SENTINEL St Helena's New Executive Council - South Atlantic Media ...

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SENTINEL St Helena's New Executive Council - South Atlantic Media ...

                 South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.

Vol. 10, Issue 32 - Price: £1        “serving St Helena and her community worldwide”   Thursday 04 November

St Helena’s New Executive Council
Chief Minister Selects Four Ministers and Allocates Portfolios

 An App-solutely great idea                                               over £2,200 raised
                                                                     “Through the love of music”
SENTINEL St Helena's New Executive Council - South Atlantic Media ...
2                                                                   Thursday 04 November | THE SENTINEL     THE SENTINEL | Thursday 04 November                                                       3

OPINION                                    YOUR LETTERS                                                                                                                                                       ST HELENA NEWS
                                             Dear Editor,                            time he made sketches of different

SENTINEL                                     I am a trustee of the Armitt Museum
                                           in Ambleside, England. Recently we
                                           acquired the very rare book entitled
                                                                                     parts of the island, six of which
                                                                                     appear in his book of 1815, published
                                                                                     to capitalise on the imprisonment of
                                                                                                                                                  You not got that bug too?
COMMENT                                    “ Views of St Helena“, published in
                                           1815 by George Hutchins Bellasis.
                                           The book contains six superb views
                                                                                     Napoleon. One source suggests that
                                                                                     he returned to the island in the 1812,
                                                                                     but so far we have been unable to
                                                                                                                                 Health Services Directorate issues advice and guidance on Viral Gastroenteritis
Anita Robertse, SAMS                                                                                                                          Liam Yon, SAMS
                                           of your island. On searching various      corroborate this.
                                           websites relating to Saint Helena I         I would be most grateful if you
             November already!!                                                      could help me on the following two
                                           have located all six of these pictures
                                           only one of which was attributed to       issues: –
  Another year has almost come to an
  end and time just keeps racing by!       GHB. On a cursory examination of the        1. Do you have any more information
     With Christmas looming over the       historical references to the island, I    on this man’s stay on your island?
    horizon, maybe we should take a        have failed to find a reference to this     2. I strongly suspect that he made
   close look at our priorities for the    book. However, I am sure that you         more sketches during his stay on
   festive season. It is so easy to get    must know of it.                          St Helena. A few of the historic
 caught up in the lights, food, music,       I am researching this man at            watercolours I have seen on some of
  preparations and presents! For me        present, because he was a very            your Island websites look as if they
 Christmas has always been a special       capable, but unrecorded artist, who       could be by him. Do you, or any of
        time for a couple of reasons.      spent the rest of his life in Bowness     your fellow Islanders know of any
      Firstly and foremost, because it     on Windermere in England, and             sketches or watercolours, other than
reminds me to consider anew (and be        published the book from here. Both        the six illustrated in the book, that
  grateful for) the wondrous story of      GHB, and several members of his           are signed by GHB?
     the true meaning of Christmas!        family had been influential people in       Needless to say, I would be very
         The second thing that makes       the army in India, based in Bombay,       happy to share my information with
Christmas special is getting to spend      and were very much involved with          any Saint Helena historian who
     time with my family. We are so        the East India Company. In 1803 he        shares my interest in this man.
 excited to spend our first Christmas      had recurring bouts of illness and          I can only hope that the weather
in three years with our children from                                                on your remote Island is better
 the USA and family in South Africa!
                                           decided to return to England.
                                             In August 1804 he boarded an            than the torrential rain that we are
 For me there is no better gift than a                                               experiencing here in the English
  big family Christmas. This year we       Eastindiaman, but was so ill that he
are looking forward to spending time       had to disembark at St Helena on the      Lake District.
 with our parents, siblings and other      4th of November 1804. He lived on the       Best wishes,
extended family and friends in South       island for eight months during which        Tony Lonton
   Africa. And even though I am not
   looking forward to the long travel
 there, I cannot wait to see everyone        Dear Editor,                            included with an explanation on how
 in person again. All the uncertainty,       I’m working on a world currency         they are interchangeable with the
restrictions and worries surrounding       project for the University of New         pound sterling.
 Covid has kept us isolated from each      Hampshire International Education           I don’t think I could explain my
            other for far too long!
      Even more precious, is to spend
                                           Week. I am attempting to obtain the
                                           common currency from every nation
                                                                                     project adequately to receive positive
                                                                                     responses by placing an ad. If someone       T  he Health Services Directorate    the importance of washing hands       measure to help prevent spread of
   time at Christmas with an elderly       for the exhibit so visitors can compare   was willing to exchange $US for pounds      have released a Public Health         frequently to help avoid the          ‘the bug’ to patients in hospital.”
   family member or person. We can         one type of currency with another. I      I would really appreciate it. (If someone   Announcement recognising and          spread of the virus.                    With staff in Health having
    learn so much from older people        want to demonstrate how a currency        were interested in a similar project, I     providing advice on the current
      and spending time with them                                                                                                                                        “These     simple    steps    are   also contracted the bug, Health
                                           evolves because of regime change,         could assist with that as well).            Viral Gastroenteritis that is being   generally effective in managing       Services are short of staff and are
     enriches our lives. Take time to      inflation, etc.                             Thank you for your time,
    see life through their eyes and to                                                                                           experienced by many on-Island.        cases of vomiting and diarrhoea,”     therefore asking that their services
                                             I have no St Helena coins or notes         David Zylman
    really listen and learn from their     in the project, and I think it would
                                                                                                                                  Viral Gastroenteritis, better        says     the    Health     Services   are only requested for “priority
                                                                                       University of New Hampshire
       life experience. Last week we       enhance the project if they were                        known locally as ‘the bug’, causes    Directorate. “Viral gastroenteritis   matters” this week. “Delays are
featured an article on how the Ladies                                                                                            an uncomfortable stomach and          is a self-limited condition and       expected in outpatients and in
   Fundraising Group celebrated the                                                                                              most who have contracted the          generally does not need medical       elective surgeries,” they warn.
    elderly here on St Helena with a
 tea and dance at PAS. Celebrate and
                                                                                                                                 virus have suffered symptoms          intervention.”                          Due to the number of young
                                            Dear Editor                              the ship (proudly displaying the name       such as vomiting and diarrhoea.         They therefore are encouraging      children contracting the virus,
    appreciate an elderly person this                                                St. Helena on its bow and stern) has
                     year!                                                                                                        The advice from the Island’s         people to only seek medical           parents are needing to follow
                                            Your readers might be interested to      been to Saudi Arabia, Senegal and           Health Services to those suffering
    This holiday season make time for
                                           know a little about the progress around   Greenland. The ship has recently
                                                                                                                                                                       assistance in the most severe         Health’s advice to “stay at home”
   friends and family, especially the
                                           the world of the ‘St. Helena’ (former     completed a stay at the Island of
                                                                                                                                 from the bug is to stay hydrated      cases, which includes persisting      to care for their ill child. This
  elderly! Times are so uncertain and                                                                                            by drinking lots of fluids, to eat    symptoms in those aged less than      has resulted in parents having
  fleeting! This precious commodity        RMS).                                     Sardinia in the Mediterranean, where a
                                            It has been completely refitted as       series of races was held in dry, dusty      when you feel able to, and to stay    two years old and those over 80.      to miss days at work, which
 is something we need to use wisely!
  Have a blessed festive season with       a floating ‘paddock’ for a ‘stable’ of    and stony conditions. The last call of      at home and get plenty of rest.         “In cases such as these, you are    in some instances would have
          everyone you care about!         electric off-road race cars, and has      the year is at Bovington in Dorset in        Over-the-counter solutions such      requested to attend the General       to be taken as unpaid. Health
                                           been conveying them (together with        the UK.                                     as paracetamol for discomfort         Hospital,” they informed. “Please     have not expressed whether
    South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd.,   their drivers, mechanics and other          For further information, google           and rehydration solution has also     alert our receptionist or the nurse   they are willing to provide any
    The Media Centre, Castle Gardens,      support staff) to different locations     ‘extreme-e’.                                been recommended by Health.           on duty to the nature of the          documentation that would allow
                                           around the world, to race in different      Regards                                    Because the virus can be             problem. You will be directed to      employees to be paid for this
    Jamestown, St Helena, South Atlantic   conditions and draw attention to the        Eric Arnold                               transmitted from one person to        the flu pod for assessment. This      understandable and necessary
    Ocean, STHL 1ZZ. Tel: 22727            problem of climate change in different      GIC Limited, London                       the other, they have reiterated
    E:, W:        parts of the world. During the year.,                                                                                       is an important infection control     time off work.
SENTINEL St Helena's New Executive Council - South Atlantic Media ...
4                                                          Thursday 04 November | THE SENTINEL   THE SENTINEL | Thursday 04 November                                                        5

