Schulich Achievements - 2020 -2021 YEAR-END REPORT

Page created by Jennifer Henry
Schulich Achievements - 2020 -2021 YEAR-END REPORT
Schulich Achievements
2020 – 2021 YEAR-END REPORT
Schulich Achievements - 2020 -2021 YEAR-END REPORT

    Teaching & Learning

    World-Class Research

    Student Success

    Alumni Success

    School Success

b    Our Achievements
    Schulich Community
Schulich Achievements - 2020 -2021 YEAR-END REPORT
Thank You!
A Message from Schulich Dean Detlev Zwick

Dear Members of the Schulich Community,

I am very pleased to present the first ever year-end report highlighting the many
achievements of Schulich’s faculty, staff and students for the past academic year.

As Dean, it gives me great pride to see so many of your accomplishments reflected
in the pages of this report. These accomplishments are a great and enduring testament to
the spirit of togetherness, hard work and perseverance of the entire Schulich community
in the face of the unprecedented challenges brought about by the pandemic.

From first-place finishes at case competitions and winning prestigious research awards
to teaching innovations and community outreach that made an impact, our wonderful
community of students, faculty, staff, alumni and supporters excelled in a most
remarkable fashion.

To the entire Schulich community — when it was needed more than ever, you came together
to make this academic year a year to be proud of. Thank you!


Detlev Zwick, PhD
Interim Dean

                                                                        2020 – 2021 Year-End Report   1
Schulich Achievements - 2020 -2021 YEAR-END REPORT
Teaching & Learning
Since the pandemic, we’ve invested heavily in new teaching technologies
that enhance the remote learning experience. Our long-term goal:
to become a leader in delivering hybrid formats of learning and more
flexible programming for a world that is increasingly digital.

2   Schulich Achievements
Schulich Achievements - 2020 -2021 YEAR-END REPORT
We migrated all Schulich          We created the Office of          We launched
courses to an online format       Curriculum Innovation and         exclusive career
and piloted a hybrid format for   Teaching Excellence to            workshops for
the Kellogg-Schulich EMBA.        support the technology needs      alumni in
                                  of Schulich’s faculty and added   collaboration
                                  2 academic technologists.         with SEEC.

                                  We rolled out a new software      We launched a new microsite
                                  platform and mobile app           profiling our student case
                                  branded OneSchulich to            competition achievements.
                                  support our 54 undergraduate
                                  and graduate student clubs and
                                  virtual student networking.


    Schulich created a first-of-its-kind,
    inter-disciplinary online course on
    leadership lessons from the pandemic.

    Titled “Leading Through the Pandemic:
    Insights from Individuals, Organizations,
    Governments and Societies”, the
    course brought together the expertise
    of 11 Schulich faculty members from a
    wide range of disciplines — everything
    from strategy and marketing to real estate
    and sustainability — to provide students
    with important business insights about
    the COVID-19 pandemic.

                                                                                2020 – 2021 Year-End Report   3
Schulich Achievements - 2020 -2021 YEAR-END REPORT

We conducted an                   More than 70% of Schulich’s
environmental scan on the         graduate and undergraduate
                                                                   We designed and
future of business education      courses are using asynchronous
                                                                   delivered a four-part
to enrich the collected           content to support teaching
                                                                   Teaching Online series
data and inform a series of       and learning.
                                                                   combining lessons learned
discussions at Faculty Council.
                                                                   from Schulich’s most
                                                                   innovative instructors
                                                                   and training on learning
                                                                   technology tools.

                                                                   We delivered bi-weekly
                                                                   Teaching Online drop-in
                                                                   sessions for faculty and
                                                                   more than 20 teaching
                                                                   excellence workshops
                                                                   with an average of 40
                                                                   participants per session.

                                                                   We produced a monthly
     A large percentage of graduate students (66%) in a            Curriculum Innovation
     survey reported “high satisfacation” with the delivery        & Teaching Excellence
     of remote teaching during a year marked by pandemic           (CITE) newsletter
     lockdowns and a completely new learning environment.          addressing emerging
     The student survey also showed that teaching evaluations      concerns and sharing best
     were as good or better than before the introduction of        practices in teaching and
     director-led ZOOM instruction and asynchronous learning.      course design.

4   Schulich Achievements
Schulich Achievements - 2020 -2021 YEAR-END REPORT
Experiential Learning
During the 2020-2021 academic year, we established
the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship to lead
the development of accelerator/incubator services for the
School and its various programs, build new partnerships throughout
the wider innovation ecosystem and continue its work designing
innovation-centric Work Integrated Learning programs.                      Chris Carder, Executive Director
                                                                           of the Office of Innovation and
                                                                           Entrepreneurship at Schulich

