Restaurant Industry 2019 Planning Guide - Prepared by - TDn2K

Page created by Ricky Harmon
Restaurant Industry 2019 Planning Guide - Prepared by - TDn2K
Restaurant Industry
2019 Planning Guide
Prepared by
Restaurant Industry 2019 Planning Guide - Prepared by - TDn2K
Transforming Data into Knowledge

   Black Box
Financial Capital Performance
  30,000 units | $70 billion sales

   People Report
  Human Capital Performance
2.5 million employees | 165 brands

   White Box
guest satisfaction Performance
   55,000 units | 190+ brands
Restaurant Industry 2019 Planning Guide - Prepared by - TDn2K
Table of Contents
      Looking ahead: 2019 on our minds
 4 Team TDn2K
   Economic Overview
 5 Joel Naroff | President | Naroff Economic Advisors
   Political Landscape
 6 Joe Kefauver | Managing Partner | Align Public Strategies
   Growth and Capital Markets
 7 Andy Barish | Managing Director Equity research | Jefferies
 8 TDn2k insights & Knowledge
11 The Restaurant Industry Workforce
14 TDn2K Top 5: Key Planning Issues & Topics for 2019
19 Join us for the Global Best Practices Conference
20 More on Black Box Intelligence
21 More on People Report
22 More on White Box Social Intelligence

  Questions about this whitepage? Contact Sarah Higgins at

The contents of this report are confidential and proprietary and
cannot be reproduced, distributed, or otherwise disseminated
   to any third party without the prior written permission of
Restaurant Industry 2019 Planning Guide - Prepared by - TDn2K
To be sure, benchmarks by themselves hide much of the
                                                                 underlying performance differences. Some brands are
                                                                 quite successful despite the lackluster marketplace. Others
                                                                 continue to struggle as they search for short-term fixes that
                                                                 often miss underlying strategic issues. Overall, about 52
                                                                 percent of chains tracked by Black Box Intelligence are up in
                                                                 sales this year, compared with 36 percent up for all of 2017.
                                                                 It’s against this backdrop that we’re privileged to share

Looking ahead: 2019 on
                                                                 our observations in this TDn2K Insights and 2019 Planning
                                                                 Guide. There are many theories as to why restaurant sales
                                                                 are sluggish. News articles, blogs and podcasts regularly

our minds.                                                       examine the issues. In our work with roughly 250 brands, we
                                                                 continue to uncover trends that link human capital metrics
                                                                 and social commentary with restaurant performance. There
It’s hard to believe that we’re already well past the midpoint   are common characteristics that top performers share. The
of 2018. This is a time when we take stock of the year so far    information contained here provides an overview of the key
and make any necessary recalibrations as we head into the        factors we think are important when evaluating the current
final stages of third and fourth quarter.                        industry environment and planning for 2019.
2018 has proved to be a mixed bag for restaurant operators.      On the following pages, we’ve asked key TDn2K experts and
The economy is generally rolling along. Tax reform and wage      analysts to share their thoughts on the big issues facing the
gains put more money in wallets and consumer confidence          industry next year. We have also included the latest findings
remains high. Brands are exploiting opportunities in new         from research across our Black Box Intelligence, People
dayparts and off-premise sales. Plus, there’s plenty of low-     Report, and White Box Social Intelligence platforms.
cost capital to drive investments and fuel new unit growth.
                                                                 We hope you find this information helpful and look forward
Yet comparable sales growth as measured by Black Box             to your continued partnership in the coming years.
Intelligence was a modest 0.3 percent for the first half of
2018. Traffic counts continue to erode. At the industry level,
revenue is up only because of our ability to raise average
checks and virtually every executive we speak with points
                                                                 The Team at TDn2K
to the incredibly tight labor market that hits financials
directly (recruiting, training and wage costs) and indirectly
(inconsistent service execution).

Restaurant Industry 2019 Planning Guide - Prepared by - TDn2K
Consumers are also becoming tapped out. Debt service
                                                                                               costs are rising sharply and the savings rate is moderating.
                                                                                               With the unemployment rate so low, the ability of companies
                                                                                               to continue hiring as solidly is in question. A likely job
                                                                                               slowdown would reduce total income growth. All these
                                                                                               factors point to more subdued consumption.

