School of Law Undergraduate Study 2020 - - Queen Mary ...

School of Law Undergraduate Study 2020 - - Queen Mary ...
School of Law
Undergraduate Study 2020
School of Law Undergraduate Study 2020 - - Queen Mary ...

School of Law Undergraduate Study 2020 - - Queen Mary ...
Welcome to Queen Mary University of London    5
Why Law? Why London?                          6
Why Queen Mary?                               8
Our degrees                                  12
  • Law                                      12
  • Global Law                               14
  • English and European Law                 16
  • Law and Politics                         17
  • Law with History                         18
  • Law: Senior Status                       19
  • English and French Law                   20
  • Law with Business                        21
Entry requirements                           25
Our staff                                    26
Our alumni                                   28
Our school                                   31
Training route to become
a qualified lawyer                           40
Our university                               46
Students’ guide to the East End              48
Next steps                                   50

School of Law Undergraduate Study 2020 - - Queen Mary ...

School of Law Undergraduate Study 2020 - - Queen Mary ...
[number] Title          Here at the School of Law we are committed
[number] Title          to ensuring your time at university is exciting,
[number] Title          challenging and fulfilling. Our departmental
[number] Title          student societies, our globally informed public
[number] Title          events, our Graduate Student Advisers, the Legal
[number] Title          Advice Centre, and our supportive teaching
[number] Title          environment are just some of the ways we hope
                        to involve you in the life of the School.

                        We seek to offer our students       of the world’s most pressing
                        the strongest possible start        legal, social and political
                        to their professional lives by      questions, and to actively
                        using established links with        engaging their research to
                        law firms, NGOs, government         improve the lives of those
                        advisers, commerce, charities       who suffer systematic human
                        and industry. Our aim is to         rights violations, state violence,
Professor Penny Green   give you a solid foundation,        discrimination and oppression.
Head of Department,     both academically with your         Many of our staff have been
School of Law
                        taught degree and on an extra-      involved with high profile
                        curricular level through offering   organisations such as Amnesty
                        work experience, networking         International, Médecins Sans
                        and public engagement               Frontières, the United Nations,
                        opportunities, and excellent        the International Court of
                        careers advice amongst many         Justice, and the European
                        other unique possibilities.         Commission.
                        Our active student body is one      I hope that you find the
                        of our greatest assets; you will    information in this brochure
                        find out more about it and how      a useful starting point for
                        you can get involved in the         exploring a degree with us.
                        following pages. We offer a wide    Please do not hesitate to
                        range of opportunities for you to   contact our Admissions Team
                        secure internships both abroad      if you require any further
                        and in the UK and a number of       information.
                        our undergraduate prizes are
                                                            I look forward to meeting you,
                        sponsored by top law firms such
                                                            and hope that you will join us
                        as Dentons.
                                                            at the School in the near future.
                        Our academic staff are
                                                            Professor Penny Green
                        global leaders in their fields -
                                                            Head of Department,
                        committed to understanding
                                                            School of Law
                        and providing answers to some

School of Law Undergraduate Study 2020 - - Queen Mary ...
Why Law?
Why London?

Why Law?                                         Why London?
A degree in law is highly regarded by            As the capital of the UK, London provides
employers of all kinds. Not only does it         a huge number of opportunities for law
prepare you for a career in law, if that is      students to become part of the legal
what you desire, but it also requires you to     world during their studies. With some of
consider the social, political, and economic     the most famous law firms and chambers
significance of issues beyond the subject.       based here, there are endless networking
This equips you with a wide range of             opportunities. London provides a great
abilities suitable to almost any job, such as:   professional platform for our students to
• strong verbal and written                     gain practical experience and contacts
   communication skills                          before they graduate.
• analytical and critical reasoning skills       We work closely with many City law firms
• lateral thinking and problem solving           through academic connections, the student
• attention to detail                            societies, and our Legal Advice Centre.
• independent thinking                 
• research skills

It is easy to underestimate the value of
transferrable skills. However, they are
important to employers, and a degree in
law will provide you with the opportunity        Law affects every area of life, be it
to develop yours in many areas, such as          medical, international, geopolitical
mooting, presenting, essay writing, reading      or family. A degree in law is a unique
and understanding legal documents; as            opportunity to delve into all the
well as partaking in group discussions           complex yet interesting problems
and interpreting information provided in         with which the law engages.
                                                 Yumna, LLB Law

School of Law Undergraduate Study 2020 - - Queen Mary ...
The Queens’ Building, Mile End, so called
because it has a proud association with
not one, but four Queens: Queen Victoria,
Queen Mary (wife of King George V),
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother
and our Patron, Queen Elizabeth II

School of Law Undergraduate Study 2020 - - Queen Mary ...
Why Queen Mary?
                                                Situated in the East of London,
                                                     Queen Mary University
The Mile End Campus is just 15 minutes from         highlights London’s rich
the centre of the City, where you will find       legacy of multiculturalism,
numerous legal landmarks including the          creating a unique and diverse
Royal Courts of Justice. We are also walking       environment for students
distance or a short bus ride away from many             to study within.
points of interest in the vibrant East End,            Zainab, LLB Law
such as the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.               with Business
Our students’ guide to the best places to
go can be found on page 48-49.

At the School of Law, we are consistently
striving to make your learning, social,

and professional experiences with us
enjoyable and fulfilling. From day one of
Welcome Week, we hope to invest in your

development. We are also privileged to
attract students who are keen to be involved
in the life of the School. Queen Mary is a

lively and welcoming community; we have
one of the largest self-contained residential
campuses in London, and many of our
students comment on how friendly the                The Russell Group comprises 24
campus environment is, even within a                 leading UK universities which
bustling city.                                      represent the best research, an

                                                   outstanding teaching and learning
                                                  experience, and unrivalled links with
                                                     business and the public sector

            We have students from over
           80 different countries studying
            with us at the School of Law

School of Law Undergraduate Study 2020 - - Queen Mary ...
As an international student coming to
      live in London for the first time, Queen
         Mary seemed like the right choice.
     Queen Mary was my first choice as it is a
    campus university within a vibrant city, its
    reputation both as an outstanding School
     of Law and as a Russell Group university,
       as well as its welcoming environment
                and cultural diversity.
                Panpailin, LLB Law

                                             One of the biggest advantages of studying
                                            in London is greater access to top shelf law
                                         firms, barristers’ chambers and research centres.
                                        As a law student, it quickly becomes apparent that
                                      practical work experience is very important in deciding

Y                                    on and pursuing a career path. Living in London enables
                                      you to easily attend lectures, events and open days to
                                       meet lawyers and other professionals working in the
                                         industry. Being active in the legal community has
                                         helped to refine my networking skills and expose
                                          me to various opportunities that have enhanced

              Top                               my overall educational experience.

