LOOKER. CO.UK LocalNHSatbreakingpoint Town in - The Looker

Page created by Billy Mann
LOOKER. CO.UK LocalNHSatbreakingpoint Town in - The Looker
The Only Community newspaper for the Romney Marsh, Hythe, Sandgate & Folkestone


   Issue 265                                    6th January 2021

Local NHS at breaking point                                                                                              Town in
                                                                                                                         shock after
                                                                                                                         death of
                                                                                                                         Residents of Lydd were in a
                                                                                                                         state of shock on New Year’s
                                                                                                                         Eve after the discovery of a
                                                                                                                         body of a local man who had
                                                                                                                         been missing since the previous

                                                                                                                         It is understood that Lydd
                                                                                                                         resident David Hill went missing
                                                                                                                         at 2.10pm on Wednesday 30th,
                                                                                                                         and emergency services were
                                                                                                                         looking for him in the Dennes
                                                                                                                         Lane area.
                                                                                                                         When he failed to return a large
                                                                                                                         multi-agency search was
                                                                                                                                           Continued page 3
                   By David Wimble      capacity and I cannot see it getting
                                        better anytime soon!”.                  In the seven days before
 Hospitals across the South East
 have been facing huge pressures        The pressure this is putting on our
                                                                                Christmas Eve, an average of 114
                                                                                people a day were being admitted              Read our
                                                                                                                             look back
 over Christmas.                        NHS is the key reason why the           to hospital with confirmed or
 Kent hospitals are under extreme       Government ordered our District to      suspected Covid-19. This
 pressure because of the Covid          go into Tier 4 just before              compares to an average of 89 for
 Pandemic, with new figures
 showing the intense pressure
 Kent’s critical care wards are under
                                        Christmas. But, with people still
                                        choosing to ignore social
                                        distancing and still gathering in
                                                                                the week up to 15 December 2020.
                                                                                                                               on the
 as Covid rates reach an all time
                                        large numbers over Christmas, the
                                        numbers are expected to rise even
                                        higher over the next few weeks.
                                                                                Most importantly, the amount of
                                                                                people needing intensive care is
                                                                                also getting close to the peak of
 Last week Kent was shown to have                                               April when nearly all other NHS
 the second highest number of
 cases compared to population in
 the rest of the Country, with a
                                        The latest figures show that the
                                        number of people being admitted
                                        because of Covid-19 is
                                                                                treatment was put on hold.

                                                                                The difference now is that
 source from our Districts own
 William Harvey Hospital stating;
 “We really are operating at full
                                        accelerating, as it will take several
                                        weeks for the impact of the
                                        restrictions to be seen.
                                                                                hospitals are trying to manage this
                                                                                second wave of the pandemic
                                                                                while also continuing with some
                                                                                                      Continued page 2
LOOKER. CO.UK LocalNHSatbreakingpoint Town in - The Looker
Continued from page 1
Continued from page 1
routine surgery meaning there are far higher   and I have never seen anything like this. I get     Ambulances with Covid-19 patients have been
numbers of non-Covid patients who also need    it that people are fed up with restrictions, but    seen queuing outside hospitals across the
the most intensive life-saving care on         they are there for a reason. We are like one        South East as the Health Secretary prepares
ventilated ICU beds.                           big family here at WHH and seeing members           to announce tougher restrictions amid surging
                                               of my own team suffer, not only to Covid, but
With there being a several week gap between also to thorough exhaustion and stress
people being diagnosed with Coronavirus and through work loads is very real. If I am honest
needing intensive care, the huge numbers of even with the roll out of the vaccine, I think it
cases being seen in recent weeks suggest       will get much worse before it gets better!”

                                                                                                   Footage on social media appeared to show
                                                                                                   emergency vehicles lined up outside the
                                                                                                   hospitals last Tuesday, when NHS Provider’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Editor’s Word
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Welcome to Issue 265!
that the pressure on ICU is only going to get                                                      Deputy Chief Executive, Saffron Cordery
worse in the coming days and weeks.            Local Doctors surgeries are also under              warned pressure on the NHS was “rising at an
                                               mounting pressure, with the NHS suggesting          unsustainable rate”.                                                                                                  Firstly, I would like to say a Happy New Year to all of our
It is important to remember that our hospitals that in the first instance, if you have a medical                                                                                                                         readers!
