Save the Date! - Spring 2019 - University District Community Association

Page created by Julia Tyler
Save the Date! - Spring 2019 - University District Community Association
University District
                                                  Community Association

                                                         Spring 2019

                                                          PO Box 21483
                                                       Detroit, MI 48221

                 Save the Date!
Mix & Mingle is Sat. June 22 | UDCA Annual Picnic is Sat. July 27th
Save the Date! - Spring 2019 - University District Community Association
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Save the Date! - Spring 2019 - University District Community Association
In this Issue
 Letter From the President
 10 Things That Make University District
 Truly Great
 DTE Energy To Begin Property Damage                     7
 In Memoriam                                             8
 Block Captains Make Neighborhood Better                 8
 Volunteering in University District                   10
 Who You Gonna Call?                                   12
 Our Changing Mosaic                                   16
 Get the Improve Detroit App                           19
 Don’t Let Your Guard Down Now                         20
 UDCA 2019 Calendar of Events                          20
                                                                  udca NEWSLETTER
 Security Patrol Invoice                               21                     Editor
 UDCA Youth Committee Helps Connect                    22       Brenda Goss Andrews
 Families in the Community
                                                                       Feature Editor
 Programs Can Help Property Owners                     23           Asenath Andrews
 Pay Taxes
 Meet the 2019 UDCA Board of Directors!                24                   Features
                                                                       Corrine Lyons
 R.I.P. University District Cookbook                   26               Willie Brake

          Receiving UDCA emails?                                        Robert Friday
          Sign up for our emails at                                      Curtis Smith
 to receive
          information on upcoming                                          Marketing
          events and news around the                                      Joyce Reid
                                                                        Ad Manager
         Keep up with UDCA meetings,                                  Doug Pederson
         events, bulk pick-up and recycling
         days, and more by visiting our
         UDCA calendar on our website.

The University District NEWSLETTER is published in March,
June, September, and December. Its purpose is to inform
residents of activities and matters of common interest and
concern. Residents are encouraged to submit articles and
advertisements. The NEWSLETTER retains the right to edit
articles and refuse publication.
Save the Date! - Spring 2019 - University District Community Association
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    ▶ Rehabilitation Services                    ▶ Variety of Provider Networks and Private Pay
    ▶ Developmental Disabilities

    Advanced Home Care provides in-home care for patients of all ages. We specialize in caring for
    patients with a wide variety of conditions including:
    ▶ Catastrophic Brain and           ▶ Rehabilitation Services
      Spinal Cord Injuries             ▶ Skilled Home Care following hospital
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         Medicare Certified Home Care Division Accredited by The Joint Commission

    Toll Free: 866.605.0069     Toll Free: 866.605.0070             Functional Home Evaluations
    Phone: 248.588.0069         Phone: 248-588-0340                 PT, OT, SLP
    Fax: 248.588.0234           Fax: 248-284-1101

2                                                                                     Spring 2019
Save the Date! - Spring 2019 - University District Community Association
The PGA is Coming to the Detroit Golf Club
           – Let’s Get Ready!
                        On June 24th the Rocket Mortgage Classic will
                        be coming to the Detroit Golf Club. Right in our
                        backyard. It will make history as the first PGA TOUR
                        event ever held in the city of Detroit. It features
                        some of the world’s top players, competing for a $7
                        million purse over four days. The week-long event will
                        also feature great entertainment, cuisine, and social
                        activities on and off the course.

                        How can you participate?
  • Attend - Instead of walking the neighborhood, walk the golf course. I’m
    sure it will be beautiful and the event will be on national television for
    four days! It will be nice to see our neighbors on the course. Let’s make
    sure the UDCA is well represented!
  • Volunteer - there will be all kinds of volunteer opportunities that might
    make the experience more enjoyable for you and your family. This is a
    multi-year commitment - for at least four, and up to ten years. Something
    may catch your eye and you can continue to participate over the years.
  • Entertain - Host a theme event at your home. Even if you’re not a golfer,
    it’s a great excuse for a party.
  • Spruce up - After the DTE gas line upgrade, we all want to clean up
    outside. I can very easily see our neighborhood getting national press.
  • Golf fan or not, let’s all try to enjoy this week. After all, if Detroit does
    this well – and I’m sure we will – it will become an annual Summer event
    for our neighborhood; and if it’s going to be here, we should enjoy it.
  • It also seems that as they continue to improve the tournament every year
    and the event creates a buzz in the community and the city, isn’t it a
    “no-brainer” to have a golf course for the citizens of our district?
    Support the Palmer Park Public Golf Course!


  Lucius Gunn
  UDCA President                                                                   3
Save the Date! - Spring 2019 - University District Community Association
10 THINGS                                          That Make University
                                                   District Truly Great
    When you are in the market for a new place to live, it helps to remember the
    golden rule of real estate: You’re not just buying or renting a home – you are
    also buying into and becoming a part of a neighborhood.

