Resilience in a Time of Crisis - Thank you for supporting the fight in 2020 - 2020 IMPACT REPORT

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Resilience in a Time of Crisis - Thank you for supporting the fight in 2020 - 2020 IMPACT REPORT

Resilience in a
Time of Crisis
Thank you for supporting the fight in 2020
Resilience in a Time of Crisis - Thank you for supporting the fight in 2020 - 2020 IMPACT REPORT
“We are living through a
complicated time where the
landscape for Canadian
charities has changed rapidly.
But the work of Diabetes
Canada, on behalf of the one
in three Canadians living with
diabetes or prediabetes (which
includes me), has never been
more relevant and essential.”
Laura Syron, President and CEO
Resilience in a Time of Crisis - Thank you for supporting the fight in 2020 - 2020 IMPACT REPORT
 2   Recovery and resilience in a time of crisis

 3   Working together to End Diabetes

 4   A message from our Chair of the Board

 5   A message from our new President & CEO

 6   Improving health outcomes during
     the pandemic and beyond

 7   Supporting excellence in diabetes care

 8   Fighting on behalf of every Canadian
     affected by diabetes

10   Connecting youth when they need it the most

12   Making progress from coast to coast

14   Meet three top researchers who are
     searching for life-changing answers

16   Independent Auditor’s Report

17   2020 Financial Statements

18   Summary Statement of Financial Position

19   Statement of Revenue and Expenses

20   2020 Diabetes Canada Supporters

29   Leadership Team, Board of Directors,
     and 2020 Regional Chairs

                                                   2020 Impact Report   Diabetes Canada   1
Resilience in a Time of Crisis - Thank you for supporting the fight in 2020 - 2020 IMPACT REPORT
Recovery and
    resilience in a
    time of crisis
    With the support of generous donors and partners like
    you, Diabetes Canada continued to lead the fight against
    diabetes in 2020, despite the many challenges that the
    COVID-19 pandemic created.

    In a year of crisis, when people affected by diabetes needed the support of
    Diabetes Canada more than ever, we quickly responded—with valued resources
    and new programs and services.

    Here are just a few examples:

     • Our new Diabetes Education Line, in collaboration with volunteer Certified
        Diabetes Educators (CDEs), supported almost 200 people with concerns and
        questions related to COVID-19.

     • To assist people looking for information about diabetes management amid
        the pandemic, Diabetes Canada hosted 23 patient-facing webinars in nine
        languages that had more than 33,000 views in total.

     • A new COVID-19 section on the Diabetes Canada website shared accurate
        and up-to-date information for health-care providers, and people living
        diabetes and their caregivers.

     • Diabetes Canada collaborated with Health Canada and various diabetes
        partners to protect Canada’s insulin supply during COVID-19.

     • We launched Dose of D-Camps, five free virtual one-week programs for
        children and youth affected by type 1 diabetes that were attended by more
        than 430 campers.

     • Featuring 22 expert speakers and 24 interactive chat rooms, the inaugural
        virtual No Limits with T1D conference hosted more than 2,200 people from
        the type 1 diabetes community.

     • In our first nation-wide virtual fundraising event, Lace Up for Diabetes,
        people from across Canada laced up their shoes to walk, run, dance, bike or
        hike 10 km to help raise awareness about diabetes and funds in support of
        people living with the disease. Thank you to our sponsors and participants
        who raised $150,000 – exceeding our goal by $50,000.

2   Diabetes Canada   2020 Impact Report
Resilience in a Time of Crisis - Thank you for supporting the fight in 2020 - 2020 IMPACT REPORT
                                                PROVIDING VITAL                 EDUCATING
                                                SUPPORT                         THE PUBLIC
                                                23,610 people accessed          3.5 million unique visitors
                                                compassionate support           accessed Diabetes Canada’s
                                                and vital resources             website to find essential
                                                through 1-800-BANTING,          diabetes information.
                                                Diabetes Canada’s
                                                information and                 KEEPING YOUTH
                                                support services.               CONNECTED
                                                                                430+ children and youth
                                                SUPPORTING HEALTH-              with type 1 diabetes and
                                                CARE PROVIDERS                  their families attended
                                                307,000 unique visitors         Dose of D-Camps online.
                                                accessed our world-
                                                class Clinical Practice         SUPPORTING THE
                                                Guidelines online.              CAUSE AND THE
                                                                                ENVIRONMENT TOO
                                                ADVOCATING FOR                  Approximately 100 million
                                                ACCESS TO LIFE-                 pounds of donated
                                                CHANGING DEVICES                items were collected and
                                                18,500 letters were sent        diverted from landfill
                                                to elected officials calling    through Diabetes Canada’s
                                                for coverage of flash           social enterprise, National
                                                and continuous glucose          Diabetes Trust clothing
                                                monitoring devices.             collection program.

                                      In 2020, with the support of generous donors and partners
                                      like you, Diabetes Canada continued to work toward ending
                                      diabetes through:

together                              Advocacy
                                      Our ongoing fight for the rights of Canadians affected by

to End
                                      diabetes through Diabetes 360° included such issues as
                                      advocating for government coverage of medication and
                                      equipment, and access to the disability tax credit.

Diabetes                              Education
                                      We supported health-care providers on the front lines of
                                      care with our Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and
Diabetes Canada has been              Management of Diabetes in Canada (Clinical Practice Guidelines) and
leading the fight against diabetes    educational events. We also continued to provide prevention
                                      programs and self-assessment tools to help people reduce
since 1953. We remain committed
                                      their risk of diabetes.
to doing all that we can to prevent
diabetes, help those affected by
                                      We funded some of Canada's most renowned scientists and
the disease live healthy lives, and   clinicians in their quest for new and innovative developments
ultimately find a cure.               in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetes.

                                                                          2020 Impact Report   Diabetes Canada   3
Resilience in a Time of Crisis - Thank you for supporting the fight in 2020 - 2020 IMPACT REPORT
A message from our

                                     Chair of the Board
                                     Building on the momentum of a very          At the same time, the Board was
                                     successful 2019, Diabetes Canada’s          searching for a new president and
                                     plans to improve diabetes awareness,        CEO following the retirement of Dr. Jan
                                     prevention and care were well underway      Hux at the end of 2019. The pandemic
                                     at the beginning of 2020. We had such       added a layer of difficulty, and urgency,
                                     high hopes and expectations for the year.   to our search. Fortunately, we found
                                                                                 the right leader in Laura Syron. With
                                     Little did any of us know what lay ahead.   her extensive experience in the not-
                                     When the COVID-19 pandemic hit,             for-profit sector, leading both mission
                                     everything changed for people living        and fundraising efforts, she had the
                                     with diabetes, for Diabetes Canada, and     Board’s full confidence that she could
    Thank you for                    for all Canadians.                          lead the organization forward during the
    standing by us in                                                            pandemic and beyond.
    these difficult times.           In the first few months of the pandemic,
                                     Diabetes Canada quickly responded—          With Laura at the helm, and donors
                                     creating a new section on the Diabetes      and stakeholders like you by our side,
                                     Canada website and launching the            Diabetes Canada remains as committed
                                     Diabetes Education Line to answer           as ever to our mission to End Diabetes.
                                     questions related to COVID-19. People       Your trust in us as we navigate these
                                     living with diabetes face an increased      turbulent times, and your continued
                                     risk for some infections, which             support as we forge ahead in our new
                                     makes them even more vulnerable             reality, mean the world to everyone at
                                     to COVID-19—so timely access to             Diabetes Canada and to the millions
                                     information and support was critical.       of Canadians living with diabetes or
                                     As the pandemic raged on, and we felt
                                     the financial impact more and more,
                                     we had to rethink and re-invent how
                                     to deliver more of our programs, from       Catherine Potechin
                                     D-Camps to professional conferences, all    Chair of the Board
                                     while ensuring vital research continued.

4   Diabetes Canada   2020 Impact Report
Resilience in a Time of Crisis - Thank you for supporting the fight in 2020 - 2020 IMPACT REPORT
Sir Frederick Banting (right) and Charles
                                                                                            Best (left) who was the founder of the
                                                                                               Canadian Diabetic Association now
                                                                                           known as Diabetes Canada, circa 1924.
                                                                                         Banting and Best, along with James Collip
                                                                                          and John Macleod, are credited with the
                                                                                                discovery of insulin 100 years ago.