are stretched every winter even in normal      condition, that you call the 111 help line. This    The College of Paramedic’s spokesman,
times. Losing half their capacity is           will gain you immediate medical help and            Martin Berry said First Responders were                                                                               I am sure, like me, you will be only too happy to see the
devastating.                                   inform you of the best way to get the correct       under unprecedented pressure. “The demand                                                                             back of 2020, which was billed as the “bright new dawn
                                               treatment, without having to put yourself and       on the system and the people within that
At the time of writing this on New Years Eve, others at risk.                                      system is at a level we’ve never had to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of a progressive decade!” Well it seems that not
across Kent there are 1,012 patients in                                                            contend with before,” he told the BBC, “It’s                                                                          everything goes to plan!
hospital, 90% more than the 532 seen during Some hospitals across the South East have              utterly heartbreaking.”                                                                                               So we find ourselves still in a very high state of lockdown
the peak of the first wave.                    had to treat patients in the back of                He went on to say: “Along with the rest of the
The ITU Nurse, who has been asked not to be ambulances                                             NHS, we are under considerable pressure as                                                                            and major uncertainty about what our short term future
named said: “It really annoys me when I hear "This is the reality of Covid - right here, right     we look after a rising number of Covid-19                                                                             holds.
people saying that Covid is being              now with hospitals being at breaking point."        patients, some of whom are being cared for                                                                            The good news is that we now have two vaccines which
exaggerated, I have been a nurse for 23 years                                                      safely in ambulances before entering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         are being rolled out over the coming months, so maybe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         there is some light at the end of the tunnel…. Or maybe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         it’s an oncoming freight train!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The other big talking point that affects our district more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         than any other part of the country, is that thankfully there
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         is a Brexit deal in place, which allows UK businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         some degree of certainty going forward. But, let’s not fool
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ourselves, there is still expectation of some major
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         disruptions on our borders for a few weeks, until people
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         get used to the new ways of travel.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         As we all know, Christmas was not a happy time for lorry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         drivers who were stuck on our roads waiting to get home,
                                                                                                                                                        mounted with people being coordinated into teams searching       but again many local people went that extra mile by
                                                                                                                                                        the area that Mr Hill was known to have been running.            volunteering and helping with food supply to them, some
                                                                                                                                                        The major search continued into the morning of New Year’s        of whom had waited for nearly 5 days in the confines of
                                                                                                                                                        Eve; however police then confirmed that unfortunately, a         their lorry cabs.
                                                                                                                                                        body had been found.                                             The Looker has always tried to cover every story in a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         balanced way, with one of our reporter’s adamant that
                                                                                                                                                        A spokesman said: "Kent Police attended the Swamp Road
                                                                                                                                                        area of Lydd shortly before 9 a.m. on Thursday the 31st          Brexit was complete madness and plain stupidity, and
                                                                                                                                                        December, where the body of a man was located. He was            myself being in favour of Brexit. His comment about why
                                                                                                                                                        pronounced deceased at the scene.”                               should he believe that the new deal was a good one,
                                                                                                                                                        At the time of going to press, formal identification had not     when we already had one in place that had worked very
                                                                                                                                                        yet taken place, however, the family of the 52-year-old man      well for the past 45 years? Well, the way I look at it is, we
                                                                                                                                                        had been informed. The death is not being treated as             joined a Common Market back in the 70’s which is pretty
                                                                                                                                                        suspicious and a report is being prepared for the coroner.       much where we are now, without having to pay billions of
                                                                                                                                                        David Hill was an avid runner and fitness fanatic who            pounds to have our rules made for us. At the end of the
                                                                                                                                                        trained hard for many years and also enjoyed martial arts.       argument, this was all about democracy. The government
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         felt they had to do something to calm unrest, a
                                                                                                                                                        A close friend told The Looker : “Dave was content with life
                                                                                                                                                        and very happy with his partner Kelly. I am in total shock at    referendum was held and the people who cared enough,
                                                                                                                                                        the news”.                                                       voted. Yes, it was a narrow win for Brexit and yes,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         perhaps not everyone did understand the whole story (I
                                                                                                                                                        Mr Hill had spent most of his working life as a plant operator   know I never understood the implications of what a no
                                                                                                                                                        at Dungeness A Power Station and had been working on
                                                                                                                                                        the decommissioning of the site.                                 deal would have meant for the Irish Border). But, we are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         where we are and I hope that we can now try and get a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         national unity and go forward as a country.
