Rise mentor directory - Rise by Barclays

Page created by Nathaniel Craig
Rise mentor directory - Rise by Barclays
Rise mentor directory
Rise mentor directory - Rise by Barclays
About the directory
The following Rise mentors continue to give their time generously to support the FinTech
Friday programme.

About the programme
FinTech Friday is a monthly mentoring series for FinTech startups and scaleups. We match
make founders with industry experts from across the sector. Our mentors come from a range
of backgrounds and have a wealth of skills and experiences.

- One-on-one meetings
- Insights and problem solving
- Large span of subject matter experts

2 | Rise mentor directory
Rise mentor directory - Rise by Barclays
Meet the mentors

                            Kamesh Moola                                      Lauren Feld                                     Porus Daruvala
                                                                              Venture                                         Senior Advisor | Traxi
                            Digital Strategy Leader
                                                                              Development Lead                                LLC
                            | Barclays
                                                                              | R3

                                                                                                          Being a founder is an extremely challenging
     Kamesh is a business leader with over 14 years    I’ve been advising early-stage startups for
                                                                                                          endeavour and only other founders can truly
     of experience in product, growth strategy,        years and love working with ambitious
                                                                                                          relate to the struggles. Through mentorship, my
     customer experience, transformation and           entrepreneurs. I believe strongly in the idea of
                                                                                                          goal is to convey hard lessons so other founders
     strategic management consulting.                  paying it forward.
                                                                                                          don't make the mistakes I've made.

     #Strategy #Growth #Operations                    #Blockchain #MachineLearning #Venture               #Tech #DataAnalysis #ProductStrategy

            Kamesh Moola                                    Lauren Feld                                      Porus Daruvala

                                                             @laurenfeld629                                  @porusdaruvala

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Rise mentor directory - Rise by Barclays
Meet the mentors

                            Shyaam Namas                                   Ksenia Sussman                                      B U 'Buck' Kulkarni
                            Consultant/Advisor                             Founder and CEO |                                   Founder and CEO |
                                                                           LATTUDE                                             StartoSphere LLC

  Mentoring to me is a great way to engage with       Ksenia Sussman is an attorney with over 14 years      If I had a tagline for my work, it would be 'but
  like minded people. I believe that mentoring is a   of experience in the financial sector. In her legal   they need not have failed'! and hence,
  2 way process where one's learning curve can        practice at LATTUDE, she handles a wide variety       mentoring pro-bono for early stage startups is
  only improve as you are constantly iterating        of cross-functional legal and compliance matters.     my way of reaching out to them when they
  concepts, trends and methodologies.                                                                       need help the most!

                                                      #Compliance #Legal #FinTech                            #Tech #Banking #ProductMapping
    #Product #Banking #GrowthStrategy

             Shyaam Namas                                     Ksenia Sussman                                       B. U. 'Buck' Kulkarni

            @shyaamnamas                                      @KseniaSussman

4 | Rise mentor directory
Rise mentor directory - Rise by Barclays
Meet the mentors

                            Dennis Chin                                   Naimeesha Murthy                                    Jeff Horvath
                            Head of Strategic                             Founder | Product by                                CEO & Co-Founder |
                            Initiatives | Yardline                        Women                                               DigiPli Inc.
  Dennis is experienced in capital markets,          Naimeesha is a product management                     As a leader with extensive experience working
  corporate development and product strategy         professional with expertise at creating and           in the US and internationally, I’ve been at the
  professional. Excited to mentor and support        managing B2C products and their marketing             forefront of advances in financial products,
  rising startups — paying it forward as having a    plans from concept to completion. She has spent       regulation and technology.
  solid network of mentors contributed to the        over a decade building capabilities in a variety of
  growth of my professional career.                  positions.
                                                     #Products #WomenLeaders #Growth                        #Compliance #Regulation #Innovation
  #Product #Banking #GrowthStrategy

             Dennis Chin                                     Naimeesha Murthy                                     Jeff Horvath


5 | Rise mentor directory
Rise mentor directory - Rise by Barclays
Meet the mentors

                                                                        Yasmin Ibrahim                                   Mitesh Popat
                            Lewis Goldman
                                                                        Startup Advisor |                                Head of Recovery and
                            Head of Strategic
                                                                        Entrepreneur | Strategy &                        Resolution Planning, Treasury
                            Initiatives | Yardline
                                                                        Operations Leader                                | Citi
  Customer centric, digitally oriented marketer      Yasmin is devoted to helping female            Mitesh has a proven ability to lead and seamlessly
                                                     entrepreneurs and innovators with mission-     transition through various functions (CFO
  who innovates by leveraging digital channels,
                                                                                                    disciplines, Strategy and Operations), within
  NPS feedback, data, and identifying new product    driven startups navigate a complex business
                                                                                                    diverse geographic cultural settings and through
  and channel opportunities to accelerate revenue    environment. A female entrepreneur herself,    various economic environments.
  growth.                                            Yasmin knows the value of a strong community
                                                     of women in business.
  #Data #Analytics #Products                         #Operations #Strategy #FemaleFounders
                                                                                                    #Finance #Operations #InvestorRelations

            Lewis Goldman                                   Naimeesha Murthy                               Mitesh Popat


6 | Rise mentor directory
Rise mentor directory - Rise by Barclays
Meet the mentors

                            Madelaine Czufin                                Cassandra Cuellar
                            Director | First Republic                       Attorney | Shearman &
                            Bank                                            Sterling LLP

                                                         Cassandra is an experienced attorney helping
                                                         domestic and international emerging growth
  TBD                                                    companies, corporate venture capital investors
                                                         and angel investors. She has experience advising
                                                         international startups and founders relocating
                                                         startups to the US.
  #Banking #Tech #FemaleFounders
                                                        #VentureCapital #FinTech #Growth

            Madelaine Czufin                                   Cassandra Cuellar

7 | Rise mentor directory
Rise mentor directory - Rise by Barclays
Interested in becoming a mentor?

 Please complete this form and we will be in touch!

8 | Rise mentor directory
Rise mentor directory - Rise by Barclays
Important notice
The information provided in this directory is being made available by Barclays in connection with its ‘FinTech Friday’ programme only (the Programme)
and is made available by Barclays for information purposes only, on a non-reliance basis and for your sole and exclusive use in connection with the
The information herein has not been independently verified and Barclays has relied on information from third party or public sources as complete, true,
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Barclays does not (a) make any warranty, representation or undertaking, express or implied, as to any mentor or any information or materials provided (in
writing or otherwise) in connection with the Programme, the suitability of any business strategy, investment strategy or other information proposed by any
mentor, or (b) provide any endorsement, recommendation or advice in connection with any investment by, or transaction or other relationship with, any
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participated in the Programme) or reliance you place on advice you receive from any mentor that participates in the Programme.
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