Spinal News Ciara's Story - p6

Page created by Kimberly Owen
Spinal News Ciara's Story - p6
Autumn 2008

   Spinal                                      News
                 Ireland’s National Spinal Injuries Magazine

 Ciara’s Story

Assistive Technology p12   The Eagle has landed p26   ‘Rose of OT’ p15
Spinal News Ciara's Story - p6

                   We are happy to be endorsed by Spinal Injuries Ireland.

    Established now for over 25 years we have acted for many people with Spinal Injuries
    and have great experience in all areas of litigation. We have pursued cases in foreign
                   courts and have been involved in landmark decisions.

               We are honoured to act on behalf of the organisation’s members.

                  Frank Ward B.C.L             Liam Guidera B.C.L.,F.C.I.Arb

                                Gerry McKinney B.C.L.,Dip Eur.Law
                                Colm Hickey B.B.L.S., Dip.Prop.Tax
                                 Evelyn Savage BA., Dip.Emp.Law
                                    Brid O’Dwyer B.C.L., LL.M
                                       Grainne Whelan LL.B.

    Accounts & Administration                             Legal Executives
    Tom Cooney F.C.C.A.                                   Patrick Ward B.A., LL.M.
    Caitriona Tiernan                                     Vincent Costello B.Corp.Law, LL.M.
                                                          Lorraine Rooney B.A.
                                                          Veronica Walsh B.Corp.Law, LL.B.
                                                          Neil Kidd B.A.
                                                          Jonathan Groome B.A.
                                                          Roisin Magee B.A. (Mod) P.g. Dip.Law

                          Equity House, Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin 7
                                  Tel: 873 2499 Fax: 873 3484
                                 E-mail: legal@frankward.com

Spinal News Ciara's Story - p6
Editorial                                      Contents

      would like to start by congratulating
      the National Rehabilitation Hospital
      on recently securing accreditation
                                               4     SII News
  in Rehabilitation by CARF in the             4    Services Provided by SII
  following programmes: Inpatient
  Rehabilitation Programmes CIIRP-
                                               5    Vocational Programme
  Hospital (Adults) and In-patient             20   Driving from your Wheelchair
  Rehabilitation Programmes CIIRP-             22   Kick Start Programme
  Hospital (Children and Adolescents).
     For those not familiar, CARF is a         26   Fundraising
  private, not-for-profit organisation         28   Replacing your Wheelchair
  that promotes quality in rehabilitation
  services by establishing standards           30   Corresponsents
  of quality for organisations to use as
  guidelines in developing and offering
  their programmes or services to
                                               6     My Story
     From Spinal Injuries Ireland’s            6    Ciara’s Story by Fiona McGoran
  perspective the CARF accreditation
  process was a very useful exercise, as
  it gave us the opportunity to develop
  and clarify our role in the provision of     8     Book Review
  services for patients and their families.
     We also have reasons to celebrate         8    A Complete Plain-English Guide to
  here in Spinal Injuries Ireland. Two of           Living with SCI
  our work colleagues recently received
  the results of their exams. Joan Carthy      .    SCI and the Family
  received her diploma in counselling          .    Wheeling and Dealing: Living with SCI
  and Siobhan O’Driscoll received her
  Masters in Rehabilitation Studies. The
  staff here in Spinal Injuries Ireland
  would also like to congratulate Aoife
  Kelly, Occupational Therapist, who was
                                               10    Disability News
  recently crowned The Rose of Tralee          10   Workers already being hit by flagging
  for 2008.                                         economy
     We were truly saddened to hear of the
  sudden death of one of our members,          .    Voters angry over poll access shame
  Joey Hogan. Joey actively took part          .    Carer discrimination ruling welcomed
  in all our venture activities and only
  recently was brave enough to try scuba
  diving. He will be sadly missed by all
  his friends in Spinal Injuries Ireland and
  the National Rehabilitation Hospital.
                                               14    NRH News
                                               14   3 Years CARF accreditation
                            Colm Whooley       .    Farewell to Frances
                                               .    NRH ‘Rose of OT’ - Aoife Kelly
The News Crew                                       recently crowned Rose of Tralee
Production:      Christine Bradshaw

                 Noelle Daly
                 Colm Whooley
                                               16    Technology
Copy:            Robert Kenny                  16   The Appliance of Science
Advertising:     Philip Quinlan
Patrons:         Diane and Chris de Burgh      17   “How I Do It” by Marty Coyne
The views expressed in “Spinal News”
are not necessarily those of Spinal Injuries
Ireland.                                       20    Travel
Contact Details:

Spinal Injuries Ireland, NRH,
                                               18   Portimao, Portugal
Rochestown Avenue, Dun Laoghaire,              19   Fawnmore Apts., Kinsale, Co. Cork
Co. Dublin.                                    .    Blagdon Farm, Devon, England
Tel: 01 2355317
Email: info@spinalinjuries.ie                  22   Rights of disabled travelling by air
Website: www.spinalinjuries.ie

Spinal News Ciara's Story - p6
SII services provided for
patients and their family
Drop In Resource Centre                          Advocacy Officer                                Spinal Injury Ireland’s Website
Situated in the grounds of the National          The role of the Advocacy Officer is to          www.spinalinjuries.ie is updated regularly
Rehabilitation Hospital, Spinal Injuries         provide support and information to people       to complement the magazine and is a very
Ireland’s Drop in Resource Centre and            with a spinal cord injury and their families    useful source of information.
Support Office is open from 9.00am to            when they return home. Spinal Injuries
5.00pm five days a week. Patients and their      Ireland’s outreach team endeavours to follow    Information Leaflets Available
family can call in to discuss their concerns     up with patients approximately five weeks
with a member of the support team. Evening       after discharge from the NRH.                     Family Support          Retraining
appointments are by request.                        Carmel will help link people into existing     Back to Work            Personal Assistants
                                                 services in the community and will deal           Buying a Car            Social Welfare
                                                 with other issues such as personal, education     Medical Items           Payments
                                                 and employment opportunities, transport,
                                                                                                   Housing Grants          Legal Advice
                                                 personal assistants and entitlements.
                                                    If you feel Carmel can be of assistance        Useful Addresses        Venture Sports
                                                 please contact her at:                            Education
                                                                                                  Family Regional Support Groups
                                                 Visit to Mater Hospital
                                                 Our Advocacy Officer visits the Mater            To support families in the community a
                                                 Hospital on request to meet with family          number of family networks have been set
Joan Carthy, Support Co-ordinator                members should they wish to talk to              up in some health board regions.
                                                 someone from SII. Family Information
Family Counselling Service                       packs are also made available to the             Most people felt that they just needed
                                                 families.                                        someone to talk to and in many cases
Spinal cord injury is recognised
                                                                                                  would like to be there for new patients
internationally as one of the most
devastating and debilitating injuries a person   Venture/Social Programme                         and new families so that they can pass on
can sustain. To address this Spinal Injuries     The SII venture and social activities            their knowledge and support.
Ireland has contracted a qualified counsellor    programme include sports such as kayaking,
who has a background in Spinal Injury            scuba diving, fishing and self defence but       Upcoming Meetings:-
Nursing. For details contact: Spinal Injuries    also includes trips on the Luas, shopping        The Workhouse, Carrickmacross,
Ireland support office at 01 2355317.            trips and trips to the cinema and sporting       Co Monaghan.
                                                 venues. All equipment is supplied and
Vocational Programme                             appropriate staff are also available.            Tuesday, November 18th
The Vocational Programme is a case                                                                7 pm - 9 pm
managed service specifically designed to         Handbook
address the vocational and educational needs     Spinal Injuries
of persons with Spinal Cord Injury. The          Ireland is delighted
programme will support clients in reviewing      to have completed
their vocational and educational needs with      their handbook
the aim of facilitating a return to work,        designed to assist
education or voluntary work.                     all those living
  Siobhan O’Driscoll is SII’s representative     with a spinal cord
on the vocational team. This team will           injury to deal with                               TLC Centre, Santry, Co. Dublin
in turn liaise with a wider network of           the new realities
vocational and other services in the client’s    they are faced with.                              Tuesday, ovember 25th
local community.                                 The handbook is available free of charge          7 pm - 9 pm
                                                 to members of SII. (post & packaging
                                                 €7.50 if you would like it posted to you.)
                                                 Alternatively, call to the SII office for a
                                                 copy of the handbook

