Skills Investment Plan - For Scotland's ICT & Digital Technologies sector

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Skills Investment Plan - For Scotland's ICT & Digital Technologies sector
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                                                            Foreword &

                                                    Purpose of the Skills
                                                        Investment Plan

                                                    The importance of
                                                            the sector

                                                        Key skills issues

                                                          Developing an
                                                            action plan

                                                             Action plan

Skills Investment Plan                                               6
For Scotland’s ICT & Digital Technologies sector             Monitoring

                                                         Appendices &
Skills Investment Plan - For Scotland's ICT & Digital Technologies sector
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Foreword                             It is an exciting time for Scotland’s ICT
                                     and digital technologies sector as we
                                                                                   Introduction                                                 A key driver of this success has been
                                                                                                                                                Scotland’s reputation for skills which                  Foreword &
                                     prepare to implement Scotland’s Digital                                                                    has been achieved through the strength                 Introduction
                                     Future – Digital Economy Strategy.                                                                         of the university sector, and our ability

                                     This Scottish Government strategy                                                                          to produce highly capable graduates.
                                     sets out an ambitious plan to ensure                                                                       However, in such a dynamic industry,
                                     that Scotland is prepared for its digital                                                                  and with so many competitor countries
                                     future and skills development is identified                                                                investing in their ICT and digital
                                     as being an integral component.                                                                            technologies skills base, we can’t
                                                                                                                                                afford to be complacent.                        Purpose of the Skills
                                     Globally ICT and digital technologies
                                     are booming and Scotland is well-placed                                                                    Up to 11,000 job opportunities could
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Investment Plan
                                     to take advantage of the new                                                                               be available each year in Scotland,
                                     opportunities created. There is an
                                     unprecedented demand for ICT and
                                     digital technology professionals and across
                                     Europe the number of jobs is growing
                                                                                                                                                and it is imperative that we match
                                                                                                                                                the sector’s ambition for growth with
                                                                                                                                                highly-focused investment in skills,
                                                                                                                                                to ensure that Scotland maintains
                                     by more than 100,000 each year. In order                                                                   its prominent position and maximises
                                     to take advantage of the opportunities                                                                     its employment and export potential.            The importance of
                                     that exist, we must continue to respond                                                                                                                            the sector
           John F. McClelland OBE,   by providing the right people with the                       Gerry Docherty,                               This document sets out the strategy
                                                                                                                                                for how we intend to achieve this aim.
                                     right skills and expertise to enable the
                                                                                                  Chair of the ICT and
           Chair of Skills
           Development Scotland
                                     sector to continue to grow and attract
                                     overseas investment. We must ensure
                                     that Scotland continues to be seen as
                                     a key player in areas such as big data,
                                                                                                  Digital Technologies
                                                                                                  Skills Group and Chief
                                                                                                                                                It demands a collaborative approach,
                                                                                                                                                with stakeholders and industry working
                                                                                                                                                together to extend the talent pool
                                                                                                                                                to ensure that Scotland continues to
                                     informatics and digital health where                                                                       develop itself as a world-class location
                                     we have already demonstrated                                 Executive of Smarter                          from which ICT and digital technology
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Key skills issues
                                                                                                                                                companies operate. This will be achieved
                                     considerable strength and expertise.
                                                                                                  Grid Solutions.                               by deepening the educational capabilities

                                     Delivering the Skills Investment Plan (SIP)                                                                to produce and retain high-ranking
                                     for Scotland’s ICT and digital technologies                  The ICT and digital technologies              performers, positioning the sector
                                     sector has been facilitated by Skills                        sector in Scotland is thriving and it is      as a positive career destination for
                                     Development Scotland, working in                             an increasingly integral component of         our young talent, and by fostering
                                     partnership with key skills groups and                       Scotland’s economic success. We are           a culture that supports exports,
                                     industry stakeholders. The SIP                               experiencing an unprecedented global          innovation and entrepreneurship.                      Developing an
                                     development has involved reviewing                           demand for digital technologies which                                                                 action plan
                                     future skills and employment demands,                        is creating exciting opportunities for        As Chair of the ICT and Digital Technologies
                                     in order to help the sector respond to and                   Scotland. We have an excellent track record   Skills Group, I’m excited about the global
                                     embrace the skills challenges that exist
                                     in a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector.

                                     Now, more than ever, it is imperative that
                                                                                                  of attracting inward investment, and in
                                                                                                  cultivating its indigenous business base,
                                                                                                  from start-up technology companies to
                                                                                                  those which have an established
                                                                                                                                                opportunities that exist in this sector,
                                                                                                                                                and the impact that our industry will
                                                                                                                                                have on jobs and economic performance
                                                                                                                                                throughout Scotland in the years ahead.
                                     stakeholders, education providers and                        a multi-national presence.                    Let’s focus on putting the talent pool
                                     public bodies work together with industry                                                                  in place that will make the most of
                                     to ensure that skills investment across the                                                                those opportunities.                                     Action plan
                                     sector is targeted effectively and achieves

                                     maximum results.

                                     Let’s work together to make Scotland
                                     a world-class digital nation by 2020.


                                                                                                                                                                                                     Appendices &
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                    The ICT and digital        The development of the SIP has been          Figure 1: SIP development process                                                         Foreword &
                                               informed and guided by an industry-led
                    technologies Skills        steering group which has included                                                                                                     Introduction
                                               representatives from Amazon, JP Morgan,
                    Investment Plan (SIP) is                                                                   Scale of the sector/growth ambition

                                               Lockheed Martin, ScotlandIS, e-Skills UK
                    a partnership document     and the Technology Advisory Group,
                                               as well as from partners from education

     Purpose of     which has been             and the public sector.
                                                                                                   Supply side mapping                        Review evidence of
                                                                                                                                                 skills needs
                    facilitated by Skills                                                                                                                                     Purpose of the Skills
       the Skills   Development Scotland       The purpose of the SIP is to:                                                                                                      Investment Plan
Investment Plan     (SDS) on behalf of          •	Validate and bring clarity
                                                                                                                Identify skills priorities for growth

                    Scottish Government.
                    SDS has worked closely
                                                   to the scale and nature
                                                   of the skills issues which
                                                   face the sector                                                          Test with industry
                    with industry to develop                                                                                                                                  The importance of
                    this ICT and digital        •	Create direction and                                                  Publish and launch SIP                                       the sector
                                                   bring focus to the nature
                    technologies SIP and
                                                   of the response required
                    will continue to work          by the public sector and
                                                                                            The development of the SIP builds on the
                                                   industry, on the priority                                                                  cotland has the skills
                                                                                                                                           • S
                    with industry and public       skills issues
                                                                                            work of the ICT Advisory Group and has
                                                                                            been closely aligned with Scotland’s Digital     required to develop and
                    sector partners in                                                      Future – Supporting the Transition to            exploit its strengths in
                                                                                            a World-leading Digital Economy which            areas such as digital health,        Key skills issues
                    its implementation.         •	Provide a framework                      outlines the Scottish Government’s               care and big data
                                                   for public sector and                    ambition to make Scotland a world
                                                   private sector investment
                                                   to develop skills provision
                                                   to meet industry needs.
                                                                                            class digital nation by 2020. Echoing this
                                                                                            strategy the SIP identifies a skills
                                                                                            ambition for digital technologies in which:
                                                                                                                                           •	Growth sectors have
                                                                                                                                              access to the ICT
                                                                                                                                              professional skills they
                                               The SIP development has been sector-led                                                        require to embrace                    Developing an
                                               and published by SDS. It has been informed                                                     digital technologies                    action plan
                                               by a review and synthesis of existing
                                               research, in particular e-skills UK
                                               ‘Technology Insights’ and ScotlandIS
                                               ‘Scottish Technology Industry Surveys’.
                                               It has been validated through extensive
                                               employer and stakeholder consultations.
                                                                                                                                           •	There is close
                                                                                                                                              collaboration between
                                                                                                                                              industry, Government
                                                                                                                                              agencies and the education
                                               The key stages in the SIP development                                                          sector to meet the skills
                                               process are set out in Figure 1 below                                                          needs of the sector.                     Action plan
                                               and the process is outlined in more detail

                                               in Appendix 1.