A message from our new

President & CEO
When I took the reins as President            ago was just the starting line. We can’t
and CEO of Diabetes Canada midway             afford to wait another 100 years to reach
through 2020, many critical moves had         the finish line.
already been made to ensure people
affected by diabetes were supported           Diabetes Canada’s mission to End
during the pandemic. I want to thank the      Diabetes is very personal to me. You see,
members of the Board, staff, volunteers,      I have type 2 diabetes. When I received
and our valued partners for your              the diagnosis, I was shocked. Like so
dedication in these complicated times.        many Canadians, I had no I idea I was at
                                              risk. I was even more surprised by the
People affected by diabetes are at a          stigma associated with type 2 diabetes.
greater risk of serious outcomes from         Making diabetes part of the conversation
                                                                                                With your support,
COVID-19. So when you consider that 11        is a key priority for Diabetes Canada             we will keep leading
million Canadians are living with diabetes    going forward, as are diversity, equity           the fight in 2021
or prediabetes, the work of Diabetes          and inclusion. We need to ally with               and beyond.
Canada has never been more essential.         Indigenous, South Asian and other
And yet, at a time when the demand for our    communities who are at a higher risk of
programs is at its highest, the pandemic      developing type 2 diabetes.
has altered the economic landscape.
                                              We have our work cut out for us, but
As we navigate our new reality, some          with your support, I am certain that
things will need to change. However, I        we can turn a time of unprecedented
assure you, Diabetes Canada will continue     uncertainty into a time of exceptional
to educate Canadians about the risks of       progress and growth.
diabetes, advocate on behalf of people
affected by the disease, and support
health-care providers on the front lines of
diabetes care. We also remain committed
to funding research into ways to prevent,     Laura Syron
treat and one day cure diabetes. The          President and CEO
Canadian discovery of insulin 100 years

                                                                                          2020 Impact Report   Diabetes Canada   5
Resilience in a Time of Crisis - Thank you for supporting the fight in 2020 - 2020 IMPACT REPORT
Improving health outcomes
    during the pandemic and beyond
    Education is an important part of Diabetes
                                                                                               ASK EXPERTS WEBINAR
    Canada’s mission and one of the key pillars                                      Resources for people with diabetes during COVID-19

    in our effort to End Diabetes.                                                             WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 | 3.30 P.M. EST.
                                                                                                          Webinar with:

    When COVID-19 emerged in the early part of 2020, we
    recognized that people living with diabetes were particularly
    vulnerable. In addition to being at a higher risk of severe COVID-19               Dr. Calvin Ke           Jean Yip           Kimberley Hanson
                                                                                          Edorinologist   Member of Parliament     Executive Director,

    infection, their lack of access to labs and medical appointments                                      Scarborough-Agincourt     Diabetes Canada

    caused by the lockdown and distancing regulations could
    negatively impact people's diabetes management.

    Here are just some of the ways                   related news, and help people with
    that Diabetes Canada quickly                     diabetes understand what was emerging
    pivoted to provide information                   in terms of research and best practices.
    and support.                                     We asked the experts to film themselves
                                                     on their phones, answering the key
    1-800-BANTING Helpline and                       questions we were hearing and then we
    Diabetes Education Line                          turned the videos into a webinar series.
    This free service provides one-on-one
    answers to questions ranging from general        Canadian Diabetes Prevention
    diabetes information, to diabetes and            Program (CDPP)                                       “This service has helped me
    COVID-19, including concerns about access        The CDPP, which launched in 2019, is                 tremendously. I was in tears
    to medication; the rights of employees to
                                                                                                          all week until I talked to you
                                                     another way to provide information and
                                                                                                          and your volunteer. Without
    stay safe; and childcare and in-person           support to Canadians. Delivered in                   your support, I wouldn’t have
    school during a pandemic. Our information        partnership with LMC Healthcare and                  known what to have done.
    and support specialists answer questions         Diabetes Canada, with major funding                  You are truly awesome. I
    from callers, and with assistance from           provided by the Public Health Agency of              am now more confident in
    volunteer certified diabetes educators,          Canada, the CDPP is a free health and                managing my diabetes.”
    such as registered dietitians, registered        wellness program that provides                       Diabetes Education
    nurses, pharmacists and social workers,          individualized coaching, telephone and               Line caller
    also refer callers in need of health advice or   online support to help prevent or delay
    information related to self-management.          type 2 diabetes.                                     “The coaches are very
                                                                                                          positive, and they have a
                                                                                                          lot of information. They
    Ask the Experts
                                                                                                          get a lot of information
    Because Diabetes Canada is the                                                                        from Diabetes Canada. My
    professional association for diabetes                                                                 coach will tell me the good
    health-care providers, we have unique                                                                 stuff and the bad stuff, and
    access to experts. In the early days of the                                                           I feel like I can rely on the
    pandemic, we realized these experts could                                                             information she’s giving me."
    help us sift through all the COVID-19-                                                                Harry, CDPP participant

6   Diabetes Canada   2020 Impact Report
Resilience in a Time of Crisis - Thank you for supporting the fight in 2020 - 2020 IMPACT REPORT
Supporting excellence                                                                                       TOP FOUR WAYS
                                                                                                            DIABETES CANADA’S

in diabetes care                                                                                            COVID-19 RESPONSE
                                                                                                            HELPED HEALTH-
                                                                                                            CARE PROVIDERS
Supporting health-care providers on the front line                                                          BETTER SERVE
of diabetes care is another way Diabetes Canada is                                                          THEIR CLIENTS:
working to End Diabetes
                                                                                                        1     Early and timely
                                                                                                              information on the
Diabetes Canada supports health-care providers with continuing professional
                                                                                                              impact of COVID-19
development in the form of webinars, professional conferences, and the creation
                                                                                                              on their patients
and dissemination of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Management
                                                                                                              with diabetes
of Diabetes in Canada (Clinical Practice Guidelines). In 2020, the Clinical Practice
Guidelines published an update in the Canadian Journal of Diabetes that included new                    2     Opportunity to refer
recommendations for pharmacologic glycemic management of type 2 diabetes in                                   patients to virtual
adults, as well as a user guide to help practitioners address clinical-care gaps and                          diabetes education
apply the recommendations in their daily practice.                                                            classes created by
                                                                                                              Diabetes Canada
                                                                                                              for newly diagnosed
Pivoting to support health-care                  exchange sessions, the event enhanced
                                                                                                              type 2 patients
providers during the pandemic                    health-care knowledge about patient
                                                 care during the pandemic while giving                  3     Education on the use
Supporting health-care providers has             health-care providers a chance to                            of telehealth and
become more important than ever during           re-charge and connect with one another.                      similar technologies
the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused                                                                       and how to use digital
major disruptions in diabetes care and           Professional Conference                                      diabetes tools for
management. With the support of our              Canada’s most highly anticipated diabetes-                   delivering virtual care
donors, we helped health-care providers          related conference for health-care providers
continue to provide optimal care through:        was hosted online for the first time ever in           4     Advice on how to
                                                                                                              modify regular
                                                 2020. Throughout the 3-day virtual event,
                                                                                                              diabetes management
Online information sessions                      more than 2,100 participants attended
                                                                                                              practices amid
Topics ranged from the expanded role             research presentations and took part in
                                                                                                              the pandemic
of pharmacists and new dispensing                information-sharing sessions with leading
rules, to using telehealth and similar           diabetes, endocrinology and other experts.
technologies to provide virtual care, to
providing mental-health support for
patients struggling during the pandemic.

Diabetes Frontline Forum
This virtual event provided more than
550 pharmacists, registered dietitians,
nurses and other health-care providers
on the front line of diabetes care with the
most up-to-date information. With 13
speakers, along with diabetes care
updates and industry knowledge
                                                 This virtual platform allowed attendees to have a fuller
                                                 experience than with a webinar or video conference.

                                                                                                   2020 Impact Report   Diabetes Canada   7
Resilience in a Time of Crisis - Thank you for supporting the fight in 2020 - 2020 IMPACT REPORT
Fighting on behalf of
    every Canadian affected
    by diabetes
    With the help of supporters like you, Diabetes Canada continued to make
    significant progress toward the implementation of Diabetes 360° in 2020,
    despite setbacks caused by the pandemic.