                                                                           SCHULICH PARTNERS
• Over 200 innovation/               • Schulich’s graduate students
                                                                           WITH STARTUP INDIA
  startup work placements for          in programs such as the Master
                                                                           TO LAUNCH VIRTUAL
  our students and more than           of Business Analytics and the
  500 coaching sessions.               Master of Management in             ENTREPRENEURSHIP
                                       Artificial Intelligence took        VENTURE COMPETITION
                                       part in a wide range of
 CASE COMPETITIONS                                                         Schulich partnered
                                       real-world consulting projects
• A total of 14 different Schulich     during the year.                    with Startup India to
  graduate teams participated
                                                                           create a seven-day
                                     • Corporate clients included
  in 9 case competitions, 6 of         companies such as Cineplex,         virtual Entrepreneurship
  which were global.                   Loblaw, OMERS, Ontario Power        Bootcamp and Venture
                                       Generation, L’Oréal and CIBC.       Competition in January
• The graduate teams placed
  in the finals at 6 of the 9
  competitions.                       STRATEGY FIELD STUDY                 Backed by global
• Largest ever MBA Case Team,
                                                                           organizations, leading
                                     • During the past year, a total       entrepreneurs, and top
  with 25 graduate-level team
                                       of 55 teams comprised of            venture capitalists,
                                       327 graduate students started       250 student entrepreneurs
                                       a Strategy Field Study (601)        from India and Canada
 INTERNSHIPS                           project.                            formed teams and were
• Schulich’s Career                  • 10 Faculty Chairs guided the        challenged to come up
  Development Centre                   55 teams and 110 Schulich           with potential solutions
  posted 1,440 undergraduate           faculty members were involved       that aligned with the
  internships and 1,248                as advisors.                        values of self-reliability,
  graduate internships.              • The 601 Office secured 40+          sustainability, and social
                                       client sites — the highest number   purpose. Throughout the
• Companies that recruited
                                       ever — through the alumni           week, the 50 teams had
  Schulich students for
                                       network, active outreach, and       the opportunity to consult
  internships included Amazon,
                                       our own professional networks.      with various mentors from
  Deloitte, CIBC, KPMG, Royal
                                                                           Canada and India to refine
  Bank, Nestlé and Labatts.
                                                                           their ideas before the
• All 23 IMBA students secured                                             judging round. Through
  internships at companies                                                 three judging rounds,
  that included Panasonic,                                                 leading venture capitalists
  BlackBerry, Michael Kors and                                             and investors chose the
  Cognizant.                                                               top three venture ideas.

                                                                                       2020 – 2021 Year-End Report   5
Schulich Achievements - 2020 -2021 YEAR-END REPORT
World-Class Research
We transformed our School’s research efforts during the past year by
implementing a dual strategy built around research intensification and
knowledge mobilization.

6   Schulich Achievements
Schulich Achievements - 2020 -2021 YEAR-END REPORT
Research Highlights
                                                            MINISTER’S AWARD
           LEADERSHIP AWARD                                 Schulich professor
           Theodore Noseworthy was named a                  Murat Kristal received
           recipient of the York Research Award             a Minister’s Award of
           for “his extraordinary leadership and            Excellence from the
           contribution to the fields of marketing          Ontario Ministry of
           and consumer studies”.                           Colleges and Universities
                                                            for his leadership role in
                                                            developing an analytics
                                                            dashboard to provide
                                                            daily insights into the
                                                            spread of COVID-19.

           A research paper on early-stage drug
           development co-authored by Moren Lévesque
           was named the runner-up in this year’s Ralph
           Gomory Best Industry Studies Paper Award
           for excellence in industry studies research.
           The research paper found that scientific teams
           in biopharma companies might be allocating
           too much time to early-stage drug discovery
           projects that are doomed to fail.


           Kiridaran (Giri) Kanagaretnam, Professor
           of Accounting and Associate Dean,
           Students, was appointed the Ron Binns
           Chair in Financial Reporting, Banking and

           David Johnston, Professor of Operations
           Management and Information Systems
           and Director of the Master of Supply Chain
           Management Program, was appointed as
           the inaugural George Weston Ltd Chair in
           Sustainable Supply Chains.

                                                                      2020 – 2021 Year-End Report   7
Schulich Achievements - 2020 -2021 YEAR-END REPORT

                                        Honours & Accolades
     EXCELLENCE FELLOWS                 Charles Cho, Professor of        Yelena Larkin, Associate
                                        Accounting, is listed as the     Professor of Finance, was
     We established the new             most-cited academic in           invited to attend a meeting
     Schulich Research Excellence       Canada in the Accounting         of the House of Commons of
     Fellow as a means of retaining,    subfield for 2019.               Canada’s Standing Committee
     incentivizing, and recognizing                                      on Industry, Science and
     non-chaired tenured faculty                                         Technology as an expert witness
     members who are achieving
                                                                         to share the implications
     research excellence.
                                                                         of her research regarding
     The following 13 faculty                                            competitiveness in Canada.
     members qualified for the
     inaugural launch of the Schulich
     Research Excellence Fellow:
     Adam Diamant
     Associate Professor of OMIS
     Irene Henriques                    Matthias Kipping, Professor
     Professor of Economics             of Policy, released a new
     Yelena Larkin                      book, History in Management
     Associate Professor                and Organization Studies:
     of Finance                         From Margin to Mainstream,       Maxim Voronov, Professor
     Moshe Arye Milevsky                providing a historical roadmap   of Organization Studies,
     Professor of Finance               on management research.          was appointed Senior Editor,
     Grant Packard                                                       Organization Studies.
     Associate Professor
     of Marketing
     Perry Sadorsky
     Professor of Economics
     Gregory Saxton
     Associate Professor
     of Accounting
     Ruodan Shao
     Associate Professor of
     Organization Studies
                                                                         Ela Veresiu, Associate
     Winny Shen                                                          Professor of Marketing,
     Associate Professor of                                              served as a Reviewer for the
     Organization Studies                                                Marketing Science Institute’s
     Linda Thorne                                                        Alden G. Clayton Dissertation
     Professor of Accounting                                             Proposal Award.
     Maxim Voronov
     Professor of Organization
     Julian Scott Yeomans
     Professor of OMIS
     Luke Zhu
     Associate Professor of
     Organization Studies

