Page created by Ernest Alexander
Q4 2020
Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

                                    01 Foreword................................................3
                                    02 Portfolio Manager Viewpoint...................7
                                    03 Country Head Focus –
                                    04 Infrastructure investing
                                       in a post-Covid world...........................14
                                    05 Solutions to the ever-growing
                                       plastic waste problem .........................19
                                    06 What are the principal
                                       considerations and obstacles to
                                       climate change risk management?.......25

                                    Stewardship in action
                                    07 Voting Q4.............................................29

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

01 Foreword

                                         Climate issues will continue to be a                        The scope of our voting activities is
                                         major area of focus that is touched                         of course broad, and another aspect
                                         upon in more depth later in this report.                    of it continues to be the issue of
                                         For example, Chris Wagstaff, our Head                       boardroom gender diversity. We have
                                         of Pensions and Investment Education,                       had an active voting strategy on this
                                         looks at considerations and obstacles                       issue that has been developing since
                                         to climate change risk management.                          2016. During 2020 we took voting
                                         In addition, Andrea Carzana, one of our                     action at more than 200 companies
                                         European equities portfolio managers,                       where concerns existed, including
                                         touches on the relevance of net-zero                        a number where diversity among
                                         transitions for investors in his portfolio                  the senior executive leadership, a
                                         manager’s viewpoint. The topic also                         developing area of focus throughout
                                         features in this quarter’s country                          the year, gave us cause for concern.
 Iain Richards                           focus (Austria) as well as in the
                                         insights into infrastructure investing                      Looking ahead to 2021, this facet of
 Head of Global Responsible                                                                          our voting activity will continue with an
 Investment Policy                       in a post-Covid world.

                                         Figure 1: Proxy Votes on 2020 Key Climate Resolutions

Looking back over 2020 it was clearly     Hartford (Wellington)                    27                                                                   90
                                          Columbia Threadneedle                    33                                                              82
an unusual year. The coronavirus          Victory Funds                            34                                                         75
pandemic and lockdowns have               Principal Funds                          34                                                         75
required considerable adaptation.         Invesco (Incl. ETFs)                     34                                                66
                                          JPMorgan                                 34                                         57
The resilience and determination
                                          Fidelity (Geode)                         34                                        56
people have shown is remarkable.          Janus Henderson                          32                                        56
                                          MFS                                      24                                       54
In addition, the continued scrutiny of    Franklin Templeton                       32                                       53
asset manager voting as an indicator      Jackson National                         34                                     51
                                          T. Rowe Price                            34                                    49
of whether they “walk the talk” has       TIAA Funds                               34                               41
continued, most commonly in relation      Schwab                                   34                         35
to voting on climate resolutions.         State Street (Incl. SPDR)                34                        32
                                          American Funds                           23                      30
Although we have not always been
                                          American Century                         30                     27
included in reports published on          Fidelity (Ex. Geode)                     33              19
climate voting, Figure 1 provides a       Vanguard (Ex. Actively Managed)          34            15
                                          BlackRock (Includes iShares)             34           12
good insight into our ongoing focus
                                          Dimensional Funds                        34     7
on climate voting in a US shareholder                                               0                 25            50                    75                 100
resolution during 2020.1                                                 # Resolutions Voted          Average % Support

                                         Source: Morningstar. “Which Fund Companies Supported Climate Via Proxy Votes?”. 2nd December 2020.


                                                     2020                                                                                               2022
Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

    added focus on ethnic diversity. As we   the pandemic has been invaluable to       The nature of these changes will
    vote at thousands of company general     the insights we bring to our investment   shape the research agenda and we
    meetings, accessing reliable data        strategies. That level of research        will be looking at aspects of this
    sources to expand our approach and       intensity – and enthusiasm – reflects     further over the course of 2021.
    develop greater consistency remains      our belief that responsible investment
    important. To that end we are indebted   research is fundamental research and      As we move into 2021 it is with
    to the many organisations and groups     the combination of macro, thematic        the momentum provided by the
    that provided invaluable insights and    and security level analysis in this       extraordinary pace of ESG adoption
    information to us as investors.          context is essential.                     among the broader asset management
                                                                                       community, which more than doubled
    Turning back to the pandemic,            In a policy context, both a renewed       during 2020. This has also been
    Covid-19 has forced attention to turn    focus on climate change and on            reflected in the scale of the assets for
    to many of the structural weaknesses     the need for inclusive growth will        which ESG is now a factor. Although
    that exist in our economies and          be important considerations in            much of the attention often focuses on
    societies both domestically and          the post-Covid environment.               Europe, where the market is already
    internationally. The response from       Both have significant importance          well established, it is notable looking
    colleagues, across all disciplines,      for our economies and the wider           back across 2020 that the rate of
    in collaborating to analyse both the     changes that are already taking place     change (adoption) has been highest
    short- and long-term implications of     – the fourth industrial revolution.       in the US market.2

Jackson National                             34                                       51
 T. Rowe Price                                34                                      49
 TIAA Funds                                   34                                 41
 Schwab                                       34                            35
 State Street (Incl. SPDR)                    34                           32
                                                                                                                                      Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020
 American Funds                               23                         30
 American Century                             30                        27
 Fidelity (Ex. Geode)                         33            19
 Vanguard (Ex. Actively Managed)              34          15
 BlackRock (Includes iShares)                 34         12
 Dimensional Funds                            34  7
                                            0                     25            50                 75                100
                                 # Resolutions Voted              Average % Support

Figure 2: EU sustainable finance reform timeline

            2020                                                                                                  2022                                    2023

   Level I        EU Green            Level II                 Level II                Level II    Environment          Level II                Additional                  Level II
   SFDR              Deal              Draft                 Draft SFDR               Taxonomy       Objective         Full SFDR                Taxonomy                  quantitative
 Regulation      Investment          Taxonomy                delegated                delegated     disclosure       application?               disclosures               disclosures
 published       Plan & Just         delegated               acts (RTS)               acts (RTS)        by              + Initial                    by                     for PAI
    in OJ         Transition            acts                                                        end-2021          Taxonomy                  end-2022                  (re: 2022)
                 Mechanism           published                                                                        disclosures

     Dec             Jan       Dec      Nov            Jan        Feb      Mar           Jun            Q4                 Jan            Jun       Q4              Jan       Jun

                             Level I               Regulatory            10 March     Mandatory     Additional          Level II         Level II                Art. 8 & 9
                           Taxonomy                   filings            Lev 1 SFDR       PAI           draft          Art. 8 & 9       Taxonomy                   Annual
                           Regulation              (fast-track)         Application   Disclosure    Taxonomy           template        delegated                 Reports?
                           published                                       Date                     Criteria by      disclosures?      acts (RTS)
                              in OJ                                     (PAI opt-in                end-2021?           (incl. seg      + UK TCFD
                                                                        disclosure)                                   mandates)          rules?