    As anyone who’s moved a few times knows, not all neighborhoods are
    created equal. There is no such thing as the perfect neighborhood, because not
    all areas are going to be truly a perfect fit for everyone and their unique needs.

    A truly great neighborhood is one in sync with your current lifestyle. Both
    renters and homebuyers tend to gravitate to areas with similar demographics.
    The University District was established as a residential community in the
    mid 1920s. The district was part of the largest tract of land in the area known
    as the Golf Club District. The residential area adjacent to the University of
    Detroit became known as the University District. Most of the 1,200 homes in
    the area were built in the 1920s and 30s during the Golden Age of Housing.

    All great neighborhoods have this in common. Pride in ownership is obvious
    when the residents, whether renters or owners, maintain their homes and care
    about their neighborhood. Neighbors participate to connect and create local
    groups that bring the residents together for the betterment of the area.

    Low crime rates give a neighborhood a sense of ease and calm. As safety
    and security are everyone’s concern, crime is a quick way to tell if a
    neighborhood is improving or not. You can usually spot a transitional and
    improving neighborhood by the improvement or decline in its crime rates.
    University District has one of the lowest crime rates in the city of Detroit.
    Contributing to the low crime rates are active residents, a paid subscriber
    patrol and a volunteer radio patrol.
4                                                                       Spring 2019
Save the Date! - Spring 2019 - University District Community Association
10 THINGS                                    That Make University
                                             District Truly Great
For homeowners and renters with children, great schools top their list of
what makes a great neighborhood. Not only are great schools important for
families with children, they also make the surrounding neighborhoods more
valuable and more sought after, keeping property values strong. We have
Gesu School, Palmer Park Prep Montesori, and nearby, Renaissance High
School and the University of Detroit Jesuit High School. We also have a
major university in the University of Detroit Mercy as an anchor institution
to our neighborhood.

The University District is close to the outdoor adventures which can sweeten
the appeal of our neighborhood. We are close to Palmer Park which has
tennis courts, picnic areas and walking paths. We are adjacent to the Palmer
Park public golf course and the Detroit Golf Club.

The University District has 1,200 homes on beautiful tree-lined streets that
contributes to the feel of an older, established neighborhood. The spectacular
architectural detail of the homes along with a rich history makes our
community very desirable. We are located in close proximity to three other
prestigious Detroit neighborhoods, Sherwood Forest, Palmer Woods and
the Golf Club District. In addition, the many longtime University District
residents and community support are a plus.

We have a strong elected resident volunteer organization. The University
District Community Association strives to maintain and support the integrity
of the neighborhood, provide communication of events and issues to its
residents, promote a quality education in our local school while maintaining
health, safety and happiness in a family friendly diverse community.

University District has lots of families in the neighborhood. There are
opportunities for children to play, socialize, and make lifelong friends.
Sporting events at the University of Detroit Mercy offer great family
entertainment attractions. Belden Park and the playground at Gesu are great
for small children.                                                               5
Save the Date! - Spring 2019 - University District Community Association
10 THINGS                                        That Make University
                                                 District Truly Great
    The University District has easy access to public transportation. The
    Woodward bus can take you north to the suburbs and south to downtown.
    The Dexter bus can also quickly take you downtown and to midtown. We are
    located close to two major thoroughfares, Woodward Ave., which runs north
    and south and Eight Mile Road, which runs east and west. We have two
    major freeways close by with I-75 and the Lodge Freeway.

    If you want to be part of the hustle and bustle (and don’t want to cook dinner
    every night), the University District has restaurants, retail, and markets
    only minutes away on Livernois. A little further out is Royal Oak, Ferndale
    and downtown Detroit. Meijer’,s Savon, and Mr. Mike’s grocery stores are
    nearby as well.

    The University District has its own Avenue of Fashion with local restaurants
    and entertainment venues such as Baker’s jazz club and the local bar, called
    the Locker Room, to name a few. Further, the University District is located
    only minutes away from movie theaters, restaurants and bars, to the north,
    in Ferndale and Royal Oak. And is just minutes away, via the freeway,
    to downtown Detroit’s theaters, major sporting venues, museums and

    For more information about the University District, go to:

6                                                                    Spring 2019
Save the Date! - Spring 2019 - University District Community Association
DTE Energy To Begin Property Damage Restoration
                                by Curtis Smith

                                      Last fall, DTE Energy conducted a
                                      significant natural gas upgrade in the
                                      University District. DTE replaced
                                      natural gas lines and moved natural
                                      gas meters from inside basements to
                                      the exterior in the front or the side of
                                      homes. DTE construction activities may
                                      have disturbed your lawns, flower beds,
                                      driveways, sprinkler systems and/or
                                      sidewalks. Further, some residents may
                                      still have a temporary patch in place.

 Please rest assured that DTE will fully restore any property damages that
 they are responsible for. DTE property restoration efforts will begin in May
 2019 as the weather permits. DTE plans to complete the restoration work in
 the University District by June 30, 2019.

