Reopen Gabri COVID-19 Prevention & School Safety Plan - Last Updated: 2/25/21

Page created by Linda Shelton
Reopen Gabri COVID-19 Prevention & School Safety Plan - Last Updated: 2/25/21
Reopen Gabri

COVID-19 Prevention & School Safety Plan
             Last Updated: 2/25/21
Grounded in our guiding principle of safety, this
COVID-19 Prevention and Return to School
Safety Plan has been created based on the
requirements and recommendations from the

COVID-19 prevention and response efforts are
led by the GCS COVID-19 Task Force,
comprised of a variety of administrators and
staff members.

All protocols, procedures and guidance are
subject to change as the COVID-19 crisis
continues to evolve.
Slow the Spread of COVID-19
               What We Know                                                What We Can Do
●   COVID-19 is a respiratory illness caused by the novel      ●   Maintain at least 6 feet of physical distance.
    coronavirus SARS-COV-2.                                    ●   Wear a face covering.
●   The virus is predominantly spread through respiratory      ●   Increase ventilation, upgrade air filtration
    droplets produced by coughing, sneezing, singing,              systems.
    yelling.                                                   ●   Minimize physical interactions among individuals
●   The virus is most commonly transmitted between                 and shared items.
    people in close contact, within 6 ft of each other.        ●   Wash hands frequently.
●   The more people you have contact with, the greater         ●   Use hand sanitizer when hand washing
    the risk of contracting COVID-19.                              unavailable.
●   The virus can live on surfaces for hours or days, but is   ●   Refrain from touching eyes, nose or mouth.
    difficult to transmit unless an individual touches eyes,     ●   Disinfect high touch surfaces frequently.
    nose or mouth directly after touching surface.
 & Training
Authority & Accountability
GCS, in consultation with families and staff, implements the following guidelines and
requirements as set forth by state and local authorities:

 ●   COVID-19 and Reopening In-Person Instruction Framework & Public Health Guidance
     for K-12 Schools in California
 ●   COVID-19 School Guidance Checklist
 ●   CalOSHA COVID-19 Prevention Plan
 ●   Los Angeles County Department of Public Health K-12 Reopening Protocols
 ●   Los Angeles Unified School District

The GCS COVID-19 Task Force will conduct regular COVID-19 inspections to identify
unhealthy conditions, ensure compliance with our COVID-19 policies and procedures, and
make corrections as needed.
Training & Education
Comprehensive training will take place for all stakeholders (teachers,
administrators, students, families, and other staff) in preparation for a return to
campus. Training topics include, but are not limited to:

●   How COVID-19 spreads and its symptoms
●   The importance of, physical distancing, face coverings, healthy hygiene, and
●   COVID-19 policies and procedures
●   Information regarding COVID-19-related benefits for employees
Health &
Stable Groups
➢   Student groups: will have a fixed roster and will not intermingle
➢   Group Size: 6-14 students + Teacher & IA (or maximum of 16 individuals)
➢   Departmentalized Classes: No more than 2 teachers will rotate
    teaching a stable group

➢   Electives: will occur virtually
➢ SPED/RSP: staff will not enter more than 2 stable groups per day
Arrival, Dismissal & Transitions
➢ Arrival & Dismissal: multiple points of entry/exit and staggered times to
  minimize contact between students, staff and families
➢ No Parent Congregation: parents may not congregate at drop off or pick
➢ Breakfast: students will proceed directly to their classrooms immediately
  upon arrival and to eat breakfast
➢ Flow of Traffic: signage will be posted throughout the school to indicate
  traffic patterns to avoid close contact between individuals and groups
  during transition times
Face Coverings
➢ Face Coverings:
      ○   must be clean, intact, and cover the nose, mouth, and chin
      ○   must be worn at all times while on campus except in the following situations:
           ■ While eating or drinking
           ■ While alone in a room
           ■ While teaching or conducting an assessment and mouth must be in view
              (face shield w/ drape is required)
      ○   one will be provided to anyone on campus who needs one

Note: If an individual is unable to wear a face covering due to a documented medical condition,
GCS will work with you on an acceptable, safe alternative (i.e. working/ learning remotely)
Protective Barriers & PPE
➢   Protective Barriers: will be installed in the following locations/ scenarios:
      ○   At the front office reception desk
      ○   In SPED Rooms
      ○   In classrooms between student desks
      ○   Any other location identified where physical distancing is not possible