Source: Columbia Threadneedle Investments, February 2021.

  These trends have important                                      (16 December 2020). Increased                                 reforms. For now though I will conclude
  implications for both asset managers                             market volatility and risk of significant                     with the above chart to offer a quick
  and asset owners, particularly those                             draw-downs following the “Covid”                              snapshot of some key aspects of
  in Europe. The initial March 2021                                crash has propelled ESG investing                             the timeline around the current EU
  deadline for sustainability-related                              to the forefront of many investors’                           sustainable finance reforms and the
  disclosure in the financial services                             decision-making criteria. The Global                          all-important disclosure regulation with
  sector under the Sustainable Finance                             Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA)                        its focus on sustainability risk as well
  Disclosure Regulations (SFDR) has                                suggests there are seven commonly                             as principal adverse impacts (Figure 2).
  everyone’s attention and focus.                                  used socially responsible investing
  As both groups respond to these                                  strategies; in practice, investors use
  requirements, the approach taken will                            more than one at a time. However, it
  have potentially significant implications                        is worth mentioning that overall their
  for investment strategies.                                       performance has been positive –
                                                                   although there are deviations across
  Given the scale of change involved,                              these strategies.
  the importance of practical approaches
  to integration, rather than formulaic                            The first quarter of 2021 and beyond
  ones, will be important. A notable                               will see a procession of milestones                           Source:
  example of why this is the case was                              and deadlines arrive. Although some                              which-fund-companies-supported-climate-via-
  seen in JPMorgan’s perspectives                                  dates and details of reforms remain to                           proxy-votes
                                                                                                                                 2 JPMorgan, ESG Investing: Momentum Moves
  report towards the end of Q4 2020,                               be finalised and confirmed, the EU is                            Mainstream – 2021 brings collective demand for
  “Build Back Better to Boost ESG”                                 already working on the next phase of                             change around the globe, 20 January 2021.

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

02	Portfolio Manager’s Viewpoint

                                           invested across all active strategies –   closely aligned with the UN Sustainable
                                           December 2020’s total of £1.7 billion     Development Goals. We believe these
                                           was itself the highest monthly figure     companies have the potential to enjoy
                                           since July 2015.1                         better growth and returns, with wider
                                                                                     competitive moats in the long term
                                           The trend towards RI and sustainability   versus those companies misaligned
                                           is gaining impressive momentum.           with these themes.
                                           However, the headline figures obscure
                                           important underlying trends. RI is a
                                           broad label that covers many strategies   2020’s focus on the net-zero
                                           related to sustainability. Much of the    transition
                                           money invested in 2020 went into
                                           funds marketed as ESG (environment,       It is common for investors to confuse
                                           social and governance) vehicles,          ESG funds with sustainable outcome
 Andrea Carzana                            focusing on measures of companies’        strategies and conclude that they may
 Portfolio Manager,                        performance against these indicators.     have missed the boat on investing
 Threadneedle Sustainable Outcomes                                                   in sustainable outcome. This is a
 Pan-European Equity strategy              ESG is a long-established investment      mistake. ESG has been growing for
                                           theme that is now widely recognised       years but it was only in 2020 that, for
                                           and understood. But the fast-growing      the first time, investors began to focus
                                           flows into RI include another, less       in earnest on the opportunities of a
                                           well-known set of strategies that are     net zero transition.
2020 was a landmark year for flows
                                           more recent and much less mature:
into funds focusing on responsible                                                   One of the key reasons for the growing
                                           sustainable outcome funds. Many of
investment (RI) themes. Although                                                     focus on sustainable outcome funds
                                           these invest specifically in companies
this appetite for funds following RI                                                 during 2020 was the succession
                                           that are facilitating the world’s
principles was boosted by the Covid-19                                               of announcements by governments
                                           transition to carbon neutrality – or
pandemic, it is still growing and should                                             around the world of policies and
                                           net zero – by 2050, particularly around
far outlast the impact of the virus.                                                 stimulus packages to enable
                                           power generation and transport.
In December 2020 alone, according                                                    economies to reach net zero by 2050,
                                           As such, hidden within the overall
to Calastone, investors poured                                                       or 2060 for China. Countries including
                                           fund flow figures for 2020 is a major
£1.1 billion into UK-based actively                                                  China, Japan and South Korea, as
                                           trend that is still in its infancy: the
managed equity funds with an RI focus.                                               well as the European Union member
                                           wave of investment into companies
This is roughly equivalent to the total                                              states and the UK, have committed
                                           and technologies that will enable the
inflows to these strategies between                                                  to net-zero targets. Approved
                                           world economy to transition to net zero
2015 and 2018. Equally notable is                                                    commitments to fund green stimulus
                                           within our lifetimes. Many of these are
that this £1.1 billion inflow accounted                                              and support for carbon-intensive
                                           businesses with sustainable themes
for almost two-thirds of the money                                                   industries as of 1 November 2020,

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

    stood at more than $1 trillion,                          Beginning a multi-decade                          450,000 tonnes a year to 40 million,
    with another $644 billion under                                                                            and investments in clean electricity
    consideration by the EU (Figure 1).                      investment trend                                  need to rise from $380 billion a year
    Now that President Biden has taken                       2021 will start to see the funding put            to $1.6 trillion.3
    office, the US is expected to launch a                   in place to drive the net-zero transition.
    major green stimulus package of its                                                                        The implications for investors are
                                                             It is already obvious that far more
    own. His immediate decision to take                                                                        clear. Unprecedented sums must be
                                                             money will be needed to transform
    the US back into the Paris Climate                                                                         channelled into the world’s energy
                                                             the way the world generates energy –
    Accord is indicative of the US’s                                                                           transition over the coming decades.
                                                             which accounts for three-quarters of
    direction of travel.2                                                                                      The sheer scale of the investments
                                                             global emissions – than governments
                                                                                                               required will necessarily mean that
                                                             have announced so far. For example,
    The ambitious commitments made                                                                             this is a multi-decade investment
                                                             to reach carbon neutrality by 2050,
    in 2020 are vital – but 2021 will be                                                                       trend, representing an opportunity
                                                             the share of electric cars in total sales
    a far more significant year for the                                                                        of unparalleled size. Many of the
                                                             must rise from 3% to more than 50% by
    net-zero transition than anything we                                                                       technologies that will be required to
                                                             the end of this decade, production of
    have seen so far.                                                                                          make the transition possible are yet
                                                             “green hydrogen” must increase from

Figure 1: stimulus approved and near completion as of 1 November 2020

Approved green stimulus                               179

 Draft EU green proposal                                                                  644                                          823

  Approved stimulus for
 CO2-intensive industries

                            0                         200                      400                       600                     800                        1,000
                                                                                        $ billion
                                  Asia        Oceania         EU     Other Europe    MENA           North America    Latin America     Sub-Saharan Africa

Source: Governments, media reports, BloombergNEF, November 2020.

