Social Narrative GREENFIELD VILLAGE - Adapted from "Greenfield Village Sights - Sounds - Smells - A Sensory Overview" created in collaboration ...

Page created by Curtis Hayes
Social Narrative GREENFIELD VILLAGE - Adapted from "Greenfield Village Sights - Sounds - Smells - A Sensory Overview" created in collaboration ...
Social Narrative

               Adapted from “Greenfield Village
               Sights — Sounds — Smells — A Sensory Overview”
               created in collaboration with the
               Autism Alliance of Michigan.
Social Narrative GREENFIELD VILLAGE - Adapted from "Greenfield Village Sights - Sounds - Smells - A Sensory Overview" created in collaboration ...
I am going to Greenfield Village.
 Greenfield Village is a very large place with many buildings to visit. It may
 be crowded at Greenfield Village, particularly if an event is happening.

 My parents or the person who brought me go over the Greenfield Village
 rules one more time when we get there.

  1   I STAY with my parents or the person who brought me at ALL times.

 2    I only WALK at Greenfield Village. No running.

 3    NO TOUCHING anything unless I am told that it is OK.

 4    NO CLIMBING on anything unless I am told that it is OK.

 5    I NEVER go in ponds or other water at Greenfield Village.

 6    IF I GET LOST, I go to the place where my mom, dad or the person that
		    I came with told me to wait. I can also find a worker at Greenfield
		    Village and tell him or her that I am lost. He or she will help me find my
		    parents or the person that I came with.

         There are bright            There are loud               It might be
         lights here                 sounds here                  crowded here

         There may be                NO swimming                  NO climbing on
         smells here                 or going into                fences, buildings,
                                     the water                    ropes, or anything at
                                                                  Greenfield Village
Social Narrative GREENFIELD VILLAGE - Adapted from "Greenfield Village Sights - Sounds - Smells - A Sensory Overview" created in collaboration ...
When I arrive at GREENFIELD
VILLAGE, I will see a big brick building
with windows. I may also see lines of
people waiting to go into Greenfield
Village and buses with people getting
on and off. It might be very loud and
people may be standing close to me.
I can ask for earplugs or noise-canceling
headphones at this building. I can also
use the restroom in the back of the
building if I would like.

Behind this building, I will see a large,
spraying FOUNTAIN of water. It
shoots really high in the air and falls
back down. I might feel splashes and
hear the sound of the water going up
and down. I can sit on the outside edge
of the fountain, but I cannot go into
the fountain.

On one side of the plaza in front of
Greenfield Village is the GREENFIELD
VILLAGE STORE. It is a big brick
building with windows. Inside there are
things to buy, like clothes and toys. It
may be crowded in the store. I can only
touch what my mom or dad says is OK
to touch. I need to be careful not to
break anything in the store.

   There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
   lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
                                                                    the water       ropes or anything at   Welcome to Greenfield Village | 3
                                                                                    Greenfield Village
Social Narrative GREENFIELD VILLAGE - Adapted from "Greenfield Village Sights - Sounds - Smells - A Sensory Overview" created in collaboration ...
Josephine Ford Plaza
When entering Greenfield Village, I
will see brick columns separating
entryways. I have to walk through one
of these entryways to get in. There may
be lines of people and I have to wait
my turn. I will show my ticket to the
Greenfield Village worker so that he or
she can scan it.

Right after I enter Greenfield Village,
I may see a train. I will also see
STOPS. My parents or the person
that I came with can buy a ticket so
that we can ride on the train. I may see
lines of people waiting and smoke from
the train. The train/locomotive also can
produce strong smells.

I might hear very loud train whistles
and feel the ground shaking from the
train. I may want to wear earplugs or
noise-canceling headphones.

I will pass by two buildings on my way
into Greenfield Village. One is light
blue. This is the SOYBEAN LAB
There are pieces of machinery in here.
The other building is yellow. This is the
building, I will hear a recorded voice
talking and will see wagon parts.
I should not go up the ramp on the side
of this building.

