SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 7, 2021 / 7 de Febrero del 2021 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)

Page created by Derek Zimmerman
SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 7, 2021 / 7 de Febrero del 2021 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
     Parroquia de Santa María
February 7, 2021 / 7 de Febrero del 2021
SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 7, 2021 / 7 de Febrero del 2021 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                           February 7, 2021

EMAIL RECEIVED THIS WEEK                                               40 DAYS FOR LIFE BOSTON PRAYER CAMPAIGN
Dear Friend in Christ:                                                 You are invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil
                                                                       (from February 17 through March 28) outside Planned
I heartily invite you and your parishioners to join us at the 13th
                                                                       Parenthood,1055 Commonwealth Ave., Boston from 7:00 a.m.-
Edition of New York Encounter. This 3-day annual cultural event
                                                                       7:00 p.m. In addition, prayer vigils are scheduled throughout the
will take place February 12-14. Because of the pandemic it will
                                                                       week at the same location. For more information visit
be broadcast live from New York City, in collaboration with the
Sheen Center, and made available on the New York Encounter
website                                      LAST YEAR’S SECOND COLLECTIONS
The 2021 special edition, titled “When Reality Hits”, will be a        As Catholics, we are called to support not only our parishes but
reflection on the events of 2020 in order to move forward with-        also the needs those beyond our own community. We are called
out, however, wasting the sorrows we have suffered and the les-        to support the Holy Father Pope Francis, the Archbishop and
sons we have learned, as if they had been in vain.                     those with whom we are in communion. We are called to help the
                                                                       poor and those affected by natural disasters. We are called to sup-
Since 2009, when New York Encounter was founded by members             port the work of missionaries who bring Christ to those who do
of the Catholic lay movement Communion and Liberation, it has          not know Jesus. We are asked to support the retirement needs and
been an example of faith lived in the public sphere and has pro-       health care of our religious sisters and priests. The Catholic Bish-
vided a vibrant meeting point to thousands of people of different      ops of the United States receive many requests from other bishops
beliefs, traditions and cultures striving for reciprocal understand-   from around the world for assistance because of the simple reason
ing, broadened perspectives and the possibility for true friendship.   that we have so much more than most others when it comes to
We would be grateful if you could include the announcement be-         material wealth. These requests from others is what leads the
low in your parish bulletin.                                           Bishops to ask for help through “Second Collections”. The pan-
Sincerely,                                                             demic changed the offertory process but many of you continue to
Rita Simmonds                                                          help support these needs which haven’t gone away. Thanks for
For New York Encounter                                                 your donations to the second collections. Below is a list of the
                                                                       second collections and the amounts that were donated by you in
                                                                       2020. May the Lord reward you for your almsgiving.
The 2021 NEW YORK ENCOUNTER, When Reality Hits, will
take place online on February 12-14 and will be broadcasted live
at the Encounter website The En-
                                                                             SECOND COLLECTIONS 2020                     AMOUNT
counter is a three-day cultural event organized by members of
Communion and Liberation featuring panel discussions, artistic               Church in Latin America                    $2,517.00
performances and unique exhibits. Some highlights: Reflections               Church Around the World                    $2,738.00
by Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, and Archbishop                    Holy Land Shrines - Good Friday             $623.00
Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, on the events of last              Easter Clergy Health & Retirement          $1,920.00
year. A conversation with word renown philosopher Charles Tay-
                                                                             Seminarians - Pentecost                    $1,176.00
lor on what we are learning from 2020. A dialogue with Luigi
Zamagni President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Science                Clergy Health & Retirement (Sept.)         $1,956.00
on the future of work and business in a post-COVID world. A                  Holy Father & Missionary Efforts            $977.00
discussion on a truly human path to racial justice with Rev. Eu-             World Mission Sunday                        $933.00
gene Rivers. Video exhibits on the Servant of God Msgr. Luigi                Retired Religious Sisters                  $1,707.25
Giussani, founder of Communion and Liberation and on Msgr.                   Christmas Clergy Health & Retirement       $6,174.00
Lorenzo Albacete, theologian and close friend of the Encounter.
These events and many others can be found at All events are FREE and no regis-
                                                                       YEAR END STATEMENTS
tration is required. All are invited!
                                                                       Last week we mailed out the 2020 year-end contribution state-
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS                                                    ments to parishioners who are using offertory envelopes and elec-
Become an online member for free! Now through June 30th, enter         tronic giving for the collections. If you are receiving a packet of
Promo Code MCGIVNEY2020 for 12 months of free online                   offertory envelopes in the mail each month but not using them,
membership               please let us know so we can update our list (and save postage).
knights.html.                                                          We appreciate the generosity of all who support St. Mary Parish.
BULLETIN COVER                                                         FIAT
Jesus heals Simon Peter’s mother-in-law                                Fiat, a gathering of women interested in learning more about reli-
[From the Life of Christ illumunations, Hitda Codex]                   gious life, cordially invites you to the next meeting on Wednes-
The Hitda Codex is an eleventh-century manuscript containing a         day, February 10, 2021 at 7:00pm on Zoom. Please contact Sr.
selection of passages from the Gospels, commissioned by                Marian Batho, CSJ at or 617-746-
Hitda, abbess of Meschede c. 1020.                                     2025 for more information and the link to the meeting.

