TUDOR GRANGE ACADEMY 6TH FORM - Start something different

Page created by Fernando Cole
TUDOR GRANGE ACADEMY 6TH FORM - Start something different
for entry in September 2020

           Start something different
TUDOR GRANGE ACADEMY 6TH FORM - Start something different
•   Welcome to Tudor Grange Academy Sixth Form
•   Why Choose Tudor Grange Academy
•   What Course shall I Choose
•   Post 16 Pathway
•   Enrichment
•   Supporting your progess
•   Oxbridge
•   Applied Psychology BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate
•   Art & Design A-Level
•   Biology A-Level
•   Business Studies A-Level
•   Chemistry A-Level
•   Computer Science A-Level
•   Core Mathematics AS-Level
•   Criminology Edaqus Level 3 Diploma
•   Dance A-Level
•   Digital Content Production BTEC Level 3 National Extended
•   Digital Film and Video Production BTEC Level 3 National
    Extended Certificate
•   Drama and Theatre Studies A-Level
•   English Literature A-Level
•   English Literature and Language A-Level
•   French A-Level
•   Further Mathematics A-Level
•   Geography A-Level
•   German A-Level
•   Government and Politics A-Level
•   Graphic Design A-Level
•   Health & Social Care BTEC Level 3 National Extended
•   Information Technology BTEC Level 3 National Extended
•   History A-Level
•   Mathematics A-Level
•   Media Studies A-Level
•   Music A-Level
•   Performing Arts BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate
•   Philosophy, Ethics and Religion A-Level
•   Photography A-Level
•   Physical Education A-Level
•   Physics A-Level
•   Psychology A-Level
•   Sociology A-Level
•   Spanish A-Level
•   Sport BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate
•   Travel & Toursim BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate
•   University Destinations
•   Social Events
•   University Destination Alumni
•   Apprenticeships
•   Celebrating Success
TUDOR GRANGE ACADEMY 6TH FORM - Start something different
TUDOR GRANGE ACADEMY 6TH FORM - Start something different
Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

Welcome to Tudor Grange
Academy Sixth Form
Dear Student

Choosing where to continue your studies after Year 11 is an important
decision. The next step in your education should be enjoyable,
memorable and successful. It must equip you with the experience and
qualifications to reach your ambitions. The gap between GCSE and
A-Level is the widest academic gap there is - you will need to be resilient,
proactive and positive but you will be well supported during your journey.
I am thrilled that you are considering Tudor Grange Sixth Form.
I hope that this booklet will answer your questions and help you to make
an informed decision.

I am very proud of our Sixth Formers. They have created a friendly and
exciting atmosphere. They consistently live up to the Academy’s high            “My time in Sixth Form has really
expectations, acting as positive members of the Academy community               opened my eyes to the world
and superb role models for younger students.                                    around me. The support I have
                                                                                been given in my subjects has
As a Sixth Former you will be part of this lively environment. You will be an   been amazing, the small class
active member of the Academy, inspiring younger students. You will work         sizes have really benefited me
hard at subjects that you enjoy and you will benefit from superb teaching       and helped me achieve the best
and individualised support. You will also gain an understanding of the huge     results possible. Being involved
number of options you have when you finish your level three courses.            in the mentoring programme has
                                                                                allowed me to give something
Please contact me if you have any questions about Tudor Grange Sixth            back to the school by helping the
Form. I look forward to welcoming you here next year.                           younger students.”

Yours faithfully,                                                               Caitlin Smith
                                                                                Head Girl
Ashley Roach
Director of Post - 16 Studies

Ofsted reported “teaching in the Sixth Form is never less than good and usually
better and teachers have secure subject knowledge and an enthusiasm for their
subjects, which they pass on to students. Teachers plan lessons that engage and
motivate students. All students benefit from effective careers advice and guidance.
As a result, the majority of students move on to universities, further education,
apprenticeships or employment.”

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TUDOR GRANGE ACADEMY 6TH FORM - Start something different
Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

Why Choose Tudor Grange Sixth Form?

We recognise that our job is             making progress with termly            reported that “all students benefit
to ensure you have the best              assessments and reports available      from effective careers advice
possible chance of achieving your        on the Parent Portal.                  and guidance. As a result, the
ambitions. When you leave us you                                                majority of students move on to
will have the qualifications, the        We are also justifiably proud of the   universities, further eductation,
skills and the experience necessary      support we offer our Sixth Formers     apprenticeships or employment.”
to successfully move on to the           outside of their lessons.
next stage of your life. You will also   Every department ensures extra         The Sixth Form at Tudor Grange
leave us with pleasant memories          support is available for any           is literally at the centre of the
of a wonderful two years working         student who feels they need it.        school and we seek students who
as part of our supportive and            This level of support is similar to    embrace hard work, recognise
welcoming community.                     the tutorial method used by top        that setbacks often provide
                                         universities and works best when       greater learning opportunities
Good qualifications open doors           students have read around the          and embrace new challenges.
to different opportunities. Tudor        subject being taught.                  Students benefit from state-of-
Grange students benefit from                                                    the-art facilities and resources.
excellent teaching and from small        Excellent qualifications are           Our Sixth Formers have their own
groups, with an average Year 12          necessary but not sufficient for       Sixth Form Centre, café and a
class size of 10 students. These         success in the modern world.           dedicated classroom for silent
small groups mean that students          Sixth Form staff also support          study. We respect the fact that our
work closely with teachers who           our students in discovering            Sixth Formers are young adults
are able to effectively target their     opportunities for volunteering         and they are able to decide the
individual needs. That is why our        and work experience. Our               best way to use their independent
most recent Ofsted report notes          school setting provides unique         study periods: students are able
that “teaching in the Sixth Form is      opportunities to gain new              to take study leave at home in the
never less than good and usually         experiences and students enjoy         afternoon if they wish. In turn, our
better.”                                 the rewarding experience of            students conduct themselves as
                                         supporting the younger members         adults in and around the academy
We want to prepare our students          of the Academy. In addition            site, acting as role models and
for the world of work. To this end       to regular assistance from the         inspiration to the next generation
students are required to register        Sixth Form team, all students          of students.
at 08.35 every day. We start each        receive additional one-to-one
morning with Sixth Form briefing         mentoring when applying for
and also deliver our life skills         universities or completing their
programme at this time. Level 3          job or apprenticeship applications.
study is not easy. Whether this          They are further supported by
is A-Level or BTEC they require a        regular visits from universities
huge amount of work. We support          and local employers to provide
our students with supervised study       expert guidance. Together, this
and feel the balance between             enrichment programme ensures
freedom and supervision is right.        that students have the knowledge
As a parent you are assured that         and ability to get the most out
the students are in lessons and          of their qualifications. Ofsted

