SCHOOL CHARTER 2018 Preparing successful, proud, resilient, confident, respectful and inclusive lifelong learners for a rapidly changing world ...

Page created by Lisa Barber
SCHOOL CHARTER 2018 Preparing successful, proud, resilient, confident, respectful and inclusive lifelong learners for a rapidly changing world ...

Preparing successful, proud, resilient, confident, respectful and inclusive lifelong learners for a rapidly changing world, through
                                    supportive, challenging and creative learning experiences.
Table of Contents

1. TYPE OF SCHOOL ..........................................................................................................................................2
2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SCHOOL .....................................................................................................2
3. DESCRIPTION OF THE SCHOOL’S COMMUNITY............................................................................................2
4. MISSION STATEMENT ...................................................................................................................................2
5. VISION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………….2
6. GUIDING PRINCIPLES ....................................................................................................................................3
7. SCHOOL COMMUNITY ..................................................................................................................................3
8. CULTURAL DIVERSITY AND THE MĀORI DIMENSION ...................................................................................4
9. OUR VALUES .................................................................................................................................................4
10. NATIONAL EDUCATION GUIDELINES ............................................................................................................5
11. ONEROA COMMUNITY OF LEARNING……………………………………………..……………………………………………………..5
12. STRATEGIC DIRECTION 2018-20 ...................................................................................................................6
13. GOALS FOR 2018 ........................................................................................................................................26
14. ONEROA COMMUNITY OF LEARNING GOALS 2018-2021…………………………………………..…………………………38


   Long Bay College is a co-educational secondary school with students from Year 9 to Year 13.


   Long Bay College is a large, community focused, co-educational decile 10, state secondary school situated in a
   safe and established suburb which overlooks the Long Bay Marine Reserve and is a short stroll to the beautiful
   beaches. We take great pride in the culture of caring we provide for each student, and meeting the needs of
   our students, ensuring they reach their own levels of individual excellence is of paramount importance to us.
   The campus boasts excellent facilities including modern and innovative Technology, Science, English, Music,
   Arts and Performing Arts blocks, an all-weather sports surface, an auditorium, purpose-built sports and fitness
   centre and much more. Complete with our own Marae, extensive and growing grounds and a rapidly
   developing community Long Bay College is certainly at the hub of this evolving and vibrant community.

   Long Bay College is a unique school where we are confidently doing things differently in order to meet the
   needs of our students and wider community. We are a diverse school with many of our students being first or
   second-generation immigrants to New Zealand and our community is supported through a dedicated team of
   experts in our pastoral and student support service areas. Our support includes health care, counselling and
   guidance, an extensive pastoral team, careers guidance, mentoring and transitioning support. We are proud of
   our students and all that they achieve whether it be in the fields of academia, sport, culture the arts or service
   and our students report a sense of family, friendship and support which enables them to thrive in being

   Specialised teaching facilities house the Learner Support Department and modern learning environments are
   developed and utilised where appropriate. We are a BYOD, Microsoft Academy school with an outstanding IT
   network, which supports both our staff and students. The school also has a large dedicated International
   Student Department, responsible for the pastoral care of our students who arrive from many parts of the globe.


   Our students come to us predominantly from Northcross Intermediate School with around approximately 20%
   of our students attending us from out of our zone. We are the lead school for the Oneroa Kahuia Ako,
   Community of Learning (CoL), which develops pathways from Primary, Intermediate, through to Long Bay
   College and beyond.


   Preparing successful, proud, resilient, confident, respectful and inclusive lifelong learners for a rapidly changing
   world, through supportive, challenging and creative learning experiences.


   To be the secondary school of choice for our community, providing an evolving, whole-person education in a
   high quality environment.


   Our Guiding Principles are strongly related to our Vision, as outlined in section 5. We are moving to be a school
   driven by its values, a school that is committed to ensuring that the needs of each and every member of its
   community are met so that our students and staff realise their academic, vocational, sporting, cultural and
   artistic potential so that they are best prepared to participate successfully in our ever-changing world.

   By knowing our students, we believe we are able to help them both academically and socially and the Board of
   Trustees and College staff will endeavor to ensure that the education we provide will address their holistic
   learning needs and respect their dignity.

     1          At Long Bay College our community members leave our school with the knowledge,
                tools, skills and understanding to access their chosen pathway of further education,
                training or employment in order to become well rounded, successful, global citizens

     2          We receive a balanced and engaging education that meets our needs, encourages life-
                long learning and challenges us to reach our own levels of personal excellence

     3          Academic achievement is highly valued and encouraged through excellence in
                teaching and learning within a culture of continuous improvement through
                continuous learning

     4          Innovation, critical thinking, and creativity are fostered along with a sense of pride,
                respect and belonging to our school and wider community

     5          We instil, nurture and develop our values and have expectations of high standards of
                behaviour in our community members. These values and expectations are collectively
                owned, clearly communicated and actively upheld

     6          We engender a culture of support, care, safety and inclusiveness and one in which
                diversity is embraced so all of our community feel valued

     7          We are committed to the bicultural partnership with Māori whanau in actively
                promoting success for Maori students and in respecting the Treaty of Waitangi and
                improving learning outcomes for Maori, in addition to Pasifica students and those
                students with special educational needs

     8          We provide a wide variety and high level of participation in sporting, cultural, the arts
                and community activities


   To uphold the partnership between school, families, and community, Long Bay College promotes an open-door
   policy to encourage full community involvement in the school. In addition to inviting the school community
   to engage with all school activities, the Board will meet and consult with its community using these

•   Meetings: Board and sub-committees, Whānau Group meetings, Māori community meetings, Pasifika
         community and parents’ meetings, Parent Teacher Mentor meetings, Curriculum and Careers
         Information Evenings, Year 9 Parent Meetings, organisation and communication for cultural festivals.
     •   Events: Academic, sporting, cultural, service and social events.
     •   Surveys: Including student voice, staff and surveys of parents and caregivers.
     •   Communications and Publications: School yearbook, regularly circulated newsletters, email, website,
         Facebook and the school App.
     •   Long Bay College Parental Portal: Parent, student and community portal.
     •   Reporting to parents: Academic, sporting, cultural, service and social
     •   Informal qualitative feedback


    •    New Zealand’s cultural diversity

            ∙       Students are encouraged to share elements of their cultural heritage to celebrate
                    New Zealand’s cultural diversity.
            ∙       All staff will treat students as individuals with unique differences, talents and cultural values and
                    perspectives that will be respected.
            ∙       Differing cultural backgrounds of students are viewed as adding to the tapestry and strength of
                    the school.
            ∙       The students’ identities, languages, abilities and talents are recognised and affirmed in inclusive
                    and contextualised ways.

