SMM insights - driving the maritime transition - SMM Hamburg

Page created by Melanie Sims
SMM insights - driving the maritime transition - SMM Hamburg

driving the
SMM insights - driving the maritime transition - SMM Hamburg

           table of contents

             04                                06

             news                              understanding the needs of
             INMEX SMM India •                 the industry Key excerpts
             Maritime world stage •            from the SMM Maritime
             Opinion: The human factor         Industry Report 2019

           10                                  16

             the green revolution              sustainable enjoyment
             SMM 2020 will point the           The cruise boom shows no
             way towards emission-free         signs of slowing. The latest
             shipping                          developments

           18                                  22
                                                                              Cover photo: HMC/Michael Zapf

             off to new shores                 wide spectrum and
             The digital disruption is about   comprehensive expertise
             to revolutionise the shipping     The conferences at
             industry                          a glance
SMM insights - driving the maritime transition - SMM Hamburg

                                                                                                              dear readers,
     Claus Ulrich
      Business Unit
                                                                                                              dear friends
                      Photo: HMC/Michael Zapf

      Maritime and
   Technology Fairs
                                                                                                              and partners
                                                                                                              of SMM,
Hamburg Messe und
   Congress GmbH

                                                S      hipping plays a key role in the international
                                                       exchange of goods. While the carbon diox-
                                                ide emissions of ships per tonne of cargo carried
                                                                                                         represented by a wide range of sustainable technolo-
                                                                                                         gies offered by leading manufacturers. Exhibition Hall
                                                                                                         A5 as well as the “Green Route” through all 13 halls
                                                and kilometre travelled are lower than those of          will be entirely focused on eco-friendly solutions for
                                                other modes of transport, one fact remains: if the       the maritime industry.
                                                shipping industry were a country, it would be the
                                                world’s sixth largest emitter of CO 2. Nevertheless      SMM is the showcase of the global maritime
                                                it has accepted its share of the responsibility, and     industry, and its exhibitors and visitors are deter-
                                                not just in the wake of the current environmen-          mined to support the global maritime transition,
                                                tal debate. It has defined ambitious goals and           whether with regard to energy, green, or digital
                                                is investing massive amounts of capital in new           technologies.
                                                technologies to minimise the negative effects of
                                                maritime traffic.                                        Innovation is key, and this is especially evident
                                                                                                         in Smart Shipping. From fleet management to
                                                Global environmental and climate protection poli-        condition monitoring, through to weather routing,
                                                cies and the digital transformation are two strong       more and more maritime companies are embrac-
                                                forces that will fundamentally change global             ing the tools of the digital age. We are far from
                                                logistics processes and the maritime industry in         having exhausted their potential, as the Maritime
                                                particular. The motto we have chosen for SMM             Future Summit will demonstrate in its discussions
                                                2020 – “Driving the Maritime Transition” – and           revolving around Artificial Intelligence; numerous
                                                this issue of SMM Insights reflect this situation.       solutions presented at SMM will show how these
                                                                                                         concepts can be implemented in practice. Being
                                                As the the leading international maritime trade fair,    part of the event in 2020 will definitely be a
                                                SMM has taken the lead: For example, gmec, the           rewarding experience.
                                                global maritime environmental congress, was estab-
                                                lished as early as 2010. At SMM 2020, the sixth
                                                edition of this conference will again bring together     These are fascinating times – for the industry
                                                leading experts to highlight pathways towards a          and beyond.
                                                climate-friendly shipping sector. By addressing this     We look forward to joining hands with you
                                                topic, we are actively seeking to establish a dialogue   to develop its potential!
                                                with environmental organisations and civic move-
                                                ments such as Fridays for Future. It is important        Sincerely yours,
                                                for industry to interact with the public proactively,
                                                rather than merely reacting to it. After all, the
                                                maritime industry has many options to operate in a
                                                more climate-friendly manner. At the trade fair, the
                                                practical side of these environmental topics will be              Claus Ulrich Selbach
SMM insights - driving the maritime transition - SMM Hamburg
4    NEWS

    from start-ups to the EU Commission –                                                                   of the maritime world, for
    SMM 2020 is a stage for the entire                                                                      the first time setting up a
    maritime world                                                                                          stand of its own and organ-
                                                                                                            ising a conference. Further-
    SMM 2020 is already                  incorporate directly into the     additional space will be set     more, the German Federal
    fully booked. More than              planning of SMM,” says Claus      aside for it at the next SMM.    Ministries for Economic Af-
    2,200 exhibitors from                Ulrich Selbach, Business          Interior design and equip-       fairs and Energy (BMWi) and
    around the world can be              Unit Director – Maritime and      ment for passenger ships is      of Transport and Digital Infra-
    confident that everything at         Technology Fairs & Exhibitions    another field of interest that   structure (BMVI) will both be
    the fair will run smoothly. But      at Hamburg Messe und Con-         will feature more prominently,   represented with stands of
    a good trade fair has to do          gress GmbH. For example,          following the highly success-    their own for the first time,
    more: “We are engaged in a           after the exhibition area         ful debut of a new trade fair    highlighting the German EU
    continuous dialogue with our         demonstrating innovative 3D       exclusively dedicated to this    Council Presidency during the
    customers to pick up topics          printing technology was a         discipline in September (refer   second half of the year.
    and moods that we can                top attraction at SMM 2018,       to page 16). There will also         With an action-packed pro-
                                                                           be a new category called         gramme, more than 90,000
                                                                           SMMART Founders: “In             square metres of exhibition
                                                                           2020 we will offer innovative    floor full of captivating exhibits,
                                                                           formats to maritime start-       and plenty of networking op-
                                                                           up companies that will help      portunities, the SMM will not
                                                                           them succeed. There will         only be an inspiring experience
                                                                           be elevator pitches helping      for visitors but also quite
                                                                           founders establish contact       hectic. Therefore recreational
                                                                           with investors in an efficient   areas will be set-up in 2020
                                                                           manner,” says Selbach. The       where attendees can take a
                                                                           EU Commission will likewise      break, relax and enjoy a low-
                                                                           seize the opportunity to make    stress conversation in a calm
                                                                           an appearance at this stage      atmosphere.
    Foretaste: The new trailer raises anticipation for the upcoming SMM.