                                                 Quarterly Magazine, ‘Spinal
                                                 ‘Spinal News’ is a quarterly magazine
                                                                                                  Contact Carmel on 01 2355317
                                                 produced in house by Spinal Injuries Ireland.
                                                                                                  for more information on upcoming
                                                 You can download the latest issue of the
                                                                                                  network meetings.
                                                 magazine as a pdf file from our website.
Carmel Cunniffe, Advocacy Officer

Spinal News Ciara's Story - p6
We need to recruit
                                                                                                   Spinal Injuries Ireland
                                                                                                            Contact Details
 What is a Correspondent?
 A Correspondent is someone who will send                                                         You can write to us free of charge at:
 us little snippets of local disability news                                                            Spinal Injuries Ireland,
 about people, places and events in their                                                          National Rehabilitation Hospital,
 neighbourhood. Would you like to try it or                                                              Rochestown Avenue,
 know someone who would?                                                                                     FREEPOST
                                                                                                           Dun Laoghaire,
 We need to build up a good strong team of        Write to:                                                   Co. Dublin.
 Correspondents, so if you are interested,        ‘Spinal News’,
 please ring or drop us a line or send an         Spinal Injuries Ireland, NRH, Rochestown              Phone: (01) 2355317
 e-mail to the address below. If you want to      Avenue, Freepost,                                  email: info@spinalinjuries.ie
 suggest someone who you think might be           Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.                         Website: www.spinalinjuries.ie
 interested or who might like to be asked,        Tel: 01 2355317
 please do, and we’ll do the asking.              Email: info@spinalinjuries.ie

Vocational Programme                                                                            Kick Start
                                                                                                  Siobhan O’Driscoll who has previously
                                                                                                worked on Spinal Injuries Outreach
                                                                                                program is now working solely on the
                                                                                                development of the Vocational and Kick
                                                                                                Start programmes.
                                                                                                  The idea of the Kick Start activity
                                                                                                course is to tap into the proven benefits
                                                                                                of venture activities as a way to
                                                                                                encourage and motivate individuals who
                                                                                                have sustained a spinal cord injury.
                                                                                                  The ultimate goal of the programme is
                                                                                                to target individuals with a spinal cord
                                                                                                injury who are at home and not taking
                                                                                                part in either employment, re-training or
                                                                                                local community activities.
                                                                                                  It would be hoped to identify some
                                                                                                potential clients for this course through
         he Vocational Programme is a                                                           the new Vocational Rehabilitation

                                                  Who is eligible?
         case managed service specifically          Any person can be referred to the           Program in the NRH.
         designed to address the vocational       Vocational Programme through the                This is not about turning people
and educational needs of persons with             rehabilitation team if they:-                 into adventurers but rather to use it as
Spinal Cord Injury.                                                                             a catalyst to motivate and encourage
                                                     have sustained a spinal cord injury
   For the duration of the project on-going                                                     people to look beyond their present
                                                     are a current patient of the NRH
support will be provided by the Medical                                                         personal expectations. (See page 22).
                                                     are aged between 16 and 65 years of age
Social Worker and Occupational Therapist             have a wish to pursue vocational and/or
involved. These staff will also be the client’s                                                      For further details contact
                                                     educational options whether paid                Siobhan on 01 2355317.
link between the Rehabilitation and the              employment, supported or sheltered,
Vocational teams.
                                                     voluntary work, third level education or
   Where appropriate a workplace
                                                     educational activities which may enhance
assessment will be undertaken by the
                                                     vocational options
Vocational Occupational Therapist. Issues
such as accessibility and equipment can be
addressed and recommendations made.               Vocational Rehabilitation Team?
   If clients are referred to a training centre     The Vocational Team includes the client,
a member of the Vocational Rehabilitation         representatives from the HSE and FÁS
Team can accompany them and assist in             as well as the Medical Social Worker and
promoting links at a local level. A client        Vocational Occupational Therapist from the
can be referred to the Vocational Planning        National Rehabilitation Hospital and Spinal
and Exploration Module at the Hospital’s          Injuries Ireland outreach staff.
Rehabilitative Training Unit to learn skills in
searching and applying for appropriate types      For further details contact Siobhan on
of work.                                          01 2355317.                                                            Siobhan O’Driscoll

Spinal News Ciara's Story - p6
My Story

Ciara’s Story                                                                                                                 By Fiona McGoran

       When you go out into the real world,
      “ reality hits you hard

                                                                                           Ciara and Philip pictured with their two children Abbie and Ryan

           hen Ciara Baker fell down a lift     it was dark and I didn’t realise that I was         time of the accident, after a few hours the
           shaft at the age of 15, the brave    stepping back into a lift shaft. After I landed,    pain began to set in. I was brought to theatre
           young school girl did not let        I realised that I couldn’t feel my legs but I       for an operation during which the doctors
her accident stand in the way of regaining      just thought they were broken. My friends           inserted steel rods in my back. I was on a
control of her life. During the 18 months       managed to pull me out and carry me to a            lot of morphine and I remember feeling
that she spent in the National Rehabilitation   nearby bench. We were all petrified of the          the injections in my legs. I caught a bad
Hospital in Dun Laoighre, Ciara studied for     trouble we were going to get into with our          infection a few days later and from then on
her Intermediate Certificate and passed with    parents, so my friends phoned an ambulance          I could feel nothing. I think the permanent
flying colours.                                 and as soon as it arrived my friends ran            damage was a result of both the fall and the
   The accident took place on a night out       home.”                                              subsequent infection. The doctors told me
with friends during the summer holidays.           Ciara had a curfew which she always              that being pulled from the lift shaft by my
“I had just finished second year in school      abided by so her parents were frantic with          friends would not have caused any further
and had told my parents that I was going        worry when she failed to return home on             complications to my injury.”
to a community disco with some friends.         time. There was no phone in her house so               Ciara remained in The Mater Hospital
We sneaked into town instead and started        a police man was sent around to the family          for a week and was then transferred to
exploring an old derelict building. I stepped   home to break the news to her parents that          an intensive care unit at the National
back to hide from my friends so that I          she had been taken to the Mater Hospital.           Rehabilitation Hospital. After a few days she
could jump out and scare them. However,            “While I had experienced no pain at the          moved to a general ward, Our Lady’s Ward.

