São Paulo City Profile - Frost & Sullivan

São Paulo City Profile - Frost & Sullivan
São Paulo City Profile

São Paulo City Profile - Frost & Sullivan
São Paulo – Building a Smart & Equitable City
São Paulo City, the most populous city in Brazil. It is also the 7th most populous city in the world and in the
metropolitan areas there are abut 20 million inhabitants.

       Population                  Public Transport                 Private Vehicles                New Mobility

 21.3m                          41%         (modal share)         5,914,433(parc)               ~ 10         operators
 • Highest population           Nowadays the city has buss        Car ownership in the city     • Carsharing – 1,7KK
   density in Brazil            pass cards that facilitated the   remains very high. New          members
 • 6,999 people live in         transportation and expected       car sharing and related       • Carpool – 250k
   each square mile             to see digitalization soon        business models are             members
                                                                  expected to impact the        • Ridehailing – 500k
                                                                  market in the close future.     users

    Digital Strategy                  Public Policy                    EV Charging                    Smart City

Mobility Law (12.587 / 2012):    Progressive                      20      public charge         Ranked   80th         on the
Calls for the need of an        São Paulo has no Zero Carbon      stations in the city run by     global list of smart city
urban mobility plan and also    deadline. However, actions
highlights innovation in
private individual transport
                                have started to access
                                restriction in some avenues on
                                                                  at least   4   different      readiness. Ranked    1st
                                Sundays “vehicle free zones”      providers                              in Brazil

São Paulo City Profile - Frost & Sullivan
São Paulo at a Glance

                                                        25,000      Population (000s)       Population Density        8,000

                                                        20,000                                                        7,500

                                                        15,000                                                        7,000

                                                        10,000                                                        6,500

                                                         5,000                                                        6,000

                                                            0                                                         5,500

                                                                          Sao Paulo overview

        Age split of São Paulo’s population
                                                                 Boroughs: 31
                  0 – 14 yrs   16 – 64 yrs    65+ yrs
                                                                 Area size: 3,043km2
                                                                 Level of elevation: 760m
                    12%           34%           3%
                                                                 Urban Structure: Zonal
                                                                 Population: 12,106,920 (2017)
                    12%           35%           4%               Density: 6,999 inhabitants per km2
                                                                 Physical activity: On average, 30 mins per
   Population        24%          69%           7%               day are spent in light physical activity

                                                                                                 Source: Frost & Sullivan

São Paulo City Profile - Frost & Sullivan
São Paulo Transportation Mode Shares
Long term trends for the different modes of transport available.

                   1%                                                                        2%
                          53%                                                                      42%

             13%                                                                             13% 2%

                   2000                                                                     2016

       Car                      Public Transport    Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles   Walking           Cycling

                    • The rise of apps such as Uber, Cabify, EasyTaxi and 99Taxi has led to a steady decrease in car
    KEY               usage
 TAKEAWAY           • Cycling has increased a great amount mainly due to investments in bicycle paths
                    • Walking has stayed constant as expected.

                                                                                                        Source: Frost & Sullivan

São Paulo City Profile - Frost & Sullivan
Snapshot of Transportation Modes – Motorization rates & Fares
Taxis and private hire vehicles have seen large growth – due to increased investment and interest in ride
hailing apps.

                                                  Total number of Buses*              Total Number of Taxis and PHVs
   Revenue Generated in 2016                                      14.65
         million                                                                                         57,000
     Subway: $667 million

     Urban Rail: $684 million

                                                                                                                  Standard Fares
Urban Rail and                               0.570.580.57
metro Utilization                                                                                                           $ 1,18
                                                                              5,254,660                                     $ 1,18

 passengers per                                                                                                             $ 1,85
                                                                                                                            $ 10,3 per
                        Motorization Rate per 1000*                Total Two-Wheeler Vehicles                               hour
                                                                                  * - Numbers are in thousands; Source: Frost & Sullivan,

São Paulo City Profile - Frost & Sullivan
Conventional Vehicle Parc

 4,500,000                                                                                    7,000,000
                                                                                                                LCV Diesel
 2,500,000                                                                                    4,000,000
                                                                                                                LCV petrol
 2,000,000                                                                                    3,000,000         PV Diesel
 1,500,000                                                                                                      PV Petrol
                                                                                              2,000,000         PV total
                                                                                              1,000,000         LCV total
        0                                                                                     0
             2007   2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013     2014    2015    2016

                • By investing more in public transport and encouraging alternative forms of transport such as
                  cycling and car sharing, the São Paulo City Council has been able to reduce the motorization rate
   KEY            over the past few years.
TAKEAWAY        • The PV parc is expected to grow towards the future, the city remains a good opportunity land for
                  vehicle ownership
                • Due to Flex (Alcohol and Petrol) engines the only Petrol cars have drastically decreased

                                                                                                    Source: Frost & Sullivan

São Paulo City Profile - Frost & Sullivan
New Energy Vehicle Parc


                                                                             Total number of
            0.6                                                              charging points
                                                                             in São Paulo
                           2013    2014             2015            2016
                                                                             Charging Point Operators
                  Hybrid      EV

