SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum Engineers

Page created by Alexander Flores
SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum Engineers
Principal Sponsor

SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas
Conference and Exhibition
Leading a Sustainable Future of Accessible and Responsible Energy

17–19 October 2022                                                 Adelaide Convention Centre,
                                                                   Adelaide, Australia


Conference Preview



 Photo Credits:                                                                  ***
 *Santos Ltd. **Beach Energy   ***Michael Waterhouse Photography
SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum Engineers
Welcome Message                                                                                                                                2

Message from the Conference Chair                                             Table of Contents
and Technical Programme Chair                                                 Message from Conference Chair and                            2
                                                                              Technical Programme Chair
Dear Colleagues,
                                                                              Table of Content                                             2
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the SPE Asia Pacific Oil &
Gas Conference and Exhibition (APOGCE), which will be held from               About the Conference                                         3
17-19 October 2022 in Adelaide, Australia.
                                                                              Committees                                                   5
APOGCE is the premier upstream technical conference in the Asia Pacific
region. The event gathers regional and global distinguished leaders,          Conference Sponsors                                          7
subject matter experts, technical professionals, and practitioners across
the energy value chain to share the latest knowledge, best practices, and     Schedule of Events                                           8
                                                                              Conference Programme Schedule                                9
As an industry, we are experiencing significant change as the world
aspires to an energy transition towards net zero carbon emissions.            Welcome to Country, Opening and Keynote Session             10
Simultaneously, we have been impacted by a pandemic that has had
tragic consequences for communities around the globe, changed our             Executive Plenary Session                                   11
way of working, and introduced greater economic uncertainty. As
we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, not only is there challenge,            Panel Sessions                                              12
but there is also opportunity to improve, learn and adapt in an ever-
changing world.                                                               Educational Programmes and Social Activities                18

Addressing these challenges and opportunities requires collaboration,         Regional Awards                                             19
bringing the industry and its leaders together to share and discuss the
latest insights, experience, learnings, and technology developments that      Technical Sessions and Knowledge Sharing ePoster Sessions   20
will make a difference in Leading a Sustainable Future of Accessible and
Responsible Energy, the theme of SPE APOGCE 2022.                             Exhibition and Sponsorship Opportunities                    21

To facilitate this collaboration, more than 100 authors will present papers
                                                                              Training Courses                                            24
in over 19 technical and multiple ePoster sessions. The conference
                                                                              Registration                                                25
will also include panel sessions where business leaders, government
representatives, and industry experts will discuss topics revolving around
                                                                              General Information                                         26
the conference theme including energy security and supply, the role
of petroleum engineering in a net zero carbon emissions world, and
decarbonisation of the upstream oil and gas industry.

There will be an exhibition featuring companies and service providers         *This Conference Preview is updated as at 30 August 2022
showcasing their latest technologies and capabilities. Additionally, there
is a Regional Student Paper Contest and Energy4Me Education Day,
both aimed at inspiring, involving and attracting a new generation of
talented individuals - essential to the future of our industry.
Importantly, there will be many opportunities to network, to reconnect
with old colleagues or meet new ones, in person.

We thank you in advance for your support of the conference. On behalf
of the Organising Committees, we look forward to welcoming you to
Adelaide and to APOGCE 2022.


David Bird                           David Brink
APOGCE 2022 Conference Chair         APOGCE 2022 Technical
Senior Vice President                Programme Committee Chair
Production Operations                Completion and Well
Santos Ltd.                          Intervention Manager
                                     Beach Energy

SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum Engineers
About the Conference                                                                                                                  3

About the Conference
The Society of Petroleum Engineers’ Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition (APOGCE) is a flagship multi-disciplinary
technical event rotating annually between Australia and Indonesia.
APOGCE returns to Adelaide from 17–19 October 2022 to explore how the industry is going through transition and
transformation by focusing on sustainable practices through strategic changes in their organisations. APOGCE 2022 will
serve as a comprehensive platform for both local and regional players to learn from the accomplishments of our peers, share
successful case studies and address technological advancements, as organisations focus on agility, reliability, and flexibility to
provide accessible and responsible energy, towards net zero carbon emissions.

What to Expect

                       800+                      30+                          80+                           125+
                       industry                  countries                    participating                 multi-disciplinary
                       professionals                                          organisations                 technical presentations

                       8 keynote, plenary                    12 hours of                              Multiple recognition and
                       and panel sessions                    strategic discussions                    educational programmes,
                                                                                                      training courses, student
                                                                                                      contest and social activities

Why Attend

   Learn and catch up with the latest           Expand your professional network                 Discover solutions and
   industry insights from experts and             with distinguished experts and              emerging trends from reputable
   your peers and improve your skills            peers from global organisations                    energy companies
        to advance your career

Join decision makers, business executives, technical professionals, policy makers and academia specialising in:

                                            Management                          Reservoir                       Data Science
                                                                                                                and Engineering

            Completions                     Project Facilities                  Production and                  Health, Safety,
                                            and Construction                    Operations                      Security, Environment
                                                                                                                and Sustainability

SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum Engineers
Committees                                                                                         4


Conference Chair

David Bird
Senior Vice President
Production Operations
Santos Ltd.

Technical Programme Committee


David Brink
Completion and Well Intervention Manager
Beach Energy


Chris Mijnssen                             Marie Louise Lees             Andre Cebastiant
Arrow Energy                               Energy Quest                  Oil Search Limited

Ahmadreza Younessi Sinaki                  Marcel Croon                  Chris Fair
Baker Hughes                               Epiroc                        Oilfield Data Services

Sadegh Asadi                               Zis Katelis                   David Manning
Baker Hughes                               Gaffney, Cline & Associates   Oilfield Technologies

Paula Pedler                               Fatemeh Mehran                Abdolrahim Ataei
Beach Energy                               Halliburton                   OQ Upstream Oman

Trevor Wadham                              Gareth Williams               Natalie Chadud
Beach Energy                               Halliburton                   Origin Energy

Hussam Goda                                Andy Tjoeng                   Sameer Ganpule
Bear and Brook Consulting                  Independent                   Origin Energy

Ghazal Avijegon                            Mathew Barley                 Vahab Honari
Bureau Veritas Group                       Independent                   Origin Energy

Daniel O’Reilly                            Marc Lehman                   Prady Chaliha
Chevron Australia                          INPEX                         Osaka Gas Australia

Matthew Flett                              Takaaki Uetani                Sri Konsep Wicaksono
Chevron Australia                          INPEX Corporation             Pertamina Hulu Mahakam

Peter Tippet                               Romi Branajaya                Jan Bon Jr.
Chevron Australia                          Interwell                     Petrolab Australia

Seyed Mousa MousaviMirkalaei               Edi Rahmat                    Arif Azhan Abdul Manap
Computer Modelling Group                   Kuwait Oil Company            PETRONAS

Ludovic Ricard                             Tubagus Reggie Rachman        Luky Hendraningrat
CSIRO                                      Medco Energi                  PETRONAS