ST HELENA NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                     ST HELENA NEWS
               Dr Wyatt in, Dr Tanyan out                                                                                                  A Journey of Discovery
        Locum Orthopaedic Surgeon appointed as Interim Chief Medical Officer                                                  RRS Discovery soon to start her journey to St Helena and Ascension
                                                                                                                                   Liam Yon, SAMS
             Liam Yon, SAMS
                                                                            Tanyan for all her hard work                                                                                          RRS Discovery will now be sailing
                                     surgical cases” while also playing
                                                                            and support during the period                                                                                         from Southampton all the way to
                                     “a key role as our on-Island
                                                                            she served as Senior Medical                                                                                          Cape Verde, off the west coast of
                                     orthopaedic consultant working
                                                                            Officer,” said SHG. “In particular,                                                                                   Africa and, after refuelling, will
                                     to support our orthopaedic
                                                                            recognition is given to the key                                                                                       continue her journey to Ascension
                                     specialists,” as explained by SHG
                                                                            role Dr Tanyan has played in                                                                                          Island and St Helena.
                                     in a Press Release issued on 27
                                                                            the Health Services Directorate’s                                                                                      The Discovery will spend
                                     September regarding the Health
                                                                            response to the COVID-19                                                                                              ten days around each Island
                                     Transformation         Programme
                                                                            pandemic.”                                                                                                            conducting scientific surveys
                                     Orthopaedic Review.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and     collecting    data.  Once
                                      “Dr Wyatt will continue his
                                                                                                                                                                                                  completed, the vessel will transit
                                     practice in orthopaedic surgery
                                                                                                                                                                                                  back to Tenerife for the crew to
                                     as well as taking on additional
                                                                                                                                                                                                  disembark. The whole expedition
                                     management         responsibilities,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  will take approximately 60 days to
                                     including       having      overall
                                                                                                                                                                                                  complete, covering over 9000km,
                                     responsibility for the Medical
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and crossing the equator twice.
                                     Team within the Health Services
                                                                                                                                                                                                   There will be 27 scientists
                                     Directorate,” explains SHG.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  onboard, including colleagues
    ocum Orthopaedic Surgeon,
                                      Dr Wyatt’s appointment comes
                                     after Dr Kamar Tanyan stepped                                                     T  he Royal Research Ship            November.                             from the Governments of both
Dr Michael Wyatt, has as of 1                                                                                         Discovery will be arriving to St       Since the initial plans were         Ascension Island and St Helena.
                                     down from her role as the
November been appointed as the                                                                                        Helena sometime between the end       developed, several things have        They will also be supported by
                                     Island’s Senior Medical Officer.
Interim Chief Medical Officer                                                                                         of 2021 and early 2022 during a       changed in the ships itinerary.       members of the RRS Discovery
                                     The reasons behind Dr Tanyan
within the Health and Social Care                                                                                     journey of over 9,000 kilometres,     Due to the potential impacts and      crew      and     technical   and
                                     relinquishing her role as Senior
Portfolio of SHG, announced the                                                                                       with the vessel excepted to           risks that COVID-19 could have        engineering staff from National
                                     Medical Officer is not known,
Health Services Directorate.                                                                                          depart Southampton, UK, on 26         on an expedition of this type, the    Marine Facilities.
                                     but SHG are thankful for her
 Dr Wyatt arrived to the Island      contribution during her time in
from the UK in September with the    post.
priority “to clear the backlog of     “Thanks are extended to Dr                                                                  Do I hear £140,000?                                             at Buckingham Palace for, as
                                                                                                                                                                                                  his citation reads, “displaying
                                                                                                                      Alwyn Stevens to auction “incredibly rare” bravery medal awarded            extraordinary courage, selflessness
         Cost of living continues to rise                                                                                 for “extraordinary courage, selflessness and leadership”                and leadership.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                    “Stevens personally engaged and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  killed several Taliban Fighters and
                   Statistics Office report Annual Price Inflation at 1.7%                                                         Liam Yon, SAMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                  set conditions for the defeat of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  a strong enemy force,” read his
             Liam Yon, SAMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                  citation. “His actions ensured the
                                                                            months include the impact of                                                                                          enemy never again appeared in
                                                                            the recent increases in petrol and                                                                                    such strength in the ATTAL area
                                                                            diesel prices as well as increases                                                                                    during Operation HERRICK 8’.”
                                                                            in representative items within the                                                                                      The prestigious CGC is a second
                                                                            Alcohol and Tobacco category,”                                                                                        level military decoration of the
                                                                            explains the Stats Office. “Items                                                                                     British Armed Forces, one below
                                                                            which saw notable decreases                                                                                           the Victoria Cross, and very few are
                                                                            include representative items used                                                                                     ever awarded, meaning they are
                                                                            to measure housing and also                                                                                           very much a high value commodity,
                                                                            include some items within the                                                                                         sought after by collectors.
                                                                            Food category.”                                                                                                         “There will be many collectors
                                                                              The index uses 203 representative                                                                                   and institutions who would love to
                                                                            items to measure price changes
    For the third quarter of 2021     This means that the annual            in nine different categories of
                                                                                                                                                                         © Duke’s Auctions/BNPS   have this medal group,” said Adam
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Chapman from Duke’s Auctioneers.
the Retail Price Index has been
measured at 108.2. “This is an
                                     inflation rate is 1.7%, comparing
                                     prices in the third quarter of
                                                                            household spending. Since one
                                                                            year ago, a total of 84 items have
                                                                                                                       C  olour Sergeant, Alwyn Stevens,    auction, along with other medals,
                                                                                                                                                            at a sale organised by Dorchester-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  “The CGC was only introduced in
                                                                                                                                                                                                  1993 and it is rarer than the Victoria
                                                                                                                      a Saint Helenian who was a sniper
increase of 0.6% from three          2021 to the same time period in        increased in price with the price of      in the Royal Irish Regiment, will,    headquartered Duke’s Auctioneers      Cross in terms of the number
months ago and is also an increase   2020, and represents the highest       28 items decreasing. The price of         on 6 November, put his reportedly     at the Tank Museum in Dorset.         awarded.”
of 1.7% from a year ago, when the    inflation since the start of the       the remaining 91 items remained           “incredibly rare” Conspicuous          Alwyn was awarded the CGC on           The estimate for Alwyn’s full
RPI was at 106.4,” report SHG’s      COVID-19 pandemic.                     unchanged.                                Gallantry Cross (CGC) up for          6 March 2009 by HM The Queen          medal group is £120,000-140,000.
Statistics Office.                    “Notable changes over the 12
SENTINEL St Helena's New Executive Council - South Atlantic Media ...
6                                                                   Thursday 04 November | THE SENTINEL   THE SENTINEL | Thursday 04 November                                                                7