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

What course                             A-Levels and                             Entry
shall I choose?                         BTECs                                    Requirements
Post-16 study offers young              Students completing BTECs will           3 x A Levels:
people a chance to focus on             have very different experiences to       Eight GCSE’s at grade 9-5. Maths
subjects about which they are           students studying A-levels. BTECs        and English at grade 5 or above.
passionate. We offer a wide range       are assessed mostly through
of courses and subjects because         coursework with a small exam             4 x A levels:
we know that our students have          element and will normally combine        Eight GCSE’s at grade 9 - 8.
a wide range of interests. All of       practical tasks with extended
our courses can be combined             writing. A-levels are assessed           Certain subjects will require a
in different ways so that each          primarily through examinations.          particular grade within that subject
student ends up with a set of           Neither option is better and neither     area. Please refer to each subject’s
qualifications and skills that will     is easier, but students will find that   entry requirements.
help them to realise their individual   one type of qualification will suit
ambitions.                              them more than the other and             BTEC:
                                        they should make their choices           Five GCSE’s at grade 9-4 including
All students who apply will meet        based on the type of learning they       Maths and English at Grade 5 or
with a member of the Sixth Form         prefer and the qualifications that       above.
team to discuss their options.          best suit their chosen destinations.
We will help you to think about
your long and short term                Students who find that they have
ambitions so that you can be            been successful in examinations
sure you have made the right            and who enjoy examining and
choice. We will also talk about         debating ideas and arguments in
each subject you have chosen            depth and at length should consider
so that you have confidence that        A-levels. A-levels provide access to
you will both enjoy and achieve.        academic degrees at all universities
In our experience, students are         because they help students to
most successful when they choose        develop their extended writing,
courses in which they have a            analytical and critical thinking
genuine interest.                       skills. The BTEC route allows you to
                                        complete elements of the course
                                        throughout the two years and
                                        carries UCAS points for entry to
                                        university. Students can study a
                                        mixture of A-Level and BTEC courses
                                        as long as they have met the entry
                                        requirements for each subject.

                                        The A-Level and BTEC routes give
                                        students a wealth of transferable
                                        skills that make them good
                                        candidates for a variety of different
                                        pathways. Both types of Level 3
                                        courses offer routes into university,
                                        apprenticeship and employment.

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TUDOR GRANGE ACADEMY 6TH FORM - Start something different
TUDOR GRANGE ACADEMY 6TH FORM - Start something different
As well as achieving outstanding grades, young people must acquire a range of skills and experiences in order
to succeed in later life. It is for this reason all sixth form students will participate in our enrichment programme.
It is designed to prepare students for higher education and the world of work. It is also an essential part of
being successful at the academy as the completion of the programme supports the completion of references
for UCAS, apprenticeship applications and employment after Sixth Form.

The programme exposes students to opportunities that will allow them to develop important competences
that employers and higher institutions are looking for. The competencies promoted by the programme are:
• Organisation skills
• Communication skills
• Problem solving skills
• Leadership skills
• Critical thinking
• Teamwork
• Resilience
• Time Management
• Work Ethic
• Self-motivation
• Responsibility
• Flexibility
• Work Life balance

We are delighted with the projects that past and current students have participated in such as Duke of
Edinburgh, NCS and Young Enterprise to name but a few.

A selection of our partners and work experience providers:
TUDOR GRANGE ACADEMY 6TH FORM - Start something different
Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

Supporting your                          plans. We can help you develop
                                         your skills by finding you part-time
                                                                                 team of support staff are available
                                                                                 to help you. Students partake in
Progress                                 employment, voluntary positions         a full life skills PSHE programme
                                         or work experience to develop           that runs during Year 12 & 13. A
All students will enter Sixth Form       your employability skills along with    breakdown of content can be
with individual target grades for        many different programmes we run        found on the website.
each subject they study. These           through your time at Sixth Form.
will be regularly reviewed by
subject teachers, their personal
                                         From exploring career paths to CV
                                         and personal statement advice,
                                                                                 Study Support
tutor and the Sixth Form Team.           we will work with you during your       Through workshops to 1:1 tutorials
Extra support will be put in place       course and beyond. Depending            our dedicated teachers ensure you
if necessary such as 1:1 teachers        upon specific requirements, we          receive the support required to
support, additional timetabled           organise mock interviews and work       make sure you achieve the grades
lessons or being individually            in collaboration with the University    you deserve.
supported on the 20 day challenge.       of Worcester which mentors our
                                         students on all aspects of university
The Tudor Scholars Programme             from finance, accommodation,
ensures any student who has              courses and student life. We work
received a good range of levels 7, 8     in partnership with many local
and 9 in GCSE receives the support       organisations who kindly give up
and knowledge they require to            their time to allow our students to
prepare them for their future choices.   gain valuable work experience.
We will ensure they are well
informed about the top university
application process, alongside           Tutors
having the opportunity to access
summer schools and university            All students in Year 12 are
residentials and open days.              assigned their own tutor who
                                         throughout your studies will
                                         give you individual support and
Specialist                               guidance. They will be able to offer

Careers Advice                           their expertise and can listen and
                                         help you with any pressures of
                                                                                 “I have been given the knowledge
                                                                                 and experience to succeed at
Advice is available everyday             Sixth Form you may come across.
                                                                                 university through my time at
on UCAS applications, work                                                       Sixth Form. I have been guided to
experience, apprenticeship
opportunities and careers. We
                                         Mental Health                           consider and maintain my own
                                                                                 personal wellbeing through the life
are able to offer our students 1:1       and Wellbeing                           skills programme which has given
                                                                                 me valuable transferable skills for
advice regarding careers, university,
apprenticeships, employment              If you are concerned about mental       further education and employment.
and how to develop their future          health and wellbeing issues, our        The enrichment opportunities I
                                                                                 have experienced have helped

