Residents News January 2022 - Mountainview Village

Page created by Janice Barton
Residents News
                                              January 2022

I hope you have all
had a wonderful
time over the
Christmas / New
Year period.
We have all had
relative freedom over
this time, but as you
will all know we are
now, like many other
countries, being
faced with the
challenges of -
‘life with Covid’.
Please keep safe,
follow the guidelines
& advise the office or
Raylene of any
concerns you may

    Trustees: Caroline Breen, Helen Carter (Chair), Robin Harrison, Desmond Prisk,
                    Graeme Thompson & Julia Traylor (Asst. Chair)
              Your Residents Representatives: David Darling & Gavin Pike
         Important Contacts: Support Person - Raylene Cowles 021 02358151,
      Maintenance - Roly Veitch 6862662, Trust Secretary - Mark Evans 6879222,
                        Village Office - Donna / Ruth 6881348
  Website:, Email:
A New Year Quote; Every day is a fresh start
                           for you. Every sunrise is a new chapter in your
                           life waiting to be written. - Juansen Dizon

                           A huge thank you to Brenda, for live streaming Garry
                           Dumble’s funeral service from the John Stubbs
                           Centre. This enabled those residents unable to WELFARE COMMITTEE
                           attend the service in town, to hear the informative
                           service which detailed Garry’s very full life.        Convenor
                                                                                Ann Munro
New residents will be visited and welcomed next month.
                                                                                     Joan Caswell
Ideas for Health days are always appreciated.
                                                                                    Raylene Cowles
 NEXT MEETING                                                                        Noeline Farr
                        Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a
                                                                                         Jill Hull
 7 February 2022        new place for new ideas.
                                                                                   Indi Jeeveratnam
     @ 4pm                                                                         Mary Woodnorth
                        Ann Munro, Convenor
                                                                                      Barry Yates

                                                                                    January 2022 - - Page 2
                                                                            JANUARY 2022
                                                                       Angela Kerr & Marie Dey

                             New Years Eve
                             53 people attended the New Years Eve party at the Community Centre
                             and it had been advertised as a BYO evening.

                              Helen McHaffie played the piano and Kay Benge read out some poems.
ENTERTAINMENT        After which Breda Lyon showed a Danny Kaye film on the large screen.
  COMMITTEE          After the film Helen McHaffie read out some Pam Ayres poems.

   Convenor          The finger food supper provided by the residents attending was excellent and
  Derrick Peck       enjoyed by all. After supper, Helen McHaffie played the piano and ending up
                     with Auld Lang Syne.
   Members           Those that were still there at midnight watched the light display on the
                     Auckland Harbour Bridge and Sky Tower on the small TV screen from TV One.
   John Black        No midnight fireworks from Caroline Bay on the night as they had been
   Marie Dey         cancelled.
  Eve Kelliher       The Christmas Decorations were taken down on Sunday 9th January.
  Angela Kerr
  Brenda Lyon        Happy New Year to you all.
 Helen Thickett
                     Derrick Peck                           NEXT MEETING
                     Convenor                     Thursday 10th February 2022 @ 4pm

                                    Hopefully by now, you have recommenced Sports and
   SPORTS                           Recreational activities for 2020 and that there are a few
                                    new participants lining up to be involved. There is plenty of
    &                               room for anyone wishing to partake. “Unsure how to play,
                                    don’t worry lessons are free.” Just remember it is about
       RECREATION                   participating not necessarily winning that counts.

            COMMITTEE           The Village Sports & Recreation afternoon is
  SPORTS & RECREATION           to be held on Sunday 6th February 2020, at
      COMMITTEE             2pm come along and join      in the fun.
        Convenor            Gavin Pike
        Gavin Pike          Convenor
     Janice Gresham,       Triominos is looking for players. Mondays at 1.30, if you can count
       John Gresham                      to 100 and beyond you can play this game.
  John Kelliher, Tony Kerr
 Faye Pringle, Norma Shaw
                                                                      NEXT MEETING
Anne Watson, Mark Welford
                                                             Friday 11th February 2022 @ 9am

                                                                                January 2022 - - Page 3
                                      Re Judder Bars

 As the result of Matt our gardener being almost knocked down by a vehicle entering the village, greatly
 exceeding the advertised speed limit of 15 kph and in the interests of safety, a Mountain View Village
 Trust decision was made to fit a new judder bar on the left side of the entrance road. Some vehicles
 when coming into the village were then driven around the new judder bar onto the wrong side of the
 road into the path of on coming traffic leaving the village, with the potential to cause an accident. In an
 effort to prevent an accident from happening, the Trust approved installing another judder bar on the
 left side of the road exiting the village. This arrangement is quite common and is the same as you will
 find at the entrance to Elloughton Gardens and Strathallan Village.