                                                    Zinat, LLB Senior Status

              Law Schools
              in the world
             (QS World University
               Rankings 2019)

School of Law Undergraduate Study 2020 - - Queen Mary ...
George Hinde Moot - where participants
are expected to present and defend legal
arguments under court room conditions

Our degrees
                                                           I was successful in being one of the
                                                           first five students to attain a place
                                                           on the Law in Practice Programme
                                                           where I would spend 8 months in
                                                           three different departments at Reed
                                                           Smith a top global law firm with 27
                                                           offices throughout the United States,
                                                           Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
                                                           Saleh, LLB Law in Practice

Law                                                        Year 3
                                                           • Jurisprudence and Legal Theory (30)
M100 LLB (three years)
                                                             lus optional modules (combination
The LLB Law is our traditional law course.                  of full or halves, totalling 90 credits)
It includes all the core subjects required
to satisfy the Bar Council and Law Society                 Once students are enrolled at the end of
requirements.                                              their first year of study, all LLB students on
                                                           any programme are invited to apply for one
The course structure is as follows:                        of five places available on the following:
Year 1                                                     • L LB Law in Practice (with paid internship
• Public Law (30)                                            at leading US law firm Reed Smith)
• Contract Law I: Formation and                             M130 LLB (four years)
   Vitiation (15)                                          The Law in Practice programme gives
• Contract Law II: Terms Breach                           you the chance to learn first-hand what it
   and Remedies (15)                                       is like to work in a law firm and to better
• Land Law (30)                                            understand this type of business and career
                                                           path before you complete your degree.
• Law in Context - Semester A (15)                         The placement year will provide you with
• European Union Law - Semester B (15)                     exceptional career benefits.

Year 2                                                     Students who gain a place on Law in
• Tort Law (30)                                            Practice take the first two years at Queen
                                                           Mary, and complete the final year back with
• Equity and Trusts (30)
                                                           us after a year out to complete the year in
• Criminal Law (30)                                        industry. This programme therefore adds an
• plus optional modules (one full                        additional year to the traditional LLB and is
  or two half modules) (30)                                four years in length.

                               *students on a Tier 4 visa who extend the length of their programme due to the Year in Practice option
12                     should seek guidance from the Advice and Counselling Service about how to extend their visa
Solicitors Qualifying                          firm for their practical experience, and we
Examination (SQE)                              are really pleased with the results. It is fair
                                               to say that the internal feedback from the
From September 2020 a new process of
                                               business exceeded our expectations. The
qualifying as a solicitor will come in to
                                               students have all impressed the business
place (Solicitors Qualifying
                                               enormously with their professionalism,
Examination). The Law Department
                                               high quality work and positive attitudes –
is committed to ensure that our
                                               which in turn has resulted in the students
students continue to be equipped with
                                               being given stretching work at which they
the experience and skills required to
                                               have excelled. Given the SRA’s changes in
undertake the SQE and any other post
                                               the route to solicitor qualification in the
LLB bar qualification internationally.
                                               UK, this innovative model of Queen Mary,
                                               blending practical experience into a degree,
                                               is one which we expect will become more
Successful candidates on the LLB Senior        prevalent.
Status must be prepared to switch from
a two year to a four year programme.           We are delighted with how this programme
Successful candidates on a joint honours       has progressed and look forward to working
degree must be prepared to become a            with Queen Mary on the placement for years
full time Law student from the beginning       to come.”
of their second year of study. Successful      Chloe Muir, Graduate Recruitment
candidates on LLB Global Law and LLB           Advisor, Reed Smith
English and European Law will need to
choose whether they wish to study a year
abroad or accept the Law in Practice offer.
“Reed Smith has enjoyed working very
closely with Queen Mary for a number of
years; both on recruiting students for our
vacation schemes and for training contracts.
In addition, we have found Queen Mary’s
Law School always to be very forward
thinking and open to our suggestions of
innovative programmes, which we have
then collaborated to create and deliver.
A prime example of this is the LLB Law in      Studying Law changes the way
Practice degree which we launched in 2015,     you think and approach problem
a degree unique amongst other Russell          solving. The range of module
Group universities. The new degree gives       choices and unique opportunities
students an opportunity, during their          for practical learning makes you
Queen Mary LLB degree, to build practical      extremely appealing to a variety
skills with a ‘year in industry’, working at   of employers.
the London offices of our global firm. In
                                               Daniela, LLB Law
October 2016 we welcomed our first cohort
of students on the new degree into the

Our degrees
                                                  I had the fantastic opportunity
                                                  to go to Singapore for my year
                                                  abroad experience. The first
                                                  thing I noticed is the modernity
                                                  of the city, but with a rich mix of
                                                  historical cultures.

                                                  Isabelle, LLB Global Law

Global Law                                        •C
                                                    hina - Renmin University of China,
                                                   Law School (Beijing)
M105 LLB (four years)
                                                    ong Kong - University of Hong Kong,
This LLB follows the same programme                Faculty of Law
structure as M100, but you will spend your        • I ndia - Jindal Global Law School (National
third year abroad.                                  Capital Region of Delhi) in semester
                                                    one, and National Law School of India
With law firms all over the world expanding         University (Bangalore) in semester two
on an international scale, the LLB in Global
Law gives selected students the opportunity       • Japan - Kobe University Faculty of Law
to expand their legal portfolio beyond the        •N
                                                    ew Zealand - University of Auckland
UK. This programme encompasses an ever             Faculty of Law
expanding selection of partner institutions
                                                    ingapore - National University
and will allow you to experience a different
                                                   of Singapore Law School
country, study law in a different jurisdiction,
and add invaluable assets to your CV.             •U
                                                    SA - University of Texas School of Law
Current Partner Institutions:
• Argentina - Torcuato Di Tella University       *These institutions teach in the native
   (Buenos Aires)*                                language. Therefore only students who are
                                                  competent in the Spanish language will be
• Australia - University of Queensland            eligible for Torcuato Di Tella University, or
• Brazil - University of São Paulo Faculty       Portuguese language for University of São
   of Law*                                        Paulo will be eligible.
• Canada - Osgoode Hall Law School               Learn more about our partner institutions:
   at York University (Toronto)         
• China - East China University of Political     courses/m105-llb-global-law
   Science and Law (Shanghai)