    Diabetes 360° is a comprehensive action plan designed     ADVOCATING FOR ACCESS TO GLUCOSE
    to dramatically reduce the incidence of diabetes,         MONITORING DEVICES
    improve access to treatment, and save millions of         Diabetes 360° recommends that every Canadian with
    lives. With a diabetes burden that is larger than ever,   diabetes have access to the medications, devices and
    the need for the federal government to fund and           supplies they need to protect their health. This includes
    implement Diabetes 360° has never been greater.           advanced glucose monitoring devices; however,
                                                              coverage is insufficient across Canada. Diabetes
    Progress in 2020 includes:                                Canada is calling on the government to cover these
                                                              devices for all Canadians living with diabetes.
      • Giving testimony to the Parliamentary Health
         Committee on the impact of COVID-19 on               ADVOCATING FOR EXPANDED VIRTUAL CARE
         the diabetes community and the need for              The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a quantum leap in
         Diabetes 360°                                        the adoption of virtual care for people with diabetes,
      • Meeting with the Federal Minister of Health to        who could be more seriously affected by COVID-19.
         discuss Diabetes 360°                                Beyond the pandemic, virtual care could be a vital tool
      • Receiving commitment from Health Canada, PHAC         for people living in rural and remote communities.
         and CIHR to implement some of the Diabetes           In May 2020, the federal government announced an
         360° recommendations while we wait for budget        investment of $240.5 million to develop, expand and
         commitment                                           launch virtual health-care and mental-health tools to
      • Celebrating the tabling of a federal Private          support Canadians.
         Member's Bill that will introduce a nation-wide
         diabetes strategy based on Diabetes 360°

    Together, let’s make 2021 the year Diabetes 360° is implemented!
    Learn how you can help at

8   Diabetes Canada   2020 Impact Report

     stakeholders attended
 Diabetes Canada’s nation-wide
  roundtable on Diabetes 360°

    bilateral meetings were
    held by Diabetes Canada
    with every provincial and
     territorial government

 of Canadians agree that we need
    a diabetes strategy. Surveys
  conducted by Diabetes Canada
prove that Canadians are on board

          2020 Impact Report   Diabetes Canada   9
     youth when
     they need it
     the most
     Children and youth with type 1 diabetes                             VIRTUAL CAMP
     can sometimes feel isolated in their day-
     to-day lives. Diabetes Canada’s D-Camps
     give them the chance to connect, make
     friends and develop confidence in their                                    430+
                                                                              campers attended
     management and self-esteem.
                                                                               Dose of D-Camps

     Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Diabetes Canada made the
     very difficult decision to put our D-Camps on hold in 2020.
                                                                          households attended our
     However, amid the stress and isolation of the pandemic, we
                                                                          3 special series webinars
     knew that young people affected by type 1 diabetes would

     need a sense of community more than ever.

     We quickly rallied to launch Dose of D-Camps, five free virtual         views of our Fireside
     one-week programs that brought the power of D-Camps into                   Friday videos
     homes. Offered through Zoom (with password-protected
     links), the online camps provided a place for youth with type
     1 diabetes to share experiences, hopes and knowledge with                1,600+
                                                                              views of our Tasty
     each other.
                                                                             Treat Tuesday videos

                                      With your support, Diabetes Canada remains
                                      fully committed to continuing to offer D-Camps—
                                      whether virtually or in-person when it’s safe to do
                                      so—to give young people with type 1 diabetes a
                                      safe place to build community and confidence.

10   Diabetes Canada   2020 Impact Report
                                                  ia, age 13, has been a D-Camps
                                                  camper since 2018 and was very
                                                  much looking forward to Camp
                                         Huronda again this past summer. But then
                                         everything changed. Like so many children
                                         and youth who live with type 1 diabetes,
                                         Mia was disappointed when she got the
                                         news that Diabetes Canada’s D-Camps
                                         would have to be cancelled because of the
                                         COVID-19 pandemic.

                                         “We were crushed that Mia would have
                                         to wait another year before she could
                                         see her friends,” says Mia’s mom, Carla
                                         Scornaienchi. After months of social
                                         isolation and the monotony of being
                                         at home because of the pandemic, the
                                         cancellation of D-Camps was a tough blow.

                                         When the family found out that D-Camps
                                         were going viral, they were thrilled. Mia
                                         enjoyed Dose of D-Camps and was excited
                                         to log on to her daily Zoom sessions. “She
                                         especially enjoyed her cooking class with
                                         Vanessa, and we all reaped the rewards of
                                         yummy granola muffins,” says Carla.

                                         Being able to connect with other kids who
                                         have type 1 diabetes means a lot to kids
                                         like Mia and their families. “Virtual camp
                                         by no means replaced the experience of
                                         attending camp in person this year,” says
                                         Carla. “However, Mia was able to go to her
“We were super excited to get the word   happy place, if only for a short time every
                                         day and that’s all that really matters. Thank
that D-Camps were going virtual.”
                                         you for offering this experience to campers
Carla, mom to camper, Mia                this year.”

                                                        2020 Impact Report   Diabetes Canada   11
MAKING                                         1
                                                        Thanks to the dedicated advocacy

     PROGRESS                                           work of the Yukon T1D Support
                                                        Network, the Government

                                                        of Yukon introduced
                                                        access to both flash
                                                        and continuous glucose

     TO COAST                                           monitor (CGM) devices to
                                                        Yukoners with type 1 diabetes.

                                                    2                                BRITISH COLUMBIA
                                                        With the advocacy work of
                                                        the BC Alliance for Healthy
                                                        Living, the province committed
                                                        to introducing the first-
                                                        ever provincial tax on
                                                        sweetened carbonated
                                                        beverages to help improve
                                                        the health of young British Columbians. This
                                                        supports the Diabetes 360° framework.

      1                                                                     ADVOCACY

                             3                  5                             8
                                                           7                                           10

     Your support makes successes like these possible

12   Diabetes Canada   2020 Impact Report
7                                                ONTARIO
                                                          Diabetes Canada hosted
3                                          ALBERTA        two COVID-19-safe Flame of
    Diabetes Canada partnered                             Hope Golf Tournaments (one
    with the University of Calgary                        in Ottawa and the second in
    to fund the Julia McFarlane                           Shelburne, Ont.), which together
    Chair in Diabetes Research,                           raised more than $75,000 to
    held by Dr. Pere Santamaria,                          support the organization’s
    to support research focused on                        work on behalf of people with diabetes.
    finding a cure for diabetes.                                            FUNDRAISING

                                                     8                                                 QUEBEC
4                                    SASKATCHEWAN         We funded Dr. Claudia
    The province announced its                            Gagnon, who is studying
    commitment to eliminating                             the impact of three different
    the age restriction on                                bariatric procedures on bone
    the provincial insulin                                fragility, a complication of
    pump program and                                      type 2 diabetes. This study
    introducing continuous                                will help to identify the
    glucose monitor (CGM)                                 benefits and risks of these types of
    devices for residents under age 18.                   surgeries for people with type 2 diabetes.

                         ADVOCACY                                              RESEARCH

5                                         MANITOBA   9                         PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND
    Recognizing the urgent need to                        Aligned to the Diabetes 360°
    address the growing prevalence                        strategy framework, PEI launched
    and cost of diabetes in the                           its renewed diabetes strategy,
    province, Manitoba started                            and expanded access to
    developing its provincial                             insulin pumps and blood
    diabetes prevention                                   glucose test strips.
    strategy aligned to the                                                   ADVOCACY
    Diabetes 360° strategy framework.
                                                     10                                 ATLANTIC REGION
                                                          The Atlantic@Home: A
6                                         MANITOBA        Diabetes Awareness Month
    The first Best Banting Virtual                        government outreach
    Soiree – Manitoba INspired!                           online event garnered more
    raised $94,000 in support of                          than 3,100 views. It brings
    research and D-Camps for                              together advocates and health-
    children and youth living with type                   care providers to share lived
    1 diabetes, such as Bennett Miller                    experiences and discuss important advocacy
    (shown here with his family).                         priorities and the need for government action.
                       FUNDRAISING                                            ADVOCACY

