Saint Martha Catholic Church - Web: 9301 Biscayne Boulevard

Page created by Bradley Torres
Saint Martha Catholic Church - Web: 9301 Biscayne Boulevard

Saint Martha Catholic Church
  9301 Biscayne Boulevard                    Web:
(Entrance on NE 8th Avenue)
  Miami Shores, FL 33138
   Phone: (305) 751-0005                      Email:
    Fax: (305) 756-1161 

Saint Martha Catholic Church - Web: 9301 Biscayne Boulevard
                                          REGISTRATION                            INSCRIPCIÓN
                                      New parishioners are invited              Invitamos a los nuevos
                                    to register at the Parish Office .        feligreses a inscribirse en
                                                                                la Oficina Parroquial.
                                             BAPTISMS                               BAUTIZOS
     MASS SCHEDULE                  Please call the Parish Office for    Por favor llame a la Oficina Parro-
                                         baptism information.              quial para información sobre
  HORARIO DE MISAS                                                                    bautizos.
        Sunday | Domingo
          Saturday Vigil                  SACRAMENTS                        SACRAMENTOS
        Vigilia del Sábado       Sign up for RCIA classes. Please          PARA ADULTOS
       5:00 p.m. in English     visit our website and click the Sac- Inscríbase en nuestro programa
8:30 am and 10:30 am in English raments tab for more information. RICA. Por favor visite nuestro sitio
      12:30 pm en Español                                            web y haga clic en Sacramentos
                                                                               para más información.
                                             SICK AND
      Daily (in English)                   HOMEBOUND                                ENFERMOS
   Monday-Saturday 8:30 am            If you are homebound, ill,          Si está enfermo sin poder salir de
                                     recovering from surgery and         casa, o recuperándose de una ciru-
  Holy Days | Días De Precepto       would like Holy Communion            gía, y desea la Santa Comunión,
                                      brought to you, please call             llame al 786-828-7970 o a
8:30 am and 11:45 am in English       786-828-7970 or Garry &              Wilfredo Soto (305) 804-5004.
  7:00 pm Bilingüe– Bilingual.         Elisabeth (305) 205-4538
     Unless otherwise noted.
                                            WEDDINGS                          Seguimos las reglas de la
      CONFESSIONS                      We follow Archdiocesan            arquidiócesis; se necesitan seis me-
      CONFESIONES                   regulations; at least six months     ses de preparación antes de la bo-
  Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 p.m.         preparation time is required.        da. Por favor llame a la Oficina
  Sábados de 4:00 a 4:45 pm          Please call the Parish Office.                 Parroquial.

            Pastor                    PARISH HALL RENTAL
   Rev. Lazarus Govin, S.T.L.                                                ALQUILER DEL SALÓN
                                         Please call office.               Llame a la Oficina Parroquial.
  Administrative Assistant                                                     Oficina Parroquial
       Karla Pacheco                     PARISH OFFICE                  Lunes 1:00pm a 3:00pm
                                      Monday-1:00pm –3:00pm        Martes-Viernes: 9:00am-3:00pm
  Receptionist/ Secretary         Tuesday to Friday 9:00am -3:00pm        9221 Biscayne Blvd
      Claudia Pearson                    9221 Biscayne Blvd             Miami Shores FL 33138
                                       Miami Shores FL 33138             (Entrada en NE 8Ave)
                                      (Entrance on NE 8th Ave)            Tel: (305) 751-0005
        Music Ministry                 Phone: (305) 751-0005
      Ministerio Musical                                                  Fax: (305) 754-6930
                                        Fax: (305) 754-6930
   Rodrigo Villaseñor, Director
   Daphne Dominique, Cantor 

                                                 Welcome we are glad you are here!
                                         We would be delighted to count you among our own.
                                          Please come to the Parish Office for more details.

