                           we could have:

                                             25 45
                                               DREDGED                 BUILT
              CAIRNS                         TRINITY INLET

              $16,513                                              Performing
                                             TIMES OVER            Arts Centres

                   TOWNSVILLE                            Paid for the

                                                       Smithfield Bypass

                $22,006                                   Times OVER

                                                                      Paid for the

                                                                    Centre Expansion

                            $19,538                                    TIMES OVER


WHERE'S                             $29,328
OUR SHARE?                                                   WIDE BAY

BUDGETED                                                      $17,182
PER PERSON                                TOOWOOMBA
(EIGHT YEARS TO 19/20)                   DARLING DOWNS

                                         $28,013                                       5

AREA OF FOCUS           FOOD                                     TOURISM                                     TERTIARY
                        PRODUCTION                                                                           EDUCATION

                • World population expected to          • Significant and rapid expansion of        • Rapid expansion of global middle
                  reach 9.7 billion by 2050 (up by 2      the global middle class population          class expected to drive significant
                  billion from today)                     leading to increased discretionary          increases in tertiary level education
                • Income growth in developing             expenditure                                 attainment
                  countries is leading to dietary       • Global population age profile and         • Australia’s international education
    TRENDS/       changes also driving up global          propensity for travel both positively       sector enrolments expected to
    FACTORS       food demand per capita                  impacting tourism and travel                increase by 45% in the period to 2025
                • Global food demand expected to        • Cultural, nature based and sports/        • Significant growth in demand
                  increase anywhere between 59%           events tourism are significant              domestically for tertiary level education.
                  and 98% by 2050                         growth sectors                              In 2016, 3.8 million Australians held
                                                        • International inbound travel to             a bachelor degree or post graduate
                                                          Australia expected to increase by           degree level qualification, an increase of
                                                          75% over the period to 2026-27              28% over the preceding 5 years

                • Physical proximity and                • Iconic world heritage listed natural      • Two well established and growing
                  connectivity to the Asia-Pacific        assets (Great Barrier Reef and Wet          universities (James Cook University
                  and beyond                              Tropics Rainforest)                         and CQUniversity) and other tertiary
                • Significant water resources and       • Direct connection to both                   institutions
                  run off                                 Aboriginal and Torres Strait              • International and domestic air
                • Large tracts of underdeveloped          Islander cultures                           connectivity
                  arable land (FNQ)                     • Established sports and events             • Multicultural and diverse population
    REGION’S    • Established agriculture industry        tourism destination                       • Superior quality of life and
 COMPETITIVE    • Established and well connected        • Established tourism industry and            liveability
 ADVANTAGES       airport and seaport                     allied sectors
                • Existing road networks and rail       • International airport
                  links                                 • Seaport expansion underway to
                • Cairns established as the               facilitate increased cruise ship
                  regional capital and service            visitation
                  centre for FNQ                        • ‘Clean green’ reputation

                Potential for significant growth in     Capturing a share of significant            Servicing significant growth in
        THE     regional agriculture development,       global tourism growth by leveraging         demand for tertiary and higher level
OPPORTUNITY     production and export to                Cairns’ competitive advantages in           education both domestically and
    CREATED     meet increasing global food                                                         internationally and attraction and
                                                        cultural, nature based and sports
                demand                                  and events tourism                          retention of human intellectual capital

                • Water infrastructure (storage and     • Effective management and funding          • University facility development and
                  distribution)                           to support the Great Barrier Reef           expansion
                • Demand and supply chain analysis        and Wet Tropics Rainforest                • Innovation precinct establishment
                  to identify specific opportunities/   • Tourism experience and attraction         • Increased direct aviation
                  markets and potential barriers to       development                                 connectivity
                  production, transport, processing     • Increased support for destination         • Attainment of University Hospital
                  and distribution/export                 marketing                                   status for Cairns Hospital
                • Road network investment               • Increased direct aviation
                • Increased direct aviation               connectivity
                  connectivity                          • Seaport development and
     WHAT’S     • Seaport development and                 expansion
  NEEDED TO       expansion                             • Infrastructure, services and facilities
 UNLOCK THE                                               that support an increased visitor
OPPORTUNITY     • Integrated transport strategy
                                                        • Policy change to deliver sustainable
                                                          tourism funding
                                                        • Investment in Indigenous arts and
                                                          cultural tourism facilities

The Cairns region’s unique competitive advantages mean it is well positioned to prosper from
a number of trends emerging at both the national and global level. Queensland Government
investment in the Cairns region is needed to ensure these opportunities can be fully realised.

        STRATEGIC                               SKILLED & GROWING                            RENEWABLE
        LOCATION                                POPULATION                                   ENERGY

 • Increasing regional influence of      • Significant population growth in           • International commitments to emission
   China and other Asian countries         Australia’s metropolitan capitals has        reductions are driving record investment
   in the PNG and Asia-Pacific region      resulted in an infrastructure deficit        in renewable energy projects
 • Increased foreign policy focus of       and settlement imbalance                   • Australian government’s 2030 Emission
   the Australian government on the      • Delivery of the Australian                   Reduction Target is a 26-28 per cent
   PNG and Asia-Pacific region             Government’s Northern Australia              reduction in 2005 emission levels by 2030
                                           policy agenda will need to be              • Changing social attitudes towards climate
                                           supported by a skilled population            change is raising expectations politically for
                                           base ‘on the ground’ in regions              increased renewable energy investment
                                         • Direct alignment between a region’s        • Commercial viability of renewable energy
                                           human intellectual capital and the           alternatives is improving as technological
                                           achievement of its economic potential        advances see cost reductions and life
                                                                                        cycle improvements in equipment and

