TTM and post-arrest care: clinical trials and recent evidence - Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil

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TTM and post-arrest care: clinical trials and recent evidence - Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil
TTM and post-arrest care:
clinical trials and recent evidence

           Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil
           Clinical Research Director
           Center for Resuscitation Science
           Department of Emergency Medicine
           University of Pennsylvania

           RACI - Anchorage, May 2014
TTM and post-arrest care: clinical trials and recent evidence - Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil

Research Funding:         NIH – NHLBI
                          Philips Medical Systems
                          Doris Duke Foundation
                          Stryker Medical Corp

Honoraria/consulting:     Velomedix
                          Stryker Medical Corp

Medical Advisory Board:   HeartSine

Equity:                   Resuscor LLC
TTM and post-arrest care: clinical trials and recent evidence - Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil
The post-arrest
 Survival       problem
          in cardiac arrest

               arrest              in-hospital
                                   arrest data
 % Surviving

                          ROSC               18%


TTM and post-arrest care: clinical trials and recent evidence - Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil
               Damage observed after restoration
               of blood flow to ischemic tissues
 % Surviving

TTM and post-arrest care: clinical trials and recent evidence - Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil
Hypothermia  mechanisms
 Reperfusion injury pathways

      ischemia             reperfusion

  reactive oxygen               mitochondrial
   species (ROS) inflammatory    dysfunction

        vascular dysfunction/hypotension
         apoptosis – organ dysfunction
                 cerebral edema
TTM and post-arrest care: clinical trials and recent evidence - Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil
Modern erafrom
Key RCTs    of hypothermia
                2001-2002 use



TTM and post-arrest care: clinical trials and recent evidence - Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil
Concept  of post-arrest
                          Temperature             TTM
                                      dynamics of TTM

Bladder temperature, oC

                           34                 Cold (24 hr)

                           33 Cooling (8-12 hr)
                                                              Rewarming (24 hr)
                                0   6   12   18   24     28    32    36    40
                                              Time in hours
TTM and post-arrest care: clinical trials and recent evidence - Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil
Snapshots of the three trials
 RCT details

           Multicenter?   Main site    pt rhythm pt location   N

HACA           YES        Austria         VF         OOH       275

Bernard        YES        Australia       VF         OOH       77

 Idrissi       NO         Belgium     PEA/asystole   OOH       30
TTM and post-arrest care: clinical trials and recent evidence - Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil
 More RCT of the three trials, part II

             Age Female      VF     ROSC      Target   Duration Method
           (years) sex       (#)    (min)      temp    (hours)
                   (%)                          (°C)

             59       65     254      22
HACA       (51-68)   (24)   (92%)   (16-30)
                                                33       24   Cool air

             68       25      77     24                         Ice
Bernard (57-75)      (32)   (100%) (17-32)
                                                33       12

             74       13      0       33
 Idrissi   (66-79)   (39)     -     (27-37)
                                                34     Up to 4 Helmet
TTM and post-arrest care: clinical trials and recent evidence - Benjamin S. Abella, MD, MPhil
HACAcooling looks like
     temperature    curves

                 Cold maintenance

    Cooling (8-12 hr)               Rewarming (24 hr)

                                            HACA, 2002
Hypothermia trials: outcomes
 RCT outcomes

                      Hypothermia   Normothermia        RR       P value
                          (%)           (%)          (95% CI)

Alive at hospital discharge with
favourable neurological
                          72/136     50/137         1.51
       HACA               (53%)      (36%)      (1.14-1.89)

                          21/43       9/34          1.75
      Bernard             (49%)      (26%)      (0.99-2.43)

                           4/16       1/17          4.25
        Idrissi           (25%)       (6%)     (0.70-53.83)
Alive at 6 months with
favourable neurological
recovery                  71/136     50/137            1.44
       HACA              (52%)       (36%)         (1.11-1.76)
AHA          in the guidelines