            Types of
                                          Number of Public
            Connector Available:
                                          Charging Points:
            AC:                                                               BMW Group Brasil,
            - Slow (7kW)
            - Fast (22kW)
                                             Number of                        Neosolar Energia,
                                          Private Charging   Average Price
            - Tesla (120kW)
                                               Points:         per kWh:       AZ Energy and
            - CHADeMO (50kW)                                     $0.07        Schneider Electric
            - CCS (50kW)
                                                                                        Source: Frost & Sullivan

Technology Trends and Outlook
High adoption rates of advanced technology imply growing relevance of smart city, connected cars, and
new mobility solutions

                   Mainly present in private parking
                       lots and shipping malls

4 street level
                                sensors                       715,000
  monitoring      Pollution
                                                              streetlights        87%             Roll out as early as
     stations     sensors
                                               Lighting                       of population are     2020- trials
                                                                               internet users       currently taking
6,000 traffic                                 Intelligent     Opened in
      lights       Traffic                                    1982 the
                                            Traffic Control
                 management                                   monitoring
                                                              center of
                                                              SP and
                                suppliers                     digitalized
                                                              in 20014
                    • Siemens, CET, São Paulo City
                                                                                 57%                  $3.8 bn
                                                                              of São Pauloers        eCommerce
                                                                             own a smartphone       market potential
                                                                                                   Source: Frost & Sullivan

São Paulo Strategic Plan 2015 The Strategic Plan 2015 is a long term strategy with the
   aim of achieving 13 goals; the medium-term initiatives are targeted to being delivered by 2016, 2020,
   2024 and 2028.
                                                                         SP - PlanMob
                                        • Universal accessibility
                                                                      • optimize the use of        • reduce average
                                          for pedestrians,
                                                                        the road system;             travel time;
                                        • Universal accessibility
                                                                      • implement                  • increase the use of
                                          for the mobility
                                                                        environment                  the collective in the
                                          systems un the urban
                                                                        appropriate to the           city's transportation
                                          area                                                       matrix;
                                                                        movement of the
                                                                        active modes;
                                        Expand travel                 Improve access               Protect the
                                        choices for all               for underserved              environment and
                                        São Pauloers                  communities                  quality of life

                                        • encourage the use of        • Improve freight            • contribute to the
                                          active modes;                 logistics;                   policy of reducing
                                        • reduce atmospheric          • consolidating                social inequalities;
                                          emissions;                    democratic                 • reduce the number of
                                        • make the macro                management in the            accidents and deaths
                                          accessibility of the          improvement of               in traffic;
                                          city more                     urban mobility;
                                        Maintain and
                                          homogeneous.                                             Eliminate traffic
São Paulo City Strategic Plan           protect DOT’s                                              deaths and
                                                                      economic growth
                                        physical assets                                            injuries

 Key Takeaway: The São Paulo government in partnership with other government agencies and the private sector is
 advancing towards its vision of a safe, sustainable, equitable and efficient transportation network based on its Strategic
 Plan 2015 policies and the core principles of the PlanMob long-term plan
                                                                                                               Source: Frost & Sullivan

Infrastructure & Mobility Roadmap: São Paulo City
   It was planned for significant capital investments which include a number of initiatives for improving the
   city’s infrastructure and mobility with focus on sustainability and greater efficiency

                          Key Targets & Investments

                                 São Paulo City historic                                                                    Its’ highly expected that
         $16                 investment is usually 5% of                                              5%                     the city will remain it’s
        billion              the whole budget of the city                                           budget                 level of investment in the
                                    in mobility and                                                                                mobility and
                              transportation. In 2016 this                                                                    transportation for the
                                  numbers was 16bn                                                                                  next years

  • Built Sidewalks
   250.000M² per year;
• Building new cycling                                               •     Increase the accessibility
    paths and racks;                                                           of the sidewalks;                                                    • TO 2030
• Build new bus lanes • Increase the use of Bike sharing;                • Consolidate the cycling                                        • Monitoring the road system
                                                                                                        • Research about walking
      in the city and                                                               structure                                             • 3000 cruises operating in
                                 • Build new                                                                    accessibility;
    connected routes   • Bicycles paths in Bridges and                    • Updated the law for                                           real time;
                                                                                                      • New bus terminals and lanes;
                                                                             private transportation                                       • 2676 crossings operating
                                     viaducts                                                            • Integrate in the private
                                                                                                                                          in fixed time with
                          • Revise the legislation of                                                     transportation means mid-
                                                                                                                                          Centralized monitoring;
                          transportation private vehicles                                                          vehicles
                                                                                                                                          • 1100 km of fiber optic
                                                                                          •     Reduce the number of                      network - cimu;
              •   Build terminals and mini-         •   Reduce the number of                                                              • 1680 cctv cameras;
                      terminal for load                 deaths in the traffic to                deaths in the traffic to
                                                                                                 3/100 thousand and                       • 119 variable message
                     transportation and                   6/100 thousand                                                                  panels;
                           stocking                          inhabitants                      reduce the average speed
                                                                                                       of roads

      2015                     Short-term Milestones
                                                                                   2020                      Medium-term Milestones
     *MTA – Metropolitan Transportation Authority                                                                                            Source: Frost & Sullivan

São Paulo’s Data and Digital Strategy
 The digital strategy involves collecting and providing open data, improving online tools and websites and
 making sure everyone has access to these resources through having internet connectivity.

