Region Stockholm Investor Presentation - June 2021 - Our vision is an attractive, sustainable

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Region Stockholm Investor Presentation - June 2021 - Our vision is an attractive, sustainable
Our vision is an
                        attractive, sustainable
                              and growing
                        Stockholm region with
                            freedom for its
                          residents to shape
                         their lives and make
                           active decisions.

Region Stockholm
Investor Presentation
June 2021
Region Stockholm Investor Presentation - June 2021 - Our vision is an attractive, sustainable


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Any views contained in this Presentation are based on financial, economic and other conditions prevailing at the date hereof and REGION STOCKHOLM shall be under no obligation to update this
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Region Stockholm Investor Presentation - June 2021 - Our vision is an attractive, sustainable

Key Credit Highlights
                                         • Region Stockholm incorporates 26 municipalities at the heart of the Kingdom of Sweden’s (Aaa/AAA/AAA)
                                           capital Stockholm
   Critical part of Swedish                - Responsible for 25% of Swedish Gross Regional Product
           economy                         - Home to 23% of Swedish population
                                         • Region Stockholm is rated AA+ (stable) by Standard & Poor’s

     Strong institutional                • Predictable and stable regional government policies
         framework                       • Fiscal policy framework that promotes budgetary discipline

                                         • Conservative financial policy
   Solid financial position              • Ability to levy taxes through the income tax rate
                                         • Zero per cent risk weighted by Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

                                         • Systematic and goal-oriented sustainability work as an integrated part of the organization
                                         • The first environmental program was adapted in 1990

         Favourable                      • High employment rate and positive population growth although affected by the pandemic
                                         • Average Gross Regional Product (GRP) growth of 3.1% between 2001-2019

Source: Eurostat, Länsstyrelsen and SCB (Statistics Sweden)
Region Stockholm Investor Presentation - June 2021 - Our vision is an attractive, sustainable

Region Stockholm in brief                                                        1,300 visits are
                                                                                   made to an
                                                                                emergency room at
           Region Stockholm                                                        emergency
                                             Debt portfolio of                  hospitals each day
▪ Region Stockholm is public sector entity
  with two main responsibilities:
                                                SEK 48bn
  – Health care                              whereof 30% in
  – Public transport                           green bonds
▪ It is a democratically controlled
  organisation and has:

  – Its own legislatures, and;                                                                 Our public
  – Its own taxation rights                                                                  transportation
▪ It is the largest of Sweden’s 20 Regions                 Almost 100% of                     system is #1
                                                          public transport is              ranked in Europe
  – Includes 26 municipalities
                                                          run on renewable                  and #2 globally
  – Has 2.3 million inhabitants
  – Generates 1/3 of the Swedish GDP
Region Stockholm Investor Presentation - June 2021 - Our vision is an attractive, sustainable

Strong Institutional Framework
A local government can not be declared bankrupt in Sweden:
▪ The Swedish Court has stated that the local governments in Sweden are NOT covered
   by the Bankruptcy Act (RH 1996:75) meaning bankruptcy in accordance to the Swedish
   Bankruptcy Act is not applicable for local governments
▪ This is due to the fact that local governments have constitutional rights to levy taxes
   and this is also supported by the Swedish Constitution

Requirement for
                             Balanced budget              Local government
sound financial                                                                        Financial equalisation
                             requirement                  financing principle

Local governments must        Annual local government     If the government alters     Imbalances between local
work according to a sound     budgets should be in        the tasks of local           governments are
financial management          balance, imbalances are     governments, the             equalised annually
                              normally restored within    government must also         through income and cost
                              3 years                     neutralise their financial   equalisation schemes

Law: “Kommunallagen           Law: “Kommunallagen                                       Law:
chapter 11,§ 1 (2017:725)”    chapter 11,§ 5               Approved by the              “Lagen (2004:773) om
                              (2017:725)”                  parliament and in force      kommunalekonomisk
                                                           since 1993                   utjämning”
Region Stockholm Investor Presentation - June 2021 - Our vision is an attractive, sustainable

