Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project 2.3.5

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Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project 2.3.5
Science for Saving Species
Research findings factsheet
Project 2.3.5

Understanding and treating a new Enterococcus bacterial
infection affecting Christmas Island lizards

In brief

A deadly infection caused by a          Conservation managers                    lizards and that the incubation
new and unusual bacterium was           quarantined affected animals from        period is long. We trialled several
first observed in captive Critically    the main population; however,            antibiotics to determine if any would
Endangered and Extinct in the Wild      they were not able to treat the          have an impact and be a potential
Lister’s geckos (Lepidodactylus         affected lizards, as it was unknown      means of treatment.
listeri) on Christmas Island in late    which, if any, treatments would
                                        be effective. To fill this knowledge     The findings will be of use to
2014. The infection was then
                                        gap, we undertook carefully              Christmas Island National Park and
identified in another captive
Critically Endangered and Extinct       controlled experimental infection        captive breeding staff as well as
in the Wild lizard species on           and treatment trials to discover         quarantine/biosecurity officers and
Christmas Island, the blue-tailed       how the disease is transmitted,          wildlife disease and conservation
skink (Cryptoblepharus egeriae),        what the incubation period is and        scientists. Their application has the
as well as in two species of invasive   the effectiveness of five different      potential to reduce the threat, and
gecko, the Asian house gecko            antibiotic treatments.                   possibly the spread of this deadly
(Hemidactylus frenatus) and mute        We found that infection likely           disease to the captive populations
gecko (Gehyra mutilata), across         happens due to bite wounds or            of Critically Endangered Christmas
much of the east of the island.         other direct contact from infected       Island reptiles.

The Australian external territory of    have had the most significant impact     2014, following an outbreak in the
Christmas Island, 1550 km off the       on native reptiles.                      captive Lister’s gecko population,
north-western coast of mainland                                                  which is likely to have resulted from
                                        Around 10 years ago, out of concern
Australia, has reptile fauna that are                                            direct contact with free-ranging
                                        for their dwindling populations, Parks
found nowhere else. Although once                                                invasive Asian house geckos
                                        Australia established captive breeding
common on the island, some of                                                    and mute geckos.
                                        programs for the blue-tailed skink
these species have become Extinct                                                Since 2014, there have been a
                                        and Lister’s gecko, which are now
or Critically Endangered following                                               number of outbreaks within the
                                        both Extinct in the Wild.
the introduction of invasive species                                             captive blue-tailed skink population
since settlement. In particular,        These captive breeding programs          that are housed in large open-
the Asian wolf snake (Lycodon           have become threatened by a              aired pens called exclosures.
capucinus) and giant centipede          recently emerged Enterococcus            These outbreaks have resulted in
(Scolopendra subspinipes), which        species of bacteria, known as            the death of an unknown number
were introduced to Christmas Island     Enterococcus lacertideformus.            of animals and have been managed
via international ships are likely to   We identified the disease in October     by isolating affected animals.
Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project 2.3.5
Background (continued)
The disease causes visible facial        We also discovered that the                      In order to better understand
deformation, with more advanced          organism is genetically distinct;                the on-going risk of infection
infection impacting bones, organs        that is, it represents a novel species           we have also investigated where
and tissues throughout the body.         of Enterococcus bacteria. Because                the disease was occurring on the
The progression of the disease           it is a unique bacterial species                 island and how widespread it was.
varies widely among individuals          that we were not able to culture                 Island-wide surveys demonstrated
and between species, but is              for antibiotic sensitivity tests, we             that this bacterial disease continues
ultimately fatal in geckos.              had to experimentally infect and                 to occur in both species of invasive
                                         treat lizards to determine effective             geckos at multiple locations across
Treatment was not considered
                                         treatment protocols. We used                     the island, indicating that future
an option at that time, as it was
                                         highly invasive Asian house                      outbreaks are likely.
unknown which, if any, antibiotics
                                         geckos collected in the wild on
would be effective. Given that
                                         Christmas Island for these trials.
untreated infections result in the
animals’ certain death, conservation
                                         Asian house gecko receiving an oral swab to confirm absence of E. lacertideformus
managers wanted to understand            disease and enlistment into the experimental trial. Image: Jessica Agius
the pathology of the disease,
and whether antibiotics present
an effective option to treat
infected individuals.
Following the initial outbreak in
late 2014, we analysed the form,
structure and genetic make-
up of the bacterium to gain an
understanding of the causes and
effects of the disease. We found
that the bacteria is contained within
a kind of capsule that likely protects
it from the immune response of
the host and from some antibiotics.