                                                                                                                                                        When the devastating news broke many people took to
                                                                                                                                                        social media to express their sympathies for Mr Hill’s family.   Not forgetting of course that we also have now made
                                                                                                                                                        He was well known around the district and well liked at the      over 50 separate trade deals with new countries, which
                                                                                                                                                        Power Station, where he had worked for many years. But           has to be good on the global stage.
                                                                                                                                                        he always kept himself to himself, one local wrote.              Finally, I do not know how The Looker will fair in these
                                                                                                                                                        Another post summed it up with a message that just said;
                                                                                                                                                        “Dave was just one of life’s nice blokes, who would always       uncertain times. You will see inside this edition I have
                                                                                                                                                        smile and say hello. This is such tragic news and my             posed a few questions and would like to know what you,
                                                                                                                                                        sympathies go out to all of his family and friends.”             the reader’s, think. But for now, I really wish you a very
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Happy New Year full of health and happiness.
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LOOKER. CO.UK LocalNHSatbreakingpoint Town in - The Looker
represent the lengths of the lifeboats – nearly 7.5m and 8.5m
Lifeboat Station welcome                                                                                                                   Storm Bella causes post
their brand new lifeboat                                                                                                                   Christmas chaos
Littlestone RNLI Lifeboat Station has taken delivery of their new                                                                          Storm Bella battered our District and brought disruption to our power
lifeboat called the Jean Mclvor. The station has been waiting                                                                              and phone networks and affected roads and train services.
since March, when the Lifeboat was originally scheduled to come                                                                            With winds reported to have been gusting at up to 80 mph across the
on service.                                                                                                                                Romney Marsh, along with torrential downpouring of rain, our districts
                                                                                                                                           roads were left in a very precarious condition for drivers.
Because the boat is bigger than the previous Atlantic 75 boat,
extensive work has been undertaken to increase the size of the                                                                             Houses in Lydd on Sea, New Romney, St Marys Bay, Dymchurch and
boathouse, so that it will fit within the current footprint of the                                                                         Hythe were plunged into darkness when power lines were blown
station.                                                                                                                                   down. A team of line engineers worked through the night and most of
                                                                                                                                           Sunday the 27th to restore power to hundreds of homes.
It says everything about the amazing support we receive from the                                                                           Houses across Romney Marsh lost phones and internet due to lines
public that even during a global pandemic the RNLI is still able to respectively.                                                          coming down, but telecoms engineers had 95% of the District up and
build, equip and deliver a new lifeboat.                                                                                                   online again by Sunday evening.
                                                                     The new '85 goes three knots faster than the '75, it replaces (35
Originally due to arrive in March this year, the boat is named after knots compared with 32 knots) and can stay at sea for longer (3       Pet owners who braved the storm to walk dogs reported it was difficult
a very special lady, Jean McIvor, who left the RNLI a generous       hours compared to 2.5 hours). It also has upgraded electronics
                                                                     including radar and UHF direction finding equipment.                  to walk into the wind. Lisa Shelby from Hythe told The Looker: “I woke
legacy that allowed us to have the brand new Atlantic ’85 boat
                                                                                                                                           early because of
built at Cowes.
                                                                     Introduced into the fleet in 2005, the Atlantic 85 is the third       the noise of the rain
                                                                     generation of B class lifeboat and is gradually replacing the         and the wind, I
                                                                     Atlantic 75.                                                          waited for the rain
                                                                     Lifeboat Operations Manager, Matt Crittenden told the Looker:         to stop and went to
                                                                     “Monday the 7th December brought with it something I was not          take my dog ‘Digby
                                                                     sure we would see this year, our fabulous new lifeboat. It was late   the Dachshund’ for
                                                                     in the day and she and her delivery driver Tim stayed tucked up       a walk and we were
                                                                     for the night at the station.                                         ok until we turned
                                                                                                                                           the corner at the top
                                                                     To be honest I have had days where I thought we would never           of Albert Road onto
                                                                     see her, but on the Tuesday morning myself and a skeleton crew        the Seafront, it was
                                                                     attended to see her off loaded. I can say at 54 years old I rarely    all I could do to
                                                                     get excited but this felt truly spectacular.                          stand upright. It
                                                                                                                                           sounds really silly
                                                                     Our Atlantic 75 has served faithfully for over twenty years and we    now, but we really
                                                                     will be sad to see her go but what we have now is Stars Wars in       were frightened,
                                                                     comparison. The conversion from old to new is going to take           bits of tree and
                                                                     some time, especially in the current climate.                         wheelie bins were
                                                                                                                                           being blown around. Several cars were damaged where the bins had
Mrs Jean Campbell McIvor from Middlesex passed away in               The crews have bent over backwards this year to make what we          blown into them. It was very frightening.”