 On 4/1/2022 at 2:18am a man entered the village from Pages Road and proceeded to remove the
 newly installed judder bar. He then deposited the judder bar and fittings among the shrubs behind the
 main entrance feature wall. This was all recorded on the entrance security camera and the footage,
 with a clear view of the person involved, has been passed on to the police. The MVVT consider this as
 an act of vandalism.

 The incident was reported to the Police who confirmed what the Trust already knew, that MVVT have
 the authority to install judder bars and traffic control measures. Police also confirmed that it is an
 offence to remove judder bars without approval and that a prosecution could follow if proven.

 Let’s all do the right thing, keep the village safe, keep to the left-hand side of the road, keep to the
 speed rules, ask friends, relatives, care givers, delivery drivers, trades people, and any visitors to keep
 the 15kph limit.

                              Robin Harrison, Chief Warden.

                                      BLOKES MORNING TEA
In December, Resident Mark Welford was invited back to Talk on his passion “HAM Radio” and bought
with him a range of miniaturized gadgetry he used to contact fellow ‘Hams’ around the world. The term
“ham” is a nickname for amateur radio operators.

Mark finished with a demonstration by contacting his Dad in Oamaru and also Jim Simmonds. What an
amazingly technical and absorbing hobby using this complex radio system of communication. Mark Spoke
of Legal requirements and equipment available to users and the Family atmosphere of contacts he has

Ray Smith, Convener

                                                                                         January 2022 - - Page 4
Library Notes

                          I hope you have all enjoyed some good books over the last few weeks

                        Please could we have Timaru Library Books back in the
     LIBRARY            Library by February 12th as it is change over time again.
                        We have bought more new books which will go out over
 Joint Convenors        next couple of months
   Trish O’Brien
 Lorraine Watkins       Thank you to the many of you who are writing the take out
                        date in back of library books it is a great help.
    John Gresham
                   Enjoy your reading
Jeeves Jeevaratnam
      Doug Kelly
   Lynne Kroening
   Shirley Malthus
 Jeananne McInnes
   Beverley Ward

APPLES NEVER FALL by Liane Moriarty
Reviewed by Lynne Kroening

Liane Moriarty carefully and skilfully crafts her characters, the Delaneys, in such a
way that you believe them to be a very normal family. Stan and Joy owned a tennis
coaching business but they are now adjusting to retirement. When Joy suddenly,
and uncharacteristically, disappears Stan and their four adult children are cast into
the spotlight. They frantically examine their own and each others’ relationships
while trying to reach a conclusion. – Is Joy still alive? Will she return home? Is the
stranger who shared their house involved?
Liane Moriarty builds the suspense superbly, drip-feeding new facts and innuendoes in such a was that I
had to keep reading. And the ending will amaze you! An excellent read.

THE PLOT By Jean Hanff Korelitz.
Reviewed by Trish O’Brien

Jacob Finch Tanner a writer down on his luck and teaching Creative writing at a third
rate University . When in comes a student with a fabulous plot. Some years later this
book has not been published so Jacob uses the plot. The book is a huge success and
his life is completely changed for the better. Life is great until an email arrived
accusing him of theft.
Jacob risks losing everything how will he go about solving this and how much danger

                                                                                        January 2022 - - Page 5
Library Notes                      cont… ..

THE NINE By Gwen Strauss.
Reviewed by Trish O’Brien

There were many woman and girls involved in the French and Dutch Resistance
during World War 2 and many of them were arrested, tortured sent into Germany
to Leipzig Concentration Camp, where nine of them formed a powerful friendship.
In 1945 On a forced death march these nine managed to escape. Determined to
survive and with one of the women able to speak five languages they managed to
make it through to freedom. In 2002 Gwen Strauss was told some of the story by
her Great Aunt Helene Fascinated she asked more question's and so the book
Their resilience, courage and friendship helped them to keep going in the camp and
during their escape.
Each womans story was a little different and left its mark in different ways. Looking
back over the years, with thoughts from younger generations you realise the impact that war and
internment had on both them and their families continued through the generations.

                                                      Please note: There will be no
                                                      choir on Fridays - until further

                                         UPDATE FROM THE VILLAGE OFFICE

                             Ruth’s holidays that were previously planned for January - but had to
                                              postponed, will now commence on
                                     Thursday 27th Jan and run through to Friday 11th Feb

                                        During this time the office will only be open on
                                          Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10.30am - 3pm

   Personal note from Donna - can you all please ‘be kind’ to those who are required to maintain the
    Covid-19 regulations in the Community Centre, ‘ it is a necessary - but not always pleasant task’

                                                                                      January 2022 - - Page 6
Peel View Place Luncheon -
   New Years Day 2022

                             January 2022 - - Page 7

                                 On Thursday 13th January, Fleur and Pat Kinney
                                 celebrated 60 years of marriage with family and friends
                                 at their home. Welcoming us at their door was a
                                 mannequin dressed in Fleur’s wedding dress. Comment
                                 was made on how beautiful and well preserved the dress
                                 was. Afternoon tea was served on tables adorned with
                                 embroidered cloths, which were wedding presents, as
                                 were the glasses and china being used. Lovely
                                 reminders of sixty years marriage.