8   Schulich Achievements
                                                                                                                                        the year-over-
The following is a list of Schulich faculty members who were among                                                                      year increase in
the top 2% most cited researchers in their                                                                                              the number of
                                                                                                                                        research articles
field and/or subfield in the world:
                                                                                                                                        authored by Schulich’s
• Russell Belk                • Dean Neu                                                                                                faculty members
                                                                                                                                        that were published
• Charles Cho                 • Robert Phillips                                                                                         in the Financial Times
• Eileen Fischer              • Perry Sadorsky                                                                                          Top 50 journals.
• Matthias Kipping            • Gregory Saxton
• Dirk Matten

SCHULICH LAUNCHES TWO NEW                                                          Developing the Next Generation of
CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE                                                             HEALTH LEADERS
                                                                                   Thank you to Robert Krembil and the
We established two new Centres of Excellence during                                Krembil Foundation for your $5-million gift to
                                                                                   the Schulich School of Business at York University

the past academic year: the Krembil Centre for Health
                                                                                   – a significant contribution that will change
                                                                                   the lives of our students for decades to come.

Management and Leadership, made possible by
                                                                                   This gift will go toward the establishment of the
                                                                                   Centre of Excellence in Health Management and Leadership
                                                                                   designed to become a leading global hub of industry
                                                                                   outreach, education and research at Schulich and expansion
                                                                                   of the Krembil Scholars Program.

a generous $5 million donation from the Krembil                                    Through the Krembil Foundation, the family has generously
                                                                                   donated more than $12 million to the Schulich School of
                                                                                   Business and York University since 2001, including the Krembil
                                                                                   Scholars Program, a groundbreaking scholarship program

Foundation and Schulich graduate Robert Krembil
                                                                                   that set the gold standard for financial aid support in Canada.

                                                                                   The Centre of Excellence in Health Management and Leadership
                                                                                   will be located in Schulich’s Rob and Cheryl McEwen Graduate
                                                                                   Study & Research Building, opened in January 2019.

(MBA ’71, Hon LLD ’00), and the George Weston Ltd                                  Today’s gift is part of Schulich’s Leading Change Campaign,
                                                                                   the School’s most comprehensive and ambitious fundraising

Centre for Sustainable Supply Chains.
                                                                                   and alumni engagement campaign to date. Under the leadership
                                                                                   of Dean Dezsö J. Horváth, C.M., and the Leading Change
                                                                                   Campaign Cabinet, the School has raised more than $65 million.

The newly established Centre for Health Management                                                             Robert Krembil, C.M.
                                                                                                               (MBA ’71, Hon LLD ’00)
                                                                                                                                                    President, Chiefswood Holdings
                                                                                                                                                    Chair, Krembil Foundation
                                                                                                                                                    Member, Dean’s Advisory Council, Schulich School of Business
                                                                                                                                                    Recipient, Schulich Alumni Recognition Award for Outstanding Executive Leadership, 2005

and Leadership will become a leading global hub of
                                                                                                                                                    Recipient, York University Bryden Alumni Award for Outstanding Contribution, 2019

                                                                                   Leading Change is an initiative of: IMPACT: THE CAMPAIGN FOR YORK UNIVERSITY

industry outreach, education and research at Schulich.
The Centre will combine academic excellence in degree
programs and executive training together with substantial
scholarship support and collaborative research on
                                                                                   The Schulich School of Business launches the George Weston Ltd Centre

leadership opportunities in the health sector.                                     for Sustainable Supply Chains and Research Chair
                                                                                   Strong, sustainable supply chains have never been more critical                  the Centre’s inaugural Research Forum “Supply Chain Problems:
                                                                                   than they are now. That is why the Schulich School of Business and               Practical Insights from Emerging Research.” The Forum brought
                                                                                   George Weston Ltd have joined forces to establish a new Centre                   management researchers and industry together to find practical
                                                                                   of Excellence and Research Chair.                                                solutions and explore new opportunities.

The new George Weston Ltd Centre for Sustainable                                   Building on Schulich’s unique Master of Supply Chain Management
                                                                                   (MSCM) program, its deep relationships with industry and George
                                                                                   Weston Ltd’s world-class expertise in supply chain management, the
                                                                                   new Centre is poised to be a global leader in supply chain education.
                                                                                                                                                                    Thank you to George Weston Ltd for this transformative partnership
                                                                                                                                                                    — one that will help develop the next generation of sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                    supply chain leaders.

Supply Chains will become a global leader in management                            On May 28, Schulich officially launched the George Weston Ltd Centre
                                                                                   for Sustainable Supply Chains and announced the Research Chair at
                                                                                                                                                                    For more information, please visit:

education and research related to supply chain management,
and a hub for industry outreach and collaboration.

