Self-Supervised Training Enhances Online Continual Learning

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Self-Supervised Training Enhances Online Continual Learning
Self-Supervised Training Enhances Online Continual Learning

                                                                 Jhair Gallardo1     Tyler L. Hayes1       Christopher Kanan1,2,3
                                                                    Rochester Institute of Technology1 , Paige2 , Cornell Tech3
                                                                                   {gg4099, tlh6792, kanan}
arXiv:2103.14010v1 [cs.CV] 25 Mar 2021


                                             In continual learning, a system must incrementally learn
                                         from a non-stationary data stream without catastrophic for-
                                         getting. Recently, multiple methods have been devised for
                                         incrementally learning classes on large-scale image clas-
                                         sification tasks, such as ImageNet. State-of-the-art contin-
                                         ual learning methods use an initial supervised pre-training
                                         phase, in which the first 10% - 50% of the classes in a
                                         dataset are used to learn representations in an offline man-
                                         ner before continual learning of new classes begins. We hy-
                                         pothesize that self-supervised pre-training could yield fea-
                                         tures that generalize better than supervised learning, espe-
                                         cially when the number of samples used for pre-training
                                         is small. We test this hypothesis using the self-supervised
                                         MoCo-V2 and SwAV algorithms. On ImageNet, we find that           Figure 1: In this study, we found that self-supervised pre-
                                         both outperform supervised pre-training considerably for         training was more effective than supervised pre-training on
                                         online continual learning, and the gains are larger when         ImageNet when less data was used. This figure shows
                                         fewer samples are available. Our findings are consistent         the percentage increase in final top-1 accuracy on Im-
                                         across three continual learning algorithms. Our best sys-        ageNet of two self-supervised methods, MoCo-V2 [16]
                                         tem achieves a 14.95% relative increase in top-1 accuracy        and SwAV [9], compared to supervised pre-training when
                                         on class incremental ImageNet over the prior state of the        paired with REMIND as a function of the number of Ima-
                                         art for online continual learning.                               geNet classes used for pre-training.

                                         1. Introduction                                                  tween them and offline systems [28, 29, 55, 10, 71, 32, 68].
                                             Conventional convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are        All of these methods use an initial supervised pre-training
                                         trained offline and then evaluated. When new training data       period on the first 10–50% of the classes. After pre-training,
                                         is acquired, the CNN is re-trained from scratch. This can be     continual learning begins on the remaining classes.
                                         wasteful for both storage and compute. Often, only a small           Performance of these systems depends on the amount
                                         number of new samples need to be learned, and re-training        of data used for supervised pre-training [29]. We hypothe-
                                         from scratch requires storing the entire dataset. Ideally, the   sized that self-supervised pre-training would be more effec-
                                         CNN would be updated on only the new samples, which is           tive, especially when less data is used. Because supervised
                                         known as continual learning. The longstanding challenge          learning only requires features that discriminate among the
                                         has been that catastrophic forgetting [47] occurs in conven-     classes in the pre-training set, it may not produce optimal
                                         tional CNNs when updating on only new samples, espe-             representations for unseen categories. In contrast, self-
                                         cially when the data stream is non-stationary (e.g., when        supervised learning promotes the acquisition of category
                                         classes are learned incrementally) [34, 6, 17]. Recently,        agnostic feature representations. Using these features could
                                         continual learning methods have been shown to scale to           help close the generalization gap between CNNs trained of-
                                         incremental class learning on full-resolution images in the      fline and those trained in a continual manner. Here, we test
                                         1,000 category ImageNet dataset with only a small gap be-        this hypothesis using two self-supervised learning methods.
Self-Supervised Training Enhances Online Continual Learning
This paper makes the following contributions:
  • We compare the discriminative power of supervised
    features to self-supervised features learned with Mo-
    mentum Contrast v2 (MoCo-V2) [16] and Swapping
    Assignments between multiple Views (SwAV) [9] as
    a function of the amount of training data used during
    pre-training. In offline linear evaluation experiments,
    we find that self-supervised features generalize better
    to ImageNet categories omitted from pre-training, with
    the gap being larger when less data is used.
  • We further study the ability of supervised and self-
    supervised features on datasets that were not used for
  • We study the effectiveness of self-supervised features
    in three systems for online continual learning of ad-
    ditional categories in ImageNet. Systems must learn          Figure 2: During pre-training (left), the features of a CNN
    in a single-pass through the dataset without looping         are initialized offline on a (possibly labeled) dataset, A.
    over large batches. Across these algorithms, we found        Before online continual learning (right), these initialized
    self-supervised features worked better when fewer cat-       weights are copied into the continual learner’s CNN, where
    egories were used for pre-training compared to super-        a portion of the network will remain frozen and the remain-
    vised pre-training (see Fig. 1).                             der of the network will be plastic and updated continually.