Economic Outlook
The economy is generally in very good shape. With an
                                                                                                              Consumer Debt Service Payments as a Percent of Disposable Personal Income (left)
                                                                                                              Personal Saving Rate (right)
expansion in the 2.25 percent range and massive tax cuts                                       6.0                                                                                        10.0

for households and businesses plus huge government
                                                                                               5.5                                                                                         7.5
spending increases, anything short of robust growth would
be disappointing. The question, though, is not so much                                         5.0                                                                                         5.0
about the remainder of 2018, but what might happen in 2019                                     4.5
                                                                                                       1985    1990        1995        2000         2005         2010         2015         2.5
and 2020. A slowdown is possible - a warning to businesses                                                            Sources: BEA, Board of Governors

making plans for the future.                                                                   Business capital spending growth is also uncertain. The
The economy expanded at a 4.1 percent pace in the second                                       second quarter investment rise was solid but well below the
quarter, the fastest since the five percent increases in the                                   2005 to 2007 and 2010 to 2012 periods. Instead, businesses
second and third quarters of 2014. The strength was wide                                       have spent much of the tax benefits on stock buybacks,
spread. Consumers bought everything, especially big-ticket                                     increased dividends and mergers and acquisitions. It is too
items such as vehicles. Business investment was strong as                                      early to determine if capital spending will accelerate, but
new structures were built. Farm exports soared and the                                         given the sluggish increase in private, non-aircraft capital
federal government got back into the spending business.                                        goods orders, the likelihood of robust business investment is
                                                                                               not good.
With tax cuts starting to filter into purchasing decisions,
household and business capital spending should remain                                          There are two other question marks. The Office of
solid for the rest of the year. Even if the second quarter                                     Management and Budget’s latest report indicates the federal
growth pace turns out to be the high water mark, we should                                     budget deficit will surge above one trillion dollars in the next
still see GDP numbers in excess of three percent for the                                       fiscal year. How that will play with the fiscal conservatives
second half of 2018.                                                                           who imposed spending discipline on the government during
                                                                                               most of this decade is unclear, but a government spending
But what about next year? Already, there are indications that                                  slowdown should not be ruled out.
growth could start slowing as we move through 2019.
                                                                                               Finally, the trade uncertainties are already slowing world
The biggest concern is consumer spending. While incomes                                        growth, putting exports at risk and causing inflation to
have increased moderately, it came from strong job gains                                       accelerate. Where we go from here is unclear but the trade
and tax cuts, not pay increases. Accelerating inflation has                                    policies are creating issues.
offset wage hikes. Earnings growth, when adjusted for price
increases, has turned negative. Household purchasing power                                     In summary, growth should be strong for the next six to
is flat, and that should restrain future spending.                                             twelve months. But beginning in the second half of 2019 and
                                                                                               especially in 2020, a deceleration in growth, hiring, income
Americans’ Paychecks are bigger than 40 years ago,                                             gains and consumer spending are likely. Businesses should
but their purchasing power has hardly budged                                                   approach 2019 with cautious optimism, considering the
Average hourly wages in the US, seasonally adjusted
 $25 Contstant 2018 dollars                                                                    possibility that consumer demand will tail off as we move
                                                                                      $22.65   through the year.
  20 $20.27
   5    Current dollars

   0 $2.27
                                   Recessions                                                                               Joel L. Naroff
       1964         1974        1984            1994         2004           2014 2018                                       Naroff Economic Advisors
Data for wages of production and non-spervisory employees on private non-parm payrolls.                           
“Constant 2018 dollars” describes wages adjusted for inflation. “Current dollars” describes
wages reported in the value of the currency when received. “Purchasing power” refers to                                     215.497.9050
the amount of goods or services that can be bought per unit of currency.
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Restaurant Industry 2019 Planning Guide - Prepared by - TDn2K
Political Landscape                                               •   “Wage Theft” - State agencies and attorneys
                                                                      general are increasingly taking a punitive approach
                                                                      toward violations. Seemingly small compliance errors are
PUBLIC POLICY Overview                                                increasingly snowballing into large financial awards.
A combination of existing and emerging issues will
continue to escalate pressure on bottom lines. Additionally,      Gas Prices
those pressures could be exacerbated by a potential               With increasing volatility in the oil markets in part due to the
“blue wave” in November’s elections which could propel            significant shifts in our foreign policy priorities, gas prices
literally hundreds of extremely progressive candidates into       seem poised to continue rising, shifting more available
elected office at all levels of government, particularly state    disposable income toward perceived necessities like fuel for
legislatures. Issues that could significantly impact P&Ls         the family car and away from other perceived luxuries like
include:                                                          eating out.

