AND Y12 2019-2020 EDUCATIONAL - San Francisco de Paula

AND Y12 2019-2020 EDUCATIONAL - San Francisco de Paula
AND Y12 2019-2020 EDUCATIONAL - San Francisco de Paula

                          Educational offer 2019-2020

The world changes, children and youth needs evolve and           such a different language may be acquired in a more na-
the educational offer must keep up to the task of bringing       tural way.
maximum value to our students. The team deploying this
                                                                 The baccalaureate, on the other hand, has been redesig-
plan on a daily basis equals a full-time adult every six
                                                                 ned and further developed. Seventeen tracks, the richest
and a half students. Amongst the highly varied plan de-
                                                                 offer in Spain, along two main guidelines.
tailed in the following pages we would like to underline
the beginning and the end.                                       The International Baccalaureate guarantees traditional
                                                                 academic excellence in seven modalities designed to
Early Pre-School, for two year olds, is a cornerstone in
                                                                 reach the best academic training for the university.
our educational project, at an age when learning is living
and living is playing, discovering and marvelling:               Our US Diploma combines academic excellence with
                                                                 specific contents addressing innovative professional
19 h/week in English facilitate two years’ condensed pro-
                                                                 domains. They have been designed in collaboration with
gress, laying the linguistic foundations for the upcoming
                                                                 top notch companies and executives.
programme of enquiry.
                                                                 On behalf of the educational team I wish that 2019-20
10 h/week in Arabic or Chinese, also equivalent to a two
                                                                 may help your children to make a great step ahead.
years’ advancement at the following grades’ pace, so that

AND Y12 2019-2020 EDUCATIONAL - San Francisco de Paula

                          Educational offer 2019-2020

TRADITION OF…                                                     ....PROGRESS
Reinforcing the School’s centenary values and features:
                                                                  So that our increased autonomy may bring advancement:
Reading. “Francisco Márquez Villanueva” Library, with five
                                                                  Methodological. Professional development and conti-
graduates and close to sixty thousand volumes, has inte-
                                                                  nuous investment to allow enriching and engaging lear-
grated activities from pre-school.
                                                                  ning. Over two hundred professionals who strive daily to
Experimentation. 100 h of practical work in the PYP (In-          provide best care to students.
ternational Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, up
                                                                  Educational. Over fifty custom-made optional courses
to Y5), 150 in MYP (Middle Years Programme, Y6-Y10), 50
                                                                  for Y1-Y12, fostering students’ curiosity towards a wide
per science subject in DP (Diploma Programme, Y11-Y12)
                                                                  variety of areas and approaches.
introduce students to research. There are two assistants,
a PhD and a graduate, and six laboratories.                       Social. Stimulating analysis, agency and debate in clo-
                                                                  se relationship with the European Youth Parliament and
Humanities. Understanding individuals, societies, history
                                                                  Foro Civiliter.
and reflection is key in an increasingly globalised and in-
terrelated world.                                                 Entrepreneur. MYP and DP will develop entrepreneurship
                                                                  competencies according to the European EntreComp fra-
Arts. Music is taught in small groups from the age of
                                                                  mework, and there will be events and initiatives organised
two and stringed instrument instruction from age three
                                                                  in collaboration with Asociación SevillaUP.
onwards, Music School, deep dive in Visual and Perfor-
ming Arts foster creativity, agency and divergent thought.        Technological. We launch a four-year plan following the
                                                                  European DigComp framework, in collaboration with the
Personalisation. A Deputy Headship for Individualisation,
                                                                  Sevilla Maker Society.
Departments, five Counsellors and two Nurses ensure
special care and four hundred adapted plans for gifted            Professional. A hundred organisations of all kind offer
and talented children and learning difficulties.                  our students an approach to the labour world and to ex-
                                                                  plore vocations in Y11 apprenticeships.
Inquiry. Wondering ‘Why?’ is the way forward. The IB is
aligned with the School educational approach.

Respect. Advisors, Mentors, Mediators, Community and
                                                                  WELCOME AND HAPPY SCHOOL-
Service, Youth Group for Community Action are nuclear             YEAR!
to personal and social development in order to build a be-
tter and fairer world.

And Commitment. Permanent strive to reach one’s own
goals and to relish accuracy to allow common wellbeing.

AND Y12 2019-2020 EDUCATIONAL - San Francisco de Paula

     We thank the following entities for their collaboration in the Pro-
     gramme of Internship in Organisations and Companies of 2018:

              Alansona SL                                     Florhada                                   NutriNour
         AONIA SOFTWARE SL                                    Froggie                          ONTIER Abogados Andalucía
               Aquamática                      Fundación Andaluza para el Desarrollo                      Orange
         Aromas Selective SLU                                                                   Orquesta Barroca de Sevilla
             Arquisocial SL                          Fundación Barenboim-Said
                                                                                                  Orquesta de Sevilla, S.A.
     Asociación Adopta en Acción                   Fundación Ductil Urbe 21 SLL
                                                                                          PC3 Servicios Informáticos Avanzados
  Asociación Iniciativa Sevilla Abierta         Fundación Pública Andaluza para la                         S.L.
                                               Gestión de la Investigación en Salud de
           BIODIS ESPAÑA SL                                     Sevilla                                   Persán
                 Bogaris                                      Gansaby                                PRODETUR, SAU
    Bufete Francisco Capote, S.C.P.                    Ghenova Ingeniería SL                        qosITconsulting SL
                Cablebox                                 Gómez Maqueda                   R&R Marketing y Promociones Europa SL
            CARTUJAVISION                             Grupo Ibersogas Energía                    Restaurante Becerrita SL
 Círculo Mercantil e Industrial de Sevilla      Grupo Inmobiliario Goldencenter SL       RULL Y ZALBA ABOGADOS Y ASESORES
            Clever Global SA                                                                    GLOBALES DE EMPRESA
     CLIC Servicios Lingüísticos SL                                                                         RZS
                                                          Guemosa Isla SL
       Clínica Dental Loscertales                                                                  Sacromonte Films SL
                                                        Herba Ricemills SLU
          Clínica Luxemburgo                                                                             Serunion
                                                        Hospes Hoteles SL
Consum Direct Gestión Internacional S.L.                                                            SEVILLA HOOK SL
                                                          Idc Quiron Salud
           Corner Alameda SL                                                                              Sngular
                                                    Ideadero SL (Glamping Hub)
       Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo                                                               Solutia Innovaworld Technologies
                                                  Ilustre Colegio Abogados Sevilla
       CSIC - Instituto de la grasa
                                                    Increscendo Consultores, S.L                      Stephens Camp
      CUE Arquitectos y Abogados
                                                             Informaria                  Teatro de la Maestranza y Salas del Arenal
Despacho de Abogados Francisco Lobo                                                                         SA
             Rodríguez                            Ingeniería y desarrollo del Clima
                                                            (Indesclima)                     TECNOLASER SANTA JUSTA SL
                                                     Instituto Cultural German                  Tourism Optimizer Platform
                                               JUVENTUDES MUSICALES DE SEVILLA                 Universidad Pablo de Olavide -
               Domonova                                                                         Departamento de Biblioteca
                                                      LABORATORIOS KOVAC
           DUSHARA TOURS
                                               Labs & Technological Services AGC SL            Universidad Pablo de Olavide -
         Edartec Consultores SL                                                              Departamento de Medioambiente
                                                    Llopis Servicios Ambientales            (Proyecto de comunicación vía web)
          El Viajero Sedentario
                                                              Mifipro                                  Valcambre SL
                ES Torneo
                                                    Morales de Giles Arquitectos                       Viajes Triana
     Estudio Altozano Arquitectura
                                              MundoLengua, Escuela Internacional de
     Euromedia Comunicación, SL                                                                      Vineria San Telmo
      Farmacia Avenida Miraflores                                                                 Wellness Telecom, S.L.
                                                             Next Force
FERNANDEZ - PALACIOS ABOGADOS SLP                                                                 WORKINCOMPANY SL
                                               Notaría Carmen Loscertales Martín de
   Ferson Electrónica SA (Brigmton)                           Agar                                  Zinc Incoar 900 SL