➢   PPE: Additional PPE (KN95 face masks, face shields, goggles, gowns, etc.) will
    be provided to those conducting activities that require it, such as:
      ○   Staff conducting health/temperature screenings
      ○   Staff supervising health services/ isolation or quarantine areas
      ○   Custodians that are disinfecting after an exposure

Note: Additional PPE may also be provided to staff upon request
Minimizing Shared Items
➢   Classroom Supplies: will be provided for each student

➢   No Sharing Permitted: of personal belongings, including food, clothing,
    toys/stuffed animals

➢   Minimize Shared Use: such as books and art supplies; disinfect shared items
    in between usage

➢   Water Fountains Restricted: reusable water bottles will be encouraged, and
    disposable water bottles provided to those that need them

➢   Digital Forms: will be used whenever possible and touchless transfer of
    materials and papers when necessary
Health Screening
➢ In order to enter campus, individuals will undergo a health screening,
  including a pre-screening wellness check using a Parent Square form
  and an onsite temperature check.

➢ An individual that does not pass the health screening, may not enter
  campus. If parent/ caregiver is not present for a student, the student
  will be given a medical-grade mask and escorted to the isolation area
  until pick up can be arranged.
Wellness Check
Wellness Check Questions                                   COVID-19 Symptoms
➢   In the last 14 days have you:                          ●   Fever of 100.4 or higher
      ○ experienced any COVID-19 symptoms ? (see list      ●   Chills, muscle or body aches
          to the right)                                    ●   Cough
      ○ had close contact with someone experiencing        ●   Fatigue
          COVID-19 symptoms or that has tested positive    ●   Sore throat
          for COVID-19?                                    ●   New loss of taste or smell
      ○ been informed by your medical provider or a test   ●   Congestion or runny nose
          that you are positive for COVID-19?              ●   Nausea or vomiting
      ○ been given an order to quarantine or isolate?      ●   Diarrhea
➢   Have you traveled outside CA in the past 10 days?      ●   Headache
➢   Do you feel well?
➢   Have you been as safe as possible?
Health Screenings, cont.
➢   Close Contacts: being within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more in 24 hours with or without a mask,
    or having unprotected contact with the infected person’s bodily fluid (e.g. being sneezed on)

➢   Chronic Conditions: if a student or staff member has chronic allergic or asthmatic symptoms
    (e.g., cough or runny nose), then a change in their symptoms from baseline would be
    considered a positive symptom.

➢   Becoming Ill at School (or learning of a positive test, or an exposure to COVID-19 while at
     ○   Staff Member: will be sent home immediately
     ○   Student: will be given a KN95 mask and escorted to the isolation area until arrangements can
         be made for pick up
     ○   Staff or student may be instructed to isolate, quarantine and/or undergo testing, pending the
     ○   If a positive test, diagnosis or exposure is confirmed, contact tracing will commence
Healthy Hygiene Practices
➢   Hand sanitizing: upon entry to campus

➢   Supplies: classrooms and offices stocked with hand sanitizer, handsoap,
    paper towels and tissue

➢   Touch-less hand sanitizing stations: installed at all entrances and stairwells

➢   Handwashing and Hygiene Posters: displayed throughout our schools

➢   Time built into daily schedule: at least every 2 hours to support hand washing

➢   Staggered schedules: to minimize traffic at handwashing stations
Physical Distancing
All individuals must maintain at least 6 feet distance (or 4 feet within stable groups) from others
             at all times, inside and outside classrooms, even while wearing a mask.
Limited Visitor and Volunteer Policy
➢    Only ‘essential’ visitors (providing critical service that cannot be completed remotely)
     allowed on campus for more than 5 minutes.

➢    ‘Essential’ visitors will participate in a health screening prior to school entry, and must
     wear a mask at all times. .

➢    Visitors to the office limited to one at a time (unless from the same household).

➢    Parent/ Guardians:
      ○   As much as possible, business will be conducted over email, the phone or at the gate
      ○   Virtual visits will be utilized for parent meetings with teachers and admin.
Physical Distancing in the Classroom
➢   Stable Groups: will limit the number of students on campus and within classrooms
    on any given day.

➢   Student Seating: will be situated at least 6 feet apart where possible and no less
    than 4 feet; desks will face the same direction.

