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                           Lessons from Block Island Wind Farm
                                  By Zoë L. Hutchison, Monique LaFrance Bartley, Steven Degraer,
                              Paul English, Anwar Khan, Julia Livermore, Bob Rumes, and John W. King

58      Oceanography   | Vol.33, No.4
ABSTRACT. The Block Island Wind Farm (BIWF), situated offshore of Block Island,                    We first provide a contextual overview
Rhode Island, is the first commercial offshore wind farm (OWF) in the United States.            of benthic ecology and related fish pat-
We briefly review pre-siting studies, which provide contextual information about the            terns in the broader area of Block Island
benthic habitats and fish in the Block Island Sound area before the BIWF jacket foun-           Sound (BIS). We then briefly describe
dations were installed in 2015. We focus on benthic monitoring that took place within           the RODEO benthic monitoring effort at
the BIWF. This monitoring allowed for assessments of spatiotemporal changes in sed-             the BIWF and highlight benthic changes
iment grain size, organic enrichment, and macrofauna, as well as the colonization of            observed. These changes and their poten-
the jacket structures, up to four years post-installation. The greatest benthic modifica-       tial ecological importance are discussed
tions occurred within the footprint of the foundation structures through the develop-           with respect to their cascading effects
ment of mussel aggregations. Within four years, changes in benthic habitats (defined as         and relevance to managed species. The
biotopes) were observed within the 90 m range of the study, clearly linked to the mussel-       overarching lessons learned from the
dominated colonization of the structures, which also hosted numerous indigenous                 implementation of the RODEO benthic
fish species. We discuss the evident structural and functional effects and their ecolog-        monitoring effort provide insights that
ical importance at the BIWF and for future US OWFs, drawing on similarities with                can guide recommendations for future
European studies. While reviewing lessons learned from the BIWF, we highlight the               efforts. We conclude by drawing paral-
need to implement coordinated monitoring for future developments and recommend a                lels with European OWF environmen-
strategy to better understand environmental implications.                                       tal monitoring regimes, providing pos-
                                                                                                sible paths forward for future US OWF
INTRODUCTION                                    Time Opportunity for Development                monitoring efforts.
Offshore wind has proven to be a valu-          Environmental Observations (RODEO)
able source of clean energy, particularly       program in 2015. Thus, evaluation of the        BENTHIC ECOLOGY OF
in Europe, where over 75% of the global         effects of early OWFs can inform man-           BLOCK ISLAND SOUND
capacity is installed (GWEC, 2019). In          agement about how to avoid or mitigate          BIS is an ecologically and socioeconomi-
2019, China and the United States were          impacts of future facilities and how to         cally important area, and to help select an
the greatest contributors of new wind           prioritize future monitoring efforts. The       appropriate site for the BIWF, the Rhode
installations (onshore and offshore com-        BIWF provided the first opportunity in          Island Ocean Special Area Management
bined), and with 15 offshore leases, the        the United States to evaluate the inten-        Plan (OSAMP; CRMC, 2010) was devel-
United States has potential as a strong         sity, duration, and spatial scale of per-       oped. As part of this multidisciplinary
contributor to the future offshore wind         ceived impacts. During the construction         effort, the benthic ecology, habitats, and
industry (BOEM, 2019; GWEC, 2019).              and/or operational phases, assessments of       fishery resources of BIS and Rhode Island
   Located 4.5 km from Block Island,            sediment disturbances, sound emissions,         Sound (RIS) were characterized (Malek
Rhode Island, the Block Island Wind             visual disturbances, and effects on the ben-    et al., 2010; LaFrance et al., 2014). We
Farm (BIWF) is the first commer-                thic environment were made (e.g., HDR,          briefly review the knowledge gained,
cial offshore wind farm (OWF) in the            2019, 2020a,b). Here, we focus on the           focusing on the benthic ecology and
United States. The BIWF consists of five        RODEO benthic monitoring effort during          demersal fish of BIS to provide context for
jacket-​foundation turbines (150 m tall,        the initial operational phase and report on     the broader BIS area prior to the BIWF.
15,000 tons, 150 m rotor diameter, 30 MW        the effects of the BIWF on benthic ecol-           The pre-siting OSAMP study mapped
total capacity) spaced approximately 1 km       ogy within four years post-construction         benthic habitats within a 138.6 km2 area
apart. The foundations were installed by        (late 2016 to late 2019). This relatively       of BIS (LaFrance et al., 2014). Water
mid-2015, and the facility became oper-         short-term monitoring aimed to evaluate         depth in this area ranges from 13–44 m.
ational in late 2016, primarily supplying       near-field spatiotemporal changes in sed-       The seafloor was found to be a hetero-
power to Block Island, with excess power        iment grain size, organic enrichment, and       geneous environment, consisting of five
transmitted to the mainland via a 34 km         benthic macrofauna due to the presence          glacial depositional environment types
subsea export cable (HDR, 2019).                of the BIWF foundations. This effort later      (moraine shelf, inner shelf moraine, delta
   To understand the environmental              expanded to evaluate the benthic changes        plain, alluvial fan, lake floor basin) and
effects of OWFs, the US Department              occurring closer to and under the foun-         a range of seabed types (flat/​featureless
of the Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy          dation structures and the colonizing com-       areas, sheet sands, sand waves, small
Management (BOEM) initiated the Real-           munity on the structures.                       dunes, boulder fields). The area was gen-
                                                                                                erally described as a coarse sediment
FACING PAGE. The University of Rhode Island team preparing to deploy the benthic grab sampler   environment with medium to very coarse
in the Block Island Wind Farm. Photo credit: Monique LaFrance Bartley                           sands dominating, though areas of finer