  • We achieve the best known result for online continual        For online continual learning, the learner receives a sin-
    learning of ImageNet, where each image is seen or-           gle labeled sample (Xj , yj ) at each time-step t for which
    dered by category, with a relative increase of 14.95%        it makes an update and subsequent prediction. The contin-
    over the previous state of the art [28].                     ual learner first learns all samples from the pre-train dataset,
                                                                 A, before learning samples from dataset B.
2. Problem Formulation
    We study the common continual learning paradigm in           and online continual learning in Fig. 2.
which pre-training precedes continual learning [28, 29, 55,          We focus on online continual learning because these sys-
10, 71, 32, 33, 34, 68, 4]. Formally, given a pre-training       tems are more general and existing implementations can
dataset {(Xi , yi )} ∈ A, with M images Xi and their cor-        learn from data presented in any order [28, 29, 27], while
responding labels yi ∈ Y, a set of parameters θ are learned      most incremental batch learning implementations are be-
for a CNN using A in an offline manner, i.e., the learner        spoke to incremental class learning and cannot be used
can shuffle the data to simulate independent and identically     for other orderings without significant algorithmic changes.
distributed data and loop over it as many times as it de-        The alternative formulation is incremental batch learning,
sires. The main variable of interest in this study is to com-    where the system queues up examples in memory until it
pare learning θ with supervised versus self-supervised ap-       acquires a batch, which is typically about 100,000 exam-
proaches.                                                        ples in papers using ImageNet (100 classes) [55, 10, 68].
    Continual learning begins after pre-training by first ini-   Systems then loop over the batch and then purge it from
tializing the parameters of the CNN ψ to be continu-             memory1 , and the next batch is acquired. The online formu-
ally updated to ψ ← θ. The continual learning dataset            lation is more general, i.e., the batch size is one sample, it
{(Xj , yj )} ∈ B, with images Xj and their corresponding         more closely matches real-world applications, systems train
labels yj ∈ K is then incrementally presented to the learner,    5−130× faster [28, 29], and recent work has shown it works
and the learner cannot loop over B. Here, we study the most      nearly as well as batch learning [28].
general form of the problem, online continual learning,
where examples are presented one-by-one to the learner and       3. Related Work
cannot be revisited without using auxiliary storage, which       3.1. Continual Learning
is kept at a fixed capacity. In the incremental class learn-
ing paradigm, which causes severe catastrophic forgetting           Deep neural networks suffer from catastrophic forget-
in conventional approaches, examples are presented in or-        ting [47] when they are incrementally updated on non-
der of their category and the categories during pre-training     stationary data streams. Catastrophic forgetting occurs
and continual learning are disjoint, i.e, Y ∩ K = ∅. We             1 With the exception of those samples cached in an auxiliary storage

show a depiction of our training protocol for pre-training       buffer, if one is used.
Self-Supervised Training Enhances Online Continual Learning
when past representations are overwritten with new ones,                  3.2. Self-Supervised Learning
which causes a drop in performance on past data. There
                                                                              Neural networks require large amounts of data for train-
are three main approaches to mitigating catastrophic forget-
                                                                          ing. Recently, self-supervised learning techniques have
ting [53]: 1) increasing model capacity to include new rep-
                                                                          gained widespread popularity because they rival super-
resentations that will not interfere with old knowledge [67,
                                                                          vised learning techniques [9] without requiring labeled
60, 58, 3, 57, 54, 46, 45, 65], 2) regularizing continual pa-
                                                                          data, which can be expensive and difficult to obtain. Fur-
rameter updates such that parameters do not deviate too
                                                                          ther, features learned with self-supervised learning meth-
much from their past values [2, 12, 13, 18, 35, 40, 44, 56, 61,
                                                                          ods have been shown to generalize to several downstream
69], and 3) replay (or rehearsal) models that cache previous
                                                                          tasks such as object detection and image recognition [49],
data in an auxiliary memory buffer and mix it with new data
                                                                          even when their features are fixed [9]. Motivated by these
to fine-tune the network [55, 10, 32, 68, 28, 21, 5, 33, 64].
                                                                          findings, we believe self-supervised learning could facilitate
While network expansion and regularization methods have
                                                                          data efficient generalization in the online continual learning
been popular, they do not easily scale to large datasets con-
                                                                          paradigm, so we study it here.
taining millions of images or thousands of categories (see
                                                                              Specifically, self-supervised learning methods use pre-
[6] for a review). Moreover, many of these methods require
                                                                          text tasks to learn visual features, where the network pro-
additional information about when a task changes during
                                                                          vides its own supervision during training. This eliminates
continual learning or which task a particular sample came
                                                                          the need for annotated labels, which can be difficult and
from2 , or they perform poorly [34, 28, 29]. Our experi-
                                                                          expensive to acquire. Different pretext tasks have been pro-
ments focus on the use of a single classification head during
                                                                          posed for visual representation learning including the pre-
online continual learning, where information about the task
                                                                          diction of image colorization [72], image rotation [24], and
is unknown to models during both training and evaluation.
                                                                          several others [50, 20, 19, 8]. More recent works use con-
We believe this setting is more readily deployable, as task
                                                                          trastive learning [26, 51], where the model learns which dat-
information could be difficult to obtain in real-time.