Spinal News Ciara's Story - p6
“I lay on the flat of my back for a few        friends who were more than happy to give           overwhelmed with the ease of access for
months and it was during this period             me piggy back when necessary.”                     wheelchair users. They visited Disney Land
that I slowly began to realise that I was a         According to Ciara, the teenage years           where the new bride enjoyed heart racing
paraplegic. I was surrounded by people with      were a very difficult time. “Like any              fun on all of the rides. “Staff members were
similar and worse injuries so I was taking       teenager, I wanted to look good but I was          more than happy to help me on and off all
notice of what was happening around me.          self conscious. I refused to wear skirts and       of the rides. Everybody is catered for and it
Then the doctors confirmed my worst fears        found it difficult getting around clothes          was a hassle free experience.”
and the reality hit me. When I was allowed       shops. Access is difficult now so you can            As a newly married couple, Ciara and
home for weekends, I would just lie in           only imagine what it was like in the mid           Philip were keen to start a family. Ciara had
bed for days refusing to go outside. Some        1990s. Things were tough.”                         been informed at the Rehabilitation Hospital
weekends I wouldn’t even want to go home.           When Ciara finished school her mother           that she would experience no problems
When you’re in the Rehab everyone is in          encouraged her to enrol in a secretarial           conceiving and carrying a child to full term.
the same boat and there is a certain comfort     course. “My parents, my little brother and         However, like any woman eager to conceive,
that comes with that. When you go out into       my friends were all instrumental in keeping        she was anxious about what lay ahead.
the real world, reality hits you hard. It took   my spirits up. They wouldn’t let me laze           Fortunately, there were no complications and
me about three years before I could go out       about and become self indulgent for one            Ciara gave birth to her son, Ryan, in April
without caring that I was in a wheelchair.”      second. So, I completed a course which             2005.
  Ciara remained in the Rehabilitation           also included work experience at Beaumont            “Ryan arrived two weeks early and I had
Hospital from July 1992 to September 1993        Hospital. That was 12 years ago and I’m still      a natural delivery. He is a wonderful little 3
during which she completed her third year        working there as a secretary in the social         year old boy and very well behaved.”
schooling and received her intermediate          work department.”                                    Two years later, Ciara fell pregnant again
certificate, a remarkable achievement.              In 1998, Ciara was out with a group of          and nine months later, on the morning of
  “I went back to school in September            friends and she met a young man called             the 25th of February, she began to feel some
2004 and entered fifth year which was a          Philip Baker. They dated for four years and        painful contractions.
very daunting experience. I was paranoid         then married in 2002. “We had our wedding            “Philip had left the house to take Ryan to
about people taking about me and staring.        at the registry office and then 45 people          his crèche and then travel on to work. I rang
The school was very understanding and had        joined us for a meal. A party followed in the      him from our home in Balbriggan to tell
organised my classrooms so they were all on      function room at the Great Southern Hotel at       him to turn the car around and come straight
the same floor. However, there were some         Dublin airport.”                                   home. By the time he arrived back in the
rooms that were difficult to access, such as        The happy couple jetted off to Florida          house, I was well and truly in labour. It
the computer room. Thankfully, I had great       on their honeymoon where Ciara was                 was too late to make a dash for the hospital
                                                                                                    so Ryan sat in front of the TV downstairs
                                                                                                    while I lay on our bed trying to keep calm.
                                                                                                    Philip rang the paramedics and put them
                                                                                                    on the loudspeaker so that he could follow
                                                                                                    their instructions. Within a short while, he
                                                                                                    delivered our daughter Abbie.”
                                                                                                      Some 15 minutes after Abbie arrived into
                                                                                                    the world, the ambulance arrived to whisk
                                                                                                    Ciara and her baby off to hospital. Shortly
                                                                                                    after they arrived, Ciara haemorrhaged and
                                                                                                    was brought to theatre. Thankfully, she
                                                                                                    recovered. However, the couple received
                                                                                                    some shocking news later that day when
                                                                                                    they were told that Abbie has Down’s
                                                                                                      “It’s been tough but our employer has
                                                                                                    been really helpful. Philip also works for
                                                                                                    Beaumont Hospital and they have switched
                                                                                                    our hours around so I work two days a week
                                                                                                    and Philip works three days a week. This
                                                                                                    means that one of us is always at home with
                                                                                                    Abbie. Ryan has also been great. He dotes
                                                                                                    on his little sister and is very helpful.”
                                                                                                      Ciara, Philip and Ryan managed to slip
                                                                                                    away for a well earned break in early
                                                                                                    September 2008. “My mum took care of
                                                                                                    Abbie and we really enjoyed spending
                                                                                                    some quality time with Ryan. It was a great
                                                                                                    holiday and one that was really needed as I
                                                                                                    returned to work from maternity leave the
                                                                                                    Monday after I got home.”
                                                                                                      According to Ciara, the one issue that
                                                                                                    impacts wheelchair users in Ireland is
                                                                                                    access. “Ireland is getting better but there
                                                                                                    are numerous old buildings that are not
                                                                                                    accessible for people in wheelchairs. We
                                                                                                    need space to get around and access needs to
                                                                                                    be focused on and improved.”

                                                                           Ciara , Ryan and Abbie
Spinal News Ciara's Story - p6
Book Review
    A Complete Plain-English                  Wheeling and Dealing:                      Spinal Cord Injury and the
    Guide to Living with SCI                  Living with SCI                            Family

    An invaluable resource for anyone         Topics include: physical health, from      “Spinal Cord Injury and the Family” is
    touched by spinal cord injury-newly       loss of function to problems like          for individuals and their families who
    injured patients, longtime survivors,     pressure sores, and bladder control;       must climb back from injury: for the
    friends and loved ones, and medical       the stages of psychological adjustment     young quad couple, both quadriplegic,
    professionals. A survivor’s perspective   and rehabilitation; Everything from        who wish to conceive and raise a
    on the physical and emotional journey     welfare services to embryonic stem         child; for the paraplegic dad who
    from the time of injury, through the      cell research; dating, marriage, and       wants to teach his daughter to drive;
    entire recovery process, and on to        parenting; friendship networks and         for the couple wondering how they
    living a full and happy life. But most    social supports; concerns about            can regain the sexual spark in their
    importantly, she shows you that a         transportation and accessibility; and      relationship. The authors answer the
    spinal cord injury is not a life-ending   the economic consequences of spinal        “what now?” questions from daily
    event, but rather a new beginning.        cord injury.                               routines to larger issues of SCI.