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                  The ICT and digital                                        The Scottish ICT and digital technologies
                                                                             sector is thriving and from 2010 to 2013,
                                                                                                                              Drivers of change                                                                                        Foreword &
                                                                                                                              The dynamic nature of digital technologies
                  technologies sector is of                                  the number of businesses operating in            means there are continually new products,
                                                                             the sector increased by 3.6% to 6,500.
                  crucial importance to the                                                                                   processes and business models being

                                                                             Whilst the business base is dominated by         developed and this has an impact on the
                  Scottish economy and                                       micro businesses and SMEs, multi-nationals
                                                                             are of importance to the sector, as the
                                                                                                                              skills needed to take advantage of these.
                                                                                                                              In addition, there are a number of wider
The importance    a strong infrastructure                                    largest percentage of the workforce
                                                                             are employed in businesses with 200
                                                                                                                              economic and industry trends that will
                                                                                                                              have longer term skills implications and
  of the sector   is needed to support                                       or more and employees.3                          which are cross cutting. The implications                                                        Purpose of the Skills
                  future prosperity.                                         Export markets and foreign                       of these drivers on skills needs are                                                                 Investment Plan
                                                                                                                              highlighted in Figure 3.
                  Economic contribution
                  In its own right the ICT and digital
                  technologies sector, which includes
                  software development, telecoms
                                                                             Digital technologies account for a significant
                                                                             proportion of Foreign Direct Investment
                                                                             (FDI) in the UK, with software related
                                                                             investment making up around 25% of all
                                                                                                                              Figure 3: Drivers of change for ICT and digital technologies

                                                                                                                              Driver          Description                         Skills implication
                  and ICT services, contributes £3billion                    FDI projects. The Ernst and Young European
                  GVA, accounting for 3% of the Scottish                     Investment Monitor indicates that Scotland        Pace of         The ICT and digital                • Constant change in skills                 The importance of
                  economy.1 The sector is an increasingly                    has secured a much higher share of overall        change          technologies sector is dynamic        requirements of the workforce                     the sector
                  important part of the Scottish economy                     UK investment in this area, with recent                           and fast changing and many         • Education system needs to be
                  and also plays an underpinning role                        commitments from Atos, Capgemini

                                                                                                                                               of the current business               agile enough to be able to respond
                  in terms of driving the competitiveness                    and CGI testament to this success.                                products or models did not            to the changing needs and
                  of other key sectors.                                                                                                        exist a few years ago.                expectations of businesses.
                                                                             Export markets have also become
                  Business base                                              increasingly important and the 2013               Increased       Increased numbers of               • Creates an increased demand for
                  This dual role is reflected in the workforce               ScotlandIS Technology Survey indicates that       digital         businesses, across all sectors,       technology skills across a range
                  as there are more than 73,000 ICT                          over half of the respondents were currently
                  and digital technology professionals                       exporting, which represents an increase
                                                                                                                               investments     are investing more to enhance         of sectors. This can act as a catalyst        Key skills issues
                                                                                                                                               their use of technology.              for growth and job creation
                  employed within the sector directly                        of 14% over the last three years.

                  and in digital technology roles in                         Europe and North America were cited                                                                  • To assist businesses in adapting
                  other businesses across the Scottish                       as the most important markets for                                                                       to changes in technology there is
                  economy,2 as illustrated in Figure 2 below:                exporting businesses.4 Digital technologies                                                             a need for core competencies and
                                                                             are widely recognised as a driver of                                                                    technology awareness to be
                                                                             innovation and international trade                                                                      improved across all sectors.
                                                                             and consequently many ICT and digital                                                                                                                   Developing an
                                                                                                                               Increased       A trend towards increased          • A high quality skilled workforce
                                                                             technology businesses have an international
                                                                                                                               contracting-    contracting out of services           becomes critical if Scotland is to                action plan
                                                                             outlook and view export markets as a key
                                                                                                                               out             to countries with the ability         continue to be viewed as a location
                                                                             channel for their products and services.

                                                                                                                                               to provide a lower cost service.      which can attract, and support high
                                                                                                                                                                                     value jobs
                  Figure 2: Employment breakdown of ICT and digital                                                                                                               • The development of the talent
                  technology professionals                                                                                                                                           pool needs to be aligned with
                                                                                                                                                                                     inward investments.
                      TOTAL – ICT and digital technology professionals                                       73,000            Increased       Cyber crime is a driver of         • A requirement for specialist skills                Action plan
                                                                                                                               importance      innovation within the industry.       to be developed
                      Employed within the ICT and digital                                                    29,000            of security     It also responds to the

                                                                                                                                                                                  • Education system needs awareness
                      technologies sector                                                                                                      requirements of key client            and capacity to respond to
                                                                                                                                               sectors such as the financial         this issue as it cuts across
                      Employed in other sectors                                                              44,000                            services industry. The ability        all sub-sectors of ICT and
                                                                                                                                               to protect the integrity              digital technologies.
                                                                                                                                               of a product or process in
                                                                                                                                               a global environment is a key
                                                                                                                                               success factor.                                                                          Monitoring

                  1, 2 & 3“Technology Insights Scotland 2012”, e-Skills UK, 2012
                      “Scottish Technology Industry Survey 2013”, ScotlandIS, 2013

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Skills Investment Plan - For Scotland's ICT & Digital Technologies sector
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                    A review of labour market                                    •	Financial services                                                                        Foreword &
                    intelligence and research,
                                                                                  ICT and digital technology skills for
                                                                                  information security systems, asset
                                                                                                                                       “ICT and digital                      Introduction
                                                                                                                                     technologies play a
                    and stakeholder                                               management systems and data mining

Key skills issues
                    consultation has identified
                    a range of key skills issues,
                                                                                  and analysis have become increasingly
                                                                                  important for the sector. In addition financial
                                                                                  services requires individuals with the skills
                                                                                  to utilise technology to deliver more
                                                                                                                                    pivotal role in driving
                                                                                                                                    the competitiveness
                                                                                                                                     of other key sectors
                    and challenges for Scottish                                   sophisticated products and services such              in the Scottish               Purpose of the Skills
                                                                                  as for internet, banking, social media
                                                                                                                                          economy”                        Investment Plan
                    ICT and digital technologies.                                 and mobile offerings.

                                                                                 •	Life sciences and health
                    However these are not issues only for
                    Scotland but are echoed across other
                    countries in Europe and the USA.
                                                                                  Digital healthcare is an increasingly
                                                                                  important area of opportunity which
                                                                                  requires individuals with ICT and digital
                                                                                  technology skills to be able to store,
                    The European Commission’s Grand
                                                                                  process, and analyse large amounts
                    Coalition for Digital Jobs recently indicated
                                                                                  of information and data. In addition
                                                                                                                                                                      The importance of
                    that the demand for talent significantly                                                                                                                  the sector
                    outstrips supply. Europe alone could                          research and development can be
                    face a shortage of up to 900,000 ICT                          significantly enhanced by the new

                    and digital technology professionals.                         technologies which are being developed.

                    Similarly the under supply of talent is an                   •	Creative and cultural industries
                    issue for the Irish economy and more than                     ICT skills are required for the manipulation
                    half of their recent high level ICT and digital               of creative content in digital music, piracy,
                    technology skills needs have been filled                      copyright and social media. Broadcasting
                    through inward migration. This increased                      business requires the skills to diversify                                               Key skills issues
                    international demand for ICT and digital                      into new platforms in products and
                                                                                  services, whilst publishing and journalism

                    technology professionals creates additional
                    challenges for Scotland which must be                         are becoming increasingly digitally focused.
                    addressed in order to remain competitive                      In crafts there is an increasing use of
                    in a global market.                                           technology in design.