ST HELENA NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                      ST HELENA NEWS

St Helena’s New Executive Council                                                                                                Health is a personal responsibility
                                                                                                                                Minister of Health says improvements can only be made if “we do it together”
Chief Minister Selects Four Ministers and Allocates Portfolios                                                                     Liam Yon, SAMS                        the health of the people on St Helena
                                                                                                                                                                         if we do it together.”

                                                                                                                                M   inister of the Health and Social
                                                                                                                                Care Portfolio, Councillor Martin
                                                                                                                                                                         Minister Henry went on to say that
                                                                                                                                                                         people “cannot expect the Health
                                                                                                                                                                         Directorate to provide fundamental
                                                                                                                                Henry, has said he is pleased to have    services for every single thing” and
                                                                                                                                been made Minister of the portfo-        that it is also a personal responsi-
                                                                                                                                lio which his campaign was based         bility. “That is where my campaign
                                                                                                                                around. Minister Henry says he un-       started and that is the campaign I will
                                                                                                                                derstands that this is a “very diffi-    continue to push for,” he said. “For
                                                                                                                                cult directorate” and that there are     people to take personal responsibility
                                                                                                                                “issues on both sides of the fence”      for their health with the support and
                                                                                                                                but says that “we only can improve       structure of a robust government.”

                                                                                                                                 “Engaging with                                                                      “It was quite
                                                                                                                                   everyone”                                                                        overwhelming”
                                                                                                                                Minister Ellick says “we can’t move                                                  Minister Scipio says she “had
                                                                                                                               forward without our people onboard”                                                  doubts” about running, but likes
                                                                                                                                 Liam Yon, SAMS                                                                        Chief Ministers approach
                                                                                                                               Councillor Jeffrey Ellick has been                                                    Liam Yon, SAMS

