Smart Energy: The Backbone of the Energy Revolution - Smart Energy Systems October 2020 - Aalto Capital

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Smart Energy: The Backbone of the Energy Revolution - Smart Energy Systems October 2020 - Aalto Capital
Smart Energy: The Backbone of the
Energy Revolution

                        Smart Energy Systems
                               October 2020
Smart Energy: The Backbone of the Energy Revolution - Smart Energy Systems October 2020 - Aalto Capital

                   of Europeans agree that climate change is a
      93%          serious threat

        x2         Electricity demand expected to as much as
                   double by 2050

                   of proposed smart city projects introduced in
      45%          2015 involved the energy sector

Introduction:                                                                            Recent news:
     The energy sector has become          monitoring – across the nation and in         ➢ Emerson acquires OSI for
one of interest and activity in recent     homes and businesses. Becoming                  $1.6b in August 2020.
years due to contentious issues such       more aware of inefficiencies and
as climate change and the limited          fluctuations allows consumers to cut
stores of fossil fuels. A 2019 survey by   back on energy expenditure and
                                                                                         ➢ Iberdrola to open Global
the European Commission showed             suppliers to tailor demand. In the              Smartgrid Innovation Hub
93% of Europeans see climate change        future, smart energy systems will allow         in Bilbao, Spain, set to
as a serious threat1. With each record-    the world to cut back on CO2 emissions          start operating in 2021.
breaking summer heatwave, it has           and integrate renewable energy into
become increasingly evident just how       the grid more effectively and
important it is to reduce our carbon       economically.
                                                                                         ➢ Reserve Power Holdings
footprint.                                                                                 buys     Flexitricity for
                                                The world at large is becoming             £15.2m, September 2020.
     Unfortunately, cutting down on        more connected and autonomised,
carbon emissions and converting to         and the energy sector will not be left
renewable power generation poses           behind. In 2015, 45% of smart city        way in which we power our lives.
substantial challenges, and will not       projects introduced involved the          Moreover, the global smart energy
happen overnight nor seamlessly. The       energy sector3. The development of        market was estimated to be worth
energy system that has served many         any ‘smart’ sector requires effective     $24b in 2018 and is expected to
countries for the past 140 years is        supply of electricity to enable data      increase to $60b by 20234.
antiquated and inflexible; it is not       communication and digitalisation –
receptive to change. Adding to the         blackouts could be detrimental to              But what exactly is smart energy,
fray, energy consumption could             smart cities. Consistency is and will     and how is it being used to tackle
double by 20502, reaching capacities       continue to be the priority of energy     climate change, energy demand, and
too high for the current system.           supply, but smart energy provides a       smart city development?
                                           path for increased demand to
     So how do we smoothly                 ultimately result in a decreased carbon   1 European Commission, Eurobarometer
transition into a more adaptable           footprint.                                  (2019)
system?                                                                              2 The Drax Group, Great Britain’s Energy

                                                The development of technology          (R)Evolution
    Currently, smart energy provides       in and around the energy sector has       3 Liang et al (2020)
opportunities for better energy            the opportunity to greatly change the     4 Markets and Markets report

Smart Energy: The Backbone of the Energy Revolution - Smart Energy Systems October 2020 - Aalto Capital
Understanding Smart Energy

What is a smart energy system?

      Firstly, it is important to           energy usage to reduce consumption,         collected data are common themes
understand the existing energy              and hence spending, as well as system       across many sectors undergoing
network. This network consists of           losses. Some sources also describe a        significant growth. In the energy
energy generators which produce             smart energy system as one which is         sector, autonomation makes for
electricity and gas either by burning       fully fueled by clean or even just          significantly faster response times and
fossil fuels or using renewable energy.     renewable energy. The overarching           hence,      more      economical    and
These suppliers then send this energy       term ‘smart energy system’ can              environmentally-friendly         energy
into the national grid, a high-capacity     typically be divided into two branches:     supply. The ability to instantaneously
network of power lines and pipelines        consumer smart energy systems (in           meet changes in demand also creates
for transporting electricity and gas        homes, offices, factories, etc) and         a more reliable energy source.
across the country. The national grid       smart energy systems in the grid. The
network is managed by large                 two are highly connected and
companies like National Grid in             interactive, and smart grid systems
England or SP Energy Networks in            tend to build onto local, consumer
Southern       Scotland.     Distribution   systems. For the purpose of this
                                                                                                    Smart energy
network operators (DNOs) then step          report, ‘consumer smart energy
down the high voltages and distribute       systems’ may be referred to as ‘smart
energy locally for consumer use.            energy in the home’ (though it should
National transmission companies and         be noted that this also applies to             Smart Meter         Smart Grids
DNOs are responsible for upkeeping          offices, factories, or other consumers),
the infrastructure on a national and        while ‘smart energy systems in the
local level, respectively. Finally, your    grid’ may be referred to as ‘smart
monthly energy bill comes from              grids.’
companies       known      as     ‘energy
providers’ such as British Gas or SSE.           Smart energy systems also
                                            typically imply a level of digitalisation
     A smart energy system is a             and autonomation. Compilation of
system which measures and controls          data and industry optimization from
                                                                                                Source: Smart Energy GB