                                                                                 2020 Impact Report   Diabetes Canada   13

     Dr. Lorraine                              Dr. Thomas                              Dr. Jonathan
     Lipscombe                                 Pulinilkunnil                           McGavock
     Dr. Lipscombe and her team                Dr. Pulinilkunnil and his team at       Dr. McGavock’s work at the Children's
     at Women’s College Hospital in            Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick        Hospital Research Institute of
     Toronto are testing a home-based          in Saint John, N.B., are examining      Manitoba in Winnipeg is on the
     lifestyle-intervention program            the role lysosomes play in heart        prevention and management of type
     for new mothers with recent               failure in people with diabetes.        2 diabetes in youth from Indigenous
     gestational diabetes (GDM) in             Lysosomes are the cells’ “garbage       communities. Indigenous peoples in
     order to reduce their increased           cans,” breaking down and digesting      Canada are disproportionally affected
     risk of developing type 2 diabetes.       unwanted materials. In people with      by type 2 diabetes. Effective, culturally
     The innovative low-cost coaching          diabetes, the heart accumulates         safe prevention strategies need to be
     program uses resources already            more “garbage” because the              grounded in Indigenous knowledge
     in place within our health-care           lysosomes do not work as well as        that focuses on traditions, language,
     system that can be customized to          they should. Sugars and fats build      and culture.
     suit the individual needs of each         up in the cells instead of being used   The Indigenous Youth Mentorship
     participant, including flexible fitness   or excreted, which makes the heart      Program (IYMP) is a collaboration
     and nutrition options.                    cells less efficient over time.         between Dr. McGavock and
     She is also identifying key risk          Dr. Pulinilkunnil is investigating      Indigenous community partners,
     factors that arise around the time        if high blood sugar (glucose) and       and uses wholistic models
     of pregnancy and using those              fat levels cause the lysosomes of       of wellness grounded in the
     to create a prediction tool that          heart cells to stop working and if      teachings of Indigenous scholars.
     can estimate a woman's risk of            this is the cause of heart failure in   The successful program is in 50
     developing type 2 diabetes in the         people with diabetes. The goal of       communities across Canada and
     five years following her pregnancy.       his research is to develop effective    is led by Indigenous youth and
     Such a tool will help to provide          therapies aimed at preserving           young adults hired within their
     earlier interventions for these           cardiac function and reducing the       communities. The goal is to expand
     women and better reduce their risk        risk of heart failure.                  the program and to have Indigenous
     for type 2 diabetes.                      Dr. Pulinilkunnil is the recipient      community youth run it themselves.
     Dr. Lipscombe is the recipient of         of a Diabetes Canada Scholar            Dr. McGavock and Diabetes
     a Diabetes Investigator Award             Award (2016-2021).                      Canada's partnership supports
     (2018-2021).                                                                      the IYMP (2018-2023).

14   Diabetes Canada   2020 Impact Report
People living with diabetes and
those who support them all
want to see us End Diabetes.

                      2020 Impact Report   Diabetes Canada   15
     To the Members of Canadian Diabetes Association (o/a Diabetes Canada)

     The summary financial statements, which comprise the summary statement of financial position as at December
     31, 2020, and the summary statements of revenue and expenses, changes in fund balances and cash flows for
     the year then ended, and related notes, are derived from the audited financial statements of Canadian Diabetes
     Association (o/a Diabetes Canada) (the “Organization”) for the year ended December 31, 2020.

     In our opinion, the accompanying summary financial statements are a fair summary of the financial statements,
     in accordance with the basis described in Note 1 to the summary audited financial statements. However, we were
     not able to determine if any adjustments to the summary financial statements were necessary for the reasons
     described in The Audited Financial Statements and Our Report Thereon section of this audit report.

     Summary Financial Statements
     The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian accounting standards
     for not-for-profit organizations. Reading the summary financial statements and the auditor’s report thereon,
     therefore, is not a substitute for reading the Organization’s audited financial statements and the auditor’s report
     thereon. The summary financial statements and the audited financial statements do not reflect the effects of
     events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on the audited financial statements.

     The Audited Financial Statements and Our Report Thereon
     In our report dated March 18, 2021, we expressed a qualified audit opinion on the audited financial statements
     because we were not able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the completeness of revenue
     from donations, bequests and other fundraising activities, which is common with many charitable organizations.

     Management’s Responsibility for the Summary Financial Statements
     Management is responsible for the preparation of the summary financial statements in accordance with the basis
     described in Note 1 to the summary financial statements.

     Auditor’s Responsibility
     Our responsibility is to express an opinion on whether the summary financial statements are a fair summary of
     the audited financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Canadian
     Auditing Standard (CAS) 810, Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements.

     Toronto, Canada March 18, 2021

     Chartered Professional Accountants
     Licensed Public Accountants

16   Diabetes Canada   2020 Impact Report
Canadian Diabetes Association (o/a Diabetes Canada)



                                                                         73                %

                                                                         12 %

                                                                         11 %

                                                                          3 %

                                                                          1 %

  Every dollar invested in diabetes prevention, care, and cure has a tremendous
  impact throughout the year.

                                                              2020 Impact Report   Diabetes Canada   17
Canadian Diabetes Association (o/a Diabetes Canada)

      Year ended December 31
      (In thousands of dollars)                                     2020         2019

        Cash and investments                                   $   14,915   $    7,916

        Restricted cash and investments                             3,903        3,506

        Property and equipment                                      2,091        2,263

        Intangible assets                                           2,573        3,305

        Other assets                                                2,099        1,837

        Amounts due from National Diabetes Trust                   4,294         2,769

      Total assets                                             $   29,875   $   21,596

      Liabilities and fund balances
        Accounts payable and accrued liabilities               $    1,556   $    2,526

        Deferred revenue                                            5,396        4,668

        Research grants payable and personnel awards payable         781         2,280

        Other liabilities                                            614          616

      Total liabilities                                             8,347       10,090

      Total fund balances                                          21,528       11,506

      Total liabilities and fund balances                      $   29,875   $   21,596

18   Diabetes Canada   2020 Impact Report
Canadian Diabetes Association (o/a Diabetes Canada)

Year ended December 31
(In thousands of dollars)                                      2020                   2019

  Support from the public                             $      21,211        $         28,151

  Income from National Diabetes Trust                         3,294                   6,306

  Government assistance (CEWS)                                3,226                        0

  Education services                                            440                   1,238

  Camp services                                                    6                  1,119

  Income from other charitable activities                       757                   2,087

  Investment and other income                                   287                     251

Total revenue                                         $     29,221         $         39,152

  Improving management and prevention                 $       5,759        $         10,114

  Research                                                      933                   4,332

  Drive for excellence in diabetes care                       1,303                   3,080

  Helping children and adults with T1D                        1,088                   4,089

Total program expenses                                        9,083                  21,615


    Administration                                            2,040                  2,646

    Public relations and development                          8,078                 10,975

Total support expenses                                       10,118                 13,621

Total expenses                                               19,201                 35,236

Deficiency of revenue over expenses                   $      10,020        $          3,916

                                                      2020 Impact Report       Diabetes Canada   19
     Diabetes Canada is grateful for the support of its loyal donors whose
     commitment and dedication help to realize our shared vision of a world
     free from diabetes.

