Page created by Karl Kim
Scottish Left Review
                Issue 109 January/February 2019 - £2.00
'best re(a)d'

                                        1 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 109 January/February 2019
               (which used to be the SNP’s position
             – before they became the government!)

       Mick Whelan                                  Tosh McDonald       Kevin Lindsay
       General Secretary                            President           Scottish Officer
                      ASLEF the train drivers union-
LRD TUC Sept15_Layout 1 10/07/2015 14:09 Page 1


General Secretary: Mick Cash                                          President: Peter
                                                                     President   SeanPinkney
 2 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 109 January/February 2019
                                                                                                          Bastards of Brexit and
                                                                                                          the 'national interest'
        appy New Year to all our                                               crisis. And, many more bemoan that the                                       negotiating against twenty seven others
        subscribers, readers and                                               whole system of politics itself in Britain                                   (in the form of the EU which includes

        supporters. And, with the                                              is in a mess. No politician or party stands                                  Germany, France, Italy and Spain as the
pleasantries now done, let’s get back to                                       out with any dignity or stature in this                                      major constituents). This is a moment
the matters at hand - of hard politics.                                        situation according to this view.                                            of power play where the balance of
Over the last few months, day-in-and-                                                                                                                       forces needs to be realistically appraised.
                                                                               The problem with such an analysis
day-out in the pages of the Guardian,                                                                                                                       Second, clubs which are engaged in the
                                                                               is that it tends to depoliticise what
its parliamentary sketch writer, John                                                                                                                       job of self-preservation and expansion
                                                                               remains an intensely political process.
Crace, has lambasted Theresa May as                                                                                                                         (which the increasingly intergrationist EU
                                                                               The view is almost as if there were at                                       very much is) do not allow members to
an automaton, a robot called Maybot.
                                                                               hand competent and skilled politicians                                       leave the club and maintain the benefits
Maybot has, according to Crace, entered
                                                                               prepared to work together in the                                             of the membership of the club (especially
such a state of malfunction that she is
                                                                               ‘national interest’ that the situation                                       without paying for them). This was
only able to repeat that she is ‘very clear’
                                                                               would be different and so much better.                                       always going to be a no-brainer. Both
about ‘being clear’. Her behaviour would
                                                                               But this is a deeply apolitical and naïve                                    points eluded the quite deluded brash
seem, according to some, to amount to
                                                                               appraisal. The reason why May’s deal is                                      and buccaneering perspective of the likes
the tip of one almighty mess in British
                                                                               unlikely to get passed in parliament is                                      of Boris Johnson (with Tory leadership
politics over Brexit. After the pulling
                                                                               because the Tory party is not only weak                                      pretensions), who grandstanding and
of the meaningful vote in parliament
                                                                               (reliant upon the Democratic Unionist                                        playing to the audience of Tory activists,
and the inability to gain any further
                                                                               Party (DUP)) and badly split (with the                                       told us that all that was needed was to
concessions, the prospect of falling off
                                                                               likes of Jacob Rees-Mogg of the European                                     say ‘give us what we want or we won’t
the cliff of a ‘no deal’ departure is seen
                                                                               Research Group and Boris Johnson being                                       play ball’ (or handover £39bn). These
as a literal crashing out of the EU. To this,
                                                                               the obvious ‘hard’ Brexiteers). But behind                                   are the instances of the most obvious
others moan that the political system
                                                                               this are a few seldom recognised realities.                                  cases of the bastards of Brexit. But there
has been so skewered on the knife of
Brexit that there’s a policy vacuum on                                         First, the likelihood of May negotiating                                     are many others too, like Dominic Raab,
other matters (although it should be                                           a deal that would satisfy both hard                                          Tommy Robinson or Nigel Farage. What
noted - as Chris Stephens points out in                                        Brexiteers and DUP was always going to                                       binds them together is that they want to
his article - Universal Credit continues as                                    be extremely slight because although                                         use Brexit as a means to deliver an even
does austerity). Others go further and                                         Britain is a substantial economy it                                          smaller state, with protections from the
called this mess downright chaos and                                           is, nevertheless, just one economy                                           market on workers’ rights, environmental
                                                                                                                                                            regulation and consumer rights even
 Issue 109 January/February 2019
                                                                                                                                                            further reduced. Sounds like England as a
                                                                                                                                                            green and pleasant land of the Victorian
 Contents                                                                                                                                                   or Edwardian eras.
 Editorial comment..................................................................................................................................... 3
 Just Transitioning – marrying environment protection and social justice Stephen Smellie ..................... 5                                            The political crisis around Brexit is now so
 Greening economics and politics with social justice Francis Stuart ......................................................... 7                             profound that the case for a referendum
 Partnership for progress Matthew Crighton . ........................................................................................... 9                  on either May’s deal or a ‘no deal’ is very
 Rebelling against extinction Douglas Rogers .......................................................................................... 10                  much required. This is not a betrayal of
 The global dimension of the Just Transition Bill Bonnar . ....................................................................... 11
 Why and how the SNP must stop being ‘the party of oil’ Simon Barrow ............................................... 12                                     the ‘no’ vote in 2016 precisely because
 Opportunities for Scotland’s climate related legislation Gordon Morgan .............................................. 13                                   that referendum did not take a view on
 Capitalism is the climate crisis Dave Sherry ........................................................................................... 14                what form Brexit should take. It is clear
 Universal Credit – universal cruelty for the poor and vulnerable Chris Stephens .................................. 15
 Death in Police Custody: the case of Sheku Bayoh Aamer Anwar .......................................................... 16
                                                                                                                                                            that May’s deal is not a good one and a
 On the frontline: fighting the fascists Talat Ahmed ................................................................................ 17                    ‘no deal’ is even worse. Rather, another
 ‘Value Education, Value Teachers’ campaign marches on Larry Flanagan . ............................................ 18                                     referendum would allow ‘no’ voters
 Tories in tatters results in rise of right? Sean Duffy ................................................................................ 19                 the opportunity to express their view
 Scottish Labour – the return of its radical roots Mike Cowley . .............................................................. 20
 Labour’s Scottish problem Róisín McLaren . ........................................................................................... 21                  on what kind of Brexit they wish for.