 Implement a unique      São Paulo’s Digital City Strategy                             Examples and Trials
identification system
  for the citizen as a                   8 goals of the municipality
 patient, through the                                                       Digitalization of the data and process
effective adoption of          Operational
     the SUS card.          integration of the
                                Civil Guard
                             Communications                                São Paulo is also investing in the digitalization of the
                          Center Metropolitan,                             municipality process and databases.
To implement, in the          CETEL and the         To transform the       Such as: Ensure that 100% of the data published by the
Municipal Schools of      Operations Center of     current “attention”     City Hall are available in an open format, integrating basic
     Elementary            the Military Police,        places of the       accessibility tools; Ensure that 100% of new processes
   Education, The                COPOM              municipality into      reducing costs and processing times.
Pedagogical Web and                               functional structures
make them available                               for service within the
     via WiFi to                                       Poupatempo                São Paulo, the connected city
 student equipment        Implement a Mobility           Standard
                              Control and
                            Operation Center                                   Digitalization of the city as a infrastructure

                                                  Create an Integrated     Infrastructure projects of the public transport road flow and
Modernize the five
                                                  Operations Center for    integration of the various modalities for favoring safe, fast,
Area Traffic Centers
                                                    the Municipality       affordable and sustainable inter modality
                                                                           Objective: Increased capacity of the structural system to
                                                                           transport passengers with speed, punctuality, regularity
                           Deploy Intelligent
                                                                           and safety, guaranteeing the other attributes of transport
                                                                           quality (comfort, low fares, respect for the principles of
                                                                           sustainability, technological relevance and universal
                                                                                                                   Source: Frost & Sullivan

Freight in São Paulo City
Freight makes up 2% of São Paulo City’s total road traffic – the effects of which greatly impact the city’s
mobility landscape

          Freight traffic as a percentage of total road traffic
   3%                                                               Logistics Regulation:
                                                                    Level – Low
                                                                    Sao Paulo has access
                                                                    restrictions in certain part of
                                                                    the city .

        2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

                                                                    LCV Rail
                      4                                Split of
                transport hubs                         Traffic        Truck

                                                                                               Source: Frost & Sullivan

Snapshot of New Mobility Services Offered in São Paulo City
Services such as ride sharing and ride hailing mean São Paulo City has the capability and infrastructure to
support next generation mobility schemes such as MaaS.

                Car sharing – 60 cars                              Ride hailing – 50,000 cars

                 Ride sharing                                      Bike sharing – 7,400 bikes

           RJ                            SP

                                                                                                Source: Frost & Sullivan

Key quotes

São Paulo is a city in permanent movement.
However, it faces major daily problems with
traffic and travel.
The Master Plan addresses urban mobility
based on the integration and articulation
between different modes of transportation. It       It's not just an application that helps you save
establishes minimum and permanent                  money, but rather establish contacts as well. In
resources to expand the network and qualify        2016 we had more than 1 million seats in Brazil.
public transport and non-motorized means of              The average travel in Brazil is 250 km.
transport (cycle system and pedestrian              The Can of the car is changing. But people will
circulation), less polluting. It also recognizes     not stop having a car, because, it is practical.
new components of the urban mobility system         Especially if you have feilhos. Now, we believe
(logistics, waterway and car sharing system)          that the use of the car will be more shared.
for structuring a more comprehensive, efficient
and environmentally balanced shift matrix.

                                                   Frederic Ollier, Blah Blah Car

                     Government of São Paulo

                                                                                        Source: Frost & Sullivan

São Paulo as a Smart City
There are many digital and smart city related initiatives going in Sao Paulo and objectives with actions plans
being consolidated by the city government.

    Smart Energy               Smart Waste                Smart Water                   The London
    The market share for       The mayor has set a        Thames Waters plans
    smart energy could                                    on investing                  A free and open data
    reach up to
                               50%                        £1.3bn                        sharing portal with
                                                                                        more than
    $2.1bn                     recycling target to be
                                                          on smart meters
    by 2020.
                               reached by 2020 and
                               has specified the          before 2050 –
                                                          installing roughly
                               importance of                                            data sets, providing
                               moving toward a            900,000 meters.
                                                                                        stats for transport,
                               circular economy                                         environment etc.

   Sao Paulo                               Smart Transport
   municipality gives in      ‘Surface Intelligent
                                                             Intelligent mobility       is to
   a website a huge           Transport Systems’             Increase by 10% the                      Potential
   amount of open data        CET – Engineer                 participation of active modes of
   about the public           Company of Traffic has a       displacement (cycling, walking
   transport system and       intelligent center in Sao      and other active modes) by                 $1,3
   related information        Paulo, restored in 2014        2020 and also Reduce the                    Billion
   available in the           to monitor more than 1         number of road deaths to equal
   Open Data SP               million security cameras.      to or less than 6 per 100,000 by
                                                             the same time                        Source: Frost & Sullivan

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