Retail Feature SPECIAL REPORT - Business News

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Retail Feature SPECIAL REPORT - Business News
Retail Feature
Retail Feature SPECIAL REPORT - Business News

 Key takeaways

 • Circa $5bn WA
   retail project
 • Five big projects
   worth $3bn yet to
 • New dining and
   precincts trending
 • Services, residential                SENSORY: Ross Robertson says Perron Group started its Belmont Forum revamp in 2015, after recognising the need
   next stage                           to offer a variety of shopping experiences. Photos: Gabriel Oliveira

Shopping for experiences
New retail property developments are driving offerings that capitalise on lifestyle needs,
but five of the biggest projects are yet to push the button.
                                       the new Fresh Food precinct ear-      Group, which is investing about        restaurants and the revamped          with the top four (ranked by cost)
                                       lier this month.                      $1 billion to expand three of its      Events Cinema at Whitford City        yet to formalise project timelines
                                          Comprising 11 independent          Perth centres.                         had led to a significant increase     (see page 22).
                                       food outlets, the precinct includes      Scentre Group completed the         in customer traffic.                     These comprise Karrinyup
                                       a specialty butcher and seafood       first stage of its Westfield Whit-       “We are in an extremely com-        Shopping Centre, Garden City,
                                       operator, as well as a new Coles,     ford City redevelopment last           petitive     environment,      with   Westfield Stirling and Galleria
                                       and follows a revamped dining         year, investing $75 million in         multiple bidders competing for        Shopping Centre. Details on the
                                       precinct, which opened in 2017.       the revitalisation of its dining       the consumer dollar, be it from       next stages of Westfield Whitford
                                          Mr Robertson said Perron           and entertainment hub, which           the digital space or simply other     City’s transformation are also yet
                                       started its renewal of Belmont        included the introduction of a         sectors,” he said.                    to be announced.
Katie McDonald     Forum in 2015, after identifying      microbrewery, as well as the cre-        “The retailer and product mix          This totals about $3 billion
                                       the need to offer a variety of        ation of a games arcade featuring      we offer is broader than ever         worth of projects, out of the
11-PAGE FEATURE                        shopping experiences.                 a bowling alley.                                                             state’s current pipeline of approx-
                                                                                                                    before and has evolved to include
                                          “Fresh food is one of those           The retail group has also spent     all elements of lifestyle and         imately $5 billion.

            ITH the click of a         products that shoppers like to        $350 million at Westfield Car-         wellbeing.                               Business News reached out to
            mouse or touch of          connect with,” Mr Robertson told      ousel on a rooftop dining and            “As a business, Scentre Group has   the owners behind five of the
            a screen, it’s easy to     Business News.                        entertainment space and a new          shifted away from the traditional     biggest projects, who said future
scroll through an online cata-            “They like to touch and feel it,   fashion mall, which is set to open     concept of shopping centres.          dates were yet to be confirmed.
logue of retailers and products,       knowing they’re not only select-      August 30.                               “We call them ‘living centres’.        This year is a busy time for
shopping without the need to           ing the freshest ingredients but         It will become the state’s larg-      “Our customers are experience       retail project delivery, with more
browse physical stores.                are also buying quality, locally      est shopping centre as ranked by       focused, coming into our centres      than 98,000 square metres of
   But there are certain things that   sourced produce.                      gross lettable area on the BNiQ        for much more than shopping;          space to be added to market.
the online world can’t replicate,         “Our aim was to achieve a          Search Engine (see page 28).           our centres are places where             Among them is the $350 mil-
and Perron Group chief execu-          best-in-class fresh food shopping        The organisation has a similar      people come to be entertained,        lion redevelopment of Mandurah
tive Ross Robertson is banking         experience, along with a vibrant      vision for Westfield Stirling (for-    relax, dine, socialise and shop.”     Forum, which opened in March
on customers’ desire for sensory       dining precinct that would stim-      merly Innaloo), where it plans a                                             and introduced major retailers
experiences being among them.          ulate an extended night-time          $600 million expansion, though         Projects                              David Jones and H&M to the
   The Perth-based property            economy.”                             a start date is yet to be finalised.     Major retail developments           centre.
group’s $65 million redevelop-            Disrupting the traditional            Scentre Group general manager       valued at almost $5 billion have         Other projects include the $150
ment of its Belmont Forum centre       nine-to-five shopping centre par-     development Roy Gruenpeter             been completed, are under way, or     million DFO at Perth Airport
culminated with the opening of         adigm is top of mind for Scentre      said the introduction of 14 new        are planned for Western Australia,    and the $100 million Midland
Retail Feature SPECIAL REPORT - Business News

     Our aim was to achieve a
best-in-class fresh food shopping
experience along with a vibrant
dining precinct that would
stimulate an extended night-time
economy - Ross Robertson
Gate extension, as well as Plaza        hotel openings and new student
Arcade’s $6.5 million makeover          accommodation in the east part
with new anchor tenant UNIQLO.          of Perth.
   The first stage of Raine Square        “There’s also been (the com-
is also due for completion next         pletion of ) Yagan Square and
month, with owner Charter               Hibernian Place that offer a dif-
Hall investing $75 million into         ferent experience, that speak to
updating its dining, retail and         an audience at night. There are