October 2017 and was a WRAF radar operator during WW2 and            do work and continue to do so . The process of conversion to the
also the River Thames Punting Champion from 1947-50.                 Atlantic 85 is a timely procedure but has started with training of    A car in Folkestone was damaged after another dustbin was blown into
                                                                     both our core bubble duty crews being spread out over several         the path of a two week old Audi A5, causing the driver to swerve and
Mrs McIvor’s legacy was in excess of £600,000 so it wasn’t only      weeks.                                                                hit a parked car.
able to pay for the lifeboat but any remaining funds are to be used
for the running costs of Littlestone Lifeboat Station, so there will We are hoping to have her fully search and rescue capable and
be an ongoing connection between Jean McIvor and Littlestone         on service early in the New Year. I cannot begin to express our
for many years to come.                                              thanks as a crew and station for the new lifeboat which was so
                                                                     kindly funded by its name sake Jean McIvor and it will soon be
The new Atlantic 85 will eventually take over operational duties as ready to join the RNLI’s fleet of lifeboats and along with her
we say a fond farewell to our Atlantic 75 Fred Clarke currently in volunteer crews be ready to save lives at sea.’
service at Littlestone. The volunteer crew are busy getting
acquainted with the new boat and training has been ongoing day We are starting to arrange a naming ceremony for 2021 when
and night at the station.                                            hopefully we will be able to invite the public to our station once
There are two types of B class lifeboat, the Atlantic 75 and the
Atlantic 85 named after Atlantic College in Wales where these        This is a very exciting time for the whole crew who are so thankful
rigid inflatable lifeboats (RIBs) were first developed. 75 and 85    to Jean and her family. This is a really important part of our
                                                                     stations history.”

                                                                                                                                           The A259 between Kent and East Sussex was closed in both
                                                                                                                                           directions between the A268 Rye and A2070 in Brenzett due to fallen
                                                                                                                                           power cables.

                                                                                                                                           Littlestone RNLI Lifeboat was launched late on the Sunday evening to
                                                                                                                                           what The Looker believes was a woman reported to be in difficulties in
                                                                                                                                           the water off of Folkestone but returned to the station after being stood
                                                                                                                                           down at nearly 1am on Monday morning.

                                                                                                                                           Trains were suspended between Hastings and Ashford International
                                                                                                                                           after a tree came down on the Southern route.

                                                                                                                                           The UK Met Office have predicted more bad weather over the coming
                          enquiries@loulabellesflorist.co.uk                          33 High St, New Romney, Kent. TN28 8BW
                                                                                                                                           weeks with severe weather warnings and an expected cold snap along
                                                                                                                                           with ‘winter storms’ in the early part of the New Year.
                                                                                01303 232575 01797 363399
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LOOKER. CO.UK LocalNHSatbreakingpoint Town in - The Looker
A short
                                     sleigh around the houses at
                                     Christmas. It consisted of six
                                     reindeer mounted on pallets on
                                                                                                                                                   How will
                                                                                                                                                   Brexit affect
                                     a pickup truck and on a
history of                           separate pallet was the main
                                     cabin area mounted on a trailer.
                                     The Rotary Club obtained the
the Romney                           use of this sleigh in 1998 and in
                                     the Spring of 2000 decided to

                                     rebuild it. Four of the existing
Marsh                                reindeer and the cabin were to
                                     be reused and mounted on a
                                     single trailer (it would have been
Rotary                               too long for the roads on the
                                     Marsh if all six reindeer were
                                     used). Also the existing lights
                                                                                                                                                   There has been much talk about what the ‘Oven Ready Deal’ that
                                                                                                                                                   Boris promised us would actually mean. A lot has been said and
sleigh runs                          were well past their sell-by date,
                                     and it was therefore decided to
                                     install new wiring and lights and
                                                                                                                                                   a lot of misinformation pitched on social media. Well as many
                                                                                                                                                   people sat down to eat their Christmas dinner, Looker Editor
                                                                                                                                                   David Wimble went looking for the facts…. the one thing that is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The pet passport scheme between the UK and the EU will also end on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              January 1 and any animals taken into the EU will need an Animal
In the dim and distant past in                                                                                                                                                                                                Health Certificate.