                                                                                  “ Our goal is to harness the desire for change emerging in a post-pandemic economy and
                                                                                    engage industry, academics, NGOs and government in a dialogue, one that leads to an
                                                                                    actionable agenda that modernizes critical infrastructure, lowers greenhouse gas emissions,

From top: Krembil Centre for Health Management and Leadership announcement          and provides environments where people can thrive.”
                                                                                   DAVID JOHNSTON, PhD
                                                                                   Program Director, MSCM; Director & Research Chair, George Weston Ltd Centre for Sustainable Supply Chains

in the Globe & Mail, June 2020; George Weston Ltd Centre for Sustainable Supply
Chains announcement in the Globe & Mail, May 2021
                                                                                   Global Reach. Innovative Programs. Diverse Perspectives.

                                                                                                                                                                  2020 – 2021 Year-End Report                                                 9

Research Awards

     RECIPIENT                AWARDS/HONOURS

     Charles Cho              • 2020 Honorable Knight Award, University of Central Florida’s Hall of Fame
                              • The most-cited academic in Canada in the Accounting subfield for 2019

     Ivona Hideg • 2020 Kauffman Foundation Best Student Paper Award from the Gender and
     		 Diversity Division (GDO) of the Academy of Management for a paper co-authored
     		 with a former MSc student

     Ambrus Kesckes           • Best Paper Award for Corporate Finance, Academy of Finance Conference, 2020

     Murat Kristal • 2020 Recipient, Ontario Minister of College’s and Universities’ Award of
     		 Excellence for contributions to the province during the pandemic

     Yelena Larkin • First prize in the Pagano-Zechner award for the Best Non-Investments Paper in
     		the Review of Finance in 2019 –2020

     Brent Lyons              • 2020 York Research Leader

     Nicole Mead
       • 2020 Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Consumer Research
       • Commendation from the Society for the Improvement of Psychological
     		 Science (SIPS), 2021

     Lilian Ng •                  2020 AFAANZ Best Paper Award in Corporate Governance; “Labor Voice in
     		                           Corporate Governance: Evidence from Opportunistic Insider Trading”
               •                  2020 AJFS Best Paper Award (Sponsored by Mirae Asset Global Investments);
     		                           “Insider Trading, Informativeness, and Price Efficiency Around the World”

     Theodore J.              • 2020 York University “Research Leader” Designation
     Noseworthy               • 2020 Journal of Consumer Research (JCR) Outstanding Reviewer Award

     Grant Packard            • Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2020

     M. Johnny       •            2020 10th Most Cited Paper in the 50-year history of Decision Sciences for
     Rungtusanatham		             article titled “The Severity of Supply Chain Disruptions: Design Characteristics
     		                           and Mitigation Capabilities”
                     •            2019 Best Paper Finalist, Decision Sciences, 2020

     Perry Sadorsky • 2020 Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Economics
     		 and Business

     Linda Thorne •               The Lazaridis Institute Prize for Paper on Accounting Issues Relevant to
     		                           Technology Firms for “A Study of Technological Adoption in the Audit Industry:
     		                           The Theory of Disruption Applied to a Regulated Industry”, 2020
     		                           (With Krista Fiolleau, Carolyn MacTavish, Errol Osecki)

     Ela Veresiu              • 2020 York University Research Leader Award

     Maxim Voronov            •   Mike Wright Prize for Best Journal of Management Studies Reviewer, August 2020
                              •   Best Developmental Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Review, August 2020
                              •   Best Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Journal, August 2020
                              •   OMT Research Committee Service Award, August 2020

10    Schulich Achievements
SSHRC Insight Grants Results

Pouyan Foroughi          Mark Kamstra           Lilian Ng           Amin Mawami            Burkard Eberlein
Assistant Professor of   Professor of           Professor of        Associate Professor    Professor of
Finance                  Finance                Finance             of Accounting          Strategic
“When do acquirers       “Investor attention,   “How firms combat   “Evaluation of
                                                                                           Public Policy
overpay for target       mood, and price        climate change:     wage subsidies for
firms? Evidence          persistence”           International       public corporations    “Global sustainability
from M&A target                                 evidence”           during COVID-19        standards in national
valuation analyses”                                                 using legislative      context: Comparing
                                                                    and accounting         business-government
                                                                    disclosures”           interactions in
                                                                                           Argentina, Brazil
                                                                                           and Canada”


     The Faculty & Research section on the Schulich website was completely
     revamped with new modules that include:

     • Spotlight on Research

     • Faculty Impact

     • Research Funding

     • Publication Database
     • Schulich’s Centres of
       Excellence and other
       Research Institutes
       and Labs
     • A breakdown of
       Schulich faculty by
       research area

                                                                                          2020 – 2021 Year-End Report   11
Student Success
Schulich’s students won top prizes and excelled in various national and
international competitions, while the School raised a record amount of
funding for new student scholarships.

