Resilience - West Craven High School

Page created by Edith Hayes
Resilience - West Craven High School
‘Ad Vitam Paramus’
‘We are Preparing for Life’.

                      Follow us on Twitter @westcravenhigh

                    We can be followed @WestCravenHighSchool                       Friday 1 July 2022
      “It is really wonderful how much resilience there is in human nature. Let any obstructing cause,
    no matter what, be removed in any way, even by death, and we fly back to first principles of hope
                                          and enjoyment.”
                                                Bram Stoker, Dracula
                                                 Key Messages
Dear Parents/Carers
As you will be aware, we have had visitors in this week as we have had an Ofsted monitoring visit. Many
students have been involved in meetings with inspectors as an opportunity to share their views and
experiences of life for them in their school. I want to thank all students for their contributions as well as the
staff team. I want to also thank those of you who were able to take the time to complete the survey or
contribute in other ways. Your support is appreciated.
Every day, your support is appreciated and is needed to get the best experience and outcomes for your
This week's assemblies have focused on resilience. We waved a number of our Year 7s off on Wednesday
to the much awaited Bushcraft residential and I am already impressed with their resilience and teamwork
displayed in the bushcraft activities. Other students in Key Stage 3 have been involved in the athletics
competition and did amazingly well as is so often the case in sporting tournaments and competitions.
Year 10 headed off to two of our local colleges, Nelson and Colne College and Burnley College for taster
sessions and arrived back with more insight into what they may do as their next steps. Over the last two
terms we have commissioned an independent careers advisor who has started to meet with Year 10
students on an individual basis and the aim is to ensure all our Year 10s have an individual careers review
as they head into Year 11 and some of them will receive more than one, as needed.
Next week Year 10 head out on a two week work experience placement as an excellent opportunity to
impress potential employers and our local community. A small number of Year 10 students remain in school and
Mrs Adam our Careers Lead has arranged a comprehensive programme related to employability and future
The East Lancashire Education Awards were held this week and I am delighted to say that one of our Year 7 students
received the award of Secondary School Pupil of the Year. Well done Zak! This is so well deserved. As a Trust we
also received the award for Health and Wellbeing.
Over the remaining weeks of this school year, I will be writing to you about some important changes ahead of the
new school year, arrangements for the first weeks back in September and an update about our staff roles and
responsibilities so you know who best to contact with any specific questions.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Blomley
Executive Principal
Resilience - West Craven High School
                                      ASPIRE POINTS
  Ambition          Supportive       Positivity      Independence            Resilience       Equality
The Theme of the week is Resilience, well done to the following students who received the
most positivity points on Class Charts.

              8.1  Jobe McDade
                                                                       7.3    Jayden Harvey
              7.3  Billy Robinson
                                                                       9.4    Noah Syers
              7.3  Harry Harlow-Charlton
                                                                       7.5    Izobel Anderson
              7.3  Mackenzie Thorpe
                                                                       7.5    Nixie Griffiths
              9.4  Jack Trickett
                                                                       8.1    Iman Masud
              7.3  Libby Hird
                                        9.5   Lia-J Lawson             9.3    Grace Plant
              7.3  Matthew Lloyd
                                        8.3   Kaizer Mills
                                        7.3   Olivia Roberts-Brown
                                        9.2   Shahiryaar Aslam Riaz
                                        7.3   Tyler Catlow
                                        7.3   Natalia Michalczyk
                9.1 Corey Cowgill                                     8.1    Alfie Molloy
                9.5 Ayan Khalid                                       9.3    Hannah Robinson
                8.2 Ciaran Daly                                       7.2    Daisy Simpson
                9.1 Violet Datkiewicz                                 8.4    Olly Smith
                9.4 Grace Hindley                                     9.5    Sem Vavrok
                9.1 Ruby Milligan                                     9.4    Annie Wilkinson

                                Top Parent Awarded Points

8.5   Natalie Barritt
                                                       9.4   Lily-Grace Clayton
8.4   Caitlin Blake
                                                       7.2   Oscar Clayton
7.2   Chloe Skaife
                                                       8.4   Francis Colvin
7.3   Billy Robinson
                                                       7.4   Oliver Singleton
8.4   Riley Moss
                                                       7.2   Freddie Thompson
8.4   Olly Smith          7.2    Daisy Simpson                                        8.5    Hayden Seed
                                                       9.1   Isabelle Chew
8.3   Rosie Williams      7.2    Freddy Simpson                                       10.5    Caleb Upton
                          8.4    Bailey Toor                                          10.5    Connor Barr
                          9.5    Jasmine Leah                                         7.1    Kai Lawson
                          7.2    Grace Ariss                                          7.3    Owen Stephenson
                          7.3    Zachary Beresford                                    9.4    Jack Trickett
Resilience - West Craven High School
Extra-Curricular Activities