Smart Energy: The Backbone of the Energy Revolution - Smart Energy Systems October 2020 - Aalto Capital
Source: Vaclav Smil (2017) and BP Statistical Review of
                                                                                    World Energy via

What is a smart energy system (cont.)?

     Smart energy systems in the                Smart grid systems collect data     advanced. To keep up with these
home are already well on their way to     from smart meters and smart               changes, excess and waste electricity
being commonplace in homes across         buildings. Data shared by smart           can be redistributed to compensate
the UK thanks to the integration of       meters to energy suppliers can then       for growing demand.
smart meters. Energy meters have          be shared with generators. The data
been around for almost 50 years, but      can then be used to alter energy               Generally speaking, this covers
until quite recently, have merely         production in real time by assessing      the extent of widespread smart energy
measured electricity, voltage, current,   end-user demand. By analysing the         systems. It is very important for smart
and/or power consumption. More            shared data, generators and suppliers     energy systems to be able to evolve
recently, these have been replaced        know when energy is most likely to be     with growing demand and new
with smart meters, which gather data      at its peak in an area and when it is     technology; renewable or otherwise.
to show exactly how much households       expected to be low; this allows
are spending each day, and which          suppliers to manage supply and cut
appliances are the most expensive to      back on waste energy at low demand
run. These meters rely on ‘advanced       times. Taking that a step further,
metering infrastructure’ (AMI) and can    automated smart systems can react
communicate directly with your            immediately to increase supply (either
supplier to determine your bill at the    by generating more or by drawing
end of each month. This makes the         from energy storage facilities),
                                                                                        Some define smart energy
extra step of reporting your meter        removing the need to produce much             systems as being fully
readings each month obsolete. It also     more than consumers are using at a            fuelled by renewable
makes readings more accurate, as the      given time. These (currently small)
supplier knows exactly how much           adjustments are likely to make a big          energy. How do smart
energy is being used at a given           difference in the future, since               energy systems work with
moment and can compare it directly        electricity demand could as much as
with the price of energy at that time,    double by 2050 as electric vehicles
                                                                                        renewable energy?
rather than averaged across the           (EVs) become more widespread and
month. This system, hence, would          smart buildings, smart transportation,
reward consumers who use energy at        and similar technologies become more
inexpensive, low-demand times.
Smart Energy: The Backbone of the Energy Revolution - Smart Energy Systems October 2020 - Aalto Capital
Smart Energy and Renewables