                    ICT and digital technologies are                             The demand for individuals with
                                                                                 ICT and digital technologies skills                                                        Developing an
                    an enabler of growth                                                                                                                                      action plan
                    Inward investment and indigenous company                     is predicted to grow
                    growth from within the sector is already                     Overall the number of people employed in

                    creating an increased demand for digital                     ICT and digital technology roles is forecast
                    technology skills. ICT and digital technologies              to increase by 15% to 84,000 by 2020.5
                    is also an important enabler across the                      At the same time, the profile of the current
                    whole economy and the positive impact                        workforce is ageing. The proportion of 16
                    of technology in driving innovation and                      to 24 year olds working in Scotland as IT
                    growth can be seen in engineering, defence                   & telecoms professionals is half that of
                    and energy. The increasing adoption of digital               other occupations. This creates exciting job                                                  Action plan
                    technologies by businesses in other sectors                  opportunities as there is a need to replace
                    creates significant job opportunities and                    those employees leaving the sector, as well
                    drives increased demand for skills in relation
                    to the use of ICT.
                                                                                 meeting the demand from future growth.
                                                                                 Forecasts from e-Skills UK suggest that there
                                                                                 could be as many as 11,000 job opportunities
                                                                                 each year in ICT and digital technology roles.

                    5   “Technology Insights Scotland 2012”, e-Skills UK, 2012

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                    ICT and digital technologies                               Promote new entry                                  The ability for staff to refresh and renew      Broadening the talent pipeline and
                                                                                                                                  their skills and enable individuals to take     addressing these longer term challenges                 Foreword &
                    offer highly paid and rewarding                            routes into ICT and digital                                                                                                                               Introduction
                                                                                                                                  part in Continuous Personal Development         will require co-ordinated action across
                    career opportunities                                       technology careers                                 (CPD) will be important in maintaining          a number of areas. This will include
                    Almost three quarters of employees in                      Whilst ICT and digital technology

                                                                                                                                  the competitiveness of the skills base.         stimulating demand from young people
                    the sector have attained a higher education                companies tend to prefer employing
                                                                                                                                  Up-skilling the existing workforce to           and learners; ensuring adequate teaching
                    or equivalent qualification.6 Research by                  graduates, there is growing recognition
                                                                                                                                  embrace new opportunities is also an            capacity in schools, colleges and
                    e-Skills UK also indicates that median                     of alternative entry routes into the sector
Key skills issues   full time earnings for ICT and digital
                    technology roles are £38,500, considerably
                                                                               through interventions such as transition
                                                                               training and Modern Apprenticeships.
                                                                                                                                  important part of responding to the
                                                                                                                                  immediate need the sector faces.
                                                                                                                                                                                  universities and ensuring more college
                                                                                                                                                                                  and university places are available to meet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Purpose of the Skills
      continued     higher than the Scottish average of £25,500.               ICT and digital technology businesses
                                                                               have indicated interest in the development
                                                                                                                                  Broadening the talent pipeline
                                                                                                                                                                                  an increased demand. Part of the solution
                                                                                                                                                                                  to increasing interest in the sector lies           Investment Plan
                    Looking to the future, job growth is                                                                          Addressing the immediate skills challenges      in rolling out industry supported
                                                                               of an intensive transition training model          of ICT and digital technology businesses        extra-curricular provision that supports

                    expected to be particularly concentrated                   which would allow individuals with
                    in areas such as software development,                                                                        is important but must be complemented           young people in developing ICT and
                                                                               transferable skills to be re-skilled.              by a longer term strategy that ensures
                    software engineering and web                                                                                                                                  digital technology skills and careers
                                                                               This would support individuals in taking           sufficient numbers of young people come
                    development - there has already been                                                                                                                          awareness. There are already excellent
                                                                               advantage of the immediate need for talent         through the education system. At a time
                    a 50% increase in demand for software                                                                                                                         examples of computing clubs such as
                                                                               which the sector is currently experiencing.        when the Scottish ICT and digital               CoderDojo and Computing Clubs for Girls,
                    professionals over the last ten years.7
                                                                                                                                  technologies sector is forecast to grow         but this provision needs to be extended
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The importance of
                    Demand for graduates is also predicted                     Similarly there is recognition that Modern
                    to increase as businesses continue to                      Apprenticeships (MAs) are a valuable               and there is increasing demand for staff        and made available more consistently                    the sector
                    look to employ candidates straight from                    option for the sector. MAs offer a route           with high level digital technology skills,      across Scotland.

                    university, favouring those who can bring                  for individuals to obtain skills, qualifications   there is clear evidence that the talent
                    some experience as well as those who                       and experience. In addition to providing           pipeline in Scotland needs to expand to         Connecting employment
                    combine technology and commercial skills. 8                financial support to assist businesses             meet this demand. More young people             and education
                                                                               to develop a skilled workforce, the MA             should be encouraged to study computing         A key challenge for the skills system
                    The success of the sector                                  programme also supports young people               related subjects at college and university      is to align the delivery of a high-quality,
                    means that many companies                                  to develop employability skills and gain           and redressing this balance is crucial          industry informed curriculum, with
                                                                                                                                  to ensure the competitiveness of                opportunities for young people to gain              Key skills issues
                    are facing challenges                                      work experience. Working through industry
                                                                                                                                  Scottish companies both within the ICT          real industry experience. Engagement with
                    in recruiting enough people                                ambassadors these benefits should be
                                                                                                                                  and digital technology sector and beyond.       employers has emphasised the importance

                    with the right skills                                      highlighted to ICT and digital technology
                                                                               businesses to generate greater awareness                                                           of gaining experience by ‘learning on
                    This increased demand for employees                                                                           In particular there is a need to arrest the
                                                                               and understanding. This will lead to wider                                                         the job’ through industry placements
                    has created recruitment challenges for ICT                                                                    decline of students taking computing
                                                                               adoption and complement graduate                                                                   and internships. These offer excellent
                    and digital technology businesses and                                                                         courses at school. Data from SQA shows
                                                                               recruitment. Feedback from businesses                                                              opportunities for graduates to better
                    other businesses across the economy.                                                                          that over the four year period to 2012 there    understand the current needs of industry
                    Despite the health of the sector and the                   engaged with the Information Technology            was a 27% decline in computing Standard         and embed entrepreneurial attitudes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Developing an
                    attractive career prospects it offers, many                Professional (ITP) MA cites excellent              Grade and a 17% decline in computing                                                                    action plan
                                                                               experiences and outcomes. There have                                                               and behaviours.
                    businesses are currently reporting                                                                            Intermediate 1. Similarly during this period
                    challenges in recruiting enough highly                     been positive actions from leading                 the number of teachers with computing           Concerted action and promotion is required

                    skilled individuals to meet their growth                   businesses, including Microsoft,                   studies as their main subject area              to enable greater participation from
                    ambition and potential. In response to                     currently working towards a target of 2016         decreased by 13.8%. This lack of dedicated      students and from a wider range of
                    this ICT, and digital technology companies                 IT MAs by 2016.                                    teaching provision continues to be an issue.    businesses. In particular industry should
                    have already indicated that they have been                                                                                                                    be encouraged to have greater involvement
                    reviewing and adopting new recruitment                     Up-skilling the workforce                          However whilst computing science as
                                                                               ICT and digital technology professionals                                                           and participation in initiatives which
                    strategies, including an increased focus on                                                                   a subject is important for the industry,        provide young people with placement and
                    under–graduate and graduate placements                     already working in the sector have                 there is growing recognition that a wide        work experience opportunities. Industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Action plan
                    and recruiting overseas talent. There are                  to continually up-skill in order to keep           range of disciplines and in particular STEM
                                                                               pace with new developments in areas such                                                           and education should also be encouraged

                    positive signs that this will continue with                                                                   subjects, can lead to a career in ICT and       to work together to support learners to put
                    businesses demonstrating a strong desire                   e-commerce and the increasing focus on             digital technologies. It is important that
                                                                               big data, data analytics and cyber security.                                                       their innovative ideas into practice and to
                    to examine new recruitment models which                                                                       young people have the opportunity to            develop entrepreneurial and business skills.
                    will help attract more people for the future               The rapidly evolving needs of the industry         develop technology skills and industry
                    needs of the sector.                                       have the potential to create skills gaps in        awareness across all parts of the curriculum.
                                                                               the ICT and digital technologies workforce.