                                     purchase a proper sound                                                                                       certain next Christmas, for many, Brussels is not an essential             If you're on a flight to or from an EU country which – due to the
the days before the Club had a       system.                                                                                                       anymore!
sleigh we used to go around the                                                                                                                                                                                               airline's fault – is delayed by more than three hours or your flight is
                                                                        in the towing vehicle and the         It has always been the case that                                                                                cancelled altogether, you are still entitled to between £110 and £540
Marsh in two lorries delivering                                         clapper was reunited with the         we endeavour to knock on as          The UK and the EU have reached a Brexit deal but what will that
presents to the children on                                                                                                                                                                                                   per person in compensation.
                                     Once a budget was agreed the bell housing and Santa could                many doors on the Marsh as we        mean for the average person, their holiday and spending?
Christmas morning for a              Reindeer and Cabin were            continue waking up the local          are able to and for that reason
donation of £1 per parcel.           removed from the pallets, and at residents.                              we take the sleigh out for three     The deal was agreed on Christmas Eve following months of                Study
Members would get up early on        the same time the old lights                                             weeks on the lead up to              negotiations with the European Union and comes just a week before
Christmas morning leaving their      were stripped off. The width for On another occasion one of              Christmas. It is true to say that    the current trading arrangements expire, with the UK leaving the single The UK has pulled out of the EU-funded student exchange
own children at home and set         the new Trailer was ascertained Santa’s little helpers tripped on        not everybody opens the door.
out to take all these gifts to the                                                                                                                 market and customs union without the prospect of tariffs and quotas. programme Erasmus which was established in 1987.
                                     from the width of the Cabin and the kerb in the dark and the             Reasons range from, “Can’t                                                                                   Instead, students will be allowed the chance to compete for places to
houses on the Marsh. One of          allowing extra space either side large collecting bucket flew from       open the door the Budgies flying                                                                             study abroad on a new scheme named after Bletchley Park code
our members, who worked at                                                                                                                         But what does it actually all mean?
                                     to house new lighting. The         his hands onto a patch of grass       about”; “Husbands gone to the                                                                                breaker Alan Turing.
the Power Station, was married       length of the trailer was          scattering coins of the realm of      pub and he’s locked me in”;
but he had no family, therefore it                                                                                                                 Here, The Looker looks at how Brexit will impact our lives from
                                     calculated allowing sufficient     all denominations onto the grass      “Just got out the bath”; “I’m
didn’t matter to him what time       space for the reindeer to be       verge. He got onto his knees to       having me dinner”; “I’m not
                                                                                                                                                   January 1.                                                              Working abroad
he got home, so it wasn’t            mounted on a “Snowy Hill”. The pick up the coinage groping               Church of England”. These
unusual to stop for a snifter of     price for a new trailer was        around in the grass. He had to        cases are a rarity as                Shopping                                                               Short-term business trips, less than 90 days are permitted without a
whisky just to keep the cold out!    obtained from a company in         remove his gloves on that cold        demonstrated on the occasion                                                                                Visa.
Naturally by about 11 o’clock        Folkestone but before work         night in order to feel the wet        that a member knocked on a           There will be no tariffs on products sold between the UK and the EU to Managers can stay for up to three years, and trainees for one year.
some of Santa’s Helpers were in      started the Club decided that it slimy grass to recover the              house and was about to walk          allow companies on both sides to keep trading in a similar way to now, Qualifications issued in the UK for professions such as nurses and
a very happy mood, while others      would be better if the trailer was generosity of the local populace.     away when he heard a voice           with the idea of preventing price rises and keeping shelves stocked.   doctors will now not be recognised in the EU.
had to keep sober because they       galvanised rather than painted. It was then that he realised that        saying “don’t go, it takes me a      The European Commission said the two sides had created “an
had to get home to wish their        This called for a design change not only were they generous              while”. When the door                ambitious free trade area with no tariffs or quotas on products,       Instead, those wishing to work abroad will have to gain new
own children ‘Merry Christmas’.      since the total length of the      people but also that they were        eventually opened it was done        regulatory and customs co-operation mechanisms”.                       recognition depending on the member state they wish to work in.