 Scotland needs a community organising movement Linda Somerville .................................................. 22                                      Whether this turns into a referendum
 Another Edinburgh revolt: staff and students elect a radical rector Angi Lamb . ................................... 23                                     to reverse the decision of the 2016 one
 Betrayal of the Sandinista revolution Joseph McAleer ........................................................................... 24
                                                                                                                                                            would depend on what the question
 Catalonia and the continuing Spanish crisis George Kerevan ................................................................. 25
 Age, ageing and ageism: how ageist is Scotland? Bill Johnston . ............................................................ 26                            (binary choice between May’s deal and
 Scottish theatrical revolution Mark Brown . ........................................................................................... 27                 ‘no deal’) was or questions (the binary
 Film and book reviews Jackie Bergson, Sean Sheehan, Robin Jones....................................................... 28                                  choice plus the options to delay leaving,
 Kick up The Tabloids................................................................................................................................ 31
                                                                                                                                                            rescind Article 50, stay in the EU/rejoin

                                                                                                                                     3 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 109 January/February 2019
the EU etc etc) were. Of course, what         defined as juxtaposing the masses against        imprecision of use here has in parallel in
makes the political crisis as profound        elites. Is there a case for the left trying to   the imprecision of using the other terms
as it is are the intractable divisions in     use the same terms and language for its          discussed above. This is not to suggest
Labour, between ‘leavers’ like Corbyn and     own purposes? Put more starkly, can the          that properly using terms like socialism
‘remainers’ like Keir Starmer and how         left refashion what is usually the preserve      would miraculously strengthen Labour’s
this influences many tactical questions       of the right, turning it against the right?      electoral standing or its radicalism. But
including the relationship between            Recall, David Cameron’s ‘we are all in           it is to suggest for the longer term that
calling for a general election and any        it together’ mantra of the Coalition             socialism rather than social democracy is
kind of further referendum. Corbyn and        government era. In Gramscian terms,              what is required to address and end the
a section of the left in Labour have been     this would mean establishing a counter-          ills of capitalism.
against the EU for decades in the vein        hegemony with it. Certainly, Corbyn’s            Speaking of Labour’s electoral standing,
of Tony Benn. Starmer and others see          ‘for the many, not the few’ slogan is            with three left leaders now in place, it
membership of the EU as a condition for       compatible with this perspective but that        is strange that Welsh Labour is more
a cosmopolitan type of capitalism.            does not make it synonymous with it. It          popular than Scottish or British Labour.
Unfortunately, the echoes of Theresa          is altogether different ground when the          Incredibly, British Labour has still not
May seeking to defend Britain’s so-called     more singular terms of ‘country’, ‘nation’       pulled away in the polls from the Tories
aforementioned ‘national interest’            and ‘people’ are used – for reasons given        despite May’s Brexit ‘shambles’ and their
can be found elsewhere. The ‘national         above - as ‘for the many, not the few’           patent divisions. They remain neck and
interest’ is a compound of nationalism        could at least be taken to suggest there         neck with each other. Something similar
and power, a subterfuge of and for            is some kind of class system in existence.       can be said about Scottish Labour – the
ideology and material interests. In a         Contrast that with the launch by the             SNP still has some Teflon-like qualities
class-based society such as Britain, there    People’s Assembly in December just gone          even though it has presided over the
can be no ‘national interest’ in the sense    of its ‘Britain is broken – we can’t afford      shambles of Scotrail and the running
that it means that all citizens have the      the Tories’ campaign against austerity.          down of public services despite its
same interests and can benefit together       In unfortunate echoes of Unite’s                 protestations of shielding ‘Scotland’
and in equal measure from this or that        similarly named campaign just after Len          against Tory austerity. Even when
government action. Instead, the ‘national     McCluskey was elected to the position            Sturgeon challenged the opposition
interest’ is defined by the rich and          of its general secretary, it cannot be said      parties to say where they would make
powerful as the means to defend their         that Britain is broken for there is at least     cuts in spending to allow increases in
interests – material (economic), political    one sizable section of society in Britain        spending elsewhere, this did not become
and ideological. And yet, Jeremy Corbyn       which is ‘doing very well, thank you very        an open goal for left opponents like
still uses his version of this concept.       much’. Comprised of landlords, senior            Scottish Labour. So, Scottish Labour
Despite leading on political and economic     managers, investment banker and the              has made limited polling progress in
priorities ‘for the many, not the few’, he    like, this is an elite which keeps getting       reclaiming its former position despite a
has proclaimed his criticism of May and       richer as wealth inequality across society       shift to the left in its policy positions and
her Brexit deal because it does not work      widens.                                          its willingness to deploy for progressive
for ‘for the whole country’. On occasion,                                                      ends as yet unused legislative powers
                                              But that cannot be the end of the
he has even used the term ’national                                                            in the Scottish Parliament. We have two
                                              linguistic matter because – as these
interest’ too. Succumbing to the notion of                                                     articles looking at the state of Scottish
                                              editorials have repeatedly pointed
the ’national interest’ in terms of British                                                    Labour since Leonard became leader in
                                              out before – when the likes of Jeremy
nationalism has its parallel in Nicola                                                         November 2017.
                                              Corbyn, John McDonnell, Richard
Sturgeon and the Scottish National Party      Leonard and now new Welsh Labour                 All that said, the theme of this issue is
(SNP). Sturgeon, whether in regard of         leader, Mark Drakeford, say that they are        the Just Transition. When powerful and
independence for Scotland or opposing         socialists and advocate socialism, what          articulate, if nonetheless maverick, voices
Brexit, has couched her arguments in          they actually mean is they are social            like Gary Smith, GMB Scotland regional
terms of what is good for ‘Scotland’ and      democrats advocating social democracy            secretary, attack the arguments from
‘the Scottish people’, as if class was but    (sometimes also called democratic                the left about a just green transition
a ghost in the machine. Her followers         socialism - as per Labour’s constitution         to a low-carbon economy as ‘pie in the
including Derek MacKay, finance cabinet       and membership cards - in order to               sky’ and wanting to turn his boiler fitting
secretary, talk of the SNP Scottish           contrast itself to Soviet communism and          members into ballet dancers, the left has
Government’s budget being ‘a Budget           Stalinism). This misnaming of socialism is       to be able to respond in a credible way.