                            the human factor
                            D        igitalisation is one of the focal topics at      matters, helping them collaborate. Digital signage

                                     SMM 2020, along with environment and             and apps provide visibility and help everybody plan
                             climate protection. But how “digital” can an ana-        their day.
                             logue event actually be? And will digital technology         Decision-makers in the maritime industry can
                             increasingly replace all things analogue? No, it will    find virtually any information of interest online; yet
                             not. Rather, the digital transformation aims to          they come to SMM every two years. Why? Be-
                             combine digital services with analogue experiences       cause there is nothing like experiencing the event
                             to merge two interdependent worlds so they can           directly on site, being able to meet up with busi-
                             perform at their best and generate added value.          ness partners in person, shaking their hand and
                                  At Hamburg Messe und Congress we have               looking into their eyes. All these are things nobody
                             long been making use of advanced technology for          could ever “digitalise”. It is what we call the human
                             purposes such as user visitor registration, hall         factor, and it will never lose its importance.
                             layout planning, communication with clients, or              SMM is a gathering that encompasses the
                             admission. 3D animations can produce a great             industry’s full scope of knowledge and expertise.
                             impression of what a particular exhibition stand         This is where visitors can inspect innovative
                             will look like. We use social media to inform exhib-     components personally, ask questions, and get
                             itors and visitors quickly and concisely about what      answers. VR goggles make it possible to see
SMM insights - driving the maritime transition - SMM Hamburg

                                                   Solemn: Opening of INMEX SMM India at the Bombay Exhibition Centre.   Successful: More than 5,000 trade visitors attended the fair.

                                                   INMEX SMM India 2019 underpins its position as South
                                                   Asia’s leading maritime trade fair

                                                   The 3rd edition of South Asia’s                 was accompanied by a first-rate con-          business relations across the region. A
                                                   flagship fair INMEX SMM India was a             ference programme addressing current          joint venture of Hamburg Messe und
                                                   full success for both, visitors and exhib-      topics. For example, the second, highly       Congress GmbH and Informa Markets,
                                                   itors. 5,000-plus top-ranking industry          successful edition of the CIMAC Circle        the trade event takes place every odd
                                                   visitors attended the event at the Bom-         India examined technology solutions           year. The dates for the next INMEX
Photos: SMM/Youtube; SMM India; HMC/Michael Zapf

                                                   bay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai in early          for more sustainable ship operations,         SMM India are 11 to 13 October
                                                   October. More than 260 exhibitors from          among other items. Several networking         2021 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre,
                                                   22 nations presented the latest trends          events provided attendees with oppor-         Mumbai.
                                                   and innovative products from all major          tunities for in-depth discussions and
                                                   segments of the maritime industry. At           new contacts. Once again INMEX SMM
                                                   the end of the three action-packed days,        India proved to be an ideal platform for
                                                   the exhibitors were highly satisfied with       maritime suppliers who wish to enter                                Read more at:
                                                   the quality of the visitors. The trade fair     the South Asian market or expand their                    

                                                   the technology in action. Specialist conferences                                             For the entire international maritime
                                                   explore and discuss the breadth and depth of all                                         community, SMM is the place to be when it
                                                   the core topics of concern to the industry. Quite                                       returns every other year. And since all the
                                                   frequently, colleagues and business partners                                           key players of the industry from all continents
                                                   continue this conversation in the evening                                                     come here for this four-day gathering,
                                                   hours, after the fair complex has closed                                                          their visit is highly efficient. After
                                                   its gates, over a glass of beer or wine.                                                            all, business deals are made be-
                                                        As fair organisers we support                                                                   tween people – with a handshake
                                                   companies in presenting their advanced                                                                   providing that crucial personal
                                                   products and services in the most                                                                           touch.
                                                   compelling way possible. We stage
                                                   themes and create experiences that
                                                   help our visitors’ businesses thrive.                                                                                 Bernd Aufderheide,
                                                                                                                                                                           President and CEO,
                                                   And we create the right atmosphere
                                                                                                                                                                          Hamburg Messe und
                                                   for people to mingle, get to know each                                                                                    Congress GmbH
                                                   other and build the trust that is essen-
                                                   tial in business life.
SMM insights - driving the maritime transition - SMM Hamburg
SMM insights - driving the maritime transition - SMM Hamburg

                           the needs of the industry

                           OUTLOOK How do maritime companies assess their perspectives? What are the

                           propulsion technologies of the future? Where will digitalisation have the strongest

                           impact? The SMM Maritime Industry Report 2019 delivers answers.

                           W         here is the shipping industry heading? To
                                     find answers, Hamburg Messe und Con-
                           gress GmbH again asked shipowners, shipbuild-
                                                                                  according to the SMM MIR. In particular, combinations
                                                                                  of battery technology with marine diesel oil (MDO; 48
                                                                                  per cent) or LNG (39 per cent) are high up on ship-
                           ing companies and suppliers around the world to        owners’ agendas. Both are suitable options to meet the
                           assess the current economic and technological          increasingly stringent environmental regulations. All in
                           developments, following up on the first survey         all, more than two thirds of responding shipowners say
                           conducted in 2017. Roughly 1,500 industry play-        they must invest in their fleets in service to comply with
                           ers from around the world, mostly company exec-        the sulphur cap. Only 29 per cent intend to replace
                           utives, took part in the new survey for the SMM        their tonnage with newbuilds. The general interest in
                           Maritime Industry Report (MIR). This makes the         building new ships is relatively low among owners:
                           SMM MIR 2019 one of the most comprehensive
                           maritime industry surveys ever conducted.
                                                                                        choice of fuel
                           RETROFITS PREFERRED                                           LNG has the highest single share, but MDO and HFO/MFO combined
                           Companies are facing enormous challenges: First               remain higher. Preference for MDO/LNG declined notably compared
                           and foremost it is the tightened environmental                with last time.
                           regulations that require rapid action. The abandon-
                           ment of high-sulphur fuel by most shipowners in               LNG – Liquified
                                                                                           Natural Gas
                           response to the 2020 sulphur cap is just the first
                           step. In the medium term the shipping industry’s              MDO – Marine
                                                                                             Diesel Oil                               38
                           CO 2 footprint must be reduced substantially (refer
                           to page 8). “The most urgent question facing the       Hybrid drive technolo-
                                                                                      gies/combination                           31
                           shipping industry today is what the fuel of the
                                                                                      of different fuels
                           future will be,” says Ralf Nagel, Managing Board
                                                                                            HFO/MFO –                    20
                                                                                                                                 Hybrid drive technology
                           Member of the German Shipowners Association
                                                                                          Heavy Fuel Oil                         – Combination of fuels
                           (VDR). According to the MIR, ship operators cur-
                           rently prefer LNG (45 per cent) over all other ship                     Wind           10
                           fuels. This is especially true for cruise companies
                           which are determined to live up to their environ-                   Methanol          9       MDO / Electric
                           mental responsibility. According to the Cruise Lines
                           International Association (CLIA), the current global         LPG – Liquefied                   LNG / Electric                       39
                                                                                         Petroleum Gas           9
                           orderbook lists 26 LNG-powered vessels.
                                                                                                                             MDO / LNG                     37
                              “More and more companies are taking active               Electricity-based
Photos: HMC/Michael Zapf

                           measures to reduce emissions from ships,” says                synthetic fuels                    HFO / MDO            12
                           Dr Reinhard Lüken, Managing Director, German
                                                                                                   Solar                 Following fuels/
                           Shipbuilding and Ocean Industries Association                                        6                                10
                           (VSM). Hybrid solutions are also on the shortlist,
SMM insights - driving the maritime transition - SMM Hamburg

                                                                                                                                                        Photos: HMC / Nico; Katrin Neuhauser
    Networking: At SMM, visitors can speak directly with experts.            Eyecatcher: The corridors of the halls are lined with exciting exhibits.