Employment and Labor                                              Taxation
•   Paid Leave - The issue has become increasingly                States are beginning to experience revenue shortfalls
    bipartisan in the last two years. The combination of the      in part because of a loss of income tax from new “gig”
    possible election of record numbers of women to office        economy jobs, many of which are “off the books.” Look for
    coupled with the increasing reluctance of Republicans to      many states and localities to more aggressively pursue new
    oppose paid leave, is likely to result in many more states    revenue through either soda taxes, meals taxes and gross
    adopting paid sick and family leave laws in 2019. Should      receipts taxes.
    that occur, while the cost for such programs may be
    paid for by employees through additional payroll taxes,       Summary
    the compliance burden on businesses will continue to          The industry was already on the reputational defensive on
    increase especially with the patchwork of differing laws.     most P&L-related issues, namely the national narratives
    Additionally, in an effort to attract and retain employees,   around minimum wage and paid leave. With the likely
    many companies are now offering their own plans,              election of hundreds of new progressives around the
    increasing competitive pressure on those without leave        country, most notably progressive women, many state
    policies.                                                     legislative chambers that had Republican majorities of 10
                                                                  seats or fewer will flip to Democratic control - meaning
•   Wages - Many states are poised to pursue equal                new progressives will control the agenda in 5-10 additional
    pay and other compensation-focused legislation to             states. Much of that agenda will reflect the themes of their
    address gender pay gaps. Additionally, many states and        campaigns - pay equity, gender equality, paid leave and
    localities are more aggressively enforcing wage and hour      issues around sexual harassment. Accordingly, brands may
    compliance standards both to address inequity as well         experience significant financial and reputational impacts.
    as increase revenues. An effort underway in California to
    redefine wages for “off the clock” work such as clocking
    out and then locking up could subject employers to
                                                                                     joe kefauver
                                                                                     Managing Partner | Align Public Strategies
    additional costs and potential legal actions.                          

Restaurant Industry 2019 Planning Guide - Prepared by - TDn2K
TDn2K Insights & knowledge:
The Industry View
Restaurant Comp Sales and Traffic:                                     This is not to suggest that every brand and segment
Restaurant Industry Comp Sales Returning to                            experiences the marketplace in the same way. The best
Positive Growth                                                        performing segments in 2018 have been fast casual,
                                                                       upscale casual and fine dining. Casual dining has benefitted
       Guest check growth                  Comp traffic   Comp sales   from a resurgence in the “bar and grill” subsegment. Fine
                                                                       dining is the only segment with positive comp sales in each
2%                                                                     of the last three years. Upscale casual has experienced
                                                                       three years of positive or flat sales growth. Higher-ticket
                                                                       brands seem to have resonated with consumers seeking a
-2%                                                                    more experience-based dining occasion.
-4%                                                                    While it’s clear that some segments are reporting positive
-6%                                                                    sales, all show continued decreases in guest traffic.

-8%                                                                    Comp Sales by Industry Segment:
                                                                       Most Segments Reporting Positive Comp Sales



                        Source: Black Box Intelligence                 in 2018 YTD*
                                                                       Another source for cautious optimism is the increased
Following two years of same-store sales growth lower than              number of brands with positive sales. Although not at levels
1.0 percent, restaurant sales hit a turnaround point in the            that indicate true momentum, roughly 50 percent of all
third quarter of 2017 and are now trending higher. Same-               brands across the industry are up in sales this year, vs. 36
store sales were up 0.3 percent through July and Q2 2018               percent up in 2017. The strength in upscale casual and fine
growth was the best quarter for chains in over two years.              dining segments are evident. However, TDn2K research
It’s too soon to call this a recovery since guest traffic              suggests that brand strength and execution are far more
has continued to slide since the last recession. Even                  powerful indicators of success than segment or geography.
at improved levels, year to date traffic was down -2.2
percent through the end of July. Those who follow Black
Box indices know this is not an isolated occurrence. For
context, there were about 11 percent fewer guests in Q2 of
2018 than there were in the same quarter of 2013.

