Session One September 13-October 21, 2021 - 2021-2022 School Year Community Outreach Programs

Page created by Walter Gallagher
Session One September 13-October 21, 2021 - 2021-2022 School Year Community Outreach Programs
Our Children. Our Community. Our Tomorrow.

  2021-2022 School Year Community
          Outreach Programs
              Session One
   September 13-October 21, 2021
Session One September 13-October 21, 2021 - 2021-2022 School Year Community Outreach Programs
Session One-Sept.-Oct. 2021         2

                                 General Information

About Us                                              Registration for Outreach Programs
At Fox C-6, we value our relationship with the com-   To register for our outreach programs do so by visiting
munity and its residents. We know that a strong
community can make schools better just as strong
schools can make the community better.                Here you will find a very easy, user friendly way to
                                                      “one stop shop” for the program of your choice.
Our Community Outreach program is dedicated to
providing high quality programs and services for      Payments, Cancellations and Refunds
Fox C-6 students, parents, and community mem-         Payments for any program you register for must be
bers. These programs not only provide training and    made at the time of purchase. Should you need to can-
education opportunities, but help enhance the         cel a program, please contact our main office at 636-
quality of life for the people of our community.      282-6915. All cancelations must be made prior to the
Office Address                                        start of a program in order to receive a refund.

Fox C-6 CKC/Community Outreach                        Pick up at program dismissal
849 Jeffco Blvd.
                                                      Students must be picked up by parent or guardian at
Arnold, MO 63010                                      the dismissal of each program.
                                                      Inclement Weather/ School Cancelations
636-282-6915                                          Our Community Outreach Program follows the Fox C-6
                                                      School District weather closure policy. If school is can-
                                                      celed or dismissed early, in-person afterschool pro-
Webpages:                                             grams will be canceled.
community_education                                   Four Sessions will be offered this                   school year:
                                                      Session One-September 13-October 21
Join our Facebook group
                                                      Session Two– November 3– December 17
FoxC6 CKC/Community Outreach
                                                      Session Three– January 11– February 25, 2022
Office Staff
Director: Sue Belleville                              Session Four– March 8-April 26, 2022
Secretary: Donna Schneider
Registrar: Crystal Worth

Session One September 13-October 21, 2021 - 2021-2022 School Year Community Outreach Programs
Session One-Sept.-Oct. 2021        3

                                   General Information
General information:                                    Session One Opportunities:
   If an entire program must be canceled due to    The following programs will be offered between
    COVID related concerns, or lack of participation,
                                                    September 13-October 21, 2021. These programs
    or any other reason deemed essential to cancel, will be offered at various locations. Not all schools
    you will be refunded.                           will have the same programs available; however,
                                                    the likelihood that they are offered in an upcoming
 All Outreach instructors will adhere to the same
  hiring background screenings, and also COVID-19 session at your child’s school is probable.
  standards and guidelines put forth by the Fox C-6
  School District for their staff members.
                                                           Michizzle Productions:
   Program information could modify as the COVID-          “A Video Production Program”
    19 safety guidelines possibly change. Infor-
    mation regarding any changes to your child’s      Cultures & Cooking:

    registration will be shared as soon as possible.   “Welcome to China”
   You may ONLY select an afternoon program          Bricks4Kidz:
    offered at your child’s home school, we cannot     “Early Engineers”
    allow program attendance at alternate locations.
                                                           Imagine Arts:
   If you have questions, please contact our Com-
    munity Outreach office at 636-282-6915, or
                                                            “Crayola Wild World”
    email our Office Secretary, Donna Schneider at         Little Cat Veterinarian School or the Community Out-
    reach Director, Sue Belleville at:
                                                           Little Medical School                                  Mad Science:
                                                            “NASA Academy of Future Space
                                                           Inspiration Laboratories STEAM Club:
                                                            “Nature Club”
                                                           Little Medical School:
                                                            “Wilderness Medicine”
                                                           Sarah’s Spanish School “On-Line Only
                                                            Family Program”

Session One September 13-October 21, 2021 - 2021-2022 School Year Community Outreach Programs
Session One-Sept.-Oct. 2021     4

 Michizzle Productions                                                    Bricks4Kidz