                                     trailer exceeded the capacity of owners of well fed generous             so by a little elderly lady in her
We had some good times and           the galvanising company’s tank. dogs! It was nightmare of an             dressing gown using a walking        The commission said products such as meats, dairy and cereals could
there was an interesting             Work was started in the summer experience, his wife did not              frame and pulling along behind       have faced tariffs of as much as 50% under World Trade Organisation
encounter in Lydd one year.          of 2000 and the Sleigh made its appreciate his efforts but the           her a stand with an IV drip. The
Having knocked on a door, a                                                                                                                        rules, and car deals could have faced an extra 10% cost, all of which
                                     debut in December 2000.            Treasurer did.                        collector apologised profusely       has been prevented by striking a deal.
lady answered, looked at the                                                                                  for disturbing her. She said
label on the parcel and said         All went well except that virtually   One year in Lydd one youngster “don’t be silly stay there while I
“Hang on a minute, this is the       every day in December that            thought he spotted a familiar      go and get my purse.”                Travel
wrong house, you need next           year it rained. After about two       face and exclaimed “I didn’t
door”, so we went to the next        years a lot of the plywood on the     know Santa worked in the Post The Club are very grateful for            Rules for business trips and holidays will change as free movement of
house and the neighbour              cabin started to delaminate. It       Office”!                           the generosity of the people on      people between the EU and UK comes to an end.
followed us. This time a man         was soon realised that most of                                           the Marsh. Many families put         UK citizens will be allowed to stay in the EU for 90 days in any 180-
answered the door looking like       this wood had been obtained           Not much stopped us going out their odd change in a tin or jar          day period without a visa, and the same will apply for EU citizens in
he had just fallen out of bed,       from old tea chests, so there         with the sleigh, but one year half throughout the year which is         the UK.
barely wearing a dressing gown.      was no other option but to            way round Lydd it started to       very touching (if a bit heavy to
Suddenly there was a click click     replace most of the wood that         snow hard. The four footed         carry). The Club has always got      The European Commission says the choice to end free movement
behind us as the neighbour took      the cabin was constructed from.       reindeer were fine but the two     immense pleasure from the            “inevitably means that business travel between the EU and the UK will
a couple of photos. Apparently       At the same time a door was cut       footed elves were falling all over happiness the sleigh brings to       no longer be as easy as it currently is”.
she had bet this guy that she        in the side since Santa Claus         the place, although it’s not clear children of all ages, and that
could get a picture of him on        was having difficulty getting his     whether this was due to the        community spirit is reason           In 2022 people from the UK will also have to stump up for a visa-
Christmas morning in his             leg over!, and a step was also        snow or the quantity of mulled     enough to carry on the tradition
underpants! On another                                                                                                                             waiver scheme to visit many countries in the EU.
                                     provided. Over the years the          wine the residents of one          (Viruses permitting). Collecting
occasion we had to deliver a         original sound system using a         particular road had kindly plied money to help local causes is
cooker to an address in                                                                                                                            It will cost £6.28 and will cover a three-year period to allow people to
                                     CD Player has been upgraded           them with.                         satisfying but it isn’t the main     enter the Schengen Area for up to 90 days within any 180-day period.
Littlestone, we tapped on the        to the current system using an
door and eventually a girl came                                                                                                                    Your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) will still be valid for the
                                     iPod, the Sleigh has been                                                                                     time being.
out looking rather bedraggled.       completely rewired using LED
The members gathered around          Lighting and has had a
her as they all tried to work out    complete repaint/refurbishment                                                                                Then the UK will provide its own version of the card called the UK
who would have given her a           and is now the feature of what is                                                                             Global Health Insurance Card.
cooker for Christmas.                our major annual fundraiser.
                                                                                                                                                   The new card will cover existing or chronic illnesses, routine maternity
This all worked well for a     Over the years there have been                                                                                      care and emergencies.
number of years until eventually
                               many memorable moments
the feeling grew that the gesture
                               during the Christmas collection.                                                                                    Free mobile phone data roaming will end and British passport holders
was being abused, the presents On one occasion in the dark                                                                                         will no longer be able to use the EU passport queue at airports and
grew in size and value and     depths of New Romney Santa                                                                                          other borders.
instead of delivering a book or a
                               was being very energetic in his
toy we were delivering bikes   bell ringing so much so that the                                                                                    If you plan to drive whilst on holiday, from January 1, many EU
and large items so after a while
                               clapper came off, shot across                                                                                       countries will require you to have an International Driving Permit which
the Christmas morning          the road and hit the kerb then                                                                                      costs £5.50 from the Post Office.
deliveries were given up.      bounced all the way back under
                               the sleigh and ended up on the                                                                                      You will also have to apply for a free of charge 'green card' to prove
For a number of years the Lydd other side of the road.                                                                                             you have the right car insurance.