AND Y12 2019-2020 EDUCATIONAL - San Francisco de Paula


Early Pre-School                                                                              (EPS - 2 years)

                        AND ENJOYMENT
Areas                                           Hours/week          Areas                                          Hours/week

n   English Language                                       19       n   Arts– Music and movement (in Spanish)                    1
n   Language Acq. - Chinese/Arabic                         10

Pre-School (PEP-1)                                                                               (PS - 3 years)
Areas                                           Hours/week          Areas                                          Hours/week

n Spanish Language and Literature                           5       n Personal, Social and Physical Education (in Spanish)       2
n English Language Acquisition                              5       n STEaM (in Spanish)                                         1
n Language Acq. - Chinese/Arabic                            6       n Arts- Visual Arts (in English)                             2
n Mathematics (in Spanish)                                  4       n Arts- Music (1h. in group, plus 20 min.

n Natural and Social Sciences (in English)                  4         in smaller groups, in Spanish)                             1

Pre-Kindergarten (PEP-2)                                                                          (PK - 4 years)
Areas                                           Hours/week          Areas                                          Hours/week

n Spanish Language and Literature                           5       n Personal, Social and Physical Education (in Spanish)       2
n English Language Acquisition                              5       n STEaM (in Spanish)                                         1
n Language Acq. - Chinese/Arabic                            6       n Arts- Visual Arts (in English)                             2
n Mathematics (in Spanish)                                  4       n Arts- Music (1h. in group, plus 20 min.

n Natural and Social Sciences (in English)                  4         in smaller groups, in Spanish)                             1

Kindergarten (PEP-3)                                                                                 (K - 5 years)
Areas                                           Hours/week          Areas                                          Hours/week

                                                 Option A / B                                                      Option A / B
n Spanish Language and Literature                      4    6       n Personal, Social and Physical Education (in Spanish)   2   2
n English Language Acquisition                         4    5       n STEaM (in Spanish)                                     1   1
n Language Acq. - Chinese/Arabic                       6    -       n Arts- Visual Arts (in English)                         2   2
n Language Acq. - French                               -    3       n Arts- Music (1h. in group plus 20 min.

n Mathematics (in Spanish)                             5    5         in smaller groups, in Spanish)                         1   1
n Natural and Social Sciences (in English)             5    5

AND Y12 2019-2020 EDUCATIONAL - San Francisco de Paula


   Year 1 (PEP-4)                                                                                               (6 years)
   Areas                                           Hours/week           Areas                                          Hours/week

   n Spanish Language and Literature                            5       n STEaM (in Spanish)                                      1
   n English Language Acquisition                               4       n Arts- Dramatisation (in French)                         1
   n Language Acq. - French                                     2       n Arts- Visual Arts (in English)                          1
   n Language Acq. - Chinese/Arabic                             2       n Arts- Music (1h. in group, plus 20 min.

   n Mathematics (in Spanish)                                   5         in smaller groups, in Spanish)                          1
   n Natural and Social Sciences (in English)                   5       n Elective subjects (see them on next page

   n Personal, Social and Physical Education (in English)       2         as well as on the appendix on pages 22-34)              1

   Year 2 (PEP-5)                                                                                               (7 years)
   Areas                                           Hours/week           Areas                                          Hours/week

   n Spanish Language and Literature                            5       n STEaM (in Spanish)                                      1
   n English Language Acquisition                               4       n Arts- Dramatisation (in French)                         1
   n Language Acq. - French                                     2       n Arts- Visual Arts (in English)                          1
   n Language Acq. - Chinese/Arabic                             2       n Arts- Music (1h. in group plus 20 min.

   n Mathematics (in Spanish)                                   5         in smaller groups, in Spanish)                          1
   n Natural and Social Sciences (in English)                   5       n Elective subjects (see them on next page

   n Personal, Social and Physical Education (in English)       2         as well as on the appendix on pages 22-34)              1

   Year 3 (PEP-6)                                                                                               (8 years)
   Areas                                           Hours/week           Areas                                          Hours/week

                                                   Option A / B                                                        Option A / B
   n Spanish Language and Literature                        6   5       n STEaM (in Spanish)                                  1   1
   n English Language Acquisition                           5   5       n Arts- Dramatisation (in French)                     1   1
   n Language Acq. - French                                 1   1       n Arts- Visual Arts (in English)                      1   1
   n Language Acq. - Chinese/Arabic                         -   2       n Arts- Music (1h. in group plus 20 min.

   n Language Acq. - German *                               1   -         in smaller groups, in Spanish)                      -   1
   n Mathematics (in Spanish)                               5   5       n Arts- Music (in German) **                          1   -
   n Natural and Social Sciences (in English)               5   5       n Elective subjects (see them on next page

   n Personal, Social and Physical Education (in English)   2   2         as well ason the appendix on pages 22-34)           1   1

* The students who studied German in Y1 or Y2 will continue with that Option (1h) and will also study the Music in German (1h).
** Students who took German as a second language will receive Music in German.

AND Y12 2019-2020 EDUCATIONAL - San Francisco de Paula

   Year 4 (PEP-7)                                                                                                                  (9 years)
   Areas                                             Hours/week                Areas                                                        Hours/week

                                                     Option A / B                                                                            Option A / B
   n Spanish Language and Literature                            6      5       n STEaM (in Spanish)                                                     1       1
   n English Language Acquisition                               5      5       n Arts- Dramatisation (in French)                                        1       1
   n Language Acq. - French                                     1      1       n Arts- Visual Arts (in English)                                         1       1
   n Language Acq. - Chinese/Arabic                             -      2       n Arts- Music (1h. in group plus 20 min.

   n Language Acq. - German *                                   1      -         in smaller groups, in Spanish)                                         -       1
   n Mathematics (in Spanish)                                   5      5       n Arts- Music (in German) **                                             1       -
   n Natural and Social Sciences (in English)                   5      5       n Elective subjects (see them below

   n Personal, Social and Physical Education (in English)       2      2         as well ason the appendix on pages 22-34)                              1       1

* The students who studied German in Y1 or Y2 will continue with that Option (1h) and will also study the Music in German (1h).
** Students who took German as a second language will receive Music in German.