Dominic Pepicelli                          Miles Ponsonby                Mohamad Syahezat Ismail
Department for Energy and Mining           NOPSEMA                       PETRONAS

Dipak Mandal                               Shankar Bhukya                Pankaj Kumar Tiwari
Dialog Energy Sdn. Bhd.                    NOV Grant Prideco             PETRONAS

SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum Engineers
Committees                                                                                                   5

Members (continued)
Rahim Masoudi                               Mark Burgoyne                     Alireza Salmachi
PETRONAS                                    Santos Ltd.                       The University of Adelaide

Yvonne Tan                                  Roumen Sankoff                    Maria Elena Gonzalez Perdomo
PETRONAS                                    Santos Ltd.                       The University of Adelaide

Sulaiman Sidek                              Jack Harfoushian                  Christopher Leonardi
PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.                 Schlumberger                      The University of Queensland

Siti Najmi Farhan Zulkipli                  Nicholas Moses                    Raymond Johnson Jr.
PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.                 Schlumberger                      The University of Queensland

Raj Deo Tewari                              Shripad Biniwale                  Ruizhi Zhong
PETRONAS Research Sdn. Bhd.                 Schlumberger                      The University of Queensland

Suchada Punpruk                             Yawar Saeed                       Zhongwei Chen
PTT Exploration and Production Public Co.   Schlumberger                      The University of Queensland
                                            Arsham Avijegon                   Jeff Zhang
Qinghai Yang                                Shell Australia                   Wood
Research Institute of Petroleum
Exploration & Development                   Piotr Sapa                        Pieter Jagtenberg
                                            South Australian Government       Woodside Energy
Euver Enrique Naranjo Penaloza
Santos Ltd.                                 Abbas Zeinijahromi
                                            The University of Adelaide
Gianluca Di Martino
Santos Ltd.

Conduct Committee


Abbas Zeinijahromi
Senior Lecturer, Petroleum Engineering
Australian School of Petroleum and Energy
Resources (ASPER)
The University of Adelaide

Anne Abraham                                Dominic Pepicelli                 Harry Freeman
Beach Energy                                Department of Energy and Mining   Santos Ltd.

Daniel Mynhart                              Romi Branajaya                    Lisa Dallow
Beach Energy                                Interwell                         Santos Ltd.

Juna Jamaluddin                             Jan Bon                           Katarina Van Der Haar
Beach Energy                                Petrolab Australia                RISC

Peter Kokkoni                               Eleni Papadopoulos
Beach Energy                                Santos Ltd.

SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum Engineers
Conference Sponsors                                                                              6

Thank You to Our Sponsors

                                    Principal Sponsor

                                    Platinum Sponsor

                                    General Sponsors

             Lanyard Sponsors      Water Bottles and Stations      Directional Signage Sponsor

                                Conference Writing Pads and Pens

                                    Principal Partners

SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum Engineers
Schedule of Events                                                                                                                                    7

Schedule of Events

 Sunday, 16 October
 0900 – 1800 hours   Exhibition Move-In                                                                                Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1200 – 1800 hours   Registration                                                                                       Hall N Foyer, Ground Level

 1200 – 1800 hours   Conference Headquarters / Speaker and Author Check-In                                                City Suite 4, Upper Level

 Monday, 17 October
 0730 – 1830 hours   Registration                                                                                       Hall N Foyer, Ground Level

 0730 – 1830 hours   Conference Headquarters / Speaker and Author Check-In                                                City Suite 4, Upper Level

 0830 – 0845 hours   Welcome to Country                                                                                       Hall M, Ground Level

 0845 – 1015 hours   Opening and Keynote Session                                                                              Hall M, Ground Level

 1000 – 1830 hours   Exhibition                                                                                        Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1015 – 1045 hours   Coffee Break                                                                                      Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1045 – 1215 hours   Executive Plenary Session                                                                                Hall M, Ground Level

 1215 – 1300 hours   SPE Asia Pacific Regional Award Presentation                                                             Hall M, Ground Level

 1300 – 1400 hours   Networking Luncheon                                                                               Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1300 – 1330 hours   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session                                                                 Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1400 – 1530 hours   Panel Session 1: Energy Security and Future Sourcing                                              City Room 3-4, Upper Level

 1400 – 1530 hours   Technical Session 1: Offshore Operations                                                            City Room 2, Upper Level

 1400 – 1530 hours   Technical Session 2: Making the Best of Your Existing Assets with Big Data and Machine Learning     City Room 1, Upper Level

 1400 – 1730 hours   SPE Regional Student Paper Contest                                                                 Room L2-L3, Ground Level

 1530 – 1600 hours   Coffee Break                                                                                      Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1530 – 1600 hours   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session                                                                 Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1600 – 1730 hours   Panel Session 2: Exploration and Appraisal of Frontier Plays                                      City Room 3-4, Upper Level

 1600 – 1730 hours   Technical Session 3: Gas Supply and Technology                                                      City Room 2, Upper Level

 1600 – 1730 hours   Technical Session 4: Unconventional Resources                                                       City Room 2, Upper Level

 1730 – 1830 hours   Welcome Reception                                                                                 Halls N and O, Ground Level

SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum Engineers
Schedule of Events                                                                                                                                        8

Schedule of Events

 Tuesday, 18 October
 0800 – 1730 hours   Registration                                                                                               Hall N Foyer, Ground Level

 0800 – 1730 hours   Conference Headquarters / Speaker and Author Check-In                                                        City Suite 4, Upper Level

 1000 – 1730 hours   Exhibition                                                                                                Halls N and O, Ground Level

 0830 – 1430 hours   Energy4Me Teachers’ and Education Day                                                                      Room L2-L3, Ground Level

 0900 – 1030 hours   Panel Session 3: Pivoting Our Profession - Petroleum Engineering in a Net Carbon Zero World               City Room 3-4, Upper Level

 0900 – 1030 hours   Technical Session 5: Drilling: The ‘Nuts and Bolts’                                                         City Room 2, Upper Level

 0900 – 1030 hours   Technical Session 6: Reliability and Integrity                                                              City Room 1, Upper Level

 1030 – 1100 hours   Coffee Break                                                                                              Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1030 – 1100 hours   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session                                                                         Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1100 – 1230 hours   Panel Session 4: Decarbonisation of the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry                                     City Room 3-4, Upper Level

 1100 – 1230 hours   Technical Session 7: Artificial Lift: Making Production Easy                                                City Room 2, Upper Level

 1100 – 1230 hours   Technical Session 8: Making the Best of Big Data and Machine Learning for Understanding Your Subsurface     City Room 1, Upper Level

 1230 – 1400 hours   Networking Luncheon                                                                                       Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1230 – 1300 hours   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session                                                                         Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1400 – 1530 hours   Panel Session 5: Sustainable Decommissioning and Repurposing                                              City Room 3-4, Upper Level

 1400 – 1530 hours   Technical Session 9: Well Integrity: Making it Last Longer                                                  City Room 2, Upper Level