 If you have an in-ground sprinkler systems, please check your system as
 soon as the weather permits and notify DTE at the phone number below if it
 was damaged.

 If you have any questions or concerns, please contact DTE at 313.270.9240.

 A DTE representative is available from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday
 through Friday. All calls will be returned no later than the next business day.                                                                  7
Save the Date! - Spring 2019 - University District Community Association
In Memoriam
                       Kenneth Earl Sanders
                       Loving Father, Husband and Friend
                       Passed away quietly at home on February 9, 2019
                       surrounded by his devoted family and friends.
                       Ken’s infectious smile and go-getting attitude will be
                       missed. Ken was a UDCA resident for over 10 years , a
                       member of the Birchcrest Block Club and a former UDCA
                       Board Member.
                       Our sincere condolences go out to the Sanders family.
                       The UDCA Board.

Block Captains Make Neighborhood Better
                    My name is Curtis Smith. I am the new Committee Chair of
                    the University District Block Captains Committee. There are
                    over seven billion people in the world. We in the University
                    District are fortunate to live in the same community at the
                    same point in time. I am honored to volunteer alongside a
                    group of University District residents whose job as Block
                    Captain is, essentially, to communicate information to their
                    neighbors to make our neighborhood a better place. The bi-
                    monthly Block Captains’ meetings are special to me because
    they allow me the opportunity to hear the collective wisdom of the participants,
    many who have lived in the University District for decades.
    Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
    University District Block captains fulfill this mantra because they exemplify
    “the change they want to see in the University District.” Block captains make
    a meaningful contribution to the quality of life in the University District.
    We have six block captain meetings a year. We meet every other month on
    the second Saturday from 9 AM to 10:30 AM, at the Gesu Community Parish
    located at 17180 Oak Drive.
         The dates for the remaining 2019 Block Captains meetings are:
          Saturday, June 8, 2019                  Saturday, October 12, 2019
          Saturday, August 10, 2019               Saturday, December 14, 2019
    Please consider becoming a Block Captain. We need your participation.
    For more information, please contact Curtis Smith at 313-590-6317 or at
8                                                                     Spring 2019
The University District‘s Own Coffee Shop
            Now OPEN & caffeinating the UD!
               Stop in and bring a neighbor!
▪   Family- and locally-owned and operated
▪   Sister store in Ferndale
▪   Located at 18685 Livernois between Clarita & Margareta
▪   Open: 6am – 7pm
▪   Featuring our signature:
     - Coffee you love: fresh brewed,
       whole bean or ground             Coupon:
     - Teas & Hot Chocolate
     - Sandwiches, snacks & more
                                        Good for one free
                                        10 oz. Caramel Marvel
                                        Valid Only at Biggby 18685 Livernois
                                        Limit one per customer.
                                        Coupon must be in book to be valid.
                                        Coupon will be countersigned by Biggby
                                        Livernois employee.
                Open since December     Coupon expires 30 June 2019                                                               9
Volunteering in University District
                               By Jessica Bondalapati

     All my life I remember giving my time as a volunteer. In high school, I
     coordinated National Honor Society volunteer opportunities. In college, I ran
     clubs focused on social justice and human rights work. When I graduated,
     I signed up for AmeriCorps to give a year of service. When I started to
     work and juggling my time became a more serious endeavour, I found
     opportunities to contribute in a schedule that made sense for me. I have made
     volunteering a part of my life because I have seen the positive and lasting
     impact a few hours here and there has on transforming an idea into a reality.

     When my husband and I moved into University District in 2017, I knew
     I would find a way to give my time to the Snell and University District
     Community Association, but I had to be careful not to overextend myself.
     I wanted to be helpful but being newly married and a new business owner
     took up most of my time. I decided to reach out directly to the board and
     find an opportunity where my skills and time matched their needs. I was
     asked to facilitate the 2018 board retreat which included working with our
     vice president to create the agenda. Not only was this a very low lift for me
     because I already enjoyed facilitation, it was an excellent way for me to see
     first hand the impact of the UDCA on our neighborhood and how important it
     is to support this organization’s efforts any way that I can.

     Volunteering is critical in a community like ours where no one is going to
     do the work for us and where the area around us is changing rapidly. This
     year the UDCA is committed to increasing resident engagement through
     volunteering in order to achieve our goals for growth. We have launched
     a volunteer subcommittee chaired by myself and board member Angela
     Vincent. Through this committee we share monthly volunteer opportunities,
     connect with new and interested residents about getting involved, host a
     monthly meeting to get to know the skills of our neighbors and connect
     them with the right opportunity, and celebrate our achievements as a 100%
     volunteer-run organization throughout the year.