    Available from:                           Available from:                            Available from:
    Amazon.co.uk                              Amazon.co.uk                               Amazon.co.uk
    Price: £16.15                             Price: £22.75                              Price: £10.95

Product Review
                                                                  SWISS-TRAC is a small, efficient wheelchair power
                                                                  unit, which can be quickly attached to/from the wheelchair. It
                                                                  pulls the wheelchair user over “sticks and stones” or over curbs
                                                                  without any problems. SWISS-TRAC can be driven not only
                                                                  on pavements and in pedestrian areas, but also through fields,
                                                                  meadows and woodlands. A day out at the zoo, a visit to a large
                                                                  exhibition or a shopping centre suddenly becomes a pleasure.
                                                                  Just clip on and drive! SWISS-TRAC is compact, robust and
                                                                  easily handled.

                                                                  Technical data
                                                                      Distance of up to over 30 km on level surface
                                                                      Velocity max. 6 km/h
                                                                      Maintenance free batteries, 40 Ah/24 volt
                                                                      Max. incline performance 20%
                                                                      Max. load 130 Kg (Driver with wheelchair and luggage)
                                                                      Weight of machine 65 kg

                                                                      Ahead, Disability Equipment & Consultancy LLP
                                                                      2 Tansy Close, Abbeymead, Gloucester, GL4 5WL
                                                                      Tel & Fax: 01452 540 783
                                                                      E-mail: Ahead.AL@googlemail.com

Spinal News Ciara's Story - p6
                                                    only minimal additional mobility assistance –       to-sit, climb stairs, ascending/descend-
                                                    saving tens of thousands of dollars yearly.         ing slopes, driving
                                                      By replacing or supplementing expensive       •   Training replacing other training
                                                    mechanized gait trainers, for example,              equipment at home and at rebabilita-
                                                    ReWalk allows institutions to redirect              tion center
                                                    significant budget resources for other
                                                    therapeutic activities.                         Prerequisites:
                                                                                                    • Ability to use hand and shoulders
                                                    Functionality:                                     (walking with crutches)
                                                    • All day usage                                 • Healthy cardiovascular system and
                                                    • Mobility – walking, sit-to-stand, stand-         bone density

          eWalk is a wearable, motorized quasi
          robotic suit. Partially concealable
          under clothing, ReWalk provides
user-initiated mobility – leveraging advanced
motion sensors, sophisticated robotic control
algorithms, on-board computers, real-
time software, actuation motors, tailored
rechargeable batteries and composite
   ReWalk works with users – not just for
them. Users walk with the assistance of
crutches, controlling suit movement through
subtle changes in center of gravity and upper-
body movements. In addition to simplifying
suit control, this user participation in mobility
brings tangible health and emotional benefits.
ReWalk is not just a vertical wheelchair –
ReWalk restores the element of control over
mobility so lacking for wheelchair users.
   As any sedentary wheelchair user can
attest, life in a wheelchair carries a hefty
healthcare price tag. Serious problems
with the urinary, respiratory, cardiovascular
and digestive systems are common, as well
as osteoporosis, pressure sores and other
   By maintaining users upright on a daily
basis, and exercising even paralysed limbs in
the course of movement, ReWalk alleviates
many of the health-related problems
associated with long-term wheelchair use. In
addition to relieving suffering, this has a real
impact on healthcare costs – cutting yearly
expenses almost in half, and enabling both
insurers and individuals to redirect funds to
other avenues.
   Adoption of ReWalk by wheelchair users
results in significant cost saving at both
institutions and private homes. ReWalk
makes standing devices, stair lifts, bed lifts,
and other mobility assistance apparatus
redundant. Similarly, ReWalk users don’t
require expensive powered wheelchair – or
the oversize vehicles and devices required
to handle them. With ReWalk, users require

Spinal News Ciara's Story - p6
Disability News
Workers with disabilities already being hit by
flagging economy

    ncentive schemes encouraging                 The Supported Employment                     “Take someone earning minimum
    businesses to hire more workers with      Programme is an initiative to assist          wage. When they go onto Back to Work
    disabilities must be improved in the      jobseekers with a disability to find          Allowance as part of the Wage Subsidy
face of Ireland’s economic slowdown, the      employment in the open labour market.         scheme, their benefit will be reduced over
Government has been warned.                   It provides a jobs-coach to assist with the   three years. Even after year one, they
   As the Department of Enterprise,           integration process and meet the labour       will be financially worse off. After year
Trade and Employment concludes a              requirements of employers.                    three when benefits are withdrawn, they
major review of the FAS managed Wage             Greg Barry, Chairperson of the Irish       are just on a minimum wage payment,”
Subsidy Scheme and the Supported              Association of Supported Employment,          said Mr. Barry.
Employment Scheme, concern was                was part of a working group that met            A spokesperson for the Department
expressed that workers with disabilities      outgoing Minister Micheal Martin as part      of Enterprise, Trade and Employment,
could be hit hard amid the threat of a        of the review process.                        said the review findings will soon be
devastating international recession.             Said Mr. Barry: “We advised                published. “The Wage Subsidy Scheme,
   “The economic downturn has already         the Minister that both schemes are            which commenced in September 2005, is
created an incredibly competitive             very useful, and some tweaking and            being reviewed as it approaches the end
jobs market,” said Sheila Comiskey,           improvement will see a big take-up of         of the initial pilot phase of the operation
Coordinator with Jobmatters supported         people availing of them.”                     of the scheme,” said the spokesperson.
employment.                                      Mr. Barry is hopeful that expectations     “It is also considered timely to examine
   “The Wage Subsidy Scheme can                on employees to work 18 hours a              the effectiveness of the FAS Supported
be difficult to avail of because of the       week under the Supported Employment           Employment Programme in the context of
qualifying criteria. So we want to make       Programme will be reduced to eight            the current operational standards.
it more user-friendly and more-client         hours. “There is a gap between people           “It is hoped that these reviews will
friendly, particularly in this time of        who can avail of the scheme and work 18       significantly inform beneficial change in
economic troubles.”                           hours per week, and those who can’t. For      the interest of higher employment levels
   The Wage Subsidy Scheme provides           those who can’t, there is nowhere to go.”     of people with disabilities in the future.
financial incentives to employers, outside       He also believes that the Wage Subsidy     Copies of these reviews will be made
the public sector, to employ disabled         Scheme would prove popular if there           available to relevant interest groups in
people who work more than 20 hours per        was a greater financial incentive for         due course,” she added.
week.                                         employees.