 1400 – 1530 hours   Technical Session 10: Enhanced Recovery                                                                     City Room 1, Upper Level

 1530 – 1600 hours   Coffee Break                                                                                              Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1530 – 1600 hours   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session                                                                         Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1600 – 1730 hours   Technical Session 11: Subsurface Storage Technology for the Energy Transition                             City Room 3-4, Upper Level

 1600 – 1730 hours   Technical Session 12: Drilling and Completion Fluids: What's in the 'Mix’                                   City Room 2, Upper Level

 1600 – 1730 hours   Technical Session 13: Facilities and Operations                                                             City Room 1, Upper Level

 1900 till late      Conference Dinner                                                                                               National Wine Centre

 Wednesday, 19 October
 0800 – 1730 hours   Registration                                                                                               Hall N Foyer, Ground Level

 0800 – 1730 hours   Conference Headquarters / Speaker and Author Check-In                                                        City Suite 4, Upper Level

 1000 – 1600 hours   Exhibition                                                                                                Halls N and O, Ground Level

 0900 – 1030 hours   Panel Session 6: Economics, Financing and Reserves in Energy Transition                                   City Room 3-4, Upper Level

 0900 – 1030 hours   Technical Session 14: Drilling Data: What's in the ‘Sausage Making'                                         City Room 2, Upper Level

 1030 – 1100 hours   Coffee Break                                                                                              Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1030 – 1100 hours   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session                                                                         Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1100 – 1230 hours   Technical Session 15: Decommissioning: Breaking Up is Hard to do!                                         City Room 3-4, Upper Level

 1100 – 1230 hours   Technical Session 16: Reservoir Characterisation                                                            City Room 2, Upper Level

 1230 – 1400 hours   Networking Luncheon                                                                                       Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1230 – 1300 hours   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session                                                                         Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1400 – 1530 hours   Technical Session 17: Case Studies: Learning from Past Performance to Create a Better Future              City Room 3-4, Upper Level

 1400 – 1530 hours   Technical Session 18: Completion and Production Technology: Making It Produce More                          City Room 2, Upper Level

 1530 – 1600 hours   Coffee Break                                                                                              Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1530 – 1600 hours   Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session                                                                         Halls N and O, Ground Level

 1600 – 1730 hours   Technical Session 19: Building the Right Capabilities for A Competitive and Sustainable Future            City Room 3-4, Upper Level

SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum Engineers
Conference Programme Schedule                                                                                                                                                        9

Conference Programme Schedule

        Time                    City Room 3-4, Upper Level                             City Room 2, Upper Level                              City Room 1, Upper Level

                                                                       Monday, 17 October 2022
 0830 - 0845 hours                                                            Welcome to Country - Hall M, Ground Level

  0845 - 1015 hours                                                       Opening and Keynote Session - Hall M, Ground Level

  1015 - 1045 hours                                                                          Coffee Break
  1045 - 1215 hours                                                        Executive Plenary Session - Hall M, Ground Level
  1215 - 1300 hours                                             SPE Asia Pacific Regional Award Presentation - Hall M, Ground Level

  1300 - 1400 hours                                  Networking Luncheon / Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session - Halls N and O, Ground Level

                                                                                                                                               Technical Session 2
                                    Panel Session 1                                       Technical Session 1
  1400 - 1530 hours                                                                                                               Making the Best of Your Existing Assets with Big
                           Energy Security and Future Sourcing                            Offshore Operations
                                                                                                                                            Data and Machine Learning

  1530 - 1600 hours                                       Coffee Break / Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session - Halls N and O, Ground Level

                                      Panel Session 2                                    Technical Session 3                                  Technical Session 4
  1600 - 1730 hours
                         Exploration and Appraisal of Frontier Plays                  Gas Supply and Technology                             Unconventional Resources

  1730 - 1830 hours                                                        Welcome Reception - Halls N and O, Ground Level

                                                                       Tuesday, 18 October 2022
                                      Panel Session 3
                                                                                            Technical Session 5                                Technical Session 6
 0900 - 1030 hours    Pivoting Our Profession - Petroleum Engineering
                                                                                      Drilling: The ‘Nuts and Bolts’                          Reliability and Integrity
                                in a Net Carbon Zero World
  1030 - 1100 hours                                       Coffee Break / Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session - Halls N and O, Ground Level

                                     Panel Session 4                                                                                           Technical Session 8
                                                                                            Technical Session 7
  1100 - 1230 hours    Decarbonisation of the Upstream Oil and Gas                                                               Making the Best of Big Data and Machine Learning
                                                                                 Artificial Lift: Making Production Easy
                                        Industry                                                                                        for Understanding Your Subsurface

  1230 - 1400 hours                                  Networking Luncheon / Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session - Halls N and O, Ground Level

                                     Panel Session 5                                       Technical Session 9                                 Technical Session 10
  1400 - 1530 hours
                      Sustainable Decommissioning and Repurposing                 Well Integrity: Making It Last Longer                        Enhanced Recovery

  1530 - 1600 hours                                       Coffee Break / Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session - Halls N and O, Ground Level

                                   Technical Session 11
                                                                                          Technical Session 12                                 Technical Session 13
  1600 - 1730 hours    Subsurface Storage Technology for the Energy
                                                                           Drilling and Completion Fluids: What's in the 'Mix’               Facilities and Operations

 1830 - 2000 hours                                                            Conference Dinner - National Wine Centre

                                                                    Wednesday, 19 October 2022
                                     Panel Session 6
                                                                                           Technical Session 14
 0900 - 1030 hours     Economics, Financing and Reserves in Energy
                                                                              Drilling Data: What's in the ‘Sausage Making'

  1030 - 1100 hours                                       Coffee Break / Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session - Halls N and O, Ground Level

                                 Technical Session 15                                    Technical Session 16
  1100 - 1230 hours
                       Decommissioning: Breaking Up is Hard to Do!                     Reservoir Characterisation

  1230 - 1400 hours                                  Networking Luncheon / Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session - Halls N and O, Ground Level
                                    Technical Session 17                                Technical Session 18
  1400 - 1530 hours   Case Studies: Learning from Past Performance to      Completion and Production Technology: Making It
                                   Create a Better Future                                  Produce More
  1530 - 1600 hours                                       Coffee Break / Knowledge Sharing ePoster Session - Halls N and O, Ground Level

                                    Technical Session 19
  1600 - 1730 hours   Building the Right Capabilities for a Competitive
                                   and Sustainable Future

SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition - Society of Petroleum Engineers
Welcome to Country, Opening and and Keynote Session                                          10

Welcome to Country Session

Monday, 17 October 2022 | 0830 – 0845 hours                                Hall M, Ground Level


Mickey Kumatpi Marrutya O’Brien
Kaurna and Narrunga

Opening and Keynote Session

Monday, 17 October 2022 | 0845 – 1015 hours                                Hall M, Ground Level


David Bird                                     Kamel Ben-Naceur
Senior Vice President,                         2022 SPE President
Production Operations                          Nomadia Energy Consulting
Santos Ltd
APOGCE 2022 Conference Chair