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 7, 2021 / 7 de Febrero del 2021 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                              February 7, 2021

My brothers and sisters in Christ,                                       PLEASE PRAY FOR . . .
I am please to introduce Fr. George Kalangabusa to St. Mary’s.           Jane Feltner, Dick, Ellie Paradise, Jordan, Eva, Helen, Edward,
Fr. George was originally scheduled to begin studies at the Boston       Jackie, Jane L, Brian, Ursula, Kathleen, Laura, Frank, Charlie, all
College School of Ministry and Theology back in September but            the sick and suffering.
was unable to enter the country. He was able to delay his start and      Note: If you want a name added or removed from the sick list,
will begin studies this week. Fr. George asked me last summer for        please email or call the parish office.
residence, but at the time we had no room. Recently, Fr. Charles’s
unexpected departure opened up space. So we welcome Fr.
George and hope that this period of study will be rewarding for                                  OFFERTORY
him and the people he will serve after he returns to Uganda. Fr.                Thank you for your generous offering to our parish.
George’s mother is living; his father died in 2009. He has two                 The following was collected during all parish Masses.
brothers, two sisters and a deceased sister. Fr. George is 32 years                              January 23/24
old. He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Kassana-                                     Offertory              $3,299.00
Luweero in 2016 and was assigned to be a parochial vicar. He                                  #Worshippers              468.00
speaks English, Luganda, some of the Bantu languages as well as
a little Swahili and German. He likes listening to music, especial-
                                                                                       December Electronic Giving $3,430.00
ly Church music, and playing basketball. This is Fr. George’s sec-
ond time in Boston. He was with us for the Uganda Martyr’s                             January Electronic Giving  $4,185.00
Feast celebration in 2018 and visited Texas, Louisiana, New Jer-
sey and Louisiana in the past. We look forward to when you will
be able to greet him without distance.         – Father Michael
                                                                                             MASS INTENTIONS
                                                                                  Please find the full Mass Schedule on page 6.
St. John’s Seminary has sent their deacon/students to live in their
assigned parishes for the Season of Lent. This is a good idea be-              Saturday, February 6
cause the COVID restrictions have made it difficult for deacons                    4:00pm Arthur Veno, Sr.
such as Steven to serve and minister in the parishes. Deacon Ste-              Sunday, February 7
ven will be living in the rectory with the priests and continue his                9:00am Ethan Anderson
seminary training and coursework online. We are happy that we                  Monday, February 8
will have the Deacon with us at least for Lent. Deacon Steven will                12:10pm Kevan LeBlanc
finish his coursework in May and will receive a new assignment                 Tuesday, February 9
where he will serve as a Deacon for the next year. Let us continue                12:10pm Roger LeBlanc
to pray for him and pray that more men will consider serving as                Wednesday, February 10
deacons and priests.                                                              12:10pm John Henry Kempton
                                                                               Thursday, February 11
LENTEN PREPARATION II                                                             12:10pm Patricia Downey
Last week I said that a key component to marking Lent is being                 Saturday, February 13
truly sorry or regretful for your past sins. I said without contrition             4:00pm Parish & Parishioners
and sorrow, Lenten ascetical practices can be reduced to mindful-              Sunday, February 14
ness and wellness training which is the latest fad. Don’t get me                   9:00am Robert McGurrin
wrong; I am all for healthy living, but it only helps you in this life
instead of getting you ready for judgment and eternity. Wellness
tends to focus on self-love and self-care more than loving God
and your neighbor. So sorrow is key. If we are not sorry, why do         PARISH OFFICE
we need to repent and change? At the same time, we need to ex-           Currently there is no receptionist working in the rectory office.
amine all the practices, behaviors and habits that wear us down          The phone is checked for messages periodically throughout each
and distract us. I think it is good to try to rid ourselves of those     day. We will call you back. The easiest way to communicate with
bad habits even before Ash Wednesday. The goal is not to stop            us is email. We can schedule Masses, sacraments etc. Please in-
doing them for just forty days. The goal is to attend to them            clude your phone number in your email message in case we need
through the forty days and say good-bye to the harmful ones for-         to call you as a follow up.
ever. I think dealing with our phones is a big one. Excessive            133 CLUB MAILING DELAY
drinking, drug use, wasting time on the computer and TV, over-           The 133 Club mailing for December and January was combined
eating, being late all the time – these are just a few examples of       into one letter and mailed out this past week. Getting these letters
habits that weaken us when we come to ridding ourselves of sin-          out the door has been challenging during the pandemic since we
ful habits and behaviors such as jealousy, gossip, hate, lust. So it     do not have our usual volunteer crew... so thank you for your pa-
may be good to examine how we are structuring our lives and              tience. If you know that you owed membership dues for Decem-
relating to others so we can train to be more virtuous when Lent         ber or January, please consider mailing in your payments. You
starts on February 17th.                                                 don’t have to wait for the payment envelope to show up. Thanks.