    •    The unique position of the Māori culture

                ∙   The Long Bay College curriculum acknowledges the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi,
                    respecting tikanga, and the bicultural foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand. The curriculum will
                    be responsive to the national priorities for ākonga.

                ∙   The school will consult with our Māori communities freely and openly in the interests of
                    seeing our Māori students succeed at school. We seek to hold regular hui with the whānau and
                    to be welcoming at all times to approaches from our Māori parents and to be good listeners.

                ∙   Te Reo classes are offered as an option at all Year levels and a Kapa haka Group is fostered and

                ∙   Māori cultural experiences will be encouraged to foster engagement, pride and achievement.
                    Long Bay College will host a Pōwhiri for new students and staff to the school.

9. OUR VALUES (to be developed as part of the 2018 Strategic Plan)

              ∙   Respect – We will have respect for self, others and our environment
              ∙   Resilient – We will demonstrate perseverance and overcome difficulty
              ∙   Inclusive – We will include all and respect differences
              ∙   Confident – We have the belief in our own abilities to succeed
              ∙   Pride – We feel a sense of belonging and contribute towards our school


   Long Bay College is committed to meeting all the requirements of:

      •   The National Educational Goals
      •   The New Zealand Curriculum
      •   The National Administrative Guidelines
      •   All relevant legislation that applies to all aspects of school operation


   Long Bay College is a committed member of the Oneroa CoL along with:

          Glamorgan School
          Long Bay School
          Northcross Intermediate
          Oteha Valley School
          Sherwood School
          Torbay School

   The CoL vision is:

   To work and learn collaboratively, developing a future focused approach to learning and teaching and providing
   cohesive and effective transitions between our primary schools, intermediate school and college. The
   community will establish processes to moderate and ensure robust and rigorous data analysis around our
   student’s achievement is available and shared across our schools. We aim to: Raise student achievement in
   reading, writing and mathematics with a particular emphasis on the achievement of - Māori and Pasifika
   students - Boys - Learners at transition points to and from intermediate school - English Language Learners.

   We will achieve this by working together in the following areas: • Authentic Learner Agency (Ako) •
   Collaborative Practice (Ako) • Community Engagement (Whanaungatanga) • Culturally Responsive Practice •
   Teacher Effectiveness (Whakamana) • Successful Transitions


 MOE Guidelines             2018                              2019                                2020                                 Future Direction

 NAG1                       Through the use of engagement data, drive responsiveness and improvements across the school for            Continuous               1        SHR
                            all students. This will be achieved through further selection, gathering, analysis and interpretation of   improvement across                KIT
                            data to identify current achievement levels and success factors which is to be reported to key             all areas.
                            stakeholders for action. This will inform the review of curriculum 2018.

 Raise achievement at all                                                                                                                                       2
 curriculum levels
                            Access student, class and teacher data and respond appropriately through:                                  Continuous               1        SHR
                            ∙   SLT, HODs and Teachers use an ‘inquiry based teaching’ approach, and to track and plan                 improvement across                KIT
                                interventions for identified students.                                                                 all areas.
                            ∙   Investigate an individual student identification support system and mentoring throughout the year.                              3
                                This is a focus for development.
                            ∙   Use of Value Added and entry data to provide ‘early in the year’ identification of students who
                                require additional support.
                            ∙   Subject Teacher/HOD/ Dean/DP continue tracking student progress. This is a focus for
                            ∙   Identification of priority learners at risk of underachieving to plan interventions and lift
                                achievement, including literacy and numeracy.
                            ∙   Development of consistent departmental systems to identify students at risk of underachieving
                                and interventions implemented. This includes departments with portfolio style assessments.
                            ∙   To refine the alignment of Departmental Self Review, Appraisal and Inquiry Teaching. This is a
                                focus for development.
                            Ongoing self-review and refinement of systems that monitor student attendance and responds to              Continuous               1        SHR
                            those whose attendance is not on track for academic success.                                               improvement across
MOE Guidelines              2018                             2019                               2020                              Future Direction

                                                                                                                                  all areas.
Raise achievement at all    Continue to monitor developments in the NCEA and implement appropriate changes.                                              1        KIT
curriculum levels
                                                                                                                                                         2        MAR
                            Achievement targets are set using the self-review processes. These to align with or exceed National                          1        KIT
                            goals and MoE targets. These are reported to key stakeholders with progress meetings during the                                       HEA
                            year. Action plans developed using the self-review process and acted upon to support these
                            objectives.                                                                                                                  3

                            Further refine and promote reward systems that recognise student achievement.                                                3        MAR
                            Continue review of the targeted evidence-based programmes for                                                                2        KIT
                            improving the educational outcomes for priority learners.                                                                             JOY
                            Faculties to report against school and national data. Collaborate
                            with key stakeholders to obtain their response for consideration.
                            The school’s implementation of Ka Hikitia and the Pasifika
                            Education Plan will continue to be developed and implemented in
                            the teaching programmes.
                            Review of the consequences and effects of not sustaining PB4L. Investigate potential MoE support to                          4        SHR
                           further        engage students with learning using data to develop improved systems and protocols
                           that positively support learning and achievement.                                                                             6

                            Review of the benefits of Restorative Practices with MoE support to further engage students with                             4        SHR
                            learning using data to develop improved systems and protocols that positively support learning and
                            achievement.                                                                                                                 6

                            Self-review and refine           Investigate, as part of the                                                                 1        KIT

MOE Guidelines              2018                               2019                                 2020                          Future Direction