12   Schulich Achievements
#1 – Yale Case                       #1 in the world +                   Top 10 –
Competition                          $50,000 US cash prize               ICC Global Mediation
                                     in the annual Urban                 Competition in Paris
                                     Land Institute (ULI)/               42 schools from 30 countries
                                                                         competed over 6 consecutive
                                     Hines Global Case                   days.
                                     Yanlin (Lynn) Zhou, a student in
                                     Schulich’s Master of Real Estate
                                     & Infrastructure Program, was
                                     part of an all-Toronto team that
                                     captured top spot in the case

20 schools participated, including   Yanlin (Lynn) Zhou,                 MBA Case Competition coach Joe Fayt
Harvard, Yale and Berkeley           MREI Candidate ’21                  with the team in Paris, February 2020

      #1 at the 2021 National MBA Games
      #1 in Academics                   #1 in Athletics                 #2 in Spirit

      250 students from 16 MBA Programs across Canada competed

                                                                                       2020 – 2021 Year-End Report   13

Top 20 – Global Case                      #3 – Global HEC                          Final Round at
Competition at Harvard                    CSR Challenge                            the 2021 Net Impact
Close to 200 teams from all                                                        Case Competition
over the world took part.
                                                                                   Two teams from Schulich made
Schulich is one of only two
                                                                                   it all the way to the final round
schools who have made it to
                                                                                   of the leading sustainability-
the Top 10 three times.
                                                                                   focused case competition for
                                                                                   graduate students.

                                          Congratulations to our MBA Team on
                                          finishing in the Top 3 at the 2021 HEC
                                          CSR Challenge

                                                                                   #2 – John Molson
                                          Final Four at the 2021                   International
                                          Canadian Marketing                       Undergraduate
Team Schulich, Global Case Competition,
                                          League National Case                     Case Competition
Harvard, April 2020                       Competition                              A team of 3rd and 4th year
                                          Schulich Master of Marketing             Schulich undergraduate
                                          students Julianna Akindele               students placed 2nd overall
#2 – L’Oréal                              and Maggie Chen made it                  within their division at the
Brandstorm, Canadian                      to the final four in a case              largest undergraduate case
                                          competition formerly known as            competition in the world with
National Finals                           “Canada’s Next Top Ad Exec”.             150 participants from 28
Three Schulich teams made it                                                       business schools in 13 countries.
to the Top 10.

Top 3 – University of
Toronto LIVE Case
                                                                                   Top row: Yusuf Khan and Monica Xie
Two Schulich teams placed                 Julianna Akindele,   Maggie Chen,        Bottom row: Rachel Aarons and
2nd and 3rd at Canada’s leading           MMKG                 MMKG                Nour Nassif
undergraduate strategy case               Candidate ’21        Candidate ’21
                                                                                   #2 – Ted Rogers
                                          #3 – UNB Data                            Ethical Leadership
                                          Challenge                                Case Competition
                                          Thirty teams from 8 countries
                                                                                   Canada’s largest undergraduate
                                          competed in the sustainability
                                                                                   business ethics case competition.
The winning undergraduate teams with
coach Mona Afrouz

14   Schulich Achievements
Student Entrepreneurial Success Stories

  Amy Ge (MBA ’21), founder of Heartcade, an alternative game-based
  dating app, was chosen as the winner in the Student category at the
  Fall 2020 Startup Night session.

  Bansee Dave (MBA ’21), founder of Myoga, a company that brings
  advanced Indian yoga masters into people’s homes for personalized
  wellness classes, was declared the winner in the Student category at
  the Spring 2021 Startup Night session.

  Daniyal Dehleh (iBBA ’21), founder of BeTimeFul, a browser
  extension that makes social media usage less addictive, won the
  Peterson Family Gold Medal in Entrepreneurship and his company
  won the BEST Lassonde Impactful Tech Award.

  Dimash Kunayev (MBA ’21) launched Engamio, an easy-to-use
  platform that helps event professionals boost audience engagement
  at virtual and hybrid events through gamification. Dimash raised over
  $500,000 in angel funding and has been accepted into the York
  Entrepreneurship Development Institute (YEDI) Accelerator Program.

  Schulich graduated one of
  the highest number of students
  in the School’s history:
  1,241, of which 465 were
  undergraduate students and
  776 were graduate students.

                                                                          2020 – 2021 Year-End Report   15
Alumni Success
Schulich’s alumni continued to make a mark in the world of business by
winning top honours, launching new ventures, rising through the ranks of
companies and organizations, and giving back to their alma mater.

16   Schulich Achievements
Governor General’s               Schulich                          83 Events Involving
Gold Medal                       Engage Series                     Participants from
Schulich graduate Michelle Per   We launched the Schulich          40 Countries
(BBA ’18) won the prestigious    Engage Series, featuring
                                                                   Our Alumni Relations office
Governor General’s Gold Medal    alumni in eight countries who
                                                                   carried out 83 events
at the 2020 Common Final         delivered 10 dynamic fireside
                                                                   involving participants from
Examination (CFE) — the top      chats to Schulich students
                                                                   40 countries.
result in the country.           in partnership with Student
                                 Services & International
                                 Relations and faculty advisors.
                                                                   Alumni Professional
                                              Schulich             Workshops
                                              Engage               Schulich’s Alumni Relations
                                              CONNECT WITH         office launched Alumni
                                              YOUR COMMUNITY       Professional Development
                                                                   workshops in partnership
                                                                   with the Schulich Executive
                                                                   Education Centre (SEEC)
                                                                   to meet the career needs of
                                                                   alumni from around the world.

Michelle Per (BBA ’18)

      Our Alumni
      Mentorship Program
      engaged more than
      2,000 Schulich alumni
      and over 600 students.