                          “Technology Insights Scotland 2012”, e-Skills UK, 2012
                        “Scottish Technology Industry Survey 2013”, ScotlandIS, 2013

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                    An example of an industry and education                      Awareness and understanding of careers
                    collaboration is the proposed Data Lab                       in the ICT and digital technologies sector                                     Foreword &
                    Innovation Centre which will be a                            should to be increased and the wide range                                     Introduction
                    collaboration between the Scottish                           of high-value employment opportunities
                                                                                                                                 “One in twenty-five
                    Informatics and Computing Science                            accurately reflected. In addition, reflecting
                    Alliance (SICSA) and industry. The aim                       the varied progression pathways into            workers in Scotland
                    of the proposal is to understand and                         the sector from other disciplines such            are employed in
Key skills issues   address the current and future skills needs
                    of industry through continuing and
                                                                                 as maths and sciences is an important
                                                                                 message to communicate. Key to this                 the sector”
                                                                                                                                                        Purpose of the Skills
      continued     professional development, undergraduate
                    and postgraduate education. This will be
                                                                                 is changing and informing perceptions
                                                                                 of careers influencers (parents, teachers                                  Investment Plan
                    an industry led project and will offer                       and careers and employment advisers)
                    opportunities for businesses to engage                       who play an important role in encouraging
                    with universities and colleges to
                    commercialise research and develop
                    knowledge exchange opportunities.
                                                                                 young people to consider computer
                                                                                 and other digital related qualifications
                                                                                 and careers.
                    Responding to changing                                       Increasing the number of
                    industry needs                                               women in ICT and digital                                               The importance of
                    The sector is dynamic and fast-moving                        technology roles                                                               the sector
                    and this is reflected in the pace at which                   Women are under represented in ICT

                    demand for skills can change. This pace                      and digital technology occupations across
                    of change however, can present a challenge                   the sectors in Scotland. Participation rates
                    for the education system. Colleges and                       of females in the workforce has declined
                    universities need to be able to keep pace                    over a ten-year period to 2011 from 30%
                    with the changing needs and expectations                     to 17% 9 and the number of female
                    of businesses and, where appropriate,                        acceptances onto ICT and digital
                    be sufficiently agile to respond effectively.                technologies related higher education                                      Key skills issues
                    Research collated during the SIP                             courses have tended to be significantly
                    development process has highlighted

                                                                                 lower than for males. This represents
                    the need for good quality labour market                      a potential loss of talent to the sector,
                    information to be developed, packaged and                    but with appropriate targeted intervention
                    communicated on a regular basis to help                      there exists a prime opportunity to respond
                    educators keep abreast of changing skills                    to the needs of the sector by encouraging
                    demand. Similarly it is important that                       greater female participation. Examples of                                    Developing an
                    employers across the sector have the                         good practice can already be seen from
                    opportunity to engage in curriculum                          the work undertaken by the Scottish
                                                                                                                                                                action plan
                    design in schools, colleges and universities.                Resource Centre for Women in Science,

                    Creating effective industry and education                    Engineering and Technology and this should
                    partnerships will support learners to                        be built upon. A concerted effort is required
                    develop ICT and digital technology skills                    by industry, education and the public sector
                    as well as a better understanding of the                     working together to promote positive role
                    range of career opportunities available.                     models and eliminating the perceived
                                                                                 barriers which prevent many women from
                    Raising the attractiveness                                   pursuing ICT and digital technology careers.                                    Action plan
                    of the sector
                    A key strength of the Scottish ICT and
                    digital technologies sector is that it sits
                    at the forefront of innovation. Industry and
                    partners should work together to promote
                    these positive messages to attract potential
                    new entrants. In particular this vibrancy
                    should be communicated to young people
                    who are under represented in the sector,                                                                                                     Monitoring
                    and who can have narrow perceptions
                    about digital technology related subjects
                    and careers.

                    9   “Technology Insights Scotland 2012”, e-Skills UK, 2012

                                                                                                                                                             Appendices &
                                                                                                                                         Home page

                The vision of the SIP is             An action plan to support this vision has
                                                                                                                                        Foreword &
                                                     been developed by working in partnership
                for Scotland to be viewed                                                                                              Introduction
                                                     with industry and stakeholders.                 “Supporting
                as a world-class location                                                        Scotland’s vision to
                                                     It is structured around two strategic
                for ambitious ICT and                objectives set out in Figure 4 below:        be a world-class
                                                                                                   location for ICT
Developing an   digital technology                                                                    and digital
                businesses to be able                                                                technology”                Purpose of the Skills
  action plan   to develop, invest and                                                                                              Investment Plan
                grow by having access
                to a talent pool with
                exceptional ICT and
                digital technology skills.                                                                                      The importance of
                                                                                                                                        the sector
                Figure 4: Skills Investment Plan vision

                       Developing and retaining a talent pool to support
                       the growth of the digital technology professionals
                                       across all sectors
                                                                                                                                    Key skills issues

                     OBJECTIVE A
                     Attract more                       OBJECTIVE B
                     talent today:                    Closing the gap:
                   Action to support             Action to broaden the talent
                  businesses to meet            pool for the sector and better                                                        Developing an
                    their immediate          align supply with industry demand                                                          action plan
                      skills needs

                       Theme 1:
                    Responding to
                                           Theme 2:
                                                            Theme 3:
                                                                                 Theme 4:
                                                                                Raising the
                 the immediate need        the future        together             profile of
                  for ICT and digital        talent          to make            the ICT and
                   technology skills      pipeline for    the education            digital                                               Action plan
                                        ICT and digital   system more           technology
                                                          responsive to
                                                           the needs of
                                                                                 sector and

                                                                                                                                     Appendices &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Home page

                OBJECTIVE A                                         OBJECTIVE B                                        Theme 3: Working together                         Theme 4: Raising the profile of                          Foreword &
                Attracting more talent today                        Closing the gap                                    to make the education system                      the ICT and digital technology                          Introduction
                                                                                                                       more responsive to the needs                      sector and careers
                Theme 1: Responding to the                          Theme 2: Broadening the future                     of employers
                immediate need for ICT and                          talent pipeline for ICT and digital
                                                                                                                                                                         A key challenge for the SIP is to effectively
                digital technology skills                           technology skills                                  Ongoing interaction between industry and          communicate ICT and digital technology
                                                                                                                       education is vital to ensure that curriculum      career opportunities to young people,
Developing an   The impact of the immediate skills needs has
                been identified as a key issue for the ICT
                                                                    Addressing the imbalance of skills supply
                                                                    with industry demand is an area which will
                                                                                                                       reflects the changing needs of a fast moving
                                                                                                                       industry. The importance of business working
                                                                                                                                                                         women, careers influencers and stakeholders.
                                                                                                                                                                         The objective is to ensure that the profile
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Purpose of the Skills
  action plan   and digital technologies sector, and one which
                has the potential to limit future growth. A
                                                                    not elicit immediate results, but it is a vital
                                                                    component of the wider skills strategy.
                                                                                                                       more closely with the education system
                                                                                                                       is also a key feature of the Commission
                                                                                                                                                                         of the industry is fully represented and
                                                                                                                                                                         understood, in order to support informed             Investment Plan
    continued   range of short-term measures have been
                identified which will run concurrently while
                                                                    The domestic skills supply requires to be          for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce         choices and decisions by individuals,