                            Scholarship Programme with         Curriculum review, the validity of                                                           2
Raise achievement at all    regard to improving the            extension classes and a strategic,
                            selection and recruitment of       targeted scholarship programme                                                               3
curriculum levels
(continued)                 students. Provide scholarship      from Year 9 through to Year 13.
                            tutorials and mentoring of
                            students into the scholarship
                            As part of the curriculum                                                                                                       1        KIT
                           review, determine the success
                           of our Level 1A and 1B structure
                           and investigate the potential to                                                                                                 3
                           develop a Year 10 programme
                           with NCEA Level 1 offerings in
                           each course.
                             Explore potential growth in                                                                                                    2        BES
                            area of IT delivery, both from a                                                                                                         KIT
                            structural and curriculum
                            Ongoing review and report on the Long Bay College Gateway (work skills and qualifications) programme, including profiling       1        SHR
                            student Gateway cohort. Analyse outcomes to drive the ‘Gateway’ strategy to ensure it is meeting the targeted needs of
                            students. Report to BoT on the review. Evaluate impact of absences from regular classes on student outcomes.
                            All Standards in each faculty                                                                                                   1        KIT
                            that contribute to Literacy and                                                                                                          SHR
                            Numeracy to be managed
                            across the curriculum at all                                                                                                    3

MOE Guidelines              2018                              2019                             2020                               Future Direction

                            Continue to review and report NCEA Levels 1-3 structure in response to changing student need/                                     1        KIT
                            demand and vocational pathways.
                            These reviews to ensure sustainable course structure providing relevant pathway programme with
                            reporting due by end of Term 1 annually from 2019.                                                                                3

Raise achievement at all    Provide further professional                                                                          Ensuring our staff          1        JOY
curriculum levels           development as part of                                                                                are supported and
(continued)                 planning, teaching and                                                                                and developed to
                            learning. Provide Professional                                                                        reach our vision            3
                            Learning and Development
                            (‘PLD’) as appropriate for new
                            Continue to invest capital and time in infrastructure, hardware, software and virtual classrooms and to Equipping families        1        MAR
Whole school learning
                            integrate into staff practice and student experience.                                                   and communities for
paradigm/ Thinking Skills                                                                                                                                     2
and e-learning              Review progress and prioritise outstanding goals for implementation. Review, develop and report the a digital future.
                            use of e-learning.                                                                                                                3
                            Ongoing review of pedagogy for digital future.
                            Investigate the opportunity to become a compulsory BYOD school at Year 9 in 2019.
To ensure the provision     Implement, review and develop Refine and improve                                                      All students leave          1        KIT
of specifically targeted    a register of special needs,  programmes.                                                             school with
programmes to cater for     including the Gifted and                                                                              nationally                  2
the individual needs of     Talented Education (‘GaTE’)                                                                           recognised
students, including GaTE    Programme.                                                                                            qualifications.

                            Investigate and develop the      Refine and improve programmes.
                            provision of an additional
                            programme of extracurricular
                            involvement around water
MOE Guidelines             2018                               2019                 2020   Future Direction

                           based and outdoor activities in
                           memory of Rachael De Jong
Student support services   Ongoing self-review of full                                                           5        SHR
                           range of student support
                           services and implement                                                                6
                           Review and monitor the new         Review and refine.                                 5        SHR
                           for 2018 pastoral systems of
                           DoL’s and Year Level Deans.                                                           6
                           Investigate the validity of                                                           4        SHR
                           tutor/home/form classes in our
                           setting in relation to pastoral
                           care, a sense of belonging,                                                           6
                           support, mentoring and
                           Investigate the potential that a                                                      4        JOY
                           house system would have in                                                                     SHR
                           relation to school spirit and
                           engagement.                                                                           6

                           Review, report and respond to                                                         4        SHR
                           evidence-based student, class                                                                  JOY
                           and teacher trends and needs.                                                         5
                           Use comparative analysis on
                           systemic accumulation of data
                           on attendance, meritorious
                           awards, detention, withdrawal,
                           stand-down and suspension

MOE Guidelines             2018                               2019                               2020                               Future Direction

                           data to inform decision making.
Student support services
(continued)                Ensure Induction Programmes                                                                                                     4        JOY
                           for all students convey and                                                                                                              JON
                           promote school expectations,                                                                                                    5
                           opportunities and values
                           (including those arriving during                                                                                                6
                           the year).
                           Investigate the possibility of                                                                                                  6        SHR
                           provision for a physiotherapist
                           at the school.
International Students     Complete full external review      Ensure the ongoing compliance      Ensure the ongoing compliance                             1        JON
                           of our International               with and reporting of the Code     with and reporting of the Code                                     HEA
                           Department and act on              of Practice and maintain ongoing   of Practice and maintain ongoing
                           recommendations where              self-review                        self-review                                               6

                           Self-review international                                                                                                       1        JON
                           student engagement, progress
                           and achievement, ongoing
                           review as part of annual report.                                                                                                6

                           Continue to sustain and build                                                                                                   6        JON
                           on international markets.
                           Investigate new product
                           segments and new markets in
                           Europe, Asia, and South
                           America. To provide further
                           points of difference. Continue

MOE Guidelines           2018                              2019                                2020                                Future Direction

                         to provide nimble and
International Students   responsive options in an ever
(continued)              changing market to diversify
                         and manage risk.
                         Enhance strategic partnerships with agents and educational organisations.                                                           4        JON
                         Ensure a high level of induction support.                                                                                           5
                         Maintain a high quality ‘home-stay’ service.
                         Develop further strategic partnerships.                                                                                             6

Sports                   Promote family and community engagement in school sporting events.                                        High quality              1        JOY
                                                                                                                                   outcomes for sports
                                                                                                                                   students in school
                                                                                                                                   and beyond.               8

                         Uphold the school’s values and expectations through sport.                                                                          4        JOY
                         Increase student and staff participation in school sport.                                                                           2        JOY
                         Target quality resourcing and equipping of activities and teams to achieve the priorities of the sports                             2        JOY
                         Identify and pursue funding opportunities.                                                                                          2        JOY
                         Continue to grow students’ involvement through the ‘Advisory Group’ to provide further leadership                                   1        JOY

MOE Guidelines       2018                               2019                              2020                           Future Direction

                     opportunities.                                                                                                               8
Sports (continued)
                     Continue to identify and promote PLD opportunities that build the capacity of coaches within our                             1        JOY
                     sports programmes.
                     Increase access to representative teams for top performers in wide range of activities to promote                            1        JOY
                     their development.
                     Investigate opportunities for sports teams to tour internationally                                                           1        JOY
                     Self-review of quality and outcomes.                                                                                        1         JOY
Performing Arts      Build profile as a leading provider.                                                                                         1        JON
                     Promote family and community engagement in school performing arts events.                           High quality             1        JON
                                                                                                                         outcomes for
                                                                                                                         performing arts
                                                                                                                         students in school       8
                                                                                                                         and beyond.