 • Physical proximity to PNG and the     • Established track record for above         • Significant regional natural resources
   Asia-Pacific region                     average population growth                    (water, sun, wind) to support renewable
 • Existing naval base (HMAS Cairns),    • Largest region (FNQ) and second              energy development
   marine maintenance facilities and       largest city (Cairns) in Northern          • Existing alignment between the
   expertise, and established and          Australia                                    environment and the economy (e.g.
   expanding seaport                     • Existing multicultural and diverse           tourism) enhances the region’s ‘clean
 • International airport with direct       population                                   green’ reputation
   connectivity to PNG and Asia          • Superior quality of life and liveability   • Significant regional renewable energy
 • Multicultural and diverse             • Well established universities and            projects either planned or recently
   population including significant        vocational institutions                      delivered
   expat PNG population
 • Well established business, cultural
   and social links between Cairns
   and PNG as well as many Asian
   and Pacific Island countries

 Leverage Cairns’ strategic physical     Contribute to the alleviation of             Supporting Queensland and Australia’s
 location and connectivity to            population growth constraints in             energy needs through the development of
 support the delivery of Australia’s     Australia’s metropolitan capitals            a nationally significant renewable energy
 PNG and Asia Pacific foreign            and support the delivery of economic         sector
 policy objectives                       growth in Northern Australia

 • Further development of the            • A Cairns region population and             • Designation of Cairns and FNQ as a
   HMAS Cairns naval base                  migration strategy                           Priority Renewable Energy Zone
   and commitment to ongoing             • Infrastructure, services and facilities    • Investment in the transmission distribution
   naval maintenance in Cairns             that attract, retain and support             network to support further renewable
 • Policy , investment and                 a skilled and growing resident               energy generation project development
   personnel deployment to                 population                                 • Appropriate incentives to encourage
   leverage Cairns’ strategic            • Investment in the facilities required        investment and establishment of
   location                                to support population growth in a            renewable energy operations bases within
                                           naturally sensitive environment (e.g.        the Cairns and FNQ region
                                           waste management)                          • Leveraging the ‘clean green’ reputation
                                                                                        for the benefit of the region’s tourism and
                                                                                        allied industries


Supporting economic growth, employment and skills development in the aviation,
tourism, international education and high value agricultural export sectors through
aviation connectivity and infrastructure development

                                             ROUTE DEVELOPMENT
                                             A     ir connectivity is key to the economic
                                                   development of the Cairns region. It
                                             opens up new visitor markets, provides
                                                                                              passengers on existing flights. To unlock
                                                                                              this growth, Cairns Airport is targeting
                                                                                              four new priority routes: one each from
                                             opportunities for the export of agricultural     the Middle East and Southeast Asia (to
                                             produce and promotes growth in the               serve Europe); one from China, and one
                                             education sector.                                from North America. Together, these
                                                 A daily international wide-body flight       four new air routes would provide $800
                                             to Cairns is potentially a $200 million a        million per year in additional economic
                                             year export business, with $100 million          benefit to the Cairns economy. More
                                             of international visitor spend, $50-150          international services direct to Cairns will
               COMMITMENT                    million of agricultural produce sales,           create more capacity for domestic visitors
               REQUIRED                      and the potential to deliver more than           and encourage international visitors to
     Establishment of a flexible $50
                                             650 new jobs for the region. There are           stay longer and spend more whilst in the
     million state-wide Attracting           additional flow-on benefits as other trade       region.
     Tourism Fund to contribute to the       is enabled by new air routes. These                 But whilst the case for new
     establishment of new international      benefits are widely dispersed across             international aviation routes into Cairns is
     aviation routes for Queensland
     including the priority routes
                                             businesses in the region. Currently,             compelling, temporary ‘start up’ funding
     identified for Cairns.                  more than 80% of international visitors          packages are required to de-risk initial
                                             through Cairns Airport travel on domestic        establishment for the airlines involved and
                                             flights. Due to the number of international      secure these new routes in an extremely
                                             passengers flying in on domestic routes,         competitive international market.
                                             domestic capacity is also constrained.              The demonstrated success of the
                                                 Limited direct international aviation        contestable Attracting Tourism Fund
                                             capacity is a key constraint to the region’s     leveraged both private sector and other
                                             tourism economy. Analysis by Tourism             levels of Government investment in key
    STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT                      Research Australia for the year ended 30         tourism infrastructure. In this case, we
    This priority aligns with and supports   June 2019 indicates international tourism        would suggest a dedicated focus on
    the implementation of the following      visitation to Tropical North Queensland          regional aviation to encourage greater
    Queensland Government strategies
                                             (TNQ) reduced by 1.7% compared                   dispersal of economic benefits across the
    and initiatives:
                                             to the prior year. This contrasts with a         State. Increased dispersal also increases
    • The Queensland Plan:                   3% increase in international visitation          the potential to extend average length of
      Queenslanders’ 30-year vision 2014
    • State Infrastructure Plan 2016         at the national level over the same              stay in Queensland helping the State to
    • Advancing Tourism 2016-20              period. Increasing direct international          regain lost market share in visitor nights.
    • Queensland Tourism and Transport
                                             aviation together with tourism product           Cairns Regional Council and Cairns
      Strategy 2018
    • Tourism and Events Queensland          development and direct investment                Airport are calling on the Queensland
      Strategic Plan 2018-2022               in destination marketing is required to          Government to establish a flexible $50
    • Far North Queensland Regional Plan
                                             address this worrying trend for the TNQ          million state-wide Attracting Tourism
    • Advancing North Queensland –           tourism sector.                                  Fund to contribute to the establishment
      Investing in the Future of the North       There is significant international visitor   of new international aviation routes for
      (2016) plan
    • Advancing Tourism in North             growth that would be unlocked by                 Queensland including the priority routes
      Queensland 2016-20                     additional capacity without reducing             identified for Cairns.