                                                                    developed through a variety of mechanisms          which indicates a two way relationship            inward investors and stakeholders.
                action is taken to broaden the talent pipeline      including those intended to generate interest      is required. Businesses are encouraged
                in the longer term. This will include               in ICT and digital technology careers, through     to become more active participants in the         Key areas that will be addressed include:
                interventions such as:                              to those which will increase the capacity          education and curriculum development              •	develop a coordinated educational
                •	developing an industry-led talent academy        for the education system to deliver ICT            process. Fostering sustainable relationships         promotional strategy that highlights
                   model, which will be designed to provide                                                                                                                 ICT and digital technology career
                                                                    and computing related qualifications.              with industry at a regional and national level
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The importance of
                   transition training to individuals and provide                                                      will support schools, colleges and universities
                   them with the skills to access ICT and digital   Key features of this action will include:          to develop a future workforce which is aligned
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the sector
                   technology jobs                                  •	interventions which will develop the                                                              •	identify and share best practice from
                                                                                                                       with future need.
                                                                                                                                                                            the wide range of initiatives aimed at

                                                                       capacity and infrastructure required to
                •	supporting the uptake of CPD and workforce          support additional ICT and computing            Key areas which will be addressed include:           promoting digital technology careers
                   development as a means of up-skilling               related education delivery. This will include   •	review existing good practice to develop          and skills to young people within schools
                   the current workforce to be able to take            engaging with local authorities to                 mechanisms which encourage employers
                   advantage of the immediate opportunities                                                                                                              •	communicate tailored labour market
                                                                       encourage discussions about the decline            to engage with schools, colleges and
                                                                                                                                                                            information and careers advice to key
                                                                       in dedicated computing teachers                    universities and which support learners
                •	assisting businesses to widen their talent                                                                                                               target groups and individuals regarding
                   pool by supporting their talent attraction       •	understanding the supply and demand
                                                                                                                          to develop ICT and digital technology
                                                                                                                                                                            the opportunities available in digital            Key skills issues
                                                                                                                          skills and better understanding of
                   strategies. This could include transition           for ICT and digital technology provision                                                             technologies roles.

                                                                                                                          career opportunities
                   training, encouraging more businesses               and supporting additional capacity at
                   to engage with vocational entry routes,                                                                                                               Areas of early action which have been
                                                                       undergraduate and postgraduate level            •	undertaking research to fully understand
                   recruitment of overseas talent and                                                                                                                    identified include:
                                                                       where appropriate                                  the supply and demand for ICT and
                   the specific targeting of women and                                                                                                                   •	in partnership with industry deliver
                                                                                                                          computing related subjects at all levels
                   women returners                                  •	undertaking research to understand                                                                   a digital technologies focused ‘Make Young
                                                                       the progression routes into ICT and             •	communicating demand effectively                  People Your Business’ campaign to                   Developing an
                •	develop a targeted marketing campaign               digital technology roles from other                through the skills system to build agility        promote the benefits of employing young               action plan
                   to raise awareness of skill shortage                subject disciplines                                and responsiveness                                people. A key feature will be to raise
                   roles aimed at individuals within,                                                                                                                       awareness of the alternative entry routes
                   and outside Scotland.                            •	targeted promotion of the existing MA
                                                                       frameworks to young people, careers
                                                                       influencers and employers, and to explore
                                                                       employer demand for the development of
                                                                                                                       •	developing and promoting existing
                                                                                                                          student placement programmes
                                                                                                                          to support understanding of the
                                                                                                                          business environment
                                                                                                                                                                            such as through the MA programme
                                                                                                                                                                            and placements schemes

                                                                                                                                                                         •	building on the work of Scottish
                                                                       additional and higher level MA frameworks.                                                           Women in Technology (SWIT) and
                                                                                                                       •	achieving better outcomes from the                the Scottish Research Centre (SRC),
                                                                                                                          existing education provision for businesses.      develop interventions which specifically               Action plan
                                                                                                                                                                            raise the profile of ICT and digital
                                                                                                                                                                            technologies to women and encourage
                                                                                                                                                                            more women to access ICT and digital
                                                                                                                                                                            technology opportunities

                                                                                                                                                                         •	working with industry, establish an
                                                                                                                                                                            infrastructure project which increase
                                                                                                                                                                            access to computer clubs and
                                                                                                                                                                            extra-curricular computing activities                  Monitoring
                                                                                                                                                                            across Scotland.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Appendices &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Home page

              The action plan which      It has been designed to provide a framework
                                         for private and public sector intervention,
                                                                                         Theme 1: Responding to the immediate need for ICT and digital technology skills                                                                        Foreword &
              is presented details the   whilst remaining flexible to respond            Objectives:                                                                                                                                           Introduction
                                         to the evolving nature of the sector and        1.	Increase the immediate pipeline of talent to meet current ICT and digital technology skills needs
              key actions which will
                                         to new opportunities as they arise.             2. Supporting the up-skilling of the ICT and digital technology workforce
              be undertaken to support    A key feature of the action plan will be
              the growth ambition        to ensure that it aligns with future industry                                                                                                                                   Inception
Action plan                              demand by commissioning and utilising
                                                                                         Action               Description                                   Expected outcomes                    Key partners            timescale
              of the ICT and digital     robust Labour Market Information and                                                                                                                                                           Purpose of the Skills
                                         sector research.                                                     Develop full business plan for industry                                                                    Spring 2014
              technologies sector.                                                                            led regional talent academy models
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Investment Plan
                                         A concerted and collaborative approach
                                                                                                              Implement talent academy models in                                                                         Summer 2014

                                         is fundamental to the successful delivery                                                                          Reduction in the number
                                         of this strategy. This will involve a range     Industry led         lowland Scotland and Highlands to support                                          e-Skills UK, FE, HE,
                                                                                                                                                            of ICT/digital technology
                                         of partners and industry working together       talent academy       employers to recruit 200 individuals to                                            Industry, ScotlandIS,
                                                                                                                                                            businesses citing unfilled
                                         to progress and implement the actions.          model                meet their immediate skills needs                                                  SDS, HIE, SE
                                         In particular there will be an emphasis                              Evaluation of initial model and                                                                            2014 - 2016
                                         on industry input and industry-led                                   subsequent roll-out to support 750                                                                                        The importance of
                                         interventions where appropriate.                                     trainees over a two year period                                                                                                   the sector
                                                                                                              Recruit ICT and digital technology skills                                                                  Summer 2014

                                                                                                              development advisers targeting 40
                                                                                                              companies to provide workforce
                                                                                                              development support.                          Reduction in the numbers
                                                                                                                                                            of ICT/digital technology
                                                                                                              Establish skills development fund to          businesses citing skills gaps                                Summer 2014
                                                                                         Supporting skills    support professional ICT and digital          in their current workforce
                                                                                                              technology skills development in SMEs                                              HIE, SE, SDS,
                                                                                         development in
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ScotlandIS                                 Key skills issues
                                                                                         the workplace        Mapping and promotion of online               Increased numbers of ICT/                                    Spring 2014
                                                                                                                                                            digital technology

                                                                                                              training interventions via ‘industry hub’
                                                                                                              on Our Skillsforce                            businesses training their
                                                                                                                                                            existing workforce
                                                                                                              Broadening the talent pool by supporting                                                                   Summer 2014
                                                                                                              businesses to identify individuals with
                                                                                                              a strong aptitude for technology roles.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Developing an
                                                                                                              With employers, establish a package of                                                                     Autumn 2014            action plan
                                                                                                              support (face to face, webinars and online)
                                                                                                              to support ICT and digital technology         Reduction in the number              Industry, HIE, SE,