                                                                                                   Oceanography   | December 2020       59
sediments were recorded. Generally, ben-           used to describe biological and phys-             terns (Malek et al., 2010; Kritzer et al.,
thic macrofauna communities were dom-              ical characteristics and to define hab-           2016). Both the demersal fish assem-
inated by amphipods, polychaetes, and              itats referred to as biotopes (FGDC,              blage and stomach contents of fish were
bivalves. The macrofauna community                 2012). Within the OSAMP BIS study                 dependent on the geographical loca-
composition in BIS was influenced by               area, 12 distinct biotopes were identified        tion and benthic habitat where fish were
mean water depth, benthic surface rough-           (Figure 1, which also identifies the BIWF         caught (Malek et al., 2010). Compared to
ness, geological features, and sediment            site; LaFrance et al., 2014).                     the neighboring RIS, BIS had lower fish
types at fine and/or broad scale resolu-              The pre-siting OSAMP study also                species abundance and biomass possibly
tions (LaFrance et al., 2014). The Coastal         highlighted that the benthic habitat het-         due to lower primary production; how-
and Marine Ecological Classification               erogeneity and associated prey species            ever, BIS had greater species diversity,
Standard (CMECS; the US standard) was              played a role in driving demersal fish pat-       likely due to greater habitat complexity
                                                                                                     (Malek et al., 2010; Nixon et al., 2010).
                                                                                                     In addition to benthic habitat heteroge-
                                                                                                     neity, the demersal fish community was
                                                                                                     influenced by water depth (Malek et al.,
                                                                                                     2010). Generally, communities with more
                                                                                                     even species distribution and greater
                                                                                                     abundance and biomass were found in
                                                                                                     deeper waters, while lower density yet
                                                                                                     more diverse communities occurred in
                                                                                                     shallow waters. Overall, the heteroge-
                                                                                                     neous benthic habitats of BIS support a
                                                                                                     rich diversity of fish species important to
                                                                                                     both recreational and commercial fishing
                                                                                                     communities (Malek et al., 2010).

                                                                                                     POST-CONSTRUCTION RODEO
                                                                                                     MONITORING STRATEGY AT
                                                                                                     THE BIWF
                                                                                                     The Monitoring Effort
                                                                                                     The RODEO benthic monitoring pro-
                                                                                                     gram was completed over three sampling
                                                                                                     years spanning four calendar years after
                                                                                                     the BIWF foundations were installed
                                                                                                     (from late 2016 to late 2019). This pro-
                                                                                                     gram was initially designed in 2015 based
                                                                                                     on strategies and key findings from mon-
                                                                                                     itoring programs and studies in Europe.
                                                                                                     At that time, there was some evidence
                                                                                                     of sediment fining, organic enrichment,
                                                                                                     and benthic macrofaunal changes close
offshore areas. Foundations were pro-          BOX 1. THE RODEO BENTHIC MONITORING
posed as biomass “hotspots” with poten-        METHODS AT A GLANCE
tially high exports to local areas (Krone
                                               Sampling regimes targeted BIWF Turbines 1, 3, and 5
et al., 2013). Additionally, benthic ecolog-
ical changes linked to enrichment effects
were well documented around some
fixed oil and gas structures in the United       PRIMARY SAMPLING EFFORT (YEARS 1, 2, 3)
States and Europe (Wolfson et al., 1979;
                                                   Focused on the near-field area (30–90 m from the center point of the
Page et al., 1999; Manoukian et al., 2010),
although these structures are much larger.
   The RODEO benthic monitoring pro-               Randomized sampling stratified within near, intermediate, and far distance bands
                                                   (30–49 m, 50–69 m, and 70–90 m, respectively)
gram therefore originally aimed to detect
the presence of any measurable close-              Samples also collected within three control sites representative of comparable
                                                   biotopes defined from the OSAMP map (Figure 1; LaFrance et al., 2014)
range spatiotemporal differences in sed-
iment composition, organic content,                Benthic grab sampler collected surficial sediment for analysis of grain size,
and/or benthic macrofaunal communi-                organic enrichment, and benthic macrofauna
ties (HDR, 2020a). The primary sam-                Macrofauna identified to species level where possible, assessing abundance,
pling effort was later supplemented with           species richness, and community composition; biomass was an additional metric
data collection using scientific divers in         in year 3