Financial Support                                                                secure my chosen career path in
                                                                                 dentistry, from participating in
                                                                                 industry days, work experience and
Any student with parents or guardians who are receiving an income-
                                                                                 university visits.”
based benefit will be entitled to financial support with all education
expenses, from stationery and suits to the cost of educational trips             Edward Baker
abroad. Application forms will be provided for all successful applicants.        Head Boy

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

If you are thinking of applying to     will also receive 1:1 support from
Oxford or Cambridge University,        our own applications advisor from
and most courses in medicine,          Oriel College Oxford. Opportunities
veterinary medicine/science and        are available to students to
dentistry you will need to apply via   attend Open Days at Oxford and
UCAS on “early entry”. Students        Cambridge.
wishing to apply join our Scholar
programme. On this programme           Ultimately the success of a
they receive expert advice and         student’s application will depend
guidance so as to give them the        on the fit between them and
best possible chance of gaining a      the university and how they fare
place. We also ensure students are     against the competition, but what
fully informed about the stages and    we can do is fully support all of our
demands of the process; that they      students and help them prepare as
have the information they need to      effectively as possible.
make good decisions about their
university or college and that they
have the guidance they need to
prepare themselves for all aspects
of the application process, such as
testing and interviews. Students

                                                                                          The Sixth Form Team
                                                                 From left to right: Mr Roach, Mrs McStay, Mrs Gent,
                                                                     Mrs Farley, Miss Baldwin, Mrs Mills & Mr Dent

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                      Applied Psychology - BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate

Why study BTEC Applied
                                      Unit Title Assessed                                 Length      Unit Size
Psychology?                           		                                                  / Time
                                      Unit 1: Psychological Approaches
Psychology is the science of the
                                              and Applications               Exam         1.5 hours      90
mind. Psychologists study human
behaviour and use this as a clue to   Unit 2: Conduction Psychological
the workings of the mind.                     Research                 Coursework           n/a          90

                                      Unit 3: Health Psychology              Exam         2 hours       120
BTEC Applied Psychology is
                                      Unit 4: Criminal and Forensic
designed to support you to
                                              Psychology                   Coursework       n/a          90
progress on to higher education
and employment within the
applied psychology sector.
                                      How will I be assessed?
This qualification is designed to
develop a range of employability      A strength of BTEC qualifications
skills such as cognitive              is that there are coursework units
and problem-solving skills,           as well as examination units.
interpersonal skills and your         This means you will only sit two
organisation skills.                  examinations instead of three like
                                      you would with an A-level.

What will I be learning about?        In addition to this you are also
                                      allowed to re-sit the exams and
As a BTEC qualification, the course   there is also an opportunity to
focuses on the fundamentals of        resubmit your coursework units
the subject and two specialist        too.
areas of study that link to higher
education psychology courses and
occupations within the applied        Where will this lead?
psychology sector.
                                      Psychology is a good choice for a
The fundamental topics are:           range of students because most
• Application of psychology           professional careers, including       What are the entry
  approaches                          medicine, nursing, policing, legal    requirements?
• Research methods                    practice, social services, sports,
                                                                            Five grade 9-4 at GCSE level or
                                      business and education require
                                                                            equivalent, including English,
In addition to this we will also      students to have some knowledge
                                                                            maths and science.
focus on the following specialist     of psychology.
                                                                            It is beneficial to have also have at
• Health psychology                   This means the qualification
                                                                            least one grade 5 from these core
• Criminal and forensic               can lead you on to a range of
   psychology                         professions within these sectors.

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

Art & Design A-Level

Why study art and design?

As an art and design student you
will develop a personal response
inspired by the visual art world.
You will develop your creativity and
innovation and will form your own
original outcomes influenced by
known artists.

What will I be learning about?

You will develop a range of
traditional and contemporary
methods and experiments to
produce work, for example digital
media, painting and sculpture.
You will explore and analyse
relevant artefacts, artists and
art movements to support the
development of your individual
project theme, leading to a
personal and meaningful outcome.       Where will this lead?                What are the entry
                                       Art is a diverse subject that will
                                       help any student who is looking      Eight grade 9-5 at GCSE level
How will I be assessed?                into pursuing a creative course      or equivalent, including minimum
                                       at university, such as fine art,     level 5 in English and mathematics.
60% of your assessment will be         photography, graphic design
through your coursework portfolio      or a career in the arts. The Arts    You must have a level 6 in
and 40% will be assessed through       offer many transferable and          art GCSE and will need to be
a practical exam at the end of the     wide reaching skills which are       passionate and creative about
second year.                           widely known in both industry        the subject and recording your
                                       and the world of work, enhancing     experiences understanding in a
                                       observation and the ability to       journal.
                                       analyse, communicate, discuss
                                       and question reflectively

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

                                                                                      Biology A-Level

Why study biology?

Whether you want a job in
medicine or industry, biology is the
solid platform upon which careers
are built.

Biology involves the study of a
wide range of exciting topics,
ranging from molecular biology to
the study of ecosystems and from
microorganisms to mammoths.
In two years you will get a real
in-depth knowledge of this
fascinating subject, preparing you
for further education or giving you
the credentials to enhance your job
options straight away.

What will I be learning about?         How will I be assessed?
                                                                              What are the entry
You will be covering a range           At the end of Year 13 you will
of topics including the roles of       have three examinations, which         Eight grade 9-5 at GCSE level or
enzymes, transport of substances       together are worth 100% of your        equivalent, including minimum
in and out of cells, the digestive     A-level. Practical based questions     level 5 in English and level 6 in
system, and diseases caused by         will form 15% of this assessment.      mathematics.
                                                                              You should also achieve a level
You will also find out about the       Where will this lead?
                                                                              6 minimum in the GCSE biology
variety of living organisms and
                                       Biology is one of the most popular     exam or a level 6 minimum in
how variation is influenced by
                                       A-Level subjects in the country,       the GCSE trilogy exam.
environmental and genetic factors.
                                       attracting students studying a wide
You will have the chance to learn      range of other subjects. Many of
investigative and experimental         these students enjoy the subject
skills in a variety of practical       so much they eventually choose
lessons.                               a biology-related degree course.
                                       Others go on to careers in law,
                                       computing, accounting or teaching.