entertainment offerings.                more reasons to visit the city
   It forms part of a larger $150       now.”
million three-stage project, with         Mr Tsagalis said Optus Sta-
plans for a revamped Murray             dium, especially with the opening
Street fashion precinct opening         of Matagarup Bridge, had been
next year, and the development of       another positive for the city, with                                                      RETAIL SPACE ADDED TO MARKET 2018
The Royal Hotel (to open in 2020).      many event-goers now passing
   Charter Hall head of office          through the CBD.
                                                                                REDEVELOPMENT: Westfield Carousel will overtake Lakeside Joondalup as WA’s largest
development Andrew Borger said            “We’re starting to see some
with all the neighbouring devel-        improvement,” he said.
                                                                                shopping centre when its expansion opens this month.
opment, including Yagan Square            “WA probably had a perfect
and the new Perth Busport, the          storm of a significant pullback of         “As consumers, we’re changing       were the same, and at the time          in driving shopping centre evolu-
group realised that site acces-         investment, and the high-low of        our shopping habits,” Ms Manifis        found that Lakeside Joondalup           tion further.
sibility and connectivity (both         the boom-bust commodities we’ve        said.                                   was the most diverse centre.               Urban Development Institute
internally and into neighbouring        had has amplified it.                      “The millennials eat out more          “It’s a period of significant        of Australia WA chief executive
precincts) would be critical to           “Tenants are also trying to          than the previous generations.          change for retail; some major cen-      Allison Hailes said WA’s strata leg-
ensuring Raine Square remained          come to grips with whether they            “And we now work differently        tres haven’t had any investment         islation was more than 30 years old.
relevant.                               need to be omni-channel; for           (i.e. full-time working households),    for nearly 20 years, and retailers         Under its current form, most
   “On completion, Raine Square         some online has been a signifi-        which changes how we use our            are re-valuating how they best          mixed-use developments were
will be a true late night, seven-day    cant growth area, others say it’s      personal time, we’d rather go out       reach consumers,” Mr Stone said.        governed under a single standard
retail, dining and entertainment        a necessary evil they don’t make       for a quick easy meal. It’s a natu-        “There’s more emphasis on the        strata scheme, Ms Hailes said.
precinct in the heart of the CBD,”      money out of.”                         ral progression as to how we are        design of centres, not trying to           As a result, retail, commercial and
Mr Borger told Business News.                                                  evolving, so retailers and centre       cram kiosks, (but) creating places      residential uses generally fell under
   “Online shopping is a popular        Market                                 owners are capitalising on that.”       where people want to hang out.          one scheme, often creating conflict
and convenient option for many.            JLL head of retail Ann Manifis          Ms Manifis said there was no           “Currently it’s all about food       over who funded what and who had
However, there is an appeal about       said one of the biggest challenges     doubt a push towards ‘experi-           and beverage … so what’s the next       access to different facilities.
the experience that bricks and          emerging from the current spate        ential’ shopping was under way          innovation?                                The Community Titles Bill will
mortar shopping provides cus-           of redevelopments was managing         across the sector (see page 24).           “I think it’s services, civic uses   allow for the separate manage-
tomers that won’t go away, and          that influx of new space within a          “There are a portion of sales       … libraries, full-floor medical cen-    ment of different uses within a
this space considers that.”             relatively subdued environment.        conducted online, but at the end        tres and health precincts.”             single project.
   Mr Borger said natural lighting,        “It puts pressure on leasing, not   of the day consumers still want            He said using land for non-re-          “We’re already seeing a move to
glass facades, greenery, and herit-     only in the centres that are being     to interact, we want to share the       tail development, for apartments        more mixed-use developments in
age restoration were some of the        developed, but in the smaller cen-     experience, connect with our            or aged-care communities, was           Perth where we don’t just have a
design elements the group hoped         tres that are not,” she said.          community,” she said.                   another likelihood.                     retail hub on its own; it will likely
would enhance the shopping                 “There are definite pockets of          “Shopping centres provide the          A current example of this is Iris    incorporate medium or high-den-
experience.                             retailers finding trading condi-       space to do that.”                      Residential, which has purchased        sity residential components as
   Lease Equity managing direc-         tions very tough, but it’s not all         Y Research principal Damian         land within the Garden City shop-       well as other commercial uses,”
tor Jim Tsagalis, who is heading        doom and gloom across the whole        Stone said while new enter-             ping centre precinct for its $100       Ms Hailes said.
the leasing strategy for the $100       retail market.”                        tainment and dining precincts           million 124-apartment tower,               “Once the legislation is in place,
million Forrest Chase redevelop-           JLL’s Q2 2018 retail market         had emerged as popular strate-          Amara City Gardens.                     we are likely to see more redevel-
ment, said the CBD had distinct         report showed seasonally               gies to lure people into physical          Legislative changes such as          opments of this nature as the
advantages, particularly with its       adjusted retail spending growth        stores, retail selection was still as   strata reform and the Commu-            management structures will be
spread of independent offerings         in WA continued to slow, to be flat    important.                              nity Titles Bill 2018 could assist      simplified.”
over chain replicas.                    for the year to May 2018.                  Y Research reviewed the occu-
   “It’s at least rivalling any super      Spending growth was weakest         pancy of the state’s 16 largest
regional shopping centre invest-        in household goods (down 6.3 per       shopping centres, measuring the
                                                                                                                                  PEOPLE MENTIONED:
ment,” Mr Tsagalis told Business        cent on May 2017), followed by         diversity and frequency of their        Ross Robertson,              Jim Tsagalis,            Damian Stone,
News.                                   clothing, footwear and accessory       tenancy mix to determine their          Roy Gruenpeter,              Ann Manifis,             Allison Hailes
   “The CBD is still a work in pro-     retailing (down 1 per cent).           similarity.
gress in terms of construction,            Meanwhile, cafes, restaurants           The report, conducted in 2017,               SEARCH         Scentre Group

with Raine Square, Forrest Chase,       and takeaway food recorded the         found that about 45 per cent of             There are 62 results from our index of 95,609 articles,
(WA’s first) UNIQLO, the new            strongest growth (up 4.6 per cent).    retailers in each of the centres                    9,440 companies and 33,391 people
Retail Feature SPECIAL REPORT - Business News
FEATURE                                                                                                                                                  RETAIL

                                                    WA major retail de
1. Karrinyup Shopping Centre
200 Karrinyup Rd
UniSuper (managed by AMP Capital)
GLA: 59,715sqm
New total GLA: 109,000sqm
290 retailers, including a new Hoyts