                                                                                                     Fewer than one third intend to order new ves-
                                                                                               sels before the end of the coming year. Gas carriers
      cruise ship orders                                                                       (15 per cent) top the newbuilding shopping list.

      The demand for all cruise ship types remains high. 54% of survey                         BOOMING SEGMENTS
      participants from shipyards believe that the demand for river cruise ships               Installing scrubbers, ballast water management
      is increasing. They expect the biggest boost to come from cruise ships for               systems and new propulsion technology, ship-
      special areas (57%). More than 80% see repairs increasing up to the end
                                                                                               yards specialising in commercial ships are staying
      of 2020.
                                                                                               busy mainly thanks to the demand for overhauls,
        Cruise ships                                      Cruise ships                         repairs, retrofitting and conversion jobs. 53 per
         for rivers                                       for deep sea                         cent of yard operators are expecting an increased
                                                                                               need for tanker repairs between now and the end
                                                                                               of 2020, and 48 per cent are anticipating the
                                                                                               same for container ships. As for the newbuilding
                                                                                               market, however, other segments are expected to
          54 %                                            57 %                                 grow: 64 per cent of shipbuilders believe orders
                                                                                               for RoPax ferries and expedition cruise ships will
              Figures in                                      Figures in
               per cent                                        per cent
                                                                                               increase, and 59 per cent see the demand for naval
                                                                                               vessels growing. The well-filled orderbooks benefit
                                                                                               the supply industry, as well. Among all the partici-
                                                                                               pating stakeholder groups, the outlook of suppliers
                                                                                               is brightest, with more than one third anticipat-
      Cruise ships for                        Demand for ship overhauls,                       ing excellent sales opportunities. 74 per cent say
       special areas                         repairs, refits or conversions                    they are able to sell their innovative technologies,
                                                                                               an outcome that shows in the Maritime Industry
                                                                                               Score: The improved mood in the industry com-
                                                                                               pared to 2017 (from 54.6 to 56.8) is mainly a

          64 %                                             81 %                                result of the supply industry’s positive expectations.
              Figures in                                        Figures in
               per cent                                          per cent
                                                                                               INCREASING DIGITALISATION
                                                                                               Apart from environment and climate protection,
                                                                                               digitalisation is the strongest driver of the maritime
                                                                                               transformation. In particular, innovation enabling
          ill increase significantly
         w                              will not change      will drop significantly           autonomous shipping is receiving plenty of public at-
         will increase                  will drop            Don‘t know
                                                                                               tention, whereas the SMM MIR shows that industry
                                                                                               stakeholders view self-controlled ships as rather a
                                                                                               futuristic vision. Just under 70 per cent of respond-
SMM insights - driving the maritime transition - SMM Hamburg

ents from shipping companies cannot imagine un-            can you imagine using unmanned
manned ships sailing the oceans in the near future.        shipping commercially?
    On the other hand, many see promising po-
                                                           The perception of commercially used unmanned shipping has hardly
tential in increasing digitalisation, for example in
                                                           changed, about 1/3 of shipping managers believe it will become a reality
the form of land-based fleet operation centres             within the next 20 years.
processing ship operation data. “New digital and

propulsion technology developments help us man-


                                                                                                    How long


age highly complex equipment, allowing us to op-

erate the sophisticated organisms we call ships in
                                                                                              do you think it
a much more climate-friendly manner around the
                                                                                               will take that
world,” says Martin Johannsmann, chairman of the
                                                                                                 to happen?

                                                                  32 %

board of the German Mechanical Engineering Indus-
try Association (VDMA). Unsurprisingly, the share
of respondents who believe that cyber security is a                      YES
                                                                       Figures in
very important concern is as high as 83 per cent.

                                                                        per cent

In view of the persistent boom of the cruise indus-                                                               ≤5   ≤10 ≤20 ≤40 >40
try, the SMM MIR 2019 survey included questions                                                                                    years
                                                                     68 No
specifically addressing interior design and equip-
ment for passenger ships. Approximately 40 per
cent of participants in the study indicated a need         customer attitude towards
for products and services related to ship interiors        innovations
within the next 12 months. Shipyard executives in
particular are highly interested in system suppliers       Product innovations of the suppliers are
offering turnkey solutions. In response to this grow-      accepted by the market: 74% say that
                                                           they can sell their innovations at
ing demand, Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH
                                                                                                                       74 %
                                                           least occasionally.
arranged the Cruise & Ferry Route at SMM 2018,
and dedicated an exclusive exhibition area just for            They are purchased regularly                                Figures in
                                                               They are purchased occasionally                              per cent
marine interiors. The highly positive feedback re-             They are purchased rarely or never, but
ceived from exhibitors and visitors alike prompted                most customers have shown interest in them
                                                                They are purchased rarely or never, but some
the organisers of SMM to create a new trade fair:
                                                                  customers have shown interest in them
MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo.                     There is little or no interest in innovations
This industry fair, which will regularly take place in
non-SMM years in the future, had its successful
debut in September 2019 (see page 16).                           SMM MIR: the background

AN INDUSTRY IN MOTION                                            The SMM Maritime Industry Report (MIR) is prepared
 Generally speaking, the SMM MIR provides fasci-                 jointly by Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH (HMC),
 nating insights into the mood across the industry,              the organiser of SMM, and the market research institute
 says Claus Ulrich Selbach, Business Unit Director               mindline GmbH. It is a comprehensive study that reflects
– Maritime and Technology Fairs & Exhibitions at                 how SMM exhibitors and visitors assess the sector’s
 Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH. “The mari-                     economic and technological development. The Maritime
 time industry is clearly undergoing a process of pro-           Industry Score summarises the economic expectations.
 found change that will be a prevailing topic in the             The SMM MIR was conducted for the first time in 2017.
 discussions at SMM 2020 and the accompanying                    The current study additionally covered aspects relating to
 conferences,” says Selbach. Presenting innovative               ship interiors. The participant demographics reflect the
 technologies and comprehensive expertise, the                   full breadth of industry segments, with 62 per cent of
 leading international maritime trade fair will defi-            respondents representing suppliers, 18 per cent
 nitely give visitors the ingredients they need to tack-         shipowning companies, 13 per cent shipyards, and 7 per
 le the challenges of the future, as promised by the             cent interior designers. Nearly one third of respondents
 motto of SMM: “Driving the Maritime Transition”.                are exhibitors at SMM, while the remainder are visitors.
SMM insights - driving the maritime transition - SMM Hamburg

                  the green
                  RESPONSIBILITY Environment and climate protection are at

                  the top of the maritime industry’s agenda. But the ambitious

                  goals announced by IMO can only be achieved through

                  innovative technologies. SMM 2020 in Hamburg will point

                  the way towards emission-free shipping.