                                                                                                                               named as the Minister of the Safety
                                                                                                                               Security and Home Affairs Portfo-                                                   M    inister of Environment, Natu-
                                                                                                                               lio and says he feels “honoured and                                                 ral Resources and Planning, Chris-
                                                                                     The Education, Skills and Employ-
Difficult Selection                             Liam Yon, SAMS                       ment Portfolio will fall under the re-
                                                                                     mit of the Chief Minister.
                                                                                                                               privileged to have this role.” Min-
                                                                                                                               ister Ellick recognises that “there
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tine Scipio, said her appointment as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   one of the four Ministers was “quite
Chief Minister explains selection process                                                                                      will be some challenges ahead” but                                                  overwhelming” as she initially “had
                                                                                                                                                                           Making money
                                                                                     Each Minister will have responsibil-
                                            O  ne week into her tenure as the Is-    ity and input into the general direc-
                                                                                                                               says that once “we have our collec-
                                                                                                                               tive vision sorted and have the public
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   doubts about accepting a nomination
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   for Council” for the General Election
                                            land’s Chief Minister, Elected Mem-      tion and policies of the departments
                                            ber Julie Thomas has, on Monday 1
                                            November, announced who she has
                                                                                     that come under their allocated port-
                                                                                     folios, working closely with Portfolio
                                                                                                                               onboard then we can start making
                                                                                                                               decisions on the way forward for the        saving money                            2021, but was persuaded by the elec-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   torate to go for it again and now not
                                                                                                                               portfolio.”                                                                         only has she got back in but has also
                                            selected as the four Ministers, who
                                            alongside her will form the Island’s
                                                                                     Directors and other Senior Officials.
                                                                                     “As Ministers, we now look forward
                                                                                                                               Minister Ellick is hoping to be able to   Minister Brooks looks forward             been chosen as a Minister.
                                            Ministry and Executive Council -
                                            along with the Attorney General.
                                                                                     to meeting and commencing work
                                                                                     within our respective Portfolios,”
                                                                                                                               speak soon to members of the Safety
                                                                                                                               Security and Home Affairs Portfolio         to “big challenge ahead”                “I like the Chief Minister’s approach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   because she has chosen two former
                                                                                                                               and believes that “everybody needs                                                  members of Council and the major-
                                            The Chief Minister has also allocated    announced the Chief Minister. “As                                                      Liam Yon, SAMS                         ity as new members of Council as
                                                                                                                               to be onboard” before policy deci-
                                            Public Service Portfolios to each of     a Council, next steps are to discuss                                                                                          her Ministry,” said Minister Scipio,
                                                                                                                               sions can be made. “We need to hear
                                            her choice of Ministers as follows:      and decide on our Select Committee
                                            Councillor Mark Brooks - Minister of
                                            Treasury, Infrastructure & Sustain-
                                                                                     members and representatives for the
                                                                                     Public Accounts Committee.”
                                                                                                                               from each person within the port-
                                                                                                                               folio and we need to hear from our         Minister of the Treasury, Infra-         “so obviously she has thought very
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   hard about the strategy she is going
                                                                                                                               public because we can’t move for-          structure and Sustainable Devel-         to use.”
                                            able Development Portfolio               “We acknowledge that we will face                                                    opment Portfolio, Mark Brooks,           Minister Scipio says that decisions
                                                                                                                               ward without our people onboard,”
                                            Councillor Martin Henry - Minister       challenges, challenges that are real,                                                says he is “looking forward to           made going forward will need to
                                                                                                                               he said. “So my thing is pretty much
                                            of Health and Social Care Portfolio      complex and some which are of a                                                      working” with all departments            “benefit the people of St Helena” and
                                                                                                                               engaging with everyone so that we
                                            Councillor Jeffrey Ellick - Minister     serious nature,” she added. “These                                                   under his portfolio and is “really       that can only be achieved “with the
                                                                                                                               can make the right decisions going
                                            of Safety, Security & Home Affairs       challenges will not be met easily nor                                                keen to look for new ways of mak-        people behind us.”
                                            Portfolio                                will they be overcome in a short pe-                                                 ing money and also saving money
                                            Councillor Christine Scipio - Minister   riod of time, but they must be met                                                   by using new technologies and
      Liam Yon, SAMS                        of Environment, Natural Resources &      and addressed, if we are to improve                                                  new innovative thinking.”
                                            Planning Portfolio                       our current state of affairs.”
    Chief Minister Thomas has said                                                                                                                                        Minister Brooks is well aware of
                                                                                                                                                                          “the big challenge ahead” but says
    the selection process for choos-        To give each Elected Member a fair       leagues, Chief Minister Thomas                                                       he knows he will have the support
    ing her four Minister was “most         chance, the Chief Minister gave all      took recordings of the discussions                                                   of his colleagues, fellow Minis-
    definitely” a difficult decision and    eleven councillors the opportunity       she held home with her so that she                                                   ters, and of the public. “I’m will-
    not one taken lightly. “I’ve said       to have “one-to-one discussions”         could listen back over the week-                                                     ing now to get my head down and
    throughout that we have got a re-       with her last Friday “to talk about      end and make her decision ahead                                                      start working,” he said, and after
    ally strong team,” she said. “We’ve     whether they were even interested in     of Monday’s announcement. “Over                                                      the induction and education pro-
    got diverse skills and knowledge        the position of Minister and indeed      the weekend I had taken the time to                                                  gramme for Council is complete he
    and we’ve got some really good in-      which portfolio they would be look-      listen to what they all had to say,”                                                 says that Council can “start mak-
    novative new ideas coming through       ing towards.”                            she explained, “and that is how the                                                  ing decisions that will hopefully
    as well.”                               With permission from her col-            team was formulated.”                                                                take the Island forward.”
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8                                                               Thursday 04 November | THE SENTINEL   THE SENTINEL | Thursday 04 November                                                      9