An international        There is unmet        A new route has   A commitment of
flight to Cairns is a   demand for at least   around US$30      $50 million to a
$200 million pa         four new daily        million in        flexible state-wide
export business         flights worth $800    start-up costs    Attracting Tourism
                        million pa in                           Fund is sought
                        economic benefit


                                     T     he aviation services industry will be
                                           worth $2.7 trillion in the Asia Pacific
                                     (APAC) region by 2038.
                                         The APAC region is the single largest
                                     destination for commercial jet deliveries
                                     within the next 20 years, expecting
                                     40% of global deliveries or 17,390
                                     aircraft. Existing traditional Aviation
                                     Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO)
                                     destinations such as Singapore are
                                     already operating at or near capacity.
                                     Airlines are already experiencing difficulty
          COMMITMENT                 in securing MRO services for their aircraft
          REQUIRED                   in these destinations. Availability of the
                                     highly skilled people required is already
 $20 million funding commitment
 to the Cairns Aviation Excellence   constrained.
 Precinct development.                   Cairns is geographically in the centre of
                                     the APAC region, has a pipeline of highly
                                     skilled people, an existing reputation for
                                     excellence, and a geopolitically stable
                                     jurisdiction for aviation services operators.
                                     Cairns is perfectly positioned to capture a
                                     share of this growing market.
                                         Cairns Airport has developed the
                                     Cairns Aviation Excellence Precinct
                                     (CAEP) masterplan to meet this demand.
                                     This will see the redevelopment of                Ultimately, CAEP will deliver at least
                                     the existing General Aviation precinct          28 new business locations. These
                                     adjacent to the Captain Cook highway.           are a combination of different size
                                         The land is at approximately 1AHD           hangars for MRO, as well as other
                                     (Australian Height Datum). In other words,      industry operators in avionics, training,
                                     it is in practical terms a wetlands area        research development and advanced
                                     and subject to frequent flooding. The           manufacturing businesses.
                                     land needs to be raised to approximately          Over 1,200 high value jobs will
                                     2.65AHD before any construction                 be created, with this contributing a
                                     of the 534,673m² of groundworks,                minimum of $105 million into the local
                                     aprons and roads could take place.              regional economy each year. This
                                     This is a significant cost for Cairns           supports sustainable population growth,
                                     Airport to overcome, whilst retaining           sustainable aviation route development,
                                     competitiveness in attracting new               the Pacific engagement strategy, the
                                     businesses. Consequently, partial public        education and research sectors, tourism
                                     funding is required to make this catalytic      growth and advanced manufacturing.
                                     regional development viable.                    The true impact for the region is expected

Development Years                2020-2030    2030-2038
                                                                                                                $million      $million
                                                                               Cairns Airport investment            32           22
                                                                               Recommended State investment         20            -
                                                                               Estimated total cost                 52          22

                                                                                Estimated benefit to local
                                                                                economy from new jobs          $2.1billion $3.3billion
                                                                                (over period of development)

to be well in excess of $3.3 billion over   centre of the APAC region; equal flying         reputation for excellence that comes from
the length of the development.              distance to Bangkok, Shanghai, Tokyo,           being trained in Cairns.
  The precinct is already home to a         Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur. Fiji and              Cairns should be a major destination
thriving aviation services industry, with   Hawaii are a manageable flight time away        for aviation services in the APAC region
Hawker Pacific being a prominent            and the closest capital city, Port Moresby      because it can meet the needs of industry
example of an MRO operator in growth        in PNG, is less than half the distance          – perfectly positioned geographically,
mode. In 2017, the Queensland               to Sydney. In addition, Queensland              geopolitically and as a place that already
Government announced a $2.5 million         already has a strong focus on growing           has a reputation for aviation excellence
investment for Hawker Pacific to expand     the aviation sector through the MRO             with a pipeline of highly skilled people.
their hangar, which resulted in an          Taskforce and Aerospace 10-Year                   Cairns Airport is seeking assistance
additional 39 high value jobs worth an      Roadmap.                                        with the cost of this catalytic regional
estimated $3.9 million. In 2019, Hawker        The airport is home to the CQUniversity      development in order to make it viable.
Pacific confirmed winning $4 million        Asia Pacific Aviation Hub and Cairns            This is a partial investment, with Cairns
worth of new contracts for 2020. This       Aviation Skills Centre (CASC). Since            Airport meeting the majority of the cost.
demonstrates success from a State           2003, CASC has graduated 650 aircraft           Cairns Regional Council supports Cairns
investment in the industry.                 technicians and upskilled over 7,000            Airport’s proposal in this regard.
  Cairns is perfectly positioned at the     aviation professionals, all with the industry


Cairns City Centre
Master Plan
Guiding the ongoing evolution of public spaces within the Cairns City Centre
to ensure the city remains a vibrant and liveable space for everyone
                                               THE MASTER PLAN IS UNDERPINNED BY FIVE GUIDING PRINCIPLES:

                                               Embrace            Support           Create an          Celebrate       Deliver a
                                               tropical           economic          accessible &       arts,           sustainable,
                                               urbanism           growth &          connected          culture &       safe &
                                                                  diversity         city centre        creativity      liveable city