                 T      he SMM year 2020 marks a
                        turning point in internation-
                  al shipping. A lower global limit
                  for the sulphur content of ship
                  fuels will be in force as of January
                  1: Instead of the current 3.5 per
                  cent, the allowable maximum will be
                  0.5 per cent. For decades, heavy fuel oil                     By the year
                  was the fuel of choice for shipowners; soon they will     2050, CO 2 emissions
                  be unable to use HFO unless they install large and ex-    from shipping are to be cut in half compared
                  pensive exhaust gas cleaning systems, or scrubbers        to the reference year 2008. What is more, ac-
                  on their vessels. The new limit, called Sulphur Cap, is   cording to the commitment announced by the In-
                  just one of the measures taken by the international       ternational Maritime Organization (IMO), the industry
                  shipping industry to reduce its ecological footprint.     wants to be able to operate entirely without carbon

                                                             the International
                                                       Maritime Organization’s (IMO)
                                                        climate protection roadmap

                                              Efficiency standards for          Publication of 3rd      CO2 roadmap adopted
                                         newbuilds and fleet in service          IMO Greenhouse
                                            adopted (EEDI & SEEMP)                     Gas Study

                                                     July 2011               October 2014                October 2016

                                           IMO CO2 strategy adopted                 Phase 1: Ships       Beginning of 4th IMO
                                                                                   collect fuel data    Greenhouse Gas Study

                                                  Spring 2018                January 2019                 Spring 2019

                                                 Autumn 2020                      2050                       2100
                                                             Phase 2:           Reduction of CO2          Reduction of CO2
                                                         Data analysis       emissions from ships      emissions from ships
                                                                          to no more than 50 per           by 100 per cent
                                                                              cent of 2008 levels

                                emissions (refer to in-         tanoğlu following her election as the new president                                        BIMCO: The
                                                                                                                                                           world’s largest
                                fographic) by the year          of BIMCO.
                                                                                                                                                           shipowners asso-
                               2100.                                                                                                                       ciation represents
                                  The industry stake-           IDENTIFYING THE BEST CONCEPTS                                                              roughly 1,900
                                                                                                                                                           members from
                             holders are fully aware of         With its motto “SMM 2020 – Driving the Maritime                                            more than 120
                           their responsibility; after all,     Transition”, the leading international maritime trade                                      countries.
                       the ship is the most important           fair directly addresses the massive changes the in-
                    mode of transport in internation-           dustry is undergoing. From efficiency improvements
               al trade. “Environment protection and            to LNG fuel, battery technology and fuel cells through
           climate change are core concerns of the              to synthetic fuels and power-to-X technology, “the
                                                                                                                              Photo: Alones/Shutterstock

     public, and it will be my priority to induce the           race for the best concepts has just begun,” says Dr
shipping industry to accept this reality and deliver            Uwe Lauber, Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering
solutions that will fulfil the world’s environmental ex-        Industry Association – Marine Equipment and Sys-
pectations,” said the Turkish ship owner Şadan Kap-             tems, VDMA. As CEO of MAN Energy Solutions SE,

                                                                                                                              Photo: Simon Kratzer/MAN; Helle Moos /BIMCO; AIDA Cruises (2); CMA CGM; Scandlines; Reederei Hartmann
         New build:
        “AIDAcosma”, equipped with state-                                                                                                                                                                                             »Environ-
         of-the-art environmental technology,                                                                                                                                                                                         ment
         will enter service in spring 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and climate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      are core
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of the

           the world’s largest ship engine manufactur-                to use LNG as an intermediate ship fuel. Passenger                                                                                                              Şadan Kaptanoğlu,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      president of BIMCO
     er, he is fully aware that “decarbonising maritime               ships have begun adopting the technology: Accord-
     logistics must begin with decarbonising the fuels                ing to the Cruise Lines International Association
     used”. The users agree: “What we need in order                   (CLIA), 44 per cent of cruise ships on order at
     to achieve the ambitious IMO climate goal is noth-               the world’s shipyards will use LNG as primary fuel
     ing less than a technology revolution,” says Alfred              (refer to Cruise Market, Page 16/17). “AIDAnova”
     Hartmann, president of Verband Deutscher Reeder                  and “Costa Smeralda”, both launched recently, have
     (VDR), the German Shipowners Association. “We                    taken the lead.
     need a full-fledged innovation push in research and
     development. And we need alternative fuels that                  LNG AS A LOGICAL BRIDGE
     can be produced sustainably in a carbon-neutral                  TECHNOLOGY
     way.”                                                            But the merchant shipping segments are not lag-
          While it will be a long way until we reach that             ging behind; “Jaques Saadé” will be the first of nine                                                                                                           sing mariti-
     goal, the industry is producing an enormous amount               new LNG-propelled megaboxers to join the fleet of                                                                                                               me logistics
     of innovations that show its potential. One option is            CMA CGM as of 2020. With a capacity of 23,000                                                                                                                   must begin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      with decar-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the fuels
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dr Uwe Lauber,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Chairman of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Engineering Industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Association – Marine
                                                                                                                                                  Photo: By Alf van Beem - Own work, Public Domain, Wikimedia 76854305

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Equipment and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Systems (VDMA)

        Pioneer: The container ship “Sajir”, built in 2014, gets a conversion to LNG propulsion on behalf of Hapag-Lloyd.

                                                               Tribute: The world’s first
                 Award: “AIDAnova” was the first               LNG-powered 23,000 TEU con-
                cruise ship ever to be awarded the             tainer ship was named after CMA
                     “Blue Angel” german eco-label.            CGM founder Jacques Saadé.

TEU, they will be among the world’s largest contain-                  United European Car Carriers, an operator
er ships. LNG propulsion lowers CO 2 emissions by                 specialising in transporting motor vehicles, has
20 per cent, while emissions of sulphur and particu-              recently exercised an option for a third newbuild
late matter are eliminated almost entirely.                       with an LNG and battery hybrid power system on
    The conversion to LNG propulsion of the                       board. The new vessel, which will be built by Jiang-
15,000 TEU container ship “Sajir” will cost $25–                  nan Shipyard Group, China, will enable the company
$30 million. The engine manufacturer MAN SE and                   to exceed the IMO goal to reduce CO 2 emissions        »We need
the classification society DNV GL will be partners                by 40 per cent by the year 2030: “When our third       alternative
                                                                                                                         fuels that
to the project. “We offer a fully integrated, com-                battery hybrid LNG PCTC is delivered in 2022, it
                                                                                                                         can be
plete solution. In addition to the conversion of the              ushers in a new era for short sea shipping in Eu-      produced
engine, this also includes the entire gas treatment               rope,” says Glenn Edvardsen, CEO of UECC.              sustainably
system for supplying gas to the main engine, includ-                  The energy transition at sea is progressing:       in a carbon-­
ing the pilot oil module, and the auxiliary engines               The cruise ship “AIDAperla” will be able to oper-      neutral
from MAN Cryo and a 300 bar high-pressure pump                    ate on electricity alone for up to 60 minutes at       way.«
vaporator unit (VPU system) from MAN SE,” said                    a time. 300 metres long, and offering space            Alfred Hartmann,
Wayne Jones, Chief Sales Officer MAN SE. A po-                                                                           president of the
                                                                                                                         German Shipowners’
tential technology of interest for large cargo ships,
                                                                                                                         Association (VDR)
highly efficient Combined Gas and Steam Turbines
(COGAS) have achieved efficiency levels in excess of
60 per cent in land-based installations.