                                                ¡Bienvenido que bueno que estas aquí!
                                             Nos encantaría contarte entre los nuestros.
                                       Por favor visita la Oficina Parroquial para mas detalles.
Saint Martha Catholic Church - Web: 9301 Biscayne Boulevard
                                                                                               Mass Inten ons
                                                                                           Intenciones de las misas

                                                                        Saturday         January 30th
                                                                            5:00pm   †   Madeline Magueri

                                                                        Sunday           January 31st
                                                                            8:30am       Richard Cumberland (Birthday Int.)

                                                                           10:30am   †   José Diaz
Your gift helps to fulfill the mission of reaching Miami Shores
for Jesus Christ. In thanksgiving for God’s gift, please budget a          12:30pm   †   María Eulalia Montoya
generous weekly offering in proportion to your household
income.                                                                    12:30pm   †   Jesús Arturo Meneses
Su ofrenda nos ayuda a cumplir la misión de traer el mensaje               12:30pm   †   Oscar R. Murguía
de Jesús a Miami Shores. En acción de gracias, incluya una
ofrenda generosa en su presupuesto semanal de acuerdo a sus
ingresos.                                                               Monday           February 1st
                                                                            8:30am       Alyson Rau (Birthday Int.)

                 Offerings / Ofrendas
                        Sunday                                          Tuesday          February 2nd
                                                                            8:30am   †   Kenrick Chee-Awai
          January 23rd & January 24th, 2021

              5:00 pm       $ 571.00                                    Wednesday        February 3rd
              8:30 am       $ 648.00                                        8:30am       Pamela Murillo (Birthday Int.)

             10:30 am       $ 631.00
                                                                        Thursday         February 4th
             12:30 pm       $ 723.00
                                                                            8:30am   †   Mimi Oury
                 Total      $ 2,573.00

                                                                        Friday           February 5th
                                                                            8:30am       In Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
                                                                                         Jenny, Lucas & Santiago Gonzalez
                                                                                         (Special Int.)

                                                                        Saturday         February 6th
                                                                            8:30am       The Souls in Purgatory

Saint Martha Catholic Church - Web: 9301 Biscayne Boulevard

Saint Martha Catholic Church - Web: 9301 Biscayne Boulevard

                                          IMPORTANT NOTICE
                                All IRS letters have been sent via email or text.
                            If you have not received yours please make sure to call
                             the Parish Office as they are available upon request.
                                         Once you request your letter,
                         Father Govin will have them available to you in the Sacristy.
                         Otherwise, you can pick them up in the Parish Office during
                                                 Office Hours.
                                         Monday: 1:00PM to 3:00PM
                                    Tuesday to Friday: 9:00AM to 3:00PM

