Page created by Byron Richardson
Tissue microarray cores from triple-negative
breast cancer needle biopsies were subjected to
multiplex immunofluorescence. Nuclei are

labelled in blue; cancer cells labelled in green
with a pan-cytokeratin antibody. CD45,
expressed by all immune cells, is in red, and
CD3, expressed only by T cells, is in yellow.

Image supplied by Christopher Bromley              MANCHESTER
(Cancer Inflammation and Immunity)
    DIRECTOR’S INTRODUCTION 		                                 04               Tim Somervaille                                              32      RESEARCH SERVICES                             RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS                64
    RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS 2020                                   07               Leukaemia Biology                                                     Duncan Smith                            52   SEMINAR SERIES 2020			               72
                                                                                Richard Marais                                               34      Biological Mass Spectrometry Facility
                                                                                                                                                                                                    OPERATIONS			                        73
    CANCER RESEARCH UK                                                          Molecular Oncology                                                    Jennifer Hughes and Joanna Roberts      53
    MANCHESTER INSTITUTE                                                                                                                              Biological Resources Unit                     POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION               82
                                                                                Esther Baena                                                 36
                                                                                Prostate Oncobiology                                                  Jeff Barry                              54   THESES                               86
                                                                                Amaya Virós                                                  38      Flow Cytometry                                CANCER RESEARCH UK’S LOCAL		         88
    Caroline Dive                                             16
                                                                                Skin Cancer and Ageing                                                Garry Ashton                            55   ENGAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT
    Cancer Biomarker Centre
                                                                                Georges Lacaud                                               40      Histology                                     ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR FUNDING OF       90
    Santiago Zelenay                                          20                                                                                                                                   THE CANCER RESEARCH UK
    Cancer Inflammation and Immunity                                            Stem Cell Biology                                                     Wolfgang Breitwieser                    57
                                                                                                                                                                                                    MANCHESTER INSTITUTE
                                                                                Claus Jørgensen                                              42      Molecular Biology Core and
    Iain Hagan                                                22                                                                                                                                   CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AT THE CANCER   91
                                                                                Systems Oncology                                                      Computational Biology Support Facility
    Cell Division                                                                                                                                                                                   RESEARCH UK MANCHESTER INSTITUTE
                                                                                Michela Garofalo                                             44      Marek Dynowski                          58
    Maximiliano Portal                                        24                                                                                                                                   CONTACT DETAILS		                    92
                                                                                Transcriptional Networks in Lung Cancer                               Scientific Computing
    Cell Plasticity & Epigenetics
                                                                                Robert Bristow                                               46      Natalia Moncaut                         60
    Angeliki Malliri                                          26
                                                                                Translational Oncogenomics                                            Transgenic Production Facility
    Cell Signalling
                                                                                Patricia Muller                                              48      Steve Bagley                            61
    Caroline Springer                                         28
                                                                                Tumour Suppressors                                                    Visualisation, Irradiation & Analysis
    Drug Discovery

    The Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute is temporarily located at Alderley Park in Cheshire until we return to our original site in        The Oglesby Cancer Research Building.
    Withington. Some research groups and staff remain in the Oglesby Cancer Research Building.

2   SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2020 CANCER RESEARCH UK MANCHESTER INSTITUTE                                                                                                                                                                            3
although attendance at these meetings became           Cancer Inflammation and Immunity group

                                                                                                                                                   easier as it meant no travel and lower costs, we       published in the journal Immunity that
                                                                                                                                                   did have to learn how to get the most from the         antagonistic inflammatory profiles can
                                                                                                                                                   new format. I am delighted that many of our            anticipate immune-dependent progressive or

                                  INTRODUCTION                                                                                                     staff attended national and international
                                                                                                                                                   meetings during the pandemic and that despite
                                                                                                                                                                                                          regressive tumour growth.

                                                                                                                                                   the challenges, they managed to present their          Embracing human cell studies, the Cell Division
                                                                                                                                                   work and get the all-important feedback on             group developed an approach to synchronise
                                                                                                                                                   their research from the international                  human cell populations by exploiting the
                                                                                                                                                   community. I was also delighted the CRUK MI            CDK4/6i drugs approved for breast cancer. Their
                                                                                                                                                   was invited to showcase our research at the            approach, published in Open Biology, arrests
                                                                                                                                                   prestigious Royal Society Summer Science               cells at the restriction point but, importantly,
                                  In 2020 we experienced unprecedented challenges caused by                                                        Exhibition, so congratulations to the team that        without affecting DNA integrity. This means that
                                                                                                                                                   put in the hard work to win this accolade.             it is now possible to study transcription, DNA
                                  the global COVID-19 pandemic. Our priority is the wellbeing                                                      Although the exhibition was postponed, our             replication, DNA repair and chromatin biology in
                                  and safety of our staff, so early in March we convened tri-weekly                                                Tumour Microenvironment exhibit will be                synchronised cells, features that cannot be
                                                                                                                                                   presented at next year’s online Royal Society          studied in double thymidine blocked cells (the
                                  meetings of the Institute’s Emergency Response and Business                                                      Summer Science Exhibition.                             traditional approach) because they are obscured
                                  Continuity Committee (ERBCC) to manage our response to the                                                                                                              by the accumulation of DNA damage. This
                                                                                                                                                   Despite the challenges, I am pleased that we           important contribution will likely be widely
                                  emerging crisis. In common with other research institutes, we                                                    continued to make excellent progress in our            adopted, and they are using the approach to
     Richard Marais               closed our laboratories in late-March to protect our staff and                                                   research. Our Drug Discovery Unit continues to         refine our understanding of the G2/M control.
                                                                                                                                                   develop exciting inhibitors to explore the             Along these lines, the Cell Signalling group
                                  prevent the virus from spreading through the Institute and                                                       therapeutic potential and biology of lysyl             published an exciting study in the Journal of Cell
Director of the Cancer Research
    UK Manchester Institute       through our community.                                                                                           oxidase in cancer, published in the Journal of         Science, which revealed that the RAC guanine
                                                                                                                                                   Medicinal Chemistry, Cancer Research and               nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) TIAM1 also
                                                                                                                                                   Organic Process Research. They have                    regulates centriole duplication. Centrosomes
                                  Our laboratories were fully closed for 11 weeks,       workers, using our specialist 3D printer to create        developed exciting new cancer targets with             are composed to two centrioles, and they
                                  and we started reopening in early June, albeit         over 200 plastic PPE headbands for hospitals              CRUK MI colleagues Iain Hagan (cancer cell             coordinate DNA segregation during cell division.
                                  with limited access and social distancing rules in     across the region and donating our PPE to them.           cycle target) and Claus Jorgensen (tumour              The group found that TIAM1 associates with
                                  place. During the closure, a core team remained        I am very grateful to all of our staff who helped         stroma target), and new interactions with              centrosomes, but when TIAM1 is depleted, PLK4
                                  on site to protect our research-critical activities,   to support the national effort, and I am proud of         Caroline Dive on biomarkers and with Stephen           levels at the centrosome increase, causing
                                  ensure that we maintained rigorous animal              the magnificent response CRUK MI made.                    Taylor on PARG. They also published very               centriole overduplication and chromosome
                                  welfare standards, saved our vital experimental        Although we had to pause our own research,                exciting preclinical and clinical data in Annals of    lagging in anaphase, which is known to drive
                                  materials, and maintained our critical                 our skills were used very effectively to fight the        Oncology, showing that the orally available            malignant progression. Curiously, PLK4
                                  infrastructure. Let me therefore start by thanking     virus.                                                    well-tolerated RAF+SRC inhibitor 3833 is               regulation by TIAM1 is independent of its GEF
                                  the ERBCC for its exceptional guidance and help                                                                  effective in RAS-driven cancers. The Cancer            activity but does require binding to the F-box
                                  throughout the pandemic, and a huge thank              Most of our remaining staff worked from home,             Biomarker Centre published papers in Nature            protein βTRCP, suggesting that TIAM1 promotes
                                  you to our staff who remained on site during this      so it was important that we kept connected and            Cancer and the Journal of Thoracic Oncology            PLK4 degradation through βTRCP and
                                  very difficult time to protect our core functions.     supported each other. We held weekly virtual              that describe inter and intra-tumour                   independently of RAC1 activation.
                                  You showed exceptional team spirit,                    updates to keep staff informed on progress, the           heterogeneity in small cell lung cancer (SCLC),
                                  commitment and dedication, together ensuring           ever-changing situation, to share news and to             highlighting the potential of their CDX approach,      Continuing their studies on high-risk prostate
                                  that our response to the crisis was effective and      take questions. We formed an Education and                now used worldwide, to advance SCLC                    cancer, the Translational Oncogenomics group
                                  proportional.                                          Engagement group to explore methods for                   research. Their T7 ctDNA pipeline now includes         published several authoritative reviews that
                                                                                         motivating home-working staff, and this                   ctDNA methylation profiling and is being used          highlight the challenges faced by prostate
                                  At the beginning of the lockdown a COVID-19            resulted in several very successful new online            to subtype SCLC patients, explore Cancers of           patients and their treating clinicians (Nature
                                  testing hub, the Lighthouse Laboratory, was            training sessions. Our STAy Committee once                Unknown Origin, and improve early detection            Disease Primers, Nature, Nature Comms). Also
                                  established at Alderley Park. We entered a             again stepped up to the plate with new ideas for          of non-small cell lung cancer. They also               moving into the prostate, the Stem Cell Biology
                                  working partnership with the Lighthouse to get         boosting morale such as their Quarantine                  launched their CRUK UpSMART programme to               group found that RUNX1 is highly expressed in a
                                  this essential national facility up and running.       Quizzes. We held a very successful virtual                bring digital solutions to early clinical trials. On   subpopulation of prostate proximal luminal cells
                                  Several of our senior leaders joined the               Christmas Party (I believe my “how to make a              the biomarker theme, my own Molecular                  that are castration-resistant, self-sustained and
                                  Lighthouse management team to help establish           no-cheese cheesecake” video is still available).          Oncology group reported signatures that                do not generate other luminal cells. Their work,
                                  the laboratories and its important workflows,          We took our internal and external seminar series          predict which patients will respond to immune          published in eLife, identifies a cell type from the
                                  and we loaned the new facility equipment,              online to create opportunities for continued              checkpoint blockade immunotherapy and                  onset of prostate development and provides
                                  including the vital PCR machines. Over 30 of           discussion of our research, and to learn from             which could therefore be used to refine patient        new insight into prostate biology.
                                  our highly skilled staff and students volunteered      each other and colleagues from around the                 care (published in Nature Communications). In
                                  to work in the Lighthouse Laboratories and were        world. I am grateful to all those who embraced            Nature Cancer, we published that T cell                The Leukaemia Biology group continued to
                                  amongst the first to be trained to start testing       these very successful seminar series, particularly        evolution in response to immunotherapy can be          co-develop the LSD1 inhibitor ORY-1001 (now
                                  samples from front-line NHS workers, allowing          our invited speakers who committed so much                monitored using human blood samples,                   called iadademstat) reporting in the Journal of
                                  those with negative tests to quickly return to         of their time to the (initially) rather alien format of   providing a tractable and convenient approach          Clinical Oncology that the compound has a
                                  patient care. Our staff members also found             the virtual talk. International meetings also went        to determine which patients are likely to              good safety profile. The Tumour Suppressors
                                  other innovative ways to support front line NHS        online or, at best, adopted a hybrid format, so           respond to these treatments. In this vein, the         Group identified an intriguing role for copper in