Restaurant Industry 2019 Planning Guide - Prepared by - TDn2K
Comp Sales by Region:                                                   This is an area where investments in technology and
Restaurants Still Struggling In Some Regions                            processes are showing big potential returns. According to
(2018 YTD*)                                                             TDn2K research, brands that consistently outperform their
Reasons for the industry’s sluggishness are varied.                     peers are seeing off-premise sales skyrocket. On average,
Market oversaturation, food away from home, new food                    top performing brands saw 5.5 percentage point higher
outlets (meal kits, food trucks, grocery) and growth of                 dine-in sales growth during the 12-month period ending May
independents are all cited as factors. According to the                 2018 than the rest of the industry. During that same period,
National Association of Convenience Stores, the total                   best in class brands outperformed their peers by a wide 9.4
number of convenience store locations grew by 1.4 percent               percentage point margin on to-go sales growth.
year over year in 2014, 0.9 percent in 2015 and 0.9 percent
in 2016.
                                                                        Sales Market Share By Segment:
From 2014 to 2017 the total population of the United States             Consumers Are Increasingly Spending More
increased by 2.2 percent. Over that same period, the                    on Limited Service Brands
number of chain restaurant locations grew by 5.5 percent.
In other words, restaurants grew at 2.5 times the pace of               Total Sales Market Share by Industry Segment
population over the last three years.
                                                                         Industry Segment        2017       2018 YTD* Change
                                                                         Fast Casual             9.9%       10.4%         +0.5%
Dine In vs. To-Go Comp Sales Growth:                                     Quick Service           61.6%      61.7%         +0.1%
Growth Opportunities In To-Go Sales
                                                                         Fine Dining             1.0%       1.0%          +0.0%
  25%                                                   To-Go Sales      Upscale Casual          2.5%       2.5%          +0.0%
                                                        Dine In Sales    Family Dining           4.4%       4.4%          -0.1%
  10%                                                                    Casual Dining           20.6%      20.2%         -0.5%
   5%                                                                   *As of end of Q2 2018
  -5%                                                                   Source: Black Box Intelligence Market Share Report
 -10%                                                                   Over the last three years, quick service and fast casual have
 -15%                                                                   consistently gained market share. This gain has primarily
                       Source: Black Box Intelligence                   come at the expense of family and casual dining. The changes
For an industry struggling with sales, any source of additional         are not seismic, but the trend certainly reflects the evolving
revenue is welcome. One of the most consistent trends over              preferences in the marketplace. Consumers seek a balance of
the last ten years has been to-go sales outpacing dine-in sales         value, quality, speed and service that is consistent with their
growth. While dine-in sales have trended up over last twelve            expectations.
months, they’ve rarely been positive. Conversely, to-go sales
have accelerated at a faster pace and are now approaching
10 percent growth year over year. This means the industry’s
recent success in improving sales trends is all due to the
increase in off-premise results.

Restaurant Industry 2019 Planning Guide - Prepared by - TDn2K
The Restaurant Industry Workforce
Restaurant Labor Costs as Percentage of                                                Restaurant Turnover Trends
Sales: Rising Costs Driven By Restaurant
Managers                                                                               LImited Service
             Restaurant Management                               Restaurant Hourly     increasing
                 24.4%                                                         24.0%                          Turnover                  Turnover
20                                              23.4%                                  Turnover                 Source: People Report

15                                                                                     Turnover for restaurant employees and managers has
                                                                                       reached record high levels. With the labor market at full
10                                                                                     employment there is little hope that the employee
                                    9.4%                          10.2%
      8.8%                                                                             retention woes will ease considerably in the next year. In
                                                                                       response to People Report surveys, restaurant operators
 0                                                                                     have continuously listed finding enough qualified
             2015                          2016                           2017
      Total payroll costs include: wages and salaries, bonuses, benefits, and taxes    employees and retaining them as two of the top
                                  Source: People Report
                                                                                       challenges they are facing today.
                                                                                       These results are not surprising for an industry that
As restaurants face profitability challenges after years of
                                                                                       employs a majority of millennial workers. According to
negative same-store sales growth, labor costs have
                                                                                       recent Gallup research, 55 percent of millenials stated
continued to rise. While moderate sales increases are
                                                                                       they are not engaged at work and an alarming 60 percent
encouraging, thin margins are being impacted by the
                                                                                       said they are open to new job opportunities.
increasing upward pressure on labor.
                                                                                       Though hourly turnover rates seem to have plateaued
In previous years, the restaurant hourly employee
                                                                                       after years of upward trends, restaurant management
population experienced rapid growth in its labor costs
                                                                                       turnover continues to rise. This suggests that the more
driven mainly by the rise in benefits costs due to the
                                                                                       skilled the employee, the tougher the competition to
Affordable Care Act and pressures on minimum wage.
                                                                                       attract them. Skilled managers are more vulnerable to
Since 2015, the rise in labor costs at the restaurant level
                                                                                       being recruited by other restaurant competitors as well as
has shifted and is primarily due to increases labor costs for
                                                                                       employers from other industries.
restaurant managers.
                                                                                       Among the main reasons listed for employees leaving
Overall, total labor costs including corporate office
                                                                                       their jobs, pursuing higher compensation has emerged as
positions represented approximately 40 percent of total
                                                                                       one of the top three most common reasons. For hourly
revenues in 2017. Total labor costs increased by 1.1
                                                                                       front of house employees, it is the number two reason. It
percent compared with the previous year according to
                                                                                       is the most common reason for termination in back of the
People Report’s Corporate Compensation and Benefits
                                                                                       house hourly employees.
Survey. Of total labor costs, wages, salaries and bonuses
account for 33.1% of revenues. Total benefits and taxes                                Restaurant managers are also leaving for more pay. Two
costs account for 6.8 percent of total company revenues.                               of their top three reasons for quitting involve getting
                                                                                       more money (including pursuing a promotion at another
                                                                                       company). As restaurant companies have to compete by
                                                                                       offering higher wages and salaries to attract employees
                                                                                       and fill their large number of vacancies, expect for labor
                                                                                       costs to continue to rise.