                                 Jenny Simmonds

        New Residents & updates for your Village Telephone directory

                    Mrs Ronalda Esler - 23 Grange Close
                    Phone: 6866536, Cell: 027 9127774

                    Valerie Fahey - 30 Stenhouse Drive
February 2022
                    Phone: 022 1775017

                    Peter & Yvonne Thompson - 29 Stenhouse Drive

                    Welcome - we hope you enjoy your new ‘home’

                          Our first meeting for 2022 is on Tuesday 8th
                                       February at 10am.
                     John Demmer has offered to show a film on gardens
                             (yet to be decided) at 10.30am.
                                       See you there


                Thank you, Raylene

                                                                        January 2022 - - Page 8
Maurice came into the Village following his marriage to Barbara in 2004. He and Barbara met through
their common interest in lawn bowls, a game Maurice did not begin playing until he was 61. He played
for the satisfaction, not the rewards. After Maurice’s death Barbara found his gold star, still in its
packet. The gold star was the bowls ultimate reward for gaining 9 medals with gold bars. Maurice
played for Kia Toa club, whilst living in the Village but never played on the Village bowling green.

Maurice was a very keen Jazz follower and always wanted to go to New Orleans; shortly after their
marriage he and Barbara enjoyed a trip right across America, starting in Los Angles taking in many Jazz
musicals. This was followed by a cruise down and around the Caribbean. Later another trip was
undertaken to Hawaii.

Keen on travelling Maurice and Barbara travelled on a Village organised trip to Norfolk Island.

A very keen sportsman since High School, Ken Willox’s representing Southland, remembers playing
Soccer against Maurice in South Canterbury.

Maurice was the convenor of the Entertainment Committee for a few years. During this time he
arranged with the Caterer at the Levels Golf course, where he played golf, to cater a monthly dinner
for Mountain View Village Residents, at the Club house. At times 50 residents enjoyed the dinners and
the fellowship.

Maurice was a valuable residents’ representative on the MVV Trust from 2008 – 2010. With his back
ground as an accountant on the Timaru Hospital Board for 40 years, he understood meeting protocol.

Three allotments, kept Maurice happy producing fresh produce and, enjoying the company of other
keen gardeners. 500 card nights, he thoroughly enjoyed, also Blokes Morning Tea and Happy Hour.

For the greater part of Maurice’s seventeen years in the Village, they were full and happy years.

Thank you Maurice, for the time you gave to the Village.

From a recording with Barbara Purcell, January 2022. Ann Munro

                                                                                      January 2022 - - Page 9
Our normal late December visit by the band was
postponed due to a very wet day, however the
following week they arrived on a glorious evening and
played to a large number of residents.
An ideal venue.

Jenny Simmonds

                                  January 2022 - - Page 10
Newsletter Cut Off Date
      21 February 2022
   Please send all Newsletter
      Contributions to….. Thank you.                                                      Village
                                                                                   Thursday 3rd
                                                                                   February 2022
                                                                                      @ 11am
                 Rates Rebate forms                                                 All Welcome
  Can be collected from the Village Office from
         Thursday 10th February 2022

                 Bloke’s                  Speaker: TOM HENDERSON
                                 Village resident Tom will be speaking on the           Tuesday
                                                 “Ophua Dam”
                   Tea                All welcome to bring another Bloke.
                Monday 7th        *Tea Stewards: Ray Smith & Lester Frame
                FEB. 2022                      Thanks, Ray Smith                       15 February

    February 2022                                    SUNDAY DINNER DINE OUT
 FRIDAY NIGHT DELL DUTIES:                                13th February at 12noon
     Tony & Angela Kerr
                                                     Zest Restaurant
 Lex Hoogenraad & Tony Kerr                              4 Elizabeth Place, Timaru

 Thank you for your help                                        All Welcome
                                                  Please put your name down on the Notice
                                                 Board in the Village Office by Thursday 10th
                                                              February by 4pm
                                                     If you need transport please contact
                                                             Helen Thickett 614 7363

                                                                                        January 2022 - - Page 11
REGULAR                 Office Hours
                                              Mon - Fri     IMPORTANT DATES
                                           10.30 - 2.30pm
                     DATES                                    February 2022
            Dinner Dine-out 12 (2nd wk/mth)           Thursday 3rd      Church Service 11

            Musical Afternoon 2pm (in recess)         Sunday 6th        Sports & Recreation Afternoon 2
                                                      Monday 7th        Blokes Morning Tea 10