                                                                          apoints are similar or different based on feature similarity,
    Recently, methods that use replay have demonstrated                   and they have even surpassed supervised networks on many
success for large-scale continual learning of the ImageNet                downstream tasks [30, 14, 16, 15, 38, 25, 9].
dataset [55, 10, 32, 68, 28, 21, 5, 64]. All of these models                  MoCo [30] compares instance features using two differ-
follow a similar training paradigm where they are first pre-              ent deep models, where one network is updated with a run-
trained on a subset of 100 [55, 10, 68, 28] or 500 [32, 21, 64]           ning mean of the other network’s weights. It then stores a
ImageNet classes in an offline setting, where they can shuf-              set of image representations in a dynamic buffer to be used
fle and loop over the data as much as necessary. After the                as negative examples. Representations learned by MoCo
pre-training phase, these methods are updated on the re-                  achieve competitive results against supervised features dur-
maining ImageNet classes and evaluated on seen classes at                 ing fine-tuning on several downstream tasks. A Simple
various steps throughout training. Although the algorithms                framework for Contrastive Learning of visual Representa-
differ fundamentally, they all perform pre-training using a               tion (SimCLR) [14] follows the same instance discrimina-
supervised cross-entropy loss and a fixed pre-train number                tion scheme as MoCo, but only one deep model is used
of classes. To the best of our knowledge, only [29] has                   to obtain image representations. It uses a large batch size,
investigated the impact of the size of the supervised pre-                which provides enough negative samples without the need
training set on a continual learner’s performance. However,               for a buffer. SimCLR also composes several data augmen-
we think this is an important aspect that should be investi-              tation techniques and performs a non-linear transformation
gated further as smaller pre-training sizes require less com-             of feature representations before computing the contrastive
pute and less data. Since self-supervised learning is ad-                 loss. These additional components of SimCLR allow it to
vantageous in producing generalizable feature representa-                 outperform supervised networks on semi-supervised tasks
tions for downstream tasks [30] and does not require sam-                 where only a small number of labels are available.
ples to be labeled, we hypothesize that self-supervised pre-                  MoCo-V2 [16] incorporates some of SimCLR’s design
training will yield more transferable features for online con-            improvements into MoCo to outperform previous methods
tinual learning. Here, we study the use of a self-supervised              without the need for large batch sizes. These include the
pre-training phase and the impact of different pre-training               addition of a projection head and applying more data aug-
dataset sizes on continual learning performance.                          mentation. SimCLR-V2 [15] explores larger models and
                                                                          uses Selective Kernel Networks [39] to achieve improved
                                                                          performance over SimCLR. SwAV [9] follows a different
                                                                          contrastive approach, where it performs a cluster assign-
   2 This paradigm is commonly referred to as the multi-head setting in   ment prediction instead of comparing features of instances
continual learning literature.                                            directly. This allows SwAV to outperform methods like
Self-Supervised Training Enhances Online Continual Learning
MoCo-V2 and SimCLR. SwAV is the first self-supervised             of 0.9, and weight decay of 1e-4. Standard random crop and
method to surpass ImageNet supervised features by per-            horizontal flips were used for augmentation.
forming a linear evaluation on datasets like Places-205 [74],         MoCo-V2: The original self-supervised MoCo [30] ar-
VOC-07 [22], and iNaturalist-2018 [66]. This means that           chitecture builds a dynamic dictionary such that keys in the
SwAV features generalize better in downstream tasks, even         dictionary relate to training images. It then trains an en-
when those features are fixed.                                    coder network such that query images should be similar to
    Self-supervised features are commonly tested by per-          their closest key in the dictionary and further from dissim-
forming a linear evaluation on top of a frozen feature extrac-    ilar keys using a contrastive loss. MoCo-V2 [16] makes
tor, or by fine-tuning the complete network on downstream         two additional improvements over MoCo: it uses an addi-
tasks. In both cases, it is expected that the complete dataset    tional projection layer and blur augmentation. We chose
is available for self-supervised pre-training. [49] assumes       MoCo-V2 due to its success in transferring representations
that the entire dataset is not available to pre-train the sys-    to downstream tasks and its superior performance to exist-
tem. By fine-tuning the features on different downstream          ing methods, while requiring less memory and compute.
tasks, they showed that self-supervision surpasses supervi-       Following [16], we train MoCo-V2 models for 800 epochs
sion when less labeled data is available during pre-training.     using a learning rate of 0.015 and minibatch size of 128.
