Rationale of the quantity of soil-cutting stars and working body of soil rotary knives

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Rationale of the quantity of soil-cutting stars and working body of soil rotary knives
E3S Web of Conferences 284, 02011 (2021)                                  https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202128402011

         Rationale of the quantity of soil-cutting stars
         and working body of soil rotary knives
         Abdulkhay Obidov1*, Mamaraym Turakulov2, Valijon Ermatov2, and Abdurakhmon
         Tashkent State Agrarian University, 100140 Tashkent province, Uzbekistan
         Gulistan State University, Gulistan, Syrdarya province, Uzbekistan

                      Abstract. This article considers the main parameters of the experimental
                      rotary working body (RWB) used for tillage and opening of buried vines in
                      the protection zone between rows, soil loosening and weeding blades in the
                      protection zone of the crop protection zone, as well as the number of
                      paddles for opening buried vines. The performance indicators of the rotary
                      working body largely depend on its kinematic mode of operation, the
                      number of knives, dumps and soil picks. The destruction of weeds and
                      loosening of the soil in the root zone and the movement of the required
                      volume of soil towards the row spacing is provided at λ = 1.6-1.8 and Zn =
                      Zh = 8 pcs.

         1 Introduction
         One of the technical solutions for the effective use of tractors on soils with low bearing
         capacity is the use of caterpillar propellers with a large supporting surface and better
         traction and coupling properties in comparison with the wheel [1].
             It has been classically established that the tangential thrust force of the propeller is
         determined by the sum of two components: the force realized by the stubborn surfaces of
         the soil lugs and the friction force of the tops of the soil lugs and soil "bricks" trapped
         between them during slipping [1, 2]. The sliding of the caterpillar propeller gives grounds
         to assert that the distribution of soil reactions to the pore surface of the soil tractors is
         uneven and depends on the traction force and working conditions. Then the slipping of the
         caterpillar propeller can be represented as a pulsating, jerky movement of the tractor
         backward at the moment of disengagement with the soil of the rear star. The soil pick,
         plunging into the soil, moves forward or backward, depending on the hook load, the
         condition of the soil and the design parameters of the pick. In this case, the persistent
         surface of the star track is under maximum stress, and the front surface is completely or
         partially unloaded [3, 4]. The destruction of the top layer of the soil with which the soil
         hook interacts due to the displacement of the link of the caterpillar from the action of the
         adhesion force occurs.

         * Corresponding author: a.a.obidov@yandex.com

   © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
   Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
E3S Web of Conferences 284, 02011 (2021)                                 https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202128402011

             For each link of the caterpillar propeller during its interaction with the soil, the
         relationship between the reaction force and the magnitude of the link displacement will
         have the same character [4].
             The rotary working body has already become widely used in soil cultivation in the row
         spacing for loosening the soil, destroying weeds and moving the soil from one side to the
         other in the row spacing [4, 5].
             A rotary working body in inter-row cultivation is valued for the fact that it works with
         minimal deformation on the cultivated soil layers, effective loosening and achieve
         maximum weed control in the protective zone of the row of plants. The working bodies of
         the tillage implements have a variety of designs [3-5].
             A feature of the rotary working body is that the zone of tillage with a knife and a soil
         hook depends on the trajectory of their movement. Since when the trajectories of
         neighboring knives overlap, the energy consumption for cutting the soil increases, then to a
         first approximation the number of knives and stars is determined from the condition of
         touching the trajectories of the adjacent knives (Fig. 1) [6-9].
             Let us assume that the distance of the installation of the stars 2 from the center of
         rotation of the working body will slightly increase the three stars simultaneously penetrate
         into the covering shaft [10-12]. With such an arrangement, additional lateral force is
         required so that the rollback and 2 pivots penetrate into the cover shaft. This leads to the
         breaking of the working body, since the stars balance each other [12-15].

         Fig 1. Scheme for determining the number of knives and stars.