               False Prophets, True Prophets                                Falsos Profetas, Verdaderos Profetas
   In Deuteronomy today we hear that God’s very words             Hoy nos enteramos en Deuteronomio de que las palabras de
                                                                Dios llenarán la boca de un profeta verdadero, pero un profeta
  will fill the mouth of a true prophet, but a false prophet   falso, en cierto modo, pone meras palabras mortales en boca de
will, in a manner of speaking, put mere mortal words into          Dios. En el Evangelio según San Marcos, vemos las ense-
  God’s mouth. In Mark’s Gospel, we see Jesus teaching          ñanzas de Jesús y la curación como obra de un verdadero pro-
and healing as a true prophet, one filled with the authori-    feta, uno lleno de la autoridad de la propia voz de Dios, el San-
       ty of God’s own voice, the Holy One of God.                                          to de Dios.
  The whole history of our church is filled with both true     La historia de nuestra Iglesia está llena de profetas, verdaderos
  and false prophets. But in today’s Gospel we learn that       y falsos. Pero en el Evangelio de hoy nos enteramos de que la
 Jesus’ fame spread because he taught with authority; he         fama de Jesús se extendió porque enseñaba con autoridad; su
  wasn’t an authority because he was popular or famous.             autoridad no procedía de que Él fuera popular o famoso.
We also learn from him, in his desert temptation confron-          También aprendemos de Él, en sus enfrentamientos en el
                                                                desierto cuando fue tentado por Satanás, que cualquiera puede
 tations with Satan, that anyone can quote scripture, even       citar la Sagrada Escritura, incluso en contra de los propósitos
  against God’s purposes. And today we hear that his au-       de Dios. Y hoy nos enteramos de que su autoridad no era como
thority was not like that of the scribes, who held the offi-    la de los escribas, que ocupaban los cargos oficiales de autori-
 cial positions of religious authority in his day. Our work       dad religiosa en aquella época. Nuestro trabajo consiste en
is to do our best to discern the true prophets in our midst,      hacer nuestro mejor esfuerzo para discernir los verdaderos
and to be true prophets as well. The psalmist tells us how        profetas que hay en medio de nosotros, y también nosotros
to do this: by not hardening our hearts when God speaks.          mismos ser verdaderos profetas. El salmista nos dice cómo
If we truly listen to God, it will be God’s very words fill-     hacerlo: no endurecer nuestro corazón cuando Dios habla. Si
                       ing our mouths.                          de verdad escuchamos a Dios, serán Sus palabras Dios las que
                   Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co                                        llenarán nuestra boca.
                                                                                     Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Saint Martha Catholic Church - Web: 9301 Biscayne Boulevard
6               LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA
Monday: Heb 11:32-40; Ps 31:20-24; Mk 5:1-20                                      Lunes: Heb 11:32-40; Sal 31 (30):20-24; Mc 5:1-20
Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18;                                      Martes: Mal 3:1-4; Sal 24 (23):7-10; Heb 2:14-18;
         Lk 2:22-40 [22-32]                                                                Lc 2:22-40 [22-32]
Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103:1-2, 13-14,                                  Miércoles: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Sal 103 (102):1-2, 13-14,
            17-18a; Mk 6:1-6                                                                 17-18a; Mc 6:1-6
Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48:2-4, 9-11;                                   Jueves: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Sal 48 (47):2-4, 9-11;
          Mk 6:7-13                                                                       Mc 6:7-13
Friday: Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mk 6:14-29                               Viernes: Heb 13:1-8; Sal 27 (26):1, 3, 5, 8b-9; Mc 6:14-29
Saturday: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23:1-6; Mk 6:30-34                              Sábado: Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Sal 23 (22):1-6;
Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147:1-6; 1 Cor 9:16-19,22-23;                                    Mc 6:30-34
        Mk 1:29-39                                                                Domingo: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Sal 147 (146):1-6;
                                                                                            1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mc 1:29-39
              NEXT WEEK’S READINGS
First Reading — Job finds life on earth to be drudgery;                                 LECTURAS DE LA PROXIMA SEMANA
he is filled with restlessness (Job 7:1-4, 6-7).                                  Primera lectura — Job declara que la vida en la tierra es
Psalm — Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted                              monótona, miserable y triste (Job 7:1-4, 6-7).
(Psalm 147).                                                                      Salmo — Alaben al Señor, que sana los corazones que-
Second Reading — Woe to me if I do not preach the                                 brantados (Salmo 147 [146]).
gospel. I have become all things to all, to save at least                         Segunda lectura — Pablo dice que no tienen otra alterna-
some (1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23).                                              tiva sino la de predicar el Evangelio
Gospel — Jesus cured many who were sick with various                              (1 Corintios 9:16-19, 22-23).
diseases (Mark 1:29-39).                                                          Evangelio — Después de sanar a muchos enfermos y de
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass       expulsar a los demonios, Jesús predica la Buena Nueva
© 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Cor-       (Marcos 1:29-39).
poration. All rights reserved                                                     Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical © 1970,
                                                                                  Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reser-