Our work differs from [49] in three ways: 1) we test newer            SwAV: The self-supervised SwAV [9] method learns to
self-supervised methods like MoCo-V2 [16] and SwAV [9],           assign clusters to different augmentations or “views” of the
2) our downstream task is online continual learning for im-       same image. Unlike standard contrastive learning tech-
age classification, which naturally assumes that only a small     niques (e.g., MoCo), SwAV does not require direct pair-
portion of the data is available for pre-training, and 3) we      wise comparisons of features for its swapped prediction
do not use controlled synthetic datasets and instead focus        contrastive loss. We chose SwAV since it was the first
on high-resolution natural image datasets.                        self-supervised method to outperform supervised features
                                                                  on downstream tasks such as object detection and recog-
4. Algorithms                                                     nition. Following [9], SwAV models are trained for 400
                                                                  epochs with an initial learning rate of 0.6, final learning rate
    In our study, we compare online continual learning            of 0.0006, epsilon of 0.03, and minibatch size of 64. We set
systems that use either self-supervised or supervised pre-        the number of prototypes to 10 |Y| in a queue of length 384.
training as a function of the size of the pre-training dataset.
For all experiments, we use ResNet-18 as the CNN.                 4.2. Online Continual Learning Models
For continual learning with the full-resolution ImageNet
                                                                      We evaluate three online continual learning algorithms
dataset, ResNet-18 has been adopted as the universal stan-
                                                                  that each use pre-trained features. They were chosen be-
dard CNN architecture by the community [55, 68, 28, 32,
                                                                  cause they have been shown to get strong or state-of-the-
21, 28, 10, 5, 4].
                                                                  art results on incremental class learning for ImageNet. For
    Next, we give details for the pre-training approaches and
                                                                  experiments with class-incremental learning on ImageNet,
then we describe the online continual learning algorithms.
                                                                  all continual learning methods first visit the pre-training set
                                                                  with online updates before observing the set that was not
4.1. Pre-Training Approaches
                                                                  used for pre-training. We provide details below.
   We describe the three pre-training algorithms we study.            SLDA [29]: Deep Streaming Linear Discriminant Anal-
The self-supervised methods were chosen based on their            ysis (SLDA) keeps the pre-trained CNN features fixed. It
strong performance for offline linear evaluation in their pa-     solely learns the output layer of the network. It was shown
pers and because they were practical to train due to their        to be extremely effective compared to earlier methods that
relatively low computational costs since they do not require      do update the CNN, despite not using any auxiliary mem-
a large batch size, unlike some self-supervised algorithms.       ory. It learns extremely quickly. SLDA stores a set of run-
All pre-trained models were trained on a computer with 4          ning mean vectors for each class and a shared covariance
TitanX GPUs (2015 edition) with 128 GB of system RAM.             matrix, both initialized during pre-training and only these
   Supervised: Supervised pre-training for continual learn-       parameters are updated during online training. A new input
ing is our baseline as it is the standard approach used [29,      is classified by assigning it the label of the closest Gaussian
28, 55, 10, 32, 68], where the CNN is trained using cross-        in feature space. Following [29], we use a plastic covariance
entropy with the labels on the pre-training data. We fol-         matrix and shrinkage of 1e-4.
lowed the same protocol as the state-of-the-art REMIND                Online Softmax with Replay: Offline softmax classi-
system for pre-training [28]. Systems were trained for 40         fiers are often trained with self-supervised features, so we
epochs with a minibatch size of 256, an initial learning rate     also created an online softmax classifier for continual learn-
of 0.1 with a decrease of 10× every 15 epochs, momentum           ing by using replay to mitigate catastrophic forgetting. Like
Self-Supervised Training Enhances Online Continual Learning
SLDA, it does not learn features in the CNN after pre-            Table 1: Top-1 accuracies for offline linear evaluations with
training. When a new example is to be learned, it randomly        different features and numbers of pre-train classes. We eval-
samples a buffer of CNN embeddings to mix in 50 addi-             uate only on the pre-train ImageNet classes.
tional samples and this set of 51 samples is used to update
the weights using gradient descent and a learning rate of           F EATURES      10      15      25      50      75      100
0.1. In our experiments, this buffer contains a maximum of          Supervised   71.20   82.67   86.64    83.16   81.20   80.32
735K feature vectors each with 512 dimensions (1.5 GB).             MoCo-V2      82.20   84.00   84.40    80.80   78.96   77.76
When the buffer reaches maximum capacity, we randomly               SwAV         91.20   90.27   89.44    85.48   81.04   80.82
discard an example from the most represented class.
    REMIND [28]: Unlike SLDA and Online Softmax with
Replay, REMIND does not keep the CNN features fixed af-           classification. To do this we use the Places-365 dataset [73],
ter pre-training. Instead, it keeps the lower layers of the       which has 1.8 million images from 365 classes. We exclu-
CNN fixed, but allows the weights in the upper layers to          sively use it for offline linear evaluation and continual learn-
change. To mitigate forgetting, REMIND replays mid-level          ing, i.e., we do not perform pre-training on this dataset.