for all of Scotland’ as if there were no      repeated by the likes of the Morning Star        We hope the theme of this issue helps
rich and poor, no ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’     and former Trotskyist Militant Tendency          in this cause. In this connection, and
– or that the Scottish Government could                                                        remarked upon by Stephen Smellie in his
                                              member and de facto leader of Liverpool
simultaneously serve the interests of all                                                      lead article, it is interesting to note that
                                              City Council in the mid-1980s, Derek
such groups in equal measure.                                                                  the GMB, Prospect, UNISON and UNITE
                                              Hatton (who has rejoined Labour). There
This language of populism is more             are also some examples of it in this issue       unions, with 200,000 members in the
pernicious now than for a long time           of Scottish Left Review. Of course, while        energy sector, have produced a blueprint
because the current erosion of the centre     it is good that the term ‘socialism’ has         so workers and communities can be
ground in British politics means that the     re-entered the lexicon of the political          helped to adapt to the advent of the low
hard right is using it as a way to deflect    mainstream as a term of commendation             carbon economy called ‘Demanding a
attention from the actual causes of the       as result of Corbyn et al., this does not        Just Transition for Energy Workers’.
crises as well as whose interests are         mean it comes without its own problems
being defended in doing this. Populism is     when used in this manner. Indeed, the
4 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 109 January/February 2019
Just Transitioning – marrying environment
protection and social justice
Stephen Smellie lays out what is meant by Just Transition and what role unions have to play here

      he concept of the ‘Just Transition’   change or close workers are the last         a low carbon economy has, however, to
      to a low carbon economy has           consideration for employers and              be the commitment that the transition is
      become policy over the past few       governments. The coal and steel              necessary and that society, government,
years with the Scottish Trades Union        industries simply cast workers and           industry and unions have agreed that
Congress (STUC), Trades Union Congress      communities aside when they were no          there is an urgency to not only make the
(TUC) and International Trade Union         longer needed. As did manufacturers in       transition but to work together to make
Confederation (ITUC) all having it on       the 1980s as Thatcher’s lack of industrial   this transition within the shortest time
their agenda. It was the international      policy saw jobs exported. There was          possible. The recent warnings from the
union movement, through the ITUC, that      no justice for workers when these            UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
ensured global climate talks had the Just   transitions occurred.                        Change (IPCC) report which said we have
Transition concept adopted, including in                                                 12 years to put in place the measures
the 2015 Paris Agreements.                  It is, therefore, correct that workers
                                                                                         needed to reduce carbon use to avoid
                                            in today’s carbon industries, gas, oil,
The concept has become used quite                                                        catastrophic global warming provide the
                                            chemicals, and their unions have
broadly in terms of justice for a number                                                 evidence needed to create this sense of
                                            raised the demand that their interests
of current or potential victims of the                                                   urgency.
                                            need to be looked after as we move
effects of climate change. This would       towards a low carbon economy. The            However, some stakeholders don’t buy
include island communities threatened       GMB, Prospect, UNISON and Unite              into this urgency and sometimes not
by rising sea levels; developing nations    unions recently published Demanding          even into a commitment to a transition.
whose carbon footprint has been low         a Just Transition for Energy Workers,        Trump is the obvious example but very
and, therefore, their contribution to       which details their demands for a just       few governments around the world
the problem negligible yet who are told     transition. These include training, access   have implemented the measures that
they should not increase                                                                                  would put them on
their use of carbon                                                                                       course for achieving
by developed nations                                                                                      the targets agreed in
whose carbon use for                                                                                      Paris. The outcome
200 years has brought                                                                                     of the Katowice COP
them wealth and power                                                                                     (Conference of the
which they now want                                                                                       Parties) talks was
to deny to others; and                                                                                    equally disappointing.
poorer nations who
look at the rich world                                                                                     Some sections of the
who don’t want to pay                                                                                      union movement
for the damage their                                                                                       can often appear
economic policies have                                                                                     reluctant participants
caused.                                                                                                    in discussions regarding
                                                                                                           transitioning to a low
However, the                                                                                               carbon economy and
concept was first developed in the          to jobs that are as well paid as current
                                                                                         use the language of Just Transition
union movement to address the               jobs and a voice for energy workers in
                                                                                         to refuse to contemplate any change
need to consider the workers whose          the planning for the future.
                                                                                         unless the current members’ jobs are
jobs, families and communities are          This is a growing international union        protected, or that alternative highly
dependent upon carbon industries and        movement working towards a just              paid and unionised jobs are readily
who stand to lose out when the current      transition. Canadian unions in the coal      available. This approach is sometimes
high carbon economy transitions to a        industry have welcomed the setting           justified by the evidence that the shift
low carbon economy. Those workers           up of The Just Transition Task Force         to renewables did not create a bonanza
should not pay the price for society        for Canadian Coal-Power Workers              of new jobs in the construction of
reaching a socially-agreed objective.       and Communities which will draft a           renewables or in the new renewables
Canadian union activist, Brian Kohler,      plan to support affected workers and         sector.
was one of the first to use and             communities as Canada moves to phase-
                                                                                         In Scotland, we have some unions
popularise the term in union circles in     out coal-fired power. Australian power
                                                                                         and politicians continuing to see the
1998 when he attempted to reconcile         plant unions have signed up to a number
                                                                                         extension of oil and gas production as
the union’s fight for decent jobs and       of Just Transition agreements that have
                                                                                         a priority for the economy and jobs.
the need to protect the environment.        included transferring workers from
                                                                                         Some have argued in support of fracking
He said: ‘The real choice is not jobs or    power plants into renewable sectors as
                                                                                         and still harbour ambitions to overturn
environment. It is both or neither’.        coal plants close.
                                                                                         the effective ban that the Scottish
In Scotland, we know when industries        The starting point for Just Transition to    Government has implemented. Their

                                                                          5 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 109 January/February 2019
reasons for this relate solely to the       respiratory illness. Education union        to a low carbon economy should be
question of jobs, which for unions, is      members were discussing with children       left to the energy workers needs to be
always going to be their starting point.    the science of global warming and its       challenged. This is an issue that affects
                                            consequences. Unions in the science         all communities and all workers. Our
On the other hand, a growing number
                                            sector had members producing the            consumption of energy, at work and at
of unions and politicians, as well as
                                            evidence of what was happening.             home, is part of the problem and our
environmentalists, scientists, and world
                                                                                        skills, knowledge and commitment to
climate change agreements, understand       Therefore, the coming together within
                                                                                        the transition to a low carbon economy
the argument that extending oil and gas     the union and labour movement of
                                                                                        is part of the solution.