Restaurant Industry 2019 Planning Guide - Prepared by - TDn2K
Cost of Turnover                                             Investing In Employee Retention

Average   cost
        Cost     of turnover:
             of Turnover                                     Most
                                                                   effective Retention  strategies
                                                                             retention Strategies

                                                                   Compensation           Better             more
  $2,000              $1,902                $14,036
                                                                   Adjustments         by managers
                                                                                    Source: People Report

       per                per                  per           In addition to the significant costs sunk into turnover each
    FOH hourly         BOH hourly            Manager
     employee           employee               ----          year, there is the significant impact that turnover is having
                                                             on employee engagement, service levels, guest sentiment
                    Source: People Report                    and ultimately, restaurant sales and traffic. With turnover
                                                             at historically high rates for all segments, many brands are
The average cost associated with terminating a front of
                                                             making it a priority to implement strategies that focus on
the house employee in the restaurant industry is $2,000.
                                                             reducing turnover for hourly employees and restaurant
These costs include separation costs for the previous
                                                             managers. According to People Report’s 2018 Corporate
employee, replacement costs associated with recruiting
                                                             Compensation and Benefits Survey, a growing percentage
and the training costs for the new employee. Over half
                                                             of restaurant companies have started incorporating
of those costs go towards training. For back of the house
                                                             employee retention metrics intro the criteria they use when
hourly employees the average cost of replacing one
                                                             evaluating performance and paying bonuses to their General
employee is $1,902, with slightly over half of those costs
going towards training.
                                                             There are many different approaches to increasing employee
As would be expected, turnover costs associated
                                                             retention and reducing turnover. According to People Report
with management employees are significantly higher.
                                                             member companies, the most effective retention strategies
According to People Report’s 2018 Recruiting and
                                                             they have implemented in the last year fit into one of three
Turnover Survey, replacing one restaurant manager (at any
                                                             categories: adjusting compensation for the target group
level of management), costs the company about $14,000.
                                                             (either hourly employees or restaurant managers), improving
In the case of managers, the portion of these costs that
                                                             restaurant manager engagement, and providing employees
goes towards training is higher at 64 percent.
                                                             with more training and development opportunities.
                                                             This last topic is especially important. Restaurant companies
                                                             focus significant resources on training employees. But some
                                                             of that investment needs to be destined to true personal
                                                             and professional development, beyond just training on day
                                                             to day skills. TDn2K research has shown that brands focused
                                                             on training their managers on supervisory and leadership
                                                             skills have management turnover rates that are almost 20
                                                             percentage points lower than those that don’t spend any
                                                             time on these topics.

Key Topics for 2019
TDn2K Top Five
At TDn2K, we continuously study our own deep and broad industry database to mine the most
relevant industry, knowledge and insights available. We also solicit the research and opinions of
other trusted thought leaders and partners. This is a summary of the key topics we believe are critical
to include in your 2019 planning with the goal of helping you prioritize your investments in capital
and human resources.

Workforce | Tehnology & Information Insights | Customization | Growth | Uncertainity