Ambulance Service had taken a Fortunately, there was a toolbox
                                                                                                              reason we do it.
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LOOKER. CO.UK LocalNHSatbreakingpoint Town in - The Looker
little pup was too                                                                                                                          2) Exercise.
Seal of approval for                                              weak to try and get
                                                                  away from me so I                                                                                                                           We are all virtually house bound at the moment. Maybe you shudder
                                                                                                                                                                                                              at the thought of exercise. But it needn’t be gruelling. Go for more
washed up pup                                                     collected him and
                                                                  took him to RSPCA
                                                                  Mallydams Wood
                                                                                                                                                                                                              walks, try and introduce a bit more activity into your day. Being out in
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the fresh air is very good for our wellbeing, as we have found out in
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the last 9 months. Use the car less: promise yourself you won’t use
                                                                  Wildlife Centre in                                                                                                                          the car for any journey under half a mile. See your housework and
                                                                  Hastings for                                                                                                                                tidying up the garden as a workout, rather than a horrendous chore.
                                                                  rehabilitation. The
                                                                  grey seal weighed                                                                                                                           Walk the kids to school, rather than bundling them into the car. Use
                                                                  just 17.7kg when                                                                                                                            the stairs rather than a lift. Sitting is notoriously bad for us, so if you
                                                                  brought into the                                                                                                                            are sitting at a computer all day, get up and walk around a bit more.
                                                                  centre, so was very underweight.”                                   New Year Resolutions.                                                   It is also good for productivity to have a break. Every calorie that you
                                                                                                                                                                                                              work off, won’t be left on your waistline!
                                                                                                                                      Well, we are at the other side of 2020, and no one is sorry to see
                                                                  He has now been named Nanta by RSPCA staff working on               that old year on it’s way! Despite, or maybe because of, the year we     Same with sitting down in the evening. Get up and walk around a bit
                                                                  Christmas Eve - the name comes from an Ewok character in the        have just shared, we may have indulged too much!! If money is tight,    more. Research has shown that unhealthy snacking is closely
                                                                  Star Wars films.                                                    don’t feel you have to rush to join a gym, and/or invest in a new       related to watching TV. If you are peckish, have a piece of fruit, or a
                                                                                                                                      expensive diet or detox plan.                                           slice of toast, rather than chocolates and crisps.
                                                                  He was put on antibiotics and has been given plenty of herring to
                                                                  eat to help build up his weight. He has already started eating on   There are a few simple ideas that can help to live a healthier          3) Rest and Relaxation.
                                                                  his own and looks a lot brighter than when he first came into the   lifestyle, from a retired practice nurse!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                If you are in an endless round of stress and busyness, take time out
                                                                  wildlife centre.                                                    1) Healthy eating.                                                        to rethink your lifestyle, before you are forced to, by having a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                physical or mental breakdown. Busyness is almost seen as a virtue
                                                                  He’s still quite young, around four to eight weeks old, and once     No prizes for guessing this is a priority. It is not rocket science. A   in our society, but in reality, busy, stressed people aren’t the ones
                                                                  he has been fully rehabilitated he will be released back into the   few basic rules will help. Have a picture of a set of old fashioned       that achieve most. Adverts for heartburn relief, and snack food,
The RSPCA have been praised for their swift action, in looking    wild.                                                               balance scales in your head. All food is made up of energy units          portrays people who are so indispensable, they haven’t time to sit
after a skinny seal pup, which is recovering well after being                                                                         called calories. These energy units are needed to keep your body          and eat properly. How absurd! Productivity is much higher in people
rescued on Christmas Eve.                                        "Let’s hope Nanta has put on a few pounds over the last week         functioning. Maintaining a healthy weight is balancing these two out. who take time out to have proper breaks.
                                                                 with lots of tasty Christmas (fish) dinners!                         So the scales in your head are exactly level. Fat, sugar, and
The pup was spotted on Hythe beach, with a passer-by promptly "This pup was obviously in distress but not all lone seal pups          carbohydrate (basics of life) contain most calories. So moderate          Make sure you get the right amount of sleep. John Wesley said that
                                                                 have been abandoned or are in need of help. If you find a seal       these in your diet. Processed food, that is food made in a factory, is every hour of sleep before midnight, was worth 2 afterwards. I don’t
calling the RSPCA.