                                                                              2020 – 2021 Year-End Report   17

      C-Suite Appointments

      James P. O’Sullivan        Susan E. Hutchison                Jack Fraser
      (MBA/LLB ’90)              (MBA ’97)                         (EMBA ’13)
      Chief Executive Officer,   President,                        Chairman of the Board,
      IGM Financial              Equifax Canada                    Hill Street Beverage
      (Sept. 2020)               (Dec. 2020)                       Company Inc. (Jan. 2021)

      Lori Kerr                  John H. Kousinioris               François L. Poirier
      (IMBA ’99)                 (MBA/LLB ’90)                     (MBA ’91)
      Chief Executive Officer,   President and CEO,                President and CEO,
      FinDev Canada              TransAlta Utilities Corporation   TC Energy Corporation
      (April 2021)               (April 2021)                      (Jan. 2021)

      CONNECT Online ’20
      Leadership and Resilience

      Schulich’s CONNECT 2020
      Alumni Forum:
      •   400+ attendees
      •   32 speakers
      •   9 sessions

18   Schulich Achievements
Alumni Entrepreneurs                          SCHULICH ALUMNI
                                              GUEST SPEAKERS

Swyft, a logistics technology company         Prominent and successful
co-founded and led by former Schulich         Schulich alumni participated
Startup champion Aadil Kazmi (BBA ’15),       in the School’s Launch
raised $22 million in venture capital         Week Leader Panels and
financing, the largest amount ever for        other conferences and
a Schulich Startups Founder.                  events, including:

Schulich Startups company ALT TEX,
co-founded by Myra Arshad (BBA ’18),
raised $1.5 million in pre-seed funding.      Dennis Mitchell (MBA ’03),
ALT TEX is working on the development of      CEO & CIO, Starlight Capital
a polyester replacement fibre for clothing
that can be re-engineered from food waste.
Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield and
Chris Carder, Executive Director of the
Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
at Schulich, also invested in the business.

                                              Katie Taylor (MBA/JD ’84),
                                              Chair of the Board, RBC

Schulich Startups company Skygauge
Robotics, co-founded by Schulich graduate
Nikita Iliushkin (BBA ’16), received a
$3.3 Million seed investment round in
October 2020.                                 Vito Paladino
                                              (BBA ’99, MBA ’11),
                                              President, Audi Canada

Treasured, a virtual museum platform
co-founded by Vito Giovannetti (BBA ’14)
was featured in The New York Times and on
CBS Evening News.                             Reetu Gupta (MBA ’08),
                                              President and CEO,
                                              Easton’s Group of Companies;
                                              President and Co-Chair,
                                              The Gupta Family Foundation

                                                        2020 – 2021 Year-End Report   19
School Success
     Our School was rated among the very best in various business school
     rankings, our newest facility was recognized for its sustainable design, we
     saw year-over-year growth in student enrolment, and we raised record
     amounts of funding to support teaching and learning at Schulich.

20   20
#1 in Canada                               $8.8 million                       Our Career Development
                                                                              Centre completed over:
2021 Economist                             During the pandemic year,

MBA Ranking
                                           Schulich provided a record level   •   2,600 one-on-one
                                           of student support through
#21 in the world & 8th overall             scholarships, awards, bursaries
                                                                                  student coaching
among non-US business schools.             and other funding totaling             appointments
                                           approximately $8.8 million.
                                                                              •   88 virtual workshops
                                                                              •   341 corporate
                                                                                  recruiting events
Executive MBA                                                                 GMR Innovex
Ranked #1 in Canada                                                           Schulich teamed up with
                                                                              GMR Group, our Schulich MBA
and #9 in the World                                                           in India partners, on a new
2020 Economist EMBA Ranking                                                   innovation hub called GMR
                                                                              Innovex. The hub’s mission is to
                                                                              foster and drive innovation with
                                                                              start-ups, academia, research
                                           $3 million                         institutions and other platforms.
                                           We raised more than
                                           $3 million to create
                                           30 new student awards
                                           & scholarships.

    Schulich rated one of the
    world’s top business schools
    for careers in Finance, Marketing
    and Operations Management*
    17th in the world for careers in Finance
    21st in the world for careers in Operations Management
    22nd in the world for careers in Marketing

    *QS MBA by Career Specialization Ranking, October 2020

                                                                                          2020 – 2021 Year-End Report   21

Enrolment & Applications
Despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic,
Schulich saw substantial growth in applications and
enrolment at both the undergraduate and graduate levels
and across almost all programs.

Graduate applications were      Our School’s
up 18%                          programs continue
year-over-year.                 to attract high-calibre
                                students from
MBA applications were           around the world.
up 37% over the
prior year.
                                                               McEwen Building
Undergraduate                                                  Achieves Gold
applications were
                                                               Standard in
up 13% over the
                                                               Sustainable Design
prior year.
                                                               Schulich’s Rob and Cheryl
                                                               McEwen Graduate Study &
                                                               Research Building received
                                                               LEED Gold certification
                                                               in March 2021 — one of
                                                               the highest standards of
                                                               sustainability for a building.