                                       So, whatever field you will
                                       eventually work in, you will find
                                       biology a very rewarding and
                                       challenging course which will
                                       develop many of the skills essential
                                       for a successful career.

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

Business Studies A-Level

Why study business studies?            What will I be learning about?        How will I be assessed?

A-Level business is the study of the   There are 10 key areas that you       At the end of Year 13 you will take
application of business concepts       will study over the two years. Year   three examinations, which cover
through an active understanding        one units include:                    the content from both years.
of the subject, there is focus         • What is business?                   These will include multiple choice
on entrepreneurship, customer          • Managers, leadership and            questions, short answer questions,
service, emerging markets,                  decision making                  data response questions, longer
globalisation and migration. The       • Decision making to improve          essay questions and a case study
course will help to develop a range         marketing performance            followed by questions.
of important and transferable          • Decision making to improve
skills such as data management,             operational performance          Where will this lead?
evaluating evidence, planning and      • Decision making to improve
conducting research.                        financial performance            This course is an excellent
                                       • Decision making to improve          foundation for all business and
                                            human resource performance       management degrees. A clear
                                                                             understanding of the functions of
                                       In year two you will study:           business enables students to make
                                       • Analysing the strategic position    choices about specific degrees
                                           of a business                     relating to the functional areas of
                                       • Choosing strategic direction        business, such as marketing, finance
                                       • Strategic methods: how to           or human resource management.
                                           pursue strategies                 It also provides a sound base for
                                       • Managing strategic change           students wishing to embark upon
                                                                             management training courses with
                                       The work in Year 13 builds on that    large corporate organisations.
                                       in Year 12 by considering more        Business Studies & Economics
                                       complex business scenarios and        A-Level have similar contents. If
                                       focusing on strategy, as opposed      you wished to study Economics at
                                       to tactics. You will also examine     degree level, universities accept
                                       the ways in which businesses can      Business studies as an equivalent
                                       manage change successfully when       and do not request Economics
                                       responding to external stimuli.       A-Level to study it at degree level.

                                                                             What are the entry

                                                                             Eight 9-5 at GCSE level or
                                                                             equivalent, including minimum
                                                                             level 5 in English and mathematics.
                                                                             You must be passionate about
                                                                             exploring business and keeping
                                                                             abreast of current affairs. Business
                                                                             Studies at GCSE is helpful but not
                                                                             a necessity.

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

                                                                                      Chemistry A-Level

Why study chemistry?                      What will I be learning about?          How will I be assessed?

If you enjoyed chemistry at GCSE,         You will be covering a range of         At the end of Year 13 you will
you will love this course. In two         topics including atomic structure,      have three examinations, which
years that will fly by you will get       amount of substance, bonding,           together are worth 100% of your
a real in-depth knowledge of this         energetics, kinetics, chemical          A-level. Practical based questions
fascinating subject, preparing you        equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle,   will form 15% of this assessment.
for further education or giving you       periodicity, the halogens, the
the credentials to enhance your job       alkaline earth metals, NMR
                                                                                  Where will this lead?
options straight away.                    spectroscopy, organic synthesis,
                                          proteins and DNA, isomerism and
                                                                                  Chemistry is a great choice of
Chemists have greatly improved            chromatography.
                                                                                  subject for people who want
the quality of life for the majority of
                                                                                  a career in health and clinical
people. You will also find out how        You will have the chance to learn
                                                                                  professions. These include
chemists are innovators, designing        investigative and experimental
                                                                                  medicine, nursing, biochemistry,
solutions to the problems that            skills in a variety of practical
                                                                                  dentistry or forensic science. It
affect modern life.                       lessons.
                                                                                  will also equip you for a career
                                                                                  in industry, for example in the
Students with a wide range of
                                                                                  petrochemical, pharmaceutical,
interests enjoy the chemistry
                                                                                  finance and law sectors. Students
course and move on to careers in
                                                                                  who take chemistry often also
both medicine and industry.
                                                                                  study from a wide range of
                                                                                  subjects. These can include
                                                                                  psychology, sociology, biology,
                                                                                  physics, mathematics, applied
                                                                                  science, health and social care,
                                                                                  and critical thinking.
                                                                                  There are not many subject
                                                                                  combinations that you would not
                                                                                  be able to fit chemistry into!

                                                                                  What are the entry

                                                                                  Eight grade 9-5 at GCSE level or
                                                                                  equivalent, including a minimum
                                                                                  level 5 in English and 6 in

                                                                                  You should achieve a level 7
                                                                                  minimum in the GCSE chemistry
                                                                                  exam or a level 6 in the GCSE
                                                                                  trilogy exam.

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Computer Science A-Level

Why study computer science?

How we use computers and
computer programs has utterly
defined the world we live in today
and its computer scientists whom
connect the abstract with concrete
creating the products we use every
day. Needless to say computer
scientists are always in high
demand. Computer science is a
practical subject where students
can apply the academic principles
learned in the classroom to real-
world systems. It’s an intensely
creative subject that combines
invention and excitement, and can
look at the natural world through a
digital prism.

What will I be learning about?          How will I be assessed?               Where will this lead?

Over the two years you will             At the end of Year 13 you will have   Every industry uses computers so
develop:                                two examinations, which together      naturally computer scientists can
• An understanding and ability to       are worth 80% of your A-level.        work in any. Problems in science,
apply the fundamental principles        In addition you will submit one       engineering, health care, and so
and concepts of computer                programming project, which is         many other areas can be solved by
science, including: abstraction,        worth 20% of the final assessment.    computers. It’s up to the computer
decomposition, logic, algorithms                                              scientist to figure out how, and
and data representation                                                       design the software to apply the
• The ability to analyse problems                                             solution.
in computational terms through
practical experience of solving                                               What are the entry
such problems, including writing
programs to do so
                                                                              Eight grade 9-5 at GCSE
• The capacity to think creatively,
                                                                              level or equivalent, including
innovatively, analytically, logically
                                                                              minimum level 5 in English and
and critically
• The capacity to see relationships
between different aspects of
                                                                              You must be passionate about
computer science
                                                                              exploring computing and keeping
• Mathematical skills.
                                                                              abreast of current affairs.
                                                                              Computer science at GCSE
                                                                               is desirable.