years 2 and 3 (Box 1) to allow further ben-        GoPro video camera deployed with grab sampler for broader contextual
thic data collection closer to and under           information of the seabed
the structures, as well as characterization        Data collected allowed biotope classification according to the CMECS framework
of the community colonizing the struc-             (FGDC, 2012) for the areas 30–90 m from the turbine center each year
tures. Overall, the monitoring program             Further statistical comparisons drawn between turbines, turbine and control
was iterative in its design and expanded           areas, and distance bands
to examine aspects of the three-dimen-             High-resolution seabed photography obtained along drifting transects
sional benthic effects that OWFs have on           (Roman et al., 2011)
the ecosystem.
   The primary data, collected within
30–90 m of each of the three turbines tar-       SUPPLEMENTAL SAMPLING EFFORT (YEARS 2, 3)
geted for sampling (Box 1), were used to
classify benthic biotopes according to             Introduced in year 2 and further expanded in year 3
CMECS (FGDC, 2012). The geological                 Focused on the area
itoring data provide insight on the local        Turbine 1, mussel aggregations estimated      of the mussel habitat, and a monkfish
spatiotemporal changes occurring as a            to be up to 50 cm deep developed on the       (Lophius americanus) was resident at one
result of the BIWF.                              seabed and foundation grate, while aggre-     of the turbines.
                                                 gations within Turbines 3 and 5 exhibited        Within the 30–90 m distance bands,
Benthic Changes at the BIWF                      lesser spatial coverage and density and       no strong gradients of change in sedi-
The greatest benthic changes have                took longer to appear (Figure 3). Multiple    ment grain size, enrichment, or benthic
occurred on or within the footprints of          abundant predators associated with the        macrofauna were observed at the turbines
the jacket structures four years post-           mussel communities included moon              investigated. Within this area, Turbines 3
installation. HDR (2020a) provides a full        snails (Naticidae), crabs (Cancer sp.), and   and 5 had the most stable biotopes, dom-
account of the results.                          sea stars (Asterias forbesi).                 inated by polychaetes (Figure 5). Across
   All submerged parts of the founda-               Over time, there was also a notable        all three sampling years, the Turbine 3
tion structures studied were colonized           increase in black sea bass (Centropristis     biotope was classified as Polycirrus spp.
by epifauna dominated by the blue mus-           striata) around the structures, estimated     in coarse sand with small dunes within
sel (Mytilus edulis) along their full vertical   to exceed 100 individuals per turbine         glacial alluvial fan. The Turbine 5 study
extents (Figure 2). Other epifauna species       in year 3 (Figure 4). Scientific divers       area was the most heterogeneous,
were present in comparatively lower cov-         also reported the frequent presence of        with three different biotopes. One bio-
erage, including hydroids, algae, sponges,       Atlantic striped bass (Morone saxatilis)      tope, Polycirrus spp., in pebble, gravel,
and anemones such as Metridium senile.           schooling at the base of the turbines,        and coarse sand within moraine shelf,
Additional species identified and com-           bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) observed       remained stable over the study period.
mon to the region included the wide-             in midwater around the turbines, scup         A second biotope characterized by
spread nonindigenous invasive tunicate           (Stenotomus chrysops) at the base of the      Polygordius spp. in coarse sand with small
Didemnum vexillum and the indigenous             structures, and occasional schools of         dunes/sand waves within moraine shelf
coral Astrangia poculata (Valentine et al.,      dogfish (Squalus acanthias). In addition,     in years 1 and 2 became dominated by
2009; Grace, 2017). Within the footprint of      rock gunnels (Pholis gunnellus) made use      Polycirrus spp. in year 3. The third bio-

                                                                                                                FIGURE 2. Fauna associ-
                                                                                                                ated with the Block Island
                                                                                                                Wind Farm jacket structures
                                                                                                                four years post-​installation.
                                                                                                                The jacket structures were
                                                                                                                dominated by filter-​feeding
                                                                                                                mussels and associated
                                                                                                                epibionts. Mussel aggrega-
                                                                                                                tions dominated the foot-
                                                                                                                print of the jacket struc-
                                                                                                                tures. Predators such as
                                                                                                                sea stars, moon snails, and
                                                                                                                crabs, as well as numer-
                                                                                                                ous fish had become
                                                                                                                attracted to the structure
                                                                                                                and associated epifauna.
                                                                                                                From HDR (2020a)