Voters angry over poll access shame European
        oters with disabilities made a          Other wheelchair users, including a
        number of complaints about lack       man in Co Wicklow, told RTE’s Liveline
        of access to polling centres during
the referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.
                                              radio programme he had not been able to
                                              enter the polling station but that a Garda
  Around 30 wheelchair users had to be        had assisted him and taken his completed

taken to a specially designated polling       ballot paper inside the station.                      here has recently been a launch
station several hours after being turned        Spinal Injuries Ireland suggest that                of a new consultation survey with
away from the polling station near their      members contact their county council                  disabled people’s organisations in
Cheshire Ireland accommodation facility       about having their local polling station      European Countries.
at Knox Hall in Monkstown in Co.              made wheelchair accessible.                      ‘European Research Agendas for
Dublin because its existing wheelchair                                                      Disability Equality’ (EuRADE) is a
ramp had been taken away.                                                                   research project funded by the EU
  There were similar problems with                                                          Framework 7 ‘Science in Society’
wheelchair access to polling stations                                                       programme and is a collaboration
in other parts of the country, which                                                        between the European Disability
prompted People with Disabilities in                                                        Forum (EDF), the University of Leeds
Ireland (PwDI) to call for the problem to                                                   (UK) and the University of Maastricht
be solved before next year’s European                                                       (Netherlands). The purpose of the
elections.                                                                                  project is to build the capacity of
  Fine Gael Councillor Mary Mitchell                                                        European disabled people’s organisations
O’Connor said it was disgraceful that                                                       to participate in future research projects.
the Cheshire Home residents had almost                                                      It also encourages disabled people’s
missed out on their democratic right to                                                     organisations to play a part in shaping
vote. PwDI said it was not acceptable                                                       the European research agenda.
that people with disabilities would have                                                       Print version available from: http://
to wait until 2015 before public buildings                                                  www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies/
were required to have wheelchair access.                                                    projects/eurade/EuRADE%20-%20
Carer discrimination ruling welcomed

         n Irish organisation campaigning                                                   staying in a job or returning to work.
         for rights for the disabled has                                                       “I have seen people in Ireland who
         welcomed a European Court of                                                       would wish to job-share or work reduced
Justice ruling in favour of a woman who                                                     hours because they have to care for a
claims she had to resign from her job                                                       disabled child and employers would not
because she has a disabled son.                                                             accommodate them so they have had to
  Inclusion Ireland welcomed the                                                            give up work completely.”
landmark judgment made in Luxembourg                                                           Ms Coleman was working for law
recently in favour of Englishwoman                                                          firm Attridge Law when she gave birth
Sharon Coleman, who said she suffered                                                       to a disabled son in 2002. As primary
“discrimination by association”,                                                            carer, she wanted flexible working
breaching EU rules.                                                                         arrangements, but accepted voluntary
  The court declared that an EU directive                                                   redundancy in March 2005 and began
banning employment discrimination on                                                        a claim for constructive dismissal five
grounds of disability is not limited to                                                     months later.
disabled people themselves, but covers                                                         The judges said the EU directive
their carers as well.                                                                       was designed to combat all forms of
  Ms. Coleman took legal action after                                                       discrimination and applied not to a
claiming she was forced to leave her job                                                    particular category of person but “to
because she was not allowed as much                                                         nature of the discrimination”. “Where
flexibility in her work as parents of other                                                 an employer treats an employee who
children were.                                                                              is not himself disabled less favourably
  Deirdre Carroll, chief executive                                                          than another employee in a comparable
officer of Inclusion Ireland, said she has                                                  situation, and it is established that
encountered people in similar positions to                                                  the less favourable treatment of that
Ms. Coleman in Ireland and yesterday’s                                                      employee is based on the disability of this
judgment was good news for such                                                             child… such treatment is contrary to the
individuals. “We have research which                                                        prohibition of direct discrimination,” the
shows women who have children with                                                          European Court of Justice said.
severe disabilities are disadvantaged in

European law will need ‘substantial changes’

         ampaigners have criticised           harassment and victimisation.
         proposed new European anti-            European Disability Forum president
         discrimination laws that they say    Yannis Vardakastanis welcomed the
are “unclear” and miss out areas of vital     “wide scope” of the proposal.
importance to disabled people.                  But he said the draft directive was
  The draft directive from the European       “unclear, too short and introduces
Commission (EC) would provide                 significant restrictions of the right to
protection from discrimination on             equality for disabled people in several
the grounds of disability, age, sexual        areas, such as education and insurance”.
orientation, religion and belief in areas       He said it would create “legal
outside the workplace, which is already       uncertainties” and “room for
protected under EU law.                       interpretation”, while some provisions
  It would offer protection in social         would contravene the UN Convention on
security, healthcare, education, and          the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
goods and services that are commercially        And he criticised the lack of specific
available to the public, including housing    provisions in areas such as access to
  The EC’s commissioner for                   information, transport and accessible
employment, social affairs and equal          election procedures, as well as the lack of
opportunities, Vladimir Spidia, said: “The    a “meaningful consultation”.
right to equal treatment is fundamental,        Mr. Vardakastanis said the draft
but millions of people in the European        directive would need “substantial
Union continue to face discrimination in      changes” if it was to protect disabled
their everyday lives.                         Europeans from discrimination.
  “At present, there is an inequality in        The new proposal came as an EU
community legislation itself because          survey revealed that 45 per cent of
people are protected from discrimination      Europeans believe that disability
outside the workplace only on grounds of      discrimination is widespread, although
gender and race or ethnic origin.”            more than two-thirds believe it is less
  The new directive will outlaw direct        widespread than five years ago.
and indirect discrimination, as will as
Ireland’s 20,000 users to
benefit from loan library