production is the last thing we should      these forces created the necessary
be doing at the moment in terms of the      impetus to, on the one hand, accept         For Scottish workers, we have
urgent need to cut carbon emissions to      that action is needed to reduce the use     immediate challenges and so the
stop global warming. All the evidence       of carbon but, on the other, develop        Scottish Government’s Just Transition
points out that most of the known           strategies that ensure that the workers     Commission, set up after lobbying by
carbon and fossil fuels in the ground       in the carbon sector are not forgotten      the STUC and some unions working
should stay there if there is any chance    about and are looked after.                 with Friends of the Earth Scotland in the
of preventing the record breaking                                                       Just Transition Partnership, is crucial to
                                            A transition to a low carbon economy        ensure that the necessary government
year-on-year temperature rises we           must happen and that transition needs
have been seeing and which cause the                                                    actions in relation to industrial policy,
                                            to be just to the workers. However, the     education and training and harnessing
increase in severe weather events, the      Just Transition agenda is not simply
melting of ice-caps and subsequent rise                                                 public sector procurement and spending
                                            related to these workers in the energy      are directed towards a Just Transition for
in sea levels and the extinction of many    sector whose current jobs are part of
species of insects and                                                                                workers.
animals.                                                                                             Stephen Smellie is Depute
It is in this context the                                                                            Convenor for UNISON
need to protect workers’                                                                             Scotland and a UNISON
interests and at the same                                                                            national executive member.
time the environment,                                                                                He blogs at https://
that the Just Transition                                                                             stephenfs59.wordpress.
was originally                                                                                       com/
conceived. As the
growing environmental
movement of the 1970s
and 1980s became
more influential, as
the evidence mounted
about the impact of capitalist industrial   an industry that is contributing to the
processes on the environment and its        problem. Other workers are in jobs
                                            that are at risk. Agricultural and food       Nadia Lucchesi
likely impacts, and they stopped being                                                    (
dismissed as tree-hugging cranks, an        processing workers face changes related
engagement with the labour movement         to climate change. The water industry,        Proofing services:
and the environmentalists became            seafarers and other transport workers         John Wood and John Daly
essential.                                  face significant challenges. High energy
                                            using industries such as manufacturing        Communications and
This was not the first time that unions     and construction face rising costs. The       organisational development:
engaged with the environmental              public sector workers whose budgets           Carole Ewart
movement. Throughout years of               for services are cut to divert money
campaigning on health and safety, the       to efforts to ameliorate the effects of       Editor Email:
link to the danger to the environment       climate change on infra-structure.            Gregor Gall
and workers has been made in relation                                           
to asbestos or the nuclear industry.        Other workers have a significant part
American union leader, Tony Mazzochi,       to play in the transition and making          Web:
of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic             sure that it is just: the science workers     Tel: 0141 424 0042
Workers’ International Union, pioneered     creating alternatives; the education
                                            workers training the current energy           Address:
these links in the 1960s.                                                                 Scottish Left Review,
                                            and future workers with the skills
Whilst some energy unions in the            necessary for the future low carbon           14 West Campbell Street,
carbon industries were less receptive       industries; and the public sector workers     Glasgow G2 6RX
to messages about how their industries      in environmental protection, infra-
were a problem and needed to change,        structure and planning, designing better      Printed by
other unions became acutely aware of        communities that use less carbon.             Hampden Advertising Ltd,
the consequences of continuing a high                                                     403 Hillington Road, G52 4BL,
                                            Therefore, the assertion by some in the
dependence on carbon use. Health                                                          Tel: 0141 429 1010
                                            union movement that the Just Transition
union members reported increases in
6 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 109 January/February 2019
Greening economics and politics with
social justice
Francis Stuart argues unions are central to creating the Just Transition

        t the STUC’s most recent annual      economic and social issues. Were            emissions if those emissions have simply
        congress, a number of resolutions    they simply fuel protestors, Macron’s       been decanted across the world as a
        were discussed which showed          decision to scrap the tax on fuel would     by-product of deindustrialisation and
that energy and climate change policy        have seen the disintegration of the         globalisation.
are of enormous industrial and political     movement. Having said this, it is clear
                                                                                         The Scottish and British Governments’
significance to unions. A General Council    that Macron’s fuel tax rise, at the same    complete lack of a coherent strategy
statement committed the STUC to a            time as he cut taxes for the rich, was      for job creation in the low carbon
body of work around energy and climate       undoubtedly a trigger for their protests.   economy has also meant we have failed
change – continuing our influencing
                                             As Naomi Klein stated: ‘neoliberal          to create good quality jobs in low carbon
work around the Scottish Government’s
                                             climate action passes on the costs to       manufacturing. Scotland has one of
Just Transition Commission, looking
                                             working people, offers them no better       the largest wind sectors but next to
further at energy policy, and considering
                                             jobs or services and lets big polluters     no manufacturing jobs in renewables.
how workers’ pensions might help
                                             off the hook. People see it as a class      We have three BiFab yards in Scotland
address societal challenges such as
                                             war, because it is’. Efforts to reduce      lying idle, developers who make their
climate change. This work is recognition
                                             emissions by passing the costs of the       turbines abroad, and no political
that there are costs in failing to address
                                             transition onto the working class risk      framework to ensure we capture value
climate change and costs in approaching
                                             being a major source of dislocation         domestically. And we haven’t been able
a transition without justice at its heart.
                                             between the elite centre of politics        to capitalise on world-leading academic
Primary among this is a deepening            and citizens and workers, unless            expertise in offshore wind, wave, tidal,
environmental catastrophe and                accompanied by fundamental social           and carbon capture and storage.
the subsequent impact on people              and economic transformation. The            Over the last twenty years a number of
around the world. The World Health           Gilets Jaunes, therefore, highlight the     Scottish Government documents, from
Organisation estimates that by 2030,         potential for an increasingly complicated   parties of all stripes, have over-promised
climate change will cause 250,000            and intertwined relationship between        and under-delivered. For example, the
additional deaths per year, due to           the political and environmental crises      2010 Low Carbon Economic Strategy
malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and         we currently face.                          promised 60,000 new jobs by 2015.
heat stress. The majority of those deaths
                                             It should be clear from events in France    While data for low carbon jobs is
will be in the global south rather than on
                                             that radical social and economic change,    poor and subject to a high degree
these shores.
                                             union and community organising,             of uncertainty, there is currently an
Climate change is already impacting          democratic ownership, and massive           estimated total of 49,000 direct and
disproportionately on people of colour,      government intervention are all             indirect low carbon jobs in Scotland,
women, and those with the least              essential companions in the transition to   including a number in nuclear energy.
capacity to respond to natural hazards,      a low carbon economy. Similar lessons       Together, this represents less than 2% of
such as droughts, landslides, floods and     should also be learned from Scotland’s      jobs in Scotland.
hurricanes. Climate change is, therefore,    own experience.                             Many of these jobs are less secure or
an issue of race, gender and class.