62     Oceanography    | Vol.33, No.4
tope was co-dominated by Polycirrus spp.                                      Year 2 (2018)                                   Year 3 (2019)
and Lumbrineris spp. in coarse sand with
small dunes within glacial alluvial fan in
year 1. In year 2, the co-dominant species
changed to Parapionosyllis longicirrata,

                                                  Turbine 1
Polycirrus spp., and Pisione spp., but in
year 3 Polycirrus spp. dominated.
   Comparatively, by year 3, the biotope
at Turbine 1 exhibited substantial change.
Initially, the biotope was characterized
by the polychaete Sabellaria vulgaris in
coarse sand with small dunes within a
glacial alluvial fan. In year 2, it was dom-
inated by Polygordius sp., which had been
abundant in year 1. The change in domi-           Turbine 3
nance was attributed to the patchy distri-
bution of S. vulgaris in year 1 rather than
turbine-related changes. In year 3, how-
ever, the biotope exhibited a stark change
in characterizing species, biological traits,
and function. Although polychaetes
remained in the community composi-
tion, the biotope became co-dominated
                                                  Turbine 5

by Balanus spp. (barnacles) and M. edulis.
These species were also dominant in com-
munities found on and under the jacket
structures, and so this change in biotope
was strongly associated with the presence
of the colonized foundation structures.
Furthermore, this new biotope had not                         FIGURE 3. Benthic macrofauna within the footprint of the BIWF jacket structures in years 2
                                                              and 3. Mussel aggregations that had fully covered the footprint of the foundation of Turbine 1
previously been recorded in the broader                       by year 2 (seabed and grate) intensified by year 3 to aggregations 35–50 cm thick. Changes at
BIS area (Figure 1).                                          Turbines 3 and 5 occurred over a longer timeframe. At Turbine 3, patchy aggregations of mus-
   Turbine 1 differed from the other tur-                     sels developed within the footprint in year 2, while at Turbine 5, none were present, and the
                                                              grate was fully exposed. By year 3, aggregations at Turbines 3 and 5 resembled earlier aggre-
bines with respect to proportions of epi-                     gations at Turbine 1. Numerous predators (crabs, sea stars, moon snails) were found in associa-
faunal coverage on the structure, the                         tion with the mussel aggregations. From HDR (2020a)
extent of mussel aggregations within
the footprint (Figure 3), and the shift in
dominant species and resultant biotope
classification. Temporal trends sug-
gest that Turbines 3 and 5 are under-
going similar changes to Turbine 1 but
at a slower pace. A gradient in benthic
species composition reflects the geog-
raphy of Turbines 1 through 3 and 5.
This spatiotemporal gradient was also

FIGURE 4. Fish presence at the BIWF. Black
sea bass (Centropristis striata) dominated the
video footage of the colonized BIWF struc-
tures four years post-construction. The base of
Turbine 3 is shown here. From HDR (2020a)

                                                                                                                 Oceanography    | December 2020          63
observed in the abundance of organisms,             BIS area, there may be other related fac-       (e.g., sand ripples) at Turbines 3 and 5,
particularly for M. edulis within the foot-         tors (LaFrance et al., 2014), such as bot-      but none at Turbine 1, which is located
print of the turbines. Although depth               tom current strength and degree of wind-​       in the deepest water (30 m) (HDR,
was identified as an influential factor for         induced hydrodynamic disturbance.               2020b). Additionally, construction marks
benthic macrofauna composition in the               Multibeam data showed bedform features          were persistent at Turbine 1 but not at
                                                                                                    Turbines 3 and 5 (HDR, 2020b). While
                                                                                                    the hydrodynamics were not measured,
                                                                                                    these observations suggests that the sea-
                                                                                                    bed and parts of the Turbine 1 structure
                                                                                                    may be exposed to lower hydrodynamic
                                                                                                    energy compared to Turbines 3 and 5,
                                                                                                    which may partially explain the more
                                                                                                    rapid successional and benthic changes
                                                                                                    at Turbine 1. Collectively, spatiotemporal
                                                                                                    changes within the BIWF indicate with-
                                                                                                    in-array heterogeneity that has also been
                                                                                                    observed within some European OWFs
                                                                                                    (Lefaible et al., 2019).