                                                                                         International        businesses recruit overseas talent            of ICT/digital technology            Local Authorities,
                                                                                         talent attraction    Deliver a targeted marketing strategy         businesses citing unfilled           Talent Scotland,        Summer 2014
                                                                                                              including jobs fair events and promotional    vacancies                            ScotlandIS
                                                                                                              materials aligned with industry identified
                                                                                                              skills shortages
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Action plan


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Appendices &
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Theme 2: Broadening the future talent pipeline for ICT and digital technology skills
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Foreword &
Objectives:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Introduction
1.	To encourage more young people to choose a career in the ICT and digital technologies sector

2.To arrest the decline in the number of individuals studying ICT and computer related qualifications at school, FE and HE

                                                                                                                               Inception                                                                                                                             Inception
Action               Description                                 Expected outcomes                    Key partners                           Action               Description                                Expected outcomes              Key partners
                                                                                                                               timescale                                                                                                                             timescale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Purpose of the Skills
                     Deliver 50 Career-Long Professional                                                                       Summer 2014                        Work with schools and partners to                                                                  Summer 2014
                     Learning opportunities to embed ICT/                                                                                                         develop work based career pathways                                                                                      Investment Plan
                     digital technology careers awareness                                                                                                         to support 100 young people to             Increased uptake of existing

                     and skills development for secondary                                                                                                         progress into ICT and digital technology   Information Technology MA
                     teachers and teachers in training                                                                                                            MAs or training opportunities, or into     frameworks
                     Develop ICT and digital technology                                                                        Spring 2015   VOCATIONAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Increased numbers of           e-Skills UK, Industry,
                     Career-Long Professional Learning           Increased uptake of                                                         TRAINING:            Encourage wider employer participation                                                             Summer 2014
                                                                                                                                                                                                             employers participating        ScotlandIS, SDS,
                     opportunities for primary school            ICT/computing related                                                       Alternative entry    in the Information Technology MA                                                                                    The importance of
SCHOOLS:                                                                                              Computing at Schools                                                                                   in the ITP MA programme        Schools, Local
                     teachers                                    qualifications at school,                                                   routes into ICT      programmes through a targeted
Support the
                                                                 FE and HE
                                                                                                      Scotland, Education
                                                                                                                                             and digital          promotional campaign. Deliver 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Authorities                                       the sector
delivery of ICT/   Establish a central coordination function                                          Scotland, FE, HE,    Autumn 2014                                                                       Reduction in the number
                                                                                                                                             technology roles     MA starts in Scotland by 2016 across       of ICT/digital technology
digital technology to increase numbers and quality of                                                 Schools, Local

                                                                 Increased capacity in schools                                                                    all IT frameworks                          businesses citing unfilled
related education engagements between schools and                to deliver ICT/computing             Authorities, NESTA
                   industry                                                                                                                                       Establish new advanced level MA            vacancies                                               Summer 2014
                                                                 related education
                                                                                                                                                                  frameworks for ICT/digital technologies
                     Develop an employer ‘school toolkit’                                                                      Autumn 2014
                                                                                                                                                                  in response to industry need
                     of resources mapped to curriculum
                     for excellence                                                                                                                               Undertake a comprehensive mapping                                                                  Autumn 2014
                     Develop a ‘digital schools’ award to                                                                      Spring 2015                        exercise to understand the supply                                                                                       Key skills issues
                     identify ICT/digital technology best                                                                                                         of FE and HE, retention rates and

                     practice in schools                                                                                                                          graduate destinations
                                                                                                                                                                  Respond flexibly to undergraduate                                                                  Academic Year
                     Establish “Computer Clubs for Girls” in                                                                   Spring 2014
                                                                                                                                                                  student demand for places in ICT, in 2014                                                          2014/15
                     50 schools and target 500 young people                                                                                  COLLEGES/            and beyond, through the Outcome
                     aged 10-14 across Scotland.                 Increased uptake of ICT/                                                    UNIVERSITIES:                                                  Increased uptake of ICT/
                                                                                                                                                                  Agreement process with institutions
                     Support Young Digital makers to train a     computing related subjects                                    Summer 2014   Increasing ICT and                                             computing related subjects      HE, FE, SQA, SFC                                Developing an
                     network of industry mentors to support      at school, HE and FE                                                        digital technology   Improve and prioritise articulation       at HE and FE                                             Academic Year            action plan
                                                                                                                                             provision            routes from FE to HE for ICT/digital                                                               2015/16
                     100 young people learn new digital skills
                                                                 Increased quality and                                                                            technology subjects

                     and build career awareness                                                       CoderDojo, Education
YOUNG PEOPLE:                                                    availability of initiatives across
                                                                                                      Scotland, e-Skills UK,                                      Provide at least a further 80 additional                                                           Academic Year
Learning and         Mapping of ICT/digital technology           Scotland delivering ICT/digital                               Winter 2014
                                                                                                      STEMnet, Industry,                                          taught postgraduate places in computer                                                             2014/15
using ICT/digital    initiatives to Curriculum for Excellence    technology skills development
                                                                                                      Schools, ScotlandIS,                                        science from 2014/15 with the potential
technology skills    and explore accreditation.                  and careers awareness
                                                                                                      Scottish Government                                         to increase this through the proposed
                     Establish a central coordination and        Increased participation by                                    Autumn 2014                        Big Data Innovation Centre.
                     funding resource to increase access         young people in extra curricular
                                                                                                                                                                  Establish a network of regional industry                                                           Spring 2015
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Action plan
                     to extra curricular initiatives for young   ICT/digital technology
                     people and schools                                                                                                                           mentors and package of support to

                                                                                                                                                                  assist young people in commercialising
                     Establish an annual national careers                                                                      Summer 2014                                                                                                  Industry, Local
                                                                                                                                             ALL: Developing      ICT/digital technology ideas               Increased numbers of young
                     event for young people                                                                                                                                                                                                 Authorities, HIE,
                                                                                                                                             entrepreneurial                                                 people developing
                                                                                                                                                                  Launch a national competition across                                      Schools, PSYBT,          Spring 2015
                                                                                                                                             skills and culture                                              entrepreneurial skills
                                                                                                                                                                  all age groups to encourage innovation                                    STEMnet
                                                                                                                                                                  Increase the number of schools                                                                     Summer 2014
                                                                                                                                                                  participating in Apps for Good                                                                                               Monitoring

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Appendices &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Home page

Theme 3: Working together to make the education system more responsive to the needs                                                        Theme 4: Raising the profile of the ICT and digital technology sector and careers
of employers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Foreword &
                                                                                                                                           Objectives:                                                                                                                                           Introduction
Objectives:                                                                                                                                1. To communicate and market a sector profile which ensures that stakeholders are aware of the contribution that ICT and digital

1. Ensure the education system is aligned with the needs of businesses for ICT and digital technology skills                                   technologies makes to the Scottish economy
2. Increase the number and relevance of graduates available to enter the ICT and digital technology sector                                 2. To ensure individuals and careers influencers (parents, teachers and careers advisers) are aware of the careers opportunities in ICT
3. Improve the collaborations between industry and education                                                                                   and digital technologies

                                                                                                                            Inception                                                                                                                                      Inception      Purpose of the Skills
Action               Description                                 Expected outcomes                   Key partners                           Action               Description                                  Expected outcomes Key partners
                                                                                                                            timescale                                                                                                                                      timescale          Investment Plan
                     Explore best practice and encourage                                                                    Autumn 2014                          Develop bespoke Labour Market                                                                             Autumn 2014