                                    There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
                                    lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
4 | Welcome to Greenfield Village                                                                    the water       ropes or anything at
                                                                                                                     Greenfield Village
Social Narrative GREENFIELD VILLAGE - Adapted from "Greenfield Village Sights - Sounds - Smells - A Sensory Overview" created in collaboration ...
Working Farms District
On my way to FIRESTONE FARM,
I will pass by fields that have different
kinds of crops, such as corn and
pumpkins. I may see people working in
the fields and farm animals. At Firestone
Farm, I will see a farmhouse. Inside,
I may see workers making food. There
is a big stove in the kitchen—it is HOT!
I do not touch the stove. I will see
animals outside of the house and I will
see a barn. I will not touch any of the
animals and will not get too close to
them. I may hear the animals making
sounds and I may smell them. It may be
crowded in this area.

Between Firestone Farm and Liberty
Craftworks, I will pass by a red building.
This is a CIDER MILL. I can go inside
and look at machines used to make
apple cider.

    There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
    lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
                                                                     the water       ropes or anything at   Welcome to Greenfield Village | 5
                                                                                     Greenfield Village
Social Narrative GREENFIELD VILLAGE - Adapted from "Greenfield Village Sights - Sounds - Smells - A Sensory Overview" created in collaboration ...
Liberty Craftworks District
In the Liberty Craftworks district,
I will see buildings where people
make different types of crafts. I will
also see a pond. I do not go close to
the water. I do not climb over or go
through the fence that is around the
water. I want to stay safe. I do not
move away from my parents or group.

I will see a waterwheel with water
moving all around it. The water makes
splashing sounds. I do not go close
to the water. Inside the building,
I can learn more about the process
of grinding wheat and corn into flour.

In the WEAVING SHOP, I can learn how people wove cloth on looms.
I can also see the looms and watch a worker weave.

                                    There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
                                    lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
6 | Welcome to Greenfield Village                                                                    the water       ropes or anything at
                                                                                                                     Greenfield Village
Social Narrative GREENFIELD VILLAGE - Adapted from "Greenfield Village Sights - Sounds - Smells - A Sensory Overview" created in collaboration ...
Liberty Craftworks District
In the POTTERY SHOP, I can see people making and decorating pieces of pottery,
such as bowls and cups. I will hear how pottery is made from clay.

I can visit the TRIPP SAWMILL. It is a red building. I can also visit the SPOFFORD
SAWMILL. It is a brown building next to the Tripp Sawmill. There are machines inside
these buildings and recorded voices talking about the buildings

In the PRINTING OFFICE, I can learn                                 In the TIN SHOP, I can see lots of objects
about how a printing press can print on                             made from tin, such as cookie cutters,
paper. There will be a worker talking about                         lanterns and cups. I can hear a worker talking
the process of printing.                                            about how products are made from tin.

   There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
   lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
                                                                    the water       ropes or anything at   Welcome to Greenfield Village | 7
                                                                                    Greenfield Village
Social Narrative GREENFIELD VILLAGE - Adapted from "Greenfield Village Sights - Sounds - Smells - A Sensory Overview" created in collaboration ...
Liberty Craftworks District
In the GUNSOLLY CARDING MILL, I will see machines that are used to make wool.

In the GLASS SHOP, there are
machines and people making glass
objects. I will hear a worker talking
about how different objects are made
from glass. The building may be hot and
crowded and I may smell burning glass.
If the smell, heat or crowds bother me,
I can ask my parents or the person who
brought me if we can leave the building.

Near the Glass Shop is the DAVIDSON-
There are many pieces of glass on display
here. I am careful not to touch anything.
I need to walk, not run, and should stay
close to my parents or the person who
brought me.

                                    There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
                                    lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
8 | Welcome to Greenfield Village                                                                    the water       ropes or anything at
                                                                                                                     Greenfield Village
Social Narrative GREENFIELD VILLAGE - Adapted from "Greenfield Village Sights - Sounds - Smells - A Sensory Overview" created in collaboration ...
Liberty Craftworks District
In the ARMINGTON & SIMS MACHINE SHOP, I will see and hear machines. I will also hear
a person talking about the machines. Some people get to make brass candleholders. I have to
ask my parents or the person who brought me if I would like to make a candleholder. It may be
OK for me to do this. I need to stop before touching anything. I could get hurt on the machines.

STORE, I see lots of things that are for
sale. I need to be very careful in this store,
as there are many things that could
break. I need to walk and not run through
the store. I need to stay with my parents
or the person who brought me.