Student               Such courses have exposed me to new
                          Experience            legal areas, have instilled new skills in me
                          Hong Kong is          and will undoubtedly constitute excellent
                          a vibrant and         talking points at interviews. As my grades
                          unique city of East   at HKU do not count towards my degree,
                          meets West with       I view this year abroad as an opportunity
                          fascinating history   to focus on learning more about myself,
                          and politics and      the law and the legal practice stress-free,
with a jaw-dropping skyline combining           to enjoy studying as well as to seek to
skyscrapers, temples and – to the surprise      achieve high grades that will add to my
of many – nature! Ideally located on the        employability without pressure. I believe
tip of China and close to many other Asian      that this break from stress will help me
countries, it is one of the world’s most        perform better in my last year back at
important and most promising financial          Queen Mary.
centres to which international law firms
                                                During my last month in Hong Kong, I will
keep on migrating. Due to its location, it is
                                                be undertaking a vacation scheme with DLA
also ideal (and cheap!) for travelling around
                                                Piper. It is because of Queen Mary’s year
Asia. Its main university, the University of
                                                abroad programme that I secured it as I did
Hong Kong (HKU), is one of the world’s
                                                not apply through the standard application
best universities. The truth is that one of
                                                route but was invited to interview based on
the reasons why I chose to study at Queen
                                                my performance at a student competition
Mary more than three years ago was that
                                                amongst Hong Kong universities. Upon
it offers students the opportunity to spend
                                                completion of my vacation scheme, I will
a year in this amazing city studying in this
                                                be interviewed for a training contract and
renowned institution. Having already spent
                                                might therefore finish my third year having
ten months in Hong Kong, I confirm that all
                                                obtained one. Had Queen Mary not offered
the above is true and that my drive to have
                                                me this year abroad programme, apart
a successful international legal career and
                                                from missing out on all the knowledge,
my fascination to see the world could not
                                                experience and skills that I would have
have been better catered for.
                                                gained through the vacation scheme, I
At HKU I have studied international law         would have also missed this amazing
and English law (Hong Kong was a British        opportunity to be interviewed for a training
colony until 1997 and its law is essentially    contract that could kick-start my career and
English law). Courses on Chinese law and        take away considerable stress and pressure
language are also offered, both of which        from my last year back at Queen Mary.
are becoming increasingly valuable for
                                                Anna Maria, LLB Global Law
lawyers. Many HKU courses, like ADR,
negotiation and animal law, are practical
or quite niche and are not typically offered
by UK universities at undergraduate level.

Our degrees
                                             Last year I was an exchange
                                             student at the University of
                                             Copenhagen in Denmark.
                                             It was a truly amazing experience
                                             – academically challenging
                                             and culturally enriching.
                                             Maria, LLB English
                                             and European Law

English and European Law                     Our current agreements are with the
                                             following institutions:
M120 LLB (four years)
                                             Tuition in English:
This LLB follows the same programme          • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
structure as the traditional three year      • University of Copenhagen, Denmark
course, with the exception that you will     • Stockholm University, Sweden
spend your third year abroad in an EU
country. This will enable you to gain        • Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece
knowledge and understanding of at            • Università di Bologna, Italy
least one other EU legal system; you will    • Bocconi University Milan, Italy
complete the final year of the LLB in your   • Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands
fourth year.
                                             • Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands
Fluency is important if you are planning     Tuition in native language:
to live abroad. If you want to study in a    • Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II), France
different language then you should be
prepared to attend some language classes     •U niversité Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I),
here during your first two years.              France
                                             • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
                                             •U niversidad Complutense de Madrid,

                                             *Please note that due to the spirit of
                                             Erasmus, the placement abroad should
                                             not be in a country where a student has
                                             previously resided

Law and Politics                              Year 2
                                              • Criminal Law (30)
ML13 LLB (three years)
                                              • Land Law (30)
This is a joint honours degree, aimed at      • Law of the EU – semester B (15)
those who wish to pursue a career in which    • SPIR optional modules (45)
knowledge of both the legal and
governmental systems is of major              Year 3
importance, and should appeal especially      • Equity and Trusts (30)
to those wishing to study public policy in    • Tort Law (30)
its legal context. For anybody considering
                                              • 3 0 credits of Law modules and
a career in either law or an alternative
                                                30 credits of SPIR modules
sector, Law and Politics graduates are very
employable. Students will study in both the
School of Law and the School of Politics
and International Relations (SPIR).

Year 1
• Public Law (30)
• Contract Law I: Formation
   and Vitiation (15)                         Studying law and politics together
• Contract Law II: Terms Breach              means that I better understand
   and Remedies (15)                          the political beliefs that underlie
• Thinking Politically: Introduction to      the decisions of Parliament. This
   Concepts, Theories and Ideologies (30)     is key as it is Parliament, and not
                                              judges, that create supreme law.
• Law in Context – semester A (15)
• Background to British Politics OR Global   Yasmin, LLB Law and Politics
   Histories – semester B (15)

Optional Law Modules
                                                  • Commercial and Consumer Law
                                                  • Company Law
The Senior Status LLB has
provided me with diverse                          • Comparative Law: Asian and African
opportunities in the classroom                       Legal Systems
and in the larger legal                           • Competition Law
community. It is the perfect                      • Criminology
programme for me as I already                     • Cultural Diversity and the Law
held a degree in Criminology
                                                  • Democracy and Justice
and Legal Studies.
                                                  • Dissertation
Jamie, LLB Senior Status
                                                  • Family Law
                                                  • Intellectual Property Law
                                                  • International Commercial Transactions
Law: Senior Status
                                                  • International Environmental Law
M101 LLB (two years)
                                                  • Jurisprudence
The Senior Status is a qualifying law degree      • Law, Justice and Ethics
suitable for non-law graduates. It is an          • Law and Literature: Justice in Crisis
accelerated version of the traditional three-        (half)
year route and is popular with students           • Law and Literature: The Foundation
considering a career in law or with an               of Law (half)
academic interest in the subject.
                                                  • Law and Medical Ethics
Year 1                                            • Law Modernity and the Holocaust
• Public Law (30)                                 • Law of Evidence
• Criminal Law (30)                               • Legal Theory
• Contract Law I: Formation and Vitiation (15)   • Media Law
• Contract Law II: Terms Breach                  • Medical Negligence
   and Remedies (15)
                                                  • Practice of Law in a Clinical
• Land Law (30)                                      Environment
• European Union Law (15)                         • Public International Law
Year 2                                            • Revenue Law
• Tort Law (30)                                   • United Kingdom Human Rights Law
• Equity and Trusts (30)
                                                  Please note that this is not an exhaustive
• Optional modules (combination of full/         list and availability is subject to change.
   half totalling 75 credits)                     You can find out more about the content
                                                  and assessment of our modules on
                                                  the website:

Our degrees
                                              This degree is an incredible
                                              opportunity to study at two of the
                                              most prestigious Law schools in both
                                              the UK and France and obtain two
                                              qualifying law degrees plus a master.
                                              It’s almost unbelievable!
                                              Gines, LLB English and French Law

English and French Law                        Year 2 at Queen Mary
                                              • Tort Law
M106 Double Degree (4 years)                  • Equity and Trusts
                                              • Criminal Law
The Double Degree in English and French
                                              • Introduction au Droit Public Français
Law between the Law Department at Queen
                                              • Introduction au Droit Prive Français
Mary University of London and the School
of Law at Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne           Year 3 at Paris 1
University provides a unique opportunity      • Droit civil 1
for students to acquire a bilingual and a     • Droit des sociétés 1
double legal culture, which will enable       • Droit administrative 1
them to qualify in legal practice in both     • Droit constitutionnel 1
France and England and Wales.                 • Droit international public
                                              • Droit pénal général
This is a four-year course with the first two • Droit civil 2
years taking place in London at Queen Mary • Droit administrative 2
and the last two years taking place at Paris  • Droit des sociétés 2
1. Students will study for a LLB degree at    • Droit constitutionnel 2
Queen Mary and a Bachelor and Master 1        • Droit des libertés fondamentales
degree at Paris 1.                            • Droit de la famille
Year 1 at Queen Mary                          Year 4 at Paris 1
• Public Law                                  • Droit international prive 1
• Contract Law I: Formation and Vitiation     • Droit général de l’obligation
• Contract Law II: Terms Breach              • Droit international prive 2
   and Remedies                               • Contrats spéciaux
• Land Law                                    • Jurisprudence and Legal theory
• Law in Context                              • + 6 optional modules
• Law of the European Union

Law with Business                                •C ontemporary Legal Issues
                                                   in Business Management (15)
M1N1 LLB (three years)
                                                 • Elective SBM module (15)
The LLB Law with Business is designed for
students who aim for a career in law with an     Year 2
interest in business and management and          • Land Law (30)
wish to have a substantive understanding         • Tort Law (30)
of how law functions and interacts with the      • Criminal Law (30)
business world. This joint honours degree        • Elective SBM modules (30)
is essential for students looking for a career
straddling both the legal and business           Year 3
spheres, as it provides essential preparation    • Equity and Trusts (30)
and understanding of how law works in and        • Elective Law modules (45)
affects the corporate world. Students will
                                                 • Elective SBM modules (45)
study in both the School of Law and the
School of Business and Management (SBM).

Year 1
• Public Law (30)
• Contract Law I: Formation and Vitiation (15)   The Law with Business LLB
• Contract Law II: Terms Breach                 extends a great balance between
   and Remedies (15)                             Business and Law. This joint
• European Union Law (15)                        honours degree would serve as
                                                 a great opportunity for students,
• Contemporary Issues in Law
                                                 especially those aspiring to work
   and Business (15)
                                                 in the corporate field.
                                                 Zainab, LLB Law with Business

Our degrees
What to expect                                  the facts. You won’t be expected to turn up
A lot of our applicants want to know what       knowing everything!
to expect when they join the university. We
have compiled sample timetables on the
                                                Course structure
following few pages and one or two other        You will have six core modules in the first
useful pieces of information that we hope       year each of these will consist of two hours
will help.                                      of lectures and a one hour tutorial per
                                                week. Tutorial classes are held in small
Before committing yourself to work              groups of up to 12 students.
placements or buying books – we suggest
waiting until you have your final timetable     We have mixed methods of assessment
and are fully enrolled so that you have all     including written exams, oral presentations,
                                                mid-term essays and coursework.

Sample timetables
Timetable for LLB Law (M100) Semester A; the other three and four year programmes
are similar.
                    Monday        Tuesday       Wednesday       Thursday         Friday
  10am                         Law in Context
  11am       Contract Law I:   Public Law                                     Public Law
             Formation and     Lecture                                        Tutorial
  12pm       Land Law                                         Law in          Land Law
             Tutorial                                         Context         Lecture
   1pm                         Public Law
   3pm                                                                        Land Law
   4pm                                                        Contract Law
   5pm       Law in                                           I: Formation
             Context                                          and Vitiation
             Lecture                                          Lecture


Timetable for LLB Senior Status (M101) Semester A

             Monday          Tuesday       Wednesday        Thursday            Friday
 10am                     Law in Context
 11am     Contract Law II: Public Law                                       Public Law
          Terms Breach     Lecture                                          Tutorial
          and Remedies
 12pm     Land Law                                       Law in             Land Law
          Tutorial                                       Context            Lecture
  1pm                     Public Law                                        Criminal Law
                          Lecture                                           Tutorial
  3pm     Criminal Law                                                      Land Law
          Lecture                                                           Lecture
  4pm                                                    Contract Law II:
  5pm     Law in                                         Terms Breach
          Context                                        and Remedies
          Lecture                                        Lecture


Please note that these are sample timetables only, based on the previous academic year.
Tutorial and Lecture times will vary depending on the groups you are assigned.