                                               TOTAL RAISED:   700
                                               $65 M           Schulich Startup
                                                               Night registrations
      Our Leading Change Campaign,
                                                               at the 15th edition
      Schulich’s most comprehensive and
                                                               in March 2021 – the
      ambitious fundraising campaign to date,
                                                               highest amount ever
      exceeded its $50-million
      fundraising goal by an additional
      $15 million

22   Schulich Achievements
Schulich Executive Education Centre
                                                                        New SEEC Executive
Launches New Programs & Wins
                                                                        Director Rami Mayer
New Clients                                                             Rami Mayer became the
                                                                        new Executive Director
Despite the enormous challenges brought about by the
                                                                        of the Schulich Executive
COVID-19 pandemic, the Schulich Executive Education
                                                                        Education Centre this past
Centre (SEEC) converted over 60 executive development
                                                                        year and is leading Schulich’s
programs to digital learning and launched 20 new programs.
                                                                        executive education division
SEEC not only retained all of its clients, which included companies     in a new direction,
such as Walmart, FedEx, Sun Life and Loblaw, but won many new           having refreshed
high-profile clients. New programs launched by SEEC during the          their portfolio
past year include “Building Back Better: A Leadership Bootcamp          with innovative
for a Strategic and Sustainable Recovery”, “Strategic Foresight”,       new programs.
and “Digital Fluency”.

The following are some of the other highlights from
the past year for SEEC:
• Expanded the popular Mini-MBA Program by targeting it at
  various professions, including engineers, dentists and physicians
• Acquired more than $2 Million in funding from Ontario’s
  Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development for
  community-based programs
• Introduced new leadership programs
• Moved to micro-credentialing and digital badging for
  short course programs

SEEC won more than 20 new, high-profile clients this year, including:
                                                                        Schulich’s inaugural
                                                                        Giving Day raised
                                                                        more than $62,000

Participants from a SEEC global leadership program in Athens
                                                                                   2020 – 2021 Year-End Report   23
Strengthening Our Community
From support programs for our students to initiatives designed to
improve the well-being of individuals here at home and around the world,
the people of Schulich made our community and the community
around us stronger, better, and more inclusive.

24   Schulich Achievements
We launched wellness support       We created 8 new Equity,
initiatives for undergraduate      Diversity & Inclusion
and graduate students.             scholarships to remove            SCHULICH STUDENTS
                                   financial barriers for students   HELP TORONTO-AREA
                                   from Black, Indigenous and        RETAIL BUSINESSES
                                   other under-represented           DURING THE PANDEMIC
                                                                     Schulich played a key role
                                                                     in the Digital Main Street
                                                                     ShopHERE Initiative
                                                                     when the City of Toronto
                                                                     partnered with our School
                                                                     and leading e-commerce
We developed the Culture of                                          companies such as Shopify,
Integrity webinar to reinforce                                       Google and Facebook to
values of honesty, good                                              launch online stores virtually
conduct, respect and fairness.                                       overnight at thousands of
                                                                     retail companies throughout
                                   We provided                       the GTA.
We introduced the Fostering        vital support to
                                                                     The Digital Main Street
the Spirit of Entrepreneurship     international
                                                                     initiative helped main street
Among Black Youth online           students
                                                                     retailers survive the COVID-19
course co-taught by Schulich       significantly
                                                                     crisis by harnessing the
instructors, Black entrepreneurs   impacted by
                                                                     marketing and IT skills of
and Black community leaders.       COVID-19.
                                                                     Schulich’s business students
                                                                     as well as the digital expertise
                                                                     of some the world’s leading
                                                                     tech companies. As part
                                                                     of the project, 100 Schulich
    INDIGENOUS LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                  students received work
                                                                     placements to help small
    We recognize that many Indigenous Nations have                   businesses move their
    longstanding relationships with the territories upon             businesses online at no cost.
    which York University campuses are located that precede
    the establishment of York University. York University
    acknowledges its presence on the traditional territory of
    many Indigenous Nations. The area known as Tkaronto
    has been care taken by the Anishinabek Nation, the
    Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Huron-Wendat.
    It is now home to many First Nation, Inuit and Métis
    communities. We acknowledge the current treaty holders,
    the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This territory
    is subject of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt
    Covenant, an agreement to peaceably share and care               @digital_mainst
    for the Great Lakes region.


                                                                                2020 – 2021 Year-End Report   25

Schulich Launches Business Excellence Academy
We launched the Schulich Business Excellence Academy,
a business education and mentorship program supporting          The program ran for
60 Black and Indigenous Ontario high school students.           two hours a day in the
The program was conceived by four Schulich undergraduate        evening, four days a week
students, Rebecca Jodhan (BBA ’21), Brittany Rossi (BBA ’21),   (Monday to Thursday) during
Joy Zhang (BBA ’21), and Kim Tram (BBA ’21), and supported      the month of July. Sessions
by Schulich instructor Ushnish Sengupta, Michelle Hughes,       were a combination of guest
Recruitment & Communication Coordinator at Schulich, and        speaker discussions, followed
Ruodan Shao, Associate Professor of Organization Studies.       by interactive activities led
The program aims to help high school students discover the      by undergraduate Schulich
many career options tied to the world of business.              students.

“ What I love about the Business Excellence Academy
  is that it is a student-led initiative supported by
  our faculty and staff, all working together toward
  the shared goal of greater Black and Indigenous
  representation at our School.”