Executive Plenary Session                                                                                                11

Executive Plenary Session

Leading a Sustainable Future of Accessible and Responsible Energy

Monday, 17 October 2022 | 1045 – 1215 hours                                                        Hall M, Ground Level


Ken Yamamura                Brian Sullivan          Shara Patricia          Saul Kavonic           Mauro Gimenez
Managing Director and       Executive Director      Ciravolo Fesser         Head of Energy,        Managing Director
Chief Executive Officer     Ipieca                  Asia Pacific Managing   Resources and Carbon   Global Energy and Natural
Mitsui E&P Australia                                Director                Credit Suisse          Resources Practice Leader
                                                    Schlumberger                                   Russell Reynolds Associates

David Bird                  David Brink
Senior Vice President,      Completion and Well
Production Operations       Intervention Manager
Santos Ltd.                 Beach Energy
APOGCE 2022                 APOGCE 2022 Technical
Conference Chair            Programme Committee Chair

The world had been navigating a global pandemic for over two years. There have been several years of low
investment in delivering new supplies of oil and gas, and there is a massive movement towards net zero carbon
emissions. The executive plenary session offers the opportunity to hear from regional leaders in the delivery of
energy and their thoughts on this future. What will the energy mix look like in five, ten, or twenty-years’ time?
How will oil and gas markets play out during the energy transition? What is the outlook for accessing funding for oil
and gas projects? Would you recommend to your child to study petroleum engineering? These questions and more
will be discussed but ultimately, we will explore what our industry can do to lead a sustainable future of accessible
and responsible energy.

Panel Sessions                                                                                                              12

Panel Sessions

Panel Session 1: Energy Security and Future Sourcing

Monday, 17 October 2022 | 1400 - 1530 hours                                                 City Room 3-4, Upper Level


His Excellency Shingo Yamagami           Graeme Bethune                           Tina Soliman-Hunter
The Ambassador of Japan to Australia     Chief Executive Officer                  Professor of Constitutional Law, and Energy
Embassy of Japan in Australia            EnergyQuest                              and Resources Law
                                                                                  Director, Centre for Energy and Natural
                                                                                  Resources Innovation and Transformation
                                                                                  Macquarie Law School

Session Chairs

Romi Branajaya                           Arsham Avijegon                          Pieter Jagtenberg
Account Manager – East                   Production Technologist                  Reservoir Engineering Adviser
Interwell                                Shell Australia                          Woodside Energy

In recent years, investment in conventional energy has been geared towards stagnant or falling demand, with
record low investment seen in 2020. In their World Outlook 2021, the International Energy Agency (IEA) warned
that the level of investment in the global energy sector is inadequate to meet near term energy needs and long-
term transition goals. The consequences became apparent in 2021: as the economies of the world reopened,
demand for oil and gas rebounded sharply and pushed up prices.
World population is forecasted to grow by 2 billion people, with Asia Pacific accounting for one third of that growth.
This trend, together with the targeted poverty reduction and near-term environmental objectives, is expected to
lead to an increase in regional gas demand by 35% by 2030.
In this session, we will hear how, in the light of recent subdued investment, our industry can meet the increasing
Asia Pacific energy demand. We will discuss the role of liquefied natural gas (LNG), hydrogen-based fuels and
carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS), as well as other technologies, in the region’s near-term energy mix.
Finally, we will explore how an orderly transition can be achieved to make the future energy supply sustainable,
accessible and responsible as well as affordable and fair for all citizens, which will require strong collaboration and
coordination between governments, various industries and financiers.

Panel Sessions                                                                                                             13

Panel Sessions

Panel Session 2: Exploration and Appraisal of Frontier Plays

Monday, 17 October 2022 | 1600 – 1730 hours                                                  City Room 3-4, Upper Level


Sam Algar                      Thomas Nadoor                       Chen Kah Seong            Rebecca Jones
Group Executive                Chief Executive Officer             Vice President -          Vice President Subsurface
Exploration and Subsurface     Buru Energy                         Centre of Excellence      Santos
Beach Energy                                                       Upstream
Session Chairs

Jan Bon Jr.                    Raymond Johnson Jr.
Manager, Reservoir Fluids      Professor of Well Engineering and
Specialist                     Production Technology
Petrolab Australia             The University of Queensland

The world is moving to a net zero carbon future with a strong drive to reduce dependence on oil and gas. In this
reality, the quest for new oil and gas discoveries needs to adapt; changing the frontier exploration paradigm.
Furthermore, many frontier plays require new technologies and multi-disciplined approaches to achieve success;
challenging conventional roles and skills. In this panel session, we will hear from some of the region’s most active
explorers on the challenges they face, and the opportunities that the new frontier exploration paradigm creates.
Sharing their experiences from active exploration campaigns in Australia and the wider Asia Pacific region, the
panellists will focus on the value proposition of frontier exploration, including risk evaluation in the current climate
of energy transition and investor activism.
The panel will address:
• What is the preferred hydrocarbon type, do we prefer gas over oil?
• What does the new reality of a net zero carbon world mean for cycle times? What do we anticipate the value
  of future discoveries to be in the second half of this century?
• How much room is there for developments with high greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts due to the reservoir fluid
• How important is minimising future GHG footprint; for example, do we explore for Carbon Capture, Utilisation
  and Storage (CCUS) in parallel?
• What new technologies or multi-disciplined approaches are required to achieve success?

Panel Sessions                                                                                                               14

Panel Sessions

Panel Session 3: Pivoting Our Profession - Petroleum Engineering in a Net Zero Carbon World

Tuesday, 18 October 2022 | 0900 - 1030 hours                                                     City Room 3-4, Upper Level


Simon Smith             Greg Knagge               Rahim Masoudi               Katarina Van Der Haar    Andrew Garnett
Principal Petroleum     Chief Executive Officer   Group Technical Authority   Reservoir Engineering    Director
Engineer                Nation Creative           and Custodian Reservoir     Consultant               UQ Centre for Natural Gas
Australia Pacific LNG                             Engineering                 RISC                     The University of
                                                  Resource Development                                 Queensland
                                                  and Management
                                                  Malaysia Petroleum
                                                  Management, Upstream
Session Chairs

Chris Mijnssen          Marie-louise Lees         Steve Begg
Bowen Development       Senior Associate          Professor, Australian School of
Manager                 Energy Quest              Petroleum and Energy Resources
Arrow Energy                                      The University of Adelaide

Our profession is facing challenges as the world moves to reduce reliance on hydrocarbons in favour of other
energy sources. Development and production of oil and gas will need to be more sustainable as countries move
to meet carbon reduction targets. This panel session will consider some of the issues our profession will be facing,
and not the least is attracting people to work in a profession which is not viewed favourably by the public and is
likely thought to have a limited future.
Topics to be considered include:
• What is the future for petroleum engineers? Could there to be a shortage in 10+ years or will the discipline
• What new/emerging skills will petroleum engineers need? Do they need safety net skills?
• Re-skilling: What are the relative merits of hiring people from other engineering disciplines and giving them
  narrow, job-specific training, versus those that have a broader, full petroleum engineering education?
• Who will be the dominant employers of petroleum engineers?
• How do we get the positive benefits of the industry understood by the public, and attract people to the
• What is in a petroleum engineers “way of thinking” that is valuable in the new energy environment, not just the
  “tools”, what do they bring to the table?
• Are there current and emerging areas of petroleum engineering research that “will make a real difference”?