 4       SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2020 CANCER RESEARCH UK MANCHESTER INSTITUTE                                                                                                                                                    DIRECTOR’S INTRODUCTION            5

                           regulation of p53 (published in Cell Death and      with renewed vigour. It is testament to our core                                            RESEARCH
                           Disease) and developed powerful tools for their
                           research (published in Cancer Cell
                           International). Finally, the Skin Cancer & Ageing
                                                                               values and the strengths of the culture and
                                                                               community that is CRUK MI.                                                                  HIGHLIGHTS
                           group reported an intriguing sex bias in skin       Finally, this is my last Annual Report, because
                           cancer, with men presenting more aggressive         after 9 years I decided to step down as Director
                           disease (published in Clinical Cancer Research).    to explore other opportunities. It is an exciting
                           Details of these discoveries and many more are      time for the Institute. The Paterson Building has
                           in the specific reports from individual groups,
                           so please read on.
                                                                               been demolished and, at extraordinary speed,
                                                                               its replacement is emerging from the hole it left.
                                                                                                                                                                           In this section we highlight some research publications from
                                                                               Our move into this new facility is scheduled for                                            2020 which report significant advances in specific areas. The
                           Congratulations to all our staff who won prizes
                           and awards last year. The 2020 Dexter award
                                                                               early 2023 and will provide opportunities to
                                                                               build the Institute in new directions. I wish
                                                                                                                                                                           selected papers demonstrate the breadth and the quality of the
                           was awarded to Wendy Trotter (Cell Division).       Caroline Dive and Iain Hagan all the best as they                                           research being undertaken by the groups at the Cancer
                           Bettina Wingelhofer (Leukaemia Biology) won a
                           John Goldman Fellowship from Leukaemia UK,
                                                                               prepare for this important milestone in our
                                                                               history. As I step away, let me reflect that while I
                                                                                                                                                                           Research UK Manchester Institute.
                           and Sara Valpione (Molecular Oncology) won a        am sad to move on, I am proud of the Institute I
                           Career Development Award from the Harry J           have handed over. So let me end as I started, by                                            Valpione S, Galvani E, Tweedy J, Mundra PA,          some forms of immunotherapies, so the group
                           Lloyd Charitable Trust and was selected to          thanking people. First, my thanks to CRUK and                                               Banyard A, Middlehurst P, Barry J, Mills S, Salih    called these cells T-immune effector or TIE cells.
                           participate in the ESMO Leaders Generation          The University of Manchester for allowing me                                                Z, Weightman J, Gupta A, Gremel G, Baenke F,         Their studies contribute to improving our
                           Programme 2020. Santiago Zelenay (Group             the privilege of leading CRUK MI; it was hard                                               Dhomen N, Lorigan PC, Marais R.                      understanding of the mechanisms that mediate
                           Leader, Cancer Inflammation and Immunity)           work, but it was also a lot of fun. My thanks to                                            Immune awakening revealed by peripheral              effective immune-responses to immune-
                           and I were awarded the inaugural BIAL Prize in      Caroline Dive for your friendship, hard work and                                            T cell dynamics after one cycle of                   checkpoint blockade drugs, so the data opens
                           Biomedicine together with other colleagues.         guidance as Deputy Director; you contributed                                                immunotherapy.                                       new opportunities to design effective immune-
                           Alex de Feu (Prostate Oncobiology) won the          so much to the growth of the Institute over the                                             Nature Cancer 2020; 1(2):210-221.                    biomarkers for future clinical development. The
                           BioRad International Science writing                last decade. Thank you to Caroline Wilkinson                                                                                                     study also opens new avenues to further exploit
                           competition, Denys Holovanchuk (Molecular           and Stuart Pepper for your friendship,                                                      In this publication, the Molecular Oncology          the immune system for therapeutic gain.
                           Oncology) won an AACR Annual Meeting Travel         unflinching dedication, and hard work; you                                                  group show that liquid biopsies can be used to       Critically, because both parameters can be
                           Award, and Hannah Reed (Cell Signalling) won        made my job easier, and you make the Institute                                              identify which patients will benefit from            measured using patient blood, responding
                           the prize for the best talk at the virtual Actin    a fantastic place at which to do research. Thank                                            immunotherapy. They demonstrate that                 patients can be identified early during treatment,
                           Meeting. Finally, Caroline Dive (Cancer             you to Margaret Lowe and Mike Berne for                                                     following immunotherapy, T cell receptors            with all of the advantages associated with
                           Biomarker Centre) won the Johann Anton              managing our massively complex budgets and                                                  evolve to increase diversity or clonality in         minimally invasive liquid biopsies. Early
                           Merck Award for Outstanding Preclinical             to Rachel Powell for your assistance and                                                    patients who will go on to respond, but not in       identification of responses will improve
                           Research in Oncology, was elected an EMBO           guidance throughout. Thank you to the Group                                                 patients who do not respond. They also               outcomes for patients, because it will allow
                           Member and became President of the                  Leaders and Core Facility Managers for guiding                                              identify a subset of circulating T cells that        therapies to be refined and personalised to the
                           European Association of Cancer Research.            your units so productively. Thank you to my                                                 expand in patients who go on to respond, but         individual. This will also reduce toxicity, because
                                                                               own group for your productivity and the                                                     not in patients who do not respond. These cells      non-responding patients can be spared
                           Despite working from home, our staff and            impressive body of work we generated over the                                               are characteristic of cells that fight infections,   extended treatments that will not provide any
                           students continued to fundraise for CRUK. I         last decade. Thank you to Ruth Cox, my                                                      but this data suggests that the same cells are       benefit.
                           joined a Drug Discovery Unit Race for Life at       Executive Assistant for your unwavering                                                     recruited to fight tumours in patients receiving
                           Home Challenge that raised over £3,000, and         support, for steadying the ship when needed
                           Steve Lyons and the ‘Manchester Scientists’         and, with help from your assistants, for making
                           raised over £2,200 for the Stockport Relay for      sure I was always prepared and in the right place
                                                                                                                                      The Molecular Oncology group
                           Life. These are impressive achievements, so         at the right time; without you it would have been
                                                                                                                                      identified an immune signature of
                           thank you to everyone who took part and             chaos. Finally, thank you to everyone who              response to anti-PD1 drugs
                           everyone who sponsored us.                          worked at the Institute over the last decade;          analysing peripheral blood T cells
                                                                               your hard work and scientific contributions have       and the T cell receptor DNA
                           We have faced adversity before and are still        taken us closer to our aim of beating cancer           sequences in cfDNA of cancer
                                                                                                                                      patients receiving
                           recovering from the 2017 Paterson Building fire,    sooner.
                           but challenge forces us to discover new and
                           sometimes better ways of pursuing our goals                                                                This artwork was designed for the
                           and working together. The pandemic has                                                                     publication. (Image supplied by
                           reminded me that the Institute is its people and                                                           Sara Valpione, Molecular
                           that you are strong, resilient, and productive.
                           You continue to thrive, and I am delighted to
                           see the dedication of our staff, now back in the
                           laboratories. Thank you for toughing it out, for
                           sticking together and for pursuing your projects