Our industry is at an unprecedented crossroads in the battle            Impact of gig economy – Employees have
to attract and retain talent at all levels. People Report currently     always been attracted to restaurant jobs due to the
tracks 175 brands and over 2.5 million employees. Our most              flexibility of scheduling often associated with “gig
recent reporting reflects that 73 percent of these brands have          work.” In a way, the restaurant business provided
staffing scarcities of front of the house employees, and an             the original gig economy jobs. In today’s landscape,
alarming 98 percent shortage in the back of the house. The              it is common for restaurant employees to be given
daily difficulty of execution to deliver the brand promise is being     their schedule with short notice, while the new gig
exacerbated by the number of new or untrained workers on                jobs such as Uber, Lyft, TaskRabbit or even pet
each shift. These workforce issues extend all the way up to the         walking allow for more freedom of scheduling.
corporate level, where we see a merry go round of key people            Operators can mitigate this by looking for
leaving or changing jobs, resulting in shifting priorities based on     opportunities to give employees more
new leadership. As operators focus on workforce strategy for            predictability and control over their schedules.
2019, these are some of the key factors to consider:                    Moving forward, it is critical to leverage the talents
                                                                        and skills of the best employees in ways that will
             General manager engagement and                             keep them in the industry.
             retention – TDn2K and Gallup research
              continually identifies the general manager as the         Demographic tsunami – Workforce dynamics
              most critical role in terms of impacting                  are shifting, and these changes are systemic. The
              performance. This is a keystone position, and a           industry needs to adapt to an evolving workforce
              focus on general manager engagement will have a           that is showing a decrease of new entrants,
              trickle-down effect on restaurant hourly workers as       particularly in the 16-24 age category. Sustaining an
              well as other management positions. Examining             aging boomer population is essential for operators,
              compensation and bonus practices, investing in            as this group will be a necessity to fill in for the
              personal development and well-being, increasing           absent youth in the business.
              management staffing levels and recognition and
              reward practices all matter, and correlate to better      Immigration deficit – A crisis has been building
                                                                        for years in terms of cutting back on legal
                                                                        immigration as well as a crackdown on illegal
             Total rewards strategy – During the                        immigration. The industry was built on both,
              recession, the restaurant industry enjoyed the            whether we like it or not. As good citizens and legal
              luxury of not feeling pressure on wages nor was it        employers we are faced with a dwindling pool of
              compelled to improve compensation or benefits             qualified workers to staff our restaurants.
              unless mandated by government. In today’s
              competitive landscape, top performing brands who          Human capital disclosure – SEC reporting
                                                                        rules currently require companies to only disclose
              are winning in the marketplace are those willing to
                                                                        employee headcount, however a petition to require
              be generous in their pay and benefits for their best
                                                                        disclosure of human capital management policies,
              employees. These brands tend to retain more
                                                                        practices and performance was filed in 2017 by the
              full-time employees, providing greater stability in
                                                                        Human Capital Management Coalition. Regardless
              terms of quality of operations, thus earning an
                                                                        of how the SEC responds, this push for
              advantage in sales and traffic.
                                                                        transparency driven by shareholders highlights the
                                                                        link between investing in human capital and better

Technology & Information Insights                                                           Customization
             Customer-facing technology - This                    Customers want what they want, when they want it and where
             continues to evolve, and the industry must           they want it. Why? Because they can. Winning operators will be
             continually respect what customers want.             able to deliver on those expectations. The rules have changed in
             Beacon technology is emerging as a method of         terms of engaging the customer, requiring more customization
             engaging customers and delivering an optimized       and personalization. Consumers are using restaurants in a
             experience. This technology enables restaurants      number of ways, whether it is to get a quality meal quickly
             to send out marketing messages when                  delivered or picked up to-go or enjoyed as dine in experience.
             customers are in the nearby vicinity, monitor        Each has a different set of expectations beyond just a meal.
             traffic levels and allowing diners the option to     There are a few key components to keep in mind.
             pay with their mobile device.
                                                                               When: Time is the new currency – It is
             Productivity – A technology focus is needed                       essential to meet time expectations of consumers.
             in the productivity space. There is a fine balance                A counter-service restaurant, for instance, must
             depending on the type of operation between                        consider the time a customer spends in line, how
             retaining human interaction versus being                          long it takes to fill an order and the speed and ease
             understaffed, or inefficient with a strain on                     of payment. Time can be an inverse concern for full
             profitability. Forward thinking companies will                    service concepts; consumers know they will spend
             continue to research and develop new ways to                      more money in a full service brand, but the tradeoff
             deploy technology that helps, and in some                         must be in creating an experience beyond just a
             cases, replaces employees.                                        meal that is worth the investment in time and
                                                                               money. When it comes to the growing third-party
             Too much data - Operators are faced with                          delivery services as well as the ease and time it
             the daunting challenge of navigating the modern                   takes to place the order, the accuracy and how long
             technology landscape, where it is essential to                    a customer is willing to wait is still evolving as
             weave through massive amounts of data.                            alternatives expand penetration.
             Compared to an era where the amount of data a
             company housed was relatively small,                              How: Personalization – How can operators
             organizations now must ask a multitude of                         customize offerings to craft more of an experience
             questions surrounding where it comes from,                        for guests? Great service is key, as well as the
             where it resides and how to leverage it for                       importance of personalizing products to meet
             planning.                                                         guests wishes. The chain restaurant business was
                                                                               built on mass customization, yet the consumer
The Chief Technology Officer joined the C-Suite in the early
                                                                               wants it made their personal way. The challenge is
2000s, when everyone realized that technology was the
                                                                               to give customers a sense that it is made for them,
enabler for the strategic plan. Today we see an emerging
                                                                               but also to make money on efficient production.
trend of bringing in a Knowledge and Insights Officer to
the C-Suite. Data solutions have been developed for and                        Where: Delivery – Consumers recognize that
reside in the functions they serve - HR, Marketing and                         quality is not the same when ordering delivery
Finance. We hear time and time again there is too much                         compared to dine-in, but a minimum quality must
data. It has created a growing need for a person or group                      be met. The ability to turn your customer
that is responsible for gathering all data from multiple inputs                experience over to a third party must be carefully
and organizing it for the most effective decision making. A                    thought through, which requires developing
single insight function that gathers and arranges all data in                  relationships between third party delivery services.
a simplified way for the creation of actionable strategy is the                Don’t wait to work on your unique brand
future of leveraging data.                                                     distribution strategy. This is not a fad and will only
                                                                               continue to impact many decisions including how
                                                                               big to build new facilities if off premise is increased
                                                                               to 20, 30 or 40+ percent?