                     Uphold the school’s values and expectations through performing arts.                                                         4        JON

MOE Guidelines           2018                              2019                                2020                               Future Direction

Performing Arts          Increase student and staff participation in school performing arts.                                                                2        JON
                         Target quality resourcing and equipping of activities to achieve the priorities of the performing arts                             2        JON
                         Investigate opportunities for performing arts groups to tour internationally                                                       1        JON
                         Identify and pursue funding opportunities.                                                                                         2        JON
                         Continue to grow students’ involvement through leadership opportunities.                                                           1        JON
                         Increase access to opportunities for high-level performance and wider recognition.                                                 1        JON
To continue to develop   Review to further foster and develop relationships with stakeholders to support student engagement.                                1        SHR
and promote the values                                                                                                                                               JOY
needed to become                                                                                                                                            4
members of NZ society                                                                                                                                       5
                         Consult our community (students, staff, caregivers, BoT) as to what values they wish the school to       Use these values to       5        SHR

MOE Guidelines          2018                               2019   2020   Future Direction

To continue to develop represent.                                        underpin the              6        JOY
and promote the values                                                   strategic direction
needed to become                                                         of our school and
members of NZ society                                                    establish a strong,
(continued)                                                              values-based
                        The Curriculum Sub-                                                        1        KIT
                        Committee will further review
                        alignment of the NAGS with the                                             2
                        current curriculum practice of
                        the school with reference to                                               3
                        NZC NAG1B2 (that the breadth
                        and depth of learning relates to
                        the needs, abilities and
                        interests of the students and
                        that the nature of the school
                        curriculum provides
                        appropriate learning
                        experiences and aligns with the
                        New Zealand curriculum).
Continue to enhance     Further promote                                                            4        HEA
relationships with      communication of school
stakeholders            events.
                        Widen range of academic,                                                   6        HEA
                        sports and cultural events
MOE Guidelines             2018                              2019                                2020                                 Future Direction

                           reported on.
Continue to enhance      Term and regularly circulated                                                                                                       6        HEA
relationships with       newsletters, emails, Facebook,
stakeholders (continued) LBC App, Twitter and other
                         media to be reviewed.
Continue to develop and    A. The school will continue to work to increase participation and success by Māori through the                                    7        JOY
strengthen relationships      advancement of Māori education initiatives, including education in Te Reo Māori, consistent with
with our Māori                the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi. Further initiatives for staff and students to be discussed
communities                   for implementation (ref. NEG9).
                           B. Further enhance respect for the diverse ethnic and cultural heritage of New Zealand people, with
                              acknowledgement of the unique place of Māori, and New Zealand’s role in the Pacific and as a
Respond to, engage with
                              member of the international community of nations (ref. NEG10).
and retain Māori as
priority learners
                           C. This will include consultation with the school’s Māori community, develop and make known to the
                              school’s community policies, plans and targets for improving the achievement of Māori students
                              (ref. NAG1[5]).
                           Elements A, B and C above will
                           be further considered by the
                           Investigate the potential to co-opt a Māori and Pasifika representative on the BOT.                                               7        HEA

                               If co-opted, work with the Board M/P representative, or alternatively/alongside in consultation with                          1        JOY
                               the Whānau Group, meet the needs of Māori students at Long Bay College.                                                       6
                           ∙   Refine a sustainable partnership model.
                           ∙   Continue initiatives to respond to, engage with and retain Māori learners.
                           ∙   Hui to be held to further participation and achievement for Māori and students.
                           ∙   Continue to drive the upward trend of academic successes already gained.

MOE Guidelines            2018                             2019                               2020                              Future Direction

                          ∙   Further engage families to support quality outcomes for Māori students.
                          Continue to develop new methods of communications, including digital, with whānau.                                           6        JOY
                                                                                                                                                       7        HEA
                          Continue to engage with identified Kaumātua and Māori leaders.                                                               6        HEA
                          Respond to issues raised.                                                                                                    5        HEA
                          Explore student leadership                                                                                                   6        JOY
                          opportunities; mentoring of                                                                                                           KIT
                                                                                                                                                       7        SHR
                          Māori by Māori students.
                          Begin community consultation regarding values and programme delivery and commitment to support                               4        JOY
                          cultural activity and engagement.
                          Investigate and possibly introduce a Māori Success Group (staff) and Student Leaders Group.                                  5

                          Promote staff PLD to engender effectiveness in responding to, and engaging with, Māori learners.                             7

Develop and strengthen    Refine a sustainable partnership model.                                                                                      7        JOY
relationships with        To investigate and possibly introduce a Pasifika Success Group (staff) and Student Leaders Group.
Pasifika communities      If appropriate, work with MoE PLD teams to raise Pasifika achievement.
                          Continue to drive the upward trend of academic successes already gained.
Respond to, engage with   Promote staff PLD to engender effectiveness in responding to, and engaging with, Pasifika learners.
and retain Pasifika as    Further engage families to support quality outcomes for Pasifika students.
priority learners                                          If co-opted, the Board and Māori                                                            1        JOY
                                                           and Pasifika representative
                                                           consider the development of
                                                           strategic partnerships with the                                                             7
                                                           Pasifika communities to
MOE Guidelines           2018                               2019                               2020                            Future Direction

                                                            strengthen the participation and
                                                            achievement for Pasifika
                         To develop new methods of communications, including digital, with Pasifika communities. Investigate                          6        JOY
                         the possibility to engage with religious leaders within the community.                                                                HEA

                         Respond to issues raised.                                                                                                    5        JOY
                                                                                                                                                      6        HEA

                         Explore student leadership                                                                                                   6        JOY
                         opportunities; mentoring with                                                                                                         KIT
                         Pasifika students.
                         Community consultation regarding values and programme delivery and commitment to support                                     5        SHR
                         cultural activity and engagement.                                                                                                     JOY
Support morale of senior Self-review student engagement and achievement to support a collaborative response and support                               6        KIT
students                 cultural activity and engagement.
                         Explore options such as:
                         ∙   Senior leadership opportunities.
                         ∙   Enhanced privileges for Year 13.
                        Consideration of senior facilities and restricted areas.
Ongoing implementation Review of NZC delivery in the                                                                                                  1        SHR
of ‘the New Zealand    Junior School: curriculum,                                                                                                              KIT