   Year 5 (PEP-8)                                                                                                              (10 years)
   Areas                                             Hours/week                Areas                                                        Hours/week

   n Spanish Language and Literature                                   5       n STEaM (in Spanish)                                                             1
   n English Language Acquisition                                      5       n Arts- Dramatisation (in French)                                                1
   n Language Acq. - French                                            1       n Arts- Visual Arts (in English)                                                 1
   n Language Acq. - German                                            1       n Arts- Music (in German)                                                        1
   n Mathematics (in Spanish)                                          5       n Elective subjects (see them below

   n Natural and Social Sciences (in English)                          6         as well ason the appendix on pages 22-34)                                      1
   n Personal, Social and Physical Education (in English)              2

   Elective subjects (to choose one)                            You may consult the elective subjects and their descriptions on the pages 22-34
   n Chess                                    n   Creative drawing
                                                  NOTE: The acquisition of specific material will be
   n German (Y1-Y2)                                                                                    n Mateolímpicos
                                                  required when neccessary.
   n Artistic Gymnastics (in English) Y1-Y3                                                            n Catholic religion
                                              n Environmental awareness (Y4-Y5)
   n Chinese calligraphy                                                                               n Cooking workshop (in French)
                                              n Creative writing                                           NOTE: The acquisition of specific material will be
   n Creative calligraphy or lettering (in
                                              n Estimula (Y5)                                              required when neccessary.
     French)                                  n Reading strategies (Y5)                                n Crafts Workshop-Handarbeiten (in
   n Reading club
                                              n Promotion of health and healthy                          German) Y3-Y5
   n Reading club of adapted and graded
                                                habits                                                 n Workshop of making comics based
     books (Y3-Y5 in German)                  n Emotional intelligence                                   on the History of Sevilla (Y3-Y5 in
   n Creation of toys and crafts (Y1-Y2)
                                              n Basic motor games and skills                             French)

Minimum of students 8. Maximum: 18.

   Year 6 (PAI-1)                                                                                                              (11 years)
   Subjects                                          Hours/week                Subjects                                                     Hours/week
   n Spanish Lang. and Lit./Language Acq. (Spanish)                   4        n Personal, Social and Physical Ed. (in English)            2
   n Language Acq. (English)/ English Language and Lit.               4        n Design (in English)                                       2
   n Language Acq. – French/German/Arabic                             2        n Arts- Visual Arts (in English)                          1,5
   n Mathematics (in Spanish)                                         4        n Arts- Music (in Spanish)                                  2
   n Sciences (in English)                                          4,5        n Elective subjects (see them on next page as well ason the

   n Individuals and Societies (in English)                           3          appendix on pages 22-34)                                  1

AND Y12 2019-2020 EDUCATIONAL - San Francisco de Paula

   Year 7 (PAI-2)                                                                                                       (12 years)
   Subjects                                              Hours/week               Subjects                                         Hours/week
   n Spanish Language and Lit./Language Acq. (Spanish)                    4       n Personal, Social and Physical Ed. (in English/Spanish)       2
   n Language Acq. (English)/ English Language and Lit.                   4       n Design (in English/ Spanish)                                 2
   n Language Acq. – French/German/Arabic                                 3       n Arts- Visual Arts (in English)/Music (in Spanish)            2
   n Mathematics (in Spanish)                                             4       n Elective subjects (see them on next page

   n Sciences (in English/Spanish)                                      4,5         as well as on the appendix on pages 22-34)                   1
   n Individuals and Societies (in English/Spanish)                     3,5

   Year 8 (PAI-3) y Year 9 (PAI-4)                                                                              (13-14 years)
   Subjects                                              Hours/week               Subjects                                         Hours/week
   n Spanish Lang. and Lit./Language Acq. (Spanish)                       4       n Personal, Social and Physical Ed. (in English/Spanish)       2
   n Language Acq. (English)/ English Language and Lit.                   4       n Design (in English/ Spanish)                                 2
   n Language Acq. – French/German/Arabic                                 3       n Arts- Visual Arts (in English)/Music (in Spanish)            2
   n Mathematics (in Spanish)                                             4       n Elective subjects (see them on next page

   n Sciences (in English/Spanish)                                      4,5         as well as on the appendix on pages 22-34)                   1
   n Individuals and Societies (in Spanish)                             3,5

  Elective Subjects (to choose one)                                You may consult the elective subjects and their descriptions on the pages 22-34

  n Ajedrez                                       n   Drama Club in English                             n Mecanografía (en German)
  n Artistic Gymnastic (en English)                   NOTA: Será necesario la adquisición de material   n MicroComputing
                                                      específico según se vaya requiriendo.
  n Autoconocimiento y liderazgo en                                                                     n Modelado en barro/cerámica (en
                                                  n Drawing and painting (en English)
    valores                                       n Elaboración de planes de empresa                      English)
  n Caligrafía creativa o lettering (en French)                                                         n Recursos informáticos para las
                                                  n Escalada
  n Cine Club (en French)                                                                                 Mathematics
                                                  n Estrategias lectoras
  n Club de lectura de libros adaptados y                                                               n Religión católica
                                                  n Fotografía (en English)

    graduados (en German)                         n Fundamentos de los Sportss
                                                                                                        n Sevilla, ciudad de la Ópera

  n Creación de agentes de Salud                                                                        n Taller de realización de cómics
                                                    individuales y colectivos
  n Creative Writing Club (en English)                                                                    basados en la History de Sevilla (en
                                                  n History de Grecia y Roma a través del
  n Diseño de proyectos periodísticos                                                                     French)
  n Diseño Gráfico y Logotipos                                                                          n Teatro
                                                  n History del Cine
  n Diseño, impresión en 3D y                                                                           n Young Entrepreneur’s Investment (en
                                                  n Ingeniería del automóvil

    construcción del robot humanoide              n Laboratorio Exponencial STEaM
    InMoov (en English)

Minimum of students 8. Maximum: 18.

   Year 10 (PAI-5)                                                                                                      (15 years)
   Subjects                                              Hours/week               Subjects                                         Hours/week
  n Spanish Lang. and Lit./Language Acq. (Spanish)                        4       n Personal, Social and Physical Ed. (in English/Spanish)       2
  n Language Acq. (English)/ English Language and Lit.                    4       n Philosophy (in Spanish)                                      2
  n Language Acq. – French/German/Arabic                                  3       n Design (in English/ Spanish)/Latin                           2
  n Mathematics (in Spanish)                                              4       n Arts- Visual Arts (in English)/Music (in Spanish))         1,5
  n Sciences (in English/Spanish)                                       4,5       n Personal Project                                             -
  n Individuals and Societies (in Spanish)                                3

AND Y12 2019-2020 EDUCATIONAL - San Francisco de Paula

   Year 11                             International Baccalauréate Diploma                                                                      (16 years)
   A) Arts                                                                                                                         Subjects and hours per week

    COMMON SUBJECTS                               NON COMMON SUBJECTS
    n Spanish A: Literature (HL) (4).
                                                  Choose one:
    n English B (HL) (4).

    n Theory of Knowledge (2).
                                                  n   French (3).
                                                                  n German (3).
                                                                                n Arabic (3).

    n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).
                                                  Choose one:
    n Applied Mathematics (SL) (3).
                                                  n   Technical Drawing I (4).		 n Fundaments of Arts I (4).            n   Music (SL) * (3).
    n Extended Essay.

    n History (HL) (4).                           Choose one:
                                                  n   Music (SL) (3).          n     Visual Arts (SL) (3).
                                                                                                           n Applied Anatomy (3).