Our degrees
Working during your studies                     Entry requirements
Some students decide to work during             Entry to the School of Law is highly
their degree. We would suggest trying at        competitive; as a result we look at your
least the first few weeks without a job, so     application as a whole. Academic entry
that you have a good understanding of           requirements are a good basis for a law
the workload involved in your studies. A        degree, but applications are also assessed
part-time job is not impossible, but don’t      on your personal statement and reference.
forget you will have a lot of reading to do.    We never guarantee an offer before one of
We expect you to be available between 9am       our selectors has reviewed your application
and 6pm during weekdays for timetabling,        as a whole, and it has been checked by the
but we make sure to keep your Wednesday         Admissions Office. If you have any queries
afternoons free as universities have a          about the application process or your
tradition of taking part in sports at that      academic suitability then please contact us.
time. You should be doing around 40 hours
a week study, including your contact hours.     Please note, interviews are conducted for
                                                the English and French Law LLB (M106). If
Reading lists                                   you are shortlisted, you’ll be invited to attend
                                                an interview. Interviews will be conducted in
A full and up-to-date reading list will be
                                                both French and English. You’ll be assessed
given to you by your academics once you
                                                on your motivation, academic level and
start on the course, and for the speedy
                                                linguistic capacity.
ones copies are available from the library.
You aren’t expected to start work over
the summer, but if you wish to do a little
reading, we suggest:

A. Le Sueur, M. Sunkin, J. Murkens, Public
Law: Text, Cases and Materials (Oxford
University Press, 2010)
W. Wilson, Criminal Law: Doctrine and
Theory, (4th ed., Pearson Education Ltd,
N. Jackson, J. Stevens, R. Pearce, Land Law,
(4th ed., Sweet & Maxwell Textbook Series,
A. Burrows, J. Cartwright, Anson’s Law of
Contract, (29th ed., Oxford University Press,

Our entry requirements
This information is correct at the time of printing, however please check our website for the
most up-to-date information. The requirements below are standard offers; we reserve the right
to adjust the requirements up or down, depending on the overall strength of your application.

 GCE A levels     Grade requirements: LLB Law, LLB Law with Business, LLB Global Law and LLB
                  English and European Law: A*AA, Double Degree in English and French Law: A*AA
                  including French, LLB Law and Politics: AAA, LLB Law with History: AAA including
                  Additional information: AS-levels are not included in our offers. Vocational
                  and applied A-levels are reviewed on a case-by-case basis; we would prefer you
                  to have three traditional academic subjects.
                  Excluded subjects: General Studies, Critical Thinking, Key Skills.
 International    Grade requirements: 36 overall with 666 in Higher Level subjects. History at
 Baccalaureate    Higher Level required for LLB Law with History. French at Higher Level required
                  for LLB English and French Law.
 BTEC National    Acceptable only when combined with other qualifications.
 Certificate      Grade requirements: Overall Double Award D*D.
 (12 units)
 BTEC             Acceptable on its own and combined with other qualifications.
 National         Grade requirements: D*DD overall including DDDD in four externally assessed
 Diploma          units. Please note: BTEC students are expected to show the ability to achieve
 (18 units)       well in exams, typically we are looking for a very strong GCSE profile to demon-
                  strate this.
 Access to        Grade requirements: Minimum of 60 credits overall, with at least 45 level 3
 HE Diploma       credits at Distinction.
                  Additional information: We will hold all Access applications until the 15
                  January UCAS deadline. We will then conduct a shortlisting and may decide to
                  interview before making offers to successful candidates. We will often request
                  further references, grade profiles or other information from yourself or referee.
 European         Grade requirements: 85 per cent.
 Welsh            The Welsh Baccalaureate is currently not included in our offers as an
 Baccalaureate    independent qualification in place of A levels.
 International A full list of EU and overseas entry requirements can be found on our website,
 and other      For further details, please visit:
 qualifications If your qualification is not referred to, please contact
 LLB Senior       Grade requirements: A minimum 2:1 honours degree or equivalent.
 Status –         Additional information: There is no set subject requirement. However,
 2-year LLB       as with A-levels, traditional academic subjects are preferred.
 for graduates

Our staff
                         Professor               analyse and disseminate research-based
                         Penny Green             knowledge about criminal state practices
                                                 and resistance to them. ISCI is based
                       Penny Green is
                                                 at Queen Mary and partnered with the
                       Professor of Law
                                                 Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Ulster
                       and Globalisation
                                                 University and the University of New South
                       at Queen Mary
                                                 Wales (UNSW).
                       University of
London, and is the Head of the Law               Professor Green’s most recent projects
Department. She joined Queen Mary                include a comparative study of civil society
University of London in September 2014           resistance to state crime in Turkey, Tunisia,
following seven years as Professor of Law        Colombia, Papua New Guinea, Kenya and
and Criminology at King’s College London.        Myanmar; Myanmar’s genocide against
She studied Psychology, Anthropology             its Muslim ethnic Rohingya population;
and Sociology at the Australian National         and forced evictions in Palestine/Israel.
University before undertaking graduate           Her seminal work, with ISCI colleagues,
studies and a doctorate in Criminology at        on the Rohingya genocide (Countdown
the University of Cambridge.                     to Annihilation: Genocide in Myanmar
                                                 2015; and Genocide Achieved, Genocide
Professor Green has published extensively
                                                 Continues: Myanmar’s Annihilation Of The
on state crime theory (including her
                                                 Rohingya 2018) has drawn widespread
monograph with Tony Ward, State Crime:
                                                 global attention.
Governments, Violence and Corruption),
state violence, Turkish criminal justice and     She has been a Distinguished Visiting
politics, ‘natural’ disasters, genocide, mass    Fellow at UNSW and Ulster University,
forced evictions, and resistance to state        and Adjunct Professor at Birzeit University.
violence. She has a long track record of         She has also held visiting fellowships
researching in hostile environments and          at the University of Melbourne, Latrobe
has conducted fieldwork in the UK, Turkey,       University, Monash University, and
Egypt, Kurdistan, Palestine/Israel, Tunisia      Bosphorus University; is a Trustee of the
and Myanmar. She has secured ~£3,000,000         People’s Palace Projects, the Democratic
of Research Council funding, including four      Progress Institute and was a Trustee of the
major grants from the Economic and Social        Howard League for Penal Reform for eight
Research Council (ESRC).                         years. She is a member of the ESRC Peer
                                                 Review College, co-editor in Chief of the
Professor Green is Founder and Director
                                                 international journal State Crime and
of the award winning International State
                                                 Editor of the Routledge State Crime
Crime Initiative (ISCI) - a multi-disciplinary
                                                 monograph series.
international initiative to collate,

Seán                    Around this core he has followed his
                        McConville              interests in various other directions,
                                                including prison and institutional
                          Seán McConville
                                                architecture and design, Islamic criminal
                          began his career
                                                law, law and poverty and research design
                          in prison (on
                                                and methodology. In 2014 he published
                                                the fourth in his multi-volume history
                          placement, it
                                                of punishment, Irish Political Prisoners,
should be said) and has made punishment
                                                1920 -1962 and (with Anna Bryson) The
and penal policy a focus of study and
                                                Routledge Guide to Interviewing. He is
teaching for the last several decades. He
                                                currently working on the fifth volume of his
has served as a litigation consultant across
                                                history of punishment, due for publication
the United States, worked for the House
                                                in early 2019. Seán has contributed to
of Commons and Council of Europe, and
                                                major British and US newspapers, is an
advised government bodies on both sides
                                                experienced broadcaster and in pamphlet
of the Atlantic. Litigation has taken him
                                                and essay form from time to time
into troubled, gang-ridden and violent
                                                contributes to policy debates.
institutions, interviewing inmates, staff and
professionals, assessing conditions and
relating what he uncovered. He has valued
and benefitted greatly from this work
beyond the world of higher education and
has fed this experience back in the form of
critical policy proposals.