6   SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2020 CANCER RESEARCH UK MANCHESTER INSTITUTE                                                                                                                                                                                   RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS          7
RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS (CONTINUED)                                                                                                                 Salamero O, Montesinos P, Willekens C,               pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and
                                                                                                                                                                           Pérez-Simón JA, Pigneux A, Récher C, Popat R,        efficacy.
                                                                                                                                                                           Carpio C, Molinero C, Mascaró C, Vila J, Arévalo
                           Galvani E, Mundra PA, Valpione S, Garcia-            Pearsall SM, Humphrey S, Revill M, Morgan D,                                               MI, Maes T, Buesa C, Bosch F, Somervaille TCP.       Twenty-seven patients were treated with
                           Martinez P, Smith M, Greenall J, Thakur R,           Frese KK, Galvin M, Kerr A, Carter M, Priest L,                                            First-in-Human Phase I study of Iadademstat          iadademstat on days 1 to 5 of each week in
                           Helmink B, Andrews MC, Boon L, Chester C,            Blackhall F, Simpson KL, Dive C.                                                           (ORY-1001): A first-in-class lysine-specific         28-day cycles in a dose-escalation phase that
                           Gremel G, Hogan K, Mandal A, Zeng K, Banyard         The rare YAP1 subtype of SCLC revisited in a                                               histone demethylase 1a inhibitor, in relapsed or     resulted in a recommended dose of 140 µg/m2/
                           A, Ashton G, Cook M, Lorigan P, Wargo JA,            biobank of 39 circulating tumor cell patient                                               refractory acute myeloid leukemia.                   day. This dose was chosen to treat all patients in
                           Dhomen N, Marais R.                                  derived explant models: a brief report.                                                    Journal of Clinical Oncology 2020; 38(36):4260-      an extension-cohort enriched with patients with
                           Stroma remodeling and reduced cell division          Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2020;                                                         4273.                                                MLL-rearranged AML. Most adverse events were
                           define durable response to PD-1 blockade in          15(12):1836-1843.                                                                                                                               as expected and included myelosuppression
                           melanoma.                                                                                                                                       Acute myeloid leukaemia is a haematological          and non-hematologic events, such as
                           Nature Communications 2020; 11(1):853.               Small cell lung cancer is an aggressive                                                    malignancy characterised by a block in myeloid       infections, asthenia, mucositis, and diarrhoea.
                                                                                neuroendocrine (NE) cancer with poor                                                       lineage differentiation. It remains, for the most    Pharmacokinetic data demonstrated a dose-
                           Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have             prognosis, characterised by high circulating                                               part, an incurable disease, especially in the        dependent increase in plasma exposure, and
                           revolutionised the treatment of melanoma,            tumour cell burden and early widespread                                                    elderly, and new approaches to treatment are         pharmacodynamic data confirmed a potent
                           with checkpoint blocking antibodies to CTLA-4        metastasis.                                                                                required, including those that promote               time- and exposure-dependent induction of
                           and PD-1/PD-L1 improving survival for many                                                                                                      differentiation. Certain epigenetic regulators are   differentiation biomarkers. Reductions in blood
                           patients, and eliciting long-term durable            Four consensus subtypes were proposed                                                      under evaluation as therapeutic targets,             and bone marrow blast percentages were
                           responses for some. However, the biological          recently for molecular classification of SCLC,                                             including lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1).      observed, together with induction of blast cell
                           features underlying these durable responses          defined by the expression of NE transcription                                              LSD1 exhibits demethylase activity versus            differentiation, in particular in patients with MLL
                           remain poorly understood. Efforts to identify        factors ASCL1 and NEUROD1, the POU2F3                                                      methylated lysine residues as well as a              translocations. One complete remission with
                           markers of response in patient-derived               secretory tuft cell lineage marker and YAP1, a                                             transcription factor scaffolding activity.           incomplete count recovery was observed in the
                           materials have been limited by the diversity and     transcriptional activator with diverse roles                                                                                                    dose escalation arm. Thus, iadademstat exhibits
                           plasticity of the immune system in a human           culminating in pro-survival, pro-metastatic and                                            Preclinical studies from the Leukaemia Biology       a good safety profile together with signs of
                           population shaped by diverse variables such as       chemoresistance oncogenic functions. SCLC                                                  group revealed that LSD1 sustains the                clinical and biologic activity as a single agent in
                           genetic background, lifestyle and prior lines of     cells predominantly express NE phenotypic                                                  differentiation block in certain molecular           patients with AML.
                           treatment. In recent years, the Molecular            markers, however it is known that a small                                                  subtypes of AML, in particular MLL-translocated
                           Oncology group reported that its BRAF V600E/         minority of these NE cells can transition to a                                             AML. Iadademstat is a highly selective and
                           UVR-driven mouse melanoma model                      non-neuroendocrine (non-NE) phenotype, and                                                 potent covalent inhibitor of LSD1. Iadademstat       Williams MS, Basma NJ, Amaral FMR, Williams
                           recapitulates the cardinal pathological and          many of the Cancer Biomarker Centre’s                                                      was evaluated in a first-in-human dose-              G, Weightman JP, Breitwieser W, Nelson L,
                           genomic features of human melanoma                   CTC-derived explant (CDX) models of SCLC also                                              escalation and extension-cohort phase I study        Taylor SS, Wiseman DH, Somervaille TCP.
                           including a UVR-induced mutational signature         contain low numbers of non-NE cells, which                                                 in patients with refractory or relapsed acute        Targeted nanopore sequencing for the
                           and high C-to-T mutation burden. Critically,         are marked by expression of the NE repressor                                               myeloid leukaemia. The primary objective was         identification of ABCB1 promoter translocations
                           this model retains the mouse’s native immune         protein, REST. Whilst the team were unable to                                              to assess safety and tolerability of iadademstat;    in cancer.
                           system and tumour microenvironment (TME),            identify the YAP1 subtype in their global                                                  secondary objectives were to study                   BMC Cancer 2020; 20(1):1075.
                           while allowing control of genomic, behavioural       transcriptomics analysis of 39 CDX models, they
                           and environmental variables. In this                 identified several models that had relatively high
                           publication, the Molecular Oncology group            expression of YAP1 transcript. In the majority of
                           used this controlled system to assess the            these models, YAP1 expression was co-localised
                                                                                                                                     A549 cells invading into artificial
                           genetic and phenotypic changes induced by            with REST, and thus restricted to localised
                                                                                                                                     basement membrane following
                           PD-1 blockade and report that anti-PD-1              clusters of minority non-NE cell subpopulations.     metal exposure.
                           treatment yielded responses in ~35% of               A rare, ‘NE-low’ (i.e. expressing low levels of NE
                           tumours, and prolonged survival in ~27% of the       markers by multiple metrics) SCLC phenotype          Image supplied by Yannick
                           animals, similar to the responses observed in        was also observed in their CDX biobank and in        von Grabowiecki (Tumour
                           the human patient population. From RNA               these, YAP1 expression was more abundant and
                           sequencing, the group identified genes whose         present both in NE and non-NE cells. When
                           expression correlated to response to PD-1            culturing the separated NE and non-NE cells
                           blockade, allowing the development of two            from individual CDX models ex vivo, they found
                           signatures that were predictive of later             that the non-NE, YAP1-expressing cells were
                           response, one for stroma remodelling and one         more chemoresistant than their NE counterpart
                           for proliferation. Their signatures were validated   cells. Together, these data indicate that YAP1
                           in two independent early on-treatment                expression in SCLC represents an additional
                           anti-PD-1 patient cohorts. Together, these data      feature of SCLC phenotypic heterogeneity, and
                           suggest that stroma remodelling and                  warrants further exploration in order to
                           proliferation are features of response to            understand and exploit these differences for
                           immunotherapy that could be used to identify         therapeutic gain.
                           responding patients so that treatment can be
                           tailored to achieve the best outcome for
                           individual patients.