After leaving Liberty Craftworks, I will
see a small, yellow building called
HANKS SILK MILL. I can learn about
how silk is made.

    There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
    lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
                                                                     the water       ropes or anything at   Welcome to Greenfield Village | 9
                                                                                     Greenfield Village
Social Narrative GREENFIELD VILLAGE - Adapted from "Greenfield Village Sights - Sounds - Smells - A Sensory Overview" created in collaboration ...
Railroad Junction District
I will see a big building with tall doors that look like open garage doors. This is the DETROIT,
TOLEDO & MILWAUKEE ROUNDHOUSE. This is where trains are taken care of by workers.
I may see train engineers, train tracks and trains next to each other in this building. I might hear
the trains blowing their whistles and someone talking about the trains. I may smell steam from
the trains. In front of the Roundhouse, I will see a big piece of railroad track that turns. This track
will turn to the garage doors so that trains can get in and out of the Roundhouse. I may hear
squeaking when this track turns.

At EDISON ILLUMINATING                                                   If I want to ride on the train, I can go to the
COMPANY’S STATION A, I will see                                          train platform near SMITHS CREEK DEPOT.
machinery and hear a recorded voice                                      I might hear the trains blowing their whistles
talking about the building.                                              and smell steam from the trains. I can never
                                                                         touch the trains when they are moving or go
                                                                         onto the train tracks. This is dangerous and I
                                                                         could get hurt. I need to stay with my parents or
                                                                         the person who brought me.

                                     There are bright   There are loud      It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
                                     lights here        sounds here         crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
10 | Welcome to Greenfield Village                                                                       the water       ropes or anything at
                                                                                                                         Greenfield Village
Henry Ford’s Model T District
In Henry Ford’s Model T District, I will
see the FORD HOME. This home
used to be Henry Ford’s. It is white on
the outside and has an old kitchen,
living room and bedrooms on the
inside. I will also see someone dressed
in old-style clothes who is talking
about Henry Ford.

Across the street from Ford Home is
This is a small brick building that has
a video inside about Henry Ford.

Next to the Henry Ford Theater is the BAGLEY AVENUE WORKSHOP. This building
has a QUADRICYCLE inside. This was the first car made by Henry Ford. I will hear a
recorded voice talking about Henry Ford.

   There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
   lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
                                                                    the water       ropes or anything at   Welcome to Greenfield Village | 11
                                                                                    Greenfield Village
Henry Ford’s Model T District
Next to the Bagley Avenue Workshop
BUILDING. This is a light blue
building that has machines and an
old car called a Model T. I can watch a
video about the Model T.

Behind the Ford Motor Company
building is the MODEL T LOADING
DOCK. I will see a line of old cars with
people getting in and out of them.
I have to ask my parents or the person
who brought me if we can ride in a
Model T. If we go for a ride, I will have
to be patient and wait my turn in line.
There may be a long line. I might hear
the cars honking their horns and
people talking. I might smell gas from
the cars.

                                     There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
                                     lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
12 | Welcome to Greenfield Village                                                                    the water       ropes or anything at
                                                                                                                      Greenfield Village
Main Street District
In the Main Street District, I will see a brick
building with shades over the windows.
Inside I will see different types of bicycles.
I cannot ride on the bicycles. I will also see
pieces of an old airplane. I will hear a worker
inside talking about the building.

will see a white building with a porch. This
is the Wright Home. There are rooms inside
like in my house. A worker will be inside
talking about the building.

Across the street, I will see a brick building
with a green shade. This is COHEN
MILLINERY. Inside there are hats that
I can try on and a worker making hats.

    There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
    lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
                                                                     the water       ropes or anything at   Welcome to Greenfield Village | 13
                                                                                     Greenfield Village
Main Street District
Next to Cohen Millinery is the HEINZ
HOUSE. I can go inside to learn about
Heinz. Heinz still makes ketchup today.

Around the corner, I see a tall brick
building that is the GRIMM JEWELRY
STORE. Inside I may see watches,
necklaces and bracelets that were
made many years ago. I will hear a
worker talking about the building.

Across the street is SIR JOHN
snacks here and there may be a line of
people waiting to buy food. If I wait in line
here, I need to be patient.