MOE Guidelines             2018                                2019                            2020                              Future Direction

curriculum’                assessment and reporting.                                                                                                      3
Community consultation     Review and report on the                                            Review and report on the Junior   Scope and conduct        2        JOY
on Health programme        Junior health programme.                                            health programme.                 community
                           Scope and conduct community                                         Scope and conduct community       consultation every
                           consultation.                                                       consultation.                     two years.               6

“How well prepared are     Collect and analyse leaver destination data to assess how well students are prepared for pathways.                             1        SHR
our school leavers?”
                           Further develop and review of a whole school approach aligned to the Careers Benchmarks.                                       1        SHR
                           Ongoing analysis of student absence and achievement rates to ensure minimisation of risk of non-                               2
                           achievement through absence.
Provision of quality       Continue to investigate                                                                                                        2        HEA
classrooms and learning    opportunities to develop new                                                                                                            MAR
environments and wider     opportunities and enhance
facilities (including e-   existing provision of facilities.
Provision of quality       The targeted recruitment, appraisal and PLD of teachers to ensure the ongoing provision of quality                             1        HEA
teachers                   teaching.                                                                                                                               JOY
                           Ongoing review of PLD systems to ensure quality outcomes.                                                                      1        JOY
                           Continued compliance with appointment procedures.                                                                              6        JOY

MOE Guidelines            2018                               2019                              2020                                Future Direction

                          Identify through self-review,                                                                                                       1        JOY
Provision of quality      ‘inquiry based teaching’ and
teachers (continued)      the appraisal system, those
                          teachers that require assisted                                                                                                      3
                          PLD to ensure the learning
                          needs of students are met.
                          Investigate potential partnerships with industry leaders in digital environments that includes PLD for                              1        MAR
                          Ongoing self-review to ensure                                                                                                       2        JOY
                          quality Induction Programmes
                          for all staff (teaching and non-
                          teaching) convey and promote                                                                                                        6
                          school expectations,
                          opportunities and values
                          (including those arriving during
                          the year).
Provision of effective    To review our reporting                                                                                  To be informed by          5        SHR
reporting to students and systems and act on findings.                                                                             review.
parents                                                                                                                                                       6

Community of Learning     Embed achievement targets,         Implement and review systems      Implement and review systems        To continue to work        1        KIT
                          roles and responsibilities.        and strategies working towards    and strategies working towards      collaboratively with
                          Appoint all in-school leaders.     2020 goals.                       2021 goals.                         CoL members to
                                                                                                                                   improve outcomes           3
                          Implement and review systems
                                                                                                                                   for Kaipatiki
                          and strategies working towards
                          2019 goals.
MOE Guidelines        2018                               2019                                2020                           Future Direction

Consistent teaching   Research, investigate,                                                                                Develop assessment       1        KIT
practices/pedagogy    strategise and review the                                                                             capable learners
                      possibility of a whole school                                                                         and teachers who
                      pedagogy and common                                                                                   understand the           3
                      language of learning for our                                                                          impact we have on
                      setting eg Visible Learning Plus                                                                      student
NAG 2                 Refine regular reporting on key portfolios to BoT to strengthen capacity of BoT.                                               1        HEA
                      Self-review: select, collect, analyse and report on data with respect to differences in achievement                            1        KIT
                      between internal and externally assessed standards and, with consultation, implement changes to
Analyse assessment                                                                                                                                   2
                      accurately report achievement.
                      Collect, analyse and manage reliable data to inform us that the goals of NAG 1 have been met.                                  1        KIT
                      Range of assessment methods, including subjective and objective will be used.                                                  1        KIT
NAG 3                 Professional climate where effective teaching practice is supported.                                                           1        HEA
                      Ensure systems are in place, so that the Board fulfils its role as “good employer”.                                            2        JOY

MOE Guidelines           2018                                2019                              2020                           Future Direction

EMPLOYER                 Maintain a quality staff.                                                                                                   3        KRU
RESPONSIBILITIES                                                                                                                                              PEI
                         Support necessary PLD.                                                                                                      4

Promote high levels of   Celebrate teacher success.                                                                                                  5
staff performance.       Performance Appraisal protocols to be reviewed and reported on to develop a Long Bay College Staff                          6
                         Development Plan for next three years which will:
Be a “good employer”     ∙   Reflect the strategic plan and the annual goals.
                         Review PLD structure and processes to enhance strategic outcomes.
                         ∙   To provide staff with appropriate and relevant PLD to enhance and develop their own practice.                           7
                         Implement culturally appropriate PLD to ensure academic success of all students with a particular
                         focus on our priority learners.
                         Investigate the validity of ‘mindfullness’ practices in our setting                                                         8
                         Develop 5YA and 10YPP.
NAG 4                    ∙   Investigate the possibilities   Safe and attractive school                                                              1        HEA
                             relating to the M Block         environment enhanced.                                                                            KRU
PROPERTY AND FINANCE         project                         Focus on:                                                                                        PEI
                         ∙   Continue to make progress       ∙   Field renovation
                             on lower sports fields
Comply with Ministry                                         ∙   Provision of shelter for                                                            4        Prop.
                         ∙   Work with Mercury re.               students
Property Plan                                                                                                                                                 Comm.
                             Solar panel electricity                                                                                                 5
                                                             ∙   Netball/tennis courts
School redevelopment     ∙   Continue to work with MOE
                             in relation to ‘leaky                                                                                                   7
Comply with Ministry                                                                                                                                 8

MOE Guidelines           2018                                2019                              2020                   Future Direction

                          Continue to work with MOE in
Property Plan (continued) relation to ‘Technology-Wood’

School redevelopment     Review and upgrade network                                                                                          1        MAR
                         so it can provide full functional                                                                                            KRU
                         support for e-learning in a
                         contemporary environment                                                                                            4
                         and support the administration                                                                                               HEA
                         and management of the school.
                         As above.
                         Allocate finances to reflect school priorities, including achievement and personnel goals.                          1        HEA
                                                                                                                                             2        PEI

                                                                                                                                             4        Fin.

                                                                                                                                             5        Comm.

School finances          Monitor and control                 Review and enhance business                                                     1        HEA
                         expenditure.                        units and other funding sources                                                          PEI
                         Investigation of online             (non-State funding).                                                            2
                         purchase order system
                         (2018/19) and accounting
                         programme (XERO).