Research aims                            What we did
The aims of the experimental             The infection trial                             •    Oral cavity (where we
infection and treatment trial            The first step was to identify specific              administered bacteria by mouth)
were to:                                 infection pathways in invasive                  •    Abdomen (where we injected
1. Identify the infection pathway        free-ranging geckos on Christmas                     bacteria into the abdominal
2. Identify the disease incubation       Island. We collected, euthanised and                 space)
   period                                dissected diseased invasive geckos
                                         to obtain infected tissue. We then              •    Skin incision (where we placed
3. Test the effectiveness of five                                                             bacteria onto a shallow skin
                                         inoculated this infected tissue into
   potential antibiotic treatments                                                            incision)
                                         25 Asian house geckos randomly
4. Determine whether any of the
                                         allocated to the following five                 •    Mucosal incision (where we
   five antibiotic treatments have
                                         groups (5 geckos per group).                         placed bacteria onto a shallow
   prophylactic application
                                         •    Subcutaneous (where we                          incision inside the moist lining
                                              injected bacteria under the skin)               of the mouth)
Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project 2.3.5
What we did (continued)
A control group was also used in
the trial, five healthy Asian house
geckos were injected with sterile
saline solution instead of the
bacterial inoculation.
We also wanted to investigate
whether direct contact could
cause infection, so we housed an
additional five Asian house geckos
individually with a diseased gecko.
We then monitored all geckos in         Asian house gecko being examined to determine the effectiveness of antibiotic treatments
the trial twice weekly for three        during the trial. Image: Jessica Agius

months to track the timing of
the development of disease.             •    Rifampicin                                  To further analyse the effectiveness
                                        •    Clarithromycin                              of enrofloxacin and our trialled
The treatment trial                                                                      dosage as an antibiotic treatment
Geckos that went on to develop          A sample size of three animals                   for this disease, we dosed 24
disease in the infection trial were     per treatment group was used.                    healthy invasive geckos once
then randomly allocated to five         All animals were dosed orally                    with enrofloxacin. We collected
groups, which were administered         once a day for a total of 21 days,               blood plasma at 0, 1, 2, 6, 12,
the following antibiotic treatments:    and the progress of disease                      24, 48 and 72 hours following
                                        was tracked by observing and                     administration of the antibiotic
•   Enrofloxacin
                                        photographing the treated geckos                 to determine whether adequate
•   Enrofloxacin combined with          twice weekly. At the end of the                  concentrations of the antibiotic
    amoxicillin clavulanic acid         treatment period, all geckos                     had been reached in the blood
•   Amoxicillin clavulanic acid         were examined to determine the                   plasma to kill the bacteria.
                                        effectiveness of the antibiotics.

Key findings
The infection trial                     likely to be infected for quite long            The treatment trial
The experimental infection of geckos    periods before they develop                     The majority of the antibiotics we
with the Enterococcus bacteria was      visible signs of disease.                       administered to geckos in this trial
successful, with all groups, except     Signs of disease occurred earlier               showed some degree of success.
the control group and under-the-        in animals that were given the                  In geckos with advanced head
skin (subcutaneous) injection group,    bacteria through incisions to the               lesions and evidence of disease
producing visible signs of disease.     skin and oral mucosa (moist inner               spread throughout the organs,
These results indicate that infection   lining of the mouth), in contrast               bones and/or tissues, 21 days of
likely starts through bite wounds or    to those where the bacteria were                antibiotic treatment did not result in
some other form of direct contact.      dropped into the mouth or injected.             cure. Geckos with skin lesions at a
                                        This indicates that breaks in the skin          less advanced state of the disease
The incubation period, or time
                                        or in the mucosal barriers may allow            responded better to treatment, and
taken for visible signs of disease to
                                        the bacteria to be more effective               were completely cured in one case.
develop, varied significantly between
                                        at establishing disease; and this               Although the majority of antibiotic
infection groups, ranging from 50
                                        likely also explains the shorter                treatments resulted in the signs of
to 100 days. This long incubation
                                        incubation periods we observed                  disease lessening following 21 days
period indicates that this disease
                                        in animals from these groups.                   of treatment, complete resolution
progresses slowly, with animals
                                                                                        of the disease nevertheless was rare.
Science for Saving Species - Research findings factsheet Project 2.3.5
LEFT: Lesion regression of an Asian house gecko
                                                                                                 receiving antibiotic treatment for infection
                                                                                                 with E. lacertideformus. Image: Jessica Agius