SCHOOLS/             the establishment of national/regional                                                                                                      Information (LMI) and communication
                     tripartite groups to facilitate industry,                                       Education Scotland,                    Improving            strategy to support teachers, careers
COLLEGES:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Industry, FE,/HE,
                     school, FE and HE engagement                Industry cites less skills issues   HE, FE, Local                          awareness of ICT     advisers and professionals in FE and HE      Increased uptake of ICT/
Wood                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Schools, Local
                                                                 with ICT/digital technology         Authorities, SICSA,                    and digital                                                       computing related subjects
Commission/          Increase the number of engagements                                                                     Winter 2014                          Identify and appoint 32 ‘digital                                                 Authorities, SDS,        Summer 2014
                                                                 related graduates                   SFC, Schools,                          technology                                                        at school, FE and HE
Curriculum                                                                                                                                                       technology’ STEM ambassadors to                                                  STEMnet
                     and collaborations between industry                                             Industry                               careers                                                                                                                                       The importance of
                     and education through an industry                                                                                                           work across each Local Authority area
                     led coordination function                                                                                                                   in Scotland                                                                                                                      the sector
COLLEGES/                                                                                                                                                        Deliver a multi-channel, promotional         Increased awareness of the                                   Spring 2014
work placements
and graduate
                     Deliver 750 work placements for HE/FE
                     students through e-placement Scotland
                     by 2016
                                                                 Industry cite less skills issues
                                                                 with ICT and digital technology
                                                                 related graduates
                                                                                                     e-Skills UK,
                                                                                                     Scotland, Industry,
                                                                                                     FE, HE, SFC, SICSA,
                                                                                                                            Autumn 2014

                                                                                                                                                                 and educational campaign to target
                                                                                                                                                                 key groups including young people,
                                                                                                                                                                 women, parents and new entrants
                                                                                                                                                                 from other sectors
                                                                                                                                                                                                              career opportunities within the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ICT/digital technologies sector
                                                                                                                                                                                                              across individuals and careers
                                                                                                                                                                                                              influencers                     Local Authorities,
                                                                                                     ScotlandIS                             awareness of ICT
recruitment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SDS, ScotlandIS,
                                                                                                                                            and digital          Align and enhance online careers and         Increased uptake of ICT/                                     Summer 2014
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SE, HIE, Industry,
ALL: Work            Extend/develop work placement and           Industry cite less skills issues
                                                                                                     Education Scotland,
                                                                                                                             Spring 2015
                                                                                                                                            technology           industry resources such as My World          computer related subjects at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              e-Skills UK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Key skills issues
                                                                                                     Industry, FE, HE, Local                careers              of Work, Big Ambition Scotland and           school, FE and HE
placement for        knowledge exchange opportunities            with ICT and digital technology

                                                                                                     Authorities, SFC,                                           Our Skillsforce
educators            for educators in schools, FE and HE         related graduates                                                                                                                            Reduced numbers of ICT/digital
                                                                                                     SICSA, ScotlandIS
                                                                                                                                                                 Showcase ICT/digital technologies in         technology businesses citing                                 Summer 2014
                                                                                                                                                                 two regional ‘Careers World’ venues          unfilled vacancies
                                                                                                                                                                 Establish a Women Into IT Programme                                                                       Autumn 2014
                                                                                                                                                                 to raise awareness of the career             Increased numbers of women                                                        Developing an
                                                                                                                                                                 opportunities and provide an                 choosing ICT/digital
                                                                                                                                            Addressing the       introductory training programme              technology subjects at school,                                                      action plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SRC, SWIT, Industry,
                                                                                                                                            gender imbalance     and work experience                          FE and HE                           Schools, SDS,

                                                                                                                                            in ICT and digital
                                                                                                                                                                 Deliver 6 career development workshops Improved retention rates for              ScotlandIS               Summer 2014
                                                                                                                                            technology roles
                                                                                                                                                                 each year and an annual event to       women in ICT/digital
                                                                                                                                                                 support women currently in the ICT and technology careers
                                                                                                                                                                 digital technology workplace

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Action plan


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Appendices &
Home page

             The action plan will          The ICT and digital technologies skills action
                                           plan will develop a clear and transparent                                           Foreword &
             be delivered under the        performance framework to monitor the                                               Introduction
                                           progress of individual actions, as well            “Skills will continue
             guidance of the ICT and                                                           to play an integral
                                           as the overall performance of the SIP.
             digital technologies skills   Baseline data for the indicators of success
                                           will be collated and the overall success         role in the achievement
Monitoring   group, who will also have     will be measured against:                               of strategic
                                           •	increasing the size of the ICT and digital
             a role in monitoring             technologies talent pool in Scotland
                                                                                                   objectives”         Purpose of the Skills
             its success and impact.       •	increasing the proportion of women
                                                                                                                           Investment Plan
                                              employed in the ICT and digital
                                              technologies sector

                                           •	increasing the number of appropriately
                                              skilled ICT and computer related graduates
                                           •	increasing the numbers of young                                          The importance of
                                              people who choose ICT and computing
                                              related subjects at school, further and
                                                                                                                               the sector
                                              higher education

                                           •	reducing the number of employers who
                                              cite unfilled vacancies and skills gaps
                                              in their workforce.
                                           To support the implementation of the ICT
                                           and digital technologies skills action plan,                                    Key skills issues
                                           funding has been secured through the
                                           Scottish Government’s Digital Scotland
                                           Business Excellence Partnership for 2014/15
                                           and 2015/16. The Business Excellence
                                           Partnership Board will also have strategic
                                           oversight of the portfolio of work which
                                           will be delivered to ensure the effective
                                           deployment of these resources. It is
                                                                                                                             Developing an
                                           proposed that an update on the progress                                             action plan
                                           and impact of the ICT and digital

                                           technologies skills action plan will be
                                           presented in one year’s time with a formal
                                           evaluation undertaken at two years.

                                                                                                                                Action plan


                                                                                                                            Appendices &
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Appendix 1 -                                                                                  Appendix 2 -                                       Appendix 3 -                                 Table 1: ITP Modern Apprenticeships (2008-Mar 2013)                                                       Foreword &
SIP development                                                                               Definitions                                        Evidence tables                                                New starts                                   Achievements
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Female       Male      Total          Female           Male            Total

                                                                                                                                                                                               2008/09            7               17    24              19               79             98
The SIP was developed by SDS with              •	desk based analysis of the scale,           One of the issues for the ICT and digital          Modern Apprenticeships (MAs)
support from an external consultant               size and key drivers of the industry        technologies sector is that a number               Modern Apprenticeships offer vocational       2009/10            3               27    30              5                39             44
who completed research and consultations                                                      of definitions are used by different               training across a variety of skills.
                                                                                                                                                                                               2010/11            11          185      196              9              106              115
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Purpose of the Skills
                                               •	engagement with 33 Scottish businesses
under the guidance of the SIP Steering
                                                  to test and explore the identified issues
                                                                                              organisations. For example the terms               Table 1 shows new starts and achievements                                                                                                          Investment Plan
Group. This steering group comprised                                                          “IT”, “digital” and “computing” are often          in relation to the Information Technology     2011/12            68          276      344              35             153              188
of colleagues from ScotlandIS, e-skills UK,       in more detail, as well as to validate      used interchangeably despite there being           Professional (ITP) MA framework.
Scottish Enterprise, Highlands & Islands
Enterprise, SDS and the Technology
Advisory Group (TAG).
                                                  and prioritise them to inform the
                                                  development of an action plan. A range
                                                  of businesses across the central belt,
                                                  Aberdeen and Highlands and Islands were
                                                                                              important differences. In particular there
                                                                                              can be confusion in schools/education
                                                                                              between ICT and computing.
                                                                                                                                                 School provision
                                                                                                                                                                                               2012/13            77          391      468              29

                                                                                                                                                                                              Table 2: Entries to Scottish computing qualifications (2007-2011)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       165              194
A significant amount of research had              consulted. The sample covered a range       The following provides a definition                SQA collect data on the uptake of
already been conducted into the Scottish          of business sizes including SME’s with      of the terminology used in the SIP:                computer related qualifications at school.                     2007                      2011               Change % Change                    The importance of
ICT and digital technologies sector and           as few as 10 employees, to large            •	ICT and digital technologies: the               Table 2 shows the percentage change                                                                                                                    the sector
the SIP builds on the research and analysis       multinationals with 4,000 employees            terminology used in the SIP when                of uptake over the period 2007 – 2011.        Standard grade                16,040          11,660             -4,380            -27%
already completed by public sector                in Scotland                                    referring to ICT and digital technology
and industry partners.