                                                  Choose one:
                                                  n   Chemistry (Spanish) (SL) (3). 		 n Biology (English) (SL) (3).

    Students who choose Music * (SL) will only have ONE subject for Spanish University Admission. Consult the offer of Y12 for 2020-21 on pages 18-21.

    B) Humanities                                                                                                                  Subjects and hours per week

    COMMON SUBJECTS                               NON COMMON SUBJECTS
    n Spanish A: Literature (HL) (4).
                                                  Choose one:
    n English B (HL) (4).
    n Theory of Knowledge (2).
                                                  n   French (3).                n   German (3).                  n    Arabic (3).
    n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).
                                                  Choose one:
    n Applied Mathematics (SL) (3).
                                                  n   Music (SL) (3).            n   Greek (SL) (3).              n    Archaeology (3).
    n Extended Essay.

    n History (HL) (4).                           Choose one:
                                                  n   Latin (SL) (3).            n   Visual Arts (SL) (3).   n   Music (SL) (3).

                                                  Choose one:
                                                  n   Chemistry (Spanish) (SL) (3). 		 n Biology (English) (SL) (3).

    Latin (SL) or Greek (SL) are the second possible subject for Spanish University Admission.

    C) Social Sciences                                                                                                             Subjects and hours per week

    COMMON SUBJECTS                               NON COMMON SUBJECTS
    n Spanish A: Literature (HL) (4).             Choose one:
    n English B (HL) (4).                         n   Business Management (SL) (4).           n   Music * (SL) (3).
    n Theory of Knowledge (2).

    n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).
                                                  Choose one:
    n Analytical Mathematics for                  n   Music (SL) (3).            n   Visual Arts (3).              n   Latin (SL) (3).          n   Applied Anatomy (3).
      Social Sciences (SL) (4).
                                                  Choose one:
    n Extended Essay.

    n History (HL) (4).
                                                  n   Chemistry (Spanish) (SL) (3). 		 n Biology (English) (SL) (3).

    Students who choose the Option Music * (SL) and Visual Arts (SL) or Applied Anatomy will only have ONE subject for Spanish University Admission.

The minimum number of students to offer a subject is 3. The internship                   The subjects shaded in green are the ones which prepare Spanish
period in organizations and companies, an indispensable requirement for                  University Admission exam.
the Year 11 qualification, will be from 24-VI to 5-VII. This program is volun-           Music (SL) rrequires the student to participate in special Music lessons
tary for Year 10 and Year 12 students..                                                  or Music School.

AND Y12 2019-2020 EDUCATIONAL - San Francisco de Paula

   Year 11                                  International Baccalauréate Diploma                                                              (16 years)
    D) Architecture and Engineering                                                                                               Subjects and hours per week

    COMMON SUBJECTS                                 NON COMMON SUBJECTS
    n Spanish A: Literature (SL) (3).               Choose one:
    n Theory of Knowledge (2).                      n    English A (SL) (4).     n   English B (SL) (3).           n   English B (HL) (4).
    n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).

    n Extended Essay.
                                                    Choose one:
    n History (SL) (3).                             n    Chemistry (English) (HL) (4).   n   Chemistry (Spanish) (3) (SL).
    n Technical Drawing I (4).
                                                    Choose one:
    n Physics (Spanish) (HL) (5).
                                                    n    Analytic Mathematics for Technology (SL) (4).                 n   Analytic Mathematics (NS $) (4).

   Física (HL) tendrá 4 h si no se elige para Selectividad.
     : for students who are to study abroad or who are not required to sit Spanish University Admission exam.

   E) Mathematics, Physics and similar ones                                                                                       Subjects and hours per week
   COMMON SUBJECTS                                  NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (SL) (3).                Choose one:
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                       n    English A (SL) (4).     n   English B (SL) (3).          n    English B (HL) (4).
   n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).

   n Extended Essay.
                                                    Choose one:
   n History (SL) (3).                              n    Music (SL) (3).         n   Visual Arts (SL) (3).   n   Applied Anatomy (3).
   n Physics (Spanish) (HL) (5).
                                                    Choose one:
   n Chemistry (English) (HL) (4).
                                                    n    Analytic Mathematics for Technology (SL) (4).                 n   Analytic Mathematics (NS $) (4).
       : for students who are to study abroad or who are not required to sit Spanish University Admission exam.

   F) Biomedical Sciences                                                                                                         Subjects and hours per week
   COMMON SUBJECTS                                  NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (SL) (3).                Choose one:
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                       n    English A (SL) (4).     n   English B (SL) (3).          n    English B (HL) (4).
   n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).

   n Applied Mathematics (SL) (3).
                                                    Choose one:
   n Extended Essay.                                n    Applied Anatomy (3).    n   Visual Arts (SL) (3). n Music (SL) (3).
   n Biology (Spanish) (HL) (5).
                                                    Choose one:
   n Chemistry (English) (HL) (5).
                                                    n    History (HL) (4).       n   History (SL) (3).

    G) Chemistry and similars                                                                                                     Subjects and hours per week
       n Spanish A: Literature (SL) (3).             NON COMMON SUBJECTS
       n Theory of Knowledge (2).                    Choose one:
       n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).
                                                     n   English A (SL) (4).     n   English B (SL) (3).           n   English B (HL) (4).
       n Analytic Mathematics for

                                                     Choose one:
         Technology (SL) (4).
       n Extended Essay.                             n   Applied Anatomy (3).    n   Visual Arts (SL) (3). n Music (SL) (3).
       n Physics (Spanish) (HL) (5).
                                                     Choose one:
       n Chemistry (English) (HL) (5).
                                                     n   History (HL) (4).       n   History (SL) (3).

    Physics (HL) will have 4 h if it is not choosen for Spanish University Admission exam.

The minimum number of students to offer a subject is 3. The internship                 The subjects shaded in green are the ones which prepare Spanish
period in organizations and companies, an indispensable requirement                    University Admission exam.
for the Year 11 qualification, will be from 24-VI to 5-VII. This program is            Music (SL) requires the student to participate in special Music lessons or
voluntary for Year 10 and Year 12 students.                                            Music School.


US Diploma
In collaboration with exceptional professionals and leading companies in their

Gervasio Iglesias. Director and        Delia Pascual. Director of             Emilia Gómez. Professor at the
Producer of Código Sur.                OpenRoom.                              Universidad Pompeu Fabra.

Carlo Suffredini. Director of          Antonio Calero. Manager Director of    Antonio Mariano Esteban. Project
Hotel Alfonso XIII.                    Casa Robles Restaurante.               Manager at Guadaltel.