 Refit: The Scandline hybrid ferry “Copenhagen” will be equipped with a rotor sail in 2020.

 »We offer
 a state-
 based on
                              for 4,000 passengers, the vessel will receive             art technology based on the ancient concept of sail-
 the ancient
                        a lithium-ion-battery pack manufactured by the Nor-             ing but using 21st century aeronautical technology”,
 concept of
 sailing but            wegian company Corvus Energy within the scope of                says Co-founder Cristina Aleixendri. For the SMM
 using 21st             a pilot project.                                                2020, she has promised a breathtaking surprise.
 century                                                                                    DNV GL now offers a new class notation called
 aero­nautical          TAIL WIND FOR THE INDUSTRY                                     “WAPS” for wind-assisted propulsion systems and
 technology.«           The power of wind has been assisting the multi-                 has formed a strategic cooperation partnership
 Cristina Aleixendri,    purpose cargo ship “Fehn Pollux” since a Flet-                 with the Japanese shipbuilder Oshima to develop
 Co-Founder of           tner-type rotor sail was installed on board last year          an eco-friendly bulk carrier dubbed “Ultramax 2030”.
                        – a time-honoured technology that is seeing a re-               This concept combines LNG-propulsion, sails, solar
                         vival: the German-Danish ferry operator Scandlines,            panels and batteries to achieve an Energy Efficien-
                         for example, intends to retrofit a rotor sail on its           cy Design Index (EEDI) that is 50 per cent lower
                         hybrid ferry “Copenhagen”. The new unit, 30 me-                than that of comparable current vessels. Meanwhile,
                         tres tall and five metres in diameter, will reduce the         Oshima and the shipowner MOL have received Ap-
                         ship’s CO 2 emissions by an estimated 4 to 5 per               proval in Principle from the classification society
                         cent. Sails that can be completely retracted are the           Class NK for an extensible hard sail system. The two
                         speciality of the Spanish start-up company bound-              companies expect this technology to reduce green-
                        4blue which presented a prototype of its “Wing Sail             house gas (GHG) emissions by eight per cent, for ex-
                         System” at SMM 2018. “We offer a state-of-the-                 ample, on a trip between Japan and North America.

                                                 Design: Oshima Shipbuilding and
                                               classification society DNV GL jointly
                                                  develop new bulk carrier designs
                                                to reduce emissions. The first joint
                                                 project: “Oshima Ultramax 2030”.

has developed
a foldable and
wingsail system
to be fitted onto
a wide range of

                                                                                         Milestone: The
                                                                                         “Wes Amelie” will
                                                                                              use liquefied
                                                                                          synthetic natural
                                                                                             gas produced
                                                                                           from renewable
                                                                                          electrical energy
                                                                                            as drop-in fuel.

                                                                       Using fuel cells – a technology companies          SMM: THE PLACE TO BE
                                                                   such as Meyer Werft and Thyssen Krupp Marine           SMM 2020 will lend fresh impetus to these ef-
                                                                   Systems are currently studying in depth – could        forts. “Environment and climate protection are at
                                                                   achieve an even better environmental outcome.          the top of the maritime industry’s agenda. As the
                                                                   Fuel cells generate electricity directly from hydro-   industry’s most important platform, SMM brings
                                                                   gen and can be used to power an electric motor.        together all the key players. The manufacturer ex-
                                                                   While the energy yield of current fuel cells is           hibits focus on innovative, practical solutions,”       »As the
                                                                   not sufficient to provide full propulsion pow-               says Carin Steinbach, Deputy Project Direc-          industry’s
                                                                   er for large ships, it is sufficient for the “ho-            tor SMM. The conference programme held in            most
    Photo: Oshima/DNV GL; Bound4Blue (2); MAN; HMC/ Michael Zapf

                                                                   tel load”. But the development continues at                  parallel with the exhibition will likewise revolve   important
                                                                   high speed.                                                  around the energy transition. At the gmec, the
                                                                       The key question will be at what environ-                global maritime environmental congress, var-         brings
                                                                   mental cost the fuel can be produced. The                   ious panel discussions featuring distinguished        together
                                                                   name of the key technology is “Power-to-X”:                 experts from around the world will examine a          all the key
                                                                   It denotes fuels such as hydrogen or syn-                  range of aspects of the general topic “green           players.
                                                                   thetic gases produced with the help of re-                 shipping”. “I am certain that after this year’s        The manu-
                                                                   newable power. Methanol, methane and bio-                  SMM many market stakeholders will have a
                                                                   diesel are other synthetic fuels scientists                better understanding of where the maritime             focus on
                                                                   are studying.                                              transition is heading,” says Steinbach.                innovative,

                                                                                                                                                                                     Carin Steinbach,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Deputy Project
                                                                                                                                                                                     Director SMM at
                                                                                                                                                                                     Hamburg Messe und
                                                                                                                                                                                     Congress GmbH

      “Crystal Endeavour”
       will travel to remote
       areas such as the


     TRENDSETTER The cruise boom shows no signs of slowing; shipowners are investing

     in vessels with sophisticated entertainment technology, elegant interiors and advanced

     propulsion systems. SMM 2020 is an important showcase for these developments.

                         T       he popularity of cruises continues to rise: Ac-
                                 cording to the Cruise Lines International Associ-
                           ation (CLIA), the number of passengers grew by 6.7
                           per cent globally in 2018, more than the worldwide
                           tourism industry as a whole. For the current year
                           CLIA expects a total of roughly 30 million travelers,
                           with the United States and China at the top of the
                           list. Shipbuilders and suppliers benefit from this                Innovation: “Roald Amundsen” is the first of
                                                                                             three hybrid cruise ships to expand the Hurtigruten
                           trend: The global order book counts more than 120                 fleet in the coming years.
                           newbuilding projects to be completed by 2027. Apart
                           from giant ships with capacities exceeding 5,000
                           passengers, there is an increasing number of smaller,
                           specialised vessels designed for unusual destinations.    Werften during the first quarter of 2020, accommo-
                                The market share of European shipyards and           dates no more than 200 passengers.
                           suppliers in this sophisticated segment is high, and          Another ship featuring a high ice class is the Hur-
                           project dimensions are enormous: More than 800            tigruten vessel “Roald Amudsen”. She is the world’s
                           partner companies on average are involved in building     first hybrid cruise ship. Her innovative hull design and
                           a large cruise ship. They are in charge of installing     the combination of a diesel engine and battery packs
                           items such as 40,000 square metres of carpeting,          lower fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions by 20 per
                           2,000 kilometres of electric wiring, or 1,800 toilets.    cent compared to conventional ships of equal size.
                           In many cases, the value of a single ship can exceed
                           the billion-dollar limit by a significant amount.         SENSITIVE AREAS
                                Expedition vessels are highly sought after: A ship   This is significant because apart from offering ad-
                           like “Crystal Endeavor”, scheduled for delivery by MV     venture holidays, sustainability is an aspect of grow-