                                               T     ourism is a significant driver for the
                                                     Cairns and TNQ economy with the
                                               region attracting almost three million
              COMMITMENT                                                                                               CAIRNS
                                               visitors every year and annual visitor                                  CITY CENTRE
                                               expenditure now exceeding $3.4 billion.                                 2019
     $33 million commitment from the           Whilst Cairns’ tourism reputation has
     Queensland Government (as part of         traditionally been built on its location at
     a $100 million tripartite funding pool)
                                               the gateway to the iconic Great Barrier
                                                                                                                           CAIRNS CITY MASTERPLAN 2019   1

     over the ten years to 2030 for the
     implementation of the Cairns City         Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforest, an            extensive resources in developing the
     Centre Master Plan.                       opportunity exists to further develop          Cairns City Centre Master Plan 2019
                                               the city as an attraction in its own           including significant public input and
                                               right. In doing so, there is potential to      consultation. Almost 2,500 people took
                                               further increase visitation, visitor length    the opportunity to give feedback and
                                               of stay and visitor expenditure. Recent        make suggestions on initial project ideas
                                               developments including the Cairns              using innovative mediums including
                                               Aquarium, Munro Martin Parklands,              Council’s interactive online ideas wall.
                                               Cairns Performing Arts Centre and              Residents and visitors told Council
                                               Crystalbrook Collection suite of hotels,       how they use the city’s public spaces,
This priority aligns with and supports         have all made positive contributions in this   what they value most, what issues they
the implementation of the following            regard as will the proposed Trinity Wharf      would like to see addressed, and also
Queensland Government strategies and           Cairns (Global Tourism Hub) and Cairns         generated new ideas. Reflecting on the
                                               Convention Centre expansion projects. A        community’s feedback and suggestions,
• The Queensland Plan: Queenslanders’          comprehensive city centre master plan is       Council developed a suite of opportunities
  30-year vision 2014                          critical to ensuring the future development    and preliminary concept sketches.
• State Infrastructure Plan 2016
• Advancing Tourism 2016-20                    of the City Centre occurs in a coordinated     Council invited feedback on these project
• Queensland Tourism and Transport             and guided manner. In doing so, it not only    opportunities throughout July and August
  Strategy 2018
                                               supports the jobs and economic benefits        2018, with over 3,300 people engaging
• Tourism and Events Queensland
  Strategic Plan 2018-2022                     increased visitation will deliver, but also    in the process. The process culminated in
• Far North Queensland Regional Plan           ensures the City Centre is a vibrant and       the endorsement of the Cairns City Centre
• Advancing North Queensland –
                                               dynamic public space that can be enjoyed       Master Plan 2019 by Council in early April
  Investing in the Future of the North         by the local community.                        2019. Funding is now required to support
  (2016) plan                                     Throughout 2018 and early 2019,             the progressive implementation of the
• Advancing Tourism in North
  Queensland 2016-20                           Cairns Regional Council invested               Master Plan recommendations.

A renewal of the parklands’ key spaces, connections and
facilities will build upon the Esplanade’s most valued
qualities and features and distribute activity more evenly
along the full length of the parklands. The Esplanade is a
large and diverse space and the project will consider the
discrete features and activities unique to the Esplanade’s
north, centre and south.

Council has created a new, world-class cultural hub spanning
Florence Street, with the construction of the Cairns Performing
Arts Centre and adjacent Munro Martin Parklands. The
opportunity now exists to enhance Florence Street with the
creation of a pedestrian boulevard that supports walkability
and connects these public places to the Esplanade Parklands.
Florence Street will become an extension of Munro Martin
Parklands, with an avenue of shade trees. Tropical planting will
feature along revitalised footpaths, and flowering shade trees
will highlight the intersections.

This project recognises that all streets within the City
Centre are valuable public spaces, playing an important
role for movement and circulation. Vibrant and well-
defined streetscapes foster walkability, encouraging
people to explore, relax and gather. Drawing from
feedback during consultation, this project focuses on
delivering streetscapes that create a connected, tropical
public place with an active street life.

This project will enhance the best features of the
Esplanade Dining Precinct, expanding the dining area
to provide space for additional dining and seating,
improving views to the parklands and increasing
pedestrian connections.

The project will transform and connect three heritage listed
buildings in the Cairns City Centre (the Cairns Art Gallery,
former Cairns Court House and former Mulgrave Shire
Council offices) and establish a vibrant new world-class
gallery building. This project has been separately included
within this City Deal proposal as a full business case for
the project has been completed and the capital investment
required has been quantified.


Cairns City Deal
Unlocking the economic potential of Cairns and Far North Queensland