                             Smart energy and renewables:
                                  Solar and wind power are some         the peaks in the mornings and
                             of the most popular renewables on the      evenings when consumers are home
Bulb recently launched its   market, but the sun does not always        from work, demand fluctuations still
services in Texas and has    shine, and the wind does not always        tend to vary greatly from time and
already gained 5,000 new     blow (and is incredibly varied in its      location. Poor planning or a lack of
customers.                   intensity for that matter). Renewable      resources can lead to blackouts or a
                             energy needs an approach for               weakened supply. Adding renewable
                             integration and for meeting power          energy into the mix creates even more
                             demand daily and year-round.               uncertainty, as the supply side is not
                                                                        based on demand and is quite literally
                                  The rise of renewable energy          as changeable as the wind. A more
                             suppliers such as Bulb, Octopus            autonomised system, hence, becomes
Octopus Energy recently      Energy, Ecotricity, Good Energy, and       necessary for directing power where it
acquired Evolve Energy in    Ovo, as well as the push to include        is needed and when.
                             more renewable sources in larger
Texas for $5m, launching
                             companies like British Gas, Scottish             In the Orkney Islands, Scottish
its own expansion into
                             Power, and E.ON, is not just a result of   and Southern Energy Networks
the US.                      government        tariff    incentives.    Distribution (SSEN) oversaw Britain’s
                             Consumers are becoming more                first smart-grid renewable-energy
                             conscientious of the environment and       integration, a project started in 2009
                             of their carbon footprints, and            but which reached its integration
                             renewable generators and suppliers         capacity in 2012. The Orkney system
The Orkney Islands are       are growing fast because of it.            relies on an Active Network
able to export renewable                                                Management (ANM) system, which
                                 Digitalisation    is     especially    takes     in    continuous    real-time
energy to the mainland       important within the renewable side
(as of September 2020)                                                  measurements         and     calculates
                             of smart energy systems. Consumer          electricity consumption so it can alert
via       a       220MW      energy demand is volatile. Though the      generators to cut back on or increase
transmission cable.          general curve over the course of a day     supply.
                             can be mapped to take into account
Smart Energy: The Backbone of the Energy Revolution - Smart Energy Systems October 2020 - Aalto Capital
Smart energy and renewables (cont.):
      The Orkneys are well positioned     Balancing Mechanism (BM) (a smart
for renewable energy generation given     grid platform) in December 2019,
the presence of strong winds year-        adding small providers and even a few             The UK aims to bring
round and strong tides. By 2016, the      customers and independent energy                  green     house      gas
Orkneys were producing 120% of their      aggregators to its user-base. The BM
total electricity needs.                  monitors real-time demand and meets
                                                                                            emissions to net-zero by
                                          it using the input energy from big and            2050.
     In 2019, SSEN received approval      small generators, allowing small
from the Office of Gas and Energy         renewable energy generators to be
Markets (Ofgem) to install a 220MW        more easily incorporated into the
transmission cable between Orkney         overall supply.
and the mainland, one of the steps
needed to upgrade the network. As of            In addition to new small and large
the 23rd September 2020, the              renewable energy integration, smart               GE announced it will stop
transmission cable and coinciding         energy systems also offer traditional             selling parts to coal-fired
upgrades were completed, and excess       fossil fuel fed energy producers an               power plants, shifting its
energy distributed to the mainland5.      easier transition for their existing sites.
                                          As sections of traditional power plants
                                                                                            focus     to     supplying
      The Orkneys’ grid is a good         are converted, smart systems can be               renewable generators.
example of why it is important for        relied on to adjust the supply ratio as
these systems to be adaptable for         needed to best incorporate the
future needs; as our technology           renewable energy.
improves and future innovation
determines better ways for the smart           Autonomised      smart      energy
grid to operate and for clean energy to   systems are the only way to balance
be generated, components will need        demand and supply through the
to be integrated seamlessly into the      transition to renewable energy. These
network.                                  systems, acting instantaneously, can
                                          help to tailor unreliable renewable           5
    Networks are being put into place                                                       Current news, Britain's first smart grid
                                          energy generation to meet consumers’              to open connection applications
and trialled throughout the UK and        needs and will be vital at all stages of          again, 2020
Europe. National Grid expanded its        the renewable energy revolution.
Smart Energy: The Backbone of the Energy Revolution - Smart Energy Systems October 2020 - Aalto Capital
Government Recognition