     FOUNDATIONS                            Lennox and Addington Community      J. E. Panneton Family Foundation
                                            Foundation                          Jamshed K. Pavri Memorial Fund
     Abundance Canada
                                            London Community Foundation         Jewish Community Foundation of
     Airlie Foundation
                                            Maple Ridge Community Foundation    Greater Vancouver
     Ann Claire Angus Fund
                                            Mississauga Community Foundation    Jewish Foundation of Greater
                                            Oakville Community Foundation       Toronto
     Aqueduct Foundation
                                            Orillia and Area Community          Jewish Foundation of Manitoba
     Arbor Memorial Foundation
                                            Foundation                          John and Judy Bragg Family
     Benefaction Foundation                 Ottawa Community Foundation         Foundation
     Benevity Community Giving              Oxford Community Foundation         Kiwanis Club of Ottawa Foundation
     Foundation                                                                 Knights Templar Charitable
                                            Revelstoke Community Foundation
     Canada Gives Foundation                                                    Foundation of Canada
                                            Saskatoon Community Foundation
     Charitable Gift Funds Canada                                               Lagniappe Foundation
                                            Squamish Community Foundation
     Foundation                                                                 Lewis Family Fund
                                            Toronto Community Foundation
     Charities Aid Foundation of Canada                                         Lions Club International Foundation
                                            Community Foundations of Canada
     Chimp Foundation                                                           Lloyd and Elsie Campbell Foundation
                                            Community Initiatives Fund
     CKNW Kids' Fund                                                            Fund
                                            Coquitlam Foundation
     Abbotsford Community Foundation                                            London Heritage Council
                                            Crabtree Foundation
     Aylmer Area Community Foundation                                           London Police Association Charity
                                            Dakota Dunes Community
     Brant Community Foundation             Development Corporation             Longo's Family Charitable
     Brantford Community Foundation         Dillon Consulting Limited
                                                                                Louise McGregor Charitable Fund
     Burlington Community Foundation        Edward Louis Schneider Fund
                                                                                My Tribute Gift Foundation
     Cambridge and North Dumfries           Federated Co-Operatives Limited
     Community Foundation                                                       Newfoundland and Labrador Retired
                                            First Ontario Credit Union Ltd.
                                                                                Teachers Foundation
     Comox Valley Community                 Fleming Foundation
     Foundation                                                                 Norris Family Foundation
                                            G. Grant and Dorothy F. Armstrong
     Durham Community Foundation                                                Ontario Trillium Foundation
     Edmonton Community Foundation                                              Parksville-Qualicum Foundation
                                            Grocery Foundation of Atlantic
     Fredericton Community Foundation       Canada                              President's Choice Children's Charity

     Grand Bend Community Foundation        Halifax Protestant Infants          R. Howard Webster Foundation
                                            Foundation                          Raymond James Canada Foundation
     Guelph Community Foundation
                                            Halifax Youth Foundation            RBC Foundation
     Halton North Community
     Foundation                             Harry Allen Life Member             Richardson Foundation Inc.
     Kitchener Waterloo Community           Hunter Family Foundation            Richardson GMP Limited
     Foundation                             J. and W. Murphy Foundation         SaskTel Telcare Head Office

20   Diabetes Canada   2020 Impact Report
Sherry and Sean Bourne Family       United Way of Newfoundland and        Interlake Regional Nurses of MNU
Charitable Foundation               Labrador Inc.                         Intl, Assoc of Bridge Structural,
Southhill Glen Foundation           Vancouver Foundation                  Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron
Strategic Charitable Giving         Vocm Cares Foundation                 Workers Shopmen Local 838
Foundation                          Winnipeg Goldeyes Field of Dreams     Janssen Inc.
Tandia Financial Credit Union       Foundation                            Jarrod Oils Ltd.
TD Private Giving Foundation        CORPORATE PARTNERS                    JML Wealth Management
TELUS Friendly Future Foundation    Foresters Financial                   Johnson and Johnson
The Abercrombie Foundation          Fraternal Order of Eagles #20 -       Johnston Group
The Albert and Phyllis Kipnes       Ladies Auxiliary to New Westminster   Jones' Auto Body Ltd.
Foundation                          Fraternal Order of Eagles #2690 -     Jukebox Saturday Night Association
The Barrett Family Foundation       Hope Auxiliary                        Rock N August
The Birks Family Foundation         Fraternal Order of Eagles #3032       Kay Four Properties Inc.
                                    Cranbrook Auxiliary                   Kellogg Canada Inc.
The Calgary Foundation
                                    Fraternal Order of Eagles #4281       Kenroc Building Materials Co. Ltd.
The Charles Norcliffe Baker and
                                    Penticton Aerie
Thelma Scott Baker Foundation                                             Kiwanis Club of Middlesex
                                    Glencore International AG
The Corporation of the Town of                                            Kiwanis Club of Richmond
                                    Gor-Fay Realty Co Ltd.
Orangeville                                                               Kiwanis Club of Vancouver
                                    Government of Canada
The Dufresne Foundation                                                   Knights of Columbus - Father
                                    Government of Newfoundland And
The Edith Lando Charitable                                                Thomas Assembly #1321
Foundation                                                                KPMG
                                    Grace Community Worship Center
The Ernst Hansch Foundation Inc.                                          Labourers' Organizing Fund of
                                    GreenFlow Financial
The Esther and Bernard Besner                                             Western Canada
                                    Greeniche Natural Health
Family Foundation                                                         Latraverse Huissiers de Justice Inc.
                                    Hanlon Ag Centre Ltd.
The Eva Leflar Foundation                                                 Lehigh Hanson Materials
                                    Hargrave Ranching Co Inc.
The Hamber Foundation                                                     Leon's Furniture Limited
                                    Haskett Funeral Homes Ltd.
The Home Depot Foundation                                                 Les Missionaires Oblates de Saint-
                                    Haskett Growers Ltd.
The Jackson Family Fund                                                   Boniface
The Ken and Roma Lett Foundation                                          Les Soeurs De La Visitation D'Ottawa
                                    Heartland Food Products Group
The Lawrason Foundation                                                   LifeScan Canada Ltd.
                                    Hill Sokalski Walsh LLP
The Lawson Foundation                                                     Lifestyle Hearing Corporation
                                    Hoeppner Pharmacy Ltd.
The Margaret Ann and Donald S.                                            Lioness Club of Kelowna
                                    Holy Spirit Charitable Society
McGiverin Foundation                                                      Lioness Club of Williams Lake
                                    HTL-STREFA, Inc.
The Poker For Diabetes Foundation                                         Lions Club of Spruce City
                                    IBEW Local 37
The Ryckman Trust                                                         Lions Club International District A-15
                                    Bikers Against Diabetes CRU
The Sutherland Foundation                                                 Lions Club International District N-4
                                    IBM Canada Ltd. Employees'
The United Church of Canada         Charitable Fund                       Lions Club of Belle River
Foundation                                                                Lions Club of Burnaby Lougheed
                                    IBM Employees Charitable Fund -
The Velan Foundation                SAB RLC                               Lions Club of District A2
The WB Family Foundation            Peterbilt Motors Company              Lions Club of Elmvale and District
The Windsor Foundation              IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund        Lions Club of Essex and District
The Winnipeg Foundation             Insulet                               Lions Club of Fenwick

                                                                               2020 Impact Report   Diabetes Canada   21
Lions Club of Fort Langley               McDougall Gauley                      Paragon Design Build
     Lions Club of Gibsons                    McGregor on the Water                 PayPal Giving Fund Canada
     Lions Club of Ingersoll                  McKesson Canada                       PCL Construction Mangement Inc.
     Lions Club of Jarvis                     MCSTC Company                         Pembina Manitou Community
     Lions Club of Killam                     Meadowood Dental Corporation          Canvass Inc. Donors Choice
     Lions Club of Langley                    MedActiv Canada                       Pennant Farming Co Ltd.
     Lions Club of Minnow Lake                Mednow                                PepsiCo
     Lions Club of Mississauga Credit         Medtronic of Canada Ltd.              Peter Woldu Real Estate P. C. Ltd.
     Valley                                   Mega City Tiling                      PharmaChoice
     Lions Club of Mount Albert               Melville and District Donors Choice   Pharmasave Central
     Lions Club of Nanaimo Hub City           Appeal                                Pilot Mound and Dristrict
     Lions Club of New Minas and District     Merck Canada Inc.                     Community Canvass
     Lions Club of North Surrey               Meridian Credit Union of Berlington   PPS Ltd.
     Lions Club of Oakville                   Meridian Credit Union of Waterloo     Prince Albert Cosmopolitan Club
     Lions Club of Paris                      Michael and Nancy Czorny              Provincial Employees Community
     Lions Club of Port Dalhousie             Charitable Trust                      Services Fund
     Lions Club of Sarnia and Bluewater       Millennium Mechanical Contracting     PwC Canada - Vancouver Office
     Lions Club of St. Jacobs                 Millstream Natural Foods              Rattray Flavelle Medical Prof. Corp.
     Lions Club of Stayner                    Milnco Insurance Broker               Red River Cooperative Ltd.
     Lions Club of Stittsville and District   Mind Body Mouth                       Riverbend Bottle Collection
     Lions Club of Townsend                   Ministry of Health and Long-Term      Roblin and District Donors's Choice
     Lions Club of Truro                      Care                                  Roche Diabetes Care
     Lions Club of Uxbridge and District      Modern Niagara Ottawa Inc.            Ross Chocolates
     Lions Club of Vancouver Pacific          Mountain Valley MD Holdings Inc.      Ross' Towing and Transportation
     Lions Club of Vermilion Bay              N. Jefferson Ltd.                     Services Inc.