     We would love to connect with you personally about what excites you about
     our neighborhood and get you involved at the time commitment and capacity
     that makes sense for you. Our neighborhood is a great example of what a
     small group of passionate neighbors can do with a few hours here and there.
     However, the impact would be even greater if we increased the number of
     people contributing their time.
                                                              Continued on next page

10                                                                   Spring 2019
Volunteering in University District
                          By Jessica Bondalapati

         UDCA Volunteer Committee Details
       Contact info:                     Monthly Meetings           Last Thursday from 6-7pm at Biggby

            Current Volunteer Opportunities
MEMBERSHIP: support membership efforts through door knocking,
flyering, and calling residents for membership dues

NEWSLETTER: Write an article; reach out to local businesses to
offer an ad in the newsletter

YOUTH: Plan the easter egg hunt at Belden park

SCHOOLS: Help with school day volunteer needs (11:30-1:30 daily
lunch room monitoring volunteers, reading tutors, any tutoring
help), community awareness and outreach help

COMMUNICATIONS: Writers for blog posts, graphic designers to
support creating templates for digital newsletter, social media
posts - Facebook and Instagram, website (Wordpress) help needed

SOCIAL: Day of event tasks

BEAUTIFICATION: Planting and cleaning on neighborhood clean-up
days, general cleaning around the neighborhood

SAFETY AND SECURITY: Neighborhood patrol in your car

BLOCK CAPTAINS: Be a block captain if your block is empty or meet
your block captain to support his/her efforts                                                       11
                       Brenda Goss Andrews, ABR, SRS
                                  Professional Realtor
     Let our Experienced Team of Professionals assist you
     with Market Analysis Comparisons, Residential and
     Commercial Sales and Leases, Investment Portfolios

                                 • UDCA Resident since 1992
                                 • City Planning Commissioner
      3DX Real Estate
 42705 Grand River, Suite 201    • Retired Detroit Police Deputy Chief
    Novi, Michigan 48375

         Commercial and Residential Sales & Leases | Mobile: 313-910-3860

                    Who You Gonna Call?
                            District 2 Numbers to Keep
 Roy McCalister,                                   Kim Tandy,
 District 2 Councilmember                          District 2 Manager
 313-224-4535                                      313-236-3494
 Email:      Email:

 Brenda Jones,                                     Sean Davis,
 City Council President & Councilmember at Large   Deputy District 2 Manager
 313-224-1245                                      313-236-3489
 Email:                    Email:

 Janee Ayers,                                      Ammie Celita Woodruff,
 Councilmember at Large                            District Business Liasion
 313-224-4248                                      313-510-8261
 Email:           Email:

 Evette Griffie,                                   Monica Spears,
 Police Commissioner                               District 2 BSEED Inspector
 313-596-1836                                      313-970-6188
 Email:                     Email:

12                                                                Spring 2019
  UDCA Home Tour

Sunday, September 13, 2020
University District Community Association
                   Membership Payment Form = $60.00
                  Please complete this form and submit it with your payment.

Interested in supporting the UDCA? Please check the area(s) that best suit your interest!
   c Beautification                       c   Safety / Security                    c Home / Garden Tour
   c Block Captain / Block                c   School Partnership                   c Membership
     Cub                                  c   Youth Projects                       c Newsletter / Website /
   c Social and Events                    c   Historic Society                       Social Media /
   c Family Activities                    c   Zoning                                 Communications
   c Residential Standards                c   Garage / Yard Sale                     Senior Activity Committee

UDCA Property Address: ____________________________________________________________________

Home Phone: ______________________________________________ Year you Moved Here: ____________

             UDCA Resident Contact Information (Fill in for at least one resident and please print)
       First Name                 Last Name                  Cell Phone                     Email
Payment Options: You can pay your membership dues online by visiting, or fill out
the form below and send it to UDCA, PO Box 21483, Detroit, MI 48221.

Amount Submitted: $________          Payment Type: c Check c Money Order                   Cash
                                                                                         c Check
                                     Check or Money Order Number: ___________

Card Type:   c Visa c MasterCard            c Discover     c American Express

Credit Card Number: _____________________________________________________ Exp Date: _____/_____

Billing Address: ________________________________ City: _______________ State: _______ Zip: ________

Name on Card: _____________________________ Authorized Signature: _____________________________

Would you like to be placed on recurring billing? If you select recurring billing, you will receive a $10.00
discount and we will automatically charge your card every year to renew your membership. c Yes c No

 Administrative Use Only:      Rec By: _____________ Rec Date: __________ Dep Date: ___________
                               Web Activation By: _____________ Web Activation Date: ___________
Our Changing Mosaic
                                    By Mary Jo Smith

     We have all heard the recent discussions about how Detroit is changing, and
     the various analyses of those changes. Radio Patrol has been noting how we
     are seeing some of the results in our neighborhood and we provide an update
     from our perspective.

     Safety and Security: Our neighborhood continues to function with remarkably
     low rates of most crimes. Our biggest issue, usually unnamed, is the cost we
     pay with our insurance rates. We are watching courts and the legislature.