Panel Sessions                                                                                                         15

Panel Sessions

Panel Session 4: Decarbonisation of the Upstream Oil & Gas Industry

Tuesday, 18 October 2022 | 1100 - 1230 hours                                              City Room 3-4, Upper Level


Atul Arya                     Trey Meckel                   Nora’in Md Salleh             Yvette Manolas
Senior Vice President and     Founder                       General Manager               General Manager
Chief Energy Strategist       Monteverde Energy             Carbon Capture Storage        Climate Solutions
IHS Markit                                                  (CCS)                         Woodside
Session Chairs

Natalie Chadud                Prady Chaliha                 Raj Deo Tewari
Subsurface Lead               General Manager -             Chief Scientist
Origin Energy                 Development                   PETRONAS Research
                              Osaka Gas Australia           Sdn. Bhd.

There has been increasing public and government pressure regarding the impact of the oil and gas industry on
climate. Sustainable investment is gaining traction. Investors are prioritising or restricting investments in favour
of sustainable energy. Upstream companies are under pressure to decarbonise, and this is likely to intensify.
A growing number of companies are establishing emission-reduction and net-zero targets and increasing the
transparency of the environmental effects of their operations. Decarbonisation of the oil and gas industry, with
energy transition to low-carbon energy including renewables, will continue. Gas, including liquefied natural gas
(LNG), will continue to have demand in the near future; driven by the energy transition, such as, shifting away
from coal and as back-up to renewables. However, blue hydrogen from gas, with carbon capture and storage
(CCS), along with green hydrogen, will gain momentum. Hydrogen, ammonia, methanol and CCS/carbon
capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) will all be interesting areas for the oil and gas industry going forward.
Research and development, and innovations will be crucial for technical solutions and lowering the cost of
decarbonisation. Many hurdles remain for widespread use of CCS/CCUS and hydrogen, both technical and
economical. Government incentives and policies, including carbon pricing, will also play a role.
This panel will focus on the transition and diversification strategies of the oil and gas industry, and the pace
of energy transition and its impact on the industry. It will also discuss the roles of, and collaboration, amongst
governments, financial institutions/investors, big international oil companies (IOC), national oil companies (NOC),
smaller producers, service companies and research organisations in the decarbonisation of our industry.

Panel Sessions                                                                                                      16

Panel Sessions

Panel Session 5: Sustainable Decommissioning and Repurposing

Tuesday, 18 October 2022 | 1400 - 1530 hours                                             City Room 3-4, Upper Level


Alireza Salmachi                        Francis Norman
Senior Lecturer                         General Manager
Australian School of                    Centre Of Decommissioning
Petroleum & Energy Resources            Australia (CODA)
Adelaide University

Session Chairs

Miles Ponsonby                          David Manning
Well Integrity Team Lead                Managing Director
NOPSEMA                                 Oilfield Technologies

“Sustainable Decommissioning”: It is estimated that in Australia alone, cost of decommissioning existing assets is in
the region of USD40.5 billion, with the majority of that cost coming from well abandonment and pipeline removal.
The cost of removal is one thing and in addition, removal generates a massive volume of waste to manage. It is
estimated, again in Australia, that there are 237,000 tonnes of topsides and 518,000 tonnes of substructure alone
that must be processed, and these figures do not include floating facilities, pipelines, flexibles and others.
What does “sustainable decommissioning” mean in this context? It may possibly signify that the process considers
potential to repurpose or reuse in-situ equipment. Could this mean looking for the lowest environmental impact
during the “act” of decommissioning and then find ways to reuse, repurpose or recycle removed equipment with
storage or land fill as a point of last resort for everything?
At present there are more questions than answers. This session will explore these questions and possibly show
what is already in process, and what needs further developing.
• What is feasible for repurposing wells? Could they be used for carbon dioxide (CO2) injection or other ‘waste
  fluids’? Various waste products can be ‘transported’ to be selected/repurposed for offshore facilities for
• Can offshore structures be converted to generate hydrogen from renewable energy resources?
• Is it possible to use existing pipeline infrastructure to transport hydrogen?
• What materials require disposal and how should it be done?
• What could be recycled? For example, concrete can be broken down and used as road-base or metal melted
  and reused.
• What are the capability and capacity gaps?
• Could this become a new and growing industry, and would it be only limited to oil and gas decommissioning?
• When abandoning wells, what does “the eternal perspective” require?

Panel Sessions                                                                                                                      17

Panel Sessions

Panel Session 6: Economics, Financing and Reserves in Energy Transition

Wednesday, 19 October 2022 | 0900 - 1030 hours                                                         City Room 3-4, Upper Level


Anne-Marie Barbaro         Matthias Raab              Lurion De Mello             Phillip Soloman            Daniel Toleman
Chief Financial Officer    Chief Executive Officer    Senior Lecturer             Executive Director         LNG Content Lead – Asia
Beach Energy               CO2CRC Ltd.                Macquarie University        Commercial                 Wood Mackenzie
Session Chairs

Peter Tippet               Sri Konsep Wicaksono       Gianluca Di Martino
Reservoir Management       Reservoir Engineer         Exmouth Development
Advisor                    Pertamina Hulu Mahakam     Team Leader
Chevron Australia                                     Santos Ltd.

The energy transition is occurring at a rapid rate and is bringing change to the mainstream oil and gas industry that has the
potential to reshape the way the industry approaches some key elements of its business model.
Some of these elements are at the core of what we do as an industry:
• As a result of the energy transition, what are the changes we might expect to the way we operate oil and gas projects and
   what impact will this have on their economics?
• What are the implications for reserves certainty, and will there need to be new rules around the booking of reserves given
   the new constraints that may arise?
• What are the implications for oil and gas project financing? Will it be more difficult to raise funds for projects and will it
   become more expensive as a result? A recent example is the public announcement made by the National Australia Bank,
   that it will cap lending to the oil and gas sector, but it will directly finance “greenfield gas extraction” where it “plays a role
   in underpinning national security”.
• What will be the government’s future approach to new (and existing) oil and gas projects? Will they continue to support
   these projects, or will they come under increasing political pressure to limit the number of approvals? An example is New
   Zealand banning all new offshore oil exploration in 2018.
• What are the economics of emerging energy projects such as the Singapore Sun Cable or the Western Green Energy
   Hub? Do they represent truly viable projects that have the potential to economically compete with other energy funding?
   Should oil and gas companies in Australia and the region consider taking part in these projects as part of their energy
   transition strategy?
• And finally, what part will Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Sequestration (CCUS) take in oil and gas companies’ strategy?
   Will this simply be something oil and gas companies will need to do to maintain their ability to operate, or does it
   represent a new and potentially material economic opportunity for the industry to pursue?
These are all key questions that will help to better outline what the future looks like for the economics, financing, and reserves
of the oil and gas industry going forward. Our panel members will address each of these questions from the perspectives of
their individual expertise and paint a picture of what the future holds.