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

to be commercialised. The companies          carbon neutrality vary hugely in their      Ultimately, public and private
developing them will require sustained       quality and ambition – some have            investment will flow to those companies
support from government stimulus             committed to neutrality by 2030, others     making concerted moves to reach
programmes for years to come.                not until 2060. Global co-ordination        carbon neutrality. They will become
                                             will allow investors to judge companies     more sustainable, more resilient and,
The opportunity in sustainable               against their peers more effectively,       therefore, more valuable over the long
outcomes is, therefore, still in its early   which will help to determine where          term. As a result they will enjoy a
stages. If investors do not yet fully        investment flows.                           lower cost of capital than their peers.
appreciate its size and likely duration,                                                 The global net-zero transition is just
this is entirely understandable.             The second major event of 2021 is           beginning: it will shape the investment
                                             in November, when the UK will host          agenda for decades to come.
                                             the COP26 Climate Change Conference
Raising the tempo                            in Glasgow. This will seek to
In the coming months, however, we            co-ordinate governments’ climate
expect two major events to increase          change programmes. It will also ratchet
the tempo of the net-zero effort and to      up the pressure for governments to
signal the start of a more co-ordinated      keep to the pledges they have made
international drive to achieve the 2050      already, and to increase their size if
deadline. First, in May, the International   they are to meet the 2050 goal.
Energy Agency will publish its first
roadmap for the global energy sector         The drive to achieve net zero will affect
to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.          all companies and all investors over
Companies around the world will treat        the coming decades. Some, such as
this document as a framework against         oil majors with huge legacy assets, will
which their transition efforts will be       face enormous challenges. Others have       1 Calastone, January 2021.
benchmarked. This is vital because           been investing in greener technologies      2, What the US rejoining the Paris accord
                                                                                            means for climate policy, 22 January 2021.
individual companies’ targets for            for years and are well positioned for
                                                                                         3 Columbia Threadneedle Investments,
                                             the energy transition.                         January 2021.

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

03	Country head focus –

                               There is little doubting Austria’s grand    From green bonds to
                               green ambitions. After the September
                               2019 election of a coalition between        sustainable investment
                               modern hardline conservatives and the       The country’s green financing plots
                               Green party, a new “super ministry”         its path towards creating a sustainable
                               was set up covering transport,              economy. The first issuer of green
                               energy, the environment, science            bonds was Verbund AG, an energy firm,
                               and innovation. It promised a wave          which in 2014 raised €500 million
                               of initiatives to “green” the economy,      for hydro and wind power plants.5
                               and place environmentally sustainable       In 2018, the company raised a further
                               business at the core of the country’s       €100 million from a digital green
                               growth strategy.1                           Schuldschein, which is a private debt
                                                                           placement.6 Others have included
                               Perhaps distracted by the Covid-19
 Herbert Kronaus               crisis, critics say that little has
                                                                           property bank Hypo Vorarlberg, which
 Country Head Austria                                                      issued a €300 million green bond
                               happened yet to fulfil that early
                                                                           in 2017 7 to finance mortgages on
                               rhetoric. Even so, sustainable business
                                                                           low-carbon buildings. In 2021, the
                               is thriving. The country hosts one of
                                                                           government has indicated it intends
                               Europe’s largest “green tech” clusters
                                                                           to launch a sovereign green bond,
                               around the city of Graz, with more
                                                                           providing a boost to the market.8
With strong green              than 200 companies developing green
credentials in renewable       technologies and services. Further,         Over time, the Vienna Stock Exchange
                               hydroelectric plants generate around        has joined the development of green
energy generation and          60% of the Alpine country’s electricity.2   finance. In 2018, for instance, it
technology, as well as a       Taking advantage of its mountainous
                                                                           introduced a green and social bonds
                                                                           listing, adopting the Green Bond
growing sustainable finance    geography, Austria aims to generate
                                                                           Principles of the International Capital
sector, Austria should be      100% of its electricity supply from
                                                                           Markets Association. The principles
                               renewable sources by 2030, up from
well positioned as the world   current levels of around 80%.3 In doing
                                                                           are a badge of quality providing for
                                                                           transparency and disclosure, allowing
turns to more sustainable      so it is likely to turn to green finance.
                                                                           investors to evaluate environmental
                               To date, projects have been financed
business models                                                            impacts.9 As long ago as 2005
                               by the European Investment Bank
                                                                           the exchange launched VÖNIX,10
                               as well as by green bonds, despite
                                                                           a capitalisation-weighted index of
                               Austria lagging Europe’s leading green
                                                                           Austria’s leading companies, based
                               bond issuers such as France, the
                                                                           on their social and environmental
                               Netherlands and Germany.4