     Burglaries are infrequent and in recent months the few incidents often
     included notable carelessness on the part of the neighbor (We have more than
     1,200 households, and most months have no burglaries). Too many of us have
     been careless with keys and/or lockboxes - particularly risky when others are

     Most of the [again rare] assaults stem from domestic/family disputes. New
     programs to assist victims of domestic violence are available through the
     police department. Our 12th Precinct was one of the earliest to begin assisting
     people with these problems. Neighborhood Police Officers (NPO) [313-596-
     1221 office] can help connect people with programs during business hours,
     and the precinct’s counselors try to contact every victim connected with any
     police call.

                                                   Our biggest two issues continue
                                                   to be cars and dogs. Cars are best
                                                   protected in the garage – we think
                                                   there have only been two incidents
                                                   of cars in garages being targeted in
                                                   the past ten years. The closer your
                                                   car is to the garage, the greater the
                                                   distance from the street, the better
                                                   your chances of finding it the way
                                                   you left it, although it might be
     wetter, or snowier. Whenever possible we need to avoid leaving valuables
     in the car, and if they must be left, they should be out of sight. Money and
     technology are the two most popular items to steal. It also helps if we don’t
     obviously put things in the car before we leave it on the street. Finally, we need
     to turn the wheels to the curb when we park – this helps prevent a push-off
     car theft. If your car starts turning in circles, the thieves tend to try an easier
     target….we also are seeing more than just the Fords that were almost the only
     cars stolen in this neighborhood for nearly a decade. Chryslers and Chevrolets
     are again being targeted in the last couple of years.

16                                                                       Spring 2019
Our Changing Mosaic Continued

Our NPOs are in the process of making
“house calls” to remind neighbors of
their responsibilities when they have
dogs. Many people have commented
that they don’t feel safe walking
because of the dogs running loose
.Animal Control is insufficiently
staffed to resolve the issue. We really
appreciate the efforts of the police
department in helping to address these
concerns along with noise, solid waste deposits, and inadequate fences. Our
NPO is Officer Randolph, 313-720-9991, He
recommends texting him if possible for the speediest response. You can also
contact radio patrol to have information forwarded.

Policy Changes: The city is running behind the schedule they had hoped
to maintain residential rental registration. Each residential rental in the city
must be registered, inspected, and, if necessary, repaired to conform to
code, including lead abatement compliance. Owners are given six months to
comply. In addition to the obvious rentals in our neighborhood, we do have
large single homes now being rented in our neighborhood. Family owned and
occupied rentals can be exempted from the registration requirement. Details
are available on line at the city’s website. Also of interest is a series of meetings
sponsored by District 2, Department of Neighborhoods. Billed as meetings for
renters, this series includes lots of tips for landlords. People wishing to own
a home in Detroit might also find this series useful since bankers committed
to lending to people in Detroit are at these meetings with information. Areas
in the city which previously have not been deemed mortgage eligible now are
open to potential buyers who want financing.

Coming Attractions: DTE is supposed to begin repairs on the numerous
sidewalk patches throughout the neighborhood. The schedule is not yet
definite because repairs may be delayed until the water mains are replaced in
the neighborhood.

Despite the rumors, Special Assessment District is not in operation. The
public hearings need to be held this spring, and City Council must approve the
request. The second report from the city assessor’s office indicated a signature
approval rate of about 78%, higher than originally reported. We have had more
than the required series of meetings and community outreach efforts, and the
committee is optimistic about approval.
                                                               Continued on next page                                                                       17
Our Changing Mosaic Continued

     The PGA golf tournament is scheduled for the Detroit Golf Club from June
     24th to June 30th. The police department and various neighborhoods are being
     included in the planning. Right now it looks as though Detroit will be a tour
     stop for four years with a ten year extension possible. Our neighborhood has
     been asked for our preferences for street parking in the neighborhood during
     the tournament. Radio Patrol has volunteered to assist with that process. If
     you have any recommendations, please pass them along to us promptly - it will
     take a while to get signs made and installed whatever type of signage is used.
     You might also wish to check details on volunteering, renting your house, etc.
     The city will be applying special regulations during the tournament.

     Finally, on neighborhood obstructions, it was nice to see that many of our
     new neighbors have been really good about keeping sidewalks cleared of ice
     and snow this on again, off again winter. It has been an additional challenge
     with the numerous rough, uneven patches throughout the neighborhood. Now
     if some of the longer-term neighbors could follow the example. In response
     to our ongoing requests for police ticketing for fire hydrant obstructions, our
     NPOs noted that we have to keep our hydrants clear of obstructions like deep
     snow, bulk trash, leaf bags, in addition to observing parking restrictions. Sgt.
     Bledsoe also commented that the fire department does what it needs to do to
     use a hydrant. She has seen vehicles smashed as fire trucks move them out of
     their way….yet another reason for all of us to watch where we park.

     …and just before the submission deadline, it was noted in the Sunday paper
     that ours and other solid neighborhoods in Detroit were becoming every more
     popular. Keep up the good work, neighbors.