E3S Web of Conferences 284, 02011 (2021)                                      https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202128402011

         2 Materials and methods
         Studies have shown that under the same soil conditions, with an increase in the adhesion
         force, the displacement (deformation) of the soil increases and, as a consequence, the
         destruction of its upper bearing layer [15-17]. The magnitude of the traction force and the
         destruction of the soil primarily depend on the design of the soil links. Soils, penetrating
         into the soil, create stress fields, the distribution of which determines the volume of soil
         deformation and the magnitude of the tangential traction force. By changing the shape and
         location of the soil lugs, it is possible to improve their adhesion to the soil, forming a
         deformed volume in such a way that the shear stress distribution fields cover as large a
         volume of soil as possible [17].
             Half the width of the zone treated with one knife can be determined as the difference
         between the abscissas of the point of contact of the trajectories of the N 1 knives and the
         point N2 of the plant as close as possible to the row line (Equations 1 and 2) [12-17]:

                                 S/2 = X1 – X2                                               (1)

                              X1 = Vnt1 + Rsinωt;           X2 = Vnt1                              (2)

            The angles of rotation of the working body at points N1 and N2 are (Equation 3):

                                 ωt1 = π/2 + arcsin(r/R);      ωt2 = π                       (3)

            Then the time intervals during which the working body can rotate through the angle ωt1
         and ωt2 can be determined from the expressions (Equation 4):

                                     t1 = [π/2 + arcsin(r/R)]ω;    t2 = π/ω            (4)

            By putting in (1) the value (2), (3), (4), you can determine the width of the processing
         zone with one knife:

                                 S = 2Rsinωt – 2R/λ(π – ωt)                                  (5)

            On the other hand, the processing width is determined by Equation 6 [1, 3-5]:

                                 S = 2πR/Zh – λ                                              (6)

         where, Zh - number of knives of the working body.

         3 Results and discussion
         In this case, the radius of the circle of the instantaneous center of rotation of the working
         body is the radius of the circumference of the fastening of the soil pins rn. The trajectory of
         the latter is a shortened cycloid K1, K2 and AB. Equating the right-hand sides of equations
         (5) and (6), we can determine the number of knives Zn (Equation 7):

                                 Zh = π/(λsinarccos1/λ – arccos1/λ)                          (7)

             It is possible to obtain the solution of equation (4) subject to the condition (λ = 1.6-1.8)
         the following value of the number of knives (Equation 8):

E3S Web of Conferences 284, 02011 (2021)                                         https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202128402011

                              Zn = 3.14/(1.64sinarccos1/1.64 – arccos1/1.64)   = 8.14           (8)

             We accept as Zh = Zn
             In order for the working body to work stably (without jerking and slipping), the number
         of stars must be equal to the number of knives:

                                                                  Zh = Zn

             And also, the number of stars and dumps of the rotary working body for opening
         vineyards is based on the condition that rotation is excluded.
             The lower limit of the number of soil hooks can be considered as such, in which one
         soil hook is located inside the furrow wall, and the other begins to enter the soil. In this
         case, it will always adhere to the soil [6, 15] (Fig. 2).

         Fig. 2. Scheme for determining the distance rp of the installation of the stars from the center of
            According to Figure 2, the number of stars can be determined through the following
         Equation 9:

                                      Zn = 2π/γ                                           (9)

         where, γ - central angle between the radii drawn through adjacent stars.
           Angle γ from Fig. 2 can be seen as 45o.

E3S Web of Conferences 284, 02011 (2021)                                     https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202128402011

             To increase the adhesion of the blade to the soil and before sliding rotation, it is
         necessary that one starter is inside the cover shaft. Taking all this into account, the optimal
         distance of the installation of the pivots 2 from the center of rotation was chosen equal to R
         > rn > R/2, where R is the radius of the outer diameter of the working body.
             Substituting the value of γ into Equation 9, we derive the number of stars:

                                              Zn = 2 x 180o/45o = 360o/45o = 8

         4 Conclusions
         The performance indicators of the rotary working body largely depend on its kinematic
         mode of operation, the number of knives, dumps and soil picks. The destruction of weeds
         and loosening of the soil in the root zone and the movement of the required volume of soil
         towards the row spacing is provided at λ = 1.6-1.8 and Zn = Zh = 8 pcs.
             As a result of the experimental studies, it was found that eight stars fixed under the disk
         at a distance from the center of rotation equal to R > rn > R/2 created an additional moment,
         which caused the rotation of the rotary working body with minimal sliding and slipping,
         and also made it possible to increase the removal of soil from the covering zone.

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