Region Stockholm in numbers

                                               Region Stockholm’s position in Sweden
  ▪ Region Stockholm
                                              Geographical size                                      Population
    is the growth
    engine of Sweden                                             (6,488km2)
     o Considerable                                                                                               (2.4m)
       of the national output
                                            Region                                       Region
                                            Stockholm                                    Stockholm
                                            Sweden                                       Sweden

                                                        GRP                                      Unemployment

 ▪ Continued                                2019                                                  Unemployment 2020
   population growth                                           25%                       8,5
                                                                                         8,0        7,7
      Unemployment rate

      lower than the national                                                            7,0
      average but negatively                                                             6,0
      affected by the pandemic                                                           5,5
                                           Region                                        5,0
                                           Stockholm                                           Region Stockholm   Sweden

Source: Latest available data from SCB (Statistics Sweden) and Länsstyrelsen Stockholm
“GRP” - Gross Regional Product
Region Stockholm Investor Presentation - June 2021 - Our vision is an attractive, sustainable

Robust underlying economy
                                                                      Region Stockholm - GRP growth per year


                   2001      2002       2003     2004        2005    2006     2007         2008       2009   2010   2011   2012    2013        2014    2015      2016     2017       2018   2019
                                                                                   Region Stockholm                   Sweden

                                   Net population growth                                                                              Large service sector


                  2009    2010   2011   2012   2013   2014    2015   2016   2017    2018    2019   2020
                                                 Region Stockholm                                                              Manufacturing      Construction    Trade    Service

Source: SCB (Statistics Sweden)
“RGDP” - Regional Gross Domestic Product
Region Stockholm Investor Presentation - June 2021 - Our vision is an attractive, sustainable

Environmental Program 2017–2021

 Health & medical care    Public & other transport     Properties
                                                     & installations
       Sector goals              Sector goals
                                                       Sector goals

                         Sustainable procurement

                         Climate commitment
                               & adaptation
                         Climate commitment

                      Sustainable procurement
Region Stockholm Investor Presentation - June 2021 - Our vision is an attractive, sustainable

Sustainability is key to us

                                    “A role model for the future”
                                 Taking responsibility for the future,
                                      Region Stockholm pursues
                                 innovative environmental work that
                                     both improves and inspires.

 • 15 Environmental goals
 • 24 indicators
    •   Construction materials
    •   Foodwaste
    •   Textiles
    •   Pharmaceuticals
Region Stockholm Investor Presentation - June 2021 - Our vision is an attractive, sustainable

Climate commitment

Region Stockholm’s goal for GHG emissions 2021 is 50% below
2011 and 75% below 1990.

                                                 Reduction of
                                                 CO2 emissions
                                                 Since 1990

                                                 Since 2011


Social responsibility
                        Means that Region Stockholm:
                        ▪ Combats discrimination and promotes
                          equality in general
                        ▪ Promotes gender equality
                        ▪ Ensures access for people with
                        ▪ Promotes national minorities and
                          minority languages
                        ▪ Promotes the rights of children according
                          to the child convention
                        ▪ Monitors the organization’s code of
                          conduct for suppliers

Region Stockholm’s framework follows the Green Bond
  ▪ Region Stockholm takes a broad view of climate change impact in its environmental
    policies, incorporating life-cycle analysis and suppliers.
  ▪ Region Stockholm has a certified framework (2018) which has been reviewed by an
    independent party, Cicero, giving it a dark green rating.
  ▪ Dark green is allocated to projects and solutions that correspond to the long-term vision
    of a low carbon and climate resilient future.
  ▪ Region Stockholm can finance eight project categories for instance:

          Clean              Green buildings     Waste management     Environmental
          transportation                         & circular economy   management

Transparent reporting
▪ Region Stockholm provides transparency through an annual impact report.
▪ The impact report follows the guidelines set out in the Nordic Position paper 2020 on green bonds impact
▪ All reports could be found at:
▪ Region Stockholm offers investors to yearly participate in site visits.