Government recognition:
      One of the big questions              Only then will renewables be                 go. Though Scotland generated 90% of
regarding the implementation of             affordable    for    all     consumers.      its electricity demand from renewable
renewables, is the willingness of the       Eventually, there will be enough             energy in 20198, electricity demand
consumer. Though many consumers             generation     sites     and    enough       will climb as the number of EVs
are becoming more aware of the              supporting infrastructure that tariffs       overtakes that of non-EVs and electric
environmental impact their everyday         will no longer be necessary, and gas         heating becomes more commonplace.
choices have, not all consumers can         can be phased out.                           Furthermore, EV charging stations will
afford the luxury of pursuing                                                            need to be distributed more
                                                  In June 2019, the UK became the
environmentally friendly, and typically                                                  consistently, since EVs cannot yet
                                            first major economy to mandate net-
more expensive, practices. This is                                                       travel as far as petrol-fuelled vehicles
                                            zero greenhouse gas emissions by
especially true in the energy sector,                                                    and take much longer to recharge.
                                            2050. Scotland has announced even
where renewables are more expensive                                                      These stations will be significantly
                                            loftier goals in its net-zero plan, aiming
due to new generation sites and                                                          more effective if connected to an
                                            to be ahead of the deadline by 5 years.
infrastructure needing to be built to                                                    overarching smart system, allowing
                                            By 2019, the UK had already reduced
meet demand and replace existing                                                         drivers to find chargers and pay with
                                            emissions by 42% as compared to
fossil fuel facilities. Gas often remains                                                ease, redirecting power from stations
                                            1990 levels, while growing the
the cheaper option. This affordability                                                   that are not in use to those that are.
                                            economy by 72%, and it expects to see
issue makes government incentives                                                        The same is true for distributing
                                            the number of jobs created by
important to ensure widespread                                                           energy within homes and throughout
                                            renewable energy (“green collar jobs”)
renewable energy conversion. Though                                                      neighbourhoods. Electricity will need
                                            reach two million by 2030. Moreover,
some believe government tariffs are                                                      to be allocated as efficiently as
                                            the government expects the value of
the key to promoting consumer                                                            possible, and hence, the practical side
                                            exports from the low carbon economy
conversion, government policy and                                                        of the renewable energy policy will
                                            to grow to £170b over the next ten
investment in the renewable sector                                                       require the implementation of smart
                                            years6. Furthering these goals, the UK
may be more important, as it will build                                                  energy systems.
                                            also plans to move forward the ban on
the      infrastructure      and    make
                                            the sale of new petrol, diesel, and
renewable energy widely accessible.
                                            hybrid vehicles from 2040 to 20357.
Arguably, renewable energy needs                                                         6 UK Government news story
                                            There is a lot of action towards             7
government policy and investment to                                                        BBC article
                                            conversion to a net-zero world, but          8 Scottish Renewables statistics
bridge      the      gap     caused    by
                                            implementation still has some way to
infrastructure implementation costs.

Smart Energy: The Backbone of the Energy Revolution - Smart Energy Systems October 2020 - Aalto Capital
225 million smart meters are expected in the EU by 2024

              Cross-border smart grids are at the forefront of EU grid design

European Commission to invest €998m into smart grids

 Government recognition (cont.):
       It appears the UK government        number of projects are working to         demonstrates just how important
 understands this – it aims to have a      build a network: SINCRO.GRID operate      smart energy systems are perceived to
 total of 51.6 million smart meters        in Slovenia and Croatia, ACON in          be by governments. There is no
 installed by 2024. Moreover, Ofgem        Czechia and Slovakia, Smart Border        questioning the presence of smart
 has proposed £25b to transform            Initiative in France and Germany,         energy systems in the future, but
 energy networks and make them more        Danube InGrid in Hungary and              rather the form their presence will
 conducive to delivering clean energy      Slovakia, Data Bridge in the Baltics,     take.
 to consumers9. This will aid greatly in   Denmark, Finland, and France, and
 creating a smarter grid network, with     Cross-Border     Flexibility   Project
 greater interaction and simpler           between Estonia and Finland11.
 integration for delivery of renewable
                                                 EU Member States announced a
                                           Commission proposal in October 2020
      Like the UK, many other              to     invest   €998m       in   energy
 countries are making policy changes to    infrastructure projects that connect
 push for net-zero carbon. In recent       Europe. €720m has been allocated to
 months, governments around the            the Baltic Synchronisation Project
 world have been paying more               linking Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and
 attention to their climate change         Poland, an additional €102m given to
 policy – a consequence of the             Danube InGrid, and the rest will go to
 pandemic and coinciding disturbances      similar projects, including the first
 such as record wildfires and storms.      grant for a CO2 transport project for
                                           Belgian and Dutch ports12. These
       The   European       Commission
                                           projects will shape the energy market
 reported that there will be nearly 225
                                           as it progresses closer and closer to
 million smart meters in the EU by
                                           removing fossil fuels altogether,
 2024, equivalent to about €47b worth                                                9 Ofgem press release
                                           further engraining the EU as a single,
 of investment and representing almost                                               10 European Commission press release
                                           united, progressive entity.
 77% of European consumers10.                                                        11 European Commission press release