ST HELENA NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                LIFESTYLE & CULTURE
COVID Communication and Community Concerns                                                                                                Restoring a historical path
    “SHG will no longer release information concerning positive cases of COVID-19 detected through
                                 testing on arrival or in home quarantine”                                                                   Scouts work towards Community Service Activity Badge
              Liam Yon, SAMS                                                                                                            Liam Yon, SAMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the Square became the first Scout
                                           SHG’s reasoning for not confirming   the question - If COVID was here,
    During the last round of Home        a positive case on-Island was “to      would we even know about it?
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hall,” explained Gavin.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Although       the     path     is
Quarantine on St Helena, rumours         respect patient confidentiality,         SHG have however reiterated that                                                                                      “occasionally used by members
had circulated and unconfirmed           safety and wellbeing.” While this      “the public can be assured that                                                                                         of the public,” obstructions along
reports were made that a person,         is understandable, SAMS had            any information of community                                                                                            the way, including aloe, rocks
or persons, had tested positive for      not requested any details on any       concern will be made available                                                                                          and rubble, meant it “was not in
COVID-19.                                individuals and had simply asked       through the appropriate channels                                                                                        a fit state,” said Gavin. Starting
 It was unknown whether this             SHG to either confirm or refute        when necessary to do so.” What                                                                                          the clearing around four months
positive result came via testing on      the reports circulating in the         constitutes a ‘community concern’                                                                                       ago, members of the Scouts have
arrival, during the early days of        community.                             to SHG is not clear, but some in                                                                                        undertaken one-hour sessions on
quarantine, or if there was even a         Following numerous enquiries,        the community will feel that not                                                                                        Tuesday afternoons “picking up
positive test result at all.             SHG did eventually, and belatedly,     knowing whether or not COVID-19                                                                                         rubbish, clearing vegetation and
 To clear up reports and get the         release a statement confirming that    is present on-Island, even if                                                                                           removing stones and rubble.”
facts, SAMS asked SHG to provide         COVID-19 was not on-Island. “SHG       contained in home quarantine, is a                                                                                       Though lead by the First
confirmation as to whether reports       can confirm that there is currently    concern.                                                                                                                Jamestown Scout Group, the
of a positive case of COVID-19 on        no positive cases of COVID-19 on St      SHG does however continue to                                                                                          project did receive some welcome
St Helena were true or false. These      Helena,” they said.                    commit to keeping St Helena safe                                                                                        assistance during the recent
enquiries provided no clarity, with
SHG’s response being that “SHG
                                           While SHG are willing to confirm
                                         when there is no COVID-19 on
                                                                                during the COVID-19 pandemic. “The
                                                                                safety of St Helena’s community is
                                                                                                                            T  he First Jamestown Scout          China Lane only being completed        visit of Royal Navy vessel HMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Protector. “Six personnel from
                                                                                                                           Group is currently working            later by the Chinese. The path in
will no longer release information       St Helena, they will not confirm       our number one priority,” they say,                                                                                     HMS Protector joined us for one
                                                                                                                           towards       achieving      their    question also has a connection
concerning positive cases of             any positive cases of COVID-19         “and this is reflected throughout                                                                                       extended session on 12 October,
                                                                                                                           Community       Service   Activity    with the Scouts. “The path was
COVID-19 detected through testing        detected through testing on arrival    all of our COVID-19 protocols and                                                                                       following a visit to the Scout Hall
                                                                                                                           Badge by working to clear the         built by the military to connect the
on arrival or in home quarantine.”       or in home quarantine. This begs       procedures.”                                                                                                            of the ship’s Commander, Tom
                                                                                                                           path from ‘Long Turning’ on           Garrison at Ladder Hill with the
                                                                                                                           Ladder Hill Road to the bottom        military buildings that stretched      Boeckx, during their first visit
                                                                                                                           end, opposite the Barracks Square     from Seales Corner to the top of       in early September,” said Gavin.
                                                                                                                                                                 the Botanical Gardens, including       “The Commander is also a Scout
                            A turtle-y good job!
                                                                                                                           in Jamestown. “This project was
                                                                                                                           decided by myself and former          Barracks Square, where one of          Leader when on shore leave in the
                                                                                                                           Scout, Basil George, who also         the buildings on the far side of       UK.”
                                                                                                                           commands significant Island
                   Successful annual beach clean-up on Ascension Island                                                    historic knowledge and a keen
                            Liam Yon, SAMS                                                                                 interest in the Island’s built
                                                                                                                           heritage,” said Scout Leader,
                                                                                                                           Gavin George.
                                                                                                                            The path, currently being
                                                                                                                           restored, was originally the
                                                                                                                           only access route from Ladder
                                                                                                                           Hill to Upper Jamestown, whilst
                                                                                                                           the horse and carriage track
                                                                                                                           continued along Shy Road into
                                                  S   t Helena’s sister Island, Ascension, recently held their annual      lower town, with the second
                                                                                                                           half of Ladder Hill road down to
                               beach clean-up. On the day, the Ascension Island community came together, in
              what has been reported as a positive turnout, to help clear the turtle nesting beaches of invasive
     plants and litter in readiness for the next turtle season.
      The conservation team were also joined by the MPA Youth Committee to film Ascension’s community
     taking positive action to protect their beaches and ocean.
      Boulders were also used to erect a fence in front of the rock pools on Deadman’s Beach, which will protect
     the green turtles from becoming stranded in the rocks as they try to return to the sea after nesting.
      It was reported that the day was a huge success and
     couldn’t have been completed without the help
     and assistance of all the volunteers.
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10                                                          Thursday 04 November | THE SENTINEL   THE SENTINEL | Thursday 04 November                                                                      11

ST HELENA NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                      INTERNATIONAL NEWS
                     An App-solutely great idea                                                                        “Through the love of music”                                                            on the guitar. Aaliyah did a violin piece
                                                                                                                                                                                                              followed by a vocal performance over a
                                                                                                                                                                                                              backing track. Aisha Beard-Joshua and
                  National Trust Marine Conservation Team to Develop Fisheries App                                     Ascension Island raises over £2,200 for Cancer with Music Marathon                     Liana also did sets on the violin. Kia did
                                                                                                                                                                                                              a vocal piece over a backing track and
            Liam Yon, SAMS                                                                                                           Luke Bennett, SAMS                                                       was joined by Aisha for a duet, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Rhiann and Jordan also doing a duet.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Adele did a vocal piece, accompanied by
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ethan on the guitar. One of the Island’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                              favourites, Ali Stu & Friends, then
                                                                                                                                                                                                              played some well loved rock and roll
                                                                                                                                                                                                              as well as some good old country. Geita
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Leo- Crowie gave a vocal performance
                                                                                                                                                                                                              as did Justin Stevens - who has been
                                                                                                                                                                                                              performing on Ascension for a few
                                                                                                                                                                                                              years. The live performances ended
                                                                                                                                                                                                              with one of Ascension’s newest bands
                                                                                                                                                                                                              - 7 Degrees South.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Altogether the event raised £2,261.82,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              with the cheque being handed over
                                                                                                                                                                                                              to the Cancer Support & Awareness
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Charity on-Island by one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              organisers, Simon Bennett, who said
                                                                                                                                                                                                              they “basically done this to raise money
                                                                                                                                                                                                              for the St Helena Cancer Awareness
                                                                                                                        A    Music Marathon fundraiser was         doing a piano solo. Barry, Wade and
                                                                                                                                                                   Kerry had an acoustic session with each
                                                                                                                                                                                                              through the love of music.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The organisers would like to thank
                                                                                                                       held at Two Boats Club, Ascension
                                                                                                                       Island, in aid of the St Helena Cancer      of them taking turns to sing. Two Boats    all of those who helped in any way to
                                                                                                                       Support & Awareness Charity on              School’s Year 1 and 2 class sang a song    make the event a success. A huge thank
                                                                                                                       Saturday 16 October. The Marathon           called pronunciation jive and Years        you goes to all who made a donation
                                                                                                                       started at 3:30pm with all the musical      4 and 5 did an all guitar performance      towards this worthy cause. Special
                                                                                                                       performances finishing at around half       led by their teacher Andrew Haycock,       mention to all the talented participants
                                                                                                                       past midnight, following which the          followed by a sing-along with Andrew       that made the day possible.
                                                                                                                       night continued with music by DJS.
                                                                                                                         A raffle was held in between
                                                                                                                       performances, organised by Simon,