                                                                                                            ing importance in the cruise industry, especially                                                                                                     “HAMBURG IS A
                                                                                                            since expedition vessels often operate in highly                                                                                                       LEADER”
                                                                                                            sensitive, pristine waters. “The cruise industry
                                                                                                            is determined to make a greater contribution                                                                                                            The inaugural MARINE INTERIORS
                                                                                                            to the protection of maritime environments,”                                                                                                           Cruise & Ferry Global Expo, which
                                                                                                            says Helge Grammerstorf, the chairman of CLIA                                                                                                         focuses specifically on interior design and
                                                                                                            Germany. To date, shipowners have committed more                                                                                                     equipment for cruise ships, took place at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Hamburg’s exhibition complex in September
                                                                                                            than US$22 billion to the construction of state-of-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Claus Ulrich Selbach
                                                                                                                                                                                 Business Unit Director Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH (HMC)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2019. Claus Ulrich Selbach, Business Unit
                                                                                                            the-art cruise ships fuelled by liquefied natural gas                                                                                    Director – Maritime and Technology Fairs &
                                                                                                            (LNG). One of the pioneers is “AIDAnova” which will                                                                                     Exhibitions at HMC, summarises the experience:
                                                                                                            be testing the use of fuel cells as of 2021 as part
                                                                                                            of a research project called “Pa-X-ell2”. All in all, 26                                                                                MR SELBACH, WHAT IS YOUR
                                                                                                            additional LNG-powered ships are currently on order                                                                                     ASSESSMENT OF THE DEBUT OF THE
                                                                                                            or under construction, including the two sister ships                                                                                   NEW TRADE FAIR?

                                                                                                           “Smeralda” and “Toscana” of Costa Crociere, another                                                                                                We are very pleased with the great response
                                                                                                            subsidiary of the global market leader Carnival.                                                                                                  MARINE INTERIORS had among exhibitors and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    visitors. This event augments our portfolio by an
                                                                                                                                                             Look: The                                                                              exhibition that focuses on outfitting and interior design,
                                                                                                                                                             interior design
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    both of which are key topics. The successful debut with
                                                                                                                                                             on board
                                                                                                                                                            “HANSEATIC                                                                              more than 100 exhibitors and roughly 2,800 visitors
                                                                                                                                                             nature” by                                                                             underlines our role as a leader in the maritime segment,
                                                                                                                                                             Cruises is                                                                             with SMM as our flagship trade fair.
                                                                                                                                                             inspired by ice
                                                                                                                                                             floes, corals and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    WHAT ASPECTS DID THE EXHIBITORS
                                                                                                                                                             lava crevasses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LIKE BEST?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              We got plenty of positive feedback regarding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the atmosphere at the fair and the quality of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    visitors and new business contacts. The conference
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    programme with top-ranking experts was very popular,
                                                                                                               “The entire shipping industry benefits from the                                                                                      as well. What is more, participants commended us on
                                                                                                           early adoption of innovative technologies by cruise                                                                                      the efficiency of the event because it was held in parallel
                                                                                                           lines – many of which did not exist five to ten years                                                                                    with Seatrade Europe right next door, another key event
                                                                                                           ago, such as exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS),                                                                                        for the industry.
                                                                                                           LNG as a fuel for passenger ships, and shore-side
                                                                                                           power capabilities,” says Michael Thamm, the Chair-                                                                                      WILL SHIP INTERIORS PLAY A ROLE AT
                                                                                                           man of CLIA Europe and Group CEO of Costa Group                                                                                          SMM 2020, AS WELL?
Photo: Chrystal Cruises; Karsten Bidstrup / Hurtigruten; Hapag-Lloyd Cruises / Wyrwa; HMV / Michael Zapf

                                                                                                           and Carnival Asia.                                                                                                                                 By all means! We believe marine interiors and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             related subjects are extremely important topics
                                                                                                           NEW TRADE FAIR IN HAMBURG                                                                                                                in the industry, which is why we provided an exclusive
                                                                                                           Designing passenger cabins and public areas on                                                                                           area for marine interiors companies at SMM 2018 and
                                                                                                           board to suit the preferences of specific markets:                                                                                       will expand that space for the 2020 fair. Through SMM
                                                                                                           This was the core topic of the MARINE INTERIORS                                                                                          and MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo we
                                                                                                           Cruise & Ferry Global Expo which was held in paral-                                                                                      will be offering an industrial platform on an annual basis
                                                                                                           lel with the Seatrade Europe conference in Septem-                                                                                       from now on so that stakeholders can stay informed
                                                                                                           ber 2019. “Finding so much expertise in the field of                                                                                     about relevant innova-
                                                                                                           cruise ship interiors at a single trade fair is unique                                                                                   tions and continue
                                                                                                           in Europe,” said Arjan Koole, Regional Sales Director                                                                                    strengthening their
                                                                                                           at the kitchen equipment specialist Middleby Marine.                                                                                     networks at both, the
                                                                                                           Many of the same exhibitors will return to Hamburg                                                                                       SMM in September
                                                                                                           to showcase their solutions in the ‘extended area’ of                                                                                    2020, and then again at
                                                                                                           Marine Interiors@SMM 2020 or along the “Cruise &                                                                                         the MARINE INTERIORS
                                                                                                           Ferry Route”, which was very popular at SMM 2018.                                                                                        in September 2021.

                  new sh
                   off to

                    DISRUPTION Autonomous shipping, artificial intelligence, 3D printing –

                    leading-edge technologies and advancing digitalisation are

                    about to revolutionise the shipping industry.

                                                                                Similarly, digitally interlinked applications and
                                                                            components enable enormous performance gains

                  D       igital processes have fundamentally changed
                          the way ships are operated: For example, by
                   using software solutions in areas such as procure-
                                                                            during ship operation. Major shipping companies such
                                                                            as Maersk, Hapag-Lloyd, Schulte Group and Carnival
                                                                            Cruises have set-up fleet operations centres where
                   ment, crewing and reporting, ship operators and          employees can see the positions and fuel consumption
                   managers are able to run their businesses much           of each of their ships on large monitors, along with
                   more efficiently than just a few years ago. There is a   relevant weather data. These land-based experts can
                   strong trend to adopt cloud solutions providing com-     then optimise the route and travelling speed of each
                   pany employees, including the crew on board, with        vessel to save money while reducing emissions of nox-
                   access to software applications and data from any        ious substances for the benefit of the environment.
                   location using their laptops or mobile devices. “With    Another game changer is remote maintenance and
                   cloud-based software, companies can optimise their
                   entire fleet management, automate processes, im-
                   prove communication, increase business perfor-                                                           Control room:
                                                                                                        At Carnival’s Fleet Operation Center,
                   mance and lower their costs,” says Alexander Buch-                                      employees have a round-the-clock
                   mann, CEO at Hanseatic Soft.                                                                       view of the entire fleet.


