School ID:2066 - Wairakei ...

Page created by Sylvia Holland
School ID:2066 - Wairakei ...
School ID:2066   Charter 2021–23


                               Treaty of Waitangi
                               Our school policies and practices
                               will provide opportunities for
                               students to learn to respect the
                               diverse ethnic nature and cultural
                               heritage of New Zealand people
                               with acknowledgment of the
                               unique place of Māori.

                               WPS is an inclusive school

                               2021 targets are to
                               increase achievement in:
                               Ֆ   Reading
                               Ֆ   Writing
                               Ֆ   Mathematics
                               Ֆ   Attendance
School ID:2066 - Wairakei ...
2021                               2022                            2023
GOAL                       1       2          3      4        1       2          3      4    1        2          3     4

                           Reinvigorating                Reinvigorate Mission, Vision and
                           Vision and Values             Values within the school                     within the

                          * Board to survey                  * POWER visual                 * POWER mission and vision
                            community about                    presentations documents        statement embedded and
                            purpose of the                     present in class and           used in every classroom
                            mission statement                  being used daily
                          * Board to consult on
                            vision statements
                          * All classrooms to
                            have POWER values
                            evident in class
                          * Complete POWER visual
                            presentations documents

                                              Develop and implement our student graduate profile

                          * Consult on graduate              * Develop formal               * All students able to
                            profile with Intermediate          profile for school             articulate profile and
                            and Kahui Ako                    * Consult with community         achievement goals
                          * Gather staff feedback            * End of year written            set from profile
                            on current profile                 reports to be based          * All written reports to
                          * Gather student voice               on profile                     be based on profile

                          Embed Digital                     Reinvigorating Vision and Values within the school

       @2020 PAUL A FARQUHAR,
                          Technologies                      through Wananga

                          * Staff to increase amount         * Staff to plan and            * Use of digital
                            of digital technologies            prepared for using digital     technologies fully
                            integrated into                    technologies in every          embedded into
                            classroom program.                 integrated concepts from       classroom practice
                          * Staff confidence                   localised curriculum
                            in using digital                 * Students assessed against
                            technologies increased.            digital technologies
                          * Staff to share knowledge           learner profile or rubric
                            of digital technologies
                            amongst themselves
                            on a regular basis

SUCCESS   Students will be future focused, empathic members of society who understand their own learning journeys and how
          they will achieve their personal goals
R         O               A           D               M         A            P

                                                 2021                               2022                            2023
GOAL                                 1       2          3      4        1       2          3       4    1       2           3   4

                                         Implement 8 People coaching model
Teaching and                        * Develop coaches across           * Increased amount              * 8 People will be
                                      the school using the               of coaches                      embedded across the
                                      8 people model                   * Regular classroom               school and teachers
Develop a deep                      * Three visits from provider         observations and                will be actively
                                    * Regular zoom meetings              feedback                        seeking improvement
and consistent                        with coaches                     * Integration of 8                in their practice
                                    * Personalised goals set             People into school
understanding of                      by every staff number              appraisal system
quality teaching
strategies that
promote and
support learning
for all students                                   Reinforce ‘POWER for Learning’               Reinvigorating Vision and
                                    Values         strategies                                   within the school through

                                    * Behaviour management             * Teachers will embed           * Power for learning
                                      strategies will be                 POWER for learning              will not be needed
                                      consistent in all                  behaviour strategies
                                      classrooms                         in classrooms and
                                    * Support offered by                 the playground
                                      POWER for Learning
                                      team will support
                                      teacher development

                   @2020 PAUL A FARQUHAR,
                                    * Regular meetings with
                                      MOE staff to support
                                      school development
                                    * Staff will follow
                                      behaviour chart

                    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

SUCCESS            Teachers will exhibit quality teacher practice meeting the needs of all students improving student achievement.
R            O               A           D                M           A             P

                                                    2021                                2022                               2023
GOAL                                 1          2          3     4         1        2          3       4       1       2          3      4

                                          Use PaCT progression framework to                        Reinvigorating Vision and Values
Assessment                                underpin learning strategies for all                     within the school through
for Learning                              students                                                 Wananga

Create positive
                                    * Teachers track                      * Teachers to use all              * Teacher to embed
outcomes for                             achievement progress               assessment data and add            tracking of achievement
                                         across the year                    progress statements to             progress and using data
students using                      *    Target students identified         reporting documents                to inform teaching
                                         by week 3 2021                     for SLT and Board
                                    *    Staff workshops on               * Target students tracked
procedures and                           tracking data.                     and progress used in
                                    *    Planned staff meeting              discussion in PLG
practices that                      *    Representation at Data
                                         Conference April 2021
reflect the depth
of NZ Curriculum

                                                      Establish professional                       Reinvigorating Vision and Values
                                     within           learning discussion groups on                the school through Wananga
                                                      student achievement

                                    * PLG set up with                     * Timeframe for PLG                 * Staff unpack teacher
                                        memorandum of                       established                        appraisal process Feb 2023
                                        understanding                     * Staff unpack teacher              * Peer observations
                                    *   Staff unpack teacher                appraisal process Feb 2022         established

                  @2020 PAUL A FARQUHAR,
                                        appraisal process Feb 2021        * Peer observations                 * PLG timetable set
                                    *   Implement teacher                   established                        and upheld
                                        appraisal process                 * PLG timetable set
                                    *   Progress tracked by                 and upheld
                                        Team leaders and SLT

                   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
                                    *   Regular reporting of
                                        data to SLT and board

SUCCESS             Current assessment data used by students and staff enables students to articulate their next learning steps and
                    learning goal
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