     reland’s first every Electronic
     Assistive Technology (EAT) web
     based library bank www.try-it.ie,
was launched in Dublin on Thursday,
15 May 2008 by a partnership of
organisations who work with people with
disabilities. Assistive technology enables
people with disabilities to have greater
control over their lives. There are major
deficiencies in access, assessment and
provision of assistive technology and this
initiative allows centralised access to
people with disabilities and their carers to
the greatest array of EAT available.
   The partnership comprising the
National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH),
Enable Ireland’s National Assistive
Technology Training Service, the               Back row Karl O’Keeffe (EI) SL, Rebecca Beck, (Project Manager NRH), Brian Miller (HSE)
                                               Front row Tracy Hutchin (IMNDA), Glenna Gallagher (Locum Project Manager), Nuala Tierney (Retired OT
NCBI, the Assistive Communications             Manager NRH) Síobhan Long (EI) Paula Bradley (Project Lead NRH)
Technology Officers Network (ACTON)
and the Irish Motor Neurone Disease
                                                 AT user, Michael Gogarty, who is                  that there is an overwhelming need for
Association (IMNDA), who together
                                               visually impaired, knows better than                a service like try-it.ie. Professionals
represent in excess of 20,000 service
                                               most the impact that the right AT can               who work with people with disabilities
users, has been awarded funding by
                                               have. ‘‘I was born with a progressive               throughout Ireland will be able to
POBAL (Enhancing Disability Services
                                               condition when there was no such thing              borrow and trial new EAT devices,
Programme) to establish and run the
                                               as AT. I now use among other devices                receive feedback from other users and
web-based library of electronic assistive
                                               magnification software and closed circuit           AT assessors leading them to make
technology (EAT) and to provide a forum
                                               televisions which enable me to lead                 informed decisions about what best suits
for education, training and networking in
                                               an independent life along with other                their particular circumstances prior to
this area. The launch was been arranged
                                               techniques and adaptions I have learned.’’          making significant financial or time
in conjunction with the Communication
                                                 Henry Murdoch, said, “I’m delighted to            commitments. They will also be able to
Matters Roadshow who will hold a range
                                               launch try-it.ie, Ireland’s first centralised       avail of assessments by potentially more
of workshops in Croke Park on the day.
                                               Electronic Assistive Technology library.            informed and highly trained professionals
   Research shows that 75% of assistive
                                               I’m particularly pleased at a consortium            as a result of the education, training and
technology is abandoned due to the
                                               approach, which recognises the need                 support dimension.
lack of training and the website aims
                                               for organisations representing diverse                “This is the first time that these five
to address this issue by working with
                                               and disparate sectors of the disability             organisations have come together and I
training providers, carers and users
                                               community, to work in a cohesive and                believe that our diversity of background,
alike to, not only provide access to AT,
                                               integrated manner to optimise the service           knowledge and users promises to enhance
but access to education, training and
                                               received by their clients. EAT is a                 an exciting collaboration where the
networking to maximise the benefits
                                               rapidly developing area and holds huge              needs of a wide variety of individuals
of AT to users. As the website goes
                                               for empowering, providing independence,             with disabilities are recognized and
live members will be able to borrow
                                               and increasing quality of life for people           addressed.”
electronic aids, to allow themselves
                                               with disabilities.”                                   This website is modelled mainly on a
and their users assess and try out a
                                                 Glenna Gallagher, representing the                successful library operated by Assistive
range of assistive technology before
                                               consortium said, “Research carried out              Technology Partners (Denver Colorado).
recommending purchase.
                                               amongst users, carers and trainers shows
                                                                                                   On www.try-it.ie the equipment
                                                                                                   available for loan includes:
                                                                                                     Communication Aids, e.g. voice
                                                                                                     amplification systems, speech
                                                                                                     enhancers, and text-to-speech devices.
                                                                                                     Computer Access, e.g. alternative mice,
                                                                                                     keyboards, voice activation software,
                                                                                                     Leisure e.g. art/music/photography
                                                                                                     Memory Aids, e.g. task prompters,
                                                                                                     visual assistants, voice cues.
                                                                                                     Switches, e.g. tactile pads, grip
                                                                                                     switches, joy sticks, etc.
                                                                                                     Visual impairment, e.g. magnifiers,
                                                                                                     CCTV systems, screen readers, Braille-
                                                         Glenna Gallagher and Michael Gogarty        to-speech devices, etc.

Eflow Toll Plaza - Exempt                                                        Wheelchair user
 Vehicles for Disabled Drivers                                                    banned from airline
                                                                                  because she is disabled
                                                                                          wheelchair-user has been banned from using
                                                                                          an airline because she is disabled.
                                                                                             Kim Swift, 50, was left stunned when
                                                                                  Monarch Airlines told her she was not allowed on
                                                                                  board unless she flies with a carer.
                                                                                    Despite using the firm regularly and already paying
                                                                                  for the flight, she was informed she must pay £250
                                                                                  for an extra ticket.
 eFlow Customer Services reply to Spinal Injuries Ireland’s query                   Monarch claims it is only following new rules from
 re exempt vehicles for disabled drivers                                          the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
                                                                                    But Mrs Swift blasted: “It’s discrimination.
   If you drive a vehicle modified for disabled use and it is                     Monarch has decided all wheelchair users need a
 registered by the Vehicle Registration Unit as such then you will                carer. The way I’ve been treated is appalling. I’ve
 be classed by our system as exempt from paying tolls on the M50                  been in touch with the Commission and they tell me
 and you will not need to register for an eFlow account. As our                   I’m good to fly alone.”
 system does not go live until August 30 we can not confirm the                     Unemployed Mrs Swift, of Ruislip, Middlesex, was
 status of individual vehicles as yet, but the general rule of thumb is           hit with the bombshell when she called to arrange
 (confirmed by the NRA) that if your vehicle is physically adapted                a specific seat for a flight from Luton to Faro in
 and exempt from road tax, you will be exempt from paying tolls.                  Portugal. She had never had a problem on Monarch
   If you are unsure of the status of your vehicle registration you               on three previous times.
 should contact the vehicle registration unit (VRU) in Shannon. The                 She said: “I’m now worried that I’m going to miss
 VRU LoCall number is 1890 411 412 (calls charged at local rate                   out on visiting my friends on holiday.”
 anywhere in the country). You can also address your queries to                     Monarch said the new legislation states wheelchair-
 the VRU by post or fax: Vehicle Registration Unit, Department of                 users must be accompanied on flights when they are
 the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Shannon, Co.                     “unable to fasten their seatbelt, leave their seat and
 Clare.                                                                           reach an emergency exit unaided”.
   Fax: (061) 363480                                                                It said: “The level of assistance Mrs Swift is
   For the other toll plazas nationwide, you will still be required to            requesting would indicate she is unable to fulfil the
 stop at the barrier and show your disabled driver’s ID card to be                above criteria. In light of this she was advised that
 classed as exempt from paying the toll. For more information on                  she would be required to travel with a carer.”
 eFlow log onto www.eflow.ie.