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

 activities. One of the first national       A well-positioned economy                 Source:
                                                                                       1, Climate crisis helps burnish Austria’s green
 sustainability indices to be launched                                                    credentials, 9 September 2020.
 by a leading exchange, the index            Austria has a long history in             2, Climate crisis helps burnish Austria’s green
 has helped underpin growth in               sustainable investing. The country’s         credentials, 9 September 2020.
                                                                                       3 European Commission, EIB and UniCredit Bank
 ESG investing.                              Eco-label for Sustainable Financial          Austria finance development of one of Austria’s
                                             Products is one of the oldest of its         largest wind farms, 31 August 2020.
                                                                                       4 Bloomberg, 2020.
 Turning to asset management, the            kind in Europe, and around 130 funds      5
 sustainable investment universe             in Austria are currently certified with      news-press/press-releases/2014/11/14/
 continues to grow, according to the         this label.14                                bond, November 2014.
 latest report from Forum Nachhaltige                                                  6 VERBUND places the first ESG linked syndicated
 Geldanlagen (FNG), an industry              But institutional investors are not          loan, November 2018.
 association promoting sustainable           stopping here. In September, the             in-green-bonds-issued-by-the-lithuanian-utility-
 investment in Germany, Austria and          Fachverband der Pensionskassen               lietuvos-energija.html, July 2017.
                                                                                       8 New sovereign and corporate issuers cement
 Switzerland. In 2019, sustainable           called for the introduction of a “green      Europe’s green bond leadership. S&P Global
 assets in Austria reached €30.1 billion     supplementary pension” to encourage          Market Intelligence. 19 October, 2020.
 as private investors increased their        further investment by pension funds.         en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/new-
 investments by €6.75 billion or             The idea is that if supplementary            sovereign-and-corporate-issuers-cement-europe-s-
                                             pensions conformed to minimum                green-bond-leadership-60587041
 almost three quarters (77%).11                                                        9 Green and Social Bonds – A Platform for
                                             sustainable investment standards,            Sustainable Investments, Wiener Boerse.
 But institutional investors still           they would attract additional tax  
 own three-quarters of all Austria’s         breaks.15                                 10
 sustainable assets,12 with pension                                                       stock-exchange-news/voenix-sustainability-index-
                                             So what does the future hold once            new-composition-24062019/, June 2019.
 funds the biggest supporters.                                                         11
 A recent survey by the Fachverband          the Covid-19 pandemic begins to fade?        activities/983-fng-marktbericht-nachhaltige-
                                             Despite a slow start in honouring its        geldanlagen-2018-austria.html
 der Pensionskassen, Austria’s                                                         12 Markbericht Nachhaltige Geldanlagen 2020, Forum
 occupational pension fund association,      commitments, environment minister            Nachhaltige Geldanlagen. https://www.investment-
                                             Leonore Gewessler has said she is  
 revealed that Pensionskassen (pension                                                    FNG-Marktbericht-2020.pdf
 funds) in Austria invest €15 billion        committed to using state aid to fund      13 Austrian Pensionskassen association pushes for
                                             green projects.16 Beyond that,               sustainable investments, IPE.
 sustainably, representing 61.5% of                                                       news/austrian-pensionskassen-association-pushes-
 their assets under management.13            Austria’s strengths in renewable             for-sustainable-investments/10047630.article
                                             energy and green tech are likely to be    14 The sustainable investment market in Austria is at
                                                                                          historic levels,
                                             rewarded if the world shifts to a more
                                             sustainable economy.                         investment-market-austria-historic-levels/
                                                                                       15 Austrian Pensionskassen association pushes for
                                                                                          sustainable investments, IPE.
                                                                                       16, Climate crisis helps burnish Austria’s green
                                                                                          credentials, 9 September 2020.

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

04	Infrastructure investing in a
    post-Covid world

     Benjamin Kelly                           Ingrid Edmund
     Senior Analyst, Global Research          Senior Portfolio Manager

 The nature of sustainable                   have reached more than $1 trillion        This is unlikely to fade as the world
 infrastructure investment has been          of assets for the first time – with the   emerges from the pandemic. There is
 changed by Covid-19. The economic           third quarter of 2020 alone seeing        growing realisation by investors that
 impact of the pandemic, as                  more than €50 billion.1 Heading into      infrastructure investments have long-
 governments around the world restrict       the pandemic, sustainable investment      term consequences on communities,
 movement and business activity              was typically more likely to focus on     and ultimately integrating ESG is not
 in an attempt to slow the spread            the environment and climate change        just a risk mitigation tool but a return
 of the coronavirus, has prompted            mitigation strategies – indeed, when      generator and an opportunity to create
 unprecedented levels of state spending      companies and other organisations         further value by shaping positive
 in areas of infrastructure ranging          talked about their ESG (environment,      outcomes.
 from healthcare and education to            social and governance) performance,
 employment programmes.                      the emphasis in recent years has
                                             been very much on the first of those
                                                                                       Climate change investment
 In response, capital markets have           three factors.                            and Covid-19
 seen a record level of issuance of
 social bonds to raise funds for such        But investing to produce more             The idea that investing in infrastructure
 projects. Morningstar estimates             beneficial or equitable social outcomes   can benefit the environment and/or
 that European sustainable funds             is now firmly in the spotlight.           mitigate the impact of climate change

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

is not new. What is different is the       This highlights that more needs to be      economy such as transportation, which
pandemic has changed some of the           done to prevent economic recovery          has until now proved challenging with
dynamics.                                  leading to a rebound in emissions.         electrification. Europe’s €180 billion
                                                                                      investment to scale up and deploy
Reduced travel, industrial activity and    The post-pandemic period is likely         clean hydrogen7 could see a sharp
electricity generation during Covid-19     to provide opportunities to increase       reduction in costs and promote the
saw global emissions fall by up to         investment linked to climate-change        scaling up of production and use of
7% in 2020, according to the UN            mitigation: the EU, for example, has       renewable hydrogen.
Environment Programme.2 This impact        indicated it will put the environment at
will likely extend well into 2021.         the centre of its Covid-19 economic        This will provide additional opportunity
Further lockdowns have already been        recovery plans,3 while the UK has          in creating a smarter, reinforced
imposed across the world, and it           recently announced more ambitious          distribution grid and new balancing
may take several years for demand in       proposals to meet its emissions            solutions that will enable the
sectors such as air travel to return to    targets.4 The green stimulus doesn’t       integration of more decentralised
pre-pandemic levels.                       only achieve a reduction in emissions      renewables resources. This includes
                                           but also fosters investment which can      smart metering and storage
Despite this, atmospheric CO2 is           boost job creation in manufacturing,       among other things. The European
continuing to rise. This shows that        construction and small and medium-         Commission estimates that €350
while the measures imposed during          sized businesses, and save                 billion in additional annual investment
the pandemic are helpful in terms of       consumers money.                           will need to be made between 2021
reducing global emissions, they remain                                                and 2030, compared with the previous
far from what scientists estimate is       In the US, newly appointed president       decade. Most of the extra money is
needed.                                    Joe Biden has said the US will rejoin      to finance interconnections to link
                                           the Paris Agreement,5 and several US       up countries’ grids and new capacity,
Meanwhile, the downturn in business        states already have goals in place to
activity in 2020 has also led to a                                                    including replacing old power and
                                           hit at least 50% renewable energy by       industrial plants.8
sharp fall in fossil fuel prices, and      the end of the decade.6
as economies return to growth there
is the chance that expansion could         There are no signs that the tough          A boom in social bond
be underpinned by cheaper oil and          climate targets put in place by
gas, with a concomitant increase in        governments around the world prior
emissions. Furthermore, while the          to the Covid-19 crisis will be watered     As a barometer for identifying trends
share of renewable energy production       down, which bodes well for the future      within environmental and social
has been increasing exponentially, it      of sustainable investment. An example      investing, look no further than the
only translated into 18% of the EU’s       is the endorsement of green hydrogen       issuance of specific-use-of-proceeds
gross final consumption in 2018,           by governments. Hydrogen has been          bonds, especially green, social and
with results in transport and heating/     positioned as the clean technology         sustainability. Issuance in 2020 was
cooling particularly below expectations.   solution to decarbonise areas of the       underpinned by a sharp increase in