         Comatose out-of-hospital VF:
                Class IIa recommendation

         2010: Changed to Class I

         In-hospital arrest, other rhythms:
               Class IIb recommendation

         2010: Still Class IIb
Real worldofusage:
 Example            Switzerland
              real world  study


                                     Oddo M et al, 2006
 Retrospective study at one hospital in Switzerland
 Cooling intervention with historical controls
 Survivors of out-of-hospital arrest (n=109)
 Cooling initially via ice bags, then cooling mattress
 Target temperature 33oC, maintained for 24 hrs
 All post-arrest ST elevations received cardiac cath
Real world usage:
 Outcomes          Switzerland
           for VF patients

Outcome at discharge for out-of-hospital VF arrest

baseline           CPC5                  CPC3   CPC2   CPC1
                    56%                   19%   12%     14%

cooling         CPC 5     .CPC3   CPC2          CPC1
                40%        5%     14%           42%
Real world for
 Outcome   usage:  Switzerland
               asystole patients

 Outcome at discharge for out-of-hospital asystole arrest

 baseline                     CPC5                    CPC3
                               89%                     11%

 cooling                     CPC5                   CPC1
                              83%                    17%
Compilation of recent experiences
TTM for nonshockable   rhythms


 Hypothermia clinical benefit is robust (consistent across
 Numerous studies)
Compilation of recent experiences
TTM for nonshockable   rhythms

 Meta-analysis of hypothermia for non-shockable
 Rhythms (non-VF/VT)

                                  Kim Y et al, 2012
Research  via a hypothermia
 Nielsen registry study     registry

                           Nielsen et al, 2009

                           Bradycardia (13%)
                           Significant bleed (4%)
TTM and and
             cath lab


                   Less than 40% of patients
                   had STEMI; yet huge
                   survival benefits when
                   OHCA patients cathed
Prognostication is a challenge
 Post-arrest awakening

                   Grossestreuer, 2013
Comparison between
Comparing TTM       devices

                   No study has shown
                   significant outcome
                   or adverse event
                   differences between

                  Pittl, 2013
The 2013
        Trial    trial (Nielsen
              – Nielsen  et al  et al)

                            Nov 2013
The TTMof the– Setting
        Trial  TTM trial
Characteristics   of each
The TTM Trial – Nielsen     group
                        et al
Outcomes   in –the
The TTM Trial      TTMettrial
                Nielsen   al
TTM  subgroup
The TTM          analyses
        Trial – Nielsen et al
Key question
  Making sense ofraised  by TTM trials
                  the post-arrest trial
no cooling                       36%

     33oC                                    53%

             0   10   20   30    40     50     60
no cooling                 % 26%
                                                          How can
                                                          this be?
     33oC                                49%

     36oC                                    52%

     33oC                                    50%
Temperature    curve
 Marked differences in comparison
                        control group

Nielsen et al             HACA study



Bernard et al: ~37.3oC

  Large difference in maintenance temperatures
2013 TTM trial: key point

 2013 TTM trial does not test the same
 hypothesis as the HACA, Bernard trials

 36oC arm in the trial is still active
 management of temperature
Overview of post-arrest outcomes

       Degree of post-arrest injury

    severe       moderate      Mild / none

 Poor outcome                 Good outcome
 with any TTM                 with any TTM

                dose of TTM
             (33oC v 36oC, e.g.)
              affects outcome
Rationale for our approach

Given that:

(1)TTM trial was neutral (no differences in benefit or harms)
(2) Cooling to 33oC is based on extensive laboratory evidence
    and two RCTs (HACA, 2002; Bernard et al, 2002)

(3) We can t tell who will have significant post-arrest injury
    on current technology and clinical factors

(4) the chance to modify neurologic injury is in the acute care of
     post-arrest patients – and we don t get a second chance
Our consensus approach

it is reasonable to not change current practice based on the TTM
trial, but rather continue to treat comatose post-arrest patients
with a TTM goal temperature of 33oC.