                                         C      ity Deals are a key mechanism
                                                to deliver on the opportunities
                                         and challenges in Australia’s cities
                                                                                      The Cairns 2050 Shared Vision provides
                                                                                      a framework that will deliver economic
                                                                                      prosperity, quality of life and liveability for
                                         by bringing together the three levels        the Cairns community both today, and
                                         of government, the community and             for the generations that follow. It sets
                                         private enterprise to create place-based     out the projects, investment and policy
                                         partnerships. They work to align the         required for the vision to be realised.
                                         planning, investment and governance             Using the Cairns 2050 Shared
                                         necessary to accelerate economic             Vision as a foundation, Council has
                                         growth and job creation, stimulate urban     again worked with key stakeholders to
                                         renewal and drive economic reforms.          develop the Cairns Region City Deal
                                         City Deals are designed to secure            Proposal Document (‘the Proposal’).
                                         the future prosperity and liveability for    A full copy of the Proposal is available
                                         Australian cities.                           on Council’s website (https://www.
                                            In June 2018, the Joint Standing          cairns.qld.gov.au/building-planning-
     Queensland Government               Committee on Northern Australia              business/advocacy). The Proposal
     commitment to work with Cairns      released its report ‘Northern Horizons       clearly articulates how a City Deal can
     Regional Council and the Federal
                                         – Unleashing Our Tourism Potential’. A       unlock Cairns’ full potential and deliver
     Government to establish a 10-
     year City Deal for Cairns based     key recommendation from that report          significant benefits for the region, the
     on the priorities outlined in the   was the establishment of a City Deal         State of Queensland and Australia as a
     Cairns Region City Deal Proposal    for Cairns. A City Deal for Cairns would     whole. The Proposal identifies six key
                                         support the Federal Government’s             areas of focus where Cairns has unique
                                         agenda for the development of Northern       competitive advantages that can be
                                         Australia and would also contribute          leveraged to deliver economic growth
                                         to the implementation of a variety of        and quality of life outcomes:
                                         Queensland Government strategies and            • Food Production
                                         policies.                                       • Tourism
                                            It is recognised that in order to be         • Tertiary Education
STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT                      effective, a City Deal for Cairns needs         • Strategic Location
This priority aligns with and supports   to be developed in the context of a             • Skilled and Growing Population
the implementation of the following      broader regional strategy to ensure             • Renewable Energy
Queensland Government strategies and
                                         such initiatives are complementary and          Further details on how these areas
                                         contribute to the realisation of a long      of focus align to both Cairns’ unique
• The Queensland Plan: Queenslanders’    term vision. With this in mind, Cairns       competitive advantages and emerging
  30-year vision 2014
• State Infrastructure Plan 2016
                                         Regional Council and key regional            trends at both a national and global level
• Advancing Tourism 2016-20              stakeholders have worked together to         are set out on pages 6 and 7 of this
• Queensland Tourism and Transport       develop the Cairns 2050 Shared Vision        document.
  Strategy 2018
• Tourism and Events Queensland          (www.cairns.qld.gov.au/vision2050).             Linking directly to these areas of
  Strategic Plan 2018-2022                  This vision also incorporates the views   focus, the Proposal sets out and further
• Far North Queensland Regional Plan
                                         and priorities of the Cairns community       develops 19 key projects/initiatives
• Advancing North Queensland –           as expressed through the 2016 Our            drawn from the Cairns 2050 Shared
  Investing in the Future of the North   Cairns Survey, a community survey            Vision that should be incorporated in a
  (2016) plan
                                         conducted by Cairns Regional Council,        City Deal for Cairns.
• Advancing Tourism in North
  Queensland 2016-20                     which attracted over 6,000 responses.

                                                                  Throughout 2018, Council dedicated significant resources to the development of a shared
     The City Deal proposal
                                                                  vision for Cairns. The Cairns 2050 Shared Vision (www.cairns.qld.gov.au/vision 2050) provides
     is underpinned by a                                          the framework to deliver long term economic prosperity and liveability for the Cairns community.
     significant body of work                                     The vision was developed with two clear objectives in mind: as a basis for direct advocacy to

     and consultation led by                                      both the State and Federal governments; and as a foundation from which to negotiate and
                                                                  secure a City Deal for Cairns. The timeline provides an overview of the milestones achieved to
     Cairns Regional Council.                                     date as well as the next steps required to secure a City Deal for Cairns.

    EARLY                JUNE              AUG              NOV                FEB                MAR                OCT                 Q1               Q1/Q2             Q2              Q3
    2018                2018              2018             2018               2019               2019               2019               2020               2020            2020           2020

Cairns Regional     First stakeholder      Second       Vision formally   First meeting of   Local Federal and       City Deal       Statement of      Preparation and    Signing of   Implementation
Council initiates      workshop to       stakeholder     endorsed by      Council’s Shared    State members          Proposal         intent for a      negotiation of    the Cairns    plan developed
development of        inform vision      workshop to    Council. Shared    Vision Advisory     of parliament     developed using    Cairns City Deal   Cairns City Deal    City Deal     and endorsed
  2050 vision         development       inform vision   Vision Advisory      Committee       endorse/ support    Shared Vision as
                                        development       Committee                                Vision          a foundation

               Desktop review of previous                 Finalisation of the vision             Endorsement and support
                regional planning work                      and endorsement by                   for the vision provided by
                     undertaken.                          Cairns Regional Council.                the relevant Federal and
                                                                                                   Queensland members
                  Two half day external                       Establishment of                     of parliament and key
               stakeholder workshops to                        a Shared Vision                          stakeholders.
            inform vision development with                 Advisory Committee (19
            approximately 40 stakeholders                   members) comprising                    Initial public awareness
             at each workshop drawn from                   representatives from a                     and communication
               a diverse range of interest                 broad range of external                    activities including
                        groups.                             stakeholders as well                        provision for the
                                                             as Council’s Mayor,                    community to register
             Preparation of a draft vision                   Deputy Mayor and                        their support for the
                and circulation to key                      CEO to support vision                     vision. Despite only
            stakeholders for comment and                      implementation.                       being launched in late
                      feedback.                                                                      2018, the vision has
                                                                                                     already received over
                                                                                                      400 registrations of
                                                                                                   support from the Cairns


Cairns Gallery Precinct
An iconic new cultural tourism project driving increased visitation,
tourism diversification and regional employment