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                                                                Core Mathematics AS Level

Why study core                         What will I be learning about?      How will I be assessed?
                                       The primary focus is on using       The qualification is assessed at the
Core mathematics is the perfect        and applying mathematics and        end of Year 13, after two years of
course for students looking to         statistics to address authentic     studying the course. Students will
retain, deepen and extend their        problems and real-life scenarios,   sit two equally weighted exam
knowledge and skills from GCSE,        drawn from study, work and          papers, each lasting 1 hour 30
but are not wishing to study A-level   life, with a strong emphasis on     minutes, which will make up their
mathematics. At the end of the         problem-solving.                    overall grade.
two year course, students will have
completed a level 3 qualification
                                                                           Where will this lead?
which is equivalent to an AS level.

                                                                           Universities have welcomed the
The course has been specifically
                                                                           core mathematics qualification
developed to equip students with
                                                                           as students will be better
transferable, mathematical skills
                                                                           equipped with the mathematical
which will support in the workplace
                                                                           skills that are required for many
or in a wide range of subjects.
                                                                           degree courses. Studying core
There is a sharp focus on problem-
                                                                           mathematics will help students
solving and using and applying
                                                                           improve their career choices. In
mathematics to solve problems
                                                                           fact, over 40 universities this year
relevant to students’ everyday
                                                                           made a statement in support, and
lives. This includes financial
                                                                           it was publicly endorsed by the
applications of mathematics as
                                                                           Russell Group of research-intensive
well as further statistical ideas
that can support work in other
subjects such as psychology,
                                                                           Mathematics qualifications look
business studies, geography,
                                                                           impressive on any CV and this
sociology, economics and biology.
                                                                           extra qualification will help to
Consequently, core mathematics
                                                                           stand out to employers.
would be an ideal qualification to
complement students’ three main
A-levels.                                                                   What are the entry
It would also be a fantastic
addition for students studying                                              Eight grade 9-5 at GCSE level or
more essay-based subjects as it                                             equivalent, including a grade 5 in
shows a well-rounded student.                                               mathematics.

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

Criminology Eduqas Level 3 Diploma

Why study criminology?               What will I be learning about?        How will I be assessed?

Why do people commit crime?          You will explore the reasons          The qualification is assessed
What is the purpose of punishment    people commit crimes and ways         through examinations and
and how should we punish             governments have attempted            controlled assessments which are
                                     to reduce crime, including the        internally assessed and externally
people? What shapes our beliefs
                                     effectiveness of different forms of   moderated.
about crime? Students interested
in exploring these fascinating
                                                                           Where will this lead?
questions would benefit from
                                     You will investigate the social
taking the criminology course.       impact of crime and beliefs about     Criminology will appeal to students
                                     crime, looking at the influence       who are interested in criminal
The course also has a ‘crime scene   of the media and the factors          justice and may be considering
to court room’ element looking       that lead to some crimes going        careers in related areas.
at the process of evidence and       unreported.                           Criminology combines well with
people who work in the Criminal                                            a variety of subjects such as law,
Justice System who come together     Finally, you will examine the         sociology and psychology, as well
to prosecute a criminal offence.     criminal process from start to        as with other Level 3 qualifications.
                                     finish so that you become able to
                                     investigate the security of guilty     What are the entry
                                     verdicts.                              requirements?

                                                                            Five grade 9-4 at GCSE level or
                                                                            equivalent, including 5 or above
                                                                            from one of your GCSE English

                                                                            You must be genuinely
                                                                            passionate about examining,
                                                                            debating and developing an
                                                                            understanding of criminology.

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

                                                                                         Dance A-Level

Why study dance?                     What will I be learning about?        Where will this lead?

Dance is good for both body and      In addition to developing your        The A-Level is excellent
soul. It is an amazing workout, a    performance and choreography          preparation for higher education
great way of expressing yourself,    skills, you will gain knowledge and   courses in dance, which might lead
an effective method for relieving    understanding of the history and      to careers including dance teacher
stress and, most importantly,        theory of dance, and the ability to   or lecturer, dance therapist,
it is fun.                           recognise and analyse dance           performer, choreographer or
                                     works.                                community dance officer.
As well as providing you with an
opportunity to develop as a dancer   You will learn how to train and       Dance students are dedicated,
and choreographer, a dance           monitor the development and           creative and so are excellent
A-Level will allow you to            health of dancers, and you will       candidates for further study or
study the theory of dance,           explore different styles of dance,    work in any area. Whether or
developing your analytical,          such as contemporary and jazz.        not you go on to study dance,
evaluative and communication                                               completing the A-Level will leave
skills.                                                                    you with a lifelong love of dance.
                                     How will I be assessed?

                                     In addition to examinations and
                                     written coursework, your ability to
                                     choreograph and perform dances
                                     will be practically assessed.

                                                                            What are the entry

                                                                            Five grade 9-5 at GCSE level or
                                                                            equivalent including minimum
                                                                            level 5 in English.

                                                                            If you are completing a dance
                                                                            qualification you must achieve a
                                                                            grade 5. If you are not, then you
                                                                            will need to have attended extra-
                                                                            curricular dance training and you
                                                                            will need to audition.