Educational Programmes and Social Activities                                                                                                   18

Educational Programmes
Regional Student Paper Contest
Monday, 17 October 2022 | 1400-1730 hours                                                                       Room L2-L3, Ground Level
SPE student members across Asia Pacific submit technical paper abstract for the opportunity to present at the SPE Asia Pacific Regional
Student Paper Contest at APOGCE. The shortlisted papers will be presented in front of a panel of judges in their respective Postgraduate or
Undergraduate division.

Winners of 2022 Asia Pacific Regional Student Paper Contest will be invited to attend and compete at the SPE International Student Paper
Contest, to be held at SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) from 16 – 18 October 2023 in San Antonio, Texas, USA. In
addition to showcasing their technical knowledge at the contest, the winning regional representatives will have the opportunity to meet
practicing professionals and industry members from across the globe for their professional career development. Conference delegates
are encouraged to attend and support the student presentations. For further information, visit our Student Paper Contest page or contact

Energy4me Teachers’ and Education Day
Tuesday, 18 October 2022 | 0830-1430 hours                                                                      Room L2-L3, Ground Level

Energy4Me is an initiative to share fresh energy education teaching and learning methodologies with local high school teachers. Local high
school students are introduced to the discipline of petroleum engineering and the industry through hands-on activities and meaningful
sharing sessions by industry leaders and young professionals.

Social Activities
Conference Dinner (Organised by SPE South Australia Section)
Tuesday, 18 October 2022 | 1900 till late                                                                              National Wine Centre

The National Wine Centre has a unique atmosphere and is set in the ideal location. Situated at the edge of Adelaide’s stunning Botanic
Gardens, it is a combination of eye-catching architecture and smooth functionality.

Hear from Stuart Nicholls, Managing Director and CEO of Strike Energy, for what will prove to be an exciting conference dinner address
followed by Q&A. Leveraging its significant onshore Perth Basin gas resource, Strike Energy is building a low-carbon energy and fertiliser
business in Australia. Strike is a unique and forward-thinking energy company and a leader in innovation, energy integration and sustainability.

Golf (Organised by SPE South Australia Section)
Thursday, 20 October 2022 | 0900 onwards                                                                              Flagstaff Hill Golf Club

PESA/SPE Golf Day is a very popular fundraising event attended by Oil and Gas Industry members and sponsors, proudly supporting the
Royal Flying Doctor Service Central Operations.

This tournament is shaped up to be a fantastic event for both golfers and non golfers, at the picturesque Flagstaff Hill Golf Club that provides
18 holes of variety and challenge suitable for golfers of all standards.

This is run not only as a golf event but also as a social event, with many additional fun activities and side-competitions during the day!

Breakfast, lunch, snacks and beverages are provided during the day on the Golf Course. At the end of the day we will celebrate a wonderful
day of golfing at a Gala Dinner with many prizes being handed out. All of this is included in the registration fee.

Please download and fill the Golfers registration form and send it to Claudia Fintina at fintinac@gmail.com.

If you have any question about event feel free to contact Claudia Fintina via email or mobile +61 488 016 384.

SPE Asia Pacific Regional Awards                                                                                                             19

SPE Asia Pacific Regional Awards

Monday, 17 October 2022 | 1215 – 1300 hours                                                                          Hall M, Ground Level

SPE Awards recognise members for their technical contributions, professional excellence, career achievements, service to colleagues,
industry leadership, and public service. The awards recognise individuals and companies that make significant technical and professional
contributions to the petroleum engineering profession and to the oil and gas industry. In appreciation of the contributions of SPE members
and distinguished organisations, the SPE Asia Pacific Regional Awards will be presented during APOGCE on Monday, 17 October 2022.

Distinguished Corporate Support Award
The award recognises outstanding support by an organisation and distinguished service to SPE members in the region through excellence
in leadership and through commitment of time, energy and professional resources. It recognises organisations that make contributions to
supporting SPE membership, programmes, and events, and are not based solely on financial contributions.

Service Award
The award acknowledges exceptional contributions to SPE at section or regional level and recognises singular devotion of time and effort
to the programmes and development of the member’s section and region that set it apart from the services rendered each year by many
members of the Society.

SPE Regional Public Service Award
The award is intended to recognise distinguished public service of SPE members at the regional level to country, state, community, or
public, with respect to local custom, through excellence in leadership, service, or humanitarianism, provided the service is over and above
requirements of employment and, is therefore, not a compensated activity. Following their selection, recipients of the Regional Public Service
Award will become candidates for the international SPE Public Service Award.

Technical Award
The award acknowledges exceptional contributions to SPE at the section or regional level and recognises singular devotion of time and effort
to the programmes and development of technical expertise in various technical discipline.

Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty
The award recognises superiority in classroom teaching, excellence in research, significant contributions to the petroleum engineering
profession and/or special effectiveness in advising and guiding students.

Young Member Outstanding Service Award
The award recognises contributions and leadership to the public, the community, SPE, and the petroleum engineering profession within
the region.

Technical and Knowledge Sharing ePoster Sessions                                                                                           20

Technical and Knowledge Sharing ePoster Sessions

More than 125 technical presentations will be presented across a vast variety of technical topics at the Technical and ePoster Sessions.

Technical Sessions include:
• Artificial Lift: Making Production Easy
• Building the Right Capabilities for a Competitive and Sustainable Future
• Case Studies: Learning from Past Performance to Create a Better Future
• Completion and Production Technology: Making It Produce More
• Decommissioning: Breaking Up is Hard to Do!
• Drilling and Completion Fluids: What’s in the ‘Mix’
• Drilling Data: What’s in the ‘Sausage Making’
• Drilling: The ‘Nuts and Bolts’
• Enhanced Recovery
• Facilities and Operations
• Gas Supply and Technology
• Making the Best of Big Data and Machine Learning for Understanding Your Subsurface
• Making the Best of Your Existing Assets with Big Data and Machine Learning
• Offshore Operations
• Reliability and Integrity
• Reservoir Characterisation
• Subsurface Storage Technology for the Energy Transition
• Unconventional Resources
• Well Integrity: Making It Last Longer

Find out more from the SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition website

Exhibition and Sponsorship Opportunities                               21

Exhibition and Sponsorship
Opportunities Available
The SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition
(APOGCE) 2022 includes a comprehensive conference, an
exhibition, and multiple special programmes highlighting the
latest development in oil and gas for the Asia Pacific region. Apart
from gaining new insights on the industry, attendees will be able
to secure new business partners, consultants, and suppliers for
projects in the region and beyond.