 condition monitoring of wear parts, a service offered
 by engine manufacturers such as MAN or Wärtsilä
 (PCMS).                                                                                             reliability of individual components with high preci-
                                                                                                     sion, and to identify anomalies and potential safety
 SHIPPING GETS SMARTER                                                                               risks. “These early warnings provide a means to low-
 Real-time monitoring makes it possible to predict the                                               er operating costs while maximizing equipment and
                                                                                                     component life,” says Subrat Nanda, Chief Data Sci-
                                                                                                     entist at the classification society ABS.
                                                                                                         Companies are constantly developing new, inno-
                                                                                                     vative CM applications. For example, the German
                                                   Photo: Carnival Maritime; sdecoret/Shutterstock

                                                                                                     transmission specialist Reintjes has developed a sys-
                                                                                                     tem that measures vibration to help avoid component
                                                                                                     damage or other unexpected incidents in gearboxes
                                                                                                     as early as possible.
                                                                                                         Meanwhile, autonomous shipping is slowly but
                                                                                                     surely picking up speed. One of the pioneer vessels
                                                                                                     is “Yara Birkeland”. This electrically-propelled,

                                                                                                                                                                         »AI is a
                                                                                                                                                                         that offers

                                                                                                                                              Photo: Kongsberg; DNV GL
                                                                                                                                                                         to many

                             Big Data: More and more information from the maritime industry is being                                                                     Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen,
                             collected on the high seas and transmitted via the Internet.                                                                                CEO of
                                                                                                                                                                         DNV GL – Maritime

                                    zero-emission container ship is scheduled                                        ing-edge sensors, navigated entirely autonomously
                              for delivery during the first quarter 2020. It will                                    between the cities of Parainen and Nauvo in south-
                              transport fertiliser from the Herøya manufacturing                                     ern Finland, a distance of about 1.5 miles.
                              site to the ports of Larvik and Brevik. After an ini-                                      But all in all, the industry remains largely skepti-
                              tial, manned trial phase the ship, which measures                                      cal when it comes to autonomous ships. In the SMM
                              nearly 80 metres in length, is expected to operate                                     Maritime Industry Reports 2019 (MIR) 68 per cent
                              autonomously as of 2022. The Norwegian technol-                                        of respondents said they could not imagine deploy-
                              ogy company Kongsberg is installing the required                                       ing unmanned ships commercially. At the same time,
                              sensors as well as the electric propulsion, battery,                                   however, the MIR indicated that the overall trust in
                              and operations control systems. The automated                                          technology has increased (see page 4).
                              mooring system was developed by MacGregor, a                                               Experts distinguish between remote-controlled
                              subsidiary of Cargotec.                                                                ships, which are monitored or operated remote-
                                                                                                                     ly by nautical staff, and fully autonomous ships.
                             AUTONOMOUS NAVIGATION                                                                  “Autonomous means that the ship makes complex
                              Kongsberg had caused quite a media stir when                                           decisions on its own without being subject to hu-
                              the world’s first autonomous car ferry “Falco” was                                     man interference,” explains Melvin Mathews, Direc-
                              commissioned at the end of last year. In a trial,                                      tor - New Businesses, Wärtsilä. This can only be
                              the 54-metre vessel, which is equipped with lead-                                      implemented by using artificial intelligence (AI) and
                                                                                   Photo: Mayflower; Iridium;

     Support: The autonomous research ship “Mayflower” will help                                                Connectivity: The Iridium network covers the entire Earth,
     scientists understand the accumulation of ocean plastics.                                                  including oceans, poles and airways using 66 satellites.

                                                                                                      Photo: Rolls-Rouce; HMC / Nico
Intelligence: The first autonomous car ferry ”Falco” uses infrared, ultrasonic and thermal sensors                                     Technology: Industrial 3D printing
as well as LIDAR, cameras, satellite and weather data to capture the ship’s environment.                                               is fast, low-cost and flexible.

Deep Learning. “By using machine-learning algo-                  launched the last of their new 66 Certus® series
rithms we can provide better-quality answers fast-               satellites into orbit. These high-powered units now
er and more consistently. AI is a technology that of-            provide full L frequency band coverage of all of
fers far-reaching potential to many industries,” says            Earth’s maritime surfaces. In 2020 Inmarsat will
Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen, CEO of DNV GL – Maritime.                   put the first of their sixth-generation I-6 satellites
    AI will be on board “Mayflower”, an ambitious                into space to significantly boost the performance
pilot project conducted jointly by IBM and the re-               and coverage of their L and KA-band services.
search Institute ProMare. A high-tech trimaran                        Both providers will be at SMM 2020. In ad-
featuring an aluminium frame by Alutec as well as                dition, equipment suppliers such as Intellian and
advanced navigation and sensor technology, the                   Glomex will exhibit communications hardware for
ship is expected to be the first autonomous vessel               maritime satellite transmission.
to cross the Atlantic Ocean in September 2020.
    Artificial intelligence will also be at the top of           MORE SPACE FOR 3D PRINTING
the agenda of the next Maritime Future Summit                    It is fast, low-cost and flexible: Industrial 3D print-
during SMM 2020. At the conference, expert pres-                 ing is the technology of the future. Also referred to
entations and a final panel discussion will address              as Additive Manufacturing, this technology builds
these and other current developments.                            up components layer by layer. It can process nearly
    In a project exemplifying the use of an unmanned             any material. Maritime accessories from the small-
vessel for purposes other than transporting cargo,               est screw through to entire ship propellers can be
the US company Sea Machines Robotics recently                    custom-made using this technique, enabling just-in-
presented the world’s first Autonomous Oil Spill                 time supply of spare parts that will greatly improve
Response Vessel which will be used to intervene                  efficiency by increasing equipment availability.
in oil spills. It offers the advantage of avoiding ex-                At the last SMM visitors were able to watch
posure of crew members to hazards such as toxic                  this process in the “Maritime 3D Printing Show
vapours.                                                         Area”. At SMM 2020, an even larger amount of
                                                                 exhibition space will be dedicated to this innova-
SUPPORT FROM SPACE                                               tive production technology. “Driving the Maritime
As the data volumes transmitted across global                    Transition”, the motto of SMM 2020, alludes to
fleets continue to grow, ship operators depend on                digital solutions that will bring efficiency in the
the availability of fast Internet access anywhere                shipping industry to new levels. The world’s
in the world. Major satellite operators are con-                 top suppliers will be present in Hamburg next
stantly upgrading their equipment. In 2018 Iridium               September.

               wide spectrum and co
                   CONFERENCES The SMM 2020 conference programme will cover all major indu