NDA want retention of dedicated
independent agency to deal with
disability issues
   Following a meeting of the board of the       strategy are long-standing and there is much
National Disability Authority at which           ground to be made up to ensure that people
the Government proposals regarding the           with disabilities have the same opportunities
rationalisation of non-commercial agencies       as everybody else and this is especially                                       Angela Kerins
in the justice equality sector were discussed,   relevant in the current difficult economic
the NDA is of the view that progress on          climate, when people with disabilities are       Government on its policies, is the most
Government commitments on disability             even more vulnerable.                            effective way of delivering the Strategy.
would, at this time, be best served through         It is vital, therefore, that a dedicated,       The NDA would always want to
the continued support of a dedicated             independent agency is working to drive           collaborate with Government to ensure that
independent agency focused on disability         through the National Disability Strategy         the Disability Agenda remains a priority and
issues.                                          which is so critical in improving the lives of   that all measures to achieve efficiency and
   “There are significant challenges in          adults and children with disabilities. Much      value for money are taken. We welcome the
addressing the needs of people with              remains to be done to ensure its successful      consultative process that the Department
disabilities who are among the more              implementation,” she said.                       of Justice, Equality and Law Reform has
vulnerable persons in our society,” says            “The NDA plays an important role to           engaged in on the proposed amalgamation of
Angela Kerins, Chairperson of the National       date in driving the implementation of the        non commercial state bodies.
Disability Authority.                            Disability Strategy and in monitoring              The NDA will be making a full report
   “The National Disability Strategy is          progress,” Angela Kerins added. “At this         of its views to the Department of Justice,
at a critical stage of implementation and        time the retention of a dedicated independent    Equality and Law Reform and will help to
impacts across a wide range of government        agency, focused on the issues that impact on     inform deliberations on this matter in any
departments and public services. The issues      the daily lives of people with disabilities,     way we can,” said Ms Kerins.
and problems being tackled under this            their families and carers and advising the

NRH News

     Well Done Team NRH – 3 Years CARF Accreditation

           his being the time for Olympic             This accreditation will extend to June
           Golds and Major Golf successes,          2011. The CARF correspondence noted
           the NRH has also achieved the            that “this achievement is an indication
     highest possible level of accreditation.       of the organisation’s dedication and
       Congratulations to everyone at               commitment to improve the quality of
     NRH. It is with great pleasure that            the lives of the person served.”
     we can announce that the hospital                The survey report also includes a
     has been accredited by CARF for a              number of ‘recommendations’, areas
     period of Three Years for the following        that need some improvement. The
     programmes:-                                   NRH must produce a written quality
       Inpatient Rehabilitation Programmes          improvement plan by early November
       CIIRP – Hospital (Adults)                    showing how we will address these           NRH and could not have happened
       Inpatient Rehabilitation Programmes          recommendations.                            without the dedication, teamwork and
       CIIRP – Hospital (Children and                 The 3 year accreditation is the highest   cooperation from all at NRH.
       Adolescents)                                 level we could have achieved. This is
                                                    a marvellous accomplishment for the

                                Martin and Cael

     t is impossible to put into words
     what it means having baby Cael                                                                       Carmel, Aileen, Louisa and Frances
     in my life. When my little boy
 looks me in the eye and smiles all the              Farewell to Frances
 years struggling with quadriplegia

 disappears.                                                 rances Hughes Byrne has worked in the National Rehabilitation Hospital
   Only for the NRH and especially                           for the last 18 years. She will be sadly missed and always remembered
 Pauline Shields this little miracle                         for her kindness, willingness and total dedication to her work. She was
 would not have happened. Cael,                       always very pleasant and had excellent communication skills with both patients
 Lily and myself would also like                      and staff.
 to thank Spinal Injuries Ireland’s                     We will all miss that cheerful smile and we wish her every success in her
 Outreach Service (Siobhan) for their                 future endeavours.
 continuing support.                                    So all the best Frances - keep in touch.
                               with thanks                                                               From all the gang in the NRH
                           Martin Sinnott

                                                C                                                                      W
                                                         ongratulations                                                          e would
                                                         to NRH                                                                  all like to
                                                         Occupational                                                            wish Aska
                                                Therapist Eleanor                                                      and Daniel the best
                                                Little and her husband                                                 of luck for their
                                                Gary on the birth of                                                   upcoming marriage
                                                their little girl, Grace                                               which will take
                                                Lauren, who was born                                                   place in Poland on
                                                on the 16th September                                                  11th October 2008.
                               Grace Lauren                                                          Daniel and Aska

The NRH ‘Rose of OT
                              Aoife Kelly 2008 Rose of Tralee

        he Patients and Staff at NRH gathered together in the
        Day Room on a Summer(ish) afternoon in August to
        wish Aoife Kelly, Occupational Therapist at NRH, the
best of luck for the upcoming Rose of Tralee Contest. Aoife
arrived at the party already wearing, with great pride, the
Crown of the “Rose of OT”. This augured well for the big
night in the Dome, when the Rose of Tralee is finally chosen
following a week of making the best possible impression on
the judges.
   Eilish Macklin and Anne Marie Langan spoke on the day
of Aoife’s send-off and conveyed our very best wishes on
behalf of everyone at NRH. Then, led by Maeve Harkness,
all the Patients and staff in the Day Room gave a rousing
rendition which began with the words “The pale moon was
rising above the clear mountains……..”. All who were
there that day could understand perfectly why Aoife had been
announced as the bookies’ favourite to win. And on the night
of the Contest, everyone at NRH was bursting with pride and
absolutely delighted, but not at all surprised, when Aoife won
that crown.
   On Aoife’s first day back to work, she took the waiting
crowd by surprise as she strolled from the NRH car park to
the cheers of friends, colleagues and patients who’d expected
to see her emerging from a limousine or a perhaps a Porsche.
Aoife turned down a police escort because she said she’d be
   The children from the Paediatric Service created beautiful
rose decorations that adorned the Day Room for Aoife’s
   Henry Murdoch, Chairman of the hospital, said on the day
that Aoife has brought honour on herself, her family and on
the hospital and wished her every success during her reign;
he also spoke fondly of the friendly rivalry between Aoife’s
home place of Portroe and Killaloe where Henry has spent a
lot of time over the years.

                                                                                                 Aoife Kelly, 2008 Rose of Tralee
                                                                   Dr. Aine Carroll, Chairperson of NRH Medical Board,
                                                                 proudly announced that she had once been a ‘Maid of
                                                                 Mourne’ and said she was stunned by Aoife’s beauty as she
                                                                 watched her on TV being interviewed by Ray Darcy. Alison
                                                                 McCann from OT said “Rosemania is the new term that
                                                                 I’ve come up with” She said “The atmosphere your win has
                                                                 brought to the hospital has been absolutely astounding with
                                                                 our male colleagues wrestling each other to be your new
                                                                   Aoife told the huge crowd in the Day Room “I can’t
                                                                 believe all this is happening for me, I’m not used to this
                                                                 level of attention all for me,” She went on to name some of
                                                                 the countries she will visit in the year ahead including New
                                                                 Zealand, Australia, Dubai, America and Canada. Aoife and
                                                                 her fiancé Leon de Klerk are planning their wedding next
                                                                   The Catering staff provided a fabulous feast suitably fit
                                                                 for a newly crowned Rose and for all the patients and staff
                                                                 who came to welcome her back to work. As she was signing
                                                                 photographs for a queue of people in the Day Room, Aoife
                                                                 told patients “I’ll see you later in my uniform”.
                                                                   Aoife, Congratulations and very best wishes from everyone
                                                                 at NRH – you will always be our “Rose of OT”