A key element of the SIP development was
the review and synthesis of these materials.
                                               •	consultations with key stakeholders
                                                  and industry representatives to provide
                                                  a wider industry perspective to the
                                                                                                 professionals working within and out
                                                                                                 |with the sector

                                                                                              •	IT & telecoms: the name for the e-skills

                                                                                                                                                                                               Intermediate 1




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -17%                       3
                                                                                                                                                                                               Intermediate 2                 2,682          3,157               475                  18%
In particular these included the e-skills         skills issues.                                 UK 2012 sector definition and which was
UK “Technology Insights” and the                                                                 agreed to be the best fit definition for
ScotlandIS “Scottish Technology Industry                                                         the desk research element of the Skills         Teaching provision                           Table 3: Computer studies teachers (main subject) (2008-2012)                                         Key skills issues
Surveys”. A mapping of trends of uptake                                                          Investment Plan                                 Over the four year period (2008-2012)
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Computing Studies                 All subjects                   As a % of all
of ICT/Computing related provision in                                                                                                            the number of teachers with computing
schools, HE and FE was also completed.                                                        •	information technology (IT) - The use
                                                                                                 of computers in industry, commerce
                                                                                                                                                 studies as their main subject area has                                                                                  subjects
                                                                                                                                                 decreased by 13.8% (106 teachers).
A fact finding visit to the Digital Skills                                                       and elsewhere, including aspects of             It has been reported that some schools        2008                          766               24,418                          3.1%
Academy in Dublin was taken by SDS                                                               systems architecture, human factors             do not have any dedicated provision           2012                          660               22,460                          2.9%
and members of the ICT SIP Steering                                                              and project management.                         for teaching ICT/computing.                                                                                                                          Developing an
Group. The purpose of this visit was to                                                                                                                                                        Change                        -106              -1,958                                                   action plan
learn from their experiences and to inform                                                    When referring to education, there is
                                                                                              an important distinction made between                                                            % Change                    -13.8%              -8.0%
the SIP action plan specifically in relation

to opportunities for transition training.                                                     ICT and computing skills, as follows:
                                                                                              •	ICT (information communication                  Further education provision                  Table 4: Further education students (2005/06-2010/11)
Key elements of the SIP development                                                              technology) skills - relates to pupils          A wide range of subjects such as
process has included:                                                                            developing the skills to use modern digital     Computing Science and Maths can lead            Computing related courses                       Scotland                     As a % of
•	review and synthesis of existing Labour                                                       technology - computers, smart phones,           to careers in ICT and digital technologies                                                                                   Scotland
   Market Information and research                                                               tablets and these are likely to involve         and consequently the SIP has identified
   produced by e-skills UK, ScotlandIS,                                                          using search, messaging, email, word            that a key action is to better understand     2005/06                    63,101                      447,085                   14.1%                    Action plan
   CT Industry Advisory Group, Talent                                                            processing, spreadsheet, presentational         the supply, demand, retention and graduate    2010/11                    42,940                      383,336                   11.2%
   Scotland and Scottish Enterprise                                                              software. e-skills UK and some other

                                                                                                                                                 destinations. Table 4 and 5 show the
                                                                                                 organisations define this as digital literacy   uptake of computing related courses at FE    Table 5: All students undertaking computer science courses Scotland
                                                                                                                                                 and only computer science courses at HE.
                                                                                              •	computing/computer science -
                                                                                                 The academic discipline, encompassing                                                          Computer science course                        Scotland                   As a % of
                                                                                                 programming languages, data structures                                                                                                                                   Scotland
                                                                                                 and algorithms.
                                                                                                                                                                                               2005/06                 10,395                   215,830                         4.8%
                                                                                                                                                                                               2010/11                   9,060                  221,075                         4.1%
                                                                                                                                                                                               Change                    -1,335                  5,245
                                                                                                                                                                                               % Change                -12.9%                     2.4%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Appendices &
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Appendix 4 -                                                                                                                                     Appendix 5 -                                                       Foreword &
Bibliography                                                                                                                                     Stakeholder
•	e-skills UK, 2012. UK Strategic Action Plan   •	ScotlandIS, 2008. Innovation and ICT Skills   • SQW 2012. Review of the ICT Skills Plan.     A large number of stakeholders were
   Scotland 2012-13. Available at                   in Scotland. Available at                                                                    consulted in the development of the                              •	The Royal Society 2012. Shut down or        Skills Investment Plan. This include:                      Purpose of the Skills
                                                                                                     restart? The way forward for computing
   about-e-skills-uk/e-skills-in-the-nations/       Skills%20and%20Innovation%20Report.pdf
                                                                                                     in UK schools. Available at                 • British Computing Society
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Investment Plan
                                                 •	ScotlandIS, 2012 and 2013. Scottish    

•	e-skills UK 2012. e-Skills UK Technology         Technology Industry Survey. Available at         Royal_Society_Content/education/policy/     • College Development Network
   Insights Report. Available at                                         computing-in-schools/2012-01-12-
                                                                                                                                                 • Computing at Schools                                                               Computing-in-Schools.pdf
   publications/insights-reports-and-videos/     •	Scottish Enterprise, 2012. Scottish
                                                                                                                                                 • e-Skills UK
   technology-insights-2012                         e-Commerce Study. Available at                •	UK Commission for Employment and
                                                    Skills (UKCES), 2012. Working Futures       • Education Scotland                                       The importance of
•	European Commission, 2012. Analytical            Resources/Documents/STUV/Scottish%20             Report for Scotland. Available at                                                                              the sector
   Highlight ICT Sector. Available at               e-Commerce%20Study.pdf                            • Highlands & Islands Enterprise                                                             futures

•	Higher Education Statistics Agency, 2011.
                                                 •	Scottish Funding Council, 2012. Infact
                                                    Database. Available at
                                                                                                  •	Talent Scotland, 2011. Report on Research
                                                                                                     Findings. Available at
                                                                                                                                                 • Scotland Colleges

                                                                                                                                                 • Scottish Enterprise                                                       3
                                                                                                                                                 • Technology Advisory Group
   Statistics - Multiple sources. Available at      infact_database.aspx                             Resources/Documents/STUV/                                                                                   TalentScotland-skills-research-2011.pdf     • Scottish Funding Council
                                                 •	Scottish Government 2012. Scotland’s                                                                                                                        Key skills issues
•	Higher Education Statistics Agency, 2011.        Digital Future - First Annual Progress                                                       • SQA

   Students and qualifiers at UK HE                 Report and Update 2012. Available at
   institution. Available at                                                                                       • ScotlandIS            Publications/2012/10/6741

•	ICT Industry Advisory Group, 2010. ICT        •	Scottish Government, 2013. Scotland’s
   Strategy Implementation Plan. Available at       Digital Future - Supporting the Transition           to a World-leading Digital Economy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Developing an
   Implementation%20Plans.pdf                       Available at                                                                                                                                                    action plan
•	Jones, S P, 2011. Computing at School,

   International Comparison. Available at            •	Scottish Government 2012. Summary
   uploads/internationalcomparisons-v5.pdf          Statistics for Schools in Scotland, No.3.
                                                    Available at
•	McClelland, JF, 2011. Review of ICT    
   Infrastructure in the Public Sector in           Publications/2012/12/2355
   Scotland 2011. Available at                                                                                                                                                                                       Action plan                          •	Scottish Qualifications Authority, 2013.

   Publications/2011/06/15104329/0                  Course Information. Available at
•	NOMIS, 2012. Labour Force Survey
   Statistics. Available at                      •	Skills Development Scotland, 2012.                               Modern Apprenticeship Statistics.
                                                    Available at

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Appendices &
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