8   SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2020 CANCER RESEARCH UK MANCHESTER INSTITUTE                                                                                                                                                                                   RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS         9
RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS (CONTINUED)                                                                     In non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), small           retain their ability to resume synchronous cell
                                                                                                                                        molecule inhibitors that target mutant kinases         cycling. That time can be used to manipulate
                                                                                                                                        have offered unprecedented success in the              any molecule and when the cells are returned to
                                    Resistance to chemotherapy is the most            This approach proved an efficient method for      management of the disease. One of the most             the cycle, their fate can be observed and enable
                                    common cause of treatment failure in acute        identifying ABCB1 structural variants in THP-1    successful examples is echinoderm                      significant insights to be made into the function
                                    myeloid leukaemia (AML) and the drug efflux       AML cells and HGSC, identifying both novel and    microtubule like-4-anaplastic lymphoma kinase          of molecules and the behaviour of cells within
                                    pump ABCB1 is a critical mediator. Recent         previously described promoter translocations in   (EML4-ALK)-mutant lung cancer, which affects           the actual cycle under study.
                                    studies have identified promoter translocations   HGSC. In contrast, activating ABCB1 promoter      4-5% of lung cancer patients. EML4 causes the
                                    as common drivers of high ABCB1 expression in     translocations were not identified in ABCB1high   constitutive activation of the                         The gold standard for cell cycle synchronisation
                                    recurrent, chemotherapy-treated high-grade        AML. H3K27Ac ChIP sequencing demonstrated         ALK kinase domain which leads to cancer. To            has long been the double thymidine block
                                    serous ovarian cancer (HGSC) and breast           significant activity of native promoters in all   date, the first-generation ALK inhibitor crizotinib,   approach, which stops the cell cycle at the
                                    cancer. These fusions place ABCB1 under the       cases of ABCB1high AML studied, consistent with   second-generation ALK inhibitors ceritinib,            phase of DNA replication and causes DNA
                                    control of a strong promoter while leaving its    endogenous regulation.                            alectinib and brigatinib, and the third-               damage. The subsequent cell cycle is therefore
                                    open reading frame intact. The mechanisms                                                           generation ALK inhibitor lorlatinib have been          far from normal, making the double thymidine
                                    controlling high ABCB1 expression in AML are      Despite frequent high-level expression of ABCB1   approved by the Food and Drug Administration           block approach difficult to study the
                                    largely unknown. The Leukaemia Biology            in relapsed primary AML, they found no            (FDA) for the treatment of patients with lung          biochemistry of DNA replication or
                                    group therefore established an experimental       evidence of ABCB1 translocations and instead      cancer harbouring the EML4-ALK translocation.          transcription, or chromatin biology. By contrast,
                                    system and analysis pipeline to determine         confirmed activity of native ABCB1 promoters.                                                            using CDK4/6 inhibitors clinically approved to
                                    whether promoter translocations account for       These findings are consistent with the group’s    While initial responses are excellent, patients        treat breast cancer have no impact upon DNA
                                    high ABCB1 expression in cases of relapsed        recent work describing the regulation of ABCB1    eventually relapse due to the development of           integrity, making the Cell Division group’s
                                    human AML.                                        by a network of stress responsive enhancers in    acquired resistance to these therapies. Exploring      approach a game changer for researchers
                                                                                      primary AML.                                      these mechanisms of resistance, the                    studying DNA biology. Critically, this publication
                                    The group first demonstrated that prolonged                                                         Transcriptional Networks in Lung Cancer group          shows that a drug developed to treat cancer,
                                    in vitro daunorubicin exposure could induce                                                         found that EML4-ALK cells parental or resistant        and with great effect, can now advance our
                                    activating ABCB1 promoter translocations in a     Paliouras AR, Buzzetti M, Shi L, Donaldson IJ,    to crizotinib, ceritinib or alectinib are remarkably   understanding of cell division to help identify
                                    human AML cell line (THP-1), similar to those     Magee P, Sahoo S, Leong HS, Fassan M, Carter      sensitive to inhibition of genes involved in the       further routes to cancer therapy.
                                    recently described in recurrent high-grade        M, Di Leva G, Krebs MG, Blackhall F, Lovly CM,    cell cycle (namely, CDK7/12 with THZ1 and
                                    serous ovarian and breast cancers. This model     Garofalo M.                                       CDK9) with drugs called alvocidib and dinaciclib.
                                    was used to establish a targeted nanopore         Vulnerability of drug-resistant EML4-ALK          This treatment induces cell death through              Bonavita E, Bromley CP, Jonsson G, Pelly VS,
                                    long-read sequencing approach that was then       rearranged lung cancer to transcriptional         transcriptional inhibition and downregulation of       Sahoo S, Walwyn-Brown K, Mensurado S,
                                    applied to cases of ABCB1high HGSC and AML.       inhibition.                                       anti-apoptotic genes and reduces tumour                Moeini A, Flanagan E, Bell CR, Chiang SC,
                                                                                      EMBO Molecular Medicine 2020; 12(7):e11099.       growth not only in cancer cells but also in            Chikkanna-Gowda CP, Rogers N, Silva-Santos
                                                                                                                                        mouse models of the disease. In summary,               B, Jaillon S, Mantovani A, Reis E Sousa C,
                                                                                                                                        patients with acquired resistance to ALK               Guerra N, Davis DM, Zelenay S.
                                                                                                                                        inhibitors and wild-type ALK have only                 Antagonistic inflammatory phenotypes
Mutually exclusive expression of                                                                                                        chemotherapy left as a treatment option. The           dictate tumor fate and response to immune
the MYC family proteins MYC and
MYCL in CDX17P via multiplex
                                                                                                                                        team’s findings point to the possibility that CDK      checkpoint blockade.
immunofluorescence. MYC                                                                                                                 inhibition may be clinically tested as an              Immunity 2020; 53(6):1215-1229.e8.
(green), MYCL (red), DAPI (blue),                                                                                                       alternative to help manage this disease.
scale bar, 200 μm).                                                                                                                                                                            Immunotherapy has emerged as an alternative
                                                                                                                                                                                               anti-cancer therapy, which has revolutionised
Image supplied by Kathryn
Simpson (Cancer Biomarker
                                                                                                                                        Trotter EW, Hagan IM.                                  the field of cancer research and treatment.
Centre)                                                                                                                                 Release from cell cycle arrest with Cdk4/6             Unprecedented outcomes continue to be
                                                                                                                                        inhibitors generates highly synchronized cell          observed in multiple cancer types, including
                                                                                                                                        cycle progression in human cell culture.               malignancies where conventional therapies
                                                                                                                                        Open Biology 2020; 10(10):200200.                      such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy or targeted
                                                                                                                                                                                               therapy have failed. Nevertheless, the
                                                                                                                                        Iain Hagan and Wendy Trotter from the Cell             immunotherapy excitement has been rapidly
                                                                                                                                        Division group developed a new approach to             tempered by clinical data showing that only a
                                                                                                                                        synchronise the cell division cycle of an entire       minority of cancer patients achieve complete
                                                                                                                                        population of human cells in culture. This             and long-lasting responses. This has
                                                                                                                                        method, published in Open Biology, exploits the        underscored the need for extensive preclinical
                                                                                                                                        ability of CDK4/6 inhibitor drugs to arrest cell       research to understand the basis of these
                                                                                                                                        cycle progression at a natural pause point of the      remarkable but still rare outcomes.
                                                                                                                                        cycle: the restriction point. After synchronisation
                                                                                                                                        and re-initiation of the cycle, all the cells in the   Inflammation can fuel or inhibit cancer
                                                                                                                                        population go through it at the same time and          progression and the response to therapy. In this
                                                                                                                                        rate, making it possible to perform biochemical        study, the Cancer Inflammation and Immunity
                                                                                                                                        and functional analyses of the changes that            group investigated the signals and pathways that
                                                                                                                                        occur in cells at specific points of the cycle.        regulate the establishment of tumour
                                                                                                                                                                                               inflammatory microenvironments that support
                                                                                                                                        Importantly, cells can be removed from the             or restrain cancer progression. Combining the
                                                                                                                                        cycle for up to 48 hours, during which they            use of genetically engineered mouse cancer

10      SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2020 CANCER RESEARCH UK MANCHESTER INSTITUTE                                                                                                                                              RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS        11
RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS (CONTINUED)                                                                          mechanisms by which they survive hormone
                                                                                                                                         deprivation and subsequently regenerate the
                                                                                                                                         prostate's complex cellular content, or are
                                                                                                                                         involved in the emergence of castration-
The developing prostate of an                                                                                                            resistant cells, remain to be elucidated. The
embryo with RUNX1 shown in
                                                                                                                                         RUNX1 transcription factor is a master regulator
                                                                                                                                         of the blood system essential for hematopoietic
Image supplied by Renaud                                                                                                                 development, homeostasis, and disease.
Mével and Georges Lacaud                                                                                                                 Interestingly, there is increasing evidence
(Stem Cell Biology)                                                                                                                      implicating RUNX1 in the biology and pathology
                                                                                                                                         of hormone-regulated tissues. Thus, the Stem
                                                                                                                                         Cell Biology group systematically studied the
                                                                                                                                         presence and contribution of RUNX1 expressing
                                                                                                                                         cells during the development, homeostasis, and
                                                                                                                                         regeneration of the prostate gland.

