Page created by Jacqueline Warren


1. Salto Gym overview
2. Before travelling to the gym
3. Entering the gym
4. During the class
5. Leaving the gym
6. Staff procedures
1. Salto Gym overview
On reopening Salto Gym will operate in line with the NI Executive, the Public
Health Agency and British Gymnastics guidelines.
Due to daily changes to Covid-19 guidelines we will keep you informed of any
changes as they arise.
Covid-19 is an infection caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-COV2. It was
declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on 11th
March 2020. The Covid-19 reached Northern Ireland on 27 February 2020 and
since then the government have taken a number of measures to control social
distancing between people.
The main method of contacting the virus is through touch of surfaces and
respiratory droplets (e.g. coughing and sneezing). It is important to note that
whilst SARS-COV2 is highly contagious it requires access to a host to replicate.
This access most commonly occurs when virus is on the hands of a person who
then touches their eyes, nose or mouth.
The following document outlines the steps Salto Gym will be implementing to
keep our members as safe as possible as they return to gymnastics.
Hygiene Best Practice
SARS-COV2 is transferred through respiratory droplet or through touching
contaminated surfaces and there are two very effective ways to reduce this
mode of transmission:
         o Best practice hand hygiene using soap and water or alcohol gel
         o Best practice respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette
2. Before travelling to the gym
If your child has COVID-19 symptoms

If your child has COVID-19 symptoms however mild, they should begin self-
isolating and book a PCR test. These are widely available and are free.
(symptoms include persistent cough, high temperature, loss of taste or smell).
You should continue to isolate until the result of the test is available. If the
result is positive you should continue to self-isolate for 10 full days after the
symptoms started.

You can end self-isolation 10 days after your symptoms started, as long as you
do not still have a high temperature. If you still have a high temperature, you
need to continue to self-isolate until your temperature has returned to normal
for 48 hours.

You do not need to continue self-isolating for more than 10 days if you only
have a cough or loss of sense of smell/ taste, as these symptoms can last for
several weeks after the infection has gone.

Close contacts of COVID-19 –

Young people (aged five to 17)

Young people (aged five to 17) who are not fully vaccinated and are identified
as a close contacts should self-isolate and book a PCR test as soon as possible.

If the PCR test is negative, they can end their self-isolation and should arrange
to take another PCR test eight days after the last known contact.

If the young person who is a close contact develops symptoms at any time they
should immediately self-isolate and book a PCR test, even if the earlier PCR
tests were negative.

If any of the PCR tests are positive, this means they have the infection and they
should self-isolate for 10 days, in line with advice for confirmed cases.
Children under the age of five

Children under the age of five will be encouraged, but not required, to take a
PCR test. They do not need to isolate unless they develop symptoms or have a
positive PCR result.

   3. Entering the gym
Gymnasts to arrive ready to train.
Parents will only be allowed to drop off and collect as our waiting/viewing area
is currently closed. We would ask that you wait until your child is escorted into
the gym by one of our coaches. The coaches will open all doors so please wait
until the door is opened.
A one way system is in place and on arrival gymnasts will queue outside and
follow a one-way system.
A hand sanitising station is located at the front door which is mandatory upon
entering the gym.
Gymnasts will be asked to place their shoes on the shelving in the entrance
area and will be escorted to the gym via the main gym door.
Registers will be taken on arrival.
   4. During the session
We will endeavour to keep the sessions as normal as possible but some
aspects will have changed to allow for social distancing and to make the
sessions as safe as possible.
At all equipment, the area will be marked out for gymnasts to wait their turn.
If a gymnast feels unwell during a session, they must let a coach know
immediately. The coach will follow the necessary isolation procedures and
contact the relevant parent/guardian immediately.
There will be a directional map that will be followed around the gym at all
times during apparatus rotations with hand sanitising stations at some
Gymnasts will be required to use their own clearly marked water bottles.
Squad gymnasts will be required to supply their own bag or box of chalk.
As safety is the top priority for our members our coaching team will not be
spotting the gymnasts in the recreation programme. As such, some of the
skills and practices in the gym have changed to reflect this.
   5. Leaving the gym
To ensure social distancing, we will be asking our gymnasts to line up and leave
the gym via another door of the gym leading into the main entrance area.
Our coaches will escort gymnasts to the main entrance where they will collect
their shoes and hand sanitise before leaving the premises.
We would be very grateful if gymnasts were picked up on time after their
session. If parents are running late for any reason, there will be a safe area in
the gym where the gymnasts can wait socially distanced.
   6. Staff requirements
Staff will be asked to risk assess prior to returning to work and only those who
are able to self-certify they are at no risk to others, may enter the premises.
Staff are to refer to the self-screening guidelines outline in section 2 above.
Before each session, staff will be given the training programme designed to
avoid spotting the gymnasts of the recreation classes.
Each day before starting work, staff will be asked to confirm they have self-
screened and they will commit to good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette
at all times.
Staff will wear face masks at all times apart from those who are exempt on
medical grounds. Photos of the staff who are exempt are displayed around our
If a staff member develops symptoms during a session, they will follow the
isolation procedure and leave the premises as soon as possible.
   7. Isolation procedures
If an employee or member displays symptoms of COVID-19 during work the
procedures are as follows:
Isolate the employee or member and accompany them to a quiet area of the
premises keeping at least 2 meters from the symptomatic person.
Provide a face mask for the person with the symptoms and the attendee
should also wear a face mask (n/a for under age 13 years).
Contact the parent or guardian responsible for the unwell person as soon as
possible and direct them to self-isolate at home.
The unwell person should avoid touching people, surfaces and objects and be
advised to cover their mouth and nose with disposable tissue provided when
they cough or sneeze which should then be disposed of after use.
Staff to keep a record of suspected COVID19 case by completing the relevant
case form. A follow up call will be made to see if member of staff was tested
for Covid-19 and to check our contact details have been supplied to the
relevant authorities for track and trace purposes.
Arrange for appropriate cleaning of the areas in which the suspected COVID-19
case person has been.

Amanda McMaster
CEO Salto Gymnastics Centre Limited
7 August 2021
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