CNN features that are compressed using Product Quanti-                All of our continual learning experiments use the class
zation (PQ) and stored in a buffer. After initializing the        incremental learning setting, where the data is ordered by
CNN features during pre-training, we use this same pre-           class, but all images are shuffled within each class. We re-
training data to train the PQ model and store the associ-         port top-1 accuracy on the validation sets. For ImageNet,
ated compressed representations of this data in the memory        we ran the validation set through the model after the first
buffer. We run REMIND with the recommended settings               pre-training batch was observed and then after multiples of
from [28], i.e., starting learning rate of 0.1, 32 codebooks      100 classes. For Places-365, validation was computed after
each of size 256, 50 randomly selected replay samples, a          all 365 classes were incrementally learned.
buffer size of 959,665 (equal to 1.5 GB), mix-up data aug-
mentation, and extracting mid-level features such that two        6. Results
convolutional layers and the final classification layer remain
plastic during online learning.                                   6.1. Offline Linear Evaluation Results
                                                                      Before examining the efficacy of the different pre-
5. Experimental Setup
                                                                  training methods for online continual learning, we first
    For continual learning on many classes, ImageNet              compare the efficacy of the self-supervised and supervised
ILSVRC-2012 is the standard benchmark for assessing the           features as a function of the amount of data for pre-training.
ability to scale [59]. It has 1.2 million images from 1,000       To do this, we use the standard offline linear evaluation
classes, with about 1,000 images per class used for train-        done for self-supervised learning [30, 9, 14]. This enables
ing. Most existing papers have used the first 100 classes         us to measure how generalizable the pre-trained features
(10%) for supervised pre-training [55, 10, 68, 28] or the         are when less data is used, without being concerned about
first 500 (50%) classes [32, 21, 64]. An exception is             catastrophic forgetting during continual learning. While
[29], which studied performance as a function of the size         this setup is standard in self-supervised learning, existing
of the supervised pre-training set and found that perfor-         work has focused on this comparison only when doing pre-
mance was highly dependent on the amount of data. While           training with all 1,000 ImageNet categories, rather than on
large amounts of labeled data are available for natural RGB       subsets that have varying numbers of categories. Although
images, there are other domains where collecting large            [49] evaluates the effectiveness of self-supervised training
amounts of labeled data for pre-training may be infeasible.       for downstream tasks using different dataset sizes, our study
    We split ImageNet into pre-training sets for feature          differs in three ways: 1) we evaluate the effectiveness of
learning of various sizes: 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100 classes.       the more recent MoCo-V2 and SwAV techniques, which
In our experiments on ImageNet, after learning features on        were not evaluated in [49], 2) we study the ability of self-
a pre-train set in an offline manner, the pre-train set and the   supervised features to generalize to large-scale natural im-
remainder of the dataset are combined and then examples           age datasets containing millions of images, whereas [49]
are fed one-by-one into the learner. Given our limited com-       only evaluates on synthetic datasets, and 3) we are the first
putational resources, we were not able to train for additional    to evaluate self-supervised pre-training for online continual
pre-training dataset sizes.                                       learning downstream tasks.
    In addition to doing continual learning on ImageNet it-           Following others, our offline linear evaluation to com-
self, we also study how well the pre-trained features learned     pare the quality of the pre-trained features was done using a
on ImageNet from various sizes of pre-train sets generalize       softmax classifier. The classifier was trained for 100 epochs
to another dataset from an entirely different domain: scene       with a minibatch size of 256. For supervised features with
Self-Supervised Training Enhances Online Continual Learning
Table 2: Top-1 accuracies for offline linear evaluations with     Table 3: Top-1 accuracies for offline linear evaluations with
different features and numbers of pre-train classes. We eval-     different features and numbers of pre-train classes. We eval-
uate on all 1,000 classes in ImageNet.                            uate on all 365 classes in Places-365.

  F EATURES     10      15      25      50       75     100         F EATURES     10      15      25      50       75     100
 Supervised    10.42   18.23   26.76   34.32   38.29   41.58       Supervised    15.07   22.83   28.46   31.03   32.63   33.78
 MoCo-V2       21.76   27.50   30.61   36.45   40.15   43.19       MoCo-V2       24.07   29.45   31.01   32.58   34.54   35.93
 SwAV          31.09   33.62   35.81   39.54   43.43   44.82       SwAV          32.71   33.88   35.10   35.16   36.75   37.41

SwAV, we used a learning rate of 0.1 which we decay by            across systems even with 10 classes, so we did not study
a factor of 10 at 60 and 80 epochs and L2 weight decay of         larger pre-training sets.
1e-5. These settings did not work well for MoCo-V2, so                Lastly, we evaluate how well the ImageNet pre-trained
we used the settings for linear evaluation from [30] instead,     features transferred to Places-365. We trained the softmax
which were a learning rate of 30 that we decay by a factor        classifier for 28 epochs with a minibatch size of 256, re-
of 10 at epochs 60 and 80 with no weight decay.                   ducing the learning rate by 10× at epochs 10 and 18. We
    We first compared how effective pre-training approaches       used the same learning rates and L2 weight decays from the
were when directly compared on only the same classes used         ImageNet linear evaluation. Results are in Table 3. Simi-
for pre-training before assessing their efficacy on unseen        lar to our results on ImageNet, self-supervised features out-
classes (Table 1). We had expected supervised features to         perform supervised features when pre-trained on ImageNet
outperform self-supervised features in this experiment, but       and evaluated on the Places-365 dataset. SwAV features
surprisingly SwAV outperformed supervised features when           outperform MoCo-V2 features for all pre-train sizes, where
50 or fewer classes were used and it rivaled or exceeded          more benefit is seen when the network was pre-trained on
performance when the number of classes was 75 or 100.             fewer classes. These results demonstrate the versatility of
MoCo-V2 only outperformed supervised features when us-            self-supervised features in generalizing to datasets beyond
ing 15 or fewer classes.                                          what they were trained on. This is especially useful when
    We next assessed the effectiveness of the features to gen-    generalizing to datasets that have very few classes and/or
eralize to unseen categories by training the softmax clas-        samples, as pre-training directly on a subset of the dataset
sifier on all 1,000 classes. Results are shown in Table 2.        would be difficult.