 T   he Marine Conservation Team       added Beth.                           customers and the community. “We
                                                                                                                       Kimberly and Casey. Catherine Leo also
                                                                                                                       held a mini cocktail bar, while fruit and
of the St Helena National Trust         The vision of the App is to          have been trying to digitise as much      vegetable hampers were made to help
are looking to develop an App,         develop “better dissemination of      of our outputs as possible to future      raise funds.
which will be made available for       why such measures are in place        proof them,” said Beth. “In 2019/20         The performances went as follows:
free, via both the Google Play Store   and why adherence will ensure         we launched our free Planetari              Michaela Meth opened the day with a
and the App Store, to aid the Trust    sustainability, better community      marine video game for kids, and           vocal performance and continued her
                                       buy-in to management measures         soon we will be launching a video on      set with the ukulele, with Georgia Meth
with fisheries conservation, data
collection, and dissemination of       and better collection of local        the code of conduct for swimming
  “Through extensive discussions
                                       recreational fisheries data,” said
                                       Beth. “We also hope to enable
                                                                             with Whale Sharks, as well as our
                                                                             automated bespoke Whale shark ID
                                                                                                                        Sixty years commemorated                                                               The next stamp, costing £1.10, is of
                                                                                                                                                                                                              a British Pathé photograph showing
with stakeholders it became            ‘push’ notifications to be sent       app for St Helena.” Alongside all of      Tristan release new stamps for 60th anniversary of volcanic eruption                   Tristan Islanders Sophie Green and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Edith Repetto on the deck of the
apparent that dissemination of         to users, to update users on any      these, the Trust have also worked                      Liam Yon, SAMS
rules and regulations, pertaining      changes to minimum landing size       with partners to feature St Helena                                                                                               RMS Stirling Castle as it arrives in
                                       for fish, closed areas and seasons    in the Blue Marine Foundation ‘The                                                    England.                                   Southampton on 3 November 1961.
to fisheries, was perhaps not as                                                                                                                                                                               The fourth and final £1.80 stamp is of
                                       etc.”                                 Sea We Breathe’ interactive online                                                      The 45p stamp depicts a photograph
efficient or stakeholder friendly as                                                                                                                               by Geoffrey Dominy, captain of the         the Rogers family arriving at Pendell
it could be,” said Head of Marine       To aid with the development of       virtual experience.                                                                   Frances Repetto, which shows evacuees      Camp, Surrey, on 3 November 1961.
Conservation, Beth Taylor. This        the App, the National Trust are         Because “buy-in is key” the Trust                                                   being carefully offloaded from aboard       The volcanic eruption on Tristan da
is when the idea of creating an        inviting suitably experienced local   have also “been liaising with CASH                                                    the Frances Repetto to a waiting Tristan   Cunha in October 1961 was a defining
App came about, to allow two way       web platform and mobile phone         to deliver some bespoke outreach                                                      longboat off Nightingale Island on 11      event in the Island’s history, because
communication with stakeholders,       App developers to submit tenders      and possible work experience                                                          October 1961, prior to being transferred   the entire community was forced to
including the community, straight      for ‘Developing a bespoke Fisheries   opportunities for PAS students, who                                                   to the Dutch liner Tjisadane.              evacuate their Island. It was assumed
to their personal devices like smart   Conservation & Outreach App for       could shadow the successful bidder                                                      The 60p stamp is a second                when RMS Stirling Castle docked in
phones and tablets. “We have also      Android and Apple smart phones’.      for the App,” said Beth, who added                                                    photograph taken by Geoffrey Dominy        Southampton, 3 November 1961, that
liaised with Kelly Jonas and Jason      With the launch of SHG’s Digital     that, while in the development                                                        on 10 October 1961, which shows the        Tristan da Cunha would be abandoned
                                                                                                                                                                   volcanic cone above the Tristan village    as a home for the Islanders, and that
Sparks of the Marine Enforcement
Section, to ensure that our output
                                       Strategy, and the imminent Fibre
                                       Optic Cable connection, the Trust
                                                                             stage, “we would love feedback
                                                                             from the community on what they            T  ristan Da Cunha have released,          emitting sulphurous smoke behind           their future lay in the UK. Thankfully
                                                                                                                                                                                                              though, many Islanders returned to
                                                                                                                       on 3 November, four new stamps              a grass-covered mound which arose
is collaborative and fulfils any       are taking the lead with regards      would like to see featured in this        commemorating the 60th anniversary          the previous day. Superimposed on          Tristan and restored and developed the
aspirations they might have for        to organisations tapping into the     App too.”                                 of Tristan’s 1961 volcanic eruptions        the photograph is an image of the          settlement that remains thriving and
better community engagement,”          digital market to engage with                                                   and the evacuation of the population to     Tristania, captained by Morris Scott.      strong to this day.
SENTINEL St Helena's New Executive Council - South Atlantic Media ...
12      Thursday 04 November | THE SENTINEL   THE SENTINEL | Thursday 04 November                                 13

NOTICE BOARD                                                                                                                                     NOTICE BOARD