                                                                                                         By Rosemarie Nolan


The Appliance of Science
Environmental Control Systems – Appliances

        ow you use your Environmental                                                Phone/Mobile
        Control System ECS is down to
        personal choice and circumstance.
Your system could be simplistic and used
merely to control your entertainment
system or it could be a comprehensive
home management system that facilitates
independent living
  As discussed in the previous 3 issues of
Spinal News, an ECS requires a suitable
input device and a specialised control
unit. To complete the system requires your
selection of appliances/ peripherals or output
                                                                                            Infrared Control
devices. In other words the very things you
hope to manage.                                                                    Hi Fi system

How do I use my ECS?
Everyday appliances with their own                              Window                                                  Door
remote controls:
  It is simple to control things such as TVs.    or blue tooth headsets. Phone books of              Other appliances:
The control unit is programmed to transmit       telephone numbers can be stored on the                 Some control units can be integrated
signals as if it where the original remote.      phone and or control unit for easy dialling.        with personal computers. Remote control
                                                 Some control units can be connected to              toys are a favourite with boys of all
Infra Red (IR) or Radio Frequency (RF)           specific mobile phone handsets (consult ECS         ages. Some public and private elevators
Sockets:                                         supplier).                                          can be IR controlled. Page turners are
  On/off appliances such as lamps or heaters        Specialised intercom systems can be used         pricey specialised appliances that can be
can be plugged into a specialised power          for front door access, and or carer contact.        integrated into an ECS and are essential for
socket. This socket receives a signal from a     These can also be integrated with the               conventional book reading. The Click-to-
control unit when both are programmed to         telephone.                                          phone is a specialised stand alone switch
send and receive the same signal.                   A variety of emergency alarms and call           controlled mobile phone and even makes
                                                 bells are available. It is possible to link these   text messaging possible. The only limitation
                                                 to call centres. Alarms can be triggered by         is your imagination - it is even possible to
                                                 the user or by sensors that detect falls, flood,    control your armchair!
                                                 fire, or gas. They can also include house
                                                 security systems.                                   Conclusion
                                                                                                        Please see the previous three ECS articles
                                                 Physical environmental control:                     and don’t be afraid to consult suppliers and
                          Power Socket             Door controllers can be installed in              users alike to help you design your own
                                                 internal and external doors. External doors         environmental control system.
                                                 are often custom made to include multipoint            I would like to say a special ‘thanks’ to
Specialised equipment:                           locking that is also controlled by the ECS.         all who have offered to participate in my
   Some devices are manufactured for             One may also consider additional opening            ongoing research project entitled “A Generic
home automation and have IR, RF and,             options such as an infra red sensor or wall         Electronic Assistive Technology (EAT)
more recently, Bluetooth receivers. These        mounted push button or strike pad                   Package for Persons with high Quadriplegia”
devices include door controllers and               Electronic window operators, curtain rails           Thanks also to all who contributed to the
telephones. These may be retrofitted or could    and blinds are less common but useful for           “How I Do It” section. Further contributions
require specialised wiring and some house        natural light and climate control.                  are always welcome.
alterations.                                       The ESC can also regulate room
                                                 temperature by operating fans and heaters.          Michele Verdonck, OT and HRB
What devices can be used in an                                                                       Research Fellow
ECS                                                  Page turner
  Hi-fi, TV, DVD, cable TV are all easily                                                              Useful Websites:
controlled. It is also possible to access some                                                         http://www.QEDonline.co.uk
game consoles.                                                                                         http://www.pri-liberator.com
Communication:                                                                                         http://www.odel.co.uk
  Specialised telephones can be operated                                                               http://www.gewa.se/english
using IR, this requires in built loudspeakers
Technology and
                                                                      computers have become
                                                                      very much a lifeline

  “How I do It”
Technology and Spinal Injury Patients:    for TV, phone, opening the door, etc,       what I say and either types what I
                                          in conjunction with Dragon Naturally        say (most of the time!) or moves up

          s we all know technology in     Speaking for using the computer were        and down accordingly if I am doing
          general and most especially     the options I decided on – I would          something like reading the paper on
          computers have improved life    recommend people to investigate all the     the computer. The two main daily
for many people. However in my            various options as there are different      newspapers (Irish Independent and Irish
case – someone who had very little        types available.                            Times) are now free to read online and
experience of computers until my             The Keo is a system that is attached     this keeps me up to date with what is
spinal injury in 2005 – technology and    to my wheelchair (though can also be        going on in the world.
computers have become very much a         attached to the bed if needed), with           I was lucky enough that I was able to
lifeline.                                 this, I am able to control the TV, answer   purchase environmental controls due to
   I first experienced environmental      the phone, open the door and also use       fundraising by neighbours and friends,
controls in the NRH as part of my         it with the computer. This gives me a       however, I believe everyone who would
rehabilitation. Having a C4/C5 spinal     level of independence and privacy that I    benefit from these controls should
injury I am a quadriplegic with very      would never be able to have without it.     have access to them as a minimum
limited movement so environmental         I can now spend a couple of hours on        when leaving the NRH to go home as
controls were going to be very            my own, and should I need help I can        it makes a huge difference to life for
important. At the NRH, I was given        use the phone or go out the door to a       someone with a spinal cord injury.
some guidance on the various types of     neighbour’s if necessary.
controls and what was available.             On the computer I use Dragon             Regards
   Having investigated them as much as    Naturally Speaking which is a voice         Marty Coyne
I could – I decided that the Keo System   activated software which recognises


Quinta Velha - Portimao, Portugal
                                                          A wonderfully restored old
                                                          Algarvean farm

                                               Villa Girasol- Sleeps 4 + 1

         wonderfully restored old Algarvean
         farm, now consisting of 4 semi-
         detached units. All units open out
on to large terraces, both front and back of
the property, the front having a swimming
pool and BBQ area, and are furnished and
equipped to a high standard.
   Quinta Velha is located in a quiet rural
setting just north of the fishing port of
Portimão with it’s many picturesque
fishing villages and rocky beaches in the
surrounding areas, only 10 to 15 minutes
drive away - no more than 10km. Faro
airport is now an easy drive of some 30 to
45 minutes, along the new motorway.

Villa Girasol
   Villa Girasol has been designed to be
wheelchair accessible and consists of 2
bedrooms, 1 fully accessible bathroom
with ´wheel-in´ shower, open plan lounge,
dining and kitchen area opening out on to
terraces either side of the property. A very
comfortable and well designed property.

  Fully equipped open plan kitchen with
  fridge freezer, microwave, full oven and                                   To start the ball rolling, just send an
  hob, dishwasher.
                                                                             email stating the number of people,
  Shower/commode chair and other
                                                                             type of accommodation and car hire
  equipment can usually be arranged where
                                                                             needed, preferred dates and any other
  Freeview Satellite TV/DVD
                                                                             supporting information, etc. to:-
  Private entrances with easy access from
  front and back terraces.                                                            info@player.pt
  Wireless Internet (WiFi) access.                                                Tel.: (+351)289393636
  All linen including towels and duvets are
You can also read