                                                                                                                                         The group found that RUNX1 is highly expressed
                                                                                                                                         in a subpopulation of proximal luminal cells
                                                                                                                                         located at the base of the adult mouse prostate,
                                                                                                                                         in the region next to the urethra. They
                                                                                                                                         characterised these RUNX1+ luminal cells during
                                                                                                                                         development and castration-regeneration
                                                                                                                                         assays using single cells transcriptomics and
                                                                                                                                         genetic lineage-tracing. They showed that
                                                                                                                                         RUNX1+ luminal cells are castration-resistant,
                                                                                                                                         self-sustained and do not regenerate other
                                                                                                                                         distinct luminal cells types. They found that a
                                                                                                                                         similar RUNX1+ population emerges in the
                                                                                                                                         proximal region of the developing prostate
                                                                                                                                         ducts during embryonic prostate development,
                                                                                                                                         indicating that RUNX1+ proximal luminal cells are
                                                                                                                                         an independent luminal cell type established at
                                                                                                                                         the onset of prostate development. This Stem
                                models with the analysis of samples from          Mevel R, Steiner I, Mason S, Galbraith LC, Patel       Cell Biology study provides new insights into
                                cancer patients, the group identified Natural     R, Fadlullah MZ, Ahmad I, Leung HY, Oliveira P,        prostate development and the cellular
                                Killer (NK) cells as key drivers of cancer-       Blyth K, Baena E, Lacaud G.                            composition of the mouse prostate epithelium.
                                inhibitory inflammation. In cancer models         RUNX1 marks a luminal castration-resistant             Investigating the functional relevance of these
                                rendered immunogenic by genetic ablation of       lineage established at the onset of prostate           RUNX1+ cells in prostate cancer, where the
                                the cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 pathway, NK cells      development.                                           presence of castration-resistant cells is a critical
                                were essential for initiating an inflammatory     Elife 2020; 9:e60225.                                  therapeutic problem, may open the door to
                                response that preceded and stimulated                                                                    improved cancer treatments.
                                cytotoxic T cell-dependent tumour growth          The prostate is a glandular organ of the
                                control. The analysis of patient datasets         mammalian male reproductive system. A
                                suggested the COX-2 pathway regulates             prostate luminal secretory epithelial
                                equally the cellular and molecular                subpopulation is involved in fluid secretions that
                                inflammatory profile across multiple human        form part of the semen. One incredible property
                                cancer types. Furthermore, the authors            of the prostate epithelium is its plasticity. In the
                                developed an approach that by combining           absence of hormones, such as chemical or
                                tumour-promoting and anti-tumour mediators        surgical castration during prostate cancer
                                improves our ability to predict overall patient   treatment, the prostate shrinks dramatically and
                                survival and the response to immunotherapy in     loses most of the luminal cells. Strikingly, the
                                a wide range of human cancers. Collectively,      prostate can fully regenerate itself upon
                                their findings established the COX-2 pathway      hormone replenishment. This impressive
                                and NK cells as critical orchestrators of T       regenerative capacity has been extensively
                                cell-mediated cancer immunity and                 demonstrated in mouse models, suggesting the
                                demonstrate the value of integrating pro- and     presence of a subpopulation of cells with
                                anti-tumorigenic inflammation to predict          specific regenerative properties. However, the
                                patient outcome.                                  precise nature of these cells and the

12      SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2020 CANCER RESEARCH UK MANCHESTER INSTITUTE                                                                                                                          RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS   13
                                                                      RESEARCH UK
                                                                          RESEARCH GROUPS

SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2020 -                                                       Julie Stevenson
                                                                                                                                                      Jason Swift
                                                                                                                                                      Jenny Ward

                               Cancer Research UK                                                                                                  Clinical Fellows

                               Manchester Institute Cancer
                                                                                                                                                    Alicia Conway
                                                                                                                                                     Victoria Foy
                                                                                                                                                   Melissa Frizziero

                               Biomarker Centre
                                                                                                                                                   Matthew Howell

                                                                                                                                                  Graduate Students
                                                                                                                                                    Oliver Bartley1
                                                                                                                                                    Alessia Catozzi
                                                                                                                                                   Jakub Chudziak
                                                                                                                                                   Victoria Gernedl 1

                               The goals of the CRUK Manchester Institute Cancer Biomarker Centre                                                  Sam Humphrey2
                                                                                                                                                      Alice Lallo2
                               (CBC) are a) to discover, develop, validate and implement biomarkers                                                  Julia Ogden
                                                                                                                                                    Sarah Pearsall
                               and digital solutions that optimise personalised cancer medicine; and                                                 Max Schenk
                               b) to characterise and exploit our panel of CDX models derived from                                                    Yitao Chen

                               circulating tumour cells from small cell lung cancer patient to discover                                           Scientific Officers