        Lunch Clubs                                After School Clubs
          Monday                                          Monday
                               GCSE English, T1, Mrs Stoker
                               GCSE English, G1, Mr Ralph
                               GCSE Chemistry, M1, Mrs Robertson
                               Football, Year 8, 5 a-side
                               Rounders, All years
          Tuesday                                         Tuesday
                               GCSE Science, Year 11, M2, Miss Grant
                               GCSE Science, Year 11, G4, Mrs Clemson
                               GCSE Science, M1, Mrs N Robertson
                               Football, Year 7, 5 a-side
                               Rounders, All years

         Wednesday                                   Wednesday
                               BTEC Enterprise, catch up clinic for Component 1, G11, Mrs
                               GCSE Geography Revision, G8, Mrs rice
                               History GCSE Revision, M7, Miss Jones
                               GCSE Media Studies Revision, M5, Mr Turner
                               Cricket, All years
                               School Show rehearsals, G6, 3.05 - 4.15pm
          Thursday                                        Thursday
                               GCSE Computer Science Revision, G11, Mrs Thompson
                               Geography Club, G8, Mrs Price
                               History GCSE Revision, M6, Mr Barr
                               French Revision, Year 11, G8, Miss Jowitt
                               Musicals Club, T4, Mrs Bradley (Timetable B)
                               Year 7 Technology Club, G7, Mr Kershaw
                               Football, Year 9, 5 a-side
                               Athletics, All years
             Friday                                       Friday
Duke of Edinburgh, Early       Art Club, M10 Mrs Whittle and Miss Knowles
lunch, M12, Mr Wilson          GCSE Higher Maths - revision and practice, G18, Mrs Adams
Resilience - West Craven High School
4      Year 10 Work Experience (Week 1)

                      5      GCSE Art Exhibition – Main Hall

                      11     Year 10 Work Experience (Week 2)

                      18     Enrichment Week

                      18     Year 10 Careers Day

                      19     Sports Day

                      20     Year 9 Geography Field Trip

                      22     Last day of term – students dismissed @ 1pm

                       East Lancashire Education Awards
                          Secondary School student of the Year

Congratulations to Year 7 student Zakariya Ahmed, who
won the secondary school pupil of the year at the East
Lancashire Education Awards this week.
Resilience - West Craven High School
We are a Reading Academy

A week at WCHS
George Orwell would have turned 119 last week and as my personal literary
hero, I will forever be sorry he is no longer here and writing. Without
wishing to paraphrase the great Christopher Hitchens and his work “Why
Orwell Matters”, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the importance
of his genius and he is studied with your child at WCHS. Orwell wrote both
fiction and non-fiction that has survived the test of time, his works are often
in top ten of the best read books of the 20th Century and have never
been out of print (although banned in a variety of countries including Soviet
Russia). ‘Animal Farm’, his allegorical satirical novella is now being taught
to select sets for English Literature in Year 10. This staggering work of
searing political criticism coupled with a favourite simplistic has engaged
many pupils with not only themes of corruption and power but with the
deeper historical learning as well – leading to many lessons that cross many
curriculum areas. Lower down the school Year 8 start the year in September
with a study of extracts of Orwell’s non-fiction works – we visit rundown
kitchens in post-war Paris, and coal mines in Wigan and then touch upon
his time fighting fascist in Spain

Book Review
James Winter, a wonderful student and reader in Year 7 has written a
review about ‘Bad Dad’ by David Walliams.
“I would rate this book 10/10 as it is adventurous, it’s funny, it’s sad and
happy. The writer makes you experience what the characters are feeling
and that is why I love it! Personally, my favourite character is Raj because
he makes me laugh and has a special connection with Frank and everyone
in the village. Frank’s mother (Rita) is portrayed as a bad mum but ends
up really good and kind in the end. The illustrator Tony Ross does an
amazing job with the cover images and picture throughout to really allow
us to engage with the characters and plot. The dynamic duo of Frank and
his dad, Gilbert, get along like paper and pen and the dads love for his
son makes you feel so happy – the plot is about a heist and henchmen
and the suspense is unreal! I recommend this book to all Year 7 and Year
8’s for a great fun read.”
Resilience - West Craven High School
We are a Reading Academy cont…