2. Garden City Booragoon
125 Riseley St, Booragoon
AMP Capital
GLA: 72,000sqm
New total GLA: 120,000sqm
370 retailers
Scentre Group Design & Construction
                                                                                         5. Westfield Whitford
3. Westfield Stirling (formerly Innaloo)                                                 City Shopping Centre
Ellen Stirling Blvd, Innaloo
Scentre Group
GLA: 47,757sqm                                                                                            Sorrento
New total GLA: 109,000sqm
350 retailers; David Jones, renewed Event Cinemas
complex, Aldi, Coles
Scentre Group Design & Construction

4. Galleria Shopping Centre
Collier Rd & Walter Rd W, Morley
Vicinity Centres and Perron Investments
GLA: 80,757qm                                                                                    1. Karrinyup Shopping Centre
New total GLA: 179,000sqm (approx)
220 retailers (currently); Kmart, Myer,
Target, Rebel Sport
TBC                                                                                                                           3. Westfield Stirling (formerly Innaloo)

5. Westfield Whitford City Shopping Centre                                          13. Yagan Square
Marmion Ave & Whitfords Avenue, Hillarys
Scentre Group and GIC Real Estate
$450m (Stage 1 $75m)                                                                                  Welli
GLA: 97,791sqm                                                                                              ng
New total GLA: TBC
                                                                                                              ton S
                                                                                                                    treet                               Perth
314 retailers (currently); Whitfords Brewing Co.,                            10. Raine Square
Hunter & Barrel, Bombay Talkies
Scentre Group Design & Construction                                                       11. Forrest Chase


6. Westfield Carousel                                                                     Perth

                                                                                                                                ack S

1382 Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 6107


Scentre Group
GLA: 82,500                                                                                          16. Plaza Arcade
New total GLA: 110,000sqm
More than 330 retailers; David Jones, JD Sports,
                                                                               St Ge
Vans, TGI Friday’s, Mecca, Wheel&Barrow                                                 orge
Scentre Group Design & Construction                                                         s Terr
                                                                                                  ace                                   2. Garden City Booragoon

7. Mandurah Forum                                                                                                                           Booragoon
330 Pinjarra Rd, Mandurah WA 6210
ISPT Core Fund and Vicinity Centres                                      8. FOMO, Kings Square Fremantle
$350m                                                                                            Fremantle
GLA: 38,300sqm
New total GLA: 64,000sqm
202 retailers; David Jones, H&M, Mecca Maxima

8. FOMO, Kings Square Fremantle
2 Newman Court, Fremantle
Sirona Capital
$220m (part of the $270m Kings Square
project, including office space)
GLA: 5,500sqm
ESTIMATED COMPLETION: LATE 2019                     Source map: Google
Retail Feature SPECIAL REPORT - Business News

                                                                                                 9. DFO Perth Airport
                                                                                                 Dunreath Dr, Perth Airport
                                                                                                 Vicinity Centres and Perth Airport
                                                       Ranked by project cost*                   $150m
                                                                                                 GLA: 24,000sqm
                                                                                                 120 specialty stores; Kate Spade, Tommy Hilfiger,
                                                                   LEGEND                        Polo Ralph Lauren, Coach.
                                                                                                 Georgiou Group
                                                                   Name                          ESTIMATED COMPLETION: LATE 2018
                                                                   Owner                         10. Raine Square
                                                                   Project Cost                  300 Murray St, Perth WA 6000
                                                                   Current Gross Lettable Area   Charter Hall
                                                                   Total GLA post development    $150m
                                                                   No. of tenants/key tenants    GLA: 9,000sqm
                                                                   (post development)            New total GLA: 18,000sqm
                                                                   Builder                       Key tenants: 30 in total; Rebel Sports, Coles, Palace
                                                                   ESTIMATED START DATE/         Cinemas, Hunter & Barrel
                                                                   COMPLETION                    Built
                                                                                                 ESTIMATED COMPLETION: (STAGE 1) SEPTEMBER
                                                                                                 2018, (STAGE 3) 2020

                                                                                                 11. Forrest Chase
                                                                                                 200 Murray St, Perth WA 6000
                                                                                                 ISPT Core Fund
               15. Whiteman Edge Town Centre                                                     $100m
                                                                                                 GLA: 41,300sqm
                                                                                                 New total GLA: 50,000sqm
                                                                                                 25 retailers; Myer, Woolworths, Goodlife Health
                                                                                                 Lendlease Building Contractors
                                                                                                 ESTIMATED COMPLETION: MID-2019

                                                                                                 12. Midland Gate
                                                                                                 274 Great Eastern Hwy, Midland
                                                                                                 Vicinity Centres
                                   Midland                                                       $100m
                    12. Midland Gate                                                             GLA: 56,373sqm
                                                                                                 New total GLA: 70,000sqm
4. Galleria Shopping Centre                                                                      More than 220 retailers; Harris Scarfe, Coles
                                                                                                 ESTIMATED COMPLETION: NOVEMBER 2018

                                                                                                 13. Yagan Square
                                                                                                 Corner Wellington St and
                                                                                                 William St, Perth WA 6000
         9. DFO Perth Airport                                                                    $73.5m
                                                                                                 GLA: 1,726sqm
                                                                                                 22 retailers; The Honeycake, Sue Lewis Chocolatier,
                                                                                                 Fish Boss, Maalinup Aboriginal arts
                                                                                                 OPENED MARCH 2018

      14. Belmont Forum                                                                          14. Belmont Forum
                                                                                                 227 Belmont Ave, Cloverdale
                                                                                                 Perron Group
                                                                                                 GLA: 42,945sqm
                                                                                                 New total GLA: 46,709sqm
                                                                                                 More than 120 stores;  Coles, Woolworths, ALDI,
                                                                                                 Kmart, Five Seasons Fresh
    6. Westfield Carousel                                                                        Perkins
                                                                                                 ESTIMATED COMPLETION: OCTOBER 2018