                                                                                                 BELOW: Necropsy of an Asian house gecko
                                                                                                 affected with E. lacertideformus. A number
                                                                                                 of white lesions containing the bacteria
                                                                                                 throughout the liver are evident.
                                                                                                 Image: Jessica Agius

Key findings (continued)
This finding may be to do with the        or disappearing in one case. We
capsule surrounding the bacteria.         conducted an analysis of this
This capsule likely prevented the         antibiotic in plasma over time, which
lizard’s immune system from               revealed that the concentration we
recognising the bacteria, and also        administered likely reached plasma
prevented the antibiotics from            concentrations that were sufficient
inhibiting it.                            to kill Enterococcus lacertideformus.
                                          However, the presence of the
On the basis of what we could             capsule surrounding the bacteria
observe visually of the disease, the      may hinder the effectiveness of
antibiotic enrofloxacin was most          enrofloxacin, and a higher dose
successful, with the highest degree       or more frequent dosage may
of the disease signs lessening            be required for cure.

Implications and recommendations for future work
The findings from this trial provide      and the frequency and duration                       threat of this disease to the captive
important information about the           of antibiotic use ensured a full                     population of Critically Endangered
pathology and treatment of the            and effective course was given.                      Christmas Island reptiles, and
novel Enterococcus bacterium              Additionally, waste was incinerated                  possibly reduce its spread to
that has led to the death of many         and all animals were euthanised and                  other regions. It is thus beneficial
Extinct in the Wild lizards on            were not released back into the wild,                to the long-term conservation
Christmas Island.                         therefore, this trial did not pose a risk            of these species.
                                          for the development of resistance.”
The trial indicated that antibiotic                                                            Further analyses are underway to
treatments may aid in regression          These findings are of relevance to                   evaluate the total effectiveness of
or complete cure of the disease           Christmas Island National Park and                   each antibiotic. This will involve
(in one animal), and that of the          captive breeding program staff, in                   microscopic examination of
five antibiotics trialled, enrofloxacin   addition to quarantine/biosecurity                   the tissues of animals in the trial
was the most effective.                   officers and wildlife disease and                    following 21 days of antibiotic
                                          conservation scientists.                             treatment to determine the extent
Although this trial did incorporate
two antibiotics with a high Australian    By informing disease management                      of internal disease. This work will
importance rating, only a small           and biosecurity protocols this                       further add to our understanding
number of animals were treated,           new knowledge can reduce the                         of this disease and how to treat it.

                                          Further reading
                                          This factsheet summarises key findings from the following scientific papers. Please refer to the
Further Information                       papers for more detail.
                                          Rose, K., Agius, J., Hall, J., Thompson, P., Eden, J. S., et al. 2017. Emergent multisystemic
Jessica Agius                             Enterococcus infection threatens endangered Christmas Island reptile populations. PLOS ONE               12(7): e0181240.
                                          Agius, J., Rose, K., Emery, J-P., & Phalen, D. 2021. Experimental infection of Asian house geckos
                                          (Hemidactylus frenatus) with Enterococcus lacertideformus demonstrates multiple routes of
                                          disease transmission and the relative in-vivo efficacy of antibiotic treatments. Scientific Reports.

                                          Cite this publication as NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub. 2021. Understanding and treating a
                                          new Enterococcus bacterial infection affecting Christmas Island lizards, Research findings factsheet.

                                          This project is supported through funding from the Australian Government’s National Environmental
                                          Science Program.
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