                                                                                                    FEAST OF FAITH
                                                                                                           I Confess
                                                                                    One form of the penitential rite at the beginning of
                                                                                     Mass is the traditional Confiteor, or “I confess,” a
                                                                                  prayer that was formerly prayed by the priest alone at
                                                                                   the foot of the altar, but which is now prayed by the
                                                                                  entire assembly. The Confiteor is at once personal—
                                                                                  “I confess”—and communal, prayed aloud, together.
  The St Martha church bulletin is provided by the                                 We recognize that sin does not just separate us from
J.S.Paluch Company to us at no cost. The bulletin is                               God; sin comes between us and others, isolating us.
solely funded by the support of the local business                                We acknowledge that sin has many dimensions, indi-
community through business sponsorships. In order                                      vidual and communal: sins of thought, sins of
to continue to receive this, and many of the other                                   speech, sins of action, sins of omission. Sin is not
benefits J.S.Paluch provides our church, we are                                     something that happens to us; sin is something we
looking for additional sponsorships to fill up the                                  do. In the Confiteor, we take responsibility for our
open space on our two sponsorship pages.                                           own actions. The repeated insistence on our “fault,”
If you own a business, know of someone who does,                                    with the ritual gesture of striking the breast, an an-
or just want to celebrate an anniversary, birthday or                             cient sign of penitence, is not meant to lower our self
special occasion, please consider promoting the                                   -esteem. Rather, it acknowledges our human instinct
business or event in our church bulletin. For more                                  to transfer the blame whenever we can (“The devil
information on the sponsorship program, please con-                               made me do it!”). This prayer stops us short. We take
tact our J.S.Paluch representative Patrick Falco di-                               responsibility for ourselves, our actions, our failure
rectly. He can be reached by email at fal-                                            to act. Then we cry out to God in those ancient, or directly by phone at 910-200-                                   words, Kyrie, eleison—Lord, have mercy. For the
8383. Also, if you have any experience in sales and                                 sinner who repents, there is mercy. This truth is at
would like to help the church fill the sponsorship                                  the heart of our faith, and it is where the Mass, our
page, please contact Mr. Falco as well.                                                             feast of faith, begins.
The church thanks you for your consideration and                                    —Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
support.                                              6
Saint Martha Catholic Church - Web: 9301 Biscayne Boulevard
             MINISTRIES                                                      UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.
                                                                      TODOS LOS MINISTERIOS NO SE REUNIRAN
             MINISTERIOS                                                     HASTA PROXIMO AVISO

             Women’s Emmaus                                                Knights of Columbus
                   Thursdays - Parish Hall
       Sonia Zepeda                                                        Meets on Second Tuesdays · 7:30pm - 8:30pm
       305-336-0190 •                                  Mike Palma

                Emaús Mujeres                                                   Men’s Club
                   Jueves - Salón parroquial
       Icelsa Basden                                                         Meets Monthly on Thursdays
                                                               Richard Cumberland 305-978-0091 /

                 Men’s Emmaus                                                   Grupo de Oración Carismá co
               Tuesdays - St. Rose of Lima Parish.
           Next door to Parish at school education room.                                 Martes 7:30-9:30pm
        Ed Sunshine                                                                       Mr. Wilfredo Soto
        305-759-3142 •

                Emaús Hombres                                             MARIAN PRAYER GROUP
                Miercoles - Salón parroquial
        John Acosta

    Religious Education (CCD)
    Children & Youth Ministry                                  Meets monthly on First Tuesday of the month from 9:30AM
                                                               to 10:30AM in the Parish Hall.
                                                               Contact: Ludi Joseph, 305-754-5578
        Sundays 8:00am to 10:00am
       Followed by Mass at 10:30am

     Come to learn more about Jesus,
     His Church and the Catholic faith.
         Join us for the celebration
    of the Mass to pray & worship God.                                       Brian Scott 305-527-0168

                                                                     Every Thursday EXCEPT First
   Director of Religious Education (DRE)
                                                                        Thursday of the month.
               Danilo Recinos                                              Starting at 4:00pm

  Please do not bring animals, food or drinks into the church and let’s remember to
                          turn off our phones. Thank you

Por favor no traigamos animales, comida o bebidas dentro de la iglesia y recordemos
                          apagar los teléfonos. ¡Gracias!
Saint Martha Catholic Church - Web: 9301 Biscayne Boulevard
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                        TEL. 305-757-9000 FAX 305-757-3505 Tel: 305-893-6004  Fax: 305-893-7666
514202 St Martha Church                                                                                 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
Saint Martha Catholic Church - Web: 9301 Biscayne Boulevard Saint Martha Catholic Church - Web: 9301 Biscayne Boulevard
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