   Year 11                                                                                              US Diploma                           (16 years)
   A) Arts y Animation                                                                                                            Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                                  NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).               Choose one:
   n English B (SL) (3).                            n   Business Management (SL) (4).        n   Visual Arts (SL) (3).     n   Technical Drawing I (4).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).

   n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).

   n History of America (3).

   n Fundaments of Arts I (4).

   n Animation * (11).

   (*) Composing and integration; 3D modeling; textures, lights and fluids.
   In collaboration with LZ Producciones.

   B) Architecture and Engineering                                                                                                Subjects and hours per week

   n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).                       n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).                    n Physics (Spanish) (HL) (5).
   n English B (SL) (3).                                    n Mathematics (HSD) (4).                                   n Technical Drawing I (4).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                               n History of America (3).                                  n Modeling and Lights ** (7).

   (**) Modeling 3D; textures, lights and fluids.
   In collaboration with LZ Producciones.

   C) Social Sciences                                                                                                             Subjects and hours per week
   COMMON SUBJECTS                                  NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).               Choose one:
   n English B (SL) (3).
                                                    n   Music (SL) (3).           n   Latin (SL) (3).            n   Programming (4).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).

   n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).          Choose one:
   n Mathematics (HSD) (4).
                                                    n   Marketing (3).           n    Law and International Relations (3).
   n History of America (3).

   n Business Management (SL) (4).                  Choose one:
                                                    n   French (3).              n    German (3).                n   Arabic (3).
   In Social Sciences students have to take SIX subjects shaded in green in order to be able to sit two of them in the specific phase of Spanish
   University Admission exam. See the offer of Y12 for 2020-21 on pages 18-21.
   In collaboration with OpenRoom.

   D) Biomedical Sciences                                                                                                         Subjects and hours per week
   n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).                       n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).                    n Biology (Spanish) (HL) (5).
   n English B (SL) (3).                                    n Mathematics (HSD) (4).                                   n Applied Anatomy (3).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                               n History of America (3).                                  n Modeling and Lights ** (7).

   (**) Modeling 3D; textures, lights and fluids.
   In collaboration with LZ Producciones.

   E) Sports                                                                                                                      Subjects and hours per week
   n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).                       n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).                    n Biology (Spanish) (HL) (5).
   n English B (SL) (3).                                    n Mathematics (HSD) (4).                                   n Applied Anatomy (3).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                               n History of America (3).                                  n Physical Practice (10).

   The Physical Education Department will stablish the agreements with each sports club and will validate the preparation acquired.

The minimum number of students to offer a subject is 3. The internship                  The subjects shaded in green are the ones which prepare Spanish
period in organizations and companies, an indispensable requirement for                 University Admission exam.
the Year 11 qualification, will be from 24-VI to 5-VII. This program is volun-          Music (SL) requires the student to participate in special Music.
tary for Year 10 and Year 12 students.                                                  Lessons or Music School.

   Year 11                                                                                             US Diploma                        (16 years)
   F) Music and Animation                                                                                                      Subjects and hours per week
    n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).                    n Fundaments of Arts (I) (4).                             n   Modeling and Lights ** (7).
    n English B (SL) (3).                                 n History of America (3).                                 n   Instrumental Ensemble (4). (Saturdays)
    n Theory of Knowledge (2).                            n 2nd Foreign Language (Fr/Ger/Ar) (3).

    n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).               n Music (SL) (3).

   (**) 3D Modeling; textures, lights and fluids.
   This option will only allow students to obtain 12 points in Spanish University Admission exam.
   In collaboration with LZ Producciones.

   G) Computing                                                                                                                Subjects and hours per week

    n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).                    n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).                   n   Physics (Spanish) (HL) (5).
    n English B (SL) (3).                                 n Mathematics (HSD) (4).                                  n   Programming ** (9).
    n Theory of Knowledge (2).                            n History of America (3).

   (**) Python/R; databases; artificial intelligence: machine learning, deep learning, big data; IoT
   This option will only allow students to obtain 12 points in Spanish University Admission exam

   H) Hotel and Restaurant Management                                                                                          Subjects and hours per week

    n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).                    n Mathematics (HSD) (4).                                  n Restaurant Management (4). (alternate
    n English B (SL) (3).                                 n History of America (3).                                   Saturdays on the weekends)
    n Theory of Knowledge (2).                            n 2nd Foreign Language (Fr/Ger/Ar) (3).                   n Marketing (3).

    n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).               n Business Management (SL) (4).

   In collaboration with Robles Restaurantes and the Hotel Alfonso XIII, which will allote each student with a mark during the weekend activities.
   This option will only allow students to obtain 12 points in Spanish University Admission exam.

   I) Music (only students at Music School)                                                                                    Subjects and hours per week

    n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).                    n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).                   n   Music School Electives (11).
    n English B (SL) (3).                                 n Fundaments of Arts (I) (4).                             n   Instrumental Ensemble (4). (Saturdays)
    n Theory of Knowledge (2).                            n History of America (3).

   Foreign Languages Acquisition Department will stablish the agreements with the Music School, which will allote each student with a mark.
   This option will only allow students to obtain 12 points in Spanish University Admission exam.

    J) Music and Sonology (only students at Music School)                                                                      Subjects and hours per week
    COMMON SUBJECTS                                       NON COMMON SUBJECTS
    n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).                    Choose one:
    n English B (SL) (3).                                 n   Fundaments of Arts (I) (4).                                  n   Mathematics (HSD) (4).
    n Theory of Knowledge (2).

    n Creativity, Activity and Service (1).

    n History of America (3).
    n Fundaments of Music Technology (2).                 Foreign Languages Acquisition Department will stablish agreements with the official Music
    n Recording and Postproduction Techniques (2).        School and validate the marks obtained.
    n Sound Design (2).                                   This option will only allow students to obtain 12 points in Spanish University Admission
    n Music School Electives (8).                         exam.

The minimum number of students to offer a subject is 3. The internship                   The subjects shaded in green are the ones which prepare Spanish University
period in organizations and companies, an indispensable requirement for the              Admission exam.
Year 11 qualification, will be from 24-VI to 5-VII. This program is voluntary for        Music (SL) requires the student to participate in special Music lessons or in
Year 10 and Year 12 students.                                                            the Music School.

   Year 12                                International Baccalauréate Diploma                                                                  (17 years)
   A) Arts y Animation                                                                                                            Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                            NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (HL) (4).          Choose one:
   n English B (HL) (4).                      n   Technical Drawing II (4).       n   Fundaments of Arts (II) (4).               n   Music * (SL) (3).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).

   n Creativity, Activity and Service .
                                              Choose one:
   n Mathematical Studies (SL) (3).           n   Music (SL) (3).             n   Visual Arts (SL) (3).             n   Exponential Entrepreneurship Programme (3).
   n Extended Essay.
                                              Choose one:
   n History (HL) (4).

   n History of Art (4).
                                              n   Chemistry (Spanish) (SL) (3).                                     n   Biology (English) (SL) (3).

   Quienes elijan la Option de Music * (SL) solo tendrán UNA materia para Selectividad.