                                                                                      EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST
                                                                                      CHARITY COMMISSIONER
                                                                       Reference: CS-1547-SHG
                                                                       Expressions of Interest (EOI) are being sought for the position
                                                                     of Commissioner of the Charity Commission of St Helena.
                                                                       The functions of the Charity Commission are set out in the
                                                                     Charities Ordinance, 2005 which can be found at: https://www.
                                                                       Some of the functions include encouraging and facilitating
                                                                     better management of charitable organisations, and ensuring
                                                                     compliance with legal obligations, investigating mismanagement
                                                                     and misconduct of operations where required.
                                                                       The vacancy also presents an opportunity to inject new energy
                                                                     and reform to the role with a view to reinvigorating the charity
                                                                     sector and further making it a part of the social fabric of the
                                                                     Island and a stage for future development.
                                                                       The appointment term is for a period of three years.
                                                                       Remuneration details can be obtained from Information &
                                                                     Research Support Officer, Linda Benjamin, at the Castle on tel:
                                                                     22470 or via email:
                                                                       The EOI form to register an interest in serving as a Commissioner
                                                                     can be downloaded from the St Helena Government (SHG)
                                                                     website at
                                                                     information/ (scroll down to the Expressions of Interest/Forms
                                                                     section) or alternatively, the form can be obtained from the
                                                                     Information & Research Support Officer via the contact details
                                                                       Completed forms should be returned to the Information &
                                                                     Research Support Officer by Friday, 12 November 2021.
                                                                       2 November 2021
SENTINEL St Helena's New Executive Council - South Atlantic Media ...
14                                                                           Thursday 04 November | THE SENTINEL     THE SENTINEL | Thursday 04 November                                                 15

  SAMS RADIO 1 SCHEDULE                                                                                                                                                                                                  NOTICE BOARD

                                   SAMS Radio 1
                               102.7 (Jamestown) • 90.5 (High Knoll) • 105.1 (Sunberry) • 105.3 (Blue Hill)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 INVITATION TO TENDER
                                                       Streaming live via
                                                                                                                                                                                                          R2 SIDE PATH - ROAD SURFACING
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Reference: CS-1547-SHG

                7am-10am Sunrise                                                           Bringing you the                                                                                          St Helena Government has issued an
FRI. Oct 22

                1pm-4pm: Luke Bennentt
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Invitation to Tender for the R2 Side Path -

                8-8:30pm: Comedy (The Goon Show)                                          BBC World                                                                                                 Road Surfacing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Full documentation and the specifications
                                                                                                                                                                                                    can be found on the Saint Helena Government
                                                                                           Service                                                                                                  e-procurement system which can be accessed
                9am-12 noon: Saturday Show with Hannah Braff
                                                                                                                                                                                                    following registration on the system.
 SAT. Oct 23

                1pm : Liz and Zac’s Mixed bag                                                100.7 (Briars)                                                                                          User guides are available via the ‘Supplier
                                                                                            88.1 (High Knoll)                                                                                       Information’ tab to assist prospective
                6-7pm: Sounds of the 80’s with John Turner
                                                                                                                                                                                                    suppliers registering on the e-Procurement
                8-9:30pm: Comedy repeats                                                    102.7 (Blue Hill)                                                                                       system.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Any questions in the interim should be
                                                                                                                                                                                                    addressed to the Procurement Office for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    attention of Nicola Young, Deputy Head of
                                                                                         Sponsored by:
SUN. Oct 24

                8am-1pm: Sunday Show with Luke Bennett
                1pm - Announcement of Ministers                                                                                                                                                      The deadline for submissions is 12.00 GMT
                                                                                                                                                                                                    on Friday, 19 November 2021.
                7pm: Gospel hour
                                                                                                                                                                                                      11 October 2021
 MON. Oct 25

                9am Luke Bennett
                12:30-2:30pm: 1548 with Cyril (Ferdie) Gunnell
                                                                                                   this week                                                  BAPTIST CHURCH
                                                                                                                                                            Sunday Services
                8-8:30pm: Comedy
                                                                                                                                                             7th November                                              ANNOUNCEMENT
                                                                                                                                                  Sandy Bay Chapel               08.45 am
                                                                                                         The 1st                                    Head O’Wain Chapel           10.45 am           TREES AND SHRUBS OVERHANGING THE HIGHWAY
                                                                                                       Ministerial                                 Jamestown Chapel               6.00 pm
 TUE. Oct 26

                5-7pm: Modern Country Chart with Donna Crowie                                           Council                                                                                     Trees and shrubs overhanging Island roads
                                                                                                       has been                                 Sunday school is available at all our chapel
                                                                                                    formed with                                                                                    can look unsightly and, if the overgrowth is not
                                                                                                   Chief Minister                               services, parents with children welcome.           managed, can be a hazard to traffic.
                7:30-8:30pm: Sounds of the 80’s with John Turner
                                                                                                   Julie Thomas                                                                                      The Roads Section has a programme in place
                                                                                                     announcing her four misters to help                                                           to clear vegetation overhanging the road sides.
                                                                                                      lead the Island forward.                                 Bible Studies                       However, it is the responsibility of the landowner
                                                                                                                                                                  Tuesday                          to clear the vegetation when it is growing on
                                                                                                       The officisl announcement plus
                8-11am: Sunrise with Donna Crowie
                                                                                                     a word from each Minister will be                        9th November                         private property.
  WED. Oct 27

                12:30-2:30pm: Pop goes Classical with Cyril                                                repeated this Sunday                  Baptist School Room              7.00 pm            The Roads Section is grateful to property owners
                (Ferdie) Gunnell                                                                                                                                 Thursday                          who ensure that their trees and shrubs do not
                                                                                                     Stay tuned to SAMS Radio 1.                              11th November                        overgrow the highway, and asks that all residents
                4-7pm: Afternoon Drive with Luke Bennett                                                                                         Sandy Bay Chapel                 5.30 pm          and landowners continue to ensure at all times
                                                                                                                                                Vincent & Vilma’s                 7.30 pm          that trees and shrubs, including flax, do not cause
                8-8:30pm: Comedy
                                                                                          Local news and notices:                                                                                  a nuisance by overhanging the roads. This will
                                                                                     7am, 10am, noon, 2pm, 5pm, 7pm, 10pm                                                                          free up time for the Road Section’s core business
                                                                                                                                                           Kids Adventure Club:
 THU. Oct 28