                                                                                                 15. Whiteman Edge Town Centre
                                                                                                 Mayfield Drive, Brabham
                                                                                                 Approx. $40m (Stage 1)
                                                                                                 GLA: TBC
                                                                                                 15 retailers
                                               7. Mandurah Forum                                 ESTIMATED COMPLETION: TBC
                                                                                                 16. Plaza Arcade
                                                                                                 650 Hay St, Perth
                                                                                                 Starhill Global REIT
                                                                                                 GLA: 2,598sqm
                                                                                                 New total GLA: 4,500sqm
                                                                                                 Anchored by UNIQLO
                                                                                                 Broad Construction
                                                                                                 ESTIMATED COMPLETION: 2018

                                                                                                                    *Source: Company announcements
                                                                                                                          and other published reports
Retail Feature SPECIAL REPORT - Business News
FEATURE                                                                                                                                                                RETAIL

                                                                                                                 EXPERIENTIAL: Chicho Gelato in Northbridge.
                                                                                                                 Photo: Kristoffer Paulsen

 STRATEGIST: Kristi Dempster has worked with a number of clients on retail strategies,                           INTERACTIVE: Westfield Whitford City’s Bombay Talkies.
 current projects including FOMO Fremantle and DFO Perth Airport. Photo: Gabriel Oliveira                        Photo: Patrick Shuttler

Experiential retail connections
The reinvention of retail assets has taken centre stage when it comes to online competition,
with centre owners, developers and tenants seeking to create experience-driven destinations.

Katie McDonald                       of a typical shopping mall.          FOMO will sit beneath the three      Anticipated for completion        levels of office space with several
                                     in 2020, construction work on        zones – the Daily, Street Alley,
CHEESE wheels and smallgoods         FOMO is under way on the site        Tidal Lane, Newman Court and
produce hang from the ceiling,       previously home to the Myer and      The Emporium – spread across
art and apparel adorn the walls,     Queensgate buildings.                more than 5,500 square metres,        FOMO FREMANTLE PRECINCT
and a busker entertains pas-            FOMO forms part of the town’s     providing a marketplace-type
sers-by as they wander through       $270 million Kings Square revital-   mix of food and dining, arts,           Founded in 2016, Assembly + Co   were engaged by Sirona Capi-
a retail space that has done away    isation project, a joint venture     apparel and homewares.                has worked on a range of retail    tal two years ago to develop a
with the traditional shopping        between local developer Sirona         From the precinct’s name (Freo      and destination marketing cam-     market strategy for the mixed-
centre format.                       Capital and the City of Fremantle    On My Own) to its design, FOMO        paigns, including with Mirvac      use project, as well as to curate
   Such a scene of open and          that also involves a commercial      was developed with strong             and Investa Property Group in      and commission research, brand-
borderless tenancies will greet      office component and the crea-       input from the local community,       revamping their retail offerings   ing and architecture to inform
visitors to Fremantle’s new          tion of a new civic centre.          according to Kristi Dempster,         at CBD office towers, Allendale    design and product.
FOMO precinct, which is set to          Designed by HASSELL and           founder of marketing consul-          Square and QV1.                      “What I’ve seen, particularly
deliver an experience unlike that    international consultants HDR,       tancy Assembly + Co.                    Ms Dempster and her team         in the last two years, is this
Retail Feature SPECIAL REPORT - Business News