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

 Digital Content Production BTEC Level 3
 National Extended Certificate
 Digital Film and Video Production BTEC Level 3
 National Extended Certificate

Why study BTEC Level 3                 What will I be learning                How will I be assessed?
National Extended Certificate          about in Digital Film and Video
in Digital Film and Video              Production?                            Assessment is through an external
Production                                                                    examination and internally
or BTEC Level 3 National               This course provides a technical       assessed coursework.
Extended Certificate in Digital        introduction to digital film and
Content Production?                    video production. Learners develop
                                       skills in areas such as single and     Where will this lead?
In 2016, the UK government             multi-camera techniques, sound
reported that the creative             recording and film editing. You        Both BTECs can lead to either
industries were worth £9.6 million     are encouraged to think and work       HNC/HND in Media or a degree
an hour to the UK economy. The         creatively on a variety of projects,   in a related subject area such as
UK film and video industry is an       with the potential to work on          media communication, cultural
important part of the creative         live challenging briefs, which will    studies, film/television production,
industries, producing everything       equip you with the skills needed to    advertising, broadcast journalism,
from promotional videos to             succeed in this dynamic industry.      radio production, marketing,
blockbuster movies. Advances in                                               publishing and print. The courses
digital technology have increased                                             also give you the opportunity to
the options for distributing,          What will I be learning about          create a show-reel portfolio of your
accessing and making digital film      in Digital Content Production?         work which can be used to show
and video, thereby increasing                                                 to future employers.
opportunities in this competitive      This course is designed to provide
and dynamic area. The UK has           a technical introduction to digital
an international reputation            content publishing. Learners
for creating some of the most          develop skills in areas such as
innovative and imaginative film        digital magazine production,
and video content in the world,        image manipulation techniques
with internationally recognised        and coding for web-based media.
studios and production houses,         You are encouraged to think and
and a track record in developing       work creatively on a variety of
some of the best talent in the         projects, with the potential to        What are the entry
business. The course links really      work on live challenging briefs,       requirements?
well with Art, Photography, English,   which will equip you with the skills
business and drama.                    needed to succeed in this dynamic      Five grade 9-4 at GCSE level or
                                       industry. The course links well with   equivalent, including English.
                                       Business Studies, ICT, English,        An interest in the world of media
                                                                              is also important.
                                       Graphic Design, Sociology and Art.

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

                                                       Drama and Theatre Studies A-Level

Why choose drama                        What will I be learning about?         How will I be assessed?
and theatre studies?
                                        This course allows students to         Year one
The diversity of drama means            develop a range of skills including:   Practical performance
that students enjoy a course that       acting, devising, directing and        In the first year, students will
not only develops stage craft           technical design.                      complete a scripted performance.
and performance skills, but also                                               They will study a variety of theatre
includes the study of politics,         Students will study the work of        practitioners work and apply one
history, literature, ethics, theatre    renowned theatre practitioners         of them to an extract of the play
and social and cultural issues.         and use their methods to influence     they have studied. This will be
It is a subject that deepens our        practical work.                        performed to a live audience
understanding of the wider world                                               Written examination
whilst the combination of theory        They will study and respond to         The end of year examination
and practical work allows students      the work of several playwrights        requires students to:
to experience their learning in a       and be given the opportunity           respond to a piece of live
way that is unique.                     to experience a wide range of          performance that they have seen
                                        professional theatre in preparation.   during the course and study and
Where will this lead?                                                          respond to a set play

A-Level drama and theatre studies                                              Year two
is a reformed, UCAS accredited                                                 Practical performance
course which is accepted by                                                    In the second year students
universities as part of their offer.                                           will devise and perform a piece
It is not only a useful qualification                                          of original theatre and keep
for students wishing to pursue                                                 a working note book of their
a career in the arts, it is also                                               progress. They will also perform
advantageous for those interested                                              two contrasting extracts from
in occupations that involve                                                    published scripts, one of which will
communication and people-related                                               be under exam conditions.
skills such as journalism, law,                                                Written examination
media, public relations, teaching,                                             The final examination requires
politics, TV and film production to                                            students to study and respond to
name but a few.                                                                further set play and a live theatre

                                                                                What are the entry

                                                                                Eight grade 9-5 at GCSE level
                                                                                including minimum level 5 in

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

English Literature A-Level

Why study English literature?            What will I be learning about?        How will I be assessed?

A-Level English literature is an         We follow the new specification for   English literature A-Level is
ideal choice for anyone who loves        the AQA English literature A-Level    assessed through a combination
reading and is interested in the         syllabus and study a variety of       of examinations and non-exam
big questions affecting human            texts from different areas of the     assessment, which will be an
existence. It is also a highly           literary canon.                       independently produced response
respected A-Level that can be                                                  comparing two texts of the
instrumental in helping students         In year one students will cover a     individual student’s choice.
gain university places in a variety      range of literature from different
of subjects, not just English.           genres under the theme of love
Students will gain a great deal          through the ages. This will include   Where will this lead?
of academic prowess through              watching, reading and discussing
a subject that promotes the              Othello by Shakespeare, The Great     As well as being a respected
development of transferable skills.      Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and     A-Level in its own right, the study
                                         poetry by pre-1900 writers such       of English literature could lead
English students are taught to           as Blake, Donne, Hardy, Keats and     to careers in various industries
think analytically, consider different   Marvell.                              including: journalism, advertising,
interpretations and listen and                                                 broadcast media and, of course,
respond to one another sensitively       In year two students will progress    teaching.
in preparation for the seminar-          to explore texts in the context of
style environment they are likely        World War 1 and its aftermath
                                                                                What are the entry
to find at university. One of the        by, again, exploring a range of
most important skills they learn         genres. Texts will include Birdsong
is how to write coherently and           by Sebastian Faulks and Journey’s
                                                                                Eight grade 9-5 at GCSE level or
critically. This is an essential skill   End by R.C. Sherriff.
                                                                                equivalent, including a minimum
that will aid them in their other
                                                                                of level 6 must be achieved in
subjects and is invaluable in higher
                                                                                English literature or language.
education and the world
of employment.

“Most people are other
people. Their thoughts are
someone else’s opinions,
their lives a mimicry, their
passions a quotation.”

Oscar Wilde

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

                                            English Literature and Language A-Level

Why study English Literature           What will I be learning about?        How will I be assessed?
and Language?
                                       The different components of the       The qualification is assessed by
Words create worlds, both in           course include:                       examination at the end of year 13.
literature and elsewhere.
                                       • ‘Telling Stories’ is exam
Engaging creatively and critically       assessed and focuses on how         Where will this lead?
with a wide range of texts,              and why stories are told, the
this course allows candidates            ways in which writers and           This course can develop invaluable
to explore the similarities and          speakers present stories, and       skills for when you enter the world
differences between prose, poetry        how language choices help           of work: vital communication,
and drama but also beyond this to        to shape the representations        analytical and critical thinking skills
non-fiction texts that do not get as     of different worlds and             but also enable you to express
much attention: personal letters,        perspectives.                       yourself with consideration and
spontaneous speech, multimedia                                               precision. Most students who
texts.                                 • ‘Exploring Conflict’ is also exam   study English Language and
                                         assessed and retains this focus     Literature go on to study similar
Students also develop skills not         on language choices but looks       courses at university. There are a
only as interpreters of language         at how these choices help           variety of career pathways such
but also producers by creating           to construct ideas of conflict      as law, journalism, advertising,
texts themselves and critically          between people, and between         publishing and teaching.
reflecting on their own processes        people and their societies.
of production.                           What students love about this
                                         component of the course is the
                                         opportunity for creative writing.
                                         You will be able to experiment
                                         with creating different types of
                                         fiction and nonfiction texts, to
                                         develop and critically evaluate
                                         your personal writing voice.