                                             No one should be unaware of the harm        unionised than traditional fossil-based
The cost could also be the rise of           caused to workers and communities           jobs. A 2016 Strathclyde University
the far right. The irony that climate        during the closure of coal mining and       study suggests that between 2004 and
change caused by the rich in the Global      deindustrialisation in recent decades.      2012 ‘employment in low carbon jobs in
North is now causing thousands of            Yet some policymakers and campaigners       Scotland grew, but that this was more
environmental migrants and refugees in       still point to Scotland’s progress in       volatile than aggregate employment,
the Global South will not prevent the far    reducing emissions since 1990 as            and in particular that employment in
right stirring up racist sentiment against   evidence that Scotland is transitioning     this sector was particularly badly hit
migrants for their own ends.                 to a low carbon future. While Scotland’s    during the great recession’. A recent
                                             emissions have reduced significantly –      Guardian article highlighted a number
There are also huge risks in the current
                                             by 49% since 1990 – it is also true that    of migrant workers building the £2.6bn
market-dominated approach to climate
                                             much of these emissions reductions          Beatrice offshore windfarm were being
transition. Trump was quick to try to
                                             have been offshored. Scotland’s             paid less than the minimum wage.
connect with the Gilets Jaunes, tweeting
that the French had come around to           emissions associated with consumption       There are clearly challenges for unions
his scepticism about the Paris climate       (emissions generated both at home and       both in policy (ensuring that new jobs
change agreement and the cost of             abroad in the production and transport      created aren’t simply left to private
fighting global warming. The Gilets          of the goods and services that we           company profiteering or based on
Jaunes are much more than a bunch            consume) have only reduced by 8.6%          market incentives) and in organising
of fuel protestors, with their demands       between 1998 and 2014. We cannot            (ensuring that unions adapt to a
reflecting much wider and deeper             bask in the pretence of reducing carbon     changing labour market and organise

                                                                           7 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 109 January/February 2019
workers which aren’t simply centrally       poor pay far more than the rich as a           Decarbonisation of heating of homes
based as they were in the past). A          proportion of their income and it will fail    and businesses can be driven more
key question in addressing both these       to ensure the scale and pace of change         effectively if gas supply was to be
challenges is the question of ownership.    needed to address climate change. Few          publicly-owned. Municipal energy
                                            things illustrate this failure more than       companies which both reduce energy
The situation whereby one man, Jim
                                            the rate of investment in low carbon           prices and promote clean, decarbonised
Ratcliffe, owns a hugely important
                                            energy in Britain fell in the last year. The   generation can win significant share
strategic energy asset accounting for
                                            private sector is simply not providing the     of the supply market. A publicly-
4% of Scottish GDP, and can threaten
                                            long-term, patient capital required.           owned offshore wind company could
to up sticks and leave, is clearly not an
                                                                                           stimulate investment and capture some
acceptable state of affairs. Hopefully,     Tackling climate change while building
                                                                                           of the returns that will be made from
Unite’s recent success in restoring         an industrial base for low-carbon
                                                                                           our natural resource. Linked to the
collective bargaining arrangements          manufacturing will require government
                                                                                           availability of finance on the right terms
might reign in the worst of Ratcliffe’s     policy, planning, direction and
                                                                                           from the Scottish National Investment
excesses.                                   investment. The Scottish Government’s
                                                                                           Bank, publicly owned energy companies
                                            Just Transition Commission, successfully
The North Sea is also illustrative of a                                                    can transform energy in Scotland.
                                            advocated for by the Just Transition
hyper-competitive model based on
                                            Partnership, provides an opportunity to        Scotland’s unions are clear that tackling
private company value extraction.
                                            address these issues. Its role is to look      climate change is a moral, social and
Between 2014 and 2017, 160,000
                                            at how Scotland achieves a carbon-             economic imperative and Scotland
jobs have been lost. At the same time,
                                            neutral economy while maximising               must play its part in reducing emissions.
companies have sought to cut terms
                                            opportunities in terms of fair work and        However, meeting targets must
and conditions, lengthening shift
                                            tackling inequalities. To be effective, it     ensure that workers and communities
rotas for offshore workers. Within the
                                            should be independent of government            benefit and manufacturing is not
                                                                                                                simply offshored.
sector, rigs are
                                                                                                                A genuinely just
towed to beaches
                                                                                                                transition, addressing
in South East Asia
where they can be
                                                                                                                questions of
                                                                                                                ownership, is the
without serious
                                                                                                                only way in which
                                                                                                                we will move to a
regulations or
                                                                                                                low carbon economy
workers’ rights.
                                                                                                                while building a
Companies involved                                                                                              more equal economy
in renewables aren’t                                                                                            and society.
the flag-bearers for
                                                                                                                         Francis Stuart is a
a more ethical form
                                                                                                                         Policy Officer at the
of capitalism either.
                                                                                                                         Scottish Trades Union
Scottish Power is
a wholly owned
subsidiary of Spanish multi-national,       and should have a commitment to
Iberdrola. It recently announced plans      look beyond the next two years, to
to sell off its remaining coal and gas      climate change targets which run until          Scottish Left Review
assets and go 100% renewable. While         2050.                                            The Scottish Left Review is a non-profit making publication.
                                                                                             Please subscribe or make a donation by going to www.
the move earned plaudits, it is entirely                                            where you can pay by credit card
                                            The Scottish National Investment
unclear how much capital spend of                                                            or by filling in your details in the form below and returning
                                            Bank also provides an opportunity to             to Scottish Left Review, 14 West Campbell Street,
their investment in renewables will be
                                            leverage in funding for the low-carbon           Glasgow G2 6RX
in Scotland. Questions also remain over
                                            economy, providing patient capital               Name
why it also sold off their hydro assets
                                            for sectors and organisations which
given the importance of these assets to
                                            cannot access patient, strategic capital.        Address
the Scottish energy system. Similarly,
                                            The Scottish Government’s plans for a
while SSE earns plaudits for being
                                            publicly owned energy company could
an accredited living wage employer,
                                            also help transform the public policy            Tel:
it seems less concerned about fuel
                                            landscape, although it will have to be
poverty - announcing a £76 fuel hike rise                                                    E-mail:
                                            far more ambitious than the Scottish
in the summer.