                                                                                                               “And so it’s really important        immersive, emotional or commu-
                                                                                                            to consider consumers and crea-         nal experiences; places for people
                                                                                                            tives being part of the narrative       to see, feel and touch their way to
                                                                                                            rather than being talked at.            discovering a brand or a product.
                                                                                                               “It’s refreshing to have cli-           “The design of all our projects
                                                                                                            ents that have that appetite to         aims to enhance the experience
                                                                                                            push the boundaries, completely         of the end user.
                                                                                                            change a retail paradigm and               “Experiential shopping is
                                                                                                            appreciate that’s what has to           developed by considering brand
                                                                                                            happen for retail to work.”             values in every decision. If suc-
                                                                                                                                                    cessful, it can really add to your
                                                                                                            Experiential                            appeal.”
                                                                                                               Further north, retailer Beyond          Ms Lowe’s work with Bombay
                                                                                                            Skate is shaking up the status          Talkies, one of the hospitality
                                                                                                            quo, opening a new store in West-       operators at Westfield Whitfords’
                                                                                                            field Whitford City late last year.     new dining precinct, is one exam-
                                                                                                               Besides the usual skateboard         ple of this.
                                                                                                            products and apparel, the shop             Inspired by the street side
                                                                                                            features its own mini-skate park,       stalls of old Bombay and early
                                                                                                            visible from the front of the store     Indian cinematic history, Bombay
                                                                                                            and designed to catch the eye of        Talkies’ canteen-style layout
                                                                                                            shoppers passing by.                    allows the charcoal burner to
                                                                                                               The store opened around the          be at the front of the venue so
                                                                                                            same time Westfield Whitford            cooking smells can permeate the
                                                                                                            City completed the $75 million          space and create street-food the-
                                                                                                            redevelopment of its dining and         atre to attract custom.
                                                                                                            entertainment hub, featuring               Ohlo Studio has also worked
                                                                                                            microbrewery Whitfords Brew-            with Northbridge-based Chicho
                                                                                                            ing Co as well as iPlay, an arcade      Gelato, which Ms Lowe said had
                                                                                                            games area complete with bowl-          a strong, playful and inventive
                                                                                                            ing alley.                              brand she sought to reflect in its
                                                                                                               Owner Scentre Group has              store design.
                                                                                                            adopted a similar strategy at its          Ms Lowe designed the bench-
                                                                                                            $350 million Westfield Carou-           top to sit lower than the standard
                                                                                                            sel development, comprising a           ice cream counter, with gelato
                                                                                                            new dining and entertainment            concealed within Pozetti (stor-
                                                                                                            precinct as well as an extended         age containers in the counter) to
                                                                                                            fashion mall anchored by David          allow for more interaction with
                                                                                                            Jones.                                  staff, and to make customers
                                                                                                               Set to open August 30, David         read through the flavours rather
                                                                                                            Jones will roll out a range of          than choosing instinctively by
 DIFFERENT: Work on FOMO Fremantle is anticipated for completion in 2020.                                   experiential offerings, including       sight.
 Impressions: Hassell, HDR.                                                                                 a concierge service, beauty suites,        “Designed stores and restau-
                                                                                                            and complementary personal              rants are now the norm, not the
emerging understanding that                                                                                 styling services.                       exception, and throwing some
retail property must embrace              It’s become more about finding                                       Interior design firm Ohlo            money at a fitout is not neces-
the surrounding community,”                                                                                 Studio founder Jen Lowe, who            sarily enough. People want more
Ms Dempster told Business News.      the connection and interaction                                         has worked on a range of retail         originality or authenticity from
   “It’s become more about                                                                                  design projects, said experiential      shopping,” Ms Lowe said.
finding the connection and inter-    with the community and how that                                        retail was the latest trend.               “Physical retail will remain but
action with the community and
                                     translates to attracting customers                                        “As customers can pick any           what will change is the relation-
how that translates to attracting                                                                           products they like from around          ship between online and bricks
customers through an experi-         - Kristi Dempster                                                      the world online, retail spaces         and mortar.
ence relative to them and their                                                                             have had to become much more               “I think they will become far
value set.                           launched later this year.             While she was unable to dis-     than presentation of products,”         more linked than at present and
   “For FOMO, it was really impor-     Local artists David Spen-         close details ahead of launch,     Ms Lowe told Business News.             managing the two well together
tant to unearth the value set of     cer and Anya Brock have been        Ms Dempster said inventive            “They provide an opportu-            will be where retailers can get an
the community and what makes         commissioned to produce Fre-        experiential campaigns and         nity for people to engage in            edge.”
Freo Freo.                           mantle-inspired artworks, which     brand experiences would come
   “I think this will put Freman-    will be used across all promo-      to market.
tle back on the map as a day-trip    tional material, and will also        “We’re seeing people shy away
destination.”                        work on a series of live public     from being bombarded with mar-               COMPANIES MENTIONED:
   Ms Dempster said beyond           paintings once the project is       keting messaging,” she said.                 Assembly + Co                 Westfield Whitford City
market research and workshop         closer to completion.                 “Now it’s about authenticity
                                                                                                                      Sirona Capital                Westfield Carousel
sessions, the community would          Assembly + Co is also currently   and engagement, which extends
continue to be engaged through-      working with the Perth Airport      to experiential campaigns;
                                                                                                                      Scentre Group                 HASSELL
out the development and would        and Vicinity Centre’s new Direct    whether a brand or dining
be invited to contribute to the      Factory Outlet, with opening        experience, the narrative (of               SEARCH        Sirona Capital
project in different ways, with      anticipated in the coming           retail) needs to be original and      There are 100 results from our index of 95,609 articles,
an activation campaign to be         months.                             authentic.                                     9,440 companies and 33,391 people
Retail Feature SPECIAL REPORT - Business News
FEATURE                                                                                                                                                                       RETAIL

            If they’re investing
       in Asia or the east coast,
       the returns they’re getting
       aren’t as high as they’d be
       getting in Perth
       - Anthony Del Borrello

 ACTIVE: Anthony Del Borrello says active asset management is becoming more important in increasing retail property value.

Retail assets prove value
Investors are eyeing opportunities in the state’s retail property market.
Katie McDonald                        investment team about 18 months       from a subsidiary of Wesfarmers      received by a buyer pool that            Besides neighbourhood cen-    ago.                                  on a long lease,” he said.           has previously been starved for        tres, Mr Del Borrello said demand
                                        “Interest rates are low and            “If they were to buy that same    high-quality offerings,” Mr Ire-       for large-format retail was also
THE opportunities available in        there’s a relative difference in      property in Melbourne or Sydney,     land told Business News.               growing.
Western Australia’s retail market     the yield investors are getting on    instead of something like a 5 per      “Over the last quarter, more           Recent deals in this space
have attracted heightened inter-      the east coast and in Asia,” Mr Del   cent return it would be closer to    stock has come to market than          include the $39.9 million sale of
est from investors from the east      Borrello told Business News.          4 per cent.                          where we were this time last           the Malaga Homemaker centre,
coast and offshore for the past         “Melbourne and Sydney have             “So the bigger buyer pool has     year.”                                 brokered by Colliers Interna-
eight months.                         been extremely hot markets.           definitely increased the focus         Mr Ireland said demand across        tional, to WA-based investor
  Since the start of 2018, the        Some east coast investors, and        on these types of assets and is      WA’s retail market was coming          Quadrant Investments, and east-
majority of transactions for          we’ve been seeing a lot more Sin-     driving prices upwards to record     from both foreign and local inves-     coast GDI Property Group’s $143
neighbourhood shopping centres        gaporean investors, don’t want        yields.”                             tors, largely driven by price point.   million bid for Ikea Innaloo in
have been made by out-of-state        to pay 3 to 4 per cent more for          The Coles Riverton sale was                                              2017, the sale of which was settled
investors (see table), with some      assets, so they’re likely to come     brokered by national sales agency    Major sell-off                         this year.
of the latest deals including the     and compete with the local pri-       Savills, with Coles holding a          Mr Del Borrello said another           “It’s a growth sector at the
$26.9 million sale of Woolworths      vate investors.                       15-year lease and four 10-year       driver was Coles’ and Woolworths’      moment,” Mr Del Borrello said.
Aveley to a private east coast          “If they’re investing in Asia or    renewal options.                     decision to sell-off some assets.        “Most of these assets are 3ha to
investor, and a $19 million play      the east coast, the returns they’re      Savills director of retail ser-     “There’s more interest for that      4ha on main roads with national
for Kelmscott Plaza by a private      getting aren’t as high as they’d be   vices, Chris Ireland, said the       type of asset and that’s probably      tenants and long-term leases.
Chinese investor.                     getting in Perth.”                    group received more than 290         led by pent-up capital, because we       “And in terms of the return
  Enquiries for the retail sales        Mr Del Borrello pointed to the      enquiries for the asset, which       haven’t seen those assets come to      you’re getting, it’s dispro-
market were currently “firing”,       recent Coles Riverton sale as one     had a 5,759 square metre retail      market for a while,” he said.          portionate to some of the
according to CBRE WA retail           example.                              component located on a 1.98-hec-       “There’s an understanding that       neighbourhood centres. So you
investments negotiator Anthony          “That sold to an east coast pri-    tare site.                           there’s a larger buyer pool now        might get upwards of 7 per
Del Borrello, who said the recent     vate investor; their rationale was       “The distinct lack of stock in    and sellers can recycle some of        cent return for a large format,
uptick in interest prompted the       that they were still investing in     the premium-grade retail sector      their capital into higher-yielding     upwards of 6 per cent for your
firm to create a specialised retail   the majority of income coming         in WA ensured the asset was well     assets, or into developments.”         neighbourhood centres.”
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         ...your key to WA business
                                           TOP    5 SHOPPING CENTRE
                                           GET THE FULL LIST ONLINE