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

 the issuance of social bonds (more                      Covid-19 bonds covering either social     Social infrastructure
 than 700% year-on-year)9 – where                        and/or sustainability projects.11
 debt financing is channelled to                         But a record year for social issuance     investment after the
 specific projects with agreed socially                  has not been at the expense of green.     pandemic
 beneficial outcomes. This could                         And this whole segment of issuance
                                                                                                   The socioeconomic impact of the
 be the creation of jobs, setting up                     – ie green, social and sustainability –
                                                                                                   coronavirus is likely to be long-lasting:
 healthcare programmes or facilities, or                 was on the cusp of issuing
                                                                                                   it already appears to have exacerbated
 the provision of education or training.                 $0.5 trillion in debt in 2020, another
                                                                                                   income inequalities in many
 The pandemic has had a devastating                      record. As such the rise in social
                                                                                                   communities, with employment among
 impact in all of these areas.                           has not been a zero-sum game,
                                                                                                   better paid white-collar workers less
                                                         with issuers still raising finance for
 By the end of November 2020 a total                                                               likely to have been affected than those
                                                         environmental and social projects
 of $155 billion were issued,10 an                                                                 in customer-facing roles or jobs that
                                                         and increased examination of social
 increase of 869% on the same period                                                               cannot easily be done remotely.
                                                         factors is not expected to be a
 in the previous year. Around $100                       transitory trend, this is the new         But the rise in social investing
 billion was raised by issuing dedicated                 normal for sustainability investing.      may have helped create a better
                                                                                                   understanding of the interplay between
                                                                                                   environmental and social concerns.
 Figure 1: social, green and sustainability bond issuance, 2018-2020 ($bn)                         For example, the EU sees a new green
                                                                                                   deal as the route out of the pandemic-
                                                                                                   induced recession because of its ability
                                                                                                   to create thousands of jobs, not just
                                                                                                   because it will help the bloc reach its
                                                                                                   emissions deadlines. Recent research
 200                                                                                               suggests investment in green projects
                                                                                                   could create up to three times as many
 150                                                                                               jobs as investment in competing fossil
                                                                                                   fuel-based projects (Figure 2).
                                                                                                   A reduction in reliance on oil and gas
                                                                                                   can have additional social benefits:
     50                                                                                            improvements in air quality as a result
                                                                                                   of the switch to electric motor vehicles,
     0                                                                                             for example, are expected to deliver
                     Green                             Social                 Sustainability
                                                                                                   major health benefits, and these will be
                                                2018    2019      2020
                                                                                                   felt disproportionately by those living in
 Source: Bloomberg/World Bank, December 2020.                                                      more crowded urban areas.

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

  Ultimately, progress in minimising the                         Source:                                                         7
                                                                 1 Prequin Pro, October 2020.                                       detail/en/QANDA_20_1257
  impact of climate change will inevitably                       2                  8
  have huge social implications in terms                            report-2020, 9 December 2020.                                   en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/eu-says-
                                                                 3                higher-climate-goal-requires-350b-extra-energy-
  of reducing the prevalence of extreme
                                                                    europe_en                                                       investment-per-year-60382093
  weather events, thereby limiting the                           4                     9 Columbia Threadneedle analysis, 2020.
  extent to which they can ruin harvests,                           4804-a017-a260d1e101cc                                       10 Bloomberg, November 2020.
                                                                 5                     11 Columbia Threadneedle Investments, June 2020.
  damage property and displace people                               nov/08/joe-biden-paris-climate-goals-0-1c
  in the decades ahead.                                          6 Bank of America Merrill Lynch, May 2020.

Figure 2: Jobs per million investing in green projects versus fossil fuels

Source: Will Covid-19 fiscal recovery packages accelerate or retard progress on climate change? May 2020 Cameron Hepburn, Brian O’Callaghan, Nicholas Stern, Joseph.

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

05	Solutions to the ever-growing
    plastic waste problem

 Olivia Watson                                                Drew Kettwick
 Senior Analyst,                                              Senior Analyst,
 Responsible Investment Research                              US High Yield

Plastics can bring environmental         Figure 1: Plastic production by sector
and economic benefits – for
example, in reducing food waste,
cutting transport emissions through                                           350
                                         Primary Plastic Production (in Mt)

lightweighting consumer goods,                                                300
minimising packaging costs, and
enabling more flexible product supply
chains. These benefits, among others,                                         200
have accounted for the rapid growth                                           150
in plastics – typically exceeding the
rate of global GDP growth over the
past 50 years (Figure 1).                                                      50

But given the scale of growth, single-                                         0
                                                                               1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
use plastics and plastic packaging                                                   Other         Textiles    Industrial Machinery     Consumer & Institutional Products
now represent an increasing proportion                                               Electrical/Electronic    Building & Construction      Transportation        Packaging
of waste streams. The amount
                                         Source: Geyer, Jambeck and Law, 2017, Production, use and fate of all plastics ever made, Science Advances, vol 3/7,
of global plastic waste which has