                                            Government’s current vision of a                 Subscription/Donation
Relying on these multi-nationals,           company focussed on retail supply. A
and an approach to public policy            focus on generation – where the both             Date:
based on market mechanisms such             the money and the decarbonisation                Subscriptions: £18 (waged), £14 (unwaged), £24 (local
as carbon taxes and levies on fuel          opportunities are – will be crucial if it is     organisations), £30 (national organisations).
                                                                                             Donations will be gratefully recieved. Cheques should be
bills, will not deliver either socially     to play a role in a just transition to a low     crossed and made payable to: Left Review Scotland Ltd.
or environmentally. It will mean the        carbon economy.                                  You can also subscribe/donate online at

8 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 109 January/February 2019
Partnership for progress
Matthew Crighton outlines the Just Transition Partnership between the STUC and Friends of the Earth

       etting up a Just Transition            up by Friends of the Earth Scotland         ●●Plans at national, sectoral and regional
       Commission which will advise           and STUC in 2016, has made it clear           levels will not only generate well-
       ministers on the development of        that radical changes in objectives and        paid jobs, with better employment
‘a carbon-neutral economy that is fair        methods of economic development and           conditions, but also deliver social
for all’ appears to be a bold move by         industrial policy are necessary. While        benefits, which will be core to popular
the Scottish Government. Initiatives or       built on longstanding dialogue about          support and political positioning of
commissions in other countries have so        climate change and policy engagement          this transformation as an opportunity
far been restricted to just transition of     of some unions, the impulse for the           not just a cost.
specific sectors or locations like the coal   partnership was losing 60,000 North         ●●The participation of the workers most
industry in Spain or Tar Sands in Canada.     Sea jobs as the oil price plummeted in        effected, through unions as well as
The Scottish Government is also setting       2015-2016.                                    relevant communities, should be
up a Scottish National Investment Bank
                                              In face of further such jobs losses,          central aim.
which may well include Just Transition
or at least investment in low carbon          and further deindustrialisation, the        This approach to economic development
infrastructure in its remit. In addition,     partnership focused initially on creating   will give certainty and confidence for
the option of a publicly-owned energy         new jobs which can provide continued        the large-scale investment programmes
company is being considered. These            employment for those affected by            which are urgently required.
three initiatives are the core things         decline in fossil fuel industries and       Transformation of finance is needed for
which the Just Transition Partnership         provide similarly good or better wages      transformation of energy and industrial
has been pushing for. So are we on the        and conditions in order to avoid the        infrastructure, for which a powerful
verge of a successful transformation to       unjust transition when coal mining          National Investment Bank will be at the
a carbon-neutral economy that is fair to      was shutdown. Some of these new             core. Just Transition has to be central
all in Scotland? So far, welcome though       jobs will be offshore (wind, wave, tidal,   to its remit and to a revised Economic
they are, these are all words, not deeds.     decommissioning) and others in the          Strategy which ensures the commitment
                                              economic transformation needed to go        of the development agencies and
Meanwhile in its Climate
                                                                                                       moves government
Change Bill, the Scottish
                                                                                                       support away from fossil
Government has resisted
                                                                                                       fuels. Any support to the
calls to set a target date to
                                                                                                       energy sectors should be to
achieve net-zero emissions.
                                                                                                       deliver the just transition
And its actions in supporting
                                                                                                       and employers should be
the continuing development
                                                                                                       required to negotiate just
of oil and gas extraction point in the
                                              low-carbon onshore (such as transport       transition agreements with government
opposite direction. SNP MPs appear
                                              and energy efficiency).                     and unions.
to be supporting the introduction of
Transferable Tax Histories, the latest        The partnership has facilitated unions      The biggest failure in terms of justice
Treasury wheeze to deliver public             having a voice in the debate about          will be if the transition does not happen
subsidy to underpin the continuing            climate change, seen originally as an       or is too slow. There has to be as much
profitability extraction and further          environmental issue; and environmental      emphasis on ‘transition’ as there is
exploration. ‘Maximising Economic             organisations having increased purchase     on ‘just’; the transition won’t happen
Recovery’, the policy framework               on economic and industrial issues.          unless it is just because it will require
established after the report of the           Working through the practical issues        a popular movement supporting it. If
Wood Commission in response to job            in joint papers combining these two         the Just Transition Commission follows
losses in the North Sea, appears to           perspectives, often for government          through on its remit logically and
be about financial support to private         consultations, identified:                  without fear or favour to the powers
enterprise rather than workers’ jobs and                                                  that be, it will understand this and will
conditions, which continue to be under        ●●The need for action for reasons of        be able to build on the policy framework
attack.                                         climate change and economic justice       developed by STUC, Friends of the Earth
                                                are urgent.                               Scotland and other members in the
How will the Just Transition Commission
                                              ●●Market-based solutions have failed,       Just Transition Partnership. We hope it
negotiate these contradictions? The
                                                publicly-driven solution are necessary,   does; and whether within or without
announcement of its remit and some of
                                                rooted in the extension of public         the Commission, the Partnership will
its members without the participation
                                                control over economic outcomes.           continue to develop support from across
of unions or any of the leading
                                                                                          the political spectrum for these vital
environmental groups raised some              ●●This will require public, municipal       ideas.
eyebrows though that may have been              and community ownership of key
just an initial hiccup in the process and                                                 Matthew Crighton works at Friends of
                                                parts of the energy systems so that it
there have been assurances given that                                                     the Earth Scotland
                                                is reliable and effective and anchors
union representatives will be included.
                                                development benefits in Scotland and
The Just Transition Partnership, set            to localities within it.
                                                                           9 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 109 January/February 2019
Rebelling against extinction
With no jobs or life on a dead planet, Douglas Rogers explains what Extinction Rebellion is about
The science is clear: either we make        police stations. So on the 17 November,     more disruptive, others less: we take
radical changes to our relationship         when 6,000 rebels shut down five            no pleasure in causing inconvenience,
with the environment, or hundreds of        London bridges before marching on           but see such disruption as a regrettable
millions – potentially far more than        Parliament Square, the police vans          necessity in the fight to avert the much
this – will die. Whether by rising seas,    and helicopters were closely followed       darker disruptions to come from climate
expanding deserts or eroding soil,          by invitations from MPs to talk about       change.