     Lions Club of Welland                    Nanaimo Regional General Hospital     Rotary Club of Ajax

     Lions Club of York                       National Steel Car                    Rotary Club of Barrie - Kempenfelt

     LMC Healthcare                           Naz's Pharmacy - Surrey at Kwantlen   Rotary Club of Kitchener - Grand
                                              Square                                River
     M. E. T. Utilities Management Ltd.
                                              New Brunswick Dirt Riders             Rotary Club of Port Hope
     Mac Don Industries - Employee
                                              Association Inc.                      Rotary Club of Toronto East
                                              New Brunswick Liquor
     Magic White                                                                    Royal Canadian Legion #586 Bingo
                                              Nemetz (S/A) and Associates Ltd.      Trust Fund
     Manitoba Hydro Charitable Fund
                                              Novo Nordisk Canada Inc.              Rubicon Pharmacies Canada Inc.
     Manitoba Association of Health Care
     Professionals                            NuPasta Inc.                          S. and J. Construction
     Manitoba Egg Farmers                     Nutrien Ag Solutions                  Sanofi Canada
     Manitoba Health                          Ontario Bean Growers                  Sanofi Pasteur
     Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries            Ontario Power Generation              Saravanaa Bhavan
     Corporation                              Optimist Club of Duval                Sask Liquor and Gaming Authority
     Manitoba Wall and Ceiling                Oxford Philatelic Society             Sask Tel
     Mann Production Ltd.                     Pacific Blue Cross                    Saskatchewan Cattlemen's
     Maverick Volleyball                      Paladin Labs Inc.                     Association

22   Diabetes Canada   2020 Impact Report
Saskatchewan Canola Development        Unifor National Skilled Trades           The Estate of Alexander Philip
Commission                             Council                                  Beaton
Alberta Canola Producers               United Way of Alberta Capital Region     The Estate of Alfred J. Carter
Commission                             United Way of Brandon and District       The Estate of Alice Marion Hill
Manitoba Canola Growers                United Way of Brandon and District       The Estate of Allison Ellen Catherine
Association                            United Way of Burlington and             Duncan Rosenberg
Saskmilk                               Greater Hamilton                         The Estate of Andrew Jaworski
SaskTel Telcare Head Office            United Way of Calgary and Area           The Estate of Anita Hurd
Scotiabank                             United Way of Canada                     The Estate of Anthony Caruk
Sea Life Sea Plants                    United Way of Durham Region              The Estate Of Arthur Reppert Wood
Segment Technologies Canada Inc.       United Way of Fort McMurray              The Estate of Audrey Ivy Anderson
SGI                                    United Way of Kingston, Frontenac,       The Estate of Audrey Shuh
                                       L and A                                  The Estate of Barbara Helen
Shedden Oddfellows E Gaming
                                       United Way of London and                 McEachern
Shelburne Home Hardware Building
                                       Middlesex                                The Estate of Brian E Murphy
                                       United Way of Morden and District        The Estate of Christa Marie Herfort
Shooters Family Golf Centre
                                       United Way of Newfoundland and           The Estate of Clarence P Porter
Shoppers Drug Mart                     Labrador Inc.
Silverbirch Hotel and Resorts LP                                                The Estate of Clifford Gaudet
                                       United Way of Regina
                                                                                The Estate of Clotilda Idamond
Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent   United Way of Saskatoon and Area         Estwick
De Paul
                                       United Way of the Lower Mainland         The Estate of Colleen Louise Kay
Special Event Tourism Fund
                                       United Way of Toronto and York           The Estate of David Robert Skelly
Springhill Construction                Region
                                                                                The Estate of Donald Lloyd Misener
Standard Community Chest               United Way of Winnipeg - Prairie
                                       Division                                 The Estate of Doreen Shirley
Standard Products Inc.
Sunrise Credit Union Ltd. Brandon      University of Saskatchewan
                                                                                The Estate of Dorothy Atkins
Branch                                 Veron Consultants Inc.
                                                                                The Estate of Dorothy Cook
Takeda Canada Inc.                     Walmart Canada
                                                                                The Estate of Dorothy Margret
Tandem Diabetes Care Canada Inc.       Wawanesa Insurance
TD Insurance                           Wellington Laboratories Inc.
                                                                                The Estate of Douglas Leslie Branton
TD Private Giving Foundation           Western Canada Lottery -
                                                                                The Estate of E. Audrey Anderson
                                       Saskatchewan Lotteries Inc.
The Boiler Inspection and Insurance                                             The Estate of Earle Theodore Haines
Company of Canada                      Westman Group Inc.
                                                                                The Estate of Edith Emily Hounsome
The Co-operators                       Westridge Construction Ltd.
                                                                                The Estate of Edith Mary Albery
                                       Woijoo Kim Professional Corporation
The Co-operators - Andrew Smith                                                 The Estate of Edmund Lawrence
Insurance Inc.                         Women of Moose Edmonton Chapter
                                       No 853
The Co-operators - Vermette                                                     The Estate of Edna Fay Plaxton
Insurance and Financial Ltd.           WorkSafeBC
                                                                                The Estate of Edna Gilbert
The Dave and Naida Fisher Family       XL Alarms Ltd.
                                                                                The Estate of Edna Stefishen
The Hospital for Sick Children         Ypsomed Canada Diabetes Care
                                                                                The Estate of Edward Hugh John
TMX Group                              ESTATE GIFTS                             Wilson
Trudell Medical Limited                5 Anonymous                              The Estate of Edwin J. Batiuk
UBC Diabetes Cluster                   The Estate of Adele Maria Jutta Dalton   The Estate of Eileen Marion Porter

                                                                                     2020 Impact Report   Diabetes Canada   23
The Estate of Eleanor Jean Flood        The Estate of John Douglas Kent        The Estate of Myra T. Ortiz
     The Estate of Elgin Herman              Sanderson                              The Estate of Nina Jean Buchanan
     Washington Card                         The Estate of John James McMaster      The Estate of Norah Mary Paquin
     The Estate of Elizabeth Agnes           The Estate of John Joseph Arnold       The Estate of Norman Keith
     Manarey                                 The Estate of Jonathan Andrew          Cameron
     The Estate of Elizabeth Fast            Nicholls                               The Estate of Olive Louise Pike
     The Estate of Ellen Mary Gertrude       The Estate of Joseph Gerald Haley      The Estate of Pati Anne Lofts
     Barrett                                 The Estate of Joyce Bittman            The Estate of Paul Fenwick Jackson
     The Estate of Emma Gruenke
                                             The Estate of June Eileen Brooks       The Estate of Paula Boltauzer
     The Estate of Eugene Thomas
                                             The Estate of Kathleen Rose            The Estate of Peter Joseph Moar
                                                                                    The Estate of Philip Albert O'Leary
     The Estate of Frank Augustine Carroll
                                             The Estate of Keith Hage
                                                                                    The Estate of Phyllis Lorraine
     The Estate of Gary Ronald Taylor
                                             The Estate of Kenneth Beaton           Pritchard
     The Estate of George Bonney
                                             The Estate of Kenneth McBride          The Estate of Raymond Peter
     The Estate of George Dudley Jackson     Aitchison                              Germaine
     The Estate of Gisèle Poulin-Scallon     The Estate of Klaus Dieter Peters      The Estate of Reynald Omer Gagnon
     The Estate of Gladys May Chedzoy        The Estate of Leentje Meeboer          The Estate of Richard Ichiro
     The Estate of Gordon Albert Grigg       The Estate of Leo Edward Dube          Furukawa
     The Estate of Gordon Butler             The Estate of Lila Dale Ross           The Estate of Richard Stanley
     The Estate of Gordon Harris Jones       The Estate of Lily Bussey              Stelmaczonek
     The Estate of Greta Catherine           The Estate of Lionel Murray            The Estate of Rita Morin Cloutier
     Switzer                                                                        The Estate of Robert James
     The Estate of Hazel Dorothy Bernice                                            Everingham
                                             The Estate of Lorne Frederick Ernest
     Siudy - In Memory of Wes Hesp                                                  The Estate of Robert Minor Lowe - In
     The Estate of Helmut Christiansen                                              Memory of Ian George Lowe
                                             The Estate of Magdalene Frances
     The Estate of Hilda Harvey              Jeffrey                                The Estate of Robert Stephen Shelley
     The Estate of Ibrahim Mirza             The Estate of Margaret Ellen Jordan    The Estate of Rose Josephine
     The Estate of Irene Adela Hoffmann                                             Grasser - In Memory of Herbert
                                             The Estate of Margaret Jane
     The Estate of Isaac (Izzy) Sigal        Cunningham
                                                                                    The Estate of Roy Alexander Rooker
     The Estate of Ivan Alexandor            The Estate of Margaret Roberts Cozzi
     Chorney                                                                        The Estate of Roy Charles Parmelee
                                             The Estate of Marian Irene Lee
     The Estate of Ivan M. Neaves                                                   The Estate of Ruby Barnhill
                                             The Estate of Marilyn Anne Redpath
     The Estate of Ivy Alberta Fenning                                              The Estate of Ruth Bolt
                                             The Estate of Marion Jean Holley
     The Estate of James Sheldon                                                    The Estate of Ruth Viner
                                             The Estate of Marjorie Pike
     Wightman                                                                       The Estate of Sally Kosrovian
                                             The Estate of Mary Elizabeth
     The Estate of Janet Zorena                                                     The Estate of Sally Margaret
     The Estate of Jeanne Mary Bernard                                              Blackmore
                                             The Estate of Mary Ellen Buxton
     The Estate of Jo Palaniuk                                                      The Estate of Sandra Heather Munro
                                             The Estate of Mary Isabel Brown
     The Estate of Joan Doreen Bennett                                              The Estate of Scott James Pocock
                                             The Estate of Maynard David Dixon
     The Estate of Joan Mary Bekius                                                 The Estate of Shirley Lenore Crozier
                                             The Estate of Michael George
     The Estate of Joan Thelma Danby         O'Connell                              The Estate of Solomon Sigal
     The Estate of John Bruce Delikatny      The Estate of Muriel Kathleen          The Estate of Susan Della Bogues
     The Estate of John Davis Isbister       Clothier                               The Estate of Sylvie Durivase