MOE Guidelines      2018                               2019                              2020                            Future Direction

                    Explore opportunities available                                                                                             6        KRU
School finances     to us in terms of the use of our                                                                                                     HEA
(continued)         facilities (hiring) by our
                    Comply with and, if possible,                                                                                               2        HEA
                    exceed legislative requirements
                    to provide a safe physical                                                                                                  6
                    environment for staff and                                                                                                            and
                    students.                                                                                                                            Safety
                    Promote healthy food and
                    nutrition. Respond to student
                    and staff feedback.
NAG 5               To provide an intellectually emotionally safe learning environment, so that students and staff are                          2        HEA
                    encouraged to take on new challenges.
HEALTH AND SAFETY   Continue to promote appropriate behaviour for students and staff on social media.
                    To provide the physical environment that enables staff and students to achieve the stated student                           1        HEA
                    achievement and personal goals.
                    Use feedback from students’ surveys to improve levels of student engagement and provision of                                5        All
                    services at Long Bay College.                                                                                                        Port-
                    Review and implementation of Health and Safety procedures.                                                                  6        DP -
                    Development of CCTV network system for security of staff and students.                                                      6        KRU

MOE Guidelines       2018                               2019                                2020                        Future Direction

                     Continue to evaluate protocols to respond to 2016 Health and Safety legislation.                                           6        DP -
Health and Safety                                                                                                                                        H&S
                     Ensure compliance with Education Outside the Classroom (‘EOTC’) guidelines and new Health and      Monitor and             6         BES
                     Safety legislation. Review and monitor EOTC documentation.                                         maintain EOTC
                                                                                                                        Guidelines              8
                                                                                                                        compliance. Self-
                                                                                                                        review annually.
                     To ensure that the school                                                                                                  5        HEA
                     complies with all legislative
                     obligations.                                                                                                               6

NAG 6                The creation of an integrated check list to inform the BoT, this being the responsibility of the                           1        BOT
                     BoT.                                                                                                                       2

13. GOALS FOR 2018 (Still to be developed)

For the Year Ended 31 December 2017

Academic Goal 1

Improvement in academic achievement at all levels:

 Annual Target for          2017                     Process             Measures        Discussion

 L3 achievement for         Participation based      Focus on formative   NCEA           Note:
 those participating will   achievement was          assessment processes achievement.
                                                                                         L3 PB statistics
 be 95% with 22%            93.8% - This was up      and inquiry based
                                                                                         showed an overall
 excellence                 from the previous        teaching to lift
                                                                                         increase of 2.9% to a
 endorsement and            year by 2.9% (90.9%)     student achievement.
                                                                                         new NCEA high for
 42% merit
                            National rate was                                            LBC. In the
                            82.4% and D8-10 rate                                         endorsement rate
                            was 87.6%.                                                   the increase was a
                                                                                         total of 60.2% which
                                                                                         was up by 7.1% from
                            endorsement rate
                                                                                         53.1% in 2016.
                            was 19.3% in 2017,
                                                                                         There was however
                            down from 20%.
                                                                                         a small decline in
                            National rate is 15.6%
                                                                                         Excellences by 0.7%
                            and D8-10, 20.2%.
                                                                                         In RB figures our
                            Merit endorsement
                                                                                         performance was
                            rate was 40.9% in
                                                                                         down by 2.6% to
                            2017, up from 33.1%.
                                                                                         78.7% (second
                            National rate was
                                                                                         highest year). This
                            28.1% and D8-10,
                                                                                         was 14.5% higher
                                                                                         than National and
                                                                                         3.7% better than D8-

 UE attainment for          UE attainment for                             NCEA           Over 8 out of 10
 those participating        those participating                           achievement.   students on a UE
 will be 82%                was 80.6%. This was                                          pathway succeeded
                            up from 78.3% in                                             which is a LBC high
                            2016, compared to
                            59.9% nationally and
                            73.8% D8-10.
                            RB UE was down by
                            1.9% to 68.1% a
                            figure better than
                            National by 21% and
                            D8-10 by 4.7%. It was

the second best
                  performance at LBC.
35 scholarships   31 scholarships       Further focus on    Scholarships
                                                                           As part of the
                  gained in 2015, of    development of      attained.
                  which 3 were          targeted                           development,
                  ‘Outstanding’         scholarship                        thought to be given
                                        programme.                         to attaining a NZ Top
                                        Investigation to                   Scholar
                                        occur into
                                        programme and
                                        implementation of

Annual Target for     2017                    Process                Measures      Discussion

Y12 L2 (equivalent)   Participation based  Focus on formative   NCEA               Whist there were
achievement will be   achievement was 95%  assessment           achievement        steady
96% with 26%          (RB 85.6%) - This wasprocesses, tracking                     improvements
excellence            up from the previous and mentoring                           across the board,
endorsement and       year by 0.8% to 94.2%(targeted                               the total
32% merit             (RB +1.8% to 85.6%)  interventions) and                      endorsement rates
endorsement.                               inquiry based                           were 55%, a
                      National rate was
                                           teaching, to lift                       decrease of 6.5%.
                      88.7% (RB 77.2%) and
                                           student achievement.
                      D8-10 rate was 92.5%
                      (RB 81.1%)
                      endorsement rate
                      was 24.7% in 2017, up
                      from 24%. National
                      rate is 16% and D8-
                      10, 22.9%.
                      Merit endorsement
                      rate was 30.3% in
                      2017, down 7.2%
                      from 37.5%. National
                      rate was 27.1% and
                      D8-10, 34%

Y11 L1 (equivalent)   Participation based     Focus on lifting the   NCEA          Another LBC high at
achievement will be   achievement was         endorsement rate       achievement   93.3%.
95% with 32%          93.3% (RB 82.6%) -      through targeted
                                                                                   Endorsement rates
excellence            This was up from the    interventions with
                                                                                   are significantly
endorsement and       previous year by 2.2%   students on the
                                                                                   down at Excellent
40% merit             to 93.3% (RB stayed     margins of
                                                                                   level, to a level
endorsement           the same at 82.6%)      endorsement.
                                                                                   between D8-10 and
                      National rate was                                            National rates.
                      84.2% (RB 72.9%) and
                                                                                   Whilst Merit
                      D8-10 rate was 89.4%
                                                                                   endorsements are
                      (RB 78.6%).
                                                                                   up they are only the
                      Excellent                                                    4th best result in the
                      endorsement rate                                             last 5 years at LBC
                      was 25.6% in 2017,                                           and combined
                      down 11.6% from                                              endorsements are
                      37.2%. National rate                                         down by 5.2% on
                      is 20.1% and D8-10,                                          the previous year
                      28.3%.                                                       and 7.7% less than