                                             C     airns is recognised as the Arts
                                                   and Culture Capital of Northern
                                             Australia. The Cairns Gallery Precinct
                                                                                           proportion of Indigenous Australians
                                                                                           and its greatest diversity of Indigenous
                                                                                           cultures. Community demand for the
                                             is a project that strongly supports this      arts, the burgeoning local creative
                                             status and complements recent regional        sector, the opportunity to showcase
                                             investment in arts and cultural facilities,   more Indigenous arts, and the need
                                             events and programs. These include            to diversify our tourism offering all
                                             the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF),        contribute to the need for increased
                                             Cairns Performing Arts Centre (CPAC),         scale and diversity of Cairns’ visual arts
                                             Munro Martin Parklands (MMP) and              infrastructure.
                                             Centre of Contemporary Arts (CoCA)               Establishment of the precinct will also
                                             refurbishment among others. The project       have significant positive impacts on
                                             will transform and connect three heritage     jobs and economic growth. In addition
              COMMITMENT                     listed buildings in the Cairns City Centre    to the significant economic impact
              REQUIRED                       (the Cairns Art Gallery, ‘Old’ Court House    and employment created during
                                             and former Mulgrave Shire Council             construction, once operational, the
     $13.3 million funding commitment
     towards the estimated capital cost      offices) and establish a new world class      project will add $20.7 million per annum
     ($39.8 million) of the Cairns Gallery   gallery building to create a dynamic and      to the regional economy (Gross Regional
     Precinct as part of the proposed        unique gallery precinct with benefits for     Product) and support 177 ongoing full
     tripartite (Federal, State and Local    both the local community and domestic         time jobs through its direct operation
     Governments) funding arrangement
                                             and international visitors.                   and induced tourism expenditure.
     for this iconic cultural and tourism
     infrastructure project.                    The project would have a particularly      An independent and comprehensive
                                             strong connection to the region’s             business case for the project has been
                                             Indigenous community and also links/          completed utilising funding provided by
                                             aligns with the National Indigenous           the Queensland Government.
                                             Heritage Centre proposal that is outlined        The business case supports the case
                                             on page 30 of this document. The              for project investment with the preferred
                                             project would also broaden the region’s       project option having a Benefits to
                                             tourism offer and enhance liveability         Cost Ratio (BCR) of 1.19 and a Net
 STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT                         within our community.                         Present Value (NPV) of $13.3 million.
 This priority aligns with and supports         A significant proportion of Cairns’        This proposal calls for a tripartite funding
 the implementation of the following
                                             population identify as First Nations          arrangement to construct and establish
 Queensland Government strategies and
                                             peoples. Cairns is also the principal         the precinct with Federal, State and
                                             connection point for the exchange             Local (Council) Governments each
 • The Queensland Plan:                      and celebration of Indigenous art and         contributing one third of the project’s
   Queenslanders’ 30-year vision 2014
 • State Infrastructure Plan 2016
                                             culture from communities throughout           total capital cost of $39.8 million.
 • Advancing Tourism 2016-20                 Cape York and the Torres Strait.
 • Queensland Tourism and Transport          The Cairns and Great Barrier Reef
   Strategy 2018
                                             region is home to Australia’s highest
 • Tourism and Events Queensland
   Strategic Plan 2018-2022
 • Far North Queensland Regional Plan
 • Advancing North Queensland –
   Investing in the Future of the North
   (2016) plan
 • Advancing Tourism in North
   Queensland 2016-20

GALLERY                                        OLD SHIRE
PRECINCT                                        OFFICES

                                                           SPENCE STREET





Cairns Hospital
Investing in the infrastructure and services required to keep our community healthy

                                           H     ealth and wellbeing are critical
                                                 foundations to a community’s quality
                                           of life and are essential if communities
                                                                                        is now required from the Queensland
                                                                                        Government to enable the design and
                                                                                        construction of the CHIP to progress.
                                           are to continue to grow and prosper.         In addition, Cairns Hospital will need
                                           The Cairns and Hinterland Hospital           a further $60 million in capital funding
                                           and Health Service (CHHHS) is the            to refurbish areas that are vacated into
                                           FNQ region’s largest employer with           the CHIP to create 70 additional beds
                                           approximately 6,000 staff delivering         to meet demand and expand clinical
                                           a wide range of hospital and health          services until 2027.
                                           services across the region. The Cairns          Further investment is also required in
                                           Hospital is a critical facility within       the following areas:
                                           the CHHHS network and caters                 • New/upgraded emergency department
                                           for approximately 100,000 patient               facilities and infrastructure at the
               COMMITMENT                  admissions every year. The hospital             Cairns Hospital. There were 74,667
               REQUIRED                    also deals with a diverse range of health       presentations to the emergency
                                           and wellbeing needs of the regional             department at the Cairns Hospital
      $100 million to establish the
      Cairns Health and Innovation         community including the region’s                in 2018/19, a 24% increase over
      Precinct (CHIP); $15 million for     significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait        the preceding five years (the Cairns
      upgraded emergency department        Islander populations.                           Hospital emergency department is
      facilities/infrastructure; and $60      Expansion of the facilities and              the fifth busiest in Queensland). A
      million to fund 70 new beds at the
                                           status of the Cairns Hospital, as well          $15 million commitment is required
      hospital. In addition, $6 million
                                           as investment in the broader regional           from the Queensland Government to
      is required for the completion of
      a detailed business case for the     services managed by the CHHHS, will             implement these urgent upgrades.
      implementation of the CHHHS          be required to meet the future needs         • $6 million to complete a detailed
      strategic master plan.               of a growing regional population. The           business case for implementing the
                                           region’s unique demographics, including         CHHHS Strategic Master Plan.
                                           significant visitor and Indigenous           • Ongoing investigation into the potential
                                           populations, are also key considerations        to provide higher level services locally
                                           when planning for the future health             at the Cairns Hospital that are currently
                                           needs of Cairns.                                only available ‘outside of region’ (e.g.
                                              The aim is for Cairns Hospital to            neurosurgery).
                                           become a university hospital within          • Continued development of specific
                                           the medium term and for the hospital            models of care to address chronic
                                           to continue to expand the higher                disease, particularly in the region’s
 STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT                       level of services offered locally. For          Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
 This priority aligns with and supports    this objective to be realised, facilities       populations.
 the implementation of the following       need to be developed which support
 Queensland Government strategies and
                                           clinical research and education. The
                                           establishment of the proposed Cairns
 • The Queensland Plan:                    Health and Innovation Precinct (CHIP)
   Queenslanders’ 30-year vision 2014
                                           supports this initiative and aligns with
 • Our Future State: Advancing
   Queensland’s Priorities (2018) plan     James Cook University’s Cairns Tropical
 • Queensland Department of Health         Enterprise Centre (CTEC) project. The
   Strategic Plan 2016-2020                CTEC project has already received a
 • State Infrastructure Plan 2016
 • Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and      federal funding commitment of $60
   Health Service Strategic Plan 2018-     million. A $100 million commitment