24   Diabetes Canada   2020 Impact Report
The Estate of Thomas Atkins            B. Silverman                      Clive Cook
The Estate of Valerie Margaret         Barbara (Barb) Pettersen          Colleen M. McAloon
Godsalve                               Barbara and Gary Hall             Connie Chadwick-Lynch
The Estate of Vivian Blonde            Barbara Harris                    Craig Story
The Estate of Warren Kenneth Gibbs     Barbara Ritchie                   Curtis Giene
The Estate of Wilfred Ross Alexander   Barbara Scott                     Cynthia Blumenthal
                                       Barry Lee                         Dan Glendon
The Estate of William Philip Rowley
                                       Bart and Cynthia Davies           Daniel Sguigna
The Estate of Zella Turpin
                                       Basarab Horatiu Radu              Daniel Shrubsole
THIRD-PARTY EVENTS &                   Bernard Wayne Jenkins             Danielle Langlais
SPONSORS                               Bernice Fry                       David A. Greenwood
Connect Marketing Group                Bill Akkermans                    David and Sandra Johnson
Nunatukavut Community Council Inc.     Blair Pateman                     David Archibald
Rona Inc.                              Bob and Ellen Cornish             David C.W. Lau
Shmuel Farhi                           Boris Kikely                      David Carter

$1,000-$4,999                          Brenda and Brad Ambrosie          David Galloway
45 Anonymous                           Brenda Wilson                     David J. Saunders
Ahmed I. Valiallah                     Brian and Monique Tuffs           David L Nichols
Al Waters                              Brock Hepburn                     David Oel
Alex Bacardi                           Bruce Burnyeat                    David Stacey
Allan S. Edwards                       Bruce Cappel                      Davis Masri
Allan Taylor                           Bruce Rothwell                    Dax Sukhraj
Allister Penner                        C. A. Lambert-Johnson             Dean McDonald
Amanda Coschi                          C. George Boisvenue               Dean Saddler
Amanda Craig                           Camie Tang-Chang                  Deborah Dube-Dean
Andrea Bennet                          Carl Fraser                       Deborah Gilbert
Andrew and Gaye Stein                  Carl Harrison                     Denise L. Pickard
Andrew and Louise McAskile             Carlo Sguassero                   Derrick Leach
Andrew Smith                           Carlos and May Chan               Diane Casey
Angela Chow                            Carmen Felzien                    Diane Krause
Angela Madronic                        Carol Cruickshank                 Don and Mary Hanson
Ann Robitaille                         Carol Phillip                     Donald and Yvonne Pegg
Anna Fornal                            Caroline Tweedle                  Donald Pearson
Anne Baccardax                         Catherine and Allan Potechin      Donna Goldenberg
Anonymous                              Catherine and Robert Carmichael   Doug Smith
Anthony Longo                          Catherine Bratty                  Douglas Baker
Anthony Viklicky                       Catherine Wilson                  Douglas C. Brady
Arthur Porter                          Charles B. Barlow                 Douglas H. Anderson
Audrey Johnson                         Christopher J. Gilliss            Douglas Mcclintock
Audrey Lakien                          Christopher Paton                 Dr. John H. and Sharon McNeill
Azadali Shamji                         Cindy Ditner                      Dr. Manoj Bhargava and Family

                                                                             2020 Impact Report   Diabetes Canada   25
Duane and Sharmila Mendis               Grace Wong                           Jill Schoolenberg
     Dulce Pinho Moreira                     Grant Fahlman                        Jim and Joy Bews
     Edward Smith                            Grant Horcroft                       Joan Dorrance (Piller)
     Elaine Connolly                         Greg and Betty Bond                  Joanne Brown
     Elaine Gooderham                        Griffith R. and M. Christina Lloyd   Joanne Murray
     Elaine Shedletzky                       Guenther Golchert                    Joe Dubois
     Elana Hahn                              Harry Bender                         Joe McKinnon
     Elizabeth Eddington                     Harvey and Leah Fruitman             Joginder P. Singh
     Elizabeth Jarvis                        Heather Dean                         John and Gloria Garnish
     Elizabeth Lafournaise                   Hector Arbillaga                     John and Jennifer Wallace
     Elsie Dalby                             Henning Buch                         John and Jessica Anne McGee
     Emily Douglas                           Henry Remai                          John Atchison
     Enzo Commisso                           Hilma Johnson                        John Darmanin
     Eric Lakien                             Howard Jones                         John E. Cleghorn
     Erin Massey                             Hugh MacIntosh                       John Engels
     Evelyn Sawchuk                          Ian and Michelle Pearce              John Kassies
     Fiona Lee                               Ian C. McFetters                     John Procter
     Fiona Scurrah                           Ian Gibson                           John Reid
     Fran Eldershaw                          In Memory of Elizabeth Ibbotson      John Yoo
     Frances Gorber                          In Memory of Eric Walenstein         Joselyn Hughes
     Francesco Caputo                        Irene Siemens                        Joseph Brazier
     Frank B Lavitt                          Isa Tieken                           Joseph Chen
     Frank Goodman                           Ismail Mukri                         Joyce and Robert Badley
     Fred Rubinoff                           J. Scott Pagan                       Joyce McMurray
     Frederick Livingstone                   Jacques Toupin                       Judith Davis
     Gail Miller                             Jalal Kalmoni                        Judith Hicken
     Garret/Debbie                           James and Judith King                Judith Thiessen
     Garth Cookshaw                          James Chmilar                        Judy Klein
     Gary Friedrich                          James Hay                            Julie Struthers
     Gary Larkin                             James Pinkerton                      Kaileigh DiMichele
     Gary W. Fick                            Jane Holmes                          Karlee Mazuren
     Geeske Cruickshank                      Janet Smook                          Katherine Galbraith
     George and Lois Whetham                 Jay Thomson                          Katherine Gutgesell
     George and Tami Cope                    Jean Bamford                         Kathryn Crabb
     George Laing                            Jean Fontaine                        Kathryn D. Kerr
     George O. Vaughan                       Jeff and Toni Hempstead              Keith Brown
     Gerald and Lavina Rieger                Jeff K. Liley                        Keith G. Dawson
     Gerard Brierley                         Jeff Rabinovitch                     Keith J. Strong
     Glenn Bendinger                         Jeffrey B. Simpson                   Kelvin Ip
     Gordon Glendon                          Jennifer and Steven Garland          Kenneth King
     Gordon McTavish                         Jennifer Hohenstein                  Kent Stahn