                               Parent Corner
                               Looking for a book that is interesting, something to get your
                               teeth into and something to pass on to a friend?
                               Going with the Orwell theme for this week’s recommendations –
                               Orwell is known as the father of modern dystopia writing
                               however Orwell’s teacher at Eton was Aldous Huxley who wrote
                               ‘Brave New World’ years before his ‘1984’. ‘Brave New World’ is
                               a book in which Huxley makes sinister predictions about the
                               future of Britain, and how we produce and raise children via
                               intense medical intervention. This is a superlative read and is an
                               ideal accompaniment to Orwell’s ‘1984’ to dip into future worlds
                               and not so future worlds. The dystopian theme can be continued
                               with many Young Adult (YA) novels from the ‘Scythe’ books by
                               Neal Shusterman to the ‘Divergent’ series by Veronica Roth
                               (both available in our library). If you prefer something a little
                               lighter, then I can recommend a beautiful book called “The
                               Keeper of Stories” by Sally Page – a best seller about the power
                               of stories and friendship with a delightful range of characters. I
                               loved it.

Weekend Plans?
The Flag Market, Preston
As part of Brilliant Books Day, Magic Light Productions
brings some of Lewis Carrol's iconic characters to
Preston. Will you meet the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter
or the Queen of Hearts? Come dressed as your favourite
character and have your photo taken!
           Saturday 2 July 12pm - 4pm
What will be there of the day?
• Library Pop Up: 12-4pm
• Alice and Wonderland Characters: 12-4pm
For further details visit:

Mrs A Stoker
Director of English
Resilience - West Craven High School
                                             Mission: Explore

Have you ever wondered how far you can
walk whilst sucking a mint?
Or dreamed about where the planes are
flying to?
Or wondered how many times you would
need to climb the stairs to have travelled
to the top of Everest? Now is your
This July, KS3 Geographers have been
set a mission - to explore!
Geography is about curiosity, exploration
and discovery. It gives you the power to
see places in new ways, even imaginary
ones. Geography also helps you to
understand and make sense of the world.
12 exciting challenges, from collecting clouds to sketching the view, or even establishing a new country.
Mrs Price has thrown down the gauntlet to students in Years 7 to 9 to explore the world around them!
All the details of the challenges can be found on the display window in M8, and on ClassCharts.
So complete your missions and become a Guerilla Geographer! Challenge people to think about things
that important to you, think geographically about what might seem unusual or unexpected.
Nicola Price, Head of Geography

                                   World Environment Day

           Fatima's winning design for World
           Environment Day has been made into our
           latest postcard design.
Resilience - West Craven High School
                                       Sports Leaders

The girls were asked to represent the school
as Sports Leaders at the Pendle Schools’
Primary Athletics event. They were an
absolute credit to the school and the
organisers were delighted with the
professional job they did.
Well done to Isobel Chew, Lily-Grace
Clayton, Freya Craddock, Violet Datkiewicz,
Ruby Gill, Jasmine Hartley, Rosie Hill, Macy
Parker, Alicia Sturzu, Florence Whittaker
and Annie Wilkinson.
Resilience - West Craven High School
Art Exhibition

Resilience - West Craven High School

                                   GCSE Pod
             We have an online resource called GCSE pod.
             This is for students to access. It hosts a raft of resources
             to support them on their GCSE journey.


                  A BIG well done to the Top 3 podders
                        Lilli-Mae Lorente-Edwards
                              Charlie Marshall
                              Lewis Blackburn

For parents of Year 10 and 11 students.

Summer Holiday Camps
Year 7 Family Fitness Challenge
                                                           June 2022

To help you keep on top of your fitness and to introduce good habits, we have a fitness challenge for our Year 7 students and parents. Students
who complete as many of these sessions, signed off by a parent, will receive a reward. You can issue ClassCharts points by clicking on the sporting
icon        in Classcharts when each workout is completed.
Follow us on Twitter @westcravenhigh
                   Maths Department @WestMaths
                   PE Department @wcpedept
                   Science Department @WCHSSci
                   Careers Department @WCHS_Careers
                   Geography Department @GeogWCHS1
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