                                                                                                    ECOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE
                                                                                                    OF BENTHIC CHANGES AT
                                                                                                    THE BIWF
                                                                                                    The Benthos and Cascading Effects
                                                                                                    As reported for other OWFs (Dannheim
                                                                                                    et al., 2020), the BIWF structures were
                                                                                                    quickly colonized and increased local
                                                                                                    diversity through increased habitat com-
                                                                                                    plexity (i.e., the provision of new habi-
                                                                                                    tat). Structurally, the BIWF provided ver-
                                                                                                    tical and horizontal hard substrate to be
                                                                                                    colonized in an otherwise coarse sand
                                                                                                    environment (LaFrance et al., 2014).
                                                                                                    The strong vertical epifaunal zonation
                                                                                                    observed on European foundation struc-
                                                                                                    tures (Krone et al., 2013; De Mesel et al.,
                                                                                                    2015) was not observed at the BIWF, sug-
                                                                                                    gesting that four years post-construction,
                                                                                                    the colonizing community may still be
                                                                                                    in an intermediary successional stage
                                                                                                    (Kerckhof et al., 2010). It is possible that
                                                                                                    zonation on jacket structures such as the
Annelida                                                                  Arthropoda
                                                                                                    BIWF may differ from monopile and
            Lumbrineris sp.                                                       Corophium sp.
                                           Polycirrus sp.                                           gravity structures, with mussels extending
                                                                                  Balanus spp.      farther down the vertical profile (Krone
            Pisione sp.                    Parapionosyllis longicirrata                             et al., 2013). However, similar properties
                                                                                                    of a biomass hotspot (Krone et al., 2013)
            Polygordius spp.               Sabellaria vulgaris                    Mytilus edulis
                                                                                                    were recorded at the BIWF, and the ben-
                                                                                                    thic predators (snails, sea stars, crabs)
FIGURE 5. Change in dominant biota within biotopes over time at the BIWF. The 30–90 m areas         present on and under the structures were
around the three turbines were reclassified each year using the Coastal and Marine Ecological       likely benefiting from the new prey com-
Classification Standard (CMECS) framework. Change in dominant species is highlighted from the
OSAMP and RODEO monitoring effort. Note the strongest change occurs within the Turbine 1 bio-       munities. Additionally, based on the
tope in year 3, now dominated by filter feeders Balanus spp. and Mytilus edulis. From HDR (2020a)   presence of juvenile crabs (Cancer sp.),