                                                This evidence of significant         12 European Commission press release
     Within the EU, cross-border
                                           government initiative and investment
 smart grids are a necessity, and a

Smart Energy: The Backbone of the Energy Revolution - Smart Energy Systems October 2020 - Aalto Capital
The Smart Energy Market


 The smart energy market
     Smart energy comes in many            unexpected lows), and compensate for
                                                                                          More about Drax:
shapes and sizes. Even as suppliers like   fluctuations in renewable generation.          Drax power station is
Ecotricity, Good Energy, and Bulb push
for and invest in creating new                      Zenobe       is    the      largest   leading the way towards
                                           independent owner and operator of
renewables infrastructure, existing
                                           battery storage in the UK. Their
                                                                                          a coal-free future. As the
generators are making a greater effort
to adapt their facilities. As the world    batteries serve commercial and                 largest power station in
moves away from using fossil fuels,        industrial clients as well as utilities and    the UK, it is one of the
companies like the Drax Group and          infrastructure, providing more reliable,
                                           consistent power supply.                       largest decarbonisation
EDF Energy will likely want to
repurpose those facilities from gas and                                                   projects in Europe. It
                                                Large-scale battery storage for
coal power to biogas or other clean        the grid is a key part of the transition       converted its fourth coal
energy generation techniques. Smart
grid technology will not only enable
                                           to renewables. Energy demand is                unit to use biomass in
                                           highly     volatile,  and traditional
renewables to be added more                generators will burn an excess to
                                                                                          2018, allowing two thirds
effectively but also enable traditional    overcompensate        in    case      of       of the power station to
producers      to    transition   more     unexpected spikes in demand.
smoothly. On the production end,                                                          produce        renewable
                                           Renewable energy exacerbates this
producers will need to rebuild and         volatility since the supply itself is no       electricity. They have
repurpose their existing sites, while on
the user’s end, new connections may
                                           longer steady or reliable, and hence,          two remaining coal
                                           energy      storage    becomes      very
need to be put in place to handle the      important in bridging the gaps
                                                                                          generating units left and
change in supply.                          between supply peaks and demand                expect to be coal free
         Energy storage is another key     peaks.                                         before 203013.
part of smart grid design, in particular
for renewable energy integration /
conversion. Energy storage at different
points on the grid helps to offset                                                        13   Drax press release
fluctuations in energy usage (such as
unexpected peaks), cut down on
energy losses (taking energy in at
Smart Energy: The Backbone of the Energy Revolution - Smart Energy Systems October 2020 - Aalto Capital
The smart energy market (cont.):
      Arenko,     is   focusing      their   country participated in the clapping              Fulcrum also deliver end-to-end
technology on autonomising the               for carers at 8pm on 23 April 2020,         electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions
supply response in battery storage. Its      and at around 8:02pm, all those             for commercial and destination
platform      integrates     utility     /   people went inside, turned on the TV,       charging across the nation. Its
commercial battery storage into the          put the kettle on, and / or put dinner      installation      includes      network
grid and reads demand in second-to-          in the oven. This simultaneous re-          connections, metering installation,
second trading intervals so that it can      entering caused a 950MW spike in in         power substation installation, and
release energy immediately when              energy demand across the nation14,          cabling at all voltages, making its
demand requires. At times of low             and Arenko’s technology was able to         services in EV charging comprehensive
demand, Arenko’s technology allows           detect that spike and release enough        and grid connected. Fulcrum sees itself
battery operators to buy renewable           energy to cover 10% of the necessary        aligned with the progression of net-
energy when wholesale prices are low         supply to avoid blackout. The clapping      zero incentives, and it expects its
or even negative. Operators can then         for carers spike demonstrated the           position in the market to be highly
sell that energy back to the grid at high    importance of such technology, and          opportunistic as new technology
demand times (when wholesale prices          just how useful it can be for the grid.     creates the need for new utility
are positive) to bridge the gap that                                                     connections. Fulcrum will additionally
renewable energy may not be able to                 As the supply of energy becomes      be well positioned to repurpose gas
cover. This can make both the storage        more diversified and digitised, updates     infrastructure to suit more sustainable
and release of electricity into the grid     to utilities connections will also need     fuels such as green hydrogen. These
profitable, thanks to the recent             to be updated. Fulcrum Utilities, a UK      services will be important for small-
development of negative wholesale            company listed on the AIM, is a             and large-scale smart grid and
prices. Arenko’s platform autonomises        utilities infrastructure provider. This     renewable energy developments.
the process to maximise returns and          year, Fulcrum announced a change in
react immediately to changes in              strategy in the hopes to better align
demand.       For     consumers,       its   itself with the drive towards net-zero
technology reduces the volatility of         carbon emissions. In addition to its
supply-response and, hence, over-all         traditional gas and electric offerings,     14   Arenko news
volatility.                                  Fulcrum provides smart metering
                                             installations      and      multi-utility
        In April, when clapping for          conversion to aid companies in their
carers started, Arenko’s technology          transition to renewable generation.
proved its worth. Most people in the
2019 Revenue: £46.1m
                                                            Market Cap (AIM): $89.95m (Oct 14 2020)