Merit endorsement      D8-10.
rate was 36.5% in
2017, up 6.4% from
30.1%. National rate
was 35.6% and D8-10,

Academic Goal 2

To improve the achievement of Priority Learners (Māori and Pasifika students)

Annual Target for      2017                    Process                Measures     Discussion
Achieving appropriate Achievement data         Targeted              Achievement
year level            appropriate year level   interventions through rates.
qualification.        qualification (2017      inquiry- based
                      data in brackets).       learning.
 Level 1                Level 1                                                    Maori students 5.9%
                                                                                   above D8-10 and
                                                                                   13.9% above
 Māori                  Māori
                                                                                   National PB and
(PB 90%, RB %)         (PB 88.9%, RB 76.2%)                                        above RB at 1.8%
                                                                                   D8-10 and 14.5%
 Pasifika              Pasifika                                                    National.
(PB 85%, RB %)         (PB 66.7%, RB 66.7%)                                        Pasifika PB results
                                                                                   are below D8-10 by
                                                                                   14.6% and
                                                                                   Nationally we are
                                                                                   6.6% behind. RB our
                                                                                   Pasifika students
                                                                                   perform 2.6% below
                                                                                   National levels and
                                                                                   8.4% below D8-10.
 Level 2                Level 2                                                    Maori PB results
                                                                                   better than National
                                                                                   (16.2%) and D8-10
 Māori                  Māori
                                                                                   (11.4%) and they are
(PB 100%, RB %)        (PB 100%, RB 86.7%)                                         also above RB
                                                                                   statistics by 14.3%
 Pasifika               Pasifika                                                   Nationally and 3.5%
(PB 80%, RB %)         (PB 50%, RB 50%)                                            D8-10.
                                                                                   Pasifika results are
                                                                                   below at all 4
                                                                                   measures. PB
                                                                                   National by 30.4%
                                                                                   and D8-10 by 35.1%
                                                                                   and RB by 27.6%
                                                                                   National and 31.7%

Level 3               Level 3               Maori 15.7% and
                                            9.2% above National
                                            and D8-10 (PB) and
Māori                 Māori
                                            26.8% and 10%
(PB 91%, RB %)        (PB 90%, RB 81.8%)    above (RB).
                                            Pasifika 27.6% and
Pasifika              Pasifika              22.5% above
(PB 100%, RB %)       (PB 100%, RB 66.7%)   National and D8-10
                                            (PB) and 3.8% above
                                            National, but 5.2%
                                            below D8-10 (RB).

University Entrance                         Maori 40.3% and
                                            20.1% above
                                            National and D8-10
PB 82%                Māori
                                            (PB) and 42.9% and
                      (PB 80%, RB 72.7%)    19.2% above (RB).
                                            Pasifika 16% above
Pasifika              Pasifika              National but 4.6%
75%                   (PB 50%, RB 33.3%)    below D8-10 (PB)
                                            and 3.4% above
                                            National, but 17.8%
                                            below D8-10 (RB).

Annual Target for       2016                    Process                  Measures         Discussion
Māori Literacy Year  Level 1 Māori              Inquiry-based            NCEA Data        Further refinement
11: 95% achievement. Literacy: 93%.             learning.                                 of tracking
                                                                                          programme with
                        National Māori          Targeted                                  targeted students
                        Literacy: 85%.          interventions.

Pasifika Literacy       Level 1 Pasifika
Year 11: 92%            Literacy: 90%.
                        National Pasifika
                        Literacy: 90%.

Māori Numeracy Year Level 1 Māori
11: 88% achievement. Numeracy: 85%.

                        National Māori
                        Numeracy: 81%.

Pasifika Numeracy       Level 1 Pasifika
Year 11: 88%            Numeracy: 85%.
                        National Pasifika
                        Numeracy: 87%.
Māori UE (Year 13)      Māori UE:               Inquiry-based       Achievement           Further refinement
participation based:    80% (2015 40%)          learning, and GAP   rates.                of programme for
85%.                    National Māori UE:      Achievers programme                       targeted students.
                        40.9%.                  has had significant
Māori UE (Year 13)      Māori UE:                                                         Pasifika UE
roll based:             44.4% (2015 22.2%)      Targeted                                  achievement a focus
55%.                    National Māori UE:      interventions.                            for 2017.

Pasifika UE (Year 13)   Pasifika UE:
participation based:    25% (2015 0%)
50%.                    National Pasifika
                        UE: 34.6%.

Pasifika UE (Year       Pasifika UE:
13) roll based:         11.1% (2015 0%)
35%.                    National Pasifika
                        UE: 29.4%.

Pasifika University Entrance achievement rates are significantly below national rates, both participation and
roll based. Māori are well above at participation and above roll based (14.4%).

Literacy Goal 2

Annual Target for     2017                     Process               Measures      Discussion

To improve the        Achievement in 2017   Ongoing review of       NCEA data.     There was a slight
proportion of         93.6%.                achievement in                         increase in L1 of
students gaining                            literacy credits across                0.4% on the
                      National 91.1%, D8-10
NCEA L1 Literacy at                         the curriculum.                        previous year.
96% in Year 11.

Numeracy Goal 2

Annual Target for     2016                     Process               Measures      Discussion

To lift the proportion Achievement in 2017     Ongoing review of      NCEA data.   There was a slight
of students gaining    increased to 94.9%.     achievement of                      decrease in 2017 of
NCEA L1 Numeracy to                            numeracy credits                    0.7%.
                       National 89.7%, D8-10
96%.                                           across the curriculum.
                       93.4%                                                       Focus on practical

Co-Curricular Activity Goal 1
To increase the numbers participating in school sports teams

Annual Target           Historical             Process                 Measures        Discussion
for 2018                Position

To increase             In 2017, 42% of        Sport Office to:        Participation   To further
student                 students                                       rates.          promote
                                               ∙   Promote sports
participation in        represented the                                                teacher
                                                   throughout the
sport by 2-4%           school in sport                                                participation
from 2017.              (39% female and                                                in sport. In
                                               ∙   Promote ‘non-
                        45% male).                                                     2017 a small
                                                   school sports’                      percentage of
To increase staff                                                                      22% of
                                               ∙   Introduce 1 new
involvement to                                                                         teachers
                                                   lunchtime or
35% of teachers                                                                        were
                                                   after school
and 30% of                                                                             involved in
                                                   activity per term
support staff                                                                          supporting
                                                   to increase
involved with                                                                          sport and
                                                   participation in
sport.                                                                                 24% support
                                                   targeted codes.
                                                   To be run by the                    staff also
                                                   sport prefects                      involved.
                                               ∙   Introduce a
                                                   Football 7v7
                                                   competition into
                                                   the school and
                                                   funding for this
                                               ∙   Utilize Harbour
                                                   Sport’s resources
                                                   and suggestions
                                                   to LBC’s sport