   B) Humanities                                                                                                                 Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                            NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (HL) (4).
                                              Choose one:
   n English B (HL) (4).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).
                                              n   Music * (SL) (3).           n   Greek (SL) (3).                   n   Library Science (3).
   n Creativity, Activity and Service .
                                              Choose one:
   n Mathematical Studies (SL) (3).
                                              n   Latin (SL) (3).             n   Visual Arts * (SL) (3).      n   Exponential Entrepreneurship Programme (3).
   n Extended Essay.

   n History (HL) (4).                        Choose one:
   n History of Art (4).                      n   Chemistry (Spanish) (SL) (3). n Biology (English) (SL) (3).

   Students who choose Music * (SL) and Visual Arts * (SL) will only opt to ONE subject for Spanish University Admission exam.

   C) Social Sciences                                                                                                            Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                            NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (HL) (4).          Choose one:
   n English B (HL) (4).
                                              n   Business Management (SL) (4).               n   Music (SL) (3).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).

   n Creativity, Activity and Service .       Choose one:
   n Mathematics (SL) (4).                    nMusic (SL) (3). n Visual Arts (SL) (3). n Latin (SL) (3). n Exponential Entrepreneurship

   n Extended Essay.                          			Programme (3).
   n History (HL) (4).                        Choose one:
                                              n   Chemistry (Spanish) (SL) (3).                                     n   Biology (English) (SL) (3).

   D) Architecture and Engineering                                                                                               Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                            NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (SL) (3).          Choose one:
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                 n   English A (SL) (3).         n   English B (SL) (3).               n   English B (HL) (4).
   n Creativity, Activity and Service .

   n Mathematics (HL) (4).
                                              Choose one:
   n Extended Essay.                          n   Chemistry (English) (HL) (4).          n   Chemistry (Spanish) (SL) (3).
   n History (SL) (3).

   n Technical Drawing II (4).

   n Physics (Spanish) (HL) (5).

The minimum number of students to offer a subject is 3.
Subjects shaded in green are the ones which will prepare for Spanish University Admission exam.


   Year 12                                    International Baccalauréate Diploma                                                             (17 years)
   E) Mathematics, Physics and similar ones                                                                                         Subjects and hours per week
   COMMON SUBJECTS                                NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (SL) (3).              Choose one:
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                     n    English B (SL) (3).         n   English A (SL) (4).
   n Creativity, Activity and Service .

   n Mathematics (HL) (5).
                                                  Choose one:
   n Extended Essay.                              n    Music (SL) (3).             n   Visual Arts (SL) (3).     n   Exponential Entrepreneurship Programme (3).
   n History (SL) (3).

   n Physics (Spanish) (HL) (5).

   n Chemistry (English) (HL) (4).

   F) Biomedical Sciences                                                                                                           Subjects and hours per week
   COMMON SUBJECTS                                 NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (SL) (3).               Choose one:
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                      n   English B (SL) (3).         n   English A (SL) (4).
   n Creativity, Activity and Service .

   n Mathematical Studies (SL) (3).
                                                   Choose one:
   n Extended Essay.                               n   Music (SL) (3).             n   Visual Arts (SL) (3). n Exponential Entrepreneurship Programme (3).
   n History (HL) (4).

   n Biology (Spanish) (HL) (5).

   n Chemistry (English) (HL) (5).

    G) Chemistry and similars                                                                                                       Subjects and hours per week
       COMMON SUBJECTS                                NON COMMON SUBJECTS
       n Spanish A: Literature (SL) (3).              Choose one:
       n Theory of Knowledge (2).                     n    English B (SL) (3).         n   English A (SL) (4).
       n Creativity, Activity and Service .

       n Mathematics (SL) (4).
                                                      Choose one:
       n Extended Essay.                               n   Visual Arts (SL) (3). n Music (SL) (3).                      n   Exponential Entrepreneurship Programme (3).
       n History (HL) (4).

       n Physics (Spanish) (HL) (5).

       n Chemistry (English) (HL) (5).

he minimum number of students to offer a subject is 3.
Subjects shaded in green are the ones which will prepare for Spanish University Admission exam.


   Year 12                                                                                            US Diploma                          (17 years)
   A) Arts                                                                                                                  Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                             NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).          Choose one:
   n English B (HL) (4).                       n   Technical Drawing II (4).   n   Business Management (4).                   n   Music * (SL) (3).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).

   n Creativity, Activity and Service .
                                               Choose one:
   n History (HSD) (4).                        n   Music (SL) (3).             n   Visual Arts * (SL) (3).   n   Exponential Entrepreneurship Programme (3).
   n History of Art (4).
                                               Choose one:
   n Fundaments of Arts (II) (4).
                                               n   Chemistry (Spanish) (SL) (3).        n   Philosophy (SL) (4).              n   Music (SL) (3).

   Students who choose Music * (SL) and Visual Arts * (SL) will only opt to ONE subject for Spanish University Admission exam.

   B) Social Sciences                                                                                                       Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                             NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).          Choose one:
   n English B (HL) (4).
                                               Music (SL) (3).
                                               n               n Visual Arts (SL) (3). n Latin (SL) (3).                      n   Exponential Entrepreneurship
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).
                                               		                                                                                 Programme (3).
   n Creativity, Activity and Service .

   n Mathematics Social Sciences (HSD)         Choose one:
     (4).                                      n   Chemistry (Spanish) (SL) (3).        n   Philosophy (SL) (4).
   n History (HSD) (4).

   n Business Management (SL) (4)

   C) Architecture and Engineering (España)                                                                                 Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                             NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).          Choose one:
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                  n   English B (SL) (3).         n   English A (SL) (3).
   n Creativity, Activity and Service .

   n Mathematics (II) (HSD) (4).

   n History (HSD) (3).

   n Technical Drawing (II) (4).

   n Physics (Spanish) (HL) (5) .

   n Chemistry (English) (HL) (4).

   D) Biomedical Sciences                                                                                                    Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                             NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).          Choose one:
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                  n   English B (SL) (3).         n   English A (SL) (3).
   n Creativity, Activity and Service .

   n Mathematics (II) (HSD) (4).
                                               Choose one:
   n History (HSD) (3).                        n   Music (SL) (3).             n   Visual Arts (SL) (3).     n   Exponential Entrepreneurship Programme (3).
   n Biology (Spanish) (HL) (5).
   n Chemistry (English) (HL) (5).

The minimum number of students to offer a subject is 3.
Subjects shaded in green are the ones which will prepare for Spanish University Admission exam.


   Year 12                                International Baccalauréate Diploma                                                                      (17 years)
   A) Arts y Animation                                                                                                              Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                               NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (HL) (4).             Choose one:
   n English B (HL) (4).                         n   Technical Drawing II (4).   n   Fundaments of Arts (II) (4).                   n   Music * (SL) (3).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).

   n Creativity, Activity and Service .
                                                 Choose one:
   n Applied Mathematics (SL) (3).               n   Music (SL) (3).             n   Visual Arts (SL) (3).
                                                                                                           n Library Science (3).

   n Extended Essay.
                                                 Choose one:
   n History (HL) (4).

   n History of Art (4).
                                                 n   Chemistry (Spanish) (SL) (3).                                   n   Biology (English) (SL) (3).