                                                            OVO 2019 Revenue: £1bn+19

                                                            2019 Revenue: £120m
                                                            Market Cap (AIM): $27.96m (Oct 14 2020)

The smart energy market (cont.):
     Fulcrum and similar companies         an EV charging app which launched its
                                                                                           More about Ovo:
are likely to become increasingly          EV charging payments app, Zap-Pay, in
important in the coming years as the       September 2020, making its platform             OVO group, founded in
UK transitions to its net-zero goals and   more connected and comprehensive18.             2009,      has     grown
EVs become more widespread.                As these technologies work more
                                           smoothly with each other and with
                                                                                           quickly in the past 11
      EV charging integration is           energy suppliers / generators, more             years; it is active in the
another growing part of smart grid
systems. EVs have been especially
                                           electricity can be conserved and                UK, France, Spain, and
                                           redistributed to parts of the local grid
prominent in recent headlines, with        with higher demand.                             Australia and has over
Uber announcing its £5m funding for                                                        250      smart      home
EV charging infrastructure in London15,          Kaluza, part of the OVO group,
SSE imploring the Department for           introduced their vehicle-to-grid (V2G)          engineers.            Ovo
Transport to make it mandatory for         solution in 201819. Kaluza’s platform           recently acquired SSE’s
fleets to switch to electric by 203016,    connects EV smart charging stations to
and Octopus energy just recently           the grid via the DNO Western Power
                                                                                           household            retail
passing its 1,000 EV charger               Distribution (WPD) to provide greater           business.       It    also
milestone17. This follows the UK           flexibility. Kaluza was formerly focused        acquired Spark Energy
moving forward the ban on the sale of      solely on connecting Sonnen (a
petrol-, diesel-, and hybrid-fuelled       German company) batteries in homes              in 2018, which it is
vehicles to 2035, and the growing          to WPD’s local grid. Its platform allows        now merging with its
comprehension that our transit habits      the grid to communicate with local
are one of the worst for the               batteries to regulate energy supply
                                                                                           SSE branch, taking the
environment.                               during fluctuations (releasing energy           name of SSE20.
                                           at peaks). Kaluza’s recent addition of
     Good Energy is a UK supplier          grid-connected transport devices           15 Guardian article
which is also diversifying its offerings   provides greater flexibility to the grid   16 Current news article
into the EV market. The renewable          and allows storage and transport           17 Current news article
energy provider acquired the majority      devices to work together at a local        18 Good Energy, LSE announcement
holding in Next Green Car Ltd (NGCL)       level.                                     19 OVO Group, Our Business Key Facts
in June of 2020. NGCL owns Zap-Map,                                                   20 Spark Energy website