Why Exhibit and Sponsor
• SHOWCASE your organisation as a progressive industry
  player at the forefront of emerging trends and innovation.
• ESTABLISH and REINFORCE your marketing message and
  relationships with key buyers and stakeholders.
• ENGAGE and NETWORK FACE-TO-FACE with existing and
  new business partners and prospects.
• FEATURE your organisation’s advance technologies,
  services, and expertise to the oil and gas community.

For further information about sponsorship or exhibiting at
APOGCE 2022, contact:

Nick Chantrell
SPE Senior Sales Manager – Asia Pacific
Tel: +60 3 2182 3145
Email: nchantrell@spe.org

Exhibition and Sponsorship Opportunities                                                                            22

Exhibition Opportunities

 Premier PACKAGE                              Enhanced PACKAGE                              Exhibitor PACKAGE
 USD 16,000 per booth                         USD 8,500 per booth                           USD 5,000 per booth

                                             Sample of Premier Package Exhibition Booth

           Sample of Enhanced Package Exhibition Booth                                    Exhibitor Package Booth

Exhibition and Sponsorship Opportunities                                                                                  23

Exhibition Floor Plan

 Halls N & O, Adelaide Convention Centre

                                           A01            A03        A04
                                                     D         D          D
                                                 SOL       SOL        SOL
                                                                                           KNOWLEDGE SHARING
                                                                                            ePOSTER SESSIONS
                                                                             NETWORKING LUNCHEON &
                                                                                 COFFEE BREAK                    P02
                                           B01                     B05            B07         B09      B11
                                                                        D              D           D         D
                                                                    SOL            SOL         SOL     SOL
                                           B02                     B06            B08          B10     B12
                                                    D                   D              D           D
                                                 SOL                SOL            SOL         SOL
                                                                             NETWORKING LUNCHEON &
                                                                                 COFFEE BREAK

                                           C01            C03        C04                   KNOWLEDGE SHARING
                                                     D                    D                 ePOSTER SESSIONS
                                                 SOL       SOL        SOL

List of Exhibitors

 Company Name                                                      Booth Number
 AML3D Limited                                                          B07
 Beach Energy                                                           B02
 Centralian Controls                                                    P02
 Department of Energy and Mining                                        A04
 Impact Selector                                                            B11
 IPI Packers                                                            A03
 KSAT                                                                   B08
 Labrador                                                               B06
 Oilfield Data Services, Inc.                                           C03
 Pivotel                                                                P01
 Qteq                                                                   P03
 Rock Flow Dynamics                                                     A01
 Santos                                                                 B01
 Schlumberger                                                           C01
 Siemens Process Systems Engineering                                    B05
 The EOR Alliance                                                       B10
 The University of Adelaide - Petroleum and Energy Resources            C04
 TIBCO                                                                  B09

Exhibition and Sponsorship Opportunities                                                                                                     24

Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship opportunities for the SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition are designed to provide exposure and visibility for
organisations in the oil and gas industry. We offer a variety of sponsorship packages to strengthen your brand identity and enhance your
organisation’s image at the event.

As sponsorship packages are limited and available on a first-come first-served basis, we appreciate your support and request that you
confirm your preferred sponsorship packages as soon as possible.

Sponsorship Summary
 Sponsorship Item                                                                                                    Value (USD)
 Principal Sponsor                                                                                                      30,000
 Platinum Sponsor                                                                                                       20,000
 Gold Sponsor                                                                                                           15,000
 Conference Bags                                                                                                        8,000
 Ice Cream Socials                                                                                                      8,000
 Lanyards                                                                                                               SOLD
 Conference Umbrellas                                                                                                   7,000
 Educational Programmes                                                                                                 7,000
 Networking Luncheon – Day 1 (17 October)                                                                               7,000
 Networking Luncheon – Day 2 (18 October)                                                                               7,000
 Water Bottles and Stations                                                                                             SOLD
 Welcome Reception – Day 1 (17 October)                                                                                 7,000
 Happy Hour – Day 3 (19 October)                                                                                        6,500
 Conference Caps                                                                                                        5,500
 Networking Luncheon – Day 3 (19 October)                                                                               5,500
 Conference Digital Proceedings                                                                                         5,000
 Conference Writing Pads and Pens                                                                                       SOLD
 Directional Signage                                                                                                    SOLD
 Digital Conference Programme and Mobile App                                                                            5,000

For the latest information and to discuss your requirements, please contact:

Nick Chantrell
Senior Sales Manager – Asia Pacific
Tel: +60 3 2182 3145
Email: nchantrell@spe.org

Training Courses                                                                                                                                25

Training Courses

Pre–Conference Training Courses
Decision Making Under Uncertainty
Instructor: Steve Begg, Emeritus Professor, University of Adelaide
16 October 2022 | 0900-1700
Adelaide, Australia
The only control an organisation has over its future is the decisions it makes and their implementation. The same applies to our personal
lives. Fortunately, there is a right way to make the best decisions for getting the outcomes we desire which is the focus of this course. It
consists of a non-proprietary, structured, pragmatic methodology, based on decision science, that balances the effort needed to decide with
its importance, consequences, difficulty, and cost. Thus, it is scalable from decisions requiring a 10-minute conversation to strategic decisions.
It works for decisions whose benefits are easily quantifiable and those that appear not to be. It offers ways to deal with things that make
decisions hard such as uncertainty, risk, time, pressure, lack of information, biases, organisational complexity, multiple decision-makers, and it
provides an auditable record of how and why a decision was made, which helps with buy-in to its implementation and later review.
Registration link: http://go.spe.org/23TA01-22APOG-CP

Post–Conference Training Courses
Applied Machine Learning for Petroleum Engineers and Geoscientists
Instructor: Mohammad Sayyafzadeh, Senior Lecturer in Petroleum Engineering, University of Adelaide; Abbas Zeinijahromi, Senior Lecturer
in Petroleum Engineering, University of Adelaide
20 – 21 October 2022 | 0900-1700
Adelaide, Australia
This course introduces the theory and fundamentals of machine learning and data analytics techniques. This is a hands-on course and
participants will apply data analytics and machine learning methods using real field examples. The course covers the following topics with
specific applications and examples in petroleum engineering:
• Overview of Data Analytics
• Introduction to programming – Python
• Clustering techniques
• Dimensionality reduction and feature extraction techniques
• Classification techniques
• Predictive Models
• TIBCO Geospatial Analytics and Streaming Analytics