64      Oceanography      | Vol.33, No.4
the BIWF potentially serves as a nursery        were recorded within 50 m of Turbine 1.        ulation status (e.g., small, declining, or
ground, as suggested from increased pro-        Similar patches of mussel and associated       dependent on vulnerable habitats). The
duction rates for crabs (Cancer pagurus)        properties near turbines (~37.5 m) were        OWF artificial reef effect is now rela-
at European OWFs (Krone et al., 2017).          recently recorded within the Thornton          tively well characterized as benefiting
The dominant mussel community created           Bank Belgian OWF and were proposed to          fish and shellfish by providing refuge and
three-dimensional habitat complexity on         be the result of adult mussels transported     creating forage, and as attracting abun-
an otherwise smooth structure, bene-            from the structures (Lefaible et al., 2019).   dant and diverse communities, although
fiting small reef species such as cunner            High mussel exports are expected           some processes require further attention
(Tautogolabrus adspersus), while at a           (Krone et al., 2013), although it is likely    (Degraer et al., 2020, in this issue).
larger scale, the turbine structures hosted     that the off-structure mussel aggrega-            Recent meta-analysis of finfish within
abundant black sea bass (C. striata) and        tions at the BIWF are not only mussels         European OWFs highlights a broadly
other indigenous bentho-pelagic fish.           that dropped off of the structures but         positive effect on fish abundance during
    Functionally, the highly abundant           also new recruits. The high abundance          the operational phase (Methratta and
mussel population on and within the             of juveniles in the year 3 sampling indi-      Dardick, 2019). Examples of increased
structures’ footprints will change the          cates local spat settlement and suggests       abundance and biomass of culturally
local ecosystem processes, including high       suitable conditions for an expanding           important species include Atlantic cod
filtration rates of local phytoplankton,        population. Mussels have already been          (Gadus morhua), pollock (Pollachius pol-
increased excretions to the surrounding         found in areas further from the BIWF,          lachius), pout whiting (Trisopterus luscus),
seabed (Maar et al., 2009), and increased       beyond the spatial scope of the RODEO          and crabs (Cancer sp.) (Wilhelmsson
carbon assimilation, particularly by            effort, 1.6–4.8 km west of Turbine 5,          et al., 2006; Bergström et al., 2013;
M. edulis (Mavraki et al., 2020). By year 3     where they were not previously recorded        Reubens et al., 2014; Krone et al., 2017).
there was clear evidence of the mussel          (Wilber et al., 2020). The addition of         Atlantic cod and pout whiting aggregate
populations extending beyond the BIWF           the BIWF mussel population and other           around OWF foundations in the North
structures (30–90 m). The change in bio-        epibionts could have far-reaching lar-         Sea in response to increased food avail-
tope classification around Turbine 1,           val distributions—​   tens of kilometers—​     ability provided by colonizing species
resulting from the change in dominant           increasing connectivity between natural        (Reubens et al., 2014; Mavraki, 2020).
species, demonstrates a shift in biologi-       and OWF populations (Gilg and Hilbish,         Metabolic analyses of both species indi-
cal traits and function in the surround-        2003; Coolen et al., 2020). The contri-        cate sufficient energy for growth, suggest-
ing area related to the presence of the         bution of larval connectivity to further       ing localized increased fish productivity,
colonized turbine structure (Figure 4).         proliferation of filter-feeding popula-        but no evidence of regional effects have
While there were some biotope changes           tions may then influence carbon cycling        been documented (Reubens et al., 2014).
at Turbines 3 and 5, the biota remained         at broader geographical scales. Models         Furthermore, the degree of attraction was
dominated by polychaetes, which are             indicate that the increased population of      found to vary seasonally, highlighting the
deposit- and filter-feeding, burrowing, or      filter feeders resulting from OWF prolif-      importance of incorporating species life
tube-building or burrowing bioturbators         eration in the southern North Sea Basin        history and movement ecology in any
(Hutchings, 1998). Comparatively, the           may lead to regional changes in primary        monitoring efforts.
dominant biota of the Turbine 1 biotope         productivity (Slavik et al., 2019), but as        Trophic and energetic analyses of fish
were barnacles and mussels, which are           yet there are no comparable modeled sce-       around the BIWF structures have yet to
sessile filter feeders, and encrusting or       narios incorporating the OWF expansion         be conducted; however, nearby, increased
bed-forming species, which offer sedi-          along the US East Coast.                       findings of mussels in the stomachs of
ment consolidation (Trager et al., 1990;                                                       winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes
Riisgård et al., 2011; Fariñas-Franco et al.,   Potential Importance to                        americanus) have been recorded (Wilber
2014), while the supporting polychaete          Managed Species                                et al., 2020). Changes in primary pro-
community contributes bioturbation in           OWF structures may have direct and indi-       ductivity due to increased filter-feeding
the local area.                                 rect effects for some species, especially      populations (Slavik et al., 2019) may also
    The bioengineering properties of            when they are situated where hard sub-         become important for plankti­vorous fish
mussels were evident within the turbine         strates and associated epifauna are scarce.    in BIS (Malek et al., 2010) and future
footprints and within the new biotope           These effects may be particularly import-      OWF areas. Seasonality in fish use of
at select sample locations. Patches of          ant for managed species, those for which       the BIWF has also yet to be addressed,
adult mussels with associated fine sedi-        management plans have been developed           although the presence of fish suggests
ments, organic enrichment, and modi-            because they are economically or cultur-       they are profiting from the provision
fied benthic macrofaunal communities            ally important or because of their pop-        of food and/or shelter. Black sea bass