Cairns Metro/Airport Link
An innovative public transport solution connecting the Cairns Airport to the City Centre

               REQUIRED                       T    he Cairns Metro concept would
                                                   provide for a direct and high
                                              frequency public transport link between
                                                                                            public transport network to the north and
                                                                                            south of the city centre and contribute to
                                                                                            the delivery of a wider transport strategy
      $400,000 in funding to undertake        the Cairns Airport and the Cairns City        for the region. The project links directly
      the market needs assessment and         Centre including the proposed Trinity         with several of the priorities included within
      business case for this innovative       Wharf Cairns (Global Tourism Hub). The        this proposal document as a number are
      public transport project.
                                              adjacent diagram provides an overview         physically located on or adjacent to the
                                              of the proposed route for the service         proposed route.
                                              (approximately 7.5 kilometres long) and         Cairns Regional Council has engaged
                                              the key stops/attractors along that route.    with the Queensland Transport Minister,
                                              Cairns is a regional city with unique         the Hon Mark Bailey, regarding the
                                              potential for such a service given the        project and Council has also worked
                                              region’s high visitor population (almost 3    collaboratively with representatives of
     STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT                      million visitors per year) and the fact the   the Department of Transport and Main
     This priority aligns with and supports   Cairns International Airport is the seventh   Roads (‘TMR’) to identify the steps
     the implementation of the following      busiest airport in Australia with in excess   required to further develop the concept.
     Queensland Government strategies and     of five million passenger movements           A business case is now required to
                                              each year. The Cairns community has           determine the market demand for such
     • State Infrastructure Plan 2016         expressed a desire to see innovative public   a service, investigate the alternative
     • Advancing Tourism 2016-20              transport options progressed.                 options for servicing that demand, and
     • Queensland Tourism and Transport
       Strategy 2018
                                                 The Cairns Metro concept could             undertake commercial, financial and
     • Far North Queensland Regional Plan     potentially see the deployment of electric    economic analysis for the preferred option.
       2009-2031                              tram-like vehicles or alternate innovative    $400,000 in funding is required to fund the
     • Far North Regional Transport Plan
                                              transport solutions. The project could also   preparation of the business case for this
       (Draft) 2018
     • Advancing Tourism in North             link to the future expansion of a wider       exciting public transport project.
       Queensland 2016-20

                      DOMESTIC TERMINAL                                                            AIRPORT
                                         INTERNATIONAL                                             LINK                                                                    0km     Cairns Airport
                                         AIRPORT                                                                                                                                   Terminals

Botanic Gardens and
Tanks Arts Centre

                                                                                                                                                                                   Cairns North
                                                                                                                                                                           3km     Sporting Precinct
                                                               Sporting Precinct
                                                               - Tobruk Olympic Pool Complex
                                     C  INC                    - Cairns International Tennis Centre
                              G   PRE                          - Cairns Hockey fields

                                                                                Northern Esplande
                                         CAI                                                                                                                               4.5km   Cairns Hospital

                                                                                       Cairns Hospital &
                                                                                       Health Precinct

                                                                    S   HOS                                        Esplanade
                                                                  RN                                               Parklands &
                                                              CAI                                                  Sports Precinct
                                                                                                                                                                           5.5km    Cairns Performing
                                                                                                                                                                                    Arts Centre
                                                                                                                                      Lake Street
                                                                                                                                      Bus terminal

                                                             Cairns Performing                                                          Esplanade
                                                             Arts Centre & Munro                                                        & Lagoon
                                                             Martin Parklands
                                                                                              NROM                                                      Proposed Art
                                                                                                                                                        Gallery Precinct
                                                                                                                                                                                   City Centre
                                                                                                                                                                           6km     Bus Terminal
                                                                                                       CITY    University                              Reef Fleet
                                                                           Train Station                       Campuses                                Terminal

                                                                                                                                                      Cruise Liner
                                                                                           Cairns Central                                             Terminal
                                                                                           Shopping Centre
                                                                                                                                   MI NAL
                                                                                                                            R   TER
                  Proposed CBD to airport route
                  Active transport links                                                                       I  SE                                 Proposed Global
                  400m catchment                                                                           CRU                                       Tourism Hub
                                                                                                                                                                                   Cairns Cruise
                  800m catchment                                                                                                               Convention                  7km     Liner Terminal
              Key attractor               Key accommodation region


Cairns Road
Network Projects
Investing in an integrated road network that will support the future economic
prosperity, liveability, safety and resilience of the Cairns and FNQ community

     $370 million for capacity
     improvements on the Cairns
     Western Arterial Road (CWAR)
     linking Smithfield to south Cairns.

     Confirmation of $72 million
     commitment from the Queensland
     Government (complementing
     an existing commitment of
     $287 million federally) towards
     enhancements on the Captain
     Cook Highway between Cairns
     and Smithfield.

     $21 million for a Strategic
     Assessment of Service
     Requirements, Preliminary
     Evaluation and Business Case
     development for the Kuranda
     Range Road corridor to address
     significant safety, capacity and
     reliability issues on this strategic
     road link between Cairns, the
     Atherton Tablelands and beyond.