The smart energy market (cont.):
     Another company, Chameleon            the wholesale energy market through       and regulate exchanges of energy
technologies has launched a platform       their platform21.                         directly between generators and
with Bulb and Samsung which gathers                                                  consumers        using      blockchain
users’ data from their smart meters to           Similarly, WePower specifically     technology to guarantee security.
track usage on in-home displays (IHDs)     sells green energy to businesses. Their   Energy would become significantly
and cloud connected devices. Users         push to convert commercial and            cheaper for consumers, as they would
can also connect their smart home          industrial companies to renewable         be able to access energy at wholesale
controls to be adjusted as desired         energy covers about two thirds of         prices, and it would also be beneficial
from smart phones and tables. Further      overall energy consumption which          for generators, as their energy supply
autonomation which allows for greater      most green suppliers do not focus on.     would be efficiently allocated to
control and conservation of power.         WePower cuts out the middleman and        reduce waste.
                                           allows companies to purchase green
      Other efforts to create a more       power more directly and more
efficient grid look at the traditional     economically. One day, these smaller
structure of the network itself. A         trading platforms could be expanded
number of efforts deal with the            into a larger grid system, so that all
localisation of grids. If your neighbour   energy is traded.
generates excess electricity from solar
                                                                                           New data from Kaluza
panels on their roof, that excess               TenneT, in the Netherlands and           reveals AI-powered smart
energy could be transferred to you         Germany, is one company working on
                                           a full-gird energy trading platform. It         homes could save the
and the rest of the neighbourhood.
                                           uses blockchain22 (known widely as the          energy industry £2.5b.
     SSEN and SP Energy Networks           technology that enables bitcoin) to
announced an agreement with                create a secure sequence in the smart
Origami Energy to begin three trials       grid. The use of blockchain would
using their P2P trading platform in        allow both consumers, generators,
2019.       Origami’s         platform,    aggregators, and other grid users to
Renewables+, uses a real-time              securely exchange information about               Origami news article
                                                                                        22   For more info, please see Aalto’s Big
machine learning program to optimise       balancing     supply,    usage,     and
energy trading. It relies on consumer      payments. Energy trading will likely be           Data and the Music Industry Insights
data to determine demand and supply        largely autonomised in the future, so
and to enable users to interact with       that AI and advanced algorithms settle
Investment in Smart Energy

Investment in smart energy:
       The energy market is busy;            develop from its innovation hub in        Anesco, which was added in 2019.
globally, oil and gas remain the             202123.                                   Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners has
dominant energy source while interest                                                  invested over $8b in renewable energy
in renewables is ever on the rise.                  UK-based Octopus Energy has        infrastructure through the past 30
Smart       energy     systems      and      also announced plans to build an          years and operates in the UK, USA, and
technologies are already being               energy innovation hub in Manchester.      Australia. Alpiq has announced it will
integrated in order to simplify the          It expects the technology, data           be focusing more on renewable
transition to a zero-carbon world.           science, and AI centre to be key in the   energy investments in its home-
Smart energy holds immense promise           development of smart grid technology.     country, Switzerland, and mainland
for the future of the power grid, but it     Its cloud-based energy platform,          Europe25.
still has a way to go and will continue      Kraken, is already used by companies
to develop to fit the needs of the           such as E.ON and Good Energy to
consumer. It is an area of significant       facilitate interaction across the grid,
interest, and recent investment              and its recent acquisition of Evolve
activity demonstrates this.                  Energy for $5m will help it push
                                             Kraken into the US market. Octopus’s
      Spanish utility giant, Iberdrola, is   CEO also recently announced it would
currently constructing a global smart        begin raising capital in 2021 to
grid innovation hub at their                 continue its expansion into the US
distribution operation centre in Bilbao,     market24.
Spain. The hub is expected to open in
spring 2021 and is intended to bring                In September 2020, Alpiq Digital
together suppliers and collaborators         sold Flexitricity to Quinbrook for CHF
from around the world.                       18m. Flexitricity is a UK-based
                                             company controlling a portfolio of
     Iberdrola, whose subsidiaries           demand-side response companies.
include Scottish Power and Avangrid          Flexitricity uses a virtual power plant
(USA), increased its annual investment       to meet demand and additionally
to €280m in 2019 and has already             control a number of energy storage        23 Iberdrola press release
identified 120 new smart grid projects       facilities, including 70MW storage for    24 Octopus Energy announcement
worth €110m which it hopes to                Gresham House, and 19.5MW for             25 Quinbrook press release

Start-up’s to watch          Location                 Funding (m)