Co-curricular Activity Goal 2
To hold public performances in the performing arts – Drama, Dance and Music

 Subject Areas    2018                Process             Measures        Discussion
 Multi-           Major Musical       HODs to                             All performances are multi-
 Disciplinary                         promote. Plan                       disciplinary.
 Performances     Multi-Cultural      and run             Participation
 incorporating    Show.               auditions,          rates and       College Technical crew to be
 all of DRAMA,                        rehearsals and      achievements.   organised and booked.
                  Arts Awards                                             Equipment updated.
 DANCE, MUSIC.                        meetings.
                                      Arts Prefects
                  Junior Showcase
                                      involved in
                  Talent Quest        planning and
                                      HOD to
 DRAMA            To have 5 public                     Participation      Theatre sports club also
                  performances                         rates and          workshop every Friday
                  including Class                      achievements.      afternoon after school.
                                      activities such
                                      as Sheilah Winn.                    College Technical crew to be
                  Sheilah Winn
                                      Plan and run                        organised and booked.
                  regionals and
                                      auditions,                          Equipment updated
                                      rehearsals and
                                      meetings. Enter
                                      and organise
                                      including Class

                                      HOD to promote
 DANCE            To have 2 public                   Participation        College Technical crew to be
                  performances in                    rates and            organised and booked.
                  Dance.                             achievements.        Equipment updated
                  After School        Plan and run
                  Dance – Hip Hop     auditions,
                  and                 rehearsals and
                  Contemporary/       meetings. Plan
                  Jazz on Tuesdays.   the programme
                  There will be a     and format of
                  Mega Crew on        the evenings.
                  Fridays. - could    Laisse with staff
                  compete in the      for support.
                  Mega Schools
                  competition on
                  20th April. There
                  is possibly also

going to be a
                     ballet troupe to
                     take place at
                     lunch times
                                        HOD to promote
 MUSIC               To have 150                       Participation         Assembly performances
                     students                          rates and             depend on amount of
                     involved in                       achievements.         assemblies and needs of the
                     itinerant Music.   Laisse with staff                    TIC assembly.
                     3-4 Assembly       re. assemblies                       College Technical crew to be
                     performances       Hire staff,                          organised and booked.
                     per term.          organise, plan                       Equipment updated
                     7 Concerts         and run
                     including KBB,     itinerant
                     Retirement         programme.
                     Village, Baptist   Plan and
                     Church, Best of    organise
                     the Best, Autumn   concerts both in
                     Concert.           college and
                     Also Band          outside.
                     Camps, Junior      Enter and
                     APOPS Discovery    organise
                     Concert and Jazz   students for
                     and Concert        competitions

Co-curricular Activity Goal 3
To increase participation in cultural activities (e.g. Polyfest) to promote esteem and identity, with
affirmation of the multicultural school identity

 Annual Target for        Historical Position     Process                 Measures         Discussion

 To have groups enter Kapa haka perform           To develop support      Participation    From 2018
 cultural events and  annually.                   from within the         rates and        further
 move towards gaining                             relevant communities awards won.         development
 awards.                                          to support staff in the                  of student
                                                  on-going                                 leadership
                                                  development of                           within the
                                                  cultural groups.                         groups should
                                                                                           be developed.

Sustainability Goal 1 (Still to be completed/developed)

  Annual Target for      Historical Position     Process                Measures         Discussion
  To maintain and

Year 10 Achievement Challenge Targets for Writing, Reading and Mathematics

                          Long Bay College Y10 Achievement Challenges

   Students competently        2016                                          Target Student &
                                       Target 2017 Target 2018 Target 2019
 Curriculum Level 5 or above   LBC                                           2020     % Shift

 Y10 Writing Target            46.1%     53.0%        60.4%         67.8%    75.1%     29%

      Student Number (245)     113        130           148          166      184       71

 Y10 Reading Target            66.2%      70.8        75.5%         80.5%    85.2%     19%

      Student Number (257)     170        182           194          207      219       49

 Y10 Maths Target              45.1%     52.7%        60.3%         71.0%    75.2%    30.1%

      Student Number (262)     118        138           158          178      197       79

   1. By the end of 2020: 75% of year 10 students to competently operate at Curriculum Level 5, ready
       to move onto Curriculum Level 6 in Writing. A shift of 71 students.
   2. By the end of 2020: 85% of year 10 students to operate competently at Curriculum Level 5, ready
       to move onto Curriculum Level 6 in Reading. A shift of 49 students.
   3. By the end of 2020: 75% of year 10 students to competently operate at Curriculum Level 5, ready
       to move onto Curriculum Level 6 in Maths. A Shift of 79 students.

NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3

Grade Quality:

In line with the Long Bay College Annual Plan, the aim is to improve participation based

endorsements to match or exceed National Averages for Decile 8-10 Co-Ed Schools.

Based on the results there are 3 key focus areas:

    1. To raise overall, Roll Based achievement in NCEA Level 3 from 80.9% to 85% by 2020 and a shift
       of 12 students.
    2. Improve L1 Merit Endorsement Rates by 10.8% and a shift of 37 students
    3. Improve L3 Merit Endorsements by 4% and a shift of 12 students.

                 Long Bay College NCEA Achievement and Endorsement Targets

                               2016                                         Target Student &
                                      Target 2017 Target 2018 Target 2019
NCEA Endorsement Quality       LBC                                           2020    % Shift

Level 1 Merit Endorsement 30.1%          32.6%      35.3%         38.2%     40.9%     10.8%

     Student Numbers (340)     102        111         120          130       139        37

         Level 3 Attainment 80.9%        82.2%      83.1%         84.0%     85.0%      4.1%

     Student Numbers (320)     259        263         266          269       272        12

Level 3 Merit Endorsement 33.1%          34.1%      35.2%         36.2%     37.3%      4.2%

     Student Numbers (287)      95         98         101          104       107        12

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