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 7, 2021 / 7 de Febrero del 2021 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                               February 7, 2021

YEAR OF SAINT JOSEPH                                                      its contradictions, frustrations and disappointments.
This week we continue to include an excerpt from the Holy Fa-             Jesus’ appearance in our midst is a gift from the Father, which
ther’s Apostolic Letter, Patris Corde, which means With a Fa-             makes it possible for each of us to be reconciled to the flesh of
ther’s Heart. Pope Francis has declared 2021 to be a year of the          our own history, even when we fail to understand it completely.
foster father of the Savior – St. Joseph. Give thanks that the Holy       Just as God told Joseph: “Son of David, do not be afraid!” (Mt
Father wants us to seek the help of the humble and obedient man.          1:20), so he seems to tell us: “Do not be afraid!” We need to set
St. Joseph pray for us.                                                   aside all anger and disappointment, and to embrace the way
4. An accepting father                                                    things are, even when they do not turn out as we wish. Not with
Joseph accepted Mary unconditionally. He trusted in the angel’s           mere resignation but with hope and courage. In this way, we be-
words. “The nobility of Joseph’s heart is such that what he               come open to a deeper meaning. Our lives can be miraculously
learned from the law he made dependent on charity. Today, in our          reborn if we find the courage to live them in accordance with the
world where psychological, verbal and physical violence towards           Gospel. It does not matter if everything seems to have gone
women is so evident, Joseph appears as the figure of a respectful         wrong or some things can no longer be fixed. God can make
and sensitive man. Even though he does not understand the bigger          flowers spring up from stony ground. Even if our heart condemns
picture, he makes a decision to protect Mary’s good name, her             us, “God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything” (1
dignity and her life. In his hesitation about how best to act, God        Jn 3:20).
helped him by enlightening his judgment”.                                 Here, once again, we encounter that Christian realism which re-
Often in life, things happen whose meaning we do not under-               jects nothing that exists. Reality, in its mysterious and irreducible
stand. Our first reaction is frequently one of disappointment and         complexity, is the bearer of existential meaning, with all its lights
rebellion. Joseph set aside his own ideas in order to accept the          and shadows. Thus, the Apostle Paul can say: “We know that all
course of events and, mysterious as they seemed, to embrace               things work together for good, for those who love God” (Rom
them, take responsibility for them and make them part of his own          8:28). To which Saint Augustine adds, “even that which is called
history. Unless we are reconciled with our own history, we will           evil (etiam illud quod malum dicitur)”. In this greater perspective,
be unable to take a single step forward, for we will always remain        faith gives meaning to every event, however happy or sad.
hostage to our expectations and the disappointments that follow.
                                                                          Nor should we ever think that believing means finding facile and
The spiritual path that Joseph traces for us is not one that ex-          comforting solutions. The faith Christ taught us is what we see in
plains, but accepts. Only as a result of this acceptance, this recon-     Saint Joseph. He did not look for shortcuts, but confronted reality
ciliation, can we begin to glimpse a broader history, a deeper            with open eyes and accepted personal responsibility for it.
meaning. We can almost hear an echo of the impassioned reply of
Job to his wife, who had urged him to rebel against the evil he           Joseph’s attitude encourages us to accept and welcome others as
endured: “Shall we receive the good at the hand of God, and not           they are, without exception, and to show special concern for the
receive the bad?” (Job 2:10).                                             weak, for God chooses what is weak (1 Cor 1:27). He is the
                                                                          “Father of orphans and protector of widows” (Ps 68:6), who com-
Joseph is certainly not passively resigned, but courageously and          mands us to love the stranger in our midst. I like to think that it
firmly proactive. In our own lives, acceptance and welcome can            was from Saint Joseph that Jesus drew inspiration for the parable
be an expression of the Holy Spirit’s gift of fortitude. Only the         of the prodigal son and the merciful father (Lk 15:11-32).
Lord can give us the strength needed to accept life as it is, with all                                                      continued next week