➢   Barriers: will be used in classrooms where physical distancing of students is not
    possible, or if distance between desks is less than 6 feet.

➢   Desk Shields: will be used for every student, primarily during meals when face
    coverings are taken off.

➢   Seating Charts: will be consistent for all students.
Physical Distancing Outside the Classroom
➢   Shared Spaces: for congregation/assemblies will not be used at this time.

➢   Staggered Transitions: install floor decals to direct traffic flow through
    hallways and stairways.

➢   Stagger and Monitor Restroom Use: for maximum occupancy to maintain 6 ft.
    distancing and avoid mixing of student cohorts with plexiglass installed
    between sinks.

➢   Plexiglass Partitions: will be installed in front offices and between workspaces.

➢   Field Trips and On-Campus Events: are not allowed at this time.
Cleaning & Disinfecting
➢   High Touch Surfaces: cleaned & disinfected frequently by staff and custodians

➢   Shared Equipment: cleaned & disinfected after each use

➢   Routine Campus Cleaning: conducted nightly

➢   Deep Cleaning and Disinfecting: conducted after exposure

➢   Cleaning & Disinfecting Supplies: inventory maintained to support healthy practices

➢   Training: staff responsible for cleaning will be trained on appropriate use of provided
    cleaners and disinfectants

➢   Ventilation Systems: work with LAUSD to upgrade systems to MERV 13 rating &
    change filters regularly
Student &
Baseline & Surveillance Testing
➢   Baseline testing: staff and students will undergo an initial round of testing before
    returning to campus for the hybrid model to inform a safe re-opening of in-person

➢   Surveillance testing (aka- asymptomatic testing): used for surveillance of the
    school population and to identify asymptomatic COVID-19 positive students and

➢   Surveillance Testing Cadence: GCS will follow the cadence of testing
    recommended by CA Safe Schools for All or LAUSD, whichever is more frequent.

➢   Surveillance Testing Provider: GCS has partnered with Coverify Health to provide
    surveillance testing. Coverify Health utilizes CLIA certified lab-based PCR tests.
Symptomatic & Response Testing
Symptomatic and Response Testing is required in all tiers.

➢    Symptomatic testing: This testing will be used for individuals with symptoms of

➢    Response testing: This testing will be used to identify positive individuals once a
     case has been identified on campus. Response-based testing can be provided for
     symptomatic individuals or for asymptomatic individuals with known or suspected
     exposure to an individual infected with COVID-19.

➢    Access to testing: GCS will provide testing on campus through our testing vendor,
     or may refer staff or students to their medical care provider, county or other free
     testing provider. Any required testing will be at no cost to the employee during work

➢ At this time, GCS highly encourages but does not require
  staff to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
➢ Staff that wish to get the COVID- 19 vaccine are able to do
  so during work hours without loss of pay.
COVID-19 Exposure Response
In alignment with LA County Department of Public Health, GCS will use the Decision Pathways
and employ the Exposure Management Plan when responding to COVID-19 cases, suspected
cases and exposures.
 1.   Identify suspected cases of COVID-19 prior to school entry.

 2.   Identify and separate suspected cases of COVID-19 during the school day.

 3.   Respond quickly to confirmed cases of COVID-19 amongst staff members or students.

 4.   Identify & notify individuals at school who were exposed to a confirmed case in order to limit
      any further transmission of COVID-19.
Please note that all medical information reported to the school is kept confidential, with the exception of that which we are
legally required to report to LA County Department of Public Health for contact tracing purposes. The names of students
quarantining or isolating due to COVID-19 will never be shared with the school community
Isolation & Quarantine

➢   Isolation- individuals with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection will be
    provided with information to self- isolate in accordance with LA County
    Department of Public Health

➢   Quarantine- close contacts and cohorts with an exposure will be provided
    with information to quarantine in accordance with LA County Department of
    Public Health
COVID-19 Reporting

➢ Reporting
  ○ Individual Cases- GCS will report individual cases within 1
     business day to the LA County Department of Public Health
  ○ Outbreaks- will be reported to the LA County Department of
     Public Health immediately
  ○ COVID-19 case information will be reported to CalOSHA when
     required by law
  ○ Co-located principal will be notified of GCS related cases, but
     will not receive any personal information.