                7-10am: Sunrise with Luke Bennett & liam                                                                                                                                           of maintaining the Island’s road network.
                                                                                                                                                               Every Saturday                        The Roads Section would like to thank the public
                                                                                                                                                 Baptist School Room 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm            in advance for their co-operation.
                                                                                                                                                          (5 years old and above).
                5-7pm: UK Chart Show with Donna Crowie
                                                                                                                                                            ALL ARE WELCOME                          27 October 2021
                                                                                                                                                      For further information contact:
                                                                                                                                                           Tel No 22388 or 24644           
 Reach us on 22727 or at
SENTINEL St Helena's New Executive Council - South Atlantic Media ...
16                                  Thursday 04 November | THE SENTINEL   THE SENTINEL | Thursday 04 November              17

NOTICE BOARD                                                                                                                                       NOTICE BOARD
       The winners of the October scout
        jackpot draw were as follows:

     1st Prize – £100 – Crystal Maggot –
         Tel: 24895 – Ticket No. 186

      2nd prize – £50 –– Pat Essex – Tel
           22694 - Ticket No. 307

      3rd prize – £25 – Cynthia Isaac –
      Barracks Square - Ticket No. 179

      4th prize – £25 – Rodney Duncan –
         Sapper way – Ticket No. 560

      The November draw will take place
             on 26 November.

  The Highways Authority has given
 approval for the road from The Cenotaph
 to Donny’s Place at the Seafront, and five
 parking spaces in front of the Court House,
 Jamestown, to be closed on the morning of
 Sunday, 14 November 2021, in order for the
 Remembrance Sunday Service to take place.
  The road and area surrounding the
 Cenotaph as well as the parking spaces in
 front of the Court House will be closed from
 3am on Sunday, 14 November, until the
 ceremony has been concluded.
  Appropriate signs will be in place and
 the public is thanked in advance for their

     1 November 2021
SENTINEL St Helena's New Executive Council - South Atlantic Media ...
18      Thursday 04 November | THE SENTINEL   THE SENTINEL | Thursday 04 November                                                 19

NOTICE BOARD                                                                                                                                     NOTICE BOARD

                                                                                                                                    PUBLIC NOTICE
                                                                                                         EXPRESSION OF INTEREST
                                                                                                CHAIRPERSON OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE
                                                                   The Governor’s Office invites Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the position of Chairperson of the Public
                                                                   Accounts Committee (PAC).
                                                                   St Helena has now moved to a new Ministerial Government. Whilst Council Committees no longer exist,
                                                                   the PAC continues as an important body tasked by the Constitution of St Helena, Ascension & Tristan da
                                                                   Cunha to examine and report to Legislative Council on the Government’s audited annual statement of
                                                                   accounts, management letters and reports. The PAC acts independently and is not subject to the direction
                                                                   or control of the Governor, the Executive Council or any other person or authority.
                                                                   The remuneration for this position is £2,250 per annum, paid quarterly in arrears. A mileage allowance of
                                                                   65p per mile will be paid for use of personal vehicles in connection with attending meetings or carrying
                                                                   out any work on behalf of the PAC. In addition, a monthly payment of £13.31, (equivalent to the current
                                                                   cost of a ‘lite’ broadband package) provided by Sure South Atlantic Ltd, will be paid as a contribution
                                                                   towards internet costs incurred in connection with the role.
                                                                   If you are interested in becoming the first Chairperson of the PAC under the new Ministerial Government
                                                                   please contact Information & Research Support Officer, Linda Benjamin, at the Castle on tel: 22470 or
                                                                   via email: for the relevant EOI form, which is also available on the St
                                                                   Helena Government website at:
                                                                   It is important that the role is filled promptly, therefore completed EOIs should be submitted to the
                                                                   Manager of the Governor’s Office, Kerry Lane, via email: by no later than
                                                                   Friday, 12 November 2021.
                                                                   Shortlisted persons will be invited to a discussion with the Governor and the Chief Auditor. The successful
                                                                   applicant will be appointed subject to the production of a satisfactory police vetting certificate.
                                                                   Governor’s Office, St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
                                                                   2 November 2021
20      Thursday 04 November | THE SENTINEL   THE SENTINEL | Thursday 04 November              21

NOTICE BOARD                                                                                                           NOTICE BOARD
22      Thursday 04 November | THE SENTINEL   THE SENTINEL | Thursday 04 November              23

NOTICE BOARD                                                                                                           NOTICE BOARD
48                                                                        Thursday 04 November | THE SENTINEL

                     2021 OPEN CHAMPIONS
     Contributed, SHGC

  n beautiful and dry weather conditions the final round of the
      Open 2021 got under-way on Saturday 30th October 2021.
                                                                    of the club Mrs Daphne Francis who was assisted by Hon Chris-
                                                                    tine Scipio. The committee of management wishes to thank Mrs
The fairways were well maintained thanks to our new green-          Daphne Francis for agreeing to come and hand over the prizes
skeeper and Course Manager, and the greens were super-fast.         to the winners, the players for taking part in the event and all
First to tee off from 09:00 am was C flight followed by B flight.   family and friends who joined us for the final presenta-tion. We
Added into the mix was our two lady golfers. As the sun got         look forward to having you all again in the near future.
overhead at 12:00 the A flight was ready to tee off followed by     There was no club organized competition on Sunday 31stdue to
the qualifiers. Scores from the first nine holes of the morning     lack of quorum. To usher us into the new month of November
groups had started trickling in. It was show time. By 5:30pm all    on Sunday 7th will be 18-hole stableford Turkey and Ham com-
the scores were in. Below is a summary of the results. The two-     petition. Tee off at 12:00. Registration closes on Saturday 6th at
ball pool was shared between Mr Lyn Leo and Mr Nick Stevens.        3pm. For more informa-tion and photos of our events check out
Congratulations to the ultimate gents Winner Mr Scott Crowie        our Facebook page
who got to lift the trophy for the 13th time, the ladies Winner     Happy swinging…
Christine Scipio and the winners of the flights. Well-done! The     Contributed by: SHGC
prizes were presented by our chief guest and honorary member
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