Renewable Energy Op/ons for Harambee - Zivayi Chiguvare Namibia Energy Ins/tute, Namibia University of Science and Technology

Page created by Bobby Salinas
Renewable Energy Op/ons for Harambee - Zivayi Chiguvare Namibia Energy Ins/tute, Namibia University of Science and Technology
Renewable Energy Op/ons for Harambee
              Zivayi Chiguvare
                   Namibia Energy Ins/tute,
          Namibia University of Science and Technology
                           Presented at
               Renewable Energies and Harambee
                FNCC, Windhoek – 03 August 2016
Renewable Energy Op/ons for Harambee - Zivayi Chiguvare Namibia Energy Ins/tute, Namibia University of Science and Technology
     § Introduc>on
     §   Access to Energy
     §   Harambee Energy Goals
     §   Challenges
     §   Opportuni>es for development
     §   Conclusions

Harambee ≡ “Pull together in the same direc/on”
Renewable Energy Op/ons for Harambee - Zivayi Chiguvare Namibia Energy Ins/tute, Namibia University of Science and Technology
 • Man needs food and thermal comfort;
 • Man works for these – from birth to death;
 • Man harnesses these locally and from afar;
 • Man shows love through provision of food and
   thermal comfort;
 • Man fights, and protects these with all they
 • Technology eases their harnessing, storage,
   transmission, protec>on, and provision.
Irresponsible technology threatens man’s livelihood.
Renewable Energy Op/ons for Harambee - Zivayi Chiguvare Namibia Energy Ins/tute, Namibia University of Science and Technology
Access to modern energy services
                      Access to modern energy
                      services for
                      • cooking and hea>ng,
                      • ligh>ng and
                          communica>ons, and
                      • mechanical power for
                          produc>ve uses
                      is a vast area of unmet
     The poor are par/cularly disadvantaged!
Renewable Energy Op/ons for Harambee - Zivayi Chiguvare Namibia Energy Ins/tute, Namibia University of Science and Technology
Universal access to modern energy services …
   The benefits are transforma>onal:
   • ligh>ng for schools,
   • func>oning health clinics,
   • pumps for water and sanita>on,
   • cleaner indoor air,
   • faster food-processing and
   • more income-genera>ng opportuni>es,

… essen/al for strengthening economies, protec/ng
        ecosystems and achieving equity!
Renewable Energy Op/ons for Harambee - Zivayi Chiguvare Namibia Energy Ins/tute, Namibia University of Science and Technology
                 World access to energy
 Number of people without access to electricity by region in the New Policies Scenario (million)

 Only region where population without
      access increases over time

Sub-Saharan                599                  645                  695                 879
Renewable Energy Op/ons for Harambee - Zivayi Chiguvare Namibia Energy Ins/tute, Namibia University of Science and Technology
Africa’s Hydropoten/al

Our con>nent’s immense
resources have strong poten>al
to boost energy access and
improve the lives of our people.

Total installed capacity from all
sources in Sub-Saharan Africa
today = 68 GW

Poten/al hydro – 71 GW

In general – environmentally

  What is stopping us?
Renewable Energy Op/ons for Harambee - Zivayi Chiguvare Namibia Energy Ins/tute, Namibia University of Science and Technology
Regional Interconnec/on
is necessary
Africa’s immense resources have
strong poten>al to boost energy
access and improve the lives of its
The opportuni>es are huge: in
renewables and energy efficiency,
hydrocarbon reserves, and huge
gas reserves.
But in order to capitalise on these,
there needs to be improved
regional interconnec>on and more
concerted efforts across na>onal
Let’s work together
Renewable Energy Op/ons for Harambee - Zivayi Chiguvare Namibia Energy Ins/tute, Namibia University of Science and Technology
Renewable Energy Op/ons for Harambee - Zivayi Chiguvare Namibia Energy Ins/tute, Namibia University of Science and Technology
Abundant resources, yet …
To achieve Africa’s aspira>on of