An interest in the roots and consequences
of violence has drawn him to the study of
paramilitary conflict in Ireland and to the
Peace Process. This work in turn helped
to develop a more general interest in
interviewing, both as a research tool and
as a means of dealing with the past and
promoting community reconciliation.

Our alumni
                        Elaine, LLB Law College of William & Mary in the United
                        (2015 graduate) States. Through the Drapers’ network,
                                                I have gained invaluable mentorship,
                         I chose Queen
                                                international work experiences and key
                         Mary University
                                                contacts in major cities around the world.
                         of London for the
                                                Amongst others, I had the opportunity
                         campus experience
                                                to lead a Business & Human Rights
                         and the high
                                                Symposium and volunteer with a social
quality legal education that it offers, and
                                                enterprise for domestic workers in
it did not disappoint. During my three
                                                Hong Kong.
short years, I benefited from the rigorous
academic environment and the diversity          Since graduating, I have taken and passed
of the legal community. The lecturers were      the Malaysian Certificate of Legal Practice
well regarded academics in their field of       Qualifying Exam and trained as a pupil
teaching. I particularly enjoyed the small      in chambers at a boutique litigation firm in
group tutorials, where I was constantly         Kuala Lumpur. Needless to say, Queen Mary
challenged to develop independent               has provided me with the prerequisites to
legal thoughts.                                 thrive in a litigation career.
London was the first city I ever moved
to and it is an exciting one to be in. As a
Queen Mary student, I had access to many
networking and career opportunities in
the City. Outside of class, I volunteered
with a Legal Advice Centre in East London
and worked as a retail assistant at nearby
Westfield Stratford. During term breaks,
I would frequently travel around the UK
and to other cities in Europe that are easily
accessible from London.

Queen Mary has provided me with a legal
education that is global and relevant.
In my final year, I was offered the Drapers’
Scholarship to pursue my LLM at the

Hamud, LLB               Freehills LLP, a top ten UK law firm, within
                       Law (2013                their investment funds department. When
                                                I chose to return to Canada, the principles
                                                I learned from studying at Queen Mary
                          Receiving a first-    were key to helping me successfully obtain
                          class legal education my accreditation certificate, as well as
                          from internationally- complete the Bar Exam.
                          respected professors,
as well as the abundance of networking          Presently, I am undertaking my articling
opportunities drew me to pursuing my LLB        (the Canadian equivalent of a training
at Queen Mary. The law program’s small          contract) in-house at a tech company
class sizes foster a positive and engaging      in Toronto, which services a variety of
learning environment, instills camaraderie      industries across North America.
between classmates and encourages
diversity of thought.                           My story of post-graduate accomplishments
                                                is one of many from the law program’s
Located a stone’s throw away from central       alumni. Queen Mary provides the perfect
London, one of the world’s dynamic legal        platform to propel your academic and
hubs, Queen Mary has a strong network of        career aspirations. The rest is up to you.
relationships with partner organizations        Are you ready for the challenge?
and law firms. To exemplify the career
opportunities provided, I was accepted to
participate in the East London Business
Alliance’s Career Capital program, which
provided key insights into the role and
responsibilities of a city lawyer at CMS LLP.
Through the programme and personal
initiative, I secured an internship with the
legal department of Bank of America Merrill

The quality legal education imparted
by Queen Mary provided me with the
background to work at Herbert Smith

Our school
Legal Advice Centre                           Our Community Projects / Street Law
The Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre            The LAC also runs a number of community
(LAC) offers free legal advice to the local   projects which focus on public legal
community and is a big part of the Law        education;
School’s clinical legal education initiative. • I am You – a team of students design
Our law students work alongside barristers       and run a series of workshops with local
and solicitors from the City of London to        primary aged students on the principles of
advise our clients from our local community the Equality Act 2010.
on legal issues. Student lead appointments • S    PITE for Schools – engages teams of
followed by advice letters allow students        three students to design and deliver
to provide clients with an understanding of      bespoke workshops on image based
the strength of their case, the processes to     sexual abuse in local secondary schools.
be followed and the likely outcomes.
                                              •W  e collaborate with The Freedom
Our 1-2-1 client advice clinics                  Law Clinic to enable students to work
The LAC runs eleven projects throughout          on matters of criminal litigation and
the year:                                        evidence. Students look at serious
• Law in General                                 criminal convictions to determine whether
                                                 there are grounds for appeal.
• Pink Law
                                              •Z  2K – the LAC collaborates with the anti-
• Law for the Arts                               poverty charity Z2K. Students run appeals
• Immigration Law / the EU AIRE Hub              for clients who have been refused social
                                                 welfare benefits such as PIP and ESA.
• Company Law
                                                 Students draft legal submissions for the
• Criminal Justice Project                       tribunal and represent the client in the
• SPITE (revenge porn)                           oral hearing.
• Law for Forces                              Our students
• Family Law                                  Second and third year students are able to
                                              participate in the clinics and projects listed
• Creating and Helping Open Informed
                                              above. We also have many opportunities
   Choices for Everyone
                                              for first year students to be Note Takers in
• Special Educational Needs                   client appointments and to participate in
• Wills and Probate                           the LAC Legal Blog Project.