            Blokes Morning Tea 10 (1st wk/mth)        Monday 7th        Welfare Comm. Mtg 4

            Triominos 1.30                            Thursday 10th     Entertainment Comm. Mtg 4
            Indoor Bowls 1.30 - seasonal
            Table Tennis 4                            Thursday 10th     Ladies Cuppa ‘n Chat 10
                                                      Friday 11th       Sports Comm. Mtg 9
            Chi+Movement 9.45am                       Sunday 13th       Sunday Dinner Dine Out 12noon
            Garden Group 10 (2nd wk/mth)              Tuesday 15th      PODIATRIST
            (China Painting 1.30 (1st & 3rd wk/mth)
                                                      Monday 21st       Newsletter Cut Off
            Rummikub 1.30 - seasonal

            Craft & Chat 2                            Monday 21st       Convenors Mtg 9.30
            Table Tennis 4
            Wine Appreciation 7 (2nd wk/mth)
            - seasonal

            Golf Croquet 10.30 - seasonal

            Outdoor Bowls 1.30 - seasonal
            Mah Jong 1.30
            Table Tennis 4

            Ladies Cuppa ‘n Chat 10
            (2nd wk/mth)                                              Some Statistics
            Church Service 11 (1st wk/mth)

            Upright and Active 1                                    13 Residents Celebrating
            Petanque 1.30 (in recess)                                 4 Men & 9 Ladies
            (Housie)Rummikub 2 - seasonal
            Table Tennis 4                             Age Range 57 - 99 Both are Youngest &
            Cards 500 7 - none June/July                      Oldest residents in Village

            MV Village Choir Practice 1.30              Decades 1x50’s, 1x60’s, 4x70’s, 6x80’s,

            Social Hour 4.30                                      1x90’s. Ave Age 79
                                                               Shared Birthdays 8th & 19th

            Table Tennis 10

            Movie 1.30 (none Feb)

                                                                                       January 2022 - - Page 12
SUNDAY             MONDAY                  TUESDAY                 WEDNESDAY                    THURSDAY                    FRIDAY               SATURDAY

                              All Groups subject to Covid                   ALL Groups su1                          2                           3                        4                     5
                           Restrictions, if unsure, check with       Chi+Movement 9.45         Golf Croquet 10.30           OFFICE CLOSED             OFFICE CLOSED          Table Tennis 10
                                                                     China Painting 1.30       Outdoor Bowls 1.30          Church Service 11          Social Hour 4.30
                                     Group Leaders
                                                                        Craft & Chat 2           Mah Jong 1.30             Upright & Active 1
                                                                        Table Tennis 4           Table Tennis 4              Rummikub 2
                                                                                                                            Table Tennis 4
                                                                                                                              Cards 500 7
                                        6                       7                          8                        9                          10                     11                   12
                           Happy Waitangi      OFFICE CLOSED         Chi+Movement 9.45         Golf Croquet 10.30            OFFICE CLOSED            OFFICE CLOSED          Table Tennis 10
                            Day everyone    Blokes Morning Tea 10     Garden Group 10          Outdoor Bowls 1.30        Ladies Cuppa ‘n Chat 10     Sports Committee
                                                Triominos 1.30          Craft & Chat 2           Mah Jong 1.30              Upright & Active 1          Meeting 9
                              Sports &          Table Tennis 4          Table Tennis 4           Table Tennis 4                Rummikub 2             Social Hour 4.30
                             Recreation      Welfare Committee       Wine Appreciation 7                                      Table Tennis 4
                           Afternoon 2pm         Meeting 4pm                                                                   Cards 500 7
                                                                                                                        Entertainment Committee

                                      13                        14                      15                      16                              17                    18                   19
                            Dinner Dine        Triominos 1.30            PODIATRIST            Golf Croquet 10.30          Upright & Active 1         Social Hour 4.30       Table Tennis 10
                            Out 12noon         Table Tennis 4        Chi+Movement 9.45         Outdoor Bowls 1.30            Rummikub 2
                                                                     China Painting 1.30         Mah Jong 1.30              Table Tennis 4
                                                                        Craft & Chat 2           Table Tennis 4               Cards 500 7
                                                                        Table Tennis 4

                                      20                       21                      22                       23                              24                    25                   26
                                            NEWSLETTER CUT-OFF       Chi+Movement 9.45         Golf Croquet 10.30          Upright & Active 1         Social Hour 4.30       Table Tennis 10
                                            Convenors Mtg 9.30am        Craft & Chat 2         Outdoor Bowls 1.30            Rummikub 2
                                               Triominos 1.30           Table Tennis 4           Mah Jong 1.30              Table Tennis 4
                                                Table Tennis 4                                   Table Tennis 4               Cards 500 7

                                      27                        28
                                               Triominos 1.30
                                               Table Tennis 4

January 2022 - - Page 13
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