Michizzle Productions Presents: Bricks4Kidz STEM with Legos!
“A Video Production Program! Early Engineers
Here at Michizzle Productions we strive to bring the      Bricks 4 Kidz Early Engineers: Build MOVING models
best out of our students by bringing their imagina-       with Technic LEGO bricks using Bricks4Kidz proprie-
tions to life! Through a hands-on experience, stu-        tary kits. All new models! Students learn a short
dents will learn all of the basics about the following:   STEM lesson (based on weather, motion, transporta-
- the 5 steps to video making                             tion, and more) and then follow Bricks4Kidz proprie-
                                                          tary building plans. We Learn, We Build, We Play
- editing using Final Cut Pro and iMovie
                                                          with LEGO bricks! Each class is 60 minutes long.
- sound editing / music production
- DSLR camera operation                                   K-5th grade
- and much more!                                          Cost: $92
At the end of the session, the students will be able to   Minimum 6 Maximum 18 per location
view their video on the Michizzle Productions
                                                          Tuesdays: September 14-October 19:
YouTube and Facebook page! If your student also
wants to bring a flash drive, they can also get a free    Meramec Heights: (3:45-4:45 pm)
copy downloaded to their drive as well! Come join us      Simpson: (3:15-4:15)
and show us your creativity!
                                                          Wednesdays: September 15-October 20:
2nd grade through 5th grade
                                                          Lonedell: (3:45-4:45 pm)
Cost: $70
Minimum 10 Maximum 20 per location                        Thursdays: September 16-October 21:
                                                          Antonia: (3:45-4:45 pm)
Mondays: September 13-October 18:
Rockport Elementary- (3:15-4:15 pm)                                     To register click here
Thursdays: September 16-October 21:
Fox Elementary- (3:45-4:45 pm)
               To register click here

Session One September 13-October 21, 2021 - 2021-2022 School Year Community Outreach Programs
Session One-Sept.-Oct. 2021   5

    Little Veterinarian School                                Little Medical School

Little Cat Veterinarian School                          Little Medical School
Little Cat Veterinarian School will allow students to   Little Medical School brings medicine, science, and
role-play the key responsibilities of a veterinarian    the importance of health to children in an entertain-
and perform a whiskers-to-tail exam on their newly      ing, exciting, and fun way. Children learn and have
"adopted" plush cat. These future veterinarians will    fun as they dress up like doctors, learn how to use
learn about animal body language, maintaining a         instruments doctors use, and understand how the
healthy environment such as proper litter box place-    body works!
ment, create a cat toy, and design a vet clinic.         K-5 Grade
K-5 Grade                                               Cost: $95
Cost: $95                                               Minimum 5 Maximum 12 per location
Minimum 5 Maximum 12 per location
                                                        Thursdays: September 16-October 21:
Tuesdays: September 14-October 19:                      Seckman Elementary (3:15-4:15 pm)
Antonia Elementary (3:45-4:45 pm)                       Hamrick Elementary (3:45-4:45 pm)
Lonedell Elementary (3:45-4:45 pm)
                                                                     To register click here

             To register click here

    Little Wilderness School
                                                        Little Wilderness School
Little Wilderness School brings medicine, science and the importance of health to children in an entertain-
ing, exciting and fun way. Our program will teach children about some of the dangers in the wild and how
to safely handle a medical situation. For example, students will learn about snake bites, hypothermia, how
to tie a tourniquet, splint a broken leg, filter dirty water, 20 uses of a bandana and how to treat bug bites.
Our classes are led by a trained Little Medical School instructor. Each child receives a diploma, disposable
lab coat, LMS bandana, thermal blanket, and more.
K-5 Grade
Cost: $95
Minimum 5 Maximum 12 per location
Wednesdays: September 15-October 20:
Guffey Elementary (3:15-4:15 pm)
Sherwood Elementary (3:15-4:15 pm)

                                          To register click here
Session One September 13-October 21, 2021 - 2021-2022 School Year Community Outreach Programs
Session One-Sept.-Oct. 2021

      Imagine Arts Academy                                                Mad Science

Imagine Arts Academy "Crayola Mad Science
Wild World"                                         “NASA Academy of Future Space
Are you ready for an art expedition? Let the wonder Explorers”
and beauty of the animal kingdom inspire your em-         Mad Science - NASA Academy of Future Space Explorers:
pathy, curiosity, and creativity. Learn about lions,      Mad Science brings you the excitement and wonder of
elephants, sharks and more, and find out how wild-        space in this program, featuring exciting activities co-
life conservationists are working to protect species      developed with NASA. Children will be taken on a voy-
around the globe. Experiment with a variety of art        age of space discovery through hand-on activities, amaz-
techniques, and use Crayola® products to create ani-      ing demonstrations and take home experiments each
mal-inspired art projects, from frog paintings to polar   class. Explore the sun, moon, stars and planets; includ-
bear sculptures! Let your creativity run wild, and        ing earths own atmosphere and other space phenome-
bring your handiwork home to build a menagerie of         na. Learn what it’s like to travel and live in space and
animal-themed masterpieces.                               work with the technology that has been developed for
Kindergarten through 5th grade                            space exploration. Investigate the forces of flight by
                                                          building your own ROCKET! By presenting an experience
Cost: $100
                                                          that is truly out of this world we hope to inspire future
Minimum 10 Maximum 20 per location                        space scientists and maybe even astronauts to Mars and
Tuesdays: September 14-October 19:                        Kindergarten through 5th grade
Sherwood: (3:15-4:15 pm)
                                                          Cost: $100
Wednesdays: September 15-October 20:
                                                          Minimum 10 Maximum 20 per location
Meramec Heights: (3:45-4:45 pm)
                                                          Tuesdays: September 14-October 19:
Thursdays: September 16-October 21:
                                                          Guffey Elementary: (3:15-4:15pm)
Hodge Elementary: (3:45-4:45 pm)
                                                          Wednesdays: September 15-October 20:

                To register click here                    Antonia Elementary: (3:45-4:45pm)

                                                          Thursdays: September 16-October 21:
                                                          Rockport Elementary: (3:15-4:15 pm)

                                                                          To register click here

Session One September 13-October 21, 2021 - 2021-2022 School Year Community Outreach Programs
Session One-Sept.-Oct. 2021

    Inspiration Laboratories
                                                           Cultures & Cooking
     "STEAM Club"
Inspiration Laboratories STEAM Cultures & Cooking “Welcome
Club Presents “Nature”         to China!”
Come learn about animals and plants with our           Cultures and Cooking Welcome to China! Over our
STEM-focused nature club. Meet animals and ex-         six weeks together we will take you on an adven-
plore outside. Create nature art. Bring home a plant   ture exploring this amazing country as we discover
you start from a seed. We will watch as the seed       its people and culture. We will dive into the lan-
changes and grows each week. Learn about pollu-        guage, the foods, and the activities of the Chinese
tion and build a small sun shelter. Conduct interac-   people as we learn to understand and appreciate
tive, hands-on activities centered around our          the diversity of the most populated country in the
themes- animal habitats, birds, flowers, plants, in-   world!
sects, and conservation.
Kindergarten through 5th grade                         3rd through 5th grade
Cost: $85.00                                           Cost: $75.00

Minimum 5 Maximum 12 per location                      Minimum 10 Maximum 20 per location

Tuesdays: September 14-October 19                      Wednesdays: September 15-October 20:

Simpson Elementary (3:15-4:15pm)                       Seckman: (3:15-4:15pm)

Wednesdays: September 15-October 20                    Simpson: (3:15-4:15pm)

Hodge Elementary: (3:45-4:45pm)
                                                                      To register click here
Thursdays: September 16-October 21

Fox Elementary: (3:45-4:45pm)

               To register click here

Session One September 13-October 21, 2021 - 2021-2022 School Year Community Outreach Programs
Session One-Sept.-Oct. 2021
    Sarah’s Spanish School
                                                             Registration Process
                 On-Line Only
Sarah’s Spanish School On-Line                           Registration Information for
Only                                                     all of Session One
Available to all K-5 students and                        Community Outreach
family members                                           Programs
WOW! Live, interactive online Spanish classes EVERY      Registration is available for all session one pro-
DAY, September 13 - Dec 17!                              grams from August 16-September 7, 2021.
Students will learn conversational Spanish and about     Registrations are taken in the order received.
the culture through games, songs, cooking, science ex-   Registration must be done through the link pro-
periments, crafts, and more! Awesome, fun weekly         vided.
themes that kids will LOVE.
                                                         Payment for all programs must be made at the
Here's a sneak-peak of our fall 2021 themed weeks:       time of registration.
- First Responders Week                                  You may only register your child for a program
- Imagination Week                                       offered at their home school.
- Sports Week                                            All students must be picked up by a parent or
- It's A Dog's Life                                      guardian at the conclusion of each class. CKC is
                                                         available for those students registered for the
- Under The Sea                                          CKC program.
- Let's Travel                                           Full refunds will be issued if a program must
You choose the days and times that work best for you     cancel for any reason.
each week to attend classes live.                        Once registration closes, no refunds will be giv-
You'll also get access to ALL RECORDINGS! Classes are    en should you choose to withdraw your child
held via Zoom and are taught by Ms. Sarah and our best   from the program roster.
teachers. One price for the whole family (not per stu-   Questions can be answered by our office staff
dent)!                                                   via email or by phone:
     All Fox C-6 Students and families in K-5th grade    Director: Sue Belleville
     Online Elementary Spanish: $115.00 per family!
                 To register click here
                                                         Secretary: Donna Schneider

                                                         Registrar: Crystal Worth
                                                         Office Phone: 636-282-6915

                                                         To register for session one click here

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