However, the TTM trial provides evidence that a more flexible
approach is possible – for patients intolerant of 33oC (marked
bradycardia, increased bleeding, marked QT prolongation, e.g.)
or for patients that clinicians feel uncomfortable with treating to
33oC for other clinical factors, it is acceptable to treat with higher
TTM temperature goals, up to 36oC.
Other key part of our approach

 ALL comatose post-arrest patients should at least receive
 TTM with a maximum temp goal of 36oC – normothermia
 as defined by lack of any temperature control is not
 supported by the growing body of literature.

 In addition to TTM management in the acute phase (12-24
 hours of either 33oC or 36oC TTM), all post arrest patients
 should receive comprehensive best-practice post arrest
 care, including aggressive avoidance of fever for up to 48-72
 hours following rewarming and avoidance of care
 withdrawal for at least 72 hours post arrest, as supported in
 the current AHA guidelines and the TTM trial.
More  than care
Post-arrest just hypothermia
                  is multimodal

  Requires a critical care bundle :

    Therapeutic hypothermia

    Careful hemodynamic management

    Coronary intervention if STEMI or
    high probability of coronary cause

    Neurology consultation and assessment
More  than
Practical   just hypothermia
          training in post-arrest care

Hypothermia and Resuscitation Training
(HART) course at Penn

Philadelphia – next course October, 2014

Intensive two day CME course in hypothermia
methods, protocols, and applications

Designed for critical care, cardiology or emergency medicine
physicians and nurse leaders – i.e., local champions

Offers hypothermia certification

Workshop design – small course size – held quarterly
Hands on simulations        Expert faculty proctors
Honoring survivors and rescuers   Interactive learning
TTM inthan just hypothermia
       the media

                  January, 2009

                   Freezing the Heart
                  to Save the Life

                  Good graphics
                  showing effects of
TTM inthan just hypothermia
       the media


 CNN television documentary and book
 Features a number of arrest survivors
A closing story:
a telephone call from
      a stranger
A phone call from far away…

Sitting at home with my kids, I get
a telephone call from a stranger

                      WeDr.  Abella?
                           have       This
                                 a soldier
                        is Colonel
                     down,          John
                             Dr. Abella,
                     hePatton   from the
                         had cardiac
                        United And
                     arrest….   States
                     to Force,  calling you
                         cool him….
                        from Balad Iraq.
Post-arrest hypothermia: an
 implementation problem



Many hospitals aren t using the therapy;
other hospitals underuse it
Back to the scene: my phone call
from a stranger
Case presentation

• 33 year-old male soldier
  found unresponsive and
  pulseless with agonal

• First responders noted an
  anterior chest wall
  contusion and a freshly
  discharged halon fire
Soldier suffered VF arrest from
commotio cordis
Team wanted to use therapeutic
hypothermia but had no experience
Post-arrest hypothermia: an
implementation problem

 We packed patient
in ice, lowered core
temp to 33 oC

Prepared patient for
Cooling during international
transport to Germany

  Critical care transport via C-17 to
     tertiary care military facility
Arrival in Germany, maintenance
and rewarming

   …. Full recovery of patient, now
          returned to his unit
Case report now published

                    Carlson et al, 2013
Summary   points: the big picture

  1. Randomized trials strongly support
     hypothermia use for OOH VF arrest

  2. Benefit doesn t seem dependant on
     method of cooling

  3. Evidence based medicine supports
     basic protocol of 32-34oC for 12-24 hours

  4. Adverse effects of cooling are mild;
     bradycardia is common, bleeding less so

 Center for Resuscitation Science

 Lance Becker
                        West Philadelphia – Penn campus
 Marion Leary
 Audrey Blewer
 Dave Gaieski
 Barry Fuchs
 Dan Kolansky
 Vinay Nadkarni
 Raina Merchant
 Robert Berg
 Gail Delfin
 Marisa Cinousis
 Kelsey Sheak
 David Buckler
 Amit Agarwal
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