   Students who choose Music * (SL) will only have ONE subject for Spanish University Admission exam.

   B) Humanities                                                                                                                    Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                               NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (HL) (4).
                                                 Choose one:
   n English B (HL) (4).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).
                                                 n   Music * (SL) (3).           n   Greek (SL) (3).                 n   Library and Information Science (3).
   n Creativity, Activity and Service .
                                                 Choose one:
   n Applied Mathematics (SL) (3).
                                                 n   Latin (SL) (3).             n   Visual Arts * (SL) (3).    n   Music (SL) (3).
   n Extended Essay.

   n History (HL) (4).                           Choose one:
   n History of Art (4).                         n   Chemistry (Spanish) (SL) (3). 		 n Biology (English) (SL) (3).

   Students who choose Music * (SL) and Visual Arts * (SL) will only opt to ONE subject for Spanish University Admission exam.

   C) Social Sciences                                                                                                               Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                               NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (HL) (4).             Choose one:
   n English B (HL) (4).
                                                 n   Business Management (SL) (4).             n   Music (SL) (3).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).

   n Creativity, Activity and Service .          Choose one:
   n Analytic Mathematics for Social             n   Music (SL) (3).             n   Visual Arts (SL) (3). n Latin (SL) (3).            n   Applied Anatomy (II) (3).
     Sciences (SL) (4).
                                                 Choose one:
   n Extended Essay.

   n History (HL) (4).
                                                 n   Chemistry (Spanish) (SL) (3).                                   n   Biology (English) (SL) (3).

   D) Architecture and Engineering                                                                                                  Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                               NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (SL) (3).             Choose one:
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                    n   English A (SL) (3).         n   English B (SL) (3).             n   English B (HL) (4).
   n Creativity, Activity and Service .

   n Extended Essay.
                                                 Choose one:
   n History (SL) (3).                           n   Chemistry (English) (HL) (4).        n   Chemistry (Spanish) (SL) (3).
   n Technical Drawing II (4).
                                                 Choose one:
   n Physics (Spanish) (HL) (5) .
                                                 n   Analytic Mathematics for Technology (SL) (4).                       n   Analytic Mathematics (NS $) (4).

       For students who are to study abroad or who are not required to sit Spanish University Admission exam.

The minimum number of students to offer a subject is 3.
Subjects shaded in green are the ones which will prepare for Spanish University Admission exam.


   Year 12                                International Baccalauréate Diploma                                                                       (17 years)
   E) Mathematics, Physics and similar ones                                                                                            Subjects and hours per week
   COMMON SUBJECTS                                NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (SL) (3).              Choose one:
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                     n    English B (SL) (3).        n   English A (SL) (3).            n    English B (HL) (4).
   n Creativity, Activity and Service .

   n Extended Essay.
                                                  Choose one:
   n History (SL) (3).                            n    Music (SL) (3).            n   Visual Arts (SL) (3).     n   Applied Anatomy (II) (3).
   n Physics (Spanish) (HL) (5).
                                                  Choose one:
   n Chemistry (English) (HL) (4).
                                                  n    Analytic Mathematics for Technology (SL) (4).                      n   Analytic Mathematics (NS $) (4).

       For students who are to study abroad or who are not required to sit Spanish University Admission exam.

   F) Biomedical Sciences                                                                                                              Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                                 NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (SL) (3).               Choose one:
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                      n   English B (SL) (3).        n   English A (SL) (3).             n   English B (HL) (4).
   n Creativity, Activity and Service .

   n Applied Mathematics (SL) (3).
                                                   to choose one:
   n Extended Essay.                               n   History (HL) (4).          n   History (SL) (3).
   n Biology (Spanish) (HL) (5).
                                                   Choose one:
   n Chemistry (English) (HL) (5).
                                                   n   Music (SL) (3).            n   Visual Arts (SL) (3). n Applied Anatomy (II) (3).

       G) Chemistry and similars                                                                                                       Subjects and hours per week
       COMMON SUBJECTS                                NON COMMON SUBJECTS
       n Spanish A: Literature (SL) (3).              Choose one:
       n Theory of Knowledge (2).
                                                      n   English B (SL) (3).         n   English A (SL) (3).            n    English B (HL) (4).
       n Creativity, Activity and Service .

       n Mathematics Analítica for Tech (SL)
                                                      Choose one:
         (4).                                         n   History (HL) (4).           n   History (SL) (3).
       n Extended Essay.
                                                      Choose one:
       n Physics (Spanish) (HL) (5).

       n Chemistry (English) (HL) (5).
                                                      n   Applied Anatomy (II) (3). n Visual Arts (SL) (3). n Music (SL) (3).

The minimum number of students to offer a subject is 3.
Subjects shaded in green are the ones which will prepare for Spanish University Admission exam.


   Year 12                                                                                           US Diploma                          (17 years)
   A) Arts y Animation                                                                                                         Subjects and hours per week

   COMMON SUBJECTS                               NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).            Choose one:
   n English B (SL) (3).                         n   History of Art (3).       n   Colour correction and grading (2).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).

   n Creativity, Activity and Service .          Choose one:
   n Fundaments of Arts (II) (3).                n   Economy (HSD) (4).        n   Visual Arts (SL) (3).   n   Technical Drawing II (4).
   n History (HSD) (3).

   n Animation *** (10).

   *** Animation de masas; Virtual Environments .

    B) Architecture and Engineering                                                                                            Subjects and hours per week

    n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).                   n Creativity, Activity and Service .                         n Physics (Spanish) (HL) (5).
    n English B (SL) (3).                                n Mathematics II (HSD) (4).                                  n Technical Drawing (II) (4).
    n Theory of Knowledge (2).                           n History (HSD) (3).                                         n Virtual Environments (7).

   C) Social Sciences                                                                                                          Subjects and hours per week
   COMMON SUBJECTS                               NON COMMON SUBJECTS
   n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).            Choose one:
   n English B (SL) (3).                         n   Music (SL) (3).           n   Latin (SL) (3).                n   History de la Philosophy (3).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).

   n Creativity, Activity and Service .

   n Applied Mathematics CCSS (HSD) (4).

   n History (HSD) (3).

   n Economy (HSD) (4).

   n 2nd Foreign Language (3).

   n Elective Subjects **** (5).

   **** personal combination of online courses.

   D) Biomedical Sciences                                                                                                      Subjects and hours per week
   n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).                    n Mathematics II (HSD) (4).                                  n   Chemistry (Spanish) (HSD) (4).
   n English B (SL) (3).                                 n History (HSD) (3).                                         n   Elective Subjects **** (5).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                            n Biology (Spanish) (HL) (5).

   n Creativity, Activity and Service .                  n Applied Anatomy (II) (3).

   **** personal combination of online courses.

   E) Sports                                                                                                                   Subjects and hours per week

   n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).                    n Creativity, Activity and Service .                         n Biology (Spanish) (HL) (5).
   n English B (SL) (3).                                 n Mathematics (II) (HSD) (4).                                n Chemistry # (HSD) (4).
   n Theory of Knowledge (2).                            n History (HSD) (3).                                         n Physical Practice (10).