                                       • ‘Making Connections’ is a
                                         personal investigation of 2,500
                                         – 3,000 words that focuses on
                                         language use in different types
                                         of text and requires students        What are the entry
                                         to make active connections
                                         between a literary text and
                                                                              Eight grade 9-5 at GCSE level or
                                         some non-literary material: a
                                                                              equivalent, including a minimum
                                         coherent synoptic component
                                                                              of level 6 must be achieved in
                                         to draw students’ developed
                                                                              English literature or language.
                                         learning together.

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

French A-Level

Why study French?                    What will I be learning about?       How will I be assessed?

French A-Level equips you to         As well as developing your           Assessment is through a speaking
speak fluently, allowing you to      understanding of grammar and         exam, a listening exam and a
communicate effectively for either   the structure of the language,       reading and writing exam. The
social or work purposes.             you will learn about a range of      exams are at the end of the two
                                     cultural topics, including French    year course.
At A-Level you will build on your    music, immigration, other French
knowledge from GCSE and gain a       speaking cultures, those in Africa
deeper understanding and will be     and French society and politics.     Where will this lead?
able to write essays and debate      You will also study a French film
current affairs in French.           and novel in detail.                 Being able to communicate in a
                                                                          second language is useful for a
                                                                          wide range of careers, as well as
                                                                          travel and work aboard.

                                                                          The knowledge and skills you
                                                                          develop on this course will help
                                                                          you to become a truly global
                                                                          citizen. Business, international
                                                                          work, law and the travel industry
                                                                          are some examples of pathways
                                                                          from a modern foreign language
                                                                          course, but it could also lead to
                                                                          a university course in foreign
                                                                          languages with a year abroad,
                                                                          followed by a career in languages.

                                                                          What are the entry

                                                                          Eight grade 9-5 at GCSE level or
                                                                          equivalent, including minimum
                                                                          level 5 in English, a level 6 grade
                                                                          or above in French. An interest in
                                                                          French language and culture is
                                                                          also important.

                       13                   www.worcs.tgacademy.org.uk
Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

                                                               Further Mathematics A-Level

Why study further                      What will I be learning about?         Where will this lead?
                                       As well as learning new areas          If you are planning to take a
This course helps to extend            of pure mathematics, such as           degree such as engineering,
and deepen knowledge and               matrices and complex numbers,          sciences, computing, finance/
understanding beyond the               you will study further applications    economics, etc., or perhaps
standard A-level mathematics.          of mathematics in decision             mathematics itself, you will benefit
                                       mathematics.                           enormously from taking further
Studying further mathematics                                                  mathematics.
consolidates and reinforces the        There are four modules altogether.
standard A-level mathematics           Three of them will be based on         Highly numerate disciplines are
work, where through consistent         pure mathematics, exploring            in great demand from employers
teaching approaches and                concepts further from the standard     and young people with maths
clear understanding of prior           A-level mathematics course.            qualifications will find that their
knowledge, students are given                                                 degrees can open doors to exciting
the best provision to make strong      The fourth module is decision          and rewarding careers.
connections.                           mathematics which has become
                                       really popular over its applications   Students who have studied further
This will only benefit students of     to computer science.                   mathematics find the transition
mathematics and help achieve                                                  to STEM degrees far more
the best possible grades. Further                                             straightforward.
mathematics is a very enjoyable        How will I be assessed?
course in which you explore
many new sophisticated and             Assessments are based entirely
interesting areas of mathematics,      through examinations. Out of the
such as more advanced calculus         four modules, two will be assessed      What are the entry
and trigonometry. Having a             at the end of year 12, and the final    requirements?
further mathematics qualification      two at the end of year 13.
identifies you as having excellent                                             Eight grade 9-5 at GCSE level or
analytical skills, whatever area you                                           equivalent. In addition you will
are considering for a career.                                                  need a minimum of a level 7 in

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

Geography A-Level

Why study geography?                   How will I be assessed?               and other humanities as A Level
                                                                             choices and if you are already
From climate change to natural         There are two written                 looking ahead to potential
disasters, and from ‘Brexit’ to        examinations which test your          university and career choices it is
inner-city deprivation, geography      knowledge and understanding of        worth considering as an option. In
really is the subject for our times.   geographical themes, concepts         terms of careers, geography is the
At its heart, geography is about       and processes. Each paper is          obvious choice for students looking
finding patterns in the chaos,
                                       worth 40% of your final grade         to work in sustainability or the
and when you have a deep and
                                       and covers a range of question        environment, urban regeneration,
secure knowledge of geography,
                                       styles from single mark multiple      energy supply, retail location or
the world starts to make sense. As
well as traditionally being a strong   choice questions, to 20 mark          logistics or managing the effects
academic subject, geography            essay questions. In addition to       of hazards and climate change.
encourages ways of seeing and          the written papers, there is also a   Not only that, but geography
thinking about the planet that will    3,000 - 4,000 word independent        can also improve your chances
ensure you are ready to face the       research piece based on data          of going in to careers as diverse
changing world ahead.                  gathered from the field. As such,     as law, international relations,
                                       there is a minimum of 4 days of       humanitarian aid, business and
What will I be learning about?         compulsory fieldtrips for all 6th     finance, medicine, politics and
                                       form geographers.                     local government. In 2015, The
All geographers study both physical                                          Guardian identified geography as
and human geography during the                                               the ‘must have’ A Level.
                                       Where will this lead?
two years of A-Level, which gives
them a broad and diverse range of
                                       Geography is highly valued by
topics to study.                                                             What are the entry
                                       universities as an A-Level choice.
Topics covered include:                                                      requirements?
                                       As one of a small number of
                                       facilitating subjects, geography
• Physical Themes:                                                           Eight grade 9-5 at GCSE
                                       is preferred for entry to a wide
  Water and Carbon cycles,                                                   level or equivalent, including
                                       range of degree courses. Choosing
  Coastal Systems and                                                        minimum level 5 in English and
                                       geography will keep more options
  Landscapes, Cold Environments                                              mathematics. A genuine interest
                                       open to you at university, whatever
• Human Themes:                                                              and enthusiasm in the subject is
                                       you intend to study. Geography
  Global Systems and                                                         important.
                                       combines well with arts, science
  Governance, Changing Places,
  Changing Urban Environments