                                      Size of total area No. of
 Rank Company name                          in m2        centres   Shopping centre name

                                                                   Midland Gate, Galleria 50%, Ellenbrook Central, Warwick Grove, Rockingham Shopping Centre 50%, Maddington Central, Karratha City 50%, Warnbro Centre,
  1    Vicinity Centres                369,333            16       Dianella Plaza, Mandurah Forum 50%, Livingston Marketplace, Currambine Central, Stirlings Central, Kalamunda Central, Victoria Park Central, Halls Head
                                                                   Central 50%
                                                                   Primewest Albany Central, Primewest Busselton Home Depot, Primewest Melville, Bunbury Centrepoint, Cottesloe Central, Southern River Shopping Centre &
  2    Primewest                       215,859            16       Showrooms, Primewest Northlands, Primewest Osborne Park, Primewest Gosnells, Primewest Gwelup, Erskine Central Shopping Centre, Primewest Cannington,
                                                                   Stirling City Bunbury, Broome Boulevarde, Caversham Village, South Central

  3    Scentre Group                   205,908             3       Westfield Carousel, Westfield Whitford City 50%, Westfield Stirling

  4    Perron                          202,148             4       Cockburn Gateway Shopping City, The Square Mirrabooka, Belmont Forum, Galleria Shopping Centre 50%

  5    Lendlease                       189,656             5       Lakeside Joondalup Shopping City, Armadale Shopping City, Southlands Boulevard, Northgate Shopping Centre, Watertown Brand Outlet

Major WA retail asset sales 2018
                                                         Size (Gross
                                                                                Sale Price         Yield       Sales Agency                                          Buyer
                                                         Lettable Area)
 Malaga Homemaker Centre                                 18,925sqm               $39.9m            8.37%       Colliers International                                Quadrant Investments (WA)
 Flinders Square, Yokine                                 5,990sqm                $39.5m            6.00%       Colliers International                                Private Australian Property Syndicator
 Coles, Riverton                                         5,759sqm                $31.9m            5.29%       Savills                                               Private east coast investor
 Woolworths Aveley                                       5,040sqm                $26.9m            5.80%       Cushman & Wakefield                                   Private east coast investor
 Kelmscott Plaza                                         5,077sqm                  $19m            6.42%       CBRE & Colliers International                         Private Chinese investor
 Shoalwater Shopping Centre, Rockigham                   4,701sqm                $16.5m            6.97%       CBRE                                                  Mustera Property Group (WA)
 Pearsall Shopping Centre, Pearsall                      2,668sqm                $12.5m            6.32%       Ray White Commercial WA                               Private Singaporean investors
 7-Eleven Mandurah                                       203sqm                   $5.4m            6.33%       CBRE                                                  Private east coast investor
                                                                                                                                                              *Table of sales | Source: CBRE, Colliers International

                                    > 220m    $
  He said finding contin-                                                                                                          comprised 2.7ha of undeveloped              centres on the BNiQ Search
ual income growth across all                                                                                                       retail-zoned land.                          Engine (see table).
retail assets was an emerging                                                                                                        “Significant traction has                    Primewest could soon jump to
challenge.                                                                                                                         already been made through our               first place if Vicinity is success-