➢ Record Keeping- GCS will keep records of the steps taken to
  implement our safety plan and all COVID-19 cases
COVID-19 Communication

➢   Communication: Our goal is to ensure that we have effective two-way
    communication with our employees, in a form they can readily understand, and that
    it includes the following information:
      ○ That employees should report COVID-19 symptoms and possible hazards to an
           office staff member or the Director of Operations by email, text or phone call.
      ○ That employees can report symptoms and hazards without fear of reprisal.
      ○ Our procedures or policies for accommodating employees with medical or
           other conditions that put them at increased risk of severe COVID-19 illness.
      ○ In the event we are required to provide testing because of a workplace
           exposure or outbreak, we will communicate the plan for providing testing and
           inform affected employees of the reason for the testing and the possible
           consequences of a positive test.
Return to Work/ School
Staff and Students will be able to return to school after quarantine/isolation under the following
➢     Symptomatic COVID-19 cases: will return to work/school once all the following have occurred:
         o At least 24 hours have passed since a fever of 100.4 or higher has resolved without the use of fever-reducing
         o COVID-19 symptoms have improved.
         o At least 10 days have passed since COVID-19 symptoms first appeared.

 ➢    Asymptomatic COVID-19 cases: will return to work/school once a minimum of 10 days have
      passed since the date of specimen collection of their first positive COVID-19 test.

 ➢    Isolation or Quarantine: If ordered by a local or state health official, the staff member/ student will
      not return to work/school until the period of isolation or quarantine is completed or the order is
      lifted. If no period was specified, then the period will be 10 days from the time the order to isolate
      was effective, or 14 days from the time the order to quarantine was effective.
Note: A negative COVID-19 test will not be required for a staff member/ student to return to work/ school.
COVID-19 School

  February 22, 2021
Date: ___________

2021 COVID-19 School Guidance Checklist
                                                 Gabriella Charter School
Name of Local Educational Agency or Equivalent: _____________________________
Number of schools: ________________
Enrollment ________________________ `
                                      Derek Hubbard
Superintendent (or equivalent) Name: ______________________________________
         1435 Logan Street                                 (213) 413-5741
Address: ______________________  _       Phone Number: ___________________
 Los Angeles, CA 90026                 
____________________________________     Email: ___________________________
Date of proposed reopening:
         Los Angeles
County: ____________________________
                                            Grade Level (check all that apply)
Current Tier: ________________________      ☐ TK ☐ 2nd ☐ 5th ☐ 8th ☐ 11th
(please indicate Purple, Red, Orange or
                                            ☐K     ☐ 3rd ☐ 6th ☐ 9th ☐ 12th
                                            ☐1st   ☐ 4th ☐ 7th ☐ 10th
              Charter School
Type of LEA: ________________________

This form and any applicable attachments should be posted publicly on the
website of the local educational agency (or equivalent) prior to reopening or if
an LEA or equivalent has already opened for in-person instruction. For those in
the Purple Tier and not yet open, materials must additionally be submitted to
your local health officer (LHO) and the State School Safety Team prior to
reopening, per the Guidance on Schools.
The email address for submission to the State School Safety for All Team for LEAs
in Purple Tier is:
LEAs or equivalent in Counties with a case rate >=25/100,000 individuals can
submit materials but cannot re-open a school until the county is below 25 cases
per 100,000 (adjusted rate).

For Local Educational Agencies (LEAs or equivalent) in ALL TIERS:
      Derek Hubbard
☐ I, ______________________________, post to the website of the local educational
agency (or equivalent) the COVID Safety Plan, which consists of two elements:
the COVID-19 Prevention Program (CPP), pursuant to CalOSHA requirements,
and this CDPH COVID-19 Guidance Checklist and accompanying documents,
which satisfies requirements for the safe reopening of schools per CDPH
Guidance on Schools. For those seeking to open while in the Purple Tier, these
plans have also been submitted to the local health officer (LHO) and the State
School Safety Team.

I confirm that reopening plan(s) address the following, consistent with guidance
from the California Department of Public Health and the local health

    ☐ Stable group structures (where applicable): How students and staff will
    be kept in stable groups with fixed membership that stay together for all
    activities (e.g., instruction, lunch, recess) and minimize/avoid contact with
    other groups or individuals who are not part of the stable group.