                                              All students are selected via application,
                                              and undergo an extensive training
                                              programme. Once trained, you will have the
                                              opportunity to apply your legal knowledge
                                              and skills in a practical context and move

Our school

on to engage with different projects             The module is available to second and
throughout your university career. We            third year law students and is assessed
have opportunities for over 300 students to      throughout the year with essays, client
engage with the work of the Legal Advice         case files, a simulated client interview
Centre each year.                                (which takes place at Reed Smith’s
                                                 prestigious offices near Liverpool Street)
The Legal Advice Centre Optional                 and a mini group viva. It is a unique module
Modules                                          where students undertake Problem Based
We currently run two undergraduate               Learning and develop research skills to
modules; The Practice of Law in a Clinical       ensure they are always up to date on the
Environment and Street Law.                      law throughout their future careers.
• The Practice of Law in a Clinical             • Street law is a 15 credit optional module
   Environment is an optional 30 credit          available in semester 2. Students learn
   module. The module focuses of the             about public legal education and how to
   profession of lawyering, reflection and       communicate law to different community
   legal ethics. This module offers a distinct   groups. In teams students engage in
   opportunity to develop knowledge of           three different street law activities over
   substantive law and legal procedure           the 12 weeks. The module is practical
   while working with clients and practicing     and theoretical. It is assessed through
   lawyers from some of London’s most            a reflective essay and an individual
   reputable law firms and chambers. It is       presentation.
   both academic and practical, and provides
   each student with five live clients where     Our network
   they are the advising student lawyer with     We work with over 100 solicitors from
   responsibility for the case.                  London firms such as Reed Smith, Mischon
                                                 de Reya, Bross Bennett, Simmons &

Simmons, Fieldfisher, Kingsley Napley         Our awards
and many more. We also work with the          Since its opening in 2006, the LAC has won
barristers chambers, 15 New Bridge Street     and been nominated for numerous awards;
Chambers, Coram Chambers, New Court           most notably in the Attorney General
Chambers, and 36 Bedford Row. These           Student Pro Bono Awards, winning Best
professionals work with us by supporting      New Pro Bono Project 2008 and Best Team
our client work and project work and invest   of Students 2010 In 2013 we were runners
in the development of our students.           up in the following categories:
                                              Best New Student Pro Bono Activity for our
                                              Supporting Those who Serve project and
                                              Best Contribution by a Law School. In 2014
                                              we were runners up for Best Contribution
I have been very fortunate to have worked     by a Law School. In 2015 and 2016, we were
with the LAC throughout my 3 years at         shortlisted for The Lawyer Awards Ethical
Queen Mary. Every year I have spent with      Initiative of the Year. In 2016 we won ‘Best
them, and each role I have undertaken         contribution by a team of students’ for
has taught me something new. I have           the SPITE project, and were nominated
gone from dealing with client files to now    for ‘Best new project’ for SPITE and ‘Best
managing client issues and writing letters    contribution by a law school’.
of advice. My experience as a member of       Find out more about LAC projects:
the Support Team has been invaluable
because it has prepared me for the  
practical challenges of the legal industry;
something that is difficult to achieve with
just a law degree alone.                           QMULLegalAdviceCentre
Hafsa, LLB Law

Our school

LAC module
The Practice of Law in a Clinical
Environment module offers a distinct
opportunity to develop knowledge of           The LAC module is unique; it
substantive law and legal procedure while     allows you to work in the Legal
working with clients and practicing lawyers   Advice Centre, enables exposure
from some of London’s most reputable law      to clients and real-life scenarios
firms and chambers. It is both academic       whilst being properly constructed
and practical, and provides each student      to be a student experience. It
with five live clients where they are the     provides an insight into the life
advising student lawyer with responsibility   of a solicitor and simultaneously
for the case.                                 acquire many other skills such
                                              as researching and drafting. It
The module is available to second and         is practical and helps apply the
third year law students and is assessed       law in practice. I would definitely
throughout the year with essays, client       recommend it as it is a great way
case files, a simulated client interview      to get some practical skills while
(which takes place at Reed Smith’s            still doing your degree.
prestigious offices near Liverpool Street)
and a mini group viva. It is a unique         Charis, LLB Law
module where students undertake
Problem Based Learning and develop
research skills to ensure they are always
up to date on the law throughout their
future careers.

Student societies                              Queen Mary Bar Society
Our student societies sit at heart of the      The Bar Society at Queen Mary has the
School of Law. We are very proud of            fundamental purpose of preparing Queen
the projects and events our students           Mary law students for a career as a barrister.
run and we hope you will be part of the        The purpose of the Society is to educate
continuation of this for many years to come.   students about a life at the bar, including
                                               the application process, the areas of
To read more about our societies and the       practice and the practical realities of
work they do, please visit our website:        work and finance.
student-societies/                                  QMBarSociety

Mooting                                        Queen Mary Law Society
Mooting at Queen Mary is a long                The Law Society is one of the largest
established tradition. Our students are very   societies at Queen Mary and currently has
successful in external moots, beating over     440 members. The Society offers guidance
70 other universities to win the coveted       to all students considering a career in the
Oxford University Press Moot 2014. We also     legal sector. As members of the Society,
host the annual George Hinde Moot which        students gain exposure to all possible legal
has been running for over 40 years.            careers from working for a City firm to being
                                               part of an inhouse legal team.

Queen Mary Pro Bono Society
The Queen Mary Pro Bono Society (QMPBS)
has the primary focus of increasing
access to justice and understanding of         The Law societies have helped me
the law. They seek to engage members by        develop valuable skills beyond
providing volunteering, fundraising and        the classroom, mooting has
networking opportunities. The African Solar    enable me to learn advocacy
Cooperative (ASC) was founded by students      skills that are valuable to me as
in the Pro Bono society and is an initiative   an aspiring Barrister. Through the
that provides a safe and sustainable source    QM Probono Society, I have been
of electricity through solar panels            able to secure work placement
to residents of Ghana’s largest slum.          positions at three different law
                                               firms, which has helped me
    QMPBS                                      develop and build my CV.
     @QMPBS                                    Peace, LLB Senior Status

Our school
                                             The Queen Mary Law Society provides
                                             insights into all available career paths
                                             and helps you discover the type of legal
                                             path that suits you best. It has numerous
                                             partnerships that help connect students
                                             with leading law firms, chambers, and
                                             institutions in order to enhance their
                                             career prospects.
                                             Andra, LLB English and European Law

Senior Status Society                        Equality in Leadership
Geared towards the students on the Senior    One of the newest student-led initiatives in
Status LLB programme, the Society’s aim      the department, the Equality in Leadership
is to support their members both socially    society seeks to educate the student body
and academically throughout their time       on the unique challenges women face in
at Queen Mary. They strive to provide        the pursuit of a legal career.
support to all Senior Status students
through offering advice and guidance with    Most law firms have set up some form
coursework, as well as providing career      of gender initiative to increase diversity;
events and external opportunities specific   Equality in Leadership wanted to bring that
to Senior Status students.                   to university level to help students learn
                                             about women in the legal workplace.
ELSA QMUL is the first local ELSA group
established in London. ELSA (The European
Law Students’ Association) is the world’s
largest law students’ association; it is
comprised of more than 41,000 members
across the globe including students and
recent graduates who are interested in
academic and personal excellence in
addition to their university study.