                                               WORTH OF RETAIL
  “Astute investors want growth                                                                                                    targeted tenant negotiations.               ful in its divestment strategy,
of income and the way you find                                                                                                     Additionally, we have been able             however. In June, Vicinity
that is getting more difficult
with each asset class, especially
                                               TRANSACTIONS SO FAR IN 2018                                                         to renew, relocate and expand a
                                                                                                                                   number of the sitting tenancies
                                                                                                                                                                               announced that it would sell
                                                                                                                                                                               up to $1 billion of its neighbour-
with the prospect of increasing     strategies at its two shopping              of a food court and an increased                   at the centre, which are now all            hood and sub-regional shopping
online sales,” Mr Del Borrello      centres.                                    fashion offer.                                     trading well,” he said.                     centres across Australia, with
said.                                  The group said both its                    Within 12 months, MGroup has                       “Understanding retail behav-              plans to reinvest into develop-
  “You used to be able to rely      Wodonga Plaza centre in Vic-                renewed or signed new leases for                   iours and digging deep into local           ment opportunities within its
on yield compression to get         toria and Chester Pass Mall                 more than 60 per cent (30 retail-                  demographics has enabled us to              core assets.
increases in value of assets; now   property in Albany, had esti-               ers) of the tenancies, lifting the                 make considered judgements and                 Vicinity has already sold one of
the yields are at a point where     mated value uplifts of between              weighted average lease expiry                      decisions that not only protect             these assets in WA.
they’re unlikely to compress        15 and 20 per cent on the acqui-            (Wale) from less than four to                      our investor interests, but create             Flinders Square sold to a
anymore.                            sition price.                               about seven years, and Mr Clark                    environments that will attract              private Australian property
  “So it’s getting more important      MGroup managing director                 said the centre was set to be 100                  regional shoppers.”                         syndicator for $39.5 million in
for active asset management;        Lloyd Clark said when the com-              per cent leased by the end of the                    Both Chester Pass Mall and                August, brokered by JLL, which
whether that’s remixing the ten-    pany contracted Wodonga Plaza               year.                                              Wodonga Plaza were previ-                   has listed five more Vicinity
ancies, using additional land on    last year it was facing increased             The group has also improved                      ously owned by national retail              properties on the market – Halls
shopping centre sites to develop    competition from two new shop-              commitments at the Chester                         conglomerate Vicinity Centres,              Head Central (50 per cent stake),
mixed-use like residential, or      ping centres opening within a               Pass Mall (formerly Albany                         which currently leads the list              Currambine Central, Kalamunda
looking at anchor tenants’ turn-    kilometre.                                  Brooks Garden shopping centre),                    of WA shopping centre owner                 Central, Warnbro Centre and
over to see whether that’ll reach      “Vacancies were high and cus-            largely as a result of negotiating                 as ranked by collective size of             Stirlings Central.
a threshold where you can get       tomers had to cross the border to           a 10-year lease extension with
some additional income.”            Albury for certain retailer needs,”         anchor tenant Woolworths,
                                    he said.                                    increasing the Wale from less                                  PEOPLE MENTIONED:
Value                                  “It was a problematic land-              than two years to over seven
  Local property development        scape, but we were confident                years.                                              Anthony Del Borrello,                 Chris Ireland,               Lloyd Clark
and investment firm MGroup          in our capacity to turn things                MGroup director James Collis,
has been busy in its asset man-     around.”                                    who heads the asset manage-
agement since entering the            MGroup invested $2.5 million              ment division, said the firm had                             SEARCH         CBRE

retail market in 2017, undertak-    in a reconfiguration of the mall,           a number of plans on the table                           There are 222 results from our index of 95,609 articles,
ing investment and tenancy          which included the introduction             for the Albany asset, which                                       9,440 companies and 33,391 people
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FEATURE                                                                                                                                                                                            RETAIL

       ...your key to WA business
                                    SHOPPING          CENTRES
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EXPANSION: Westfield Carousel has invested $350 million into a new fashion mall, as well as a rooftop dining and entertainment precinct, set to
open from August 30.

       from                                                        Year       Gross                                                                       No. of
     previous                                                     est. in Lettable Area                                                     Year Centre Speciality
Rank   year Company name               Senior executive and title WA       (GLA) in m2                   Owner/Manager                       Extended     Shops                   Notable clients

                                                                                                                                         1981, 1989,                 Myer, Target, Kmart, Woolworths, Coles,
                                       Ms Kate Holsgrove                                  Scentre Group. Owner and operator of Westfield
 1          Westfield Carousel        Regional Manager
                                                                   1972   110,000         in Australia & New Zealand
                                                                                                                                         1992, 1999,       330       JB HiFi, Rebel, Best & Less, Hoyts, David
                                                                                                                                         2018                        Jones, H&M

             Lakeside Joondalup        Ms Gemma                                                                                             1998, 1999,              Myer, Target, Kmart, Woolworths, Coles,
                                                                                          (a) Lend Lease Funds Management Limited
 2          Shopping City
                                       Hannigan                    1994    99,400         (b) Lend Lease Property Management
                                                                                                                                            2007, 2008,    330       Big W, Supa IGA, Aldi, JB Hi Fi, Rebel, Best
                                       Centre Manager                                                                                       2014, 2015               & Less, H&M.

                                                                                                                                            1979, 1987,
                                       Ms Kate Holsgrove                                  (a) Scentre Group and GIC Real Estate, (b)                                 Target, Big W, Coles, Woolworths,
 3          Westfield Whitford City   Regional Manager
                                                                   1978     97,791        Scentre Shopping Centre Management (WA)
                                                                                                                                            1989, 1999,    314
                                                                                                                                                                     Bunnings, JB HiFi, Rebel, Lincraft.

             Galleria Shopping         Mr Mike Barrington                                 (a) Vicinity Centres and Perron Investments       1984, 1994,
4      —                               Centre Manager
                                                                   1994     80,757        (b) Vicinity Centres                              2008
                                                                                                                                                           171       Myer, Target, Kmart, Woolworths, Coles.

                                       Ms Karen Draper
                                                                                          (a) AMP Capital Investors                         1983, 1994,              Myer, David Jones, Coles, Woolworths,
 5     —     Garden City Booragoon     Centre General              1972    72,000         (b) AMP Capital Shopping Centres                  1997, 2000
                                                                                                                                                                     Kmart, Zara, Apple, Nespresso

                                       Ms Jacqueline
                                                                                          (a) ISPT Core Fund and Vicinity Centres           1986, 1989,              David Jones, Kmart, Target, Big W, H&M,
6           Mandurah Forum            McKenzie                    1983    64,000         (b) Vicinity Centres                              1995, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                     Woolworths, Coles.
                                       Centre Manager

                                                                                          (a) Vicinity Centres (50%) and Private Investor
                                       Mr Scott Ferguson                                                                                    1990, 1995,              Target, Kmart, Coles, Woolworths, Best &
 7          Rockingham Centre         Centre Manager
                                                                   1971     61,833        (50%)
                                                                                                                                                                     Less, Rebel, JB HiFi.
                                                                                          (b) Colonial First State Property Management

             Karrinyup Shopping                                                                                                             1982, 1987,
                                       Mr Tim Richards                                    (a) UniSuper                                                               Myer, David Jones, Big W, Woolworths,
8      —                               Centre Manager
                                                                   1973     59,715        (b) AMP Capital
                                                                                                                                            1996, 1998,    180
             Centre                                                                                                                         2004

             Midland Gate Shopping     Ms Alison Broadbent                                (a) Vicinity Centres                                                       Target, Big W, Kmart, Woolworths, Coles.
9           Centre                    Centre Manager
                                                                   1980    56,373         (b) WND
                                                                                                                                            1994, 2006     180
                                                                                                                                                                     Ace Cinema, Best & Less.