We note on every earnings statement that the first             absolute necessary to drive the most important attribute
performance disclosure is on revenue growth. After that        of intent to return.
statement the rest of the attention is on comparable sales
and traffic. Growth comes from adding traffic, increased
                                                                           New restaurants - In gaining share, new
                                                                           restaurants are important. With the continuing
pricing for improved comparable sales or opening new
                                                                           flow of inexpensive capital and short-term
restaurants. Our industry is now a commodity business
                                                                           investors’ appetite for new restaurant growth,
that translates into a market share battle for customers
                                                                           it is important to your plan. Before executing a
and employees. There simply aren’t enough new
                                                                           growth strategy, it is critical to develop an
customers or employees to provide 15-20 percent growth
                                                                           understanding about who is stealing share
in the industry, much less every chain brand. The market
                                                                           from your brand market by market. Not only
share battle is won one restaurant and one market at a
                                                                           are brands susceptible to losing market share
                                                                           to look-alike chains or independent
           Brand Positioning - Many chains struggle                        restaurants, but they are also competing with
           to maintain a unique, defensible brand                          grocery and convenience store concepts that
           positioning, which has led to a struggle to gain                are not only offering dining options, but
           market share. This requires incorporating the                   additionally are offering more compensation
           consumer wants and needs described in the                       and benefit incentives to food service workers.
           customization section. It also entails leveraging               Furthermore, analysis should be conducted on
           of technology to improve the guest experience                   the right markets as to the potential and
           beyond what has been the status quo for the                     current competitive market performance. Are
           brand. As part of a commodity industry, brands                  there employees as well as customers? Finally,
           are relegated to differentiating on price or                    does your brand deserve to grow by
           quality. The consumer defines which. To move                    producing acceptable targeted returns?
           beyond price, it is necessary to think about
                                                                           Ownership - should you franchise or build
           how to differentiate a brand around a quality
                                                                           corporately? What about acquisition or
           aspect - sustainability, origin of food,
                                                                           disposition? Each brand has their own chosen
           community service, to name a few. Whatever is
                                                                           path; the question will always be, “is it still the
           being done needs to translate into growing
                                                                           right path given the circumstances today?”
share market by market.
                                                               The right growth strategy contains a mix of three parts -
            Basics - In our White Box Intelligence, the        comp sales, traffic and new unit growth. To grow market
            strongest correlations to intent to return by      share, operators must choose the right mix for the brand
            the Top Box performers is on service and           and design pricing, marketing and a growth strategy that
            ambiance. The brand promise cannot be              fits. Operators need to know if their brand has a purpose
            effectively delivered without enough and           for all stakeholders and be confident that it is translated to
            properly trained staff. The ambiance scores        customers and employees alike.
            many times are a direct reflection of dirty
            tables and restaurants. Utilizing guest
            feedback real time at the unit level up is

Our roles are to manage our businesses in periods of         Need for stakeholder clarity - Time must be
uncertainty. In today’s world, the political, economic       devoted to clarity of stakeholders. Operators should use
and legislative turmoil, coupled with changing consumer      the screen of their stakeholder map to funnel the planning
dynamics makes this much more difficult. Our approach        process to ensure clarity and common commitment to
has always been that we don’t predict the future as much     balanced results or to a plan.
as we prepare for it. To that end, we believe successful
companies will develop a range of actions that can be        Quality and timeliness of key performance
deployed depending on the circumstances.                     information - Companies must continue to refine and
                                                             simplify key performance information despite a flood
Contingencies must be built into planning - Is               of data. Consider a knowledge and insight leader, for
it possible to carry out a five-year plan in this type of    example, as the forward scout that must be courageous
uncertainty? Perhaps it is more attainable for operators     enough to call what they see and stimulate debate about
to consider planning at the two- or three-year level.        strategy.
Regardless of timeline, all planning must include built in
contingencies for downturn, economic breakthrough and
other external factors such as extreme weather tariffs and
taxes. Finally, we are now in the longest bull market in
history. The economy will soften, we just don’t know when
or how hard.