SEEC Community Impact Initiatives
                                                                BLACK STUDENTS
Focused on Diversity, Equity &                                  BUSINESS COLLECTIVE
Inclusion                                                       Schulich entered into a
                                                                collaboration with the Ivey
The Schulich Executive Education Centre launched more           Business School at Western
than 20 community impact initiatives focused on Diversity,      University, the Smith School
Equity & Inclusion, including the following:                    of Business at Queen’s, and
                                                                the Toronto District School
• Talent and Inclusion Champion Program and                     Board’s Centre of Excellence
  360 Assessment for senior leaders                             for Black Student Achievement
• Unconscious Bias: Virtual Classroom Programs                  to develop a program called
• Anti-Black Racism Short Program                               “Black Students in Business
• Program for Ontario Native Women’s Association                Collective”. The multi-year
• Custom program for the Bimose Tribal Council,                 program is aimed at Grade 10
  a First Nations educational institution                       & 11 students and is designed
                                                                to create a pathway for
• Custom Program for Black Entrepreneurs
                                                                careers in business
• A version of the Mini-MBA program specifically tailored
  for Indigenous Leaders and other leaders who work with
  Indigenous communities
• Overcoming Unconscious Bias to Achieve Diversity
  and Inclusion Webinar
• Canadian Aboriginal Management Program
• Diversity & Inclusion program for Kids Help Phone

26   Schulich Achievements
Schulich Creates Business
                                                                   CREATING GREATER
Certificate Program for Toronto’s                                  DIVERSITY, EQUITY &
Black Community                                                    INCLUSION
                                                                   Schulich’s Diversity,
We partnered with A Different Booklist Cultural                    Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
Centre (ADBCC) — The People’s Residence to                         Working Group
create an Introduction to Business webinar series
for members of Toronto’s Black community.                          We established a Diversity,
                                                                   Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
The eight-week business certificate program, which was free        Working Group with
of charge, covered topics ranging from marketing to human          representatives from
resources management and concluded with a session on how to        the School’s student,
develop a business plan. Each webinar included a lecture from      staff, faculty and alumni
a Schulich professor and a discussion with a Black entrepreneur.   communities.
Ashwin Joshi, Associate Professor of Marketing and Director        The Working Group’s
of Schulich’s MBA Program, described the webinar series as         mission:
“part of a more sustained and purposeful engagement between
Schulich and the Black community in Toronto”.
                                                                   identify ways to create
                                                                   greater Black and
   “ We’re delighted to be able to                                 Indigenous representation;
     partner with ADBCC to create
     community-based learning
     that will help people grow their
                                                                   integrate Black and
     businesses and turn ideas into                                Indigenous perspectives
     new business ventures.”                                       into our curriculum and
    ASHWIN JOSHI                                                   learning; and

                                                                   strengthen Schulich’s
                                                                   engagement with
    COMFORTING SENIORS                                             external stakeholders to
    DURING THE PANDEMIC                                            create greater career and
                                                                   business opportunities
    Schulich graduate Mahad Shahzad
                                                                   for Black and Indigenous
    (BBA ’20) created a non-profit called
    Chatting to Wellness to combat senior
    isolation and loneliness during the pandemic.
    The organization carries out weekly visits to retirement
    homes conducted by a student team of more than
    30 volunteers to talk with lonely, isolated, and
    abandoned seniors. Mahad’s non-profit was selected
    as an Ownr’s Grant Recipient, a $25,000 fund sponsored
    by RBC Ventures for entrepreneurs in Canada, and was
    a recipient of the Jordan James Pickell Mental Health
    Achievement Recognition Award.

                                                                             2020 – 2021 Year-End Report   27
A Remarkable Year Like No Other
You could call it “the power of community”.
It was the first time in our School’s       We continued to produce research
history that we had to deliver all of our   that is making an impact on academic
courses virtually.                          fields, on business practice, and in the
                                            classroom. And when the year was over,
From the moment we had to pivot to          we graduated one of the largest classes
online courses more than a year ago,        in our School’s history.
the Schulich community came together,
embraced the unprecedented challenge        As the pandemic begins to ease, we
before us with determination and            recognize with pride that in the face
dedication, and successfully transitioned   of this historical challenge the Schulich
to remote learning.                         community has continued to thrive. The
                                            School’s success over the past twelve
It was a year of transition in so many      months is the result of faculty, staff
ways, one that saw the end of an era with   and students working together, learning
the close of Dezsö Horváth’s remarkable     from one another, struggling together
32-year tenure as Dean, and the start of    and supporting each other.
a new chapter in Schulich’s history led
by a new leadership team under Interim      It was a year where we were tested
Dean Detlev Zwick.                          like never before, and we responded
                                            with resilience and fortitude, kindness
Through it all, we came together as a       and generosity. It was a year where
community. We supported our students        we saw the very best of Schulich.
and our executive learning clients. We
re-invented the way we teach and how        Thank you!
we deliver learning, creating innovative
new courses along the way.

28   Schulich Achievements
To the entire Schulich community — when it was needed
more than ever, you came together to make this academic year
a year to be proud of. Thank you!

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Global Reach. Innovative Programs. Diverse Perspectives.

30   Schulich Achievements
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