                                                                                                                                      1985, 1990,
                                       Mr Chris Barton                                    (a) Scentre Group
10          Westfield Stirling        Regional Manager
                                                                   1967     47,780        (b) Scentre Shopping Centre Management (WA)
                                                                                                                                      1993, 1996,          171       Target, Kmart, Coles, Woolworths.

             Cockburn Gateway          Mr Shane McLean                                    (a) Perron Investments                            2006, 2007,              Woolworths, Coles, Aldi, Big W, Target,
11          Shopping City             Centre Manager
                                                                   1999     47,535        (b) JLL                                           2014
                                                                                                                                                                     Best & Less, JB HiFi, Dick Smith, Red Dot.

           ...your key to WA business
                                                          SHOPPING          CENTRES
                                                          GET THE FULL LIST ONLINE

RENEW: The $100 million redevelopment of Forrest Chase in the CBD is under way.

       from                                                                              Year       Gross                                                                                  No. of
     previous                                                                           est. in Lettable Area                                                                Year Centre Speciality
Rank   year Company name                                     Senior executive and title WA       (GLA) in m2                            Owner/Manager                         Extended     Shops                       Notable clients

                    Belmont Forum                             Ms Alexandra
                                                                                                                         (a) Perron Group                                    1984, 1992,                  Big W, Kmart, Coles, Woolworths, JB HiFi
12                 Shopping Centre
                                                              McAuliffe                        1974      46,709          (b) JLL                                             2000, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Home, Aldi, Best & Less.
                                                              Centre Manager

                                                              Ms Allana Edwards                                          (a) Perron Investments                              1990, 1999,                  Woolworths, Kmart, Coles, Big W, Best &
13                 The Square Mirrabooka                     Centre Manager
                                                                                               1978       42,961         (b) JLL                                             2010, 2015
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Less, Aldi.

                                                                                                                         (a) ISPT (Industry Superannuation Property
                                                              Mr Daniel Ramsdale
14                 Forrest Chase                             Centre Manager
                                                                                               1989      41,300          Trust) Core Fund                                    2018/19             25       Myer, Woolworths, Goodlife Health.
                                                                                                                         (b) JLL

                    Ocean Keys Shopping                       Ms Andrea Smith                                                                                                2005, 2007,
15        —         Centre                                    Centre Manager
                                                                                               2001      37,889          AMP Capital
                                                                                                                                                                             2013, 2014
                                                                                                                                                                                                120       Coles, Kmart, Woolworths, Target.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Woolworths, Best & Less, Big W, Coles,
                                                              Ms Roisin McDonagh
16        —         Ellenbrook Central                        Center Manager
                                                                                               2005      36,500          Vicinity Centres                                    2011                80       Red Dot, Reject Shop, Aldi, Petstock, First
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Choice Liquor

                                                              Mr Peter Trinh                                                                                                 1992, 1996,
17                 Warwick Grove                             Centre Manager
                                                                                               1974      31,977          Vicinity Centres
                                                                                                                                                                             1997, 2003
                                                                                                                                                                                                 69       Kmart, Coles, Woolworths.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kmart, Coles, Aldi, Best & Less, Target,
                    Armadale Shopping                         Mr Quentin Dennis                                          (a) Lend Lease Real Estate Investments              1988, 1999,
18        —         City                                      Centre Manager
                                                                                               1984      31,046          (b) Lend Lease Property Management                  2007
                                                                                                                                                                                                 91       JB HiFi, Priceline, Pharmacy4Less, Reject

                                                              Ms Kathleen Brown                                          (a) SCA Property Retail Trust                                                    Big W, Woolworths, Best & Less, Reject
19                 Kwinana Marketplace                       Centre Manager
                                                                                               1972      30,794          (b) JLL
                                                                                                                                                                             2012                67
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Shop, Dan Murphys.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Coles, Woolworths, Kmart, Best & Less,
                                                              Mr Glen Harbord                                            (a) Stockland Property Management
20        —         Stockland Baldivis                        Leasing Executive
                                                                                               2007      30,272          (b) Stockland Property Management
                                                                                                                                                                             2014                90       Red Dot, Five Seasons Fresh, Timezone,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Brotzeit, Nandos, Priceline, Friendlies.

All information compiled using surveys, publicly available data and contact with industry sources. Other companies may be eligible for inclusion. If you believe your company is eligible, please email WND: Would Not Disclose, NFP: Not For Publication, N/A: Not Applicable or Not Available.
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   There are 6,708 results from our index of 95,609 articles,
             9,440 companies and 33,391 people

Retail sector feeling the heat
16 Mar 2018                            Cashies in $40m raising
                                       30 May 2018
Bunnings UK savages Wesfarmers
profit                                 Report adds pressure to Synergy split
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Wesfarmers in $350m KTAS sale          Origin lifts profit, signals dividend
13 Aug 2018                            return
                                       16 Aug 2018
Coles demerger set for November
completion                             GCS wins $7m contract
23 Jul 2018                            06 Aug 2018

Raine Square confirms new tenants      WA shopping centres go solar
for stage 1 launch                     01 May 2018
20 Jul 2018
                                       Wesfarmers leadership changes
KFC expansion swells Collins Foods     30 Apr 2018
26 Jun 2018                            Thriving market for modest fashion
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Metcash shares lift despite $150m FY
loss                                   Far East gets the Minister’s tick for
25 Jun 2018                            $158m project
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