 Investor visit Södertälje Sjukhus                          Investor visit Norsborgsdepån

Our green financing portfolio

                                Total green

                                Green bonds

                                EIB/NIB loans

Green bond portfolio

                       Year    Amount
                       2016    SEK 1.5bn
                       2017    SEK 2.0bn
                       2018    SEK 3.5bn
                       2019    SEK 2.9bn
                       2020    SEK 2.4bn
                       2021    SEK 2.4bn
                       Total   SEK 14.7bn

 Summary green bonds

8                         SEK                                           2021 YTD
Green projects financed
                          billion outstanding

GHG emissions avoided     2020                  GHG emissions avoided   2017-2020
12 100                                          39 900
tCO2e                                           tCO2e

Financial Policy

Policy is reviewed annually and monitored daily

  ▪ Full hedging of all foreign exchange risk inherent in non-SEK debt.
  ▪ Interest rate derivatives only against underlying debt, no speculative trading.
  ▪ Derivatives only entered into with highly credit worthy counterparties.
     • (S&P: A-, Moodys:A3, Fitch: A-)

Source: Region Stockholm, Financial Policy 2020

Financial prerequisites
 January – April 2021 in brief                                Operating result (SEK m)

 ▪    The loss for Jan-Apr 2021 amounted to SEK 926
      million. The negative result was mainly due to
      increased pension costs.
 ▪    Operating expenses for the period increased by
 ▪    Investments for the period totalled SEK 2,794
      million, which is equivalent to a completion rate of
      approximately 20% of budget for the whole year.
 ▪    Tax revenues for the period increased by 6.9%.

 ▪    The pandemic is still ongoing, making economic
      development very uncertain. In the full year
      forecast, covid-19 related additional costs and lower
      revenues due to the pandemic is estimated at SEK
      6,600 million. Region Stockholm expects the state to
      compensate for only around 30% of these.

Source: Region Stockholm Jan-Apr 2021 Financial results

Debt Portfolio
Debt Portfolio and
               and Maturity
                   Maturity Profile
Debt maturity profile*

                                                       Total debt:
                                                       SEK 48bn

Back –up facilities                               Debt type breakdown

Overdraft Facility          SEK 3bn   2019-2026

Revolving Credit Facility   SEK 4bn   2020-2023

* As per 10th June 2021

Funding Plans for 2021
2021 Funding plans                                                                Completed activities 2021 YTD

▪ Estimated funding need SEK 2-6 billion + pre-                                       ▪ Green bonds
  financing need for 2022                                                             ▪ Commercial Papers in SEK

                                                                                  Available funding sources

                                                                                    ▪ Benchmark Bond (Green/non-green)
                                                                                    ▪ Opportunistic Private Placements (Green/non-
                                                                                    ▪ Bilateral loans from EIB
                                                                                    ▪ Commercial Papers in SEK

Cash flows will be closely linked to the pace of investments and are assessed on an ongoing basis. Investors are
encouraged to contact Region Stockholm directly for the latest information.

Strong and stable rating (AA+/Stable)
                                                                                   Historical rating trajectory
 “Despite the financial impact of COVID-19 and changes to the
 cost equalization system, we expect the Region of Stockholm will
 post relatively stable operating balances through 2023. Its
 performance metrics will be supported by additional transfers
 from the central government to
 compensate for the pandemic's                                         AAA
 impact, notably extraordinary
 health care expenditure and
 revenue shortfalls related to                                         AA+
 public transportation.
 Furthermore, despite high
                                                                       AA 2
 investment needs, we expect
 the region's strong cash flow
 will result in gradually improved                                     AA-
 debt metrics...”


Source: Standard & Poor’s, April 2 2021                             Rated by S&P since September 1999

Contact details, Investor Relations, Region Stockholm

 Katarina Holmgren, Chairman of the Board AB SLL Internfinans, CFO Region Stockholm Group +72-467 37 90

 Frida Korneliusson, CEO AB SLL Internfinans +46 70-737 44 20

 Carolina Andrén Eriksson, Sustainability Controller +46 70 737 70 14

 Claes Ewetz, Senior Debt Manager +46 70 737 43 42

 Disa Hammar, Debt Manager and Investor relations +46 70 737 78 18

 Niclas Thorselius, Financial communications +46 8 123 135 40

Bringing Stockholm forward together

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