                                                                                                  Oceanography   | December 2020        65
(Figure 4) and other structure-oriented       including numerous flatfish and longfin        biotic changes and provided a sufficiently
species will likely benefit from future       inshore squid (Doryteuthis pealeii), an        high-level of classification to allow con-
US OWFs. Local fishers have targeted          important prey species (Jacobson, 2005).       textualization of local biotopes within
large tautog (Tautoga onitis) near BIWF       Lower impacts and quicker recovery from        the regional pre-siting OSAMP biotopes.
foundations and noted that Atlantic cod       disturbances in soft bottoms (e.g., mud,       Future studies will need to carefully con-
are attracted to the area (ten Brink and      sand) have been found (Grabowski et al.,       sider appropriate baselines (new data
Dalton, 2018), consistent with data from      2014), but the number of species affected      collection and/or pre-existing data) and
European OWFs (Reubens et al., 2014).         or their ecosystem values may be larger        their comparability to new data collected
Whether fish resources increase (i.e., pro-   (Henriques et al., 2014; Kritzer et al.,       throughout the monitoring effort. A fuller
duction) around OWFs, or biomass is           2016). To date, the majority of OWFs have      understanding of the benthic changes
simply redistributed (i.e., aggregation)      resulted in the introduction of hard struc-    observed, including a better overview of
requires clarification. Recent evidence       ture into a soft sediment environment.         gradients of change with proximity to the
demonstrates energy savings in juve-          However, the United States has leased an       turbines, was obtained from the supple-
nile Atlantic cod associated with stone       area in natural, complex, hard-bottom          mental sampling. However, the integra-
reef habitats compared to sand habitats,      habitat that provides important ecosys-        tion of primary and supplemental data
which may allow energy to be allocated        tem functions (e.g., cod spawning ground;      sets was challenging, and further atten-
to growth and thus increase production        Zemeckis et al., 2014). While a lease in       tion to the comparability of varied sam-
(Schwartzbach et al., 2020). Similar stud-    this habitat type and the associated habi-     pling strategies or addition of relevant
ies of metabolic rates of cod and other       tat change are atypical, the ecological sig-   controls may benefit future monitoring
species associated with OWFs and com-         nificance will need to be defined.             efforts. Longer-term monitoring would
parable local habitats would be benefi-                                                      be required to determine the climax col-
cial going forward.                           STRATEGIC LESSONS FROM                         onizing community on the structures
    Managers must also consider the           BENTHIC MONITORING AT THE                      and the potential development of verti-
value of habitat change (Gill, 2005). The     BLOCK ISLAND WIND FARM                         cal zonation. Future monitoring efforts
OWF reefs differ from natural hard sub-       The RODEO benthic monitoring philos-           should also consider seasonal effects in
strates and cannot be considered a sub-       ophy involved observing and quantifying        biota and use targeted fish surveys to
stitute (Kerckhof et al., 2017), although     near-field changes in benthic ecology at       quantify abundance, community compo-
they may have added value, albeit dif-        the BIWF. It was the first opportunity to      sition, and the relevance of artificial reef
ferent value (Degraer et al., 2020, in this   observe such changes at a US OWF, and          effects to local species (e.g., quantifying
issue). The new structural habitat gained     given the BIWF’s novelty, it was reason-       trophic or refuge effects on fish biomass).
exceeds the seabed habitat lost in terms      able to focus on small-scale spatiotem-        Where grab sampling is prevented due to
of spatial extent. However, the transition    poral changes. The relatively short-term       mussel aggregations, the incorporation of
from natural soft-bottom substrate to         seabed sampling strategy was designed to       reef metrics may be useful (e.g., Hendrick
hard substrate habitat (including mussel-     provide insight into changes in sediment       and Foster-Smith, 2006; Gubbay et al.,
dominated biotopes) may displace spe-         composition, organic enrichment, and           2007). Finally, the development of auto-
cies that prefer soft-bottom habitats and     benthic macrofauna. The adaptive nature        mated methods may allow rapid charac-
associated prey. Prior to construction, the   of the strategy proved valuable for assess-    terization from benthic photography. The
BIWF area was mostly coarse sand with         ing benthic changes observed close to the      appropriate application or development
some pebble and gravel substrate, essen-      structures and also expanded to incor-         of refined methods should be based on
tial fish habitat for 24 managed species      porate artificial reef effects, providing a    strategic prioritization of the ecological
(CRMC, 2010). To fully determine the          multi-faceted overview of changes occur-       questions to be addressed.
value of change in habitat as relevant to     ring around the BIWF.                              The RODEO benthic monitoring effort
managed species, the habitat and fish need       Complementary information was ob-           provides regionally relevant (i.e., for the
to be assessed. This likely requires using    tained using primary and supplemental          US East Coast) observations of benthic
varied techniques that are applicable to      methods (Box 1). The primary random-           changes similar to those observed from
selected demersal and pelagic species         ized benthic sampling across distance          European and UK OWFs and establishes
(e.g., demersal trawl, hook and line sur-     bands allowed a broad spatial view while       a platform from which to prioritize future
veys, fyke nets, diver surveys, telemetry),   assessing gradients of change in sedi-         US monitoring efforts. Going forward,
targeted both at the structures and far       ment, enrichment, and benthic macro-           our recommendation is to move beyond
from them over valid temporal scales. In      fauna from the turbines. The application       the philosophy of this monitoring effort
the northwest Atlantic, several species       of the CMECS framework highlighted             to focusing on gaining a deeper under-
use soft-bottom habitat slated for OWFs,      the importance of fully characterizing         standing of the effects of OWFs on ben-