                               new targets and test new therapies.                                                                                 Sophie Atkinson
                                                                                                                                                    Dominic Birch
            Director                                                                                                                               Kieran Bradbury              Figure 1.
                                                                                                                                                     Samuel Bratt 1             SCLC CDX non-NE cells form tubules with hollow lumens when cultured on Matrigel.
     Caroline Dive             CBC showcase studies published in Nature             implicating a role for hypoxia-associated genes                 Stewart Brown               A, Tubule formation of CDX17 non-NE cells visualised via brightfield (i) and fluorescence microscopy (ii). B,C, Confocal
                               Cancer and the Journal of Thoracic Oncology          in VM and highlighting the plasticity of SCLC cells               Debbie Burt               Imaging of CDX17 non-NE cells forming hollow tubules visualised using Imaris software z-stack reconstruction, showing
     Deputy Group Leader                                                                                                                          Holly Butterworth             a defined outer tubule wall (Bi), with a hollow lumen (Bii, Biii) and cross sections of CDX17 non-NE cells showing a defined
         Ged Brady2            that describe the inter- and intra-tumoural          that can adapt and modulate their phenotypic
                                                                                                                                                    Mathew Carter               cell containing an outer tubule wall (Ci), and continuous layer of cells forming the hollow centre (Cii and Ciii). All images
                               heterogeneity of SCLC, highlighting the potential    characteristics to support tumour growth. We
                                                                                                                                                   Rebecca Carroll              are representative.
        Staff Scientists       of the CDX approach, now used worldwide, to          have also shown that formation of SCLC hollow                    Harry Clarke1
         Alastair Kerr         advance SCLC research. We submitted a patent         tubular structures on matrigel (a VM surrogate                    Alex Clipson
        Elaine Kilgour
                                                                                                                                                                                presentation as a potential mechanism of                         relapse in early stage lung cancers and its
                               on our workflow for our T7 ctDNA pipeline that       assay) occurs via active integrin signalling leading            James Copley
       Dominic Rothwell                                                                                                                                                         immune evasion. Generation of new CDX                            relationship with the broader immune landscape
                               incorporates ctDNA methylation profiling, and is     to collagen deposition and remodelling (Figure                   Joanne Felce
      Jonathan Tugwood                                                                                                                             Adam Freestone2
                                                                                                                                                                                models with banking of matched PBMCs from                        of these tumours.
                               being deployed to subtype SCLC patients,             1). Our continued molecular characterisation of
                                                                                                                                                    Lynsey Franklin             SCLC patients on immunotherapy is being
      Associate Scientists     explore Cancers of Unknown Origin, and for the       VM seeks biomarkers and/or targets for non-NE
                                                                                                                                                    Melanie Galvin              prioritised to enable CTC and T-cell co-culture                  We are also working with the digital ECMT team
           Kris Frese          early detection of non-small cell lung cancer.       SCLC cell targeted therapies.                                     Laura Glass               studies. This co-culture capability is being                     and have demonstrated the feasibility of
      Carlos Lopez-Garcia      With clinical colleagues across the UK, Spain and                                                                 Molly Glenister-Doyle          extended to innate immune cell populations,                      detecting cytokines by ELISA in as little as 30μl
       Kathryn Simpson         Italy, we launched the CRUK Accelerator              Biomarkers to inform immunotherapy trials                      Eleanor Gregory              starting with natural killer cells.                              blood collected using a micro-sampler device,
                               UpSMART that will bring digital solutions to the     The Cells and Proteins team (CAP) continue to                  Tatiana Guevara1
       Service Manager                                                                                                                                                          As a first step towards testing of a COX-                        with optimisation of workflows for sample
                               care of patients undergoing early clinical trials.   expand and develop the CBC immune                              Grace Hampson
          Tony Price                                                                                                                                 Michael Hoffs              inflammatory signature as a predictive biomarker                 processing and analysis underway. This
                                                                                    biomarker ‘toolkit’. Through a new partnership
                                                                                                                                                   Elizabeth Hunter             for immunotherapy in clinical trials, we are                     approach will be used in the NOTION study to
     Postdoctoral Fellows      Intra-tumoural functional heterogeneity              with ThermoFisher, the IonTorrent platform is
                                                                                                                                                   Hayley Johnson               working with Dr Santiago Zelenay (supported by                   evaluate home based blood sampling kits that
       Katarzyna Bloch         in SCLC                                              now installed in our Tumour Immunology and                        Alex Jordan1              a MRC Confidence in Concept Award) to                            assess cytokines as an early warning system of
      Francesca Chemi          Using our CDX biobank, the Preclinical               Inflammation Monitoring Laboratory and                             Noel Kelso
         Ellyn Hughes
                                                                                                                                                                                develop a standardised assay on the clinically                   adverse events and cytokine release syndrome in
                               Pharmacology team continue to explore and            validation of TCRseq assays for analysis of                    Andrew McLeod1
       Sumitra Mohan                                                                                                                                                            compatible NanoString platform to measure                        patients receiving immunotherapy and
                               describe novel elements of phenotypic diversity      clonality, diversity and convergence in blood                Simrah Mohammad
      Maria Peiris-Pages                                                                                                                                                        expression of this signature in baseline patient                 advanced T-cell therapies. We are also working
                               within small cell lung cancer (SCLC) that were       samples is ongoing. Working in close                            Derrick Morgan
                                                                                                                                                     Karen Morris               tumour biopsies. A new ACED funded PhD                           with Dr Phil Monaghan, to enable transfer of our
      Bioinformaticians        not previously apparent due to the lack of           collaboration with Prof Fiona Blackhall at the
                                                                                                                                                  Anthony Oojageer              student is also working jointly between the                      cytokine and sTie2 ELISAs to the Christie Hospital
          Phil Carter1         available tissue and patient-relevant models. The    Christie Hospital Foundation Trust, the
                                                                                                                                                     Safwan Patel               Zelanay group and CBC to explore the potential                   Diagnostic Biochemistry Laboratory for routine
       Tine Descamps2          expanding panel of CDX models within our             processing and banking of liquid biopsy samples               Rosalind Pearson              for the COX-inflammatory signature to predict                    NHS use and deployment in the upcoming
        Saba Ferdous           biobank (42 models, including 6 pairs) has           from a cohort of SCLC patients receiving
          Steven Hill 1        enabled us to build on our studies into acquired     immunotherapy at the Christie is underway
      Mukarram Hossain1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PBMCs / isolated
                               drug resistance, vasculogenic mimicry (VM) and       allowing CTC, ctDNA and TCRseq analyses                                                                                                                           CDX / CTC                               immune cells
        Cheryl Jones2
                               neurogenic transcription factor expression,          aimed at identification of candidate biomarkers        Figure 2.                             EDTA      CTC isolation
       Bedirhan Kilerci
                               particularly to understand the novel role of         that predict and monitor patient responses to          Circulating tumour cells (CTCs)       blood
                                                                                                                                                                                                           implantation                                     /
       Katarzyna Murat
                               ATOH1 in SCLC.                                       immunotherapy. To complement these liquid              and peripheral blood
        Simon Pearce                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   In vitro co-culture
                                                                                                                                           mononuclear cells (PBMC) are                                                   CDX tumour
       Matthew Roberts                                                              biopsies, T-cell infiltrates are being evaluated in
                                                                                                                                           isolated from a patient blood
         Cong Zhou             Intra-tumour SCLC heterogeneity plays a role in      SCLC tumour samples to develop an                      sample. CTCs can be cultured or                                                                                                             Tumour reactive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Cytokine cocktail
                               metastasis and therapy resistance, with the          understanding of the heterogeneity and                 implanted into mice to generate a                                 Frozen                                                                    T cell expansion
     Clinical Informaticians                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Co-receptor antibodies
                               minority non-neuroendocrine (non-NE) cell            mechanisms of immune evasion in advanced               CTC Derived Explant Model (CDX)               PBMC isolation                   Stored in liquid
          Fouziah Butt
                               subpopulation supporting growth, survival and        metastatic disease. Methods have also been             in mice. CTCs or disaggregated                                                 nitrogen
         Paul Fitzpatrick
                               dissemination of NE cells. We have shown that        established for ex vivo co-cultures of peripheral      CDX cells are co-cultured with
          Hannah Frost
                                                                                                                                           PBMC to determine the extent of
        Andrew Hughes2         these non-NE cells are also the population that      blood lymphocytes and disaggregated SCLC
                                                                                                                                           tumour reactive T-cell activation.
         Donal Landers         are VM-competent, whereby an epithelial to           CDX cells to enable investigation of anti-tumour                                                                                                                            Harvest tumour reactive T cells and
                                                                                                                                           This system is being developed to
         Leanne Ogden          endothelial transition occurs to enable vessels      T-cell responses and resistance to                                                                                                                                          re-challenge against CTC / CDX cells
                                                                                                                                           test the effect of therapeutics on
          Paul O’Regan         with blood transporting capabilities. RNA            immunotherapy (Figure 2). A range of MHC1              the patient’s response to
          Jenny Royle2
                               sequencing (RNAseq) of VM competent non-NE           expression levels were observed across our             immunotherapy.
       Laura Stephenson
                               cells revealed a pseudo-hypoxic gene signature,      SCLC CDX panel, highlighting impaired antigen                                                                                                                               Assess T cell IFN-γ production and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         cytotoxic killing

16      SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2020 CANCER RESEARCH UK MANCHESTER INSTITUTE                                                                                                                                                                                               CANCER BIOMARKER CENTRE                    17