We found that SwAV features outperform supervised and
MoCo-V2 features across all pre-train sizes. The gap in
                                                                  6.2. Online Continual Learning Results
performance between self-supervised and supervised pre-               The results of training Deep SLDA, Online Softmax, and
training is larger when using fewer pre-train classes. For        REMIND using different pre-training methods and sizes are
example, SwAV outperforms supervised features by 3.24%            shown in Table 4, and the associated learning curves are in
when using 100 classes during pre-training; however, when         Fig. 3. Deep SLDA results show that SwAV outperforms
we decrease the number of pre-training classes to 10, SwAV        supervised features when the pre-train size is less than or
outperforms supervised features by 20.67%. MoCo-V2 also           equal to 75, while MoCo-V2 features surpass supervised
outperforms supervised features, with a gap of 1.61% for          features when the pre-train size is less than or equal to
100 pre-training classes, and 11.34% for 10. This shows           25. Even when supervised pre-training outperforms self-
that self-supervised features generalize better in linearly       supervised features, SwAV and MoCo-V2 still show com-
classifying data outside the set they were trained on as com-     petitive performance, with gaps no greater than 4%. Results
pared to supervised representations, especially when the          for Online Softmax show that SwAV performance surpasses
pre-train size is small.                                          supervised features for all pre-train sizes. MoCo-V2 outper-
    We next examine the impact of the classes chosen for          forms supervised features for sizes less than 25 classes, but
pre-training. To do this, we randomly chose 6 different sets      it shows competitive performance for other sizes as well.
of 10 pre-train classes from ImageNet to learn features, and      REMIND shows the most benefit from self-supervised pre-
then trained an offline softmax classifier using these features   training, where SwAV and MoCo-V2 consistently outper-
on all 1,000 ImageNet classes. We calculated the mean             form supervised features for all pre-train sizes tested. Fig. 1
top-1 accuracy and standard deviation across the 6 runs and       shows the relative percentage increase of self-supervision
obtained: 12.65%±1.26% for supervised, 22.78%±0.88%               over supervision for REMIND, with a maximum relative
for MoCo-V2, and 31.88%±1.40% for SwAV. With only 10              improvement of 89.14% for SwAV and 60.74% for MoCo-
classes, SwAV and MoCo-V2 always outperformed super-              V2 when only 10 classes are used for pre-training. Simi-
vised features. The standard deviation was relatively low         lar relative percentage plots for Online Softmax and Deep
Self-Supervised Training Enhances Online Continual Learning
Table 4: Final top-1 accuracy values achieved by each con-        Table 5: Final top-1 accuracy values achieved by Deep
tinual learning method on ImageNet using various features         SLDA when pre-trained on ImageNet using various features
and numbers of pre-train classes.                                 and numbers of pre-train classes and continually updated
                                                                  and evaluated on the Places-365 dataset.
  M ETHOD       10      15      25      50       75     100
 Deep SLDA                                                          F EATURES     10      15      25      50       75     100
 Supervised 9.53       14.67    20.7   26.54   29.53   31.99       Supervised    13.77   19.59   23.42   25.28   26.04   27.03
 MoCo-V2    19.37      20.66   21.64   24.43   26.26   28.31       MoCo-V2       23.36   23.72   24.05   24.17   25.11   26.00
 SwaV       22.33      24.01   25.22   28.5    30.89   31.77       SwaV          26.53   27.20   28.22   28.48   29.38   29.58
 Online Softmax
 Supervised 9.87       15.92   23.58   30.16   33.05   35.14
 MoCo-V2     23.09     25.67   25.66   28.79   31.14   33.81      6.2.1   Domain Transfer with Deep SLDA
 SwAV        18.65     21.40   27.42   35.79   39.48   41.31
 REMIND                                                           So far, we have studied the effectiveness of supervised and
 Supervised    19.79   26.17   33.48   39.38   43.40   45.28      self-supervised pre-training to generalize to unseen classes
 MoCo-V2       31.81   34.39   38.43   44.50   47.36   49.25      from the same dataset for online continual learning. A
 SwAV          37.43   40.09   43.05   48.31   51.01   52.05      natural next step is to study how well self-supervised pre-
                                                                  training of features on one dataset generalize to continual
                                                                  learning on another dataset, e.g., pre-train on ImageNet and
SLDA are in supplemental materials.                               continually learn on Places-365. This set of experiments is
    In Table 4, it is worth noting that REMIND using SwAV         similar to standard transfer learning and domain adaptation
pre-training on only 10 classes surpasses all the results ob-     setups [42, 43, 52, 70], and could prove especially useful
tained by Deep SLDA. Also, pre-training REMIND with               when performing continual learning on small datasets that
SwAV on 50 classes outperforms supervised pre-training            require rich and generalizable feature representations.