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

 been recycled is estimated at only          Most notable among these are:           develop new recyclable packaging and
 9%.1 These low recycling rates are                                                  solutions, will be better positioned.
 compounded by a lack of sufficient          n Extended producer responsibility      So what measures are proactive
 waste collection and processing               requirements – which shift the        consumer brands adopting?
 infrastructure in much of the world.          costs of managing packaging waste
 Most plastic waste is incinerated, sent       from taxpayers or consumers to
 to landfill or escapes to waterways,          packagers and consumer goods          Packaging reuse
 oceans or land where it can become            companies.                            Diverse companies from Kroger
 long-lasting pollution, entering            n Plastic taxes – which seek to         and Unilever to Burger King are
 ecosystems and even food chains.              rebalance the cost differential       experimenting with packaging reuse
                                               between recycled plastic and lower    models – ranging from in-store refill
 In recent years, consumers and                cost virgin fossil-based materials.   centres to reusable packaging for home-
 non-governmental organisations                The UK plans to introduce plastic     delivered or store-bought products, to
 (NGOs) have pushed back against the           taxes from 2022 3 and the EU          roving low-cost product refill services
 rising plastic use trend, and regulators      recently announced a €0.80/kg tax     in urban areas. Such models currently
 have joined in at a rapid pace.               on non-recycled plastic waste.4       represent a tiny proportion of sales,
 The number of countries adopting                                                    but the Ellen MacArthur Foundation
                                             n Recycled content requirements –
 plastic bag bans or taxes are now                                                   estimates that converting 20% of
                                               mandating certain percentages of
 too numerous to mention. At the                                                     plastic packaging to reuse models
                                               recycled plastic in packaging, such
 onset of the coronavirus pandemic                                                   could represent a business opportunity
                                               as those in the UK, Europe and
 there was some expectation that this                                                in excess of $10 billion.6 Such pilot
                                               California coming in between now
 trend would diminish, with consumers                                                schemes provide brands with the
                                               and 2030.5
 having a greater appreciation for the                                               opportunity to increase consumer loyalty,
 hygiene benefits of single-use items        As consumer attention intensifies       and in some cases improve consumers’
 and plastic packaging. But this was         and these regulations ramp up, the      experience of their products.
 not the case – companies report             costs of plastic packaging waste will
 that the issue remains high on the          gradually be internalised – via taxes
 agenda for consumers, and several,          and increases in costs, requirements    Product and packaging
 including Coca-Cola, have accelerated       for investment in new technologies,     redesign
 their plastic targets and plans since       and requirements for investment in
                                                                                     Improving packaging or eliminating
 Covid-19.2                                  infrastructure to enable plastics to
                                                                                     unnecessary packaging materials also
                                             become more circular.
 While plastic bag bans themselves                                                   provides opportunities to experiment
 are likely to be limited in impact, other   We believe brands that proactively      with new products, improve consumer
 regulations will shift the plastics and     respond to shifting consumer            perceptions and reduce costs. Tesco
 packaging landscape for companies           preferences and secure access to        recently highlighted having eliminated
 and their investors.                        recycled content, and those that        3,480 tonnes (or a billion pieces)

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

of unnecessary plastic packaging               Much of the effort is directed toward                                            pandemic. However, there may still be a
from across its product range and              meeting voluntary or regulatory targets,                                         shortfall prior to 2025 when availability
those of its suppliers,7 providing             which are often focused on 100%                                                  of food grade recycled plastic may be
an appealing message to address                recyclability and 25% recycled content                                           squeezed. This also comes at a price
consumer concerns while resulting              by 2025. Progress against these                                                  premium – Nestle has committed to
in cost savings. Brands such as Tide           goals is varied, but generally slow.                                             spending up to $1.6 billion over the
have released new products such as             Among consumer goods and packaging                                               next five years to source two million
concentrated detergents8 – reducing            members of the Ellen Macarthur                                                   tons of food-grade recycled plastics.11
packaging as well as transport costs           Foundation Global Commitment on                                                  Such commitments should help to
and emissions.                                 Plastics, only 6.2% of plastics volume                                           jump start further investment in plastic
                                               (by weight) was from recycled sources                                            recycling infrastructure.
                                                  400 10 At the same time, some
                                               in 2019.
Substitution                                   companies    have not yet set specific              Meanwhile companies such as Britvic,
Substitution of plastics with other            plastic packaging targets. Figure 2                 a UK beverages producer, are seizing
                                          Primary Plastic Production (in Mt)

materials will benefit packagers                  300
                                               highlights the varied degree of progress            opportunities. The company has moved
offering innovative or recycled                and250
                                                    the gap to 2025 targets among                  rapidly with even more ambitious
packaging, as well as those focused            some                                                goals – an aim to shift to 100%
                                                  200 consumer goods companies.
on other widely recycled materials                                                                 recycled plastic, to be sourced in part
such as paper and aluminium.                   The150
                                                   gap between current practice and                via a co-investment in a PET recycling
Substitution of virgin and non-                2025
                                                      goals highlights   that   just as            facility.12 This approach positions the
recyclable plastics with recycled and          important as setting high-level goals is            company well for forthcoming plastics
                                               the process   of securing cost-effective            regulations, enables a clear message
recyclable plastics will also play a
key role, given the significantly lower        recycled
                                                    0 content supply. The market for               to consumers, and potentially offers
                                               recycled   1955 1960     1965 rapidly,
                                                                  is growing     1970 1975
                                                                                         with 1980the 1985   1990 1995
                                                                                                         company          2000advantage
                                                                                                                    an early      2005 2010 2015
greenhouse gas profile of recycled
                                                            Other      Textiles
                                               capacity coming on stream despite the  Industrial Machinery      Consumer &
                                                                                                   relative to competitors.Institutional Products
plastics as compared to virgin                                                       Electrical/Electronic     Building & Construction       Transportation       Packaging
materials. Bioplastics are often touted
as a solution, and while they may
have a role to play this can be open           Figure 2: 2025 recycled plastic targets vs current levels
to question. Not all bioplastics are
more recyclable or biodegradable than
fossil-based plastics, posing the same        100%
end-of-life challenges and potential                         80%
reputational risks for companies
making environmental claims.
The case of Bacardi’s bioplastic bottle                      40%
highlighted some of the challenges.9

Increasing recyclability and
                                                                                         Coca-Cola Co
                                                                                     Colgate Palmolive

                                                                                           SC Johnson

                                                                                        Kimberly Clark
                                                                                           Target Corp
                                                                                           Kraft Heinz
                                                                                         General Mills

                                                                                    Marks and Spencer
                                                                                     Reckitt Benckiser

use of recycled materials
Finally, and perhaps most critically,
the focus of much attention lies
in making plastic more circular via                                                    2025 Recycled plastic packaging target        2019 % recycled plastic in packaging
increasing packaging recyclability and
                                               Sources: Data drawn from corporate websites and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation Global Commitment Progress Report
increasing use of recycled plastics.           December 2020.