billions will be displaced. Combined        climate policy.                             We’ve been growing fast, and as
with the unknown influence of positive                                                  we grow we’re making efforts to
                                            Our demands are simple. First, the
feedback loops, the result could                                                        decentralise as much as possible, both
                                            government openly acknowledge and
threaten civilisation as we know it.                                                    organisationally and geographically
                                            publicise the truth about our situation:
The science has been clear for decades      from parliament to the BBC, the present     – with 80 branches across Britain at
but in that time the response has been      discussion of climate change is a long      the time of writing since we were
utterly inadequate: global emissions        way from the urgency obliged by the         established in late October 2018. This
have risen by 60% since 1990. As we         facts. Second, that the government          broad reach has allowed us to work
now stand, for any hope of avoiding 2°C     enact legally binding policies to reduce    towards our demands on the local
of warming we’ll need rich countries to     carbon emissions to zero by 2025, and       level as well as the national, with local
cut emissions by 90% by 2030. Under         act accordingly in the international        authorities in Bristol, Stroud, Totnes,
the Paris agreement, the EU target for      arena. And third, that a Citizens’          Trafford and London all now having
that year is 40%. The British government    Assembly create a plan for this change:     declared states of climate emergency.
has demonstrated its lack of concern        this will be a body chosen by sortition     In keeping with this decentralised
with a budget ruling out any subsidies                                                  approach, XR Scotland is currently
for renewables until 2025, meaning a                                                    working on its own Scotland-specific
95% fall in investments over the next                                                   version of XR’s declaration of rebellion.
three years. For decades now, there                                                     And it’s not just in Britain that we’re
have been marches held, petitions                                                       growing: at the time of writing there are
signed – and still our planet remains on                                                nearly 200 XR branches spread across
course for catastrophe.                                                                 25 countries, from Norway to India.
Something needs to change – and                                                         This international scale is, of course,
Extinction Rebellion (XR) plans to be                                                   essential to achieving our goal of limiting
that change. Our movement believes                                                      the effects of climate change and the
that, when faced with a political                                                       related environmental crises. With this
establishment unwilling to take the                                                     in mind, our forthcoming actions will be
necessary steps to avert catastrophe,                                                   building towards a week of international
our only remaining choice is to take                                                    rebellion, beginning on the 15 April,
direct action to preserve our planet’s                                                  where we will tell the leaders of the
future.                                                                                 world with one voice that the time to
                                                                                        act is now.
Our methods take inspiration from the
movements of Martin Luther King and                                                     There’s plenty to do before April. XR
Mahatma Gandhi. These movements             to represent the people’s perspective       Scotland held its inaugural meeting in
were mass-scale, assertive enough to        in a political system which has grown       Edinburgh in November, attracting over
practice civil disobedience, but above      out of touch with those it claims to        200 people, and has since established
all peaceful: XR puts a high priority on    represent – as is strikingly apparent in    branches all over Scotland. Hundreds of
                                            the case of climate change, with 71% of     people are attending talks and trainings,
non-violence in both our actions and
                                            respondents to a YouGov poll favouring      in preparation for large-scale actions in
our language. We take this approach not
                                            more investment in renewable energy,        2019. If you’d like to help, or would like
just because it’s nicer but because it’s
                                            and 83% demanding that fossil fuel          to learn about our movement, contact
better: the work of Erica Chenoweth, for
example, finds non-violent movements        companies bear the costs of climate
twice as likely to succeed as violent       change.                                     Douglas Rogers is a member of
ones.                                                                                   Extinction Rebellion’s press team.
                                            Since taking the bridges on the 17
As we’ve been demonstrating, though,        November, we’ve kept up the pressure,
                                                                                        Extinction_Rebellion for more on XR
non-violence doesn’t mean meekness.         with multi-day roadblocks in London,
Governments can ignore and have             a march on Buckingham Palace, the
ignored petitions and routine marches,      blockading of government buildings,
just as they’ve ignored the increasingly    and a national day of action spanning
severe effects of climate change – but      from Totnes to Inverness, involving
they can’t ignore gridlocked roads,         everything from die-ins to guerrilla
blockaded buildings and overflowing         gardening. Some of our actions are
10 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 109 January/February 2019
The global dimension of the Just
Bill Bonnar argues Africa, as the poorest continent, needs special attention and resources

      here is no doubt that the issue        continent, the drought is as severe as     distorting effect on many economies.
      of radical climate change has          that in Australia but with one major       So, according to the United Nations in
      rocketed up the political agenda       difference. Australia has the resources    1970, Africa was almost completely
both in Britain and on a global scale. It    to deal with it. In countries such as      self-sufficient in food production and a
seems the dramatic warnings contained        Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi,         major global exporter of food. Today,
in the now endless reports are hitting       Namibia, Mozambique, Angola and            every African country without exception
home and the world is waking up the          Botswana, drought is having a dramatic     is a major food importer. All of this
scale of the crisis. In the past, climate    effect. Expanding deserts, less arable     makes it difficult for African countries to
change was seen as a future crisis           land and less fresh water supplies are     finance the kinds of measures needed
worthy of attention but not a priority.      having an increasing impact on the         to tackle the effects of climate change.
Now it is clear that this future has now     economies of these countries and           Africa needs massive financial aid
arrived and is having an ever increasing     in turn are exacerbating social and        from richer parts of the world, not as
impact.                                      tribal conflicts. Across the continent,    an act of charity but because tackling
                                             competition for declining resources        the problems of climate change in one
A report from Oxfam some years ago
                                             has become a major factor in some          part of the world affects all others.
described a two stage process. In
                                             conflicts. An example is the on-going      Besides, given the wholesale looting of
the short to medium term, the world
                                             war in Darfur in Sudan which originated    the continent in the colonial and post-
would see a dramatic increase in severe
                                             as a conflict between two tribal groups    colonial period, Africa is due some of
weather events including everything
                                             over access to scarce arable land before   that money back in reparations.
from hurricanes to
droughts as the planet                                                                                   The recent international
gradually warmed. In                                                                                     climate change
the longer term, rising                                                                                  conference in Poland
sea levels would have an                                                                                 highlights some of the
even greater impact. It is                                                                               issues. Like at other
now clear we are living                                                                                  such conferences,
through the first of these                                                                               scientists identify the
scenarios. According to                                                                                  problems and the
the follow-on reports                                                                                    absolute minimum set
from Oxfam (which                                                                                        of measures needed to
had been monitoring                                                                                      tackle them. In order
‘climate-based disasters’                                                                                to reach agreement,
from 1995 to 2015),                                                                                      these hitherto absolute
there had been a                                                                                         minimum measures
fourfold increase in such                                                                                are then watered down
events in that period.                                                                                   massively, reducing
The reports described a                                                                                  their effectiveness.