18                                                                     Spring 2019
Get the Improve Detroit App

For reporting running water, potholes,
damaged street signs, and other
issues the Improve Detroit mobile
app makes reporting a neighborhood
problem to City Hall easier than ever.
This app uses your location and gives
you a menu of common quality-of-
life conditions to choose from in your
service request. Uploading a photo
with your report also helps the City
staff quickly identify the problem. You
may comment on your submissions
and you will be notified when the
status of the issue is updated.

First go to your app store on your phone or search Improve Detroit on your
computer and download.

From your computer or phone use the following to enter a new service request
or view other problems that have been reported. To report an issue:

        l . Select the Report tab
        2. Type in the Street Address (or drag the map marker to the location
           of your issue)
        3. Click Next
        4. Choose the correct Category from the drop-down menu.
        5. Answer the optional questions to provide additional details to help
           city employees understand the problem.
        6. Issue Title (required) will prefilled. Enter a brief or detailed
           description (optional), and attach and image (optional).
        7. Click Submit.
Congratulations, your issue has now been reported to the City of Detroit!                                                                 19
Don’t Let Your Guard Down Now!
 The University District Patrol needs your subscriptions until 2020, when the
 Special Assessment District goes into effect!
 Remember, during patrol hours, subscribers can call our guards, at 342-3830,
 for personalized services, including:
              • Escorts, arriving to & leaving home
              • Vacation attention
              • Response to alarms
 With implementation of SAD, Twenty-Four / Seven patrols begin in 2020. Until
 that revenue is available, we can only maintain our nightly patrols with YOUR
 support (dues).
 Please visit for more information and to sign up!

     April 20 - 11am.......Easter Egg Hunt - Belden Tot Lot
     April 28...................Parent/Kid Meetup - check Nextdoor for time & location
     May 4......................Motor City Makeover
     May 7 - 6pm............UDCA Board Meeting
     May 26....................Parent/Kid Meetup - check Nextdoor for time & location
     June 4 - 6pm............UDCA Board Meeting
     June 8 - 9am............Block Captain Meeting - Gesu Community Center
     June 23....................Mix & Mingle Location-TBD
     June 25-30...............Rocket Mortgage Classic PGA Tour
     July 20.....................New Resident Meet & Greet
     July 27 - 12pm.........UDCA Community Picnic - Palmer Park
     Aug 10 - 9am...........Block Captain Meeting - Gesu Community Center
     August 25................Parent/Kid Meetup - check Nextdoor for time & location
     Sept 3......................UDCA Board Meeting
     Sept 14.....................Harvest Fest - Belden Tot Lot
     Sept 29....................Parent/Kid Meetup - check Nextdoor for time & location
     Oct 1........................UDCA Board Meeting
     Oct 12 - 9am............Block Captain Meeting - Gesu Community Center
     Oct 12 (tentative).....UDCA Dinner Dance
     Oct 27......................Parent/Kid Meetup - check Nextdoor for time & location
     Nov 5.......................UDCA Board Meeting
     Nov 24.....................Parent/Kid Meetup - check Nextdoor for time & location
     Dec 3.......................UDCA Board Meeting
     Dec 5 - 6:30pm........General Resident Meeting
     Dec 14 - 9am...........Block Captain Meeting - Gesu Community Center
20                                                                       Spring 2019
University District Patrol
                                       PO Box 21041
                                  Detroit, Michigan 48221

 Security Patrol Invoice                                                     Invoice Date 04/01/2019

  Dear Neighbor:
  Please detach the lower portion of this invoice and return it with your payment.

  You may also go to our website at and use our PayPal link.
  When you visit our website, please join our email list.

  For billing issues or general inquiries, please email us: subscribers@ or send us a letter to the address above.

  Thank you for becoming a subscriber!

                                Your Subscription Renewal Options
                              Subscription Period                        Price
                              12 Month Subscription                    $260.00
                              9 Month Subscription                     $195.00
                              6 Month Subscription                     $130.00
                              3 Month Subscription                      $65.00
                              1 Month Subscription                      $25.00

                3 Month Payment    6 Month Payment      9 Month Payment    12 Month Payment

Extends your       10/31/19           01/31/20              04/30/20             07/31/20
 coverage to:

  Renewal Name:___________________________________________________________________________




  Amount Enclosed: $_______________ #Months Paid (if not below)__________________

  Payment Option: 3 Months_________ 6 Months_________ 9 Months_________ 12 Months_________
  Expiration Date:    7/31/19           10/31/19              01/31/20           04/30/20

For Office use only: Check Number                    Deposit Date                Payment Date

                                                                             Invoice Date 04/01/2019
                                     Return with Payment                                                                                     21
UDCA Youth Committee Helps Connect
         Families in the Community
                                     By Amber Hunt
     For decades, the UDCA Youth committee has sponsored community networking
     events for parents and children in the neighborhood. In 2019, the committee
     is looking to continue this tradition with several events in the neighborhood
     designed to promote connections between parents and children of all ages.