            Jackie Pierce             VALTIVE 1a trial (CI: Prof Gordon Jayson,              cfDNA methylation pull-down assay that is
             Alan Redfern             University of Manchester/Christie NHS                  capable of high-throughput processing of the
            Mitchell Revill
                                      Foundation Trust - CFT) to optimise anti-              large number of samples anticipated in early
         Sophie Richardson1
            Andrew Robb1
                                      angiogenic therapy respectively.                       detection screens. The assay combines a
          Caroline Roberts                                                                   patented in-house NGS library preparation
          Jordan Roebuck              Nucleic acid-based biomarkers that direct              method with a methyl-binding domain protein-
           Karishma Satia             therapy decisions                                      based methylation enrichment approach. When
          Daniel Slane-Tan            The Nucleic Acids Biomarkers team has                  compared to other commercially available NGS
             Karen Smith              continued to develop and validate molecular            library preparation kits, including those
             Nigel Smith
                                      profiling and disease monitoring liquid biopsy         incorporating UMIs, our method had superior                                                   Bioinformatics and Biostatistics across the          experiences electronically and remotely. The
           Simon Topham
           Hannah Walsh2
                                      workflows to support clinical trials and               performance in the cfDNA methylation assay,                                                   Cancer Biomarker Centre                              In-Home study, which assesses the feasibility of
                                                                                                                                                       Figure 3.
             Daniel White             translational projects across the CBC.                 resulting in increased enrichment and reduced             (A) Improved enrichment and         The Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (BBS) team is   Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) detection in the patient’s
                                                                                             background (Figure 3A). We tested our                     on-target reads with CBC T7         active throughout the Cancer Biomarker Centre,       home, was initiated with recent completion of
     Junior Translational Scientist   Mutational profiling of ctDNA to assist selection      methylation assay on 20 NSCLC tumour samples              approach. (B) Spike-in              integrating bioinformatics and statistical methods   Part A (with 12 Head and Neck cancer patients
             Simon Hood               of Phase I clinical trials                             (10 adenocarcinoma, 10 squamous cell                      experiments showed detection of
                                                                                                                                                                                           for its many and varied projects and providing       enrolled). This trial measures renal function based
                                      We profiled ctDNA in the TARGET Trial (Tumour          carcinoma) and compared to published TCGA                 a cell line specific 300 region
         Laboratory Manager                                                                                                                            DMR signature down to sensitivity   input into experimental designs, including those     on a pin-prick of blood and creatinine sensor.
                                      chARacterisation to Guide Experimental                 data sets with good concordance seen between                                                  developed for the afore-mentioned NOTION trial       The NOTION study (a CBC cross team project
         Matthew Lancashire                                                                                                                            levels of 0.1-0.01% VAF (dotted
                                      Targeted therapy, CI Matt Krebs UoM/CFT) with          data sets confirming the accuracy of the CBC T7           blue line). (C) Using a 1022 DMR    and the VALTIVE1a trial that seek to qualify our     with the CAP team), has the objective of enabling
Laboratory Support Technicians        completion of Part B (patient 520) expected by         assay. We have also tested the sensitivity of the         pan-cancer signature ctDNA          liquid biopsy measuring sTie2 to instruct optimal    dry blood spot technology to measure cytokine
       Andrew Stevens                 the end of the year. Mutational analyses across        assays in preliminary studies using 10 ng input           methylation detected 49/51          use of anti-angiogenic therapy in ovarian cancer.    levels in the home for early detection of immune-
      Mahrukh Khurshid1               641 cancer-associated genes as well as copy            spike-in experiments and shown the CBC T7                 cancer patients (96% specificity)
                                                                                                                                                                                           A key focus is to enable robust, reproducible        related toxicities, has been developed and will
                                      number aberration (CNA) analysis were routinely        assay is able to detect tumour specific                   across 4 tumour types.
      CBC Programme Manager                                                                                                                                                                workflows to analyse different types of next-        receive ethical approval in 2021.
                                      presented at the monthly Molecular Tumour              methylation signal at 0.01 - 0.1% VAF (Figure 3B).                                            generation sequencing data. The TARGET trial
        Ekram Aidaros-Talbot
                                      Board. Analysis of immune biomarkers from              Additional studies are currently on going to                                                  (CI: CBC alumnus, Matt Krebs) aims to match          This year a digital ECMT Artificial Intelligence (AI)
       COMPASS Study Project          tumour biopsies to assist selection to                 further test the sensitivity and improve the                                                  patients with a broad range of advanced cancers      capability was formally established within our
             Manager                  immunotherapy trials was also added to the CBC         bioinformatic analysis to enable calling of                                                   to early phase clinical trials; analysis of both     team focussing on development of ethical AI and
          Jonathan Wake               TARGET biomarker portfolio over the past year          tumour positive or negative samples.                                                          somatic mutations and copy number alterations        investigation of novel algorithmic methods to
                                      working alongside the CAP and Tissue                                                                                                                 across a 641 cancer-associated-gene panel in a       deliver direct patient benefit. Aligned to this was
 UpSMART Accelerator Project          Biomarkers teams.                                      We have used our methylation assay to generate
         Manager                                                                                                                                                                           single ctDNA assay support this aim. As TARGET       development of the CORONET tool (COVID-19
                                                                                             a SCLC specific methylation signature derived                                                 is nearing completion, a final update on our data    risk in Oncology Evaluation Tool) by digital ECMT
       Akshita Patil 1
                                      ctDNA analysis within the CACTUS and                   from tumour tissue and cfDNA from the same                                                    processing workflow will be used to rerun all the    (with assistance from the BBS team) in
     Administrative Coordinator       DETECTION trials                                       patient using a panel of 8 CDX tumours and the                                                ctDNA analyses to provide a rich and internally      collaboration with clinicians throughout the UK.
         Suzanne Bickley              Over the last year the NAB team has performed          ctDNA isolated from the patient that gave rise to                                             consistent dataset for exciting retrospective        The decision support tool supports health care
                                      GCP compliant droplet digital PCR (ddPCR)              the CDX model. This comparison found a strong                                                 research.                                            professionals in deciding which COVID-19
        PA to the CBC Director        analysis of ctDNA within the CACTUS Trial              correlation between differentially methylated
            Delydd Jones1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                cancer patients to admit to hospital. A formal
                                      (CirculAting Tumour DNA gUided therapy Switch,         regions detected in both sample types,                                                        We are developing a custom pipeline and an R         collaboration with University Hospital
                                      CI Paul Lorigan UoM/CFT) for advanced                  confirming the viability of ctDNA as a source of                                              software package for analysis of DNA CpG             Southampton to deliver the REACT COVID-19
               Joined in 2020
                  Left in 2020        cutaneous melanoma phase II patients. The              methylation profiling. This signature is now being                                            methylation to investigate chemoresistance in        prospective observational study was also
                                      ddPCR ctDNA assay measures mutated BRAF                tested in a cohort of 99 SCLC cfDNA samples to                                                patient derived mouse models, to determine           established. As part of this, the REACT tool was
                                      levels to instruct treatment switch from targeted      determine the sensitivity and specificity of the                                              SCLC subtypes and tissue-of-origin for Cancer of     repurposed to enable hospital data to be
                                      to immunotherapy and requires validated results        SCLC classifier which will then be used to                                                    Unknown Primary (CUP) in cfDNA and within a          visualised.
                                      to be returned to the clinic within 7 days of blood    monitor SCLC patients, identify early relapse and                                             multi-modal liquid biopsy for early detection of
                                      draw. Modification of the assay has enabled            potentially give insight into mechanisms of                                                   lung cancer.                                         The digital ECMT, along with our EU colleagues,
                                      inclusion of more patients within the trial, with 23   resistance.                                                                                                                                        including those from Fondazione IRCCS Istituto
                                      patients screened to date. Validation of a more                                                                                                      In a cross CBC team study with dECMT and with        Nazionale dei Tumori Milano and Instituto de
                                      extensive (11 targeted mutations) and sensitive        The methylation workflow is also being used in a                                              clinical colleagues across the UK (CI: Rebecca       investigación Oncologica de Vall d’Hebron,
                                      ddPCR-based primary clinical assay has also            collaboration with Natalie Cook (UoM/CFT) on                                                  Lee, UoM/CFT), we assisted the development of a      Barcelona was awarded a CRUK Accelerator
                                      been developed within the group for use in the         Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP) study where                                                   machine learning platform to predict COVID           Award, UpSMART, to enable SMART Experimental
                                      DETECTION trial (Circulating tumour DNA                tissue-specific methylation profiles will be used                                             severity for cancer patients (see below).            Cancer Medicine Trials. The 5-year UpSMART
                                      guidEd Therapy for stage IIB/C BRAF or NRAS            to identify the tissue of origin for these difficult to                                                                                            programme commenced in 2020 with the initial
                                      mutant- positive mElanoma after surgiCal               treat patients. To date we have applied the CBC                                               Digital solutions to support treatment for           aim of identifying digital healthcare products
                                      resection, CI: Paul Lorigan). This trial involves      T7 methylation approach to cfDNA analysis of                                                  cancer patients                                      (DHPs) which are proving valuable to either/both
                                      ddPCR ctDNA analysis to detect early relapse/          37 HNVs and 51 cancer patient samples using                                                   The digital Experimental Cancer Medicines Team       clinical trial data acquisition and data
                                      micro-metastatic disease and select patients for       a pan-cancer signature consisting of 1022                                                     (digital ECMT) established several ‘technology’      interpretation from the network of (currently 24)
                                      targeted therapy and will open to recruitment in       differentially methylated regions (Figure 3C).                                                clinical trials (software, algorithms, medical       participating experimental cancer medicine
                                      Q2 2021. NAB has now validated the lower levels        This found that the pan-cancer signature could                                                devices), which evaluate not only performance        centres/early drug development units across
                                      of detection for 4 BRAF mutations and 3 NRAS           separate 49/51 cancer patient samples from                                                    characteristics of technology but also how they      Europe. In year 1, the programme identified 29
                                      mutations, with validation of 4 additional hTERT       HNVs, even in samples where somatic mutation                                                  enable changes in the patient care pathway           potential DHPs across the network and prioritised
                                      mutations on going.                                    analysis failed to detect a quantifiable VAF (lower                                           inside and outside of hospitals.                     10 of those to develop, using UpSMART
                                                                                             level of detection 1%). Further refinement of the                                                                                                  Accelerator funding, into open-source accessible
                                      Methylation profiling of ctDNA for the early           methylation workflow and generation of more                                                   The PROACT Study was delivered, which                products; free of license fees to use.
                                      detection of cancers                                   robust cancer specific methylation profiles are                                               investigated the feasibility of implementing an
                                      We have further refined our genome-wide                currently on going.                                                                           app for capturing patient reported outcomes and      Publications listed on page 64

18         SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2020 CANCER RESEARCH UK MANCHESTER INSTITUTE                                                                                                                                                                                        CANCER BIOMARKER CENTRE           19                                                                                                                                    Research Centre Biobank. Funded by a Medical
                                                                                                                                                                     TME inflammatory profile               Cancer Promoting
                                                                                                                                            Ptgs2+/+ tumor             PGE2                                                              Research Council Confidence in Concept award
                                                                                                                                                                                   EP2                CP                                 and in close collaboration with the Cancer

                              CANCER INFLAMMATION                                                                                                                                        EP4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Biomarker Centre and various oncologists and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         pathologists from the NHS Christie Foundation