on 100 classes, showing that SwAV can surpass supervised              To evaluate our hypothesis about feature transfer to a dif-
features with only half of the data used during pre-training.     ferent dataset, we trained Deep SLDA on Places-365 us-
This is desirable because using less data during pre-training     ing various pre-trained ImageNet features. We chose Deep
results in faster initialization for online continual learning    SLDA since it is extremely fast to train. We start online
models. Further, labels are not needed for self-supervised        learning with the first sample in Places-365 and learn one
methods, which can be difficult and expensive to obtain.          class at a time from mean vectors initialized as zeros and
    Fig. 3 shows learning curves for REMIND using su-             a covariance matrix initialized as ones, as in [29]. Final
pervised, MoCo-V2, and SwAV features for various pre-             top-1 accuracy results are in Table 5. Overall, we found
training set sizes. These curves show the top-1 accuracy          that SwAV features generalized the best, independent of
every time a multiple of 100 classes has been seen by the         the number of pre-training classes. Although the perfor-
model, including the performance right after pre-training.        mance gap between SwAV features with 10 and 100 pre-
We see that adding more classes during pre-training con-          training classes is small (3.05%), SwAV outperforms super-
sistently improves REMIND’s performance for all features          vised features trained with 10 pre-train classes by 12.76%.
used. Furthermore, using SwAV or MoCo-V2 consistently             These results demonstrate that self-supervised features can
improves performance over supervised pre-training, which          improve online learning performance, even when the pre-
can be seen by the vertical shift of the learning curves across   training and continual learning datasets differ.
different features. Similar learning curves for Online Soft-
max and Deep SLDA are in supplemental materials.                  7. Discussion
    For a fair comparison with the original REMIND paper,
we compute the average top-5 accuracy of REMIND us-                   We replaced supervised pre-training with self-supervised
ing SwAV features pre-trained on 100 classes of ImageNet          techniques for online continual learning on ImageNet. Our
and evaluated on seen classes at increments of 100 classes.       results show that self-supervised methods require fewer pre-
This variant of REMIND with SwAV features achieves an             training classes to achieve high performance on image clas-
average top-5 accuracy of 83.55%, which is a 4.87% ab-            sification compared to supervised pre-training. This be-
solute percentage improvement over the supervised results         haviour is seen both during offline linear evaluation and
reported in [28]. This sets a new state of the art result         during online continual learning. Using SwAV pre-trained
for online continual learning of ImageNet. Moreover, RE-          features, REMIND achieves a new state-of-the-art perfor-
MIND using SwAV features pre-trained on 100 classes of            mance for online continual learning on ImageNet.
ImageNet achieves a 14.95% relative increase in final top-1           We followed others in using the ResNet-18 CNN archi-
accuracy over supervised features (see Fig. 1).                   tecture [55, 29, 28]; however, wider and deeper networks
Self-Supervised Training Enhances Online Continual Learning
(a) Supervised                               (b) MoCo-V2                                 (c) SwAV

Figure 3: Learning curves for each pre-train size with REMIND using (a) supervised, (b) MoCo-V2, and (c) SwAV features.

have been shown to improve performance, especially for            75], where an agent must identify samples outside of its
self-supervised learning methods [14, 15, 25]. It would be        training distribution as unknown and then learn them. We
interesting to explore these alternate architectures for future   showed that self-supervised features generalize to both un-
online continual learners initialized using self-supervised       seen classes and unseen datasets in online settings, so ex-
methods. Additionally, we studied online learning meth-           tending our work to open world learning would only re-
ods because they are more versatile. However, we think it         quire the addition of a component to identify if samples are
is likely that self-supervised initialized features would also    unknown or out-of-distribution [41, 31, 36]. Open world
benefit incremental batch learning models [55, 68].               learning is more realistic than online continual learning
    In addition to features trained purely in the supervised      since an agent cannot expect an indication about whether
or self-supervised paradigms, future studies could investi-       or not a sample is from its known training distribution.