JANUARY 27-29, 2019
                             HILTON GRANITE PARK
                             DALLAS, TEXAS


 CLAUDIA SCHAEFER                        MARIE PERRY
    Chief Marketing Officer                   Former CFO
            Jamba Juice                      Jamba Juice

Black Box Intelligence™ is the leading
                              source of private and public company data
                              for the restaurant industry with metrics
    Black Box
                              covering sales, traffic and more.

Surveying over 30,000 units & over 170 restaurant
    brands representing $70 billion in sales revenue    $70,000,000,000
2                                                                       3
                                                                            Reporting on: quick
                     24 metrics Included: sales, traffic, food, sales
                                                                            service, fast casual,
                     per labor hour, PPA, dine-in, to-go, catering,
                                                                            family, casual, upscale
                     banquet, drive-thru, delivery, & by daypart            casual, fine dining,
                                                                            counter service, table
4                     5                                                     service & the industry

                            Benchmark by segment or cuisine
    Secure Data       6                                                 7
    Exchange:                                 Weekly to
    SSAE 16                                   annual time
    Certified                                 period analysis

    DMA & market
    share products
                     Special access to other TDn2K™                         Access to leading edge
                     & partner products incuding the Restaurant             thought leadership:
                     Industry Snapshot™, featured regularly                 annual conferences
                     in Nation’s Restaurant News                            & quarterly webinars

Unparalleled Human Capital Performance
                                     Intelligence from the dishroom to the
                                     board room.
 People Report

Unit, Segment and Industry data covering 2.5 million employees available:

  Monthly                                    Quarterly                                             Annually

   FOH & BOH salaries                                                                           Corporate Compensation
      by position                           Compensation & turnover by
                                                                                                    & Benefits Survey
                                             unit, market, state & region

            $                                 Regional salary & wage by
                                                                                                Thought leadership events

                                             percentile, DMA or segment
    Headcount, staffing
 efficiency & staffing rates

     Hire, promotion                                                                                     Turnover &
     & turnover rates                                                                                Recruitment Survey

                                                 State of the industry &                  Throughout the year
                                                trending issue webinars
                                                                                                Top line executive summary
 Gender, age, ethnicity
                                                   Executive scorecard
 & transactional analysis

                                                                                               Hot topic quick polls & surveys

   Restaurant Industry                                                                                       Training
      Snapshot™                                      Workforce Index

            Red Lobster has been a proud participant in People Report since the very beginning. People Report workforce
            benchmarks and insights provide us with extremely valuable perspective and the competition among peer companies
            fuels a desire to continually improve. In addition, TDn2K conferences offer terrific networking and learning opportunities.
            TOM GATHERS | SVP & CPO | Red Lobster

White Box Social Intelligence™ is the first social media listening
                                     service made exclusively for restaurants, track your brand’s online
                                     sentiment utilizing key attributes such as food, service, value,
                                     intent to return etc. WBSI is tracking over 550 brands to
                                     benchmark customer satisfaction and is the only online tool that
   White Box
                                     integrates with operational performance data to validate the
                                     impact on financial performance.

                                                     reports for
     Integrates social, review sites &
                                                     your brand
  traditional guest satisfaction surveys             & competitors                      Benchmark against specific social
                                                                                          data for top five competitors,
                                                                                              segment & industry

                                                                                       Track key business
    Reporting on six segments: quick service, fast casual, family,
               casual, upscale casual & fine dining
                                                                                       initiatives like
                                                                                       menu roll outs
   Brand                                     Quarterly social ROI reports              & promotions
   specific                                  combining White Box Social
                                             Intelligence™, Black Box
   custom                                    Intelligence™ & People
                                                                                                      alerts for brand
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                             From a marketing and HR perspective, White            [The White Box ] team will be with you
                             Box really helps with talking to operations.          every step of the way for the training and
                             White Box data shows them our guest’s real            editing of the platform. The platform itself
They were blown              time feedback and where the issues are. It isn’t      has been great at catching information we
away. We are all just        just me saying we need to fix things, etc. this is    could not see previously through social
really impressed with        what the customers are saying. We can now pin         media, and they were able to quickly
your product. Our            point and identify what is affecting our traffic      integrate our personalized surveys into
agency had ways to           and sales by using real time customer feedback        their system. We will continue to enjoy
monitor, but it was          and follow up and react quickly to the key areas      working with their entire team and
nothing like this.           that affect our business.                             learning from each other in the future!

      STUART MYERS                                         DONLYN KWEDAR                              KATHERINE HANSON
vp OF mARKETING | mAZZIO’S    hr/Marketing Director | Big River Restaurant Group                Marketing Coordinator | Nando's

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