                              AND IMMUNITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Trust, we are developing a standardised protocol
                                                                                                                                             Ptgs2-/- tumor
                                                                                                                                                                       PGE2                                                              to monitor the COX-IS in patient biopsies using a
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Cancer Inhibitory           clinically-compatible platform. Using patient
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         samples from three tumour types, clear cell renal
                                                                                                                                                                                                      CI                                 cancer, triple-negative breast cancer and
                                                                                                                                            Ptgs2+/+ tumor                                                  CXCL9                        non-small cell lung cancer, we are evaluating the
                                                                                                                                                                       PGE2                                 CXCL10                       feasibility of an assay to accurately determine the
                              Immune checkpoint blockade therapy, especially that based on the                                                                                             IFNγ
                                                                                                                                                                                                      CP    ...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         COX-IS in RNA extracted from formalin-fixed
                              use of PD(L)-1 targeted monoclonal antibodies, has transformed                                                                                                          CI                                 paraffin-embedded and validating its prognostic
                                                                                                                                             EP2 & EP4-
                              cancer treatment becoming the standard of care for multiple                                                  deficient NK cells      Tumor cells     NK cells                                              utility. We argue that establishing this protocol is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Survival              critical step to prospectively test the COX-IS
                              tumour types. Despite the advent of these transformative treatments,                                                                                                                                       predictive power and to guide the selection of
                              few patients derive profound and long-lasting benefit. Moreover, our                                                                                    CP                                                 patients for immune checkpoint blockade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         therapy alone or in combination with COX-2
                              ability to predict who will respond is very limited.
                                                                                                                                                                                           COX-IS CP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   COX-IShigh            inhibition. The latter combinations are currently
           Group Leader                                                                                                                                                                           CI                                     being planned and evaluated across the globe
 Santiago Zelenay             Our group at the Cancer Research UK                   genetic ablation of the cyclooxygenase (COX)-2                                                    CI                                                 including in Manchester in two clinical trials led
                              Manchester Institute investigates the signals and     pathway, has uncovered antagonistic                                                                                                                  by Dr Anne Armstrong, a Consultant Medical
     Postdoctoral Fellows                                                                                                                                                                                                αPD-(L)1        Oncologist from The Christie NHS Foundation
                              pathways that regulate the establishment of           inflammatory profiles that anticipate immune-                                                                                        αCTLA-4
      Eduardo Bonavita                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Trust. These trials will constitute ideal settings to
         Agrin Moeini
                              tumour environments that favour anti-cancer           dependent progressive or regressive tumour
                              immunity and response following                       growth (Bonavita et al, Immunity 2020; Figure 1).                           Pan-cancer analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Immunotherapy               further examine the value of the COX-IS as
        Victoria Pelly1                                                                                                                                                                                         respose
                              immunotherapy. Under the central hypothesis                                                                                                                                                                relevant immune-biomarker.
       Scientific Officer     that the type of inflammatory response most           Through deep cellular and molecular profiling of
      Shih-Chieh Chiang       prevalent in clinically-apparent tumours              tumours formed by COX-2 competent or                                                         insensitive to prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) effects, the     In direct connection with the translational and
                              promotes cancer progression, immune escape            deficient cancer cells, we identified Natural Killer   Figure 1.                             main factor that drives immune escape in our            clinical implications of our findings in genetically-
      Graduate Students                                                                                                                                                                                                                  modified cancer models, we have made
                              and therapy resistance, we combine the use of         (NK) cells as central orchestrators of T cell-         Graphical abstract of the study       tumour models (Zelenay et al. Cell 2015),
        Charlotte Bell                                                                                                                                                                                                                   significant progress in various other lines of
                              genetically engineered pre-clinical cancer            mediated tumour immunity. While NK cells are           published in Immunity by              established NK cells as the main target of cancer
      Christian Bromley
                              models with the analysis of patient samples to        well known for their direct cytocidal activity         Eduardo Bonavita et al.
                                                                                                                                                                                 cell-derived PGE2.                                      investigation. This includes expanding our search
       Eimear Flanagan
                                                                                                                                           Searching for what makes                                                                      for putative, common cancer cell-intrinsic
        Maria Koufaki2        study the cellular and molecular inflammatory         against cancer cells, in our experimental systems      inflammation ‘good’ or ‘bad’, the
                              determinants that underpin immunotherapy              we found that early accumulation of NK cell in                                               Mining datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas,           immune evasive mechanisms or advancing our
                                                                                                                                           Cancer Inflammation and
       Clinical Fellow        success.                                              tumours is essential to drive an inflammatory                                                we established that the pro-tumourigenic or             understanding of the basis for the synergistic
                                                                                                                                           Immunity group identified
      Charles Earnshaw2
                                                                                    reprogramming characteristic of the so-called          tumour cell-derived PGE2              anti-tumourigenic inflammatory landscapes               effect of combining immunotherapy with COX-2
                              Since 2006, more than 3500 clinical trials have       ‘hot’ T cell-inflamed tumours. Critically, while NK    selectively acting on NK cells as a   driven in murine models by PGE2 or NK cells,            inhibitors. Likewise, we have further extended
            Left in 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and deepened our examination of tumour
                              been started to test PD(L)-1 blockade as a            cells themselves inhibited tumour growth, T            major regulator of T cell-            respectively, can also be found within human
           Joined in 2020
                              monotherapy or in combination with other              cells, and in particular cytotoxic T lymphocytes,
                                                                                                                                           inflammation in murine models.
                                                                                                                                                                                 malignancies. Based on this observation, we             human samples through bioinformatic analysis of
                                                                                                                                           Based on these findings in murine                                                             large publicly available datasets. This analysis
                              agents. Many of these trials are still active and     were indispensable for the full eradication of         models, the team developed an
                                                                                                                                                                                 designed a gene-expression signature that, by
                              evaluate combination regimens of PD(L)-1              tumours.                                                                                     integrating cancer-promoting and inhibitory             provided further compelling evidence for the
                                                                                                                                           approach that improves our
                              antibodies with other immune checkpoint                                                                                                            inflammatory mediators in one single indicator,         intimate link between the ‘flavour’ of
                                                                                                                                           ability to predict patient survival
                              inhibitor drugs (mainly anti-CTLA4 antibodies),       The use of multiple genetically-modified mouse         and response to immunotherapy         exhibits powerful prognostic utility and predicts       inflammation at the tumour bed and patient
                              chemotherapy, radiotherapy or targeted therapy.       strains allowed us to ascribe IFN-γ as a critical      in various cancer types.              response to immunotherapy. This gene                    outcome and response to treatment.
                              Notwithstanding this central role of PD(L)-1 axis     molecular mediator of NK cell activity. We                                                   signature, termed COX-IS (COX-inflammatory
                              blockade in clinical practice, our current            showed that NK cell-derived IFN-γ drives an                                                  signature), is the subject of a patent application by   All these studies have in turn opened new
                              understanding of the basis underlying therapy         intratumoural inflammatory reprogramming that                                                Cancer Research UK Commercial Partnerships              research lines aimed at shedding light onto
                              response, resistance or relapse is limited.           attracts and stimulates the differentiation of                                               (                questions such as ‘how other regularly used
                              Likewise, and very much connected to this             anti-cancer effector T cells. Accordingly, single                                            lo-biomarkers-search). The COX-IS showed value          cancer treatments alter the inflammatory
                              central gap in knowledge, there is an urgent          cell RNA sequencing analysis of tumour-                                                      for the prediction of responses and survival            response at the tumour site’, or ‘how they
                              need to develop biomarkers to distinguish             infiltrating immune cells revealed that the                                                  across multiple datasets from patients that             influence other aspects of aggressive tumours,
                              responders from non-responders. Within this           transcriptome of the most abundant leukocyte                                                 underwent immune checkpoint blockade,                   like recurrence or metastatic spread’. Equally, our
                              rapidly evolving clinical scenario, our group         subsets in tumours, monocytes and tumour-                                                    independently of the cancer type or immune              in-depth profiling of mice and human tumours
                              performs fundamental and translational                associated macrophages, was enriched in                                                      checkpoint inhibitor drug used. Notably, the            has identified candidate immune cell subsets
                              research to help answer these crucial open            IFN-γ-driven signalling in NK cell competent                                                 COX-IS outperformed other current immune-               with rather unique features. Despite being rare
                              questions in the immuno-oncology field. Our           mice. In contrast, following the acute depletion                                             biomarkers in anticipating outcome even in              components of the whole leukocyte infiltrate, we
                              working hypothesis is that the inflammatory           of NK cells, the transcriptional profile of tumour-                                          cancer types in which tumour mutational burden          speculate that their presence and/or activation
                              landscape at the tumour bed, before or shortly        infiltrating myeloid cells showed a marked                                                   or PD-L1 expression do not, such as in clear cell       status determine the magnitude and quality of
                              on-treatment, determines the outcome of               enrichment in signalling pathways commonly                                                   renal cell carcinoma, the most common type of           the local immune response. As such, we argue
                              immunotherapy. However, cancer-associated             associated with malignant tumour growth. In                                                  kidney cancer.                                          these poorly characterised cell-types define the
                              inflammation is a very complex process that           agreement, tumours that spontaneously                                                                                                                success of cancer treatments that rely on the
                              manifests in different ‘flavours’ with dual tumour-   regressed in wild-type immunocompetent mice,                                                 Building on from these in silico analyses, we have      cancer suppressing function of immunity.
                              promoting and restraining effects. Consistent         grew progressively in mice lacking NK cells, or                                              embarked on a research project aimed at
                              with this notion, our recent work in preclinical      deficient in IFN-γ. Lastly, the use of genetically-                                          developing a protocol to measure the COX-IS in          Publications listed on page 65
                              cancer models rendered immunogenic by                 modified mice in which NK cells are selectively                                              patient samples from the Manchester Cancer

20     SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2020 CANCER RESEARCH UK MANCHESTER INSTITUTE                                                                                                                                                                          CANCER INFLAMMATION AND IMMUNITY              21
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