Registration link: http://go.spe.org/23TA02-22APOG-CP

Introduction into Geological Storage of CO2: An Interdisciplinary Geoscience and Engineering Approach
Instructor: Eric Mackay, Professor, Energi Simulation Chair in CCUS and Reactive Flow Simulation, Heriot-Watt University; Florian Doster,
Professor for Flow Phenomena in Porous Media, Heriot-Watt University; Andreas Busch, Professor in Earth Sciences, GeoEnergy,
Heriot-Watt University
20 – 21 October 2022 | 0900-1700
Adelaide, Australia
The course addresses key concepts in CO2 storage, while integrating geoscience, engineering, and to a lesser extent political and societal
aspects. It will appeal to geoscientists, reservoir engineers, governmental stakeholders and all those interested in the management of
subsurface reservoirs used to switch from a fossil fuel-driven economy to a decarbonised one.
In this course, we provide a global overview of CCS and CO2-EOR projects, provide insights into preferred storage locations, including potential
capacity, discuss flow in reservoir and across caprock and give an overview on monitoring technologies that act as an early indicator for
reservoir conformance and containment.
Registration link: http://go.spe.org/23TA03-22APOG-CP

Registration                                                                                                                                          26

How to Register
Register online at http://go.spe.org/22APOG-CPR

Registration Category and Fee
                                                                                                  Fee Per Person
                                 Category                             Super Early Bird              Early Bird                     Standard
                                                                        by 8 August             by 12 September               after 12 September
                  SPE Member                                             USD 905                        USD 955                     USD 995
                  Non-Member                                             USD 950                       USD 1,100                    USD 1,150
                  Speaker / Author / Committee / Session Chair                       USD 850                                        USD 950
                                                        Group Registration - Register 5, Pay for 4
 Student                                                                           Complimentary (With valid student ID)
 Visitor                                                                          Complimentary                                      USD 50
 One-Day          SPE Member                                                         USD 600                                        USD 650
 Conference       Non-Member                                                         USD 650                                        USD 700
Note: Price shown is inclusive of 10% Australian GST

What Do You Get
 Access/Entitlements                                                   Full Conference         Conference               Student             Visitor
                                                                                          (For the selected day only)

 Opening and Keynote Sessions                                                                                           
 Executive Plenary Session                                                                                              
 Panel Sessions                                                                                                         
 Technical Sessions                                                                                                     
 Knowledge Sharing ePoster Sessions                                                                                                        
 Exhibition                                                                                                                                
 Daily Networking Luncheons                                                                         
 Daily Coffee Breaks                                                                                
 Welcome Reception (if any)                                                   
 Happy Hour (if any)                                                          
 Conference Digital Proceedings                                               
 Conference Bag                                                                                     

 Other Tickets                                                                                                                      Fee
 Additional Networking Luncheon                                                                                                   USD 70
 Conference Dinner                                      SPE Member                                                                USD 200
 (Tuesday, 18 October 2022)                             Non-Member                                                                USD 300
                                                        SPE Member: Golf, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner                             USD 80
                                                        Non-Member: Golf, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner                             USD 105
 (Thursday, 20 October 2022)
                                                        Dinner Only                                                               USD 45
                                                        SPE Member                                                                USD 200
 Additional Conference Digital Proceedings
                                                        Non-Member                                                                USD 300

Registration Enquiries

General Information                                                                                                                               27

General Information

Venue                                                                       Accommodation
Adelaide Convention Centre                                                  The following hotels are within proximity of the event. All
Adelaide Convention Centre, North Terrace,                                  accommodation and hotel bookings are to be made directly with
Adelaide SA 5000, Australia                                                 the hotels.
Tel: +61 8 8212 4099
Website: www.adelaidecc.com.au                                              InterContinental Adelaide
                                                                            North Terrace, Adelaide 5000, Australia
Airport                                                                     Website: https://icadelaide.com.au/
Adelaide Airport (IATA: ADL, ICAO: YPAD), also known as Adelaide
International Airport, is the principal airport of Adelaide, South          Online Booking: https://book.passkey.com/event/50344636/
Australia. Located adjacent to West Beach, it is approximately 6 km         owner/3457589/home
(3.7 mi) west of the city centre. Event attendees may arrange for           Booking Deadline: 15 August 2022
ground transfers with their selected hotels or secure a taxi at the
arrival hall.                                                                Room Type                                    Price (AUD)
                                                                             King Hilton Deluxe                           AUD 230

Badge Collection                                                            Notes:
Event badges can be collected during the event at the venue.                • Full buffet breakfast at additional cost of AUD 30 per person per
Badges are required for admission into the event and must be worn             day.
at all times during event days                                              • Rates quoted inclusive GST.
                                                                            • Check-in time is 1500 hours; check-out time if 1100 hours.
Delegate Pack                                                               • One-night full room rate for early check-in and additional 50% of
                                                                              room rate for late check-out until 1800 hours.
The delegate pack consisting of event brochure and other relevant
information can be collected upon collecting your badge during the          • Full cancellation fees to the value of the original reservation,
                                                                              should cancellation later than 1200 hours on the day prior to
event at the venue.
                                                                              arrival date.

Photography and Audio Visual Copyright                                      InterContinental Adelaide
All conference sessions and the exhibition/technical showcase are           233 Victoria Square, Adelaide 5000, South Australia
protected by international copyright laws.                                  +61 8 8217 2000
Photography and video/audio recording of any kind in conference             Website: https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/adlhitw-hilton-
sessions and the exhibition are prohibited without prior written            adelaide/
permission by SPE.
                                                                            Online Booking: https://www.hilton.com/en/attend-my-event/
Visa                                                                        speapogce2022accommodation/
Event attendees travelling to Adelaide, Australia must be in                Booking Deadline: 13 September 2022
possession of passports valid for a least six (6) months with proof
of onward passage out of the country. Visa requirements depend               Room Type                                    Price (AUD)
on the country of origin. Please check with your travel agent,               King Classic City View                       AUD 260
or the Australia Embassies, High Commissions or Consulates on
regulations relating to immigration/visa before your departure.             Notes:
                                                                            • Full buffet breakfast at additional cost of AUD 25 per person per
An invitation letter to facilitate the application of visa will be issued     day.
to registered attendees if required. Download Invitation Letter             • Rates quoted are inclusive of appropriate national and local
Request Form [here]. Complete and return the Invitation Letter                taxes, currently is 10%.
Request Form to Faezah Saaban at email fsaaban@spe.org.
                                                                            • Check-in time is 1500 hours; check-out time if 1100 hours.
Please note that it is the sole responsibility of the attendee to           • One-night full room rate for early check-in and additional 50% of
obtain the necessary supporting document(s) for entry into                    room rate for late check-out until 1800 hours.
Adelaide, Australia. The invitation letter does not guarantee that          • Credit card is required for reservation. Free cancellation before
you will be granted a visa.                                                   11:59 PM local hotel time on 18 Sep 2022.
                                                                            • Cancellations between 30 - 15 days of arrival will be charged the
                                                                              one-night cancellation fee. Within 14 days of arrival, cancellations
                                                                              will be 100% chargeable.


Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Suite 12.01, Level 12, Menara IGB
Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra
59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+60 3 2182 3000

Visit go.spe.org/22APOGC for more information about APOGCE 2022

                                                                  Society of Petroleum Engineers
                                                                  Suite 12.01, Level 12, Menara IGB
                                                                  Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra
                                                                  59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

                                                                  T: +603 2182 3000
                                                                  E: spekl@spe.org
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