     Confirmation of $45 million
     commitment from the Queensland
     Government (complementing

     an existing commitment of $180
     million federally) towards Cairns
                                                 he road networks both within Cairns      underway) that are critical to the delivery
     Southern Access Corridor Stage 5            and connecting Cairns to regions         of an integrated road transport network
     (Foster Road Intersection) project.    located to the north, south and west are      for Cairns and to support enhanced
                                            critical enablers for the regional economy.   connectivity with the surrounding
                                            An effective road transport network           region. The projects all contribute to the
                                            contributes to the region’s liveability by    priorities contained in the Queensland
                                            facilitating efficient travel both within     Government’s Far North Regional
                                            region and to/from outside the region for     Transport Plan (Draft) 2018 and a number
                                            economic, leisure and social purposes.        also align with the Federal Government’s
                                            Safety for all modes of transport is          Roads of Strategic Importance initiative as
                                            an important consideration as is the          they facilitate efficient freight connectivity
                                            resilience of the region’s road network to    to the Cairns Seaport and Cairns Airport.
                                            weather events and flooding. There are        Each project is depicted in the adjacent
                                            seven key road network projects (three        diagram with further commentary in the
                                            of which are already fully funded and         paragraphs that follow.


     Range Road

                                                                                                  Highway 1
                                                                                                  Draper Street
                                                                                                  to Smithfield

                                  Cairns Western
                                   Arterial Road

                                                                              Cairns Southern
                                                                              Access Corridor
                                                                               Stage 4: Kate St
                                                                                to Aumuller St
                                         Cairns Southern
                                         Access Corridor
                                          Stage 5: Foster Road

                                                                                         Cairns Southern
                                                                                         Access Corridor
                                                                                          Stage 3: Edmonton
                                                                                            to Gordonvale

*denotes road projects already funded and currently underway


                                            Cairns Road Network
                                            CAIRNS WESTERN                                   NATIONAL HIGHWAY 1
                                            ARTERIAL ROAD                                    – DRAPER STREET TO

                                            T    he Cairns Western Arterial Road             SMITHFIELD

                                                 provides an important linkage to                 he National Land Transport Network
                                            the north, west and south of Cairns via               (NLTN) currently terminates at the
                                            its connections to the Captain Cook              corner of Comport and Draper Streets
 COMMITTED                                  Highway, Kuranda Range Road and                  (just south of the Cairns City Centre).
 ROAD PROJECTS                              Bruce Highway respectively. The road             As a result, the section of the National
 The four projects outlined on the          corridor alleviates traffic flows through        Highway 1 that connects the southern
 adjacent pages will complement the         the Cairns City Centre by providing an           fringe of the Cairns City to Smithfield
 following three projects already funded    alternate ‘bypass’ route to the National         via Sheridan Street is unable to benefit
 and currently underway in the Cairns       Highway 1 route that traverses through           from the 80/20 (Federal/State) funding
                                            the Cairns City via Sheridan Street.             arrangements that apply to roads within
                                            Whilst elements of the Cairns Western            the NLTN. The road corridor provides
                                            Arterial Road are ‘dual laned’ in each           key connectivity to the Cairns Seaport,
 The 3.8-kilometre-long bypass between
                                            direction, further investment is required        Cairns City Centre, Cairns Airport and
 the McGregor Road roundabout and
 the Cairns Western Arterial Road and       to ensure this road corridor can deliver         Smithfield (including the Cairns Campus
 Captain Cook Highway roundabout            to its full potential supporting the efficient   of James Cook University). Significant
 will provide an alternative route to the   and safe movement of freight and people.         investment in capacity enhancements to
 Captain Cook Highway. The project is       Cairns Regional Council has identified a         this road corridor are required to ensure
 currently underway and scheduled for       range of upgrades on this road corridor          the efficient movement of freight and
 completion in late 2020.                   that would significantly enhance its             people particularly to the city’s air and
                                            capacity and improve connectivity and            sea ports. Population growth in Cairns’
 BRUCE HIGHWAY CAIRNS                       safety. Projects include ‘dual laning’ of the    northern suburbs has also seen increased
 SOUTHERN ACCESS CORRIDOR                   northern section of the road, through to         commuter congestion along this route.
                                            upgrades to McCoombe Street to deliver           The Queensland Transport Minister has
                                            improved connectivity with the Bruce             recognised the strategic importance
 The project will deliver significant
                                            Highway to the south. An estimated               of this road corridor and has made a
 enhancements on this road corridor
 including the ‘dual laning’ of the Bruce   investment of $370 million from the              written request to the Federal Transport
 Highway in both directions between         Queensland Government is required to             Minister for the extension of the NLTN
 Edmonton and Gordonvale. Early             deliver these enhancements and unlock            to Smithfield as part of the Federal
 procurement works have started and         this road corridor’s full potential. We          Government’s NLTN Determination
 construction is expected to commence       note that the Queensland Government              Review. Cairns Regional Council strongly
 in early 2020 with project completion      has previously allocated $100,000 in the         supports this extension and is advocating
 scheduled for mid-2023.                    2019-20 budget to undertake planning to          to the Federal Government for its
                                            upgrade this road. It is now time to action      approval. Whilst the outcomes of the
 BRUCE HIGHWAY CAIRNS                       this planning through commitments for            NLTN Determination Review have not yet
                                            project delivery.                                been finalised, an announcement of $287
                                                                                             million in funding via the 2019-20 Federal
 This project will deliver capacity                                                          Budget delivered in early April 2019 and
 improvements to the Southern                                                                a separate announcement of $72 million
 Access Corridor between Kate Street                                                         from the Queensland Government are
 and Aumuller Street and additional                                                          welcomed but need to be confirmed as
 improvements from Comport Street to                                                         commitments within the formal budget
 Kenny Street. The project is underway                                                       process.
 and expected to be completed in mid-

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