                   7 SEPTEMBER 2020                  8 SEPTEMBER 2020                    9 SEPTEMBER 2020

                   Maritime Future                  TradeWinds                           gmec – global
                   Summit                           Shipowners                           maritime
                                                    Forum                                environmental
                Held on the eve of SMM, the                                              congress
                Maritime Future Summit will take     Where is shipping heading?
                a look at the industry’s future.     Shipping executives will dis-       Protecting the environment and
                The focus of the event will be       cuss strategies to tackle these     Earth’s climate are the greatest
                Artificial Intelligence (AI): How    challenges and share insight        challenges for mankind today and
                can self-learning systems make       on opportunities ahead to           in the years to come. The mari-
                shipping more efficient? What        lock in success in the face of      time industry is no exception. The
                constitutes a ‘smart logistics       major changes driven by market      gmec Congress, co-hosted by
                chain’? What is the role of AI in    uncertainties, regulation and       Seatrade Maritime News, has been
                the development of autonomous        compliance issues, shifting trade   addressing these topics at each

                                                                                                                                 Photo: HMC / Nico; KATRIN NEUHAUSER: HMC/Stephan Wallocha; HMC/ HMC/Stephan Wallocha; HMC/ Hartmut Zielke
                shipping technology? The event,      patterns and new technologies.      SMM since 2010. At the 2020
                once again co-hosted by the              Anchored by TradeWinds          conference, the Sulphur Cap and
                industry magazine HANSA, will        Editor-In-Chief Julian Bray, the    decarbonisation as well as solu-
                bring together experts from aca-     event will provide well-known       tions helping the industry advance
                demia and experienced profession-    representatives of shipping com-    in this field will be focal topics.
                als from shipping companies and      panies and financial institutions   Representatives of the shipping
                other parts of the industry. To      from around the world with an       industry, politics and NGOs will join
                see what the market has to offer     opportunity to share their views.   to discuss the shipping industry’s
                in support of the digital transi-    A network of ship financing in-     climate record. While LNG is
                tion, SMM visitors can follow the    stitutions which have agreed to     definitely a viable bridge technolo-
               “Digital Route”. It features com-     centre their business decisions     gy, achieving the IMO’s ambitious
                panies that are strong in digital    on climate protection has issued    goals will require much greater ef-
                solutions, from satellite commu-     the new “Poseidon Principles”, a    forts. Battery and fuel cell technol-
                nications to information-based       great example demonstrating         ogy in hybrid systems plays a major
                fleet operations, and from remote    the impact of the two current       role in the current discussion, as
                equipment monitoring systems to      top trends, ‘smart shipping’ and    do synthetic fuels and wind-assist-
                autonomous shipping.                ‘green shipping’, in the finance     ed propulsion using hard sails, wing
                                                     industry.                           sails or rotor sails.


omprehensive expertise
ustry topics.

        10 SEPTEMBER 2020                   10/11 SEPTEMBER 2020                 11 SEPTEMBER 2020

        Offshore                            MS&D –                               Maritime
        Dialogue                            International                        Career Market
                                            conference on
        Oceanic research, exploration of    maritime securi-                      One topic all executives in the mari-
        deep sea mineral resources, and                                           time sector are concerned about is a
                                            ty and defence
        energy production at high sea                                             general shortage of skilled personnel.
        are activities requiring sophis-    Safe shipping routes and the          This is where the Maritime Career
        ticated offshore technology.        protection of the land-based port     Market comes into play. As a platform
        Organised jointly with GMT, the     infrastructure are indispensable      for recruiters and jobseekers it is
        German Association for Marine       prerequisites for a healthy world     the right place to attract talent and
        Technology, this conference will    trade. Coastguards and naval          highlight maritime job opportunities
        cover the entire range of related   forces have the important task to     and careers. ”This is the fourth time
        topics. “We are convinced that      mitigate conflicts in the maritime    our SMM Maritime Career Market pro-
        the offshore segment has and        environment. Increasingly ships       vides companies with access to poten-
        will continue to have a key role    are confronted with asymmetric        tial future employees, and jobseekers
        to play in the energy mix,” says    threat scenarios, such as ter-        with fascinating insights into career
        Marc Becker, CEO of the wind        rorism or piracy. What is more,       opportunities in the maritime industry,”
        turbine manufacturer Siemens        attacks directed against data         says Mandy Jordan, Project Manager
        Gamesa. An important reminder       integrity are occurring ever more     Conferences at Hamburg Messe und
        not only for Offshore Dialogue      frequently, making cyber security     Congress GmbH. The job fair also
        attendees: From 22 until 25         a major concern. At the MS&D,         presents a wide array of information
        September, shortly after SMM        high ranking representatives of       on training and education programmes.
        2020, WindEnergy Hamburg,           coastguards and navies will be        Job applicants will be able to have their
        the world’s biggest wind energy     joined by scientists and industry     application portfolios checked by hu-
        event, will take place at the       experts to investigate these is-      man resources professionals. Another
        Hamburg exhibition complex.         sues. Numerous delegations from       feature that is likely to attract plenty
                                            around the world will be attending    of attention once again will be the
                                            this event, which is cohosted by     ‘SMM Hackathon’, which was hosted by
                                            the industry magazine NAVAL           Bosch Rexroth in 2018.


                                              international conference on
         Offshore                           maritime security and defence
         Dialogue                                                                 Market

     Competence: The well-rehearsed SMM team ensures that everything runs smoothly before, during and after the world’s leading maritime trade fair.

     contact persons
                                              For                                                                         For
                                              Exhibitors                                                                  Journalists

                                             Christel Greiner
                                             Sales Manager                                                               Nora Hirschfeld
                                             Exhibition Services                                                         Press officer SMM
                                             +49 (0)40 3569 2474                                                         +49 (0)40 3569 2445
                                             christel.greiner@                                                           nora.hirschfeld@

     choosing a hotel
     Within a short distance of the SMM site you will find about 100 hotels of all price categories and standards. To make booking
     fast and easy, please visit our website where you can see our licensed service partners, select your preferred accommodation
     and reserve it immediately:

          Enhance your visibility at the fair and beyond!

          Use SMM as a platform to highlight                     attract business. Take advantage of this                Christoph Lücke
          your brand by becoming a trade fair spon-              opportunity to present your products and                Project manager
          sor. Present your company, promote your                services to the industry audience and ex-               Sponsoring
                                                                                                                                                       Photo: HMC / Michael Zapf

          products and communicate your capabilities             perts from around the world. To learn about             +49 (0)40 3569 2135
          to boost recognition of your brand. You will           available sponsorship options, please visit:            christoph.luecke@
          find it easier to establish new contacts and                     

         meet the world
         at SMM

         Nations represented by SMM
         visitors and exhibitors

            SMM representative offices worldwide
            You can find full information and current contact details for your local representative at

             supported by                                                                            main sponsor

           Association       Mechanical             German           German      German Ship
            of Marine    Engineering Industry   Shipbuilding and   Shipowners’    Suppliers’
           Engineers,    Association – Marine   Ocean Industries   Association   Association
            Hamburg         Equipment and         Association

                                   Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH
                                   Messeplatz 1                                      
                                   20357 Hamburg                                               #SMMfair
                                   Phone: +49 40 35 69 - 0                           
                                   Fax: +49 40 35 69 - 21 49
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