                     When you look at the Crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you then.
                    When you look at the Sacred Host you understand how much Jesus loves you now,”
                                                            - St. Teresa of Calcutta


                                              Form a “throne” for our Lord by resting your left hand over your right hand.

                                                     YES                     NO                       NO                          NO

                                                                                            Never receive single-handed or try to snatch the
                                                                                            host with your fingers.

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 7, 2021 / 7 de Febrero del 2021 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario						                                                 		     7 de Febrero del 2021

      Queridos hermanos y hermanas,
      estamos celebrando el quinto domingo del tiempo ordinario. Oy estaré dando la
      bendicion de San Blas par los males de garganta. San Blas fue un médico cristiano
      de la villa de Sebaste de Armenia Menor, una región de la antigua Asia Menor que
      luego lo ordenarón sacerdote y despues obispo. Cuenta una leyenda cristiana que
      mientras llevaban al obispo Blas hacia su martirio, una mujer se abrió paso entre la muchedumbre
      y colocó a los pies del religioso a su hijo que estaba muriendo sofocado por una espina de
      pescado que se le había atravesado en la garganta. San Blas, como médico que era, tomo al niño
      por la espalda y en un brusco abrazo oprimió sus pulmones, y el niño expectoró la espina. Este
      sería el origen de la costumbre de bendecir las gargantas el día de su fiesta el 3 de febrero.
      NOTA: CABALLEROS DE COLÓN: Hagase miembro en linea gratis! Desde ahora y hasta el 30 de
      juno, use el código promocional MCGIVNEY2020 y obtenga 12 meses de membresía en línea gratis.

                                                                                 P. Fernando J. Vivas

                        		       En el evangelio de hoy escuchamos como Jesus despues de
                        regresar de la sinagoga entró en la casa de Pedro. Ahí encuentra a
                        la suegra de Pedro enferma. Muchos hermanos separados untilizan
                        este texto para desacreditar el sacerdocio, diciendo que los apostoles
                        eran casados y tenia esposas. Pero el hecho de que Pedro tenia suegra
 no significa que tenía esposa en el momento que Jesus lo llamo. Probablemente, la esposa
 había muerto y Pedro como buen yerno no habria sacado a su suegra a la calle, sino que
 la sostendría en su casa como si fuera su mamá.
         Lo mas importante de este pasaje es ver como Jesus te sana para servirle! Jesucristo
 al tener un encuentro con el hombre enfermo (especialmente de pecados) lo sana, y la
 reaccion del hombre sanado es servirle. Si Dios te ha ayudao, te ha sanado, te ha liberado
 por que no le sirves? Que te detiene para servirle al Señor?
                                                                                IV Domingo: Lecturas
                                                                                Jb 7:1-4, 6-7
                                                                                Sal 147: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6
                                                                                1Cor 9:16-19, 22-23
                                                                                Mc 1, 29-39

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 7, 2021 / 7 de Febrero del 2021 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                                                               February 7, 2021

                                                          SAINT MARY PARISH
                                            Parish Office: 781-891-1730       Fax: 781-209-0555
                                            Mailing Address: 133 School Street, Waltham, MA 02451
                                            Email: Please contact us via the website (WHO WE ARE > PRIESTS & STAFF)

SAINT MARY CHURCH                                                        SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO CHAPEL
 Location: 133 School St., Waltham MA 02451                               Location: 51 Hall Street, Waltham, MA 02453
 Parking Lot & Rel. Ed. Bldg: 30 Pond St., Waltham                        Parking Lot & Parish Ctr: 30 Taylor St. Waltham
    St. Mary Church is open every day from 8:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.             St. Charles Borromeo Chapel is closed temporarily due to pandemic.
    La iglesia está abierta todos los días de 8:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.

MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de las Misas                                       QUINCE AÑOS
 Saturday Vigil /Sábado Vigilia      4:00 pm                               Llamar al Padre Fernando para programar la celebración. La joven
 Sunday/Domingo                      9:00 am                               debe estar participando en el Programa de Confirmación.
                                    11:00 am        Español              BAPTISM/Bautismo
                                     1:00 pm        Luganda               Parents must call the parish office for information about preparation
                                     6:00 pm        Español               and baptism. Parents and godparents must attend a preparation class.
 Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes 12:10 pm                              Para Bautismos padres deben llamar a la oficina. Padres y padrinos
 Mon. & Fri./Lunes y Viernes         7:00 pm        Español               deben asistir a la preparación.
 Friday/Viernes                      8:00 pm        Luganda              SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION/Sacramentos de Iniciación
    Holy Days/Dias de Precepto            12:10 pm                         Adults and children (age 7+) who want to receive the sacraments of
                                           7:00 pm Español                 Baptism, Confirmation, or First Communion must attend preparation
                                                                           classes. Call the parish office for information.
                                                                           Los adultos y niños (7+) que desean recibir los sacramentos del Bau-
 Sunday/Domingo                      10:00 am - 10:45am
                                                                           tismo, la Confirmación o la Primera Comunión pueden tomar clases
 Mon thru Thurs/Lunes-Jueves         11:30 am - noon
                                                                           de preparación para los sacramentos. Llamar a la oficina.
 Friday/Viernes                      11:00 am - noon
 Saturday/Sábado                      3:00 pm - 3:45 pm                  MARRIAGE/Matrimonio
                                                                          Call the parish office to arrange a meeting./Llamar a la oficina.
PRAY THE ROSARY/El Santo Rosario
 Monday thru Friday/Lunes a Viernes 11:30 am                             STAFF
 Sunday/Domingo                     10:30 am Español                       Pastor/Párroco                        Rev. Michael Nolan
                                                                           Parochial Vicar/Vicario Par.          Rev. Joseph Diem
ADORATION/Adoración                                                        Parochial Vicar/Vicario Par.          Rev. Fernando Vivas
 Friday/Viernes                      12:45 pm - 5:45 pm                    Business Mgr./Dir. de Negocios Mary McCarthy
COMMUNION TO SICK & HOMEBOUND                                              Sexton/Sacristán                      Michael Welch
Comunión a los hogares y enfermos
  Call the parish office 781-891-1730
  Llamar a la oficina 781-891-1730
 Nilvia Hernández 781-308-4961 or
AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM/Programa Después de la Escuela
 Call the parish office 781-891-1730
 Llamar a la oficina 781-891-1730

                                                        FAQ: How can I make a donation?
Thank you!                                                                                                                          Gracias!

                      Drop in basket at                  Mail to:           Online via website               Venmo
                       weekend Mass                    St. Mary’s           (click DONATE)               @stmarywaltham
                                                     133 School St.
Webale nnyo!                                       Waltham, MA 02451                                                                   Merci!

SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 7, 2021 / 7 de Febrero del 2021 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
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SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 7, 2021 / 7 de Febrero del 2021 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
Waltham                                                                      GET CLOSER TO THE WONDERS

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SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 7, 2021 / 7 de Febrero del 2021 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)
                                      FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS

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                Please consider supporting the
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                keep the local economy strong.
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                                                                                   you may need through these difficult times.

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                      Mass is included with all of our tours!

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      • Camino, a walking journey for the soul

           Call us today at 860-399-1785 or

  Catholic Cruises and Tours
    k your FAITH
For Advertising call 617-779-3771                                                           Pilot Bulletins   Saint Charles Borromeo, Waltham, MA   4800
SAINT MARY PARISH Parroquia de Santa María - February 7, 2021 / 7 de Febrero del 2021 - Saint Mary Parish (Waltham)

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