universal energy access,
responsible environmental custodianship, and
uncompromised energy security:
bold and visionary policies that s>mulate trust and
coopera>on between public and private sectors, coupled with

regulatory and fiscal consistency,
will be essen>al.
The Challenge
Low tariffs, poor project prepara>on, issues with Power Purchase
Agreements, and absent regulatory frameworks stunt
investment and financing in the energy sector;
Coal supplies 75 % of power genera>on in Southern Africa, but is
considered a contribu>ng factor to global warming;
Weak, or absence of, infrastructure and foreign commitments
inhibit use of the region’s abundant petroleum and natural gas
resources; and
Pricing and infrastructure hurdles such as grid connec>ons,
manufacturing, and quality tes>ng impede development of the
region’s renewable energy poten>al.
qExploit the abundant local energy resources for
 the benefit of the popula/on;
qDevelop clear and objec/ve value chains around
 each energy resource;
qBuild local capacity;
qDevelop and implement deliberate policies for
 energy access for the en/re popula/on;
qPar/cipate ac/vely in regional power pools;
qDevelop a na/onal energy wealth fund – for
 sustainability and future security.

            Consider the environment
Harambee Statements
‘A shortage of electricity will have a serious and nega/ve
impact on Namibian industries, investment abrac/on,
growth and job crea/on.’

Harambee Goal and Outcomes #11 [HPP11]

The desired outcome/s with regard to electricity supply during the Harambee
period will be:
• Increase in local electricity genera>ng capacity from 400 MW to 600 MW;
• Provision of electricity to all schools and health facili>es by 2020; and
• Increase in the rural electrifica>on rate from 34 % in 2015 to 50 % by 2020.
Harambee Goal and Outcomes #11 [HPP11]
                                          Base   Annual target
Key performance indicator                 line
                                          2015   16/17    17/18   18/19   19/20

Zero na>onal loadshedding during the 130MW 250MW 250MW 250MW 250MW
Harambee period
Increase in local electricity genera>ng    400     40      150     55      44
capacity from 400 MW to 600 MW
Provision of electricity to all schools   1370     66      76      64      51
and health facili>es by 2020
Increase in the rural electrifica>on        34%    36%     40%     45%     50%
rate from 34 % in 2015 to 50 % by
Proposed strategies and ac/ons to abain HPP11

•   Na>onal Integrated Resource Plan [NIRP]
•   Review of the single buyer model
•   Increase emphasis on renewable energy Solu>ons
•   Other short-term genera>ng projects
•   Rural electrifica>on
•   Schools and health facili>es
•   Imports during peak demand
•   Demand management measures
•   Long-term electricity security
A symbol of hope for universal energy access in Namibia   16
Smart partnerships with NTA and universi>es to develop
      Curriculum development in the energy sector

Demonstra>on systems, Monitoring, Quality control and Data
Namibia Energy Ins/tute (NEI)
                   Strategic Goals

1. Collaborate with industry, government, development partners and
academic ins>tu>ons in transforma>onal research projects and
educa>onal outreach for new approaches to the world's energy

2. Catalyse the transi/on to advanced sustainable energy explora>on,
genera>on, storage, distribu>on and u>liza>on, through coordinated
research & development, capacity building and project management.

NEI Strategic Goals

3. Provide a forum for debate to facilitate innova>on, development
& dissemina>on of energy technology, knowledge and good

4. Enhance public understanding of energy resources and
technologies and their role in society, in order to address the
barriers that hinder increased use and access to modern energy

Africa’s regional
power pools



         We need each other
§ Namibia s>ll has a low energy access rate;
§ Namibia has an abundance of energy resources – not
  fully exploited for its popula>on;
§ Not enough investment in the energy sector;
§ Harambee is an opportunity for development and
§ Solar energy technologies should be promoted for
Namibia Energy Ins>tute   T:   +264 61 207 2589
                                                             F:   +264 61 207 9589
                                   17 Brahms Street
                                   Private Bag 13388         E:
                                   Windhoek                  W:

               Thank You.

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