     On the last Sunday of the month, the Youth Committee will sponsor a Parent/
     Kid meetup. Children of all ages are encouraged to attend and play while parents
     can meet and network with each other. The first meetup of 2019 was held in
     February at UDCA Board Member Amber Hunt’s home on Oak Drive. It was
     well attended and the children and parents all had a great time. The location and
     time of the meetups will change each month, with the intention of holding the
     meetup at outdoor locations like Belden Park once the weather breaks. Check
     the calendar on, Nextdoor and/or Facebook for updates on the location
     and time.

     On Saturday April 20 from 11am-1pm, the Youth committee will sponsor our
     2nd annual Easter egg hunt at Belden Park. Children of all ages are encouraged
     to attend. There will be an egg hunt as well as other activities for the children
     to enjoy.

     Additionally, the Youth committee will be sponsoring the Harvest Fest on
     Saturday, September 14. The Easter egg hunt will kick off spring and the Harvest
     Fest will bring the summer season to a close. We hope to see you at one or all of
     these events and please help spread the word to your neighbors.

     A special thank you goes out to residents Cieara Edwards and Sara McGinty who
     are leading the charge on the Youth committee this year. If you are interested
     in volunteering for the Youth or any committee please reach out to volunteer@

22                                                                     Spring 2019
Programs Can Help Property Owners Pay Taxes

 Several programs are in place to assist Wayne County homeowners having trouble
 paying their property taxes and at risk of losing their homes to tax foreclosure.

 Listed below are several resources to assist homeowners who are facing tax
 foreclosure or who are having difficulty paying their property tax.

 • Department of Human Services- 313-456-1000 Homeowners can
   visit their local DHS office to apply for help under the State Emergency
   Relief Program.

 • Step Forward Detroit- 866-946-4732 Step Forward is a state program that
   provides free, forgivable loans to help with overdue tax or mortgage payments.

 • Arab Community Center for Economic Social Services
   (ACCESS)- 313-842-7010 Help is available for those who qualify and is not
   limited to those of Arabic ethnicity.

 Financial assistance is also available to military veterans through the
 following programs:

 • Michigan Veterans Trust Fund, Wayne County Office-313-224-5045
   Veterans with at least 6 months of wartime duty may qualify for
   financial assistance.

 • Wayne County Veteran Affairs (Soldiers and Sailors Relief Fund)
   313-224-5045 Veterans with any wartime service and an honorable discharge
   may qualify

 Additional information is available on the Wayne County Treasurer’s Office
 webpage at or by calling
 313-224-5990.                                                                    23
Meet the 2019 UDCA Board of Directors!
                               By Sidney H. Bailey III

     The University District Community Association welcomes five new Board
     members and congratulates 3 re-elected members. (Yes, I know that’s eight
     and only five seats become vacant each year but read on). The following
     UDCA members were elected to the Board in the November election (Our
     thanks to the 99 members who took the time to return your ballots):

       Sidney H. Bailey III     Jessica Bondalapati      Michael E. Carmona
       Lisa Jones               Roger Short

     Their 3-year terms began on January 1st, 2019.

     Along with Jessica and Lisa, new to the UDCA Board of Directors are Angela
     Vincent, Dacia Crum and Joann Roberts. Angela was appointed to fill a
     vacancy on the Board in December 2018. Her term will end in December
     2020. Dacia and Joann were appointed to fill Board vacancies at the March
     Board meeting. Their terms will end on December 31st, 2020 as well.

     With our optimism and gratitude in starting these new terms on your UDCA
     Board of Directors comes a sad farewell to Board members who left the Board
     during this winter; Anna Richardson-Poe, Malaika Ramsey Heath, Bryon
     Knuth, Valerie McPhaul and Jay Taylor. Their contributions and hard work on
     our committees and projects are greatly appreciated. We thank them for their
     service. We look forward to their participation as former Board members and
     great UD neighbors as we all work to move the University District forward.
     It’s a Team Effort!

                       The 2019 UDCA Executive Committee

     Every January, the UDCA’s Board of Directors elect new officers. At our
     January meeting Lucius Gunn was elected to his third term as President,
     Kimberly Gunn was re-elected Vice President, Michael Carmona was re-
     elected Secretary, Roger Short was re-elected Treasurer and Curtis Smith was
     elected Chair of Block Club Captains. Congratulations to our new Executive

     After reading the above, I’m sure you’ll agree that given the newest and
     returning members of its leadership team, we have yet another reason to be
     optimistic about our community. And if you’re not a UDCA member, JOIN!
     You must pay (dues) to play (vote). Make your vote count. Let your voice be
     heard. It’s only 7 months to the next election!

24                                                                 Spring 2019
Meet the 2019 UDCA Board of Directors!
                                    By Sidney H. Bailey III

Feel free to contact our new or returning Board members and congratulate
them on their recent win/appointment. And contact any board member to offer
your support, questions, and concerns and especially to volunteer for one the
UDCA’s many projects and committees. Board contact information is included
in this, and every newsletter, and on our web site. And remember: our monthly
Board meetings are open to all residents of the District. This means YOU!