gate semi-supervised pre-training. Semi-supervised learn-
ing would be advantageous to supervised learning because
                                                                  8. Conclusion
it requires fewer labels, but could still learn features dis-
criminative to specific classes, while generalizing similarly         Continually updating neural networks on non-stationary
to self-supervised techniques. Furthermore, it would be in-       data streams is a longstanding challenge in artificial intel-
teresting to develop and evaluate self-supervised or semi-        ligence. While much progress has been made to develop
supervised online updates for continual learning methods.         continual learners that scale to large-scale datasets like Ima-
These could be used to continually update the plastic layers      geNet, these approaches require an initial offline supervised
of REMIND, which we hypothesize would improve perfor-             training phase on the first 10-50% of ImageNet data. In this
mance and generalization further.                                 paper, we demonstrated the discriminative power of using
    Similar to how self-supervised features have been evalu-      self-supervised CNN features produced by the MoCo-V2
ated for downstream tasks in offline settings [30], it would      and SwAV models to generalize to unseen classes/datasets
also be interesting to evaluate how well self-supervised fea-     in online continual learning settings. We demonstrated that
tures perform for additional downstream online continual          self-supervised features consistently outperformed super-
learning tasks, e.g., continual object detection [1, 62], con-    vised features, especially when only a small subset of the
tinual semantic segmentation [11, 48], or continual learn-        dataset was available for training. Further, we set a new
ing for robotics applications [23, 37]. We demonstrated           state-of-the-art for online continual learning by pairing the
that self-supervised features initialized on one image recog-     recent REMIND architecture with features pre-trained on
nition dataset (ImageNet) generalize to another recogni-          SwAV for a 14.95% top-1 relative performance gain. Self-
tion dataset (Places-365), and we hypothesize that self-          supervised learning is desirable as it reduces overfitting,
supervised features would also generalize to additional           promotes generalization, and does not require labels, which
downstream continual learning tasks.                              can be costly to obtain. In the future, it would be interest-
    A natural downstream setting that our work facilitates is     ing to perform online updates with self-supervised learning
open world learning [7] or automatic class discovery [63,         techniques in addition to self-supervised pre-training.
Self-Supervised Training Enhances Online Continual Learning
Acknowledgements. This work was supported in part                   [13] Arslan Chaudhry, Marc’Aurelio Ranzato, Marcus Rohrbach,
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and NSF award #1909696. The views and conclusions con-              [14] Ting Chen, Simon Kornblith, Mohammad Norouzi, and Ge-
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interpreted as representing the official policies or endorse-            of visual representations. arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.05709,
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                                                                    [15] Ting Chen, Simon Kornblith, Kevin Swersky, Mohammad
Acharya for his comments and useful discussions.
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Supplemental Material                                supervised features across all pre-train sizes. It is worth
                                                                   noting that when 100 pre-train classes are used, all three
S1. Additional Results                                             sets of features start around the same top-1 accuracy, but af-
                                                                   ter the model has finished learning all 1,000 classes, SwAV
S1.1. Relative Performance Improvements                            achieves the highest performance. This behaviour means
    Fig. S1 shows the relative performance improvements            that SwAV features obtained during pre-training on 100
exhibited by the Deep SLDA and Online Softmax methods              classes are more useful when continually learning all 1,000
when performing online continual learning on the ImageNet          classes.
dataset using MoCo-V2 and SwAV features.
    Deep SLDA (S1a) shows a maximum relative improve-
ment of 134.31% for SwAV features and 103.25% for
MoCo-V2 features when only 10 classes are used for pre-
training. Deep SLDA follows the same trend as REMIND
from Fig. 1, with SwAV outperforming MoCo-V2 for all
pre-train sizes. MoCo-V2 shows negative relative improve-
ment for 50, 75, and 100 pre-training classes, while SwAV
shows a small negative relative improvement of -0.69% for
100 classes. These few cases of negative relative perfor-
mances occur when there are a large number of pre-training
classes, which is less desirable for pre-training as it requires
more data.
    Online Softmax (S1b) shows a maximum relative im-
provement of 88.96% for SwAV features and 133.94% for
MoCo-V2 features when only 10 classes are used for pre-
training. Surprisingly, MoCo-V2 outperforms SwAV for 10
and 15 pre-train classes, which differs from the results for
REMIND and Deep SLDA. We see a small negative relative
improvement with MoCo-V2 for 50, 75 and 100 pre-train
classes, while SwAV shows positive relative improvement
for all pre-train sizes.
    Overall, these results demonstrate that self-supervised
features are superior to supervised features for continual
learning when less data is used during pre-training.

S1.2. Learning Curves
    Learning curves for online continual learning on Ima-
geNet using Deep SLDA and Online Softmax with various
features are in Fig. S2 and Fig. S3, respectively. These
curves show the top-1 accuracy every time a multiple of
100 classes has been seen by the model, including the per-
formance right after pre-training.
    Similar to REMIND (Fig. 3), adding more classes dur-
ing pre-training improves Deep SLDA’s performance for
all features used. The vertical shift of the curves upwards
across features shows that MoCo-V2 and SwAV consis-
tently outperform supervised features for 10, 15 and 25 pre-
train classes. Even though supervised features show the best
performance for 100 classes, MoCo-V2 and SwAV show
competitive results.
    Online Softmax also has better performance when using
more pre-train classes across different features. Surpris-
ingly, MoCo-V2 outperforms supervised and SwAV fea-
tures for 10 and 15 pre-train classes. SwAV outperforms
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