Queen Mary Commercial                       Criminal Justice Society
Awareness Society (QMCAS)                   The Criminal Justice Society deal with
QMCAS seeks to enhance the commercial       topics of interest to all students, not just
awareness skills of its members.            within the School of Law, and staff as
Commercial awareness is a vital skill       citizens, which could not form part of their
not just for lawyers, but for a wide        formal studies either because they were
range of other careers. Due to some         not studying such topics or which were
misunderstandings surrounding this skill,   not covered by the formal curriculum. We
we established QMCAS in 2014. We aim to     hold talks on a wide variety of topics with
offer students a number of resources, to    speakers including drugs law reformers,
help them gain an awareness of current      former criminals, victims and their
affairs and changes and to explore          survivors, judges, magistrates and
different consequences those may bring      many others.


                                            Being a member of a number of Law
                                            societies has provided me with several
                                            opportunities such as hosting a human
                                            rights educational workshop with Amnesty
                                            International and mooting in the Irish
                                            Criminal Courts of Justice in Dublin. These
                                            activities have shaped my university life
                                            and made it much more interesting and
                                            Panpailin, LLB Law

Our school

Careers                                         What happens after my degree?
We recognise that the majority of our           Although the qualifying law degree (QLD) is
students study law because they are             the first step in becoming a lawyer, you will
looking to enter the profession after           be required to participate in further training
graduation. As such, Queen Mary invests         after you graduate. The chart on p40 is
a lot of resources into specialised careers     designed give you an idea of what
events, such as law fairs, workshops, and       to expect.
the opportunity to network and apply for        Student support
placements through the student societies
                                                We understand that pursuing a full time
and Legal Advice Centre. A Queen Mary law
                                                academic course can be stressful, and it’s
degree is well regarded by City firms, and
                                                important to know that you can access
will give you a solid foundation for a career
                                                appropriate help from the College or
in the legal sector.
Soon after you enrol at Queen Mary, you
                                                The Student Support Team at the Queen
will meet the dedicated law adviser from
                                                Mary School of Law offers a highly
the Careers Team, who is regularly available
                                                developed network of pastoral and
throughout your studies for one-to-one
                                                academic support, specifically designed to
advice and support sessions.
                                                assist our Law students throughout their
Of course, not all of our students want to be   studies. At every stage you will receive
lawyers and there are plenty of chances to      support from our staff who are experienced
explore other career options too. You can       in helping and advising students across a
find out more about the services on offer       range of issues.
on the QM Careers website:
                                                There are a number of mental health
                                                trained staff within the School of Law. If you
                                                have a mental health condition or concern,
                                                you are strongly encouraged to contact

the Student Support Officer in the Law          They also run drop-in sessions four days
Undergraduate Office who will provide help      a week and everything discussed with
and guidance to minimise any negative           a GSA is confidential. Workshops are
impact on your studies and/or academic          well attended throughout the year and
progress. In addition, the Student Support      cover a number of study-related topics,
Officer is available to support students with   including essay writing, revision and exam
non-academic issues. They are there to          techniques.
listen, offer support and guidance to you
                                                Academic Support
throughout your studies. Alternatively you
                                                When you arrive in September you will
can access support through Queen Mary’s
                                                be assigned an academic adviser, who
confidential advice and counselling service.
                                                is there to support you throughout your
Graduate Student Advisers                       studies. They have weekly office hours
The Graduate Student Advisers (GSAs)            and are on hand to give academic advice,
are a team of friendly and experienced          discuss your work, and help you interpret
postgraduate students who are on hand           essay and exam feedback. Unlike school
to listen to your concerns and are able to      or sixth form college, you are expected
provide all students in the Law Department      to work independently at university, and
with advice on issues relating to your          some students find this transition a little
university experience. GSAs provide advice      daunting at first. Your academic adviser
on a number of study-related topics,            will be available to give you guidance and
including:                                      advice, so be sure to make the most of their
• essay / exam questions                        knowledge and expertise.
• study skills
• careers and CVs
• exam technique
• work/life balance
• time management

Training route to become
         a qualified lawyer
                             Solicitor                                         Barrister
                                               Qualifying Law degree
             Build up your knowledge and skills; decide which avenue to go down; join student societies to
Year 1

            develop useful skills; investigate shadowing, vacation schemes and work placements at smaller
                                     firms; part-time work to develop transferable skills

            Attend QM law fair; research and apply for
                                                               Attend QM law fair; apply for mini-pupillage
            vacation schemes at larger firms; research
Year 2

                                                              and shadowing opportunities; research Inns of
           and apply for training contracts; explore LPC
                                                              Court scholarships and funding; explore BPTC
            (Legal Practice Course) or SQE (Solicitors’
                                                                providers; attend National Pupillage Fair
                   Qualifying Exam) providers

                                                               Find out more about the Bar Aptitude Test;
Year 3

            Attend LPC/SQE open days; apply for LPC/
                                                                 apply for BPTC; apply for Inns of Court
           SQE; enrol with Solicitors Regulation Authority
                                                                   Scholarships; apply for Pupillages

                 LPC - OLD Route (up to 2020)                 Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC)

             This one-year training course usually takes
              place in specialised professional colleges.       The equivalent of an LPC but for aspiring
           If you have secured a training contract, many        barristers. As barristers are self-employed
              employers will pay for this and tailor your     you should look for a scholarship from one of
                       curriculum to their needs               the Inns to cover your course fees if you can
               SQE – NEW Route (from 2020)
           Solicitors Qualifying Examination 1+2
               These are two sets of exams. The SQE1
              knowledge-based and SQE2 skills-based
              exams. They must be passed in order to              In order to complete the final stage of
                        qualify as a solicitor                  qualification, you will complete a further
                                                                 year, usually broken down into two six-
              Qualifying legal work experience                 month periods known as ‘sixes’. The first is
                                                              non-practicing and the second is practicing.
           You must complete two years of qualifying legal    You will begin by observing your supervisor,
            work experience. This can be in the form of a      followed by the second six where you will
             traditional contract with a law firm or (from             manage your own caseload
          2020) through up to four placements with entities
              such as Queen Mary’s Legal Advice Centre

                                                  Qualified lawyer

You can also read