                         Moixa                               UK                    £24.3

                         Upside Energy                       UK                    £6.2

                         Electron                            UK                    £1.4

                         Depsys                          Switzerland               $18.4

                         Zenobe                              UK                    £100

                         BBOXX                               UK                   $100.1

                         Chameleon                           UK                      -

                         Limejump                            UK                      -

                         Lition                           Germany                    -

                         GreenCom                         Germany                    -

                         Equiwatt                            UK                      -

                         Grid Singularity                 Germany                    -

                         FlexiDAO                           Spain                    -

                         Verv                                UK                      -

Investment in smart energy (cont.):
      Greenbird Integration Technology         Main Market of the London Stock
is a Norwegian company providing a             Exchange23.
cloud-based energy data integration                  In the UK, Aberdeen Standard
platform. Greenbird completed a €5m            Investments invested £48m in smart
series B funding round in September,           metering installation through a
demonstrating there are promising              partnership with Calvin Capital.
new technologies emerging in the                     There is a lot of activity in the
smart energy market26.                         smart energy subsector. Moreover,
      In addition to grid investments,         there are a number of companies with
Lithuania-based Ignitis Grupe secured          new emerging technologies and
a €110m loan from the European                 platforms which will be very attractive
Investment Bank (EIB) to help install its      to larger players in the energy industry
smart meters and IT solutions for the          who are looking to set their business
energy distribution operator, Energijos        up for a key position in the future grid.
Skirstymo Operatorius (ESO)27. The             For the smart grid to function
company provides production, supply,           smoothly, there will likely be
and maintenance of power and heat in           consolidation, as too many energy
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, and        trading platforms or other smart
Finland. Ignitis has their own                 technologies will merely complicate
innovation fund, which they invest in          communication and data analysis
the UK, Norway, France, and Israel.            more.
      The funding from the EIB has
been followed by Ignitis’ IPO onto the
Nasdaq Vilnius in October 2020, for
which the company raised €450m and
became the largest IPO in the Baltics.
The company’s 20 million shares will           26 Greenbird new release
trade on the Main Trading List of              27 EIB news release
Nasdaq Vilnius and its global                  28 Ignitis Group news release

depository receipts will trade on the


      Smart energy systems are             technology and software will need to
                                                                                    More recent news:
expected to be the link, not only          be integrated to accommodate             ➢ Software firm Teletrac
between generators and consumers,          additional      renewable      energy
but also the present and the future.       generators (from new offshore wind         Navman launched its
New technology involving blockchain,       farms to solar cells on residential        new AI tool designed
P2P lending, and streamlined battery       roofs), to convert coal or fossil fuel
communication       holds     promising    burning sites, and to keep up with the
                                                                                      to give fleet operators
potential for better integrated            growing power demand.                      more insight into EV
systems, cutting back CO2 emissions,                                                  charging requirements.
and saving consumers money. Big                  In an age where data is the most
                                           valuable commodity, smart energy
energy companies such as British Gas,
                                           systems will hold immense insight for
                                                                                    ➢ Emerson       Electric
National Grid, and E.ON are working to
create and adjust to a more integrated     the energy sector and how it can best      acquires OSI Inc. for
grid. There is significant potential for   adapt to the renewables transition.        $1.6b.
consolidation        among         most    Smart energy is aligned with world
technologies in the smart energy           autonomation and will benefit as         ➢ Bulb launches UK’s first
market due to the need for efficient       renewable energy becomes cheaper
                                           and money moves out of the oil and         green, smart Pay-As-
communication and fast response to
demand fluctuations.                       gas industry.                              You-Go          (PAYG)
      It may seem like investment is            The energy sector is important        platform.
                                           and active, and smart energy systems
restricted to large institutions and
                                           will need to progress hand in hand       ➢ The UK government is
government organisations, but the
field is multifaceted and there are        with renewables to achieve zero-           set to release its net-
                                           carbon goals, making it a vital
many technologies emerging that will
                                           subsector. Though the push to reach
                                                                                      zero strategy ahead of
contribute to the evolving grid
structure. New battery storage, smart      net-zero goals is driving smart energy     the COP26.
EV charging ports, and linkable home       change, it also makes it clear that
appliances will all be important as        smart energy is indeed the backbone
smart meters become more advanced          of the energy revolution and the
and connected. As smart grids              opportunity should not be overlooked.
develop,     new      communication
Aalto Capital
                                                                                      Smart Energy Discussion
                                                                                               October 2020

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