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

 Analyst viewpoint:                           Procurement of high-quality                use plastic packaging will be the most
                                              recycled resins to meet the recycled       at risk to the negative consequences
 the implications of these                    content target of consumer products        of a shift in packaging demand.
 changes for packagers and                    companies will be a key challenge
                                                                                         Plastic packaging companies will
                                              for plastic packaging companies given
 investors                                    the limited infrastructure for plastics    need to adapt their businesses for
 The changing regulatory environment          recycling and lower overall plastic        sustainability by offering a combination
 and shift in consumer preferences            recycling rates, notably in the US.        of higher recycled content, bio-plastic
 for plastic packaging has far reaching       To meet this demand, a more                products and improved product
 implications for the packaging sector.       robust recycling infrastructure will be    recyclability to remain competitive
 Our view is that growth in plastic           needed, especially for post-consumer       in the marketplace. Companies that
 packaging is likely to continue,             plastic waste.                             can adapt by offering innovative
 but at a slower rate as scrutiny on                                                     eco-friendly plastic products will be
 environmental impacts intensifies.           While these changes create risks to        net beneficiaries as these more
 Global growth will also likely be            individual companies and business          sustainable options typically carry
 more heavily weighted to emerging            models, they also create investment        a higher margin profile than non-
 economies where the market adoption          opportunities within the sector.           sustainable products, while also
 of plastic packaging is lower and            We continue to apply fundamental           serving as a differentiator to win new
 regulations are less stringent.              and relative value analysis through        business and achieve better growth.
                                              an ESG lens to companies within the
 Companies within the packaging               packaging sector to determine which        Other businesses within the packaging
 sector will need to continue to              are best positioned to capitalise and      sector that are likely to benefit from
 adapt to a changing landscape to             which are most at risk in this evolving    the sustainability push will be those
 remain competitive by improving the          landscape. Businesses most at risk,        that offer cost-effective substitutions
 recyclability of plastic, introducing more   in our view, are tied to low value-        that are viewed as more eco-friendly,
 eco-friendly products and promoting          add and easily substituted plastic         including aluminium cans and cups,
 sustainability within their products to      products. These are typically single-      paper products and other bio-based
 meet customers’ demands. This will           use products such as straws, plastic       or high recycled content products.
 also carry associated costs, including       tableware, cups, beverage bottles and      As an example, Ball Corporation
 increased R&D spending to develop            non-reusable plastic bags. Companies       recently introduced a line of aluminium
 new products, procuring supplies of          with significant exposure in these         beverage cups. They are lightweight
 more costly and scarce recycled resins,      areas face the highest risk of outright    and infinitely recyclable and, while
 taxes on waste, and improved ESG             product bans or regulatory curtailment,    slightly more expensive than a
 disclosure to investors and customers        but also threat of substitution to other   traditional plastic cup, is taking
 about plastic packaging manufacturers’       packaging substrates. Companies with       market share from plastic as a more
 sustainability goals and progress.           a combination of elevated financial        environmentally friendly alternative.13
                                              leverage and high exposure to single-

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

What next?                               such as the Alliance to End Plastic                  3, UK to introduce plastics tax for packaging
                                                                                                 by April 2022, 29 October 2018.
                                         Waste, the Sustainable Packaging                     4
As investors, we continue to engage      Coalition, and the Ellen MacArthur                      news/2019/03/07/10329804/eu-commission-
with management teams of consumer        Global Commitment as a positive                         proposing-0-80-kg-tax-on-production-of-all-non-
                                                                                                 recycled-plastics, March 2019.
goods and packaging companies            signal of commitment to working                      5
to better understand their relative      towards long-term solutions for plastic                 introduction-of-plastic-packaging-tax/plastic-
positioning and progress towards                                                                 packaging-tax, 26 November 2020.
                                         packaging. Plastic packaging offers                  6 Ellen MacArthur Foundation, The New Plastics
shaping their products and packaging     benefits to society and we believe                      Economy: catalysing action, 2017.
to meet changing regulatory and                                                               7 Tesco removes one billion pieces of plastic –
                                         it will be a viable long-term product,                  Tesco PLC, 30 December 2020.
customer demands. We also continue       but challenges remain. A shift to a                  8 Compaction | Sustainability – Tide, accessed
to push for improved disclosure of       more circular and innovative model
                                                                                                 5 February 2021.
                                                                                              9 Bloomberg Opinion, Has Bacardi Solved the
ESG and plastic-related targets          will enable plastic packaging to                        World’s Plastic Problem?, 2 December 2020.
and metrics to better understand         remain relevant and become a more                    10 Global-Commitment-2020-Progress-Report.pdf
companies’ risk exposure and             sustainable option in the future.                    11 Nestlé creates market for food-grade recycled
progress on key issues.                                                                          plastics (, 16 January 2020.
                                                                                              12 Britvic announces move to 100% recycled plastic
Consumer goods and packaging                                                                     bottles in Great Britain by the end of 2022 –
                                         Source:                                                 Britvic PLC, 20 October 2020.
companies will be key constituents       1 Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever     13 Atlanta Business Chronicle, Ball Corp aluminum
in the move to a more circular and          made | Science Advances (,            cup plant producing for retail launch first half
                                            19 July 2017.                                        2021, February 2021.
sustainable plastics economy, and we     2 Coca-Cola turns to 100% recycled plastic bottles
view representation within initiatives      in U.S. | Reuters, 9 February 2021.

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

06	Considerations and obstacles to
    climate change risk management

                                         These include:                               largely limited to equities, credit
                                                                                      and sovereign bonds. Thankfully,
                                         n Determining at which point of              the publication of the IIGCC Paris
                                           the portfolio construction process         Aligned Investment Initiative will
                                           climate change risk management             assist asset managers and asset
                                           considerations should be                   owners in implementing investment
                                           implemented and whether they               policies in line with the Paris
                                           should be a primary or secondary           Agreement’s goals.2
                                           consideration. For most, climate
                                                                                   n Establishing what “good” looks
                                           change risk management will be
                                                                                     like. Although the Paris Agreement
                                           integral to manager selection
                                                                                     sets a very long-term target to aim
                                           but perhaps secondary to
                                                                                     at, asset owners will invariably look
                                           considerations such as the
                                                                                     to their peer group for an initial
                                           portfolio’s required rate of return,
 Chris Wagstaff                            risk parameters, diversification
                                                                                     baseline comparison and ongoing
 Head of Pensions and                                                                monitoring of their chosen climate
                                           and liquidity when determining the
 Investment Education                                                                metrics. To do so successfully
                                           strategic asset allocation, given
                                                                                     will require greater levels of
                                           the potential to significantly alter
                                                                                     transparency from all, with each
                                           the risk/return, diversification
                                                                                     setting realistic interim milestones.
                                           and liquidity characteristics of
What must asset owners ask                 the portfolio.
themselves in approaching – and          n Whether to align portfolios             Three key obstacles to
the challenges they must overcome          with the objectives of the Paris        assessing carbon and
in implementing – an effective climate     Agreement,1 as many asset
change risk management policy?             owners are already starting
                                                                                   greenhouse gas emissions
                                           to do, some in anticipation of          exposures
Climate change as a global systemic
                                           regulation potentially moving
risk is increasingly integral to asset                                             With the above in mind, asset
                                           in that direction. However, this
owners’ risk management.                                                           owners (assisted by their investment
                                           is no easy task given that there
However, in approaching and                                                        consultant and asset managers) must
                                           is no single validated approach
ultimately implementing a climate                                                  navigate their way around three key
                                           for measuring and evaluating
change risk management policy,                                                     obstacles to assessing the carbon and
                                           the temperature alignment and,
asset owners must ask themselves                                                   greenhouse gas emissions exposure of
                                           indeed, the carbon intensity of
some fundamental questions while                                                   their portfolios. These are: the paucity
                                           a portfolio. Not to mention the
taking on board a number of key                                                    of quality Scope 1, 2 and, particularly,
                                           transition pathways of a portfolio’s
considerations.                                                                    3 greenhouse gas emissions data
                                           holdings with data availability being

