Specialty Cakes Schedule 2018 - Celebrating our 139th Annual Show - Mackay Show

Page created by Matthew Nelson
Specialty Cakes Schedule 2018 - Celebrating our 139th Annual Show - Mackay Show
Section 26
        Specialty Cakes Schedule

          2018                           Celebrating our
                                        139th Annual Show
Tuesday 19th to Thursday 21st June

                            Specialty Cakes
Specialty Cakes Schedule 2018 - Celebrating our 139th Annual Show - Mackay Show
Steward:                       Lucy Dillon 4953 4887

Applications to enter close:   Wednesday 13th June 2018

Entry Fee:                     $2.50 per entry or 4 entries and get the 5th entry free

Deliver of Exhibits:           Monday 18th June 8.00am to 9.15am Pavilion 3, Mackay Showgrounds –
                               Remember labeling of exhibits (no plastic bags required)

Judging:                       Monday 18th June 9.30am Sharp Pavilion 3, Mackay Showgrounds

Collection of Exhibits:        Thursday 21st June 3.45pm to 4.30pm Pavilion 3, Mackay Showgrounds
                               (for the safety of Pedestrians, strictly no vehicle entry before 4.00pm)

                               **all unclaimed exhibits will go to charity**

                                PO Box 1014 Mackay Mail Centre QLD 4741
                                    24 Milton Street, MACKAY QLD 4740
                                         P: 4957 3916 F: 4953 4524
                                     E: reception@mackayshow.com.au
                                       W: www.mackayshow.com.au

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Specialty Cakes Schedule 2018 - Celebrating our 139th Annual Show - Mackay Show
INDEX                        Page
Sponsors                     4
Conditions of Entry          5
Wedding Cake                 6
Specialty Cupcakes           6
Birthday Cake by Novice      6
Dolly Varden Cake            6
Novelty Section              6
Christmas in July            6
Novelty Plaque               6
Entry Form                   7&8

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Specialty Cakes Schedule 2018 - Celebrating our 139th Annual Show - Mackay Show
The Mackay Show Association wishes to acknowledge
          the generous support of the following Sponsors

                            Karen Robertson
Agnes Hall

 ***Sponsorship opportunities are available please contact the Mackay Show Office
                                   4957 3916***

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Specialty Cakes Schedule 2018 - Celebrating our 139th Annual Show - Mackay Show
Conditions of Entry
1. All entries are received subject to the By-Laws of the Association

2. Exhibitor's name, address, contact number and the class entered must be on the underside of the exhibit

3. Judges may decline to make awards where it is considered exhibits are of insufficient merit

4. Exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor. Multiple entries in all classes are permitted

5. Cakes can be sold with 10% commission retained by the Mackay Show Association

6. All boards must be no bigger than 30cm and must be fitted with cleats (supports/feet attached to the
    underside of the board) for easy handling

7. All coverings to be ROLLED FONDANT

8. Cakes do not need to be covered

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Specialty Cakes Schedule 2018 - Celebrating our 139th Annual Show - Mackay Show
Dummy Cakes are allowed for Classes 26001, 26003, 26005 and 26006

26001. Wedding Cake – Up to three tiers (Board no larger 30cm.) Decorated with ROLLED fondant
       Sponsored by: The Old Station Tea House
       1st $50.00 Voucher, 2nd $15.00 Voucher, 3rd $10.00 Voucher

26002. Specialty Cupcakes decorated with ROLLED fondant – novelty or floral (no cakes will be cut. Judged on
       decorating only)
       Sponsored by: The Grazing Goat Café
       1st $30.00 Voucher, 2nd $10.00 Voucher, 3rd $5.00 Voucher

26003. Birthday Cake by Novice - Board no larger than 30cm (Novice - Exhibitor not having received a 1st prize
       in any previous Show). Les Peters Memorial Perpetual Trophy
       Sponsored by: Karen Robertson
       1st $20.00 Voucher, 2nd $15.00 Voucher, 3rd $10.00 Voucher
       Trophy Donated by Agnes Hall

26004. Dolly Varden Cake – any design using the Dolly Varden Tin as your Base (board no larger than 30cm)
       Ideas: Fairy, Sea Theme, Mermaid, Volcano, Bear, Fairy Garden
       Sponsored by Crafty Cat
       1st $35.00 Prize Pack, 2nd $15.00 Prize Pack, 3rd $10.00 Prize Pack

26005. Novelty Section – any design (Board no larger than 30cm)
       Sponsored by Mackay & District Cake Decorators’ Association Inc.
       1st $35.00, 2nd $15.00, 3rd $10.00

26006. Christmas in July – any design (board no larger than 30cm)
       Sponsored by: The Cheesecake Shop
       1st $50.00 Prize pack, 2nd $15.00 Prize Pack, 3rd $10.00 Prize Pack

26007. Novelty 3D Figurines / Scene – Nursery Rhyme or TV Character (board no larger than 30cm)
       Sponsored by: Crafty Cat
       1st $35.00 Prize Pack, 2nd $15.00 Prize Pack, 3rd $10.00 Prize pack

CHAMPION CAKE OF SHOW – Mackay Show Association Sash

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Specialty Cakes Schedule 2018 - Celebrating our 139th Annual Show - Mackay Show
General Entry Form 2018
                                    Tuesday 19th June to Thursday 21st June

Please read schedule and regulations for this section

Section Number                 (refer to Schedule)

Mr    Mrs Miss        Ms
                                Last Name:
Please Tick
                                                                                                       DOB:     /    /
First Name:
                                                                                                       If Under 18
Postal Address:

Town/Suburb:                                                                                     Postcode:

Email:                                                                         Phone / Mobile:
                                                                                                                  Entry Fee
Class No      Description – 1 entry per line only. Use additional form if more lines are required.                 Refer to

                                                                                          Total Entry Fee/s   $
                                                                                          Continued overleaf……..
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Payment by:
     Cheque                 Cash                   Direct Online           MasterCard              Visa

 Card Number

 Expiry Date                    /                                     Amount                  $

 Cardholder Signature                                                             Date              /      /

Bank Details for Online Payment:
Account Name: Mackay Show Association
BSB:    034-195 ACC: 130600           Ref: Name OR last four digits of phone number

You must use a reference so that we can trace your payment.

Please forward your entry form to:
Post:                            Deliver:                                 Phone/Fax/Email
Mackay Show Association          Mackay Show Association                  Phone: 07 4957 3916
PO Box 1014                      24 Milton Street                         Fax: 07 4953 4524
Mackay Qld 4740                  Mackay Q 4740                            Email: reception@mackayshow.com.au

Privacy Statement: The information provided by you in application to enter is used by the Mackay show Association to offer
services or to organise and conduct competitions at the Mackay Show. By entering our competitions, you consent to provide
such details as your name, address and exhibit details. Competition information may be made available to the media and be
included in Mackay Show publications. Your information will not be disclosed without your consent for any other purpose
unless required by the law.

Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ___ / ___ / ___

Please accept my above entries subject to the Conditions of Entry and competition regulations. I agree to indemnify the
Mackay & District Agricultural, Pastoral and Industrial Association against liability to any accident, damage, loss or illness to
any exhibit, exhibitor or competitor and agree that all competitions are under the complete and total control of the Mackay
Agricultural, Pastoral and Industrial Association whose decision in all matters is final.

Office Use Only

Entry Accepted ___________________________ Entry Entered _____________________


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