26   Diabetes Canada    2020 Impact Report
Kevin Aselstine                  Marian Mainprize             Paul M. Gray
Kevin Gamble                     Marianne Seger               Peggy and Peter Lockie
Kevin Haverty, Jr.               Marilyn Maxwell              Peggy House
Kimberly Woima                   Marilyn Neufeld              Peter and Jeremy Crowder
Kingsley Ward                    Marion Rake                  Peter Fairey
Kwang Yang                       Mark de Hart                 Peter J. Casey
Lachlan W. MacLachlan            Mark Fiset                   Petronella Peach
Lance Hogan                      Mark Nairn                   Phyllis Ross
Larry F. Chapman                 Mary C. MacKenzie            Pierre Bourgeois
Larry Metcalf                    Mary Helen Garvie            Ralph Woessner
Larry Myny                       Maureen Vadacchino           Randi Hermans
Lauren Miller                    Maurice Leger                Randy and Marlene Schurko
Laurie Patterson                 Mauro Bagnariol              Ray Young
Lawrence Elliott                 Max Wagg                     Raymond Kwong
Leanne Simmons                   Maxine McPhail               Regina Wordtmann
Leo and Sandra Verhelst          Michael and Debra McMullen   Reginald Outhouse
Leonard Wong                     Michael Fong                 Rhonda Hamilton
Leslie and Irene Dube            Michael Nodwell              Richard Daugherty
Lidia Tagliabracci               Miriam Wu                    Richard G. Mcgregor
Linda Hooper                     Mohamed Awad                 Richard Hall
Linda Kelly                      Murray and Lois Cummings     Richard Humphries
Linda Klein                      Nancy Low                    Richard Martinson
Linda Li                         Natalie Dykstra              Richard McMillan
Linda Rorabeck                   Neil Barclay                 Rim Tfaili
Lisa Voisin                      Ngoc Ly and Chieu Ngo        Rob McAnally
Lloyd Barbara                    Nicola Iuliano               Robert and Marianne Eng
Lloyd Porteous                   Nigel P. Coe                 Robert B. Carrothers
Lorne S. MacFarlane              Nina Lau-Choy                Robert C. Gibson
Lorraine Isaac                   Norm and Sharon Puhl         Robert Earley
Louie Nuspl                      Norma P. Johnston            Robert Elliott
Louise and Shannon Hood          Olga Ilich                   Robert Gibbons
Luc Bertrand Fondation Famille   Omar Haroon                  Rocco Colangelo
Bertrand                         Otillia Fahlman              Roger and Debbie Bloom
Lucille Dupuis                   Owen Glendon                 Roger Glazin
Lynne Eleniak                    Pamela Sanford               Roger Mailloux
Mara Torcaso                     Patricia Harriman            Roger Meech
Marc Hebert                      Patty Crawford               Roman Holyk
Margaret McKibbin                Paul Bjorn                   Ron MacNeill
Margaret Thorsteinson            Paul Boothe                  Ronald Borys
Margaret Wilson                  Paul E. Broska               Ronald Leung
Margo P. Watt                    Paul Fournier                Ronald Sigal

                                                                   2020 Impact Report   Diabetes Canada   27
Rosanne Gasse                            Veronica Zarek                  Izim Okeren
     Rose Di Palma                            Vicky Stikeman                  Judith C Dyce
     Roy Wilson and Leila Wilson              Victor Benna                    Karen A. Larson
     S. John Weisnagel                        Victor Kendall                  Mary E. Hull
     Salene Gan                               Vivian Chu                      Olivia Young
     Salim Giga                               Walker                          Patricia Smith
     Sandra Chung                             Wallace Bruce Shore             Paul and Mary Oster
     Sandra Sutherland                        Warren Jones                    Penny Dodge
     Sara DiMichele                           Wendy Gibbons                   Pierrette Levesque
     Saul Sigulim                             Wendy Stevenson                 Rattan R. Gupta
     Shannon Trainor                          William Connacher               Robert Goodall
     Sheila Mcleod                            William Howard Mulder           Sandra Woolsey
     Shelagh Gledhill                         William Parrish                 Sharon Logan
     Shelly and Alan Norris
                                              William Wong                    Shelley Robertson
     Shirley Gubica
                                              Willimin Griffiths              Shmuel Farhi
     Siegfried Kowand
                                              Wilma Williams                  Steven Baldwin
     Simone Penner
                                              Ziad Soliman                    Susan Meeds
     Stella Li
                                                                              Terry Bailey
     Stephanie Campbell                       $5,000-$24,999
                                              2 Anonymous                     Tom Tishinski
     Susan Allen
                                              Agnes Faraci                    Valerie Archer
     Susan L. Mingie
                                              Agnes Gallagher                 Valerie Monkhouse
     Suveera Minhas
                                              Alain Bedard                    Wendy Oberle
     Suzanne Lu
                                              Andrew Au                       William Libicz
     Sylvana Grisonich-Boldt
                                              Anne and David Church           William Wilson
     Sze Lui
                                              Anne Gelinas                    Wing Lim
     Tedeusz Nowak
                                              Arlene Olson                    Xuan Geng
     The Hadfield Family
     Thomas Herbst                            Audrey Kenny                    $25,000+
     Tim Church                               Audrey Swain                    1 Anonymous
     Tom and Julia Della Maestra              Bev and James Lough             Chris Chan
     Tom Cullen                               Donald and Margaret MacKenzie   Geraldine Margaret Berenbaum
     Tom Winton                               Doreen Houben                   John and Mary Crocker
     Tytanya Fillion                          Fay Moffat                      Nancy Hardy-Banting
     Valerie A. Priest                        Guoping He                      Rosslyn Reed
     Vanessa Navarro                          Harold Derksen                  Saralee Christ
     Vera Barcza                              Harpreet Bajaj                  Sze Ho Lui and Kitty Lui

28   Diabetes Canada     2020 Impact Report
LEADERSHIP TEAM                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Laura Syron                                   Catherine Potechin         Michael Coyle
President & CEO                               Chair                      Len Daniels
Russell Williams                              Michael McMullen           Susan Doyle
Senior Vice President, Mission                Vice-Chair/Secretary       Diane T. Finegood
                                                                         Shelley Jones
Suzanne Boucher                               Patricia Li
                                                                         Mark Lehman
Executive Director, Finance                   Treasurer
                                                                         Nafisa Merali
Scott Brown                                                              Jimmy Mui
Executive Director, Facilities, Procurement                              Verlyn Olson
& Shared Services                                                        Peter Senior
Kimberley Hanson                                                         Ellen Stensholt
Executive Director, Federal Affairs
Andrew Kadar
Director, IT
Irene Karon
                                              2020 REGIONAL CHAIRS
Executive Director, Human Resources           Richard LeFebvre       Northern British Columbia/Yukon
Jennifer McEvoy                               Nafisa Merali          Vancouver Coastal
Executive Director, Marketing, Knowledge      Brian Symonds          Interior British Columbia
Innovation & Camps                            John Hooper            Fraser Valley
Seema Nagpal                                  Barbara Toller         Vancouver Island
Vice President, Science & Policy              Randeep Birdi          Northern Alberta/NWT
                                              Buzz Bishop            Southern Alberta
                                              Peter Dickinson        Northern Saskatchewan
                                              Gavin Bush             Southern Saskatchewan
                                              Barb Chaput            Manitoba/Nunavut
                                              Kristine Thompson      North West Ontario
                                              Vacant                 North East Ontario
                                              Lisa McMahon           Eastern Ontario
                                              Vacant                 South East Ontario
                                              Glen Heatherington     Central East Ontario
                                              Vacant                 Central West Ontario
                                              Brian Halladay         Greater Toronto Area
                                              Vacant                 Central South Ontario
                                              Stephanie Senteris     South West Ontario
                                              Ross Kinney            New Brunswick
                                              Vacant                 Prince Edward Island
                                              Ahmed Elkar            Nova Scotia
                                              Mark Buckle            Newfoundland Labrador

                                                                         2020 Impact Report   Diabetes Canada   29
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