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

 analytics; the inconsistency of ESG         ESG factors consistently. Reassuringly,    Indeed, with greater disclosure and
 (environmental, social and governance)      those asset managers with strong           transparency comes the ability to better
 data, of which climate risk is a key        stewardship and ESG credentials            assess and price climate-related risks
 “E” risk factor; and inadequate             are working on class-leading and           and opportunities pertaining to each
 disclosures by companies of their           differentiated solutions which, over       business which, in turn, leads to more
 greenhouse gas emissions. The latter        time, will enable them to provide asset    accurately priced securities, more price-
 severely compromises the accuracy           owners with more accurate data to          efficient financial markets and more
 of both ESG data and the greenhouse         further inform their decision making.      efficient capital allocation. Thankfully,
 gas emissions data compiled by                                                         the direction of travel is for companies
 data vendors and analysed by                Inconsistent company disclosures           to fully disclose the climate risks
 asset managers.                             of GHG emissions However,                  associated with their activities in a more
                                             this aspiration continues to be            standardised and consistent manner.
 Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions data             compromised by inconsistent
 analytics Measuring emissions is            company disclosures of greenhouse          Ideally benchmarked to science-based
 not an exact science. Scope 3               gas emissions. While there are a           targets aligned with the Paris targets,
 emissions in particular are poorly          number of global reporting frameworks,     asset managers and asset owners
 defined, largely estimated and subject      such as the Task Force on Climate-         will be better able to back the winners
 to double counting, while there is          related Financial Disclosures (TCFD),      – those with the technologies and
 significant disparity among data            that help companies voluntarily report     competitive advantages to thrive in the
 providers in capturing the data as          sustainability information to a wide       transition to a low carbon emissions
 each adopt different methodologies          range of stakeholders, not all pull        world. They will also be able to use
 and take a different view on the same       in the same direction. Of course,          this information to make informed
 factor. Despite these limitations,          given how new the science of climate       decisions around excluding or tilting
 investors are using the available           disclosure is, it is perhaps inevitable    a portfolio away from particular
 data (principally Scope 1 and 2, but        that these bodies are each grappling       industries or stocks.
 also Scope 3 – often after making           with what “good” looks like and which
 judgmental adjustments) to formulate        metrics best capture the climate-
 views on which companies are striving       related risks of (and opportunities
                                                                                        Transition and physical risk
 to boost their sustainability credentials   offered by) reporting entities operating   analysis and reporting
 and then using the data to track how        in myriad sectors. However, each           Transition and physical risks analysed
 these companies progress over time.         continues to adapt in order to provide     by asset managers are reported to
                                             investors with the information they        asset owners, many of whom are
 Inconsistent ESG data As many ESG           need to make informed decisions
 data providers have inconsistent                                                       increasingly analysing these risks
                                             about the sustainability of a              themselves and, in turn, reporting
 coverage, lack standardised                 company’s activities.
 methodologies and provide subjective                                                   the carbon intensity of their portfolios
 ESG assessments of companies this                                                      (against appropriate benchmarks) to
 makes it extremely difficult to measure                                                their members or beneficiaries.

Responsible Investment Quarterly – Q4 2020

Portfolio exposures to these risks          by carbon lock-in. This is where            Source:
                                                                                        1 The Paris Agreement’s central aim is to keep a
are typically reported through carbon       more analytical effort needs to be             global temperature rise this century well below
footprinting. The TCFD recommends           concentrated.                                  2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue
                                                                                           efforts to limit the temperature increase even
that asset owners report the weighted
                                            Likewise, physical risk analysis               further to 1.5°C by 2100.
average carbon intensity of their                                                       2 The Institutional Investors Group on Climate
portfolios (per individual security         can be approached from several                 Change (IIGCC) is the European membership
                                            different angles. For instance, where a        body for investor collaboration on climate change,
weightings) based on Scope 1                                                               whose mission is to mobilise capital for a low
and 2 emissions (those within an            portfolio’s assets are “geo-locatable”,        carbon transition. The Paris Aligned Investment
organisation’s control) and expressed       it is possible to measure exposure to          Initiative is led and coordinated by IIGCC with a
                                                                                           steering group of leading asset owners
in terms of tonnes of CO2 equivalent        physical risks associated with climate         (
(tonnes CO2e)/$m sales). However,           change directly using catastrophe              aligned-investment-initiative/)

many asset managers in their reporting      risk modelling tools, analysing the
to asset owners, especially for equity      portfolio’s physical risks by perils such
portfolios, provide additional metrics      as floods, earthquakes and wildfires.
such as carbon emissions (tonnes            This, in turn, can trigger more detailed
CO2e/$m invested) and total carbon          analysis as to how such a risk exposure
emissions (tonnes CO2e).                    is managed or insured.

Perhaps the most obvious limitation         As an extension of this risk analysis –
of carbon footprinting is that it doesn’t   although very much a work in progress
capture the costs associated with           and notwithstanding the three limiting
reducing a company’s carbon footprint.      factors identified earlier – asset
Indeed, two companies in different          managers and asset owners are
industries, or any two industries, may      seeking to add to their climate change
share the same carbon exposure but          risk management by developing climate
one may find it much easier and less        Value-at-Risk (VaR) measures of their
costly to reduce its carbon footprint       portfolio climate exposures to estimate
than the other, having a transition         potential portfolio losses under a given
pathway that isn’t as compromised           climate scenario.

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