                                             being exacerbated by the government in     That’s if they are actually carried out
climate-based disaster as ‘an extreme
                                             Khartoum.                                  at all. The track record so far on this
weather event which caused significant
human casualties’. In a similar vein,        Africa faces many climate change           is not encouraging. The value of such
the former Australian Prime Minister         problems. The growth of urbanisation       conferences, therefore, tends to be
at a Climate Change Conference in            has led to a dramatic increase in the      symbolic as well as raising awareness.
Melbourne, when discussing the severe        need for fresh drinking water while        Actual change comes through the
drought affecting that country, said         the demands of globalisation have had      climate change programmes of
that we should stop referring to this as     a major distorting effect on African       individual countries and, here, Scotland
a ‘drought’. Calling it a drought implies    economies. Africa is a major exporter      has become something of a world leader
something temporary whereby at some          of raw materials yet has effectively no    as it makes the transition from fossil
stage the drought will end and normality     control over the prices it can charge      fuels to renewable energy. The tens of
will resume. In fact, the drought is         for these exports. This is because         billions of pounds of resources and the
the new normality and Australia had          these industries are largely owned and     infrastructure needed to implement
witnessed a climactic shift.                 controlled by multi-national companies     change are beyond the reach of most
                                             or through trade deals with countries      African countries. Future international
The continent most affected by climate
                                             like China.                                conferences are needed to focus on
change is Africa. It is also the continent
                                                                                        how the richer countries can assist the
least able to deal with its significant      African economies has also been forced     continent for the benefit of everyone.
challenges. Drought is now a major           down the road of replacing production
factor in many parts of Africa. In the       for domestic consumption with cash         Bill Bonnar is a member of the editorial
southern and eastern parts of the            crops for export which again has had a     committee of the Scottish Left Review

                                                                        11 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 109 January/February 2019
Why and how the SNP must stop being
‘the party of oil’
Simon Barrow argues the SNP must more fully commit to the Just Transition

      limate change is the all-embracing      others on these islands and beyond             like it) in Britain, there is simply no
      challenge of our civilisation.          – aims to be a socially just, equitable,       alternative than for Scotland to regain
      At stake is the survival of the         internationalist, nuclear-free country         maximum possible control of its political
planet itself. Intertwined with the           whose shared economic prosperity is            and economic future.
central causes global warming are             founded upon hosting some 40% of               This requires a major shift in political
the multiple failures of free-market          Europe’s on- and off-shore renewable           imagination. ‘It’s Scotland’s oil’ was the
capitalism, inequality, poverty, forced       energy potential.                              widely publicised political slogan used
human migrations on an unprecedented
                                              In other words, the inescapable                by the SNP during the 1970s in making
scale, and the potential for further
                                              challenge of transitioning rapidly and         its economic case for independence.
catastrophic conflicts across the globe.
                                              justly away from a fossil-fuel based           During the 2014 referendum falling oil
This is why all political parties and         economy to a non-carbon future one             prices encouraged the idea of seeing
movements have a fundamental duty             dovetails with the kind of democratic,         oil as ‘bonus’. But ever since then, in
to re-examine their core political and        progressive, sustainable political             spite of adopting a swathe of other
economic outlook and policies in order        platform which stops the SNP sinking           environmentally oriented policies,
to face the sweeping changes which the        into the dull, centrist, technocratic social   the party has cheered every new oil
UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate         democracy to which it will otherwise           or gas deposit discovery. The deep
Change (IPCC) and grassroots Extinction       fall prey. It is as essential for political    dependence on fossil fuel thinking has
Rebellion movement are pointing               renewal and post-austerity economics as        not changed. We need to understand
towards with stark urgency.                   it is for the survival of a small nation on    that carbon fuels aren’t a bonus; they’re
                                              an imperilled planet.                          a planetary liability. Equally, they are
In the case of the SNP, that means
                                                                                             also a source of thousands of jobs
confronting the necessity for a historic
                                                                                             and social infrastructures that need
shift away from being the ‘party of oil’ to
                                                                                             replacing. Investment, political will,
being a party of just transition heading
                                                                                             policy creativity, scientific know-how
towards a cutting edge green technology
                                                                                             and community engagement are all
future for Scotland. This is the Rubicon
                                                                                             needed to make green transition just
that the governing party in Scotland
                                                                                             is enormous. But it is also possible and
now has to cross, if its frequent claims
                                                                                             necessary, and it has to start right away
and aspirations to being a world-leader
                                                                                             with an acknowledgement by the SNP
in tacking climate change are not to
                                                                                             that we are in the midst of a climate
ring hollow. But what does it mean in
practical terms?
                                                                                             Simon Barrow is director of the beliefs,
In the United States, the left inside and
                                                                                             politics and ethics think tank, Ekklesia.
outside the Democratic Party has made
                                                                                             He is a co-opted member of the SNP
a ‘Green New Deal’ the centrepiece of
                                                                                             Trade Union Group executive committee,
an effort to shift establishment politics                                                    and also an executive committee
and opposition to Trump into a new                                                           member of SNP Socialists. He has co-
paradigm: one that seeks to unite a                                                          edited ‘A Nation Changed: Ten Years
pioneering political and economic             Practically, the need is for much more
                                              joined-up thinking about shifting rapidly      of the SNP and Scotland’ (Luath Press,
programme to the growing but inchoate                                                        2017) with Gerry Hassan, and ‘Scotland
public mood for change. This involves         from dependence on oil and gas to a
                                              renewable energy economy grounded              2021’ (Bella Caledonia and Ekklesia,
subverting and redirecting political                                                         2016) with Mike Small.
energies which are currently submerged        on investment, high wages, mobile and
in dangerous right-wing populism.             automated technology, and skilled jobs.
Something similar now needs to happen         Some of the required levers for this
in Scotland. The debate within the            are in place or are on the threshold
SNP and on the left over our national         of being introduced. They include a
future should not just be about Brexit        national investment bank, a publicly
and constitutional change (a reformed         owned energy company, and a
Europe, self-governance, and the              national infrastructure company. Such
possibility of a confederation of nations     instruments can be transformational.
and regions replacing the UK), important      As the Scottish Greens have pointed,
though those are. It has to be about          many of the powers required for a just
Scotland having a clear alternative           transition already exist – but far more
prospectus in the midst of a neo-liberal      are needed. If the pro-Brexit disaster
quagmire. A Scotland that – alongside         capitalists get their way (or anything
12 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 109 January/February 2019
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