There is also an opportunity for
geographers to shape their own
learning when undertaking the
Geographical Investigation which
incorporates both fieldwork and
research to investigate a chosen

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

                                                                                   German A-Level

Why study German?                    What will I be learning about?         How will I be assessed?

German A-Level equips you to         As well as developing your             Assessment is through a speaking
speak fluently, allowing you to      understanding of grammar and           exam, a listening exam and a
communicate effectively for either   the structure of the language, you     reading and writing exam. The
social or work purposes.             will learn about a range of cultural   exams are at the end of the
                                     topics, including German music,        course.
At A-Level you will build on your    immigration, the effects of the
knowledge from GCSE and gain a       former division of East and West,
deeper understanding and will be     and German society and politics.       Where will this lead?
able to write essays and debate      You will also study a German film
current affairs in German.           and novel in detail.                   Being able to communicate in
                                                                            a second language is useful for
                                                                            a wide range of careers, as well
                                                                            as travel and work aboard. The
                                                                            knowledge and skills you develop
                                                                            on this course will help you to
                                                                            become a truly global citizen.
                                                                            Business, international work,
                                                                            law and the travel industry are
                                                                            some examples of pathways
                                                                            from a modern foreign language
                                                                            course, but it could also lead to
                                                                            a university course in foreign
                                                                            languages with a year abroad,
                                                                            followed by a career in languages.

                                                                            What are the entry

                                                                            Eight grade 9-5 at GCSE level or
                                                                            equivalent, including minimum
                                                                            level 5 in English, a grade 6 or
                                                                            above in German. An interest in
                                                                            German language and culture is
                                                                            also important.

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

Government and Politics A-Level

Why study government                     What will I be learning about?           How will I be assessed?
and politics?
                                         The government and politics              This is an examined course and
Government and politics involves         course involves learning about two       there is no controlled assessment
studying news and current affairs        key political systems which are the      (coursework element). At the
from the UK and the US.                  UK and the US. For each system           end of year 13 you will sit three
                                         you will learn about such things as      different exams.
You should study the subject if you      political participation, the electoral
are interested in understanding          process, political parties, voting
how the UK is run as well as             behaviour and pressure groups.           Where will this lead?
exploring lively, relevant and           This is so you can compare the two
controversial issues.                    systems which is a requirement           From studying this A-level you
                                         of the course. In addition to this       can purse a range of careers
It is a qualification that is regarded   you are required to study various        including law, the media, banking,
by a range of different sectors          political ideologies, and their core     advertising, journalism, social
such as politics, international          ideas and principles, as well as         work, teaching and many other
organisations, the media,                their supporters. These include          professions. It is also considered
government and the civil service as      Liberalism, Conservatism and             highly by universities and is offer
being of high value.                     Socialism.                               by many of them at degree level.
                                                                                  Government and politics is an
                                                                                  excellent subject to combine with
                                  Exams                                           other subjects such as economics,
                  Paper Title                  Time    Worth                      sociology, history and criminology
                                                                                  to name but a few.
 Unit 1 - Government and Politics of the UK    2 Hrs   33% of your final
 Unit 2 - The Government and Politics of the   2 Hrs   33% of your final
 USA and comparative Politics                          grade

 Unit 3 - Political Ideas                      2 Hrs   33% of your final

                                                                                  What are the entry

                                                                                  Eight grade 9-5 at GCSE level or
                                                                                  equivalent, including a level 5 or
                                                                                  above in English Language or
                                                                                  Literature GCSE.

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Tudor Grange Academy Worcester

                                                                              Graphic Design A-Level

Why study graphic design?                What will I be learning about?         How will I be assessed?

Art is not just in galleries: from the   This course will give you the          Component 1 – Personal
clothes we wear to the buildings         opportunity to develop your            Investigation: Internally set,
we live in, art is everywhere.           theoretical and practical              assessed by the teacher and
                                         knowledge of different graphic         externally moderated:
A graphics A-Level allows                design skills and software             60% of the qualification.
students to explore this side            programs.
of art. In particular, you will                                                 Component 2 – Externally set
explore the way art is used by the       Techniques you will explore            Assignment: Externally set,
commercial sector, in areas such         include typography, layout and         assessed by the teacher and
as advertising, packaging and            design for print. You will also        externally moderated: 40% of the
illustration.                            learn about different illustrative     total qualification.
                                         styles and you will utilise mixed
This A-Level is therefore an             media work in your designs. You
                                                                                Where will this lead?
excellent choice for somebody            will carry out contextual studies
who is very creative and also very       of contemporary designers and
                                                                                You can progress to an art
practical.                               artists to inspire your own work.
                                                                                foundation course or a full creative
                                                                                degree such as art, graphics,
It is the perfect choice for
                                                                                fashion promotion, advertising
somebody who wants to work
                                                                                or illustration. You could start a
within design, advertising, or the
                                                                                career in a creative role within
media, as well as anybody who
                                                                                art studios, advertising agencies,
simply wants to learn more about
                                                                                design studios and
the art that impacts our
                                                                                media companies.
everyday lives.

                                                                                What are the entry

                                                                                Five grade 9-5 at GCSE level
                                                                                or equivalent, including an art
                                                                                or design based subject and
                                                                                minimum level 5 in English

Graphic design touches on all aspects of our visual
culture. It is a fascinating subject to study if you have
artistic ability, style, versatility and a capacity to
interpret ideas visually.

                                         www.worcs.tgacademy.org.uk                      18
You can also read