                                     There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
                                     lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
14 | Welcome to Greenfield Village                                                                    the water       ropes or anything at
                                                                                                                      Greenfield Village
Main Street District
I can spend time playing at the                                      While at the playground, I can hear music from
DONALD F. KOSCH VILLAGE                                              the CAROUSEL. If my parents or the person
PLAYGROUND. I can swing and climb                                    who brought me says it is OK, we can buy
on things. I might hear kids talking,                                tickets and I can go for a ride on the carousel.
laughing and yelling, and I may need                                 There may be lots of people waiting in line here.
to wait my turn to play on things.                                   I will be patient and wait my turn. I cannot wait
                                                                     to choose which animal I will ride.

Next to the carousel is CAROUSEL                                     I may get to eat some frozen custard from the
CONFECTIONS, a snack shop. There                                     FROZEN CUSTARD stand. Frozen custard
may be people waiting in line here. I will be                        tastes like ice cream. There may be people
patient and wait my turn.                                            waiting in line. If I need to wait in line, I will be
                                                                     patient and stay with my parents or the person
                                                                     who brought me.

    There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
    lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
                                                                     the water       ropes or anything at   Welcome to Greenfield Village | 15
                                                                                     Greenfield Village
Main Street District
Across from the Frozen Custard stand is                                  The PHOENIXVILLE POST OFFICE is also
the GREENFIELD VILLAGE TINTYPE                                           nearby. This does not look like the post office in
STUDIO. I can go inside and get my                                       my town! There may be a worker inside talking
picture taken by my parents or the person                                about the building.
who brought me.

Near the Phoenixville Post Office is TOWN                                I will see a small red building. This is DR.
HALL. It is a white building with tall                                   HOWARD’S OFFICE. It looks different than
windows. Some days there is singing and                                  the doctor’s office I go to. There is a worker
dancing on the stage inside Town Hall.                                   inside talking about the building.

                                     There are bright   There are loud      It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
                                     lights here        sounds here         crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
16 | Welcome to Greenfield Village                                                                       the water       ropes or anything at
                                                                                                                         Greenfield Village
Main Street District
Next to Dr. Howard’s Office is the
Abraham Lincoln practiced law inside
this building before he was president.
There are benches to sit on and a worker
talking about the building.

SCHOOL, I will hear a person talking
about what it was like to go to school in
a building like this. I can pretend that I’m
a student at this school. I do not go near
or into the water that is behind Scotch
Settlement School. I stay with my
parents or the person who brought me.

I will see a tall white steeple, or pointed
top, on a brick building with a big
white door. This is MARTHA-MARY
CHAPEL. There may be a worker here
talking about the building.

    There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
    lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
                                                                     the water       ropes or anything at   Welcome to Greenfield Village | 17
                                                                                     Greenfield Village
Main Street District
I may eat lunch at A TASTE OF
can sit inside or outside to eat. There
may be a line to get food. I will be
patient while waiting in line. This
restaurant may be crowded and loud.

EAGLE TAVERN is another
restaurant where I may eat. This is a
large white building with columns in
front. A waiter or waitress will take my
order and bring the food to the table.

STORE, I may see food, clothes and
other products that people may have
bought at a store many years ago.
There will be a worker inside talking
about the building, and there may be
lots of people inside the building.

                                     There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
                                     lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
18 | Welcome to Greenfield Village                                                                    the water       ropes or anything at
                                                                                                                      Greenfield Village
Edison at Work District
In the Edison at Work District, I will
EDISON. I should not climb on the

I will also see THOMAS EDISON’S
has a group of buildings with many
different things on display, ranging
from machines to light bulbs.

Across the street, I will see a big yellow house                    Next to this house is THOMAS EDISON’S
with many windows and a porch. This is                              FORT MYERS LABORATORY. There are
SARAH JORDAN BOARDING HOUSE.                                        different machines in this building.
There are many rooms inside this house.

   There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
   lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
                                                                    the water       ropes or anything at   Welcome to Greenfield Village | 19
                                                                                    Greenfield Village
Porches & Parlors District
HOUSE, I may hear a recorded voice
talking about the building. This is a
small light blue building.

GARDEN OFFICE, I will see a desk
and can hear a recorded voice talking
about the building.

I see a small white building without
walls. This is called a gazebo or
BANDSTAND. I may see and hear
music being played here.