   # optional, to be able to opt to 14 points in Selectividad.

The minimum number of students to offer each subject is 3.
These options are those chosen by the students 2017-19.
Students have to take SIX subjects shaded in green to be able to opt to the specific phase in Spanish University Admission exam.


   Year 12                                                                                         US Diploma                          (17 years)
   F) Music and Animation                                                                                                    Subjects and hours per week

    COMMON SUBJECTS                              NON COMMON SUBJECTS
    n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).           Choose one:
    n English B (SL) (3).
                                                 n   History of Art # (3).   n   2nd Foreign Language # (3).   n   Colour correction and grading # (2).
    n Theory of Knowledge (2).

    n Creativity, Activity and Service .

    n Fundaments of Arts (II) (3).

    n History (HSD) (3).

    n Music (SL) (3).

    n Animation (10).

    n Symphonic Ensemble (4). (Saturdays)

   # optional, to be able to opt to 14 points in Selectividad.

   G) Computing                                                                                                              Subjects and hours per week

    n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).                   n Creativity, Activity and Service .                      n   Physics (Spanish) (HL) (5).
    n English B (SL) (3).                                n Mathematics II (HSD) (4).                               n   Programming (9).
    n Theory of Knowledge (2).                           n History (HSD) (3).

   H) Hotel and Restaurant Management                                                                                       Subjects and hours per week

    n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).                   n Applied Mathematics CCSS (4).                           n Hotel Management (4). (On alternate
    n English B (SL) (3).                                n History (HSD) (3).                                        Saturdays or one complete weekend per
    n Theory of Knowledge (2).                           n 2nd Foreign Language (3).                                 month)
    n Creativity, Activity and Service .                 n Economy (HSD) (4).                                      n Elective Subjects **** (5).

   **** personal combination of online courses.

   I) Music (only students at Music School)                                                                                  Subjects and hours per week

    n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).                   n Creativity, Activity and Service .                      n History of Art (3).
    n English B (SL) (3).                                n Fundaments of Arts (II) (3).                            n Elective Subjects (11).
    n Theory of Knowledge (2).                           n History (HSD) (3).                                      n Symphonic Ensemble (4). (Saturdays)

    J) Music and Sonology (only students at Music School)                                                                    Subjects and hours per week

    COMMON SUBJECTS                              NON COMMON SUBJECTS
    n Spanish A: Literature (HSD) (3).           Choose one:
    n English B (SL) (3).
                                                 n   Fundaments of Arts (II) (3).                                  n   Mathematics II (HSD) (4).
    n Theory of Knowledge (2).

    n Creativity, Activity and Service .

    n History (HSD) (3).

    n History of Art (3).

    n Fundaments of Music Technology (2).

    n Recording and Postproduction Tech-

      niques (2).
    n Sound Design (2).

    n Music School Electives (8).

The minimum number of students to offer each subject is 3.
These options are those chosen by the students 2017-19.
Students have to take SIX subjects shaded in green to be able to opt to the specific phase in Spanish University Admission exam.


                                                                             Elective Subjects

OPTIONS FROM Y1TO Y5........................................................................................................................23
GERMAN (Y1-Y2)...............................................................................................................................................................................................................23
ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS (IN ENGLISH) Y1-Y3............................................................................................................................................................23
CHINESE CALLIGRAPHY.................................................................................................................................................................................................23
CREATIVE CALLIGRAPHY OR LETTERING (IN FRENCH)..........................................................................................................................................23
READING CLUB..................................................................................................................................................................................................................24
READING CLUB OF ADAPTED AND GRADED BOOKS (Y3-Y5 IN GERMAN)..........................................................................................................24
CREATION OF TOYS AND CRAFTS (Y1-Y2).................................................................................................................................................................24
CREATIVE DRAWING........................................................................................................................................................................................................24
ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS (Y4-Y5).....................................................................................................................................................................24
CREATIVE WRITING..........................................................................................................................................................................................................24
ESTIMULA (Y5)..................................................................................................................................................................................................................24
READING STRATEGIES (Y5)............................................................................................................................................................................................25
PROMOTION OF HEALTH AND HEALTHY HABITS.....................................................................................................................................................25
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE...........................................................................................................................................................................................25
BASIC MOTOR GAMES AND SKILLS.............................................................................................................................................................................25
CATHOLIC RELIGION .......................................................................................................................................................................................................26
COOKING WORKSHOP (IN FRENCH)...........................................................................................................................................................................26
CRAFTS WORKSHOP-HANDARBEITEN (IN GERMAN) Y3-Y5..................................................................................................................................26
WORKSHOP OF COMICS BASED ON HISTORY OF SEVILLA (Y3-Y5 IN FRENCH)...............................................................................................26

OPTIONS FROM Y6 TO Y9.......................................................................................................................27
ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS (IN ENGLISH)........................................................................................................................................................................27
SELF-KNOWLEDGE AND LEADERSHIP ON VALUES..................................................................................................................................................27
CREATIVE CALLIGRAPHY OR LETTERING (IN FRENCH)..........................................................................................................................................27
CINEMA CLUB (IN FRENCH)...........................................................................................................................................................................................27
READING CLUB FOR ADAPTED AND GRADED BOOKS (IN GERMAN)...................................................................................................................27
CREATION OF HEALTH OFFICERS.................................................................................................................................................................................28
CREATIVE WRITING CLUB (IN ENGLISH).....................................................................................................................................................................28
DESIGN OF JOURNALISTIC PROJECTS.......................................................................................................................................................................28
GRAPHIC DESIGN AND LOGOS .....................................................................................................................................................................................28
DESIGN, 3D PRINTING AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE HUMANOID ROBOT IMLOOV (IN ENGLISH)..............................................................28
DRAMA CLUB IN ENGLISH..............................................................................................................................................................................................29
DRAWING AND PAINTING (IN ENGLISH).....................................................................................................................................................................29
PREPARATION OF BUSINESS PLANS ……………………………………..…………………................................................................................................................29
WALL CLIMBING................................................................................................................................................................................................................29
READING STRATEGIES....................................................................................................................................................................................................29
PHOTOGRAPHY (IN ENGLISH).......................................................................................................................................................................................29
FOUNDATIONS OF INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE SPORTS...................................................................................................................................30
HISTORY OF GREECE AND ROME THROUGH CINEMA............................................................................................................................................30
HISTORY OF CINEMA.......................................................................................................................................................................................................30
AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING.........................................................................................................................................................................................30
EXPONENCIAL STEAM LABORATORY..........................................................................................................................................................................30
TYPING (IN GERMAN)......................................................................................................................................................................................................31


                                                                            Elective Subjects

MODELING IN CLAY/CERAMIC (IN ENGLISH)............................................................................................................................................................31
COMPUTER RESOURCES FOR MATHEMATICS ........................................................................................................................................................32
CATHOLIC RELIGION .......................................................................................................................................................................................................32
SEVILLA, CITY OF OPERA................................................................................................................................................................................................32
WORKSHOP OF COMICS BASED ON THE HISTORY OF SEVILLA (IN FRENCH)..................................................................................................33
YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR’S INVESTMENT (IN ENGLISH).........................................................................................................................................33

Presentation of MYP Personal Projects.

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