                      Board Terms’ status, as of March 2019
                                  Consecutive        Year Current         Year Current
  Board Member
                                 Terms Served         Term began          Term Expires
  Brenda Goss Andrews                 2                 Jan 2018            Dec 2020
  Sidney H. Bailey III                6                 Jan 2019            Dec 2021
  Frank Benedict                      1                 Jan 2018            Dec 2020
  Jessica Bondalapati                 1                 Jan 2019            Dec 2021
  Michael E. Carmona                  2                 Jan 2019            Dec 2021
  Dacia Crum***                       1               March 2019            Dec 2020
  Kimberly Gunn                       1                 Jan 2017            Dec 2019
  Lucius Gunn                         1                 Jan 2017            Dec 2019
  Rainy Hamilton                      4                 Jan 2017            Dec 2019
  Amber Hunt*                         1                Nov 2017             Dec 2019
  Lisa Jones                          1                 Jan 2019            Dec 2021
  Joann Roberts****                   1               March 2019            Dec 2020
  Roger Short                         4                 Jan 2019            Dec 2021
  Curtis S. Smith                     1                 Jan 2017            Dec 2019
  Angela Vincent**                    1                Dec 2018             Dec 2020

    * Amber Hunt was appointed to complete the term of Gregory O’Neal
   ** Angela Vincent was appointed to complete the term of Jay Taylor
  *** Dacia Crum was appointed to complete the term of Anna Richardson Poe
 **** Joann Roberts was appointed to complete the term of Malika Ramsey Heath                                                                      25
Constance J. Spight
                                             ASSOCIATE BROKER

                               Office: 734.459.4700   Office Fax: 888.461.0855
                               Cell: 313.673.7391

                         CLIENT COMMENTS
     ◘ Constance Spight was the ultimate professional! Our house
       was priced right which generated a lot of interest.
     ◘ Connie was absolutely wonderful. From start to finish she
       helped us list and sell our home in under 40 days!
     ◘ Connie made a difficult process very pleasant!
     ◘ Connie made herself available and walked around with me,
       pointing out things I may not have seen on my own.
     ◘ When we are ready to purchase our next home, Connie Spight
       is the only broker we will work with. She is definitely an asset
       to your team!
     ◘ I could not have asked for a better agent/broker. Mrs. Spight is
       a true woman of integrity, honesty and concern for her client.
       Very patient and forthright. Going to the greatest length to get
       the job done. I truly thank her for such good service.
     ◘ Constance is knowledgeable, detailed and thorough.

                  “Trust Spight to get it right”
26                                                              Spring 2019
R.I.P. University District Cookbook
                            By Asenath Andrews

Alas and alack, it appears that what seemed like a fabulous idea at its
inception, has died from lack of interest. As usual I embark upon projects
with absolute certainty of their success. This idea did not take wings. Let
me be clear not everything I begin is successful but my expectation is that of
success. Otherwise why begin?

I am the recipient of several contributed cookbooks and I use each of them.
Some of the recipes are connections to loved ones who have died or just
moved away. They definitely remind me of how blessed I’ve been over
my lifetime to have known these people and been given the opportunity to
have a shared experience with them through the legacy of a family recipe or
personal guide to a casserole, stew, dessert, bread or historical anecdote.

I have learned some techniques that I didn’t know before. I can place a dish
in a time and space in my life that can only be remembered not revisited. I
am always richer for it.

Though our cookbook committee was not able to generate a book we did
form and create new relationships with each other. We morphed into a
dinner club where we talk about food and share a meal from time to time.
So- though I mourn the death of what I and others thought was a good
idea I am smarter and grateful for the adventure. To my fellow cookbook
committee members, thank you for your contributions and the Christmas
cookies. I’m looking forward to our next culinary foray.                                                                27
President Lucius Gunn
                                             wearing new UDCA logo
                                             sweatshirt. Purchase online

    Saturday, June 22nd                             Saturday, July 27th
UDCA Mix & Mingle, Location TBD                   UDCA Picnic- Palmer Park

       Show your UDCA Sign a little TLC!
Summer is almost here and it’s time to get outside and spruce up our yards. While you’re
out there take a few minutes to show your UDCA sign some TLC (Tender Loving Care)!
                         1. Is your sign in a good location, where it can be seen and
                            represent your commitment to the community?
                         2. Make sure to add the Orange UDCA 2019 zip-tie tag to the
                            sign. This indicates you have paid your 2019 UDCA dues!
                         3. Straighten your sign – step back and check it out –
                            and adjust as needed.
Remember, company is coming soon, as we support the Rocket Mortgage Classic this
June. As a local neighborhood – we expect national, as well as local press coverage. We
need to represent!
UDCA Membership Committee
Spring 2019
PO Box 21483
Detroit, MI 48221

University District
Community Association

    The University District
   strives to maintain and
   support the integrity of
 the neighborhood, provide
  communication of events
and issues to its residents,
promote a quality education
  in our local schools while
 maintaining health, safety,
 and happiness in a family
friendly diverse community.

Join our mailing list at
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