I will see a pond. I should not get close
to or go in the water. I should stay
close to my parents or the person who
brought me. I will also see a covered
BRIDGE. I can walk through the
bridge. It may be kind of dark inside.
I may see animals around the pond,
such as geese or ducks. I should never
chase or touch the animals. I could
get hurt if I do.

                                     There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
                                     lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
20 | Welcome to Greenfield Village                                                                    the water       ropes or anything at
                                                                                                                      Greenfield Village
Porches & Parlors District
I may eat lunch at MRS. FISHER’S
building where people are buying food
and drink. There may be people waiting
in line. If I have to wait in line, I will be
patient and stay with my parents or the
person who brought me. I can sit at one
of the tables outside to eat my lunch.

I will see a long white house with a big
front porch. I might see workers in the
field. Inside the home, I will hear workers
talking about the home.

I see a small red house. This is the
hear a recorded voice talking about
the building.

Nearby is a tall building with a fan on
the front. The FARRIS WINDMILL
is set in place and never turns.

    There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
    lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
                                                                     the water       ropes or anything at   Welcome to Greenfield Village | 21
                                                                                     Greenfield Village
Porches & Parlors District
Next to Farris Windmill is the DAGGETT
FARMHOUSE. I may see workers who
look like farmers using farm tools outside
the home, or sewing clothes or making
food inside. I do not get close to the
fireplace inside the home.

At COTSWOLD FORGE, I can hear a
recorded voice talking about the building
and the tools used by a blacksmith.

a house made out of stones and a large
garden. I may see people eating and
drinking tea outside in the garden.

large gray house with a recorded voice
inside talking about it.

                                     There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
                                     lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
22 | Welcome to Greenfield Village                                                                    the water       ropes or anything at
                                                                                                                      Greenfield Village
Porches & Parlors District
large white house with lots of windows. I
can go inside to hear a worker talk about
the house and to learn more about the
Noah Webster dictionary.

house with a porch in front. I can go in
the doorway to look at the rooms that
are inside.

a worker inside talking about it.

BIRTHPLACE is a large red house
with many windows.

   There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
   lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
                                                                    the water       ropes or anything at   Welcome to Greenfield Village | 23
                                                                                    Greenfield Village
Porches & Parlors District
I see two small white houses. These are
One building has a recorded voice and
the other has a worker talking about it.

MATTOX HOUSE is a small white
house with a porch. There will be a worker
inside talking about it.

I see a log building that used to be a
school. This is the WILLIAM HOLMES
be able to go inside or it may be closed.

I see a small log house with a bed
and fireplace inside. This is the
BIRTHPLACE. A recorded voice inside
can tell me more about it.

                                     There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
                                     lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
24 | Welcome to Greenfield Village                                                                    the water       ropes or anything at
                                                                                                                      Greenfield Village
Porches & Parlors District
Next door to McGuffey Birthplace is the
CABIN. This is a log house with windows.
Inside, I can learn more about George
Washington Carver.

the street is a yellow house with a porch
and windows. Inside, I will hear a recorded
voice talking about the building.

is a very small light blue building. I can sit
in the back of the building and look out
the windows.

is a white house with different instruments
on display. I may hear music being played
inside and outside the building.

    There are bright   There are loud   It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
    lights here        sounds here      crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
                                                                     the water       ropes or anything at   Welcome to Greenfield Village | 25
                                                                                     Greenfield Village
Getting Around Greenfield Village
There are several ways, besides walking, to get around Greenfield Village. I need to ask
my parents or the person who brought me if it is OK to ride one of these, since doing so
costs money.

HORSE-DRAWN CARRIAGE                                                     1931 FORD MODEL AA BUS

MODEL T                                                                  WEISER RAILROAD

                                     There are bright   There are loud     It might be    There are     NO swimming     NO climbing on
                                     lights here        sounds here        crowded here   smells here   or going into   fences, buildings,
26 | Welcome to Greenfield Village                                                                      the water       ropes or anything at
                                                                                                                        Greenfield Village
I had a great time
visiting Greenfield Village!
I can’t wait to come again soon.

          GREENFIELD VILLAGE® Social Narrative
          Adapted from “Greenfield Village Sights — Sounds — Smells — A Sensory
          Overview” created in collaboration with the Autism Alliance of Michigan.
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