66     Oceanography   | Vol.33, No.4
thic ecology and their functional rele-       and targeted monitoring (Lindeboom             managed monitoring programs are gen-
vance to the broader ecosystem. Benthic       et al., 2015), as adopted by the Belgian       erally not publicly accessible and often
ecology plays a vital role in trophic pro-    WinMon.BE monitoring program that              only offer short-term data series that
visions, biogeochemical processes, and        encompasses eight OWFs (Degraer et al.,        result in information of limited value.
biodiversity (Dannheim et al., 2020).         2009; Figure 6).                                  To remedy these issues, Belgium has
Addressing how OWFs affect these func-           Basic monitoring aims to objectively        opted for a single, integrated, public-
tions will require careful collection of      evaluate impacts of OWFs a posteriori,         authority-driven OWF environmental
empirical data at spatiotemporally rele-      allowing even unforeseen impacts to be         monitoring program. Active since 2005,
vant scales as well as modeling in order      evaluated. Targeted monitoring aims to         WinMon.BE facilitates an adaptive
to understand regional importance             understand the underlying ecological           approach for basic and targeted mon-
(Wilding et al., 2017). Consideration of      processes behind the prioritized observed      itoring (Degraer et al., 2019). The pub-
the functional changes over the life of       impacts. It allows results to be extrapo-      lic authority has the explicit right and
an OWF will require data collection and       lated beyond the study area to enhance         duty to share the monitoring data
modeling over a longer timeframe and a        impact prediction and evidence-based           (UNECE, 1998) and to adapt the mon-
broader spatial scale, partnered with suit-   mitigation. Basic monitoring is usually        itoring program according to new sci-
able long-term pre-OWF comparisons,           mandatory, integrated within OWF envi-         entific insights. Funding is provided by
and further should incorporate analy-         ronmental permitting, whereas targeted         financial contributions from all OWF
ses of cumulative effects (Wilding et al.,    monitoring is often dependent on gov-          owners as required by the environmental
2017; Willsteed et al., 2017).                ernmental research funds.                      license. On the other hand, the public-​
                                                 Industry manages most monitor-              authority-funded Dutch Governmental
ENVIRONMENTAL                                 ing programs in Europe, informed by            Offshore Wind Ecological Programme
MONITORING—                                   national environmental permit and mon-         (WOZEP), which has been active since
THE PATH FORWARD                              itoring standards (e.g., the StUK4 moni-       2016, does not cover the monitoring
The ecological lessons learned from the       toring scheme in Germany; BSH, 2013).          of specific projects but rather seeks to
BIWF benthic monitoring program—              These permit-based monitoring pro-             address the main knowledge gaps related
for example, observations of rapid colo-      grams neither allow the flexibility needed     to OWF environmental impacts, includ-
nization dominated by filter feeders and      to adopt basic and targeted monitor-           ing cumulative effects (WOZEP, 2016).
attraction of fish as well as indigenous      ing schemes nor optimize programs as           Both the WinMon.BE and WOZEP mon-
and non-indigenous species—are largely        new scientific knowledge becomes avail-        itoring schemes have been noted as best
similar to observations in European           able. Furthermore, data from industry-         practices. Situated on the cusp of exten-
OWFs (Degraer et al., 2020, in this issue).
We acknowledge that there are apparent
differences; the species (including their
                                                                TWO-TIERED MONITORING APPROACH
value and health) are region specific,
the hydrodynamic systems are different
(e.g., open coast, basin), and there may
be some influence from foundation types.              BASIC MONITORING                               TARGETED MONITORING
However, the effects on the functioning
of the ecosystem are largely compara-                 Focus on a posteriori resultant               Focus on cause-effect relationships of
                                                          effect quantification                       selected, a priori defined impacts
ble. Consequently, the underlying scien-
tific questions appear broadly applicable,               Observing rather than                           Understanding rather than
offering great opportunities for enhanced                understanding impacts                              observing impacts
efficiency and effectiveness of monitoring
programs as OWFs proliferate along the                  Basis for halting activities                         Basis for mitigation

US coasts. Rather than designing moni-
toring programs on a project-by-project                    Spatial area-specific                              Spatially generic
basis, resource efficiency implies that
monitoring programs should ideally
                                                         Most often mandatory                             Most often discretionary
focus on a careful selection of OWFs
considered representative of a region, or
                                              FIGURE 6. Recommendations for future monitoring approaches. A two-tiered monitoring approach
suitable for a given research question.       embracing basic monitoring and targeted research allows for a comprehensive overview and
This approach is exemplified by basic         understanding of impacts, maximizing the value of the monitoring results.

                                                                                                 Oceanography    | December 2020             67
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68       Oceanography       | Vol.33, No.4
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   learned and recommendations for the future.                primary productivity in the southern North Sea.         graphics support. We also thank the guest editors for
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   Atlantic cod Gadus morhua save energy on stone           RODEO Program were provided by the US
   reefs: Implications for the attraction versus pro-       Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy
   duction debate in relation to reefs. Marine Ecology      Management, Environmental Studies Program,
   Progress Series 635:81–87,      Washington, DC, under HDR’s IDIQ Contract
   meps13192.                                               No. M15PC00002. This paper contributes to the

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