    Please provide specific information regarding:

    How many students and staff will be in each planned stable, group
    structure? (If planning more than one type of group, what is the minimum
    and maximum number of students and staff in the groups?)
     6-14 students, and 2 staff (maximum of 16 individuals)

    If you have departmentalized classes, how will you organize staff and
    students in stable groups?
      No more than 2 teachers will rotate teaching a stable group

    If you have electives, how will you prevent or minimize in-person contact for
    members of different stable groups?
      Electives will be conducted virtually

    ☐ Entrance, Egress, and Movement Within the School: How movement of
    students, staff, and parents will be managed to avoid close contact and/or
    mixing of cohorts.

    ☐ Face Coverings and Other Essential Protective Gear: How CDPH’s face
    covering requirements will be satisfied and enforced for staff and students.

    ☐ Health Screenings for Students and Staff: How students and staff will be
    screened for symptoms of COVID-19 and how ill students or staff will be
    separated from others and sent home immediately.

    ☐ Healthy Hygiene Practices: The availability of handwashing stations and
    hand sanitizer, and how their safe and appropriate use will be promoted
    and incorporated into routines for staff and students.
☐ Identification and Tracing of Contacts: Actions that staff will take when
there is a confirmed case. Confirm that the school(s) have designated staff
persons to support contact tracing, such as creation and submission of lists
of exposed students and staff to the local health department and
notification of exposed persons. Each school must designate a person for
the local health department to contact about COVID-19.

☐ Physical Distancing: How space and routines will be arranged to allow
for physical distancing of students and staff.

Please provide the planned maximum and minimum distance between
students in classrooms.
Maximum _______________ feet
Minimum ________________      feet. If this is less than 6 feet, please explain why
it is not possible to maintain a minimum of at least 6 feet.
 Some classroom layouts do not permit 6 ft, in which case barriers will be used.

☐ Staff Training and Family Education: How staff will be trained and families
will be educated on the application and enforcement of the plan.

☐ Testing of Staff: How school officials will ensure that students and staff
who have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone with
COVID-19 will be rapidly tested and what instructions they will be given
while waiting for test results. Below, please describe any planned periodic
asymptomatic staff testing cadence.

Staff asymptomatic testing cadence. Please note if testing cadence will
differ by tier:
 GCS will follow the state or LAUSD recommended cadence, whichever is more frequent

☐ Testing of Students: How school officials will ensure that students who
have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone with
COVID-19 will be rapidly tested and what instructions they will be given
while waiting for test results. Below, please describe any planned periodic
asymptomatic student testing cadence.

Planned student testing cadence. Please note if testing cadence will differ
by tier:
 GCS will follow the state or LAUSD recommended cadence, whichever is more frequent
☐ Identification and Reporting of Cases: At all times, reporting of confirmed
        positive and suspected cases in students, staff and employees will be
        consistent with Reporting Requirements.

        ☐ Communication Plans: How the superintendent will communicate with
        students, staff, and parents about cases and exposures at the school,
        consistent with privacy requirements such as FERPA and HIPAA.

        ☐ Consultation: (For schools not previously open) Please confirm
        consultation with the following groups
               ☐ Labor Organization
                        Name of Organization(s) and Date(s) Consulted:
                                Name: ________________________________
                                Date: ________________________________
               ☐■ Parent and Community Organizations
                        Name of Organization(s) and Date(s) Consulted:
                                Name: ________________________________
                                        School Site Council, Coffee w/ the Principal
                                Date: ________________________________
                                        2/18/21, 2/23/21

         If no labor organization represents staff at the school, please describe the
         process for consultation with school staff:
           Staff were consulted during "listening parties" conducted on 2/19/21 and 2/24/21. Additionally,
          a committee comprised of multiple staff members were involved in the creation of the plans.


   For Local Educational Agencies (LEAs or equivalent) in PURPLE:

     ☐ Date of Submission to Local Health Department: __________________.
       Note: LEAs intending to re-open K-6 schools while in the Purple Tier are to submit the
       CSP to the LHD and the State Safe Schools for All Team concurrently.

   Additional Resources:
   Guidance on Schools
   Safe Schools for All Hub

Note: This checklist was amended on January 29th to delete language regarding the need to
submit this checklist to a County Office of Education. The CSP does not need to be submitted to
the County Office of Education as part of the public health guidance, though the County Office
of Education may request the CSP as part of other processes.
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