                                                                 pup that looks fit and healthy and shows no signs of distress        always high in calories.                                                  know whether it is proven, but research tells us that most adults
                                                                 monitor it first from a safe distance for 24 hours. Please don't                                                                               don’t get enough sleep. Turn off your IT and TV an hour before you
                                                                                                                                      Low carb diets were popular for a while, and include the Atkins diet, settle down, and try and get at least 7 hours.
Inspector Clive Hopwood rescued the young seal - which was       touch seal pups, as they can give a nasty bite, and keep             but your body needs a certain amount of carbohydrate, so cut down,
very thin and lethargic - from the shoreline, where there was no children, dogs and other animals away from them. If the mother       but do not get rid of all “carbs” You need a certain amount of bulk to 4) Lifestyle.
mum in sight.                                                    does not return within 24 hours, or you think that the pup is sick   keep your system moving.
                                                                 or injured – please keep a safe distance and call our advice and                                                                               Everyone knows that smoking is very bad for you. Everything that is
                                                                 cruelty line on 0300 1234 999.”                                      Vegetables and salad contain very few calories, so you can eat            likely to go wrong with your body is more common in smokers. It is
Clive said: “This pup was really lethargic, usually when we
                                                                                                                                      these until they come out of your ears!! And they contains a              the highest preventable risk factor in cancer, followed by obesity. So
approach seals they will try to go back into the water but this                                                                       thousand other things that are important for the functioning of your      if you smoke and want to quit, talk to someone about getting help.
                                                                                                                                      body. Fruit is similar, but some sweet fruits, like bananas and           Maybe it is hard to contact the surgery at present, but pharmacists
                                                                                                                                      grapes, have a high sugar content, so eat in moderation. Remember can be very helpful.
                                                                                                                                      the “5 a day rule” for fruit and vegetables? It still holds good. If you
                                                                                                                                      aim for 5 portions a day, it will enhance you wellbeing. Pure fruit       Alcohol. The recommended safe limit often changes, and always
                                                                                                                                      juice counts, but only 1 portion, however much you drink! All types of downward. So be very moderate in your consumption. Be honest
                                                                                                                                      fruit and vegs count, fresh, frozen, dried, tinned etc. A good guide to with yourself. In counting units, remember a bottle of wine contains 9
                                                                                                                                      the “healthy plate” is to have a mix of colours.                          units, and a pint of beer a minimum of 2. Nothing you can do will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                change the damage alcohol is doing to your body. Alcohol is
                                                                                                                                      If you do decide to lose some weight, always set small achievable         processed in your liver, and it processes a set amount of alcohol
                                                                                                                                      goals. Rash, ruthless diets are always a waste of time. The slower        every hour. There are things we can do to change the effect on
                                                                                                                                      you lose weight, the more likely it is to stay off. Aim to lose no more behaviour, but not the chemistry of your body.
                                                                                                                                      than 1-1 half lb (500-700g) per week. It also gives your body time
                                                                                                                                      to adjust, and stops you looking haggard and having loose skin            Remember women and young people, are more affected by alcohol
                                                                                                                                      hanging around.                                                           than men. And never drink and drive.

                                                                                                                                      The most important thing about changing your eating habits is to be Wishing you a happy and HEALTHY New Year.
                                                                                                                                      able to stick to it for the rest of your life. Fancy short term diets are
                                                                                                                                      usually a waste of time. You have to think long term.

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LOOKER. CO.UK LocalNHSatbreakingpoint Town in - The Looker
Most dog foods are
  FEEDING YOUR                                                                                                      complete, meaning they
                                                                                                                    contain the right amount of
                                                                                                                                                      Community Effort & Busy                                                     Damian Collins MP
                                                                                                                    all the nutrients your furry
                                                                                                                    friend requires. The PDSA

  As many readers know, one of the longest
                                                                                                                    says that one of the best
                                                                                                                    ways of ensuring your dog
                                                                                                                    gets what it needs is to feed
                                                                                                                                                      Incredible Edibles
  serving team members here on The Looker                                                                                                             Update from Leonie, Sandgate Society
                                                                                                                    according to life stage as
  is Ted, the News Hound.
                                                                                                                    different diets are
  Over the past 8 or 9 months both myself and                                                                                                         End of December: We all hope you had a great Christmas however you
                                                                                                                    necessary for puppies,
  Ted have been comfort eating, and it’s got to                                                                                                       managed to spend it under the circumstances of tier four. It has not been
                                                                                                                    adults, or seniors.
  the point now that some people are fat                                                                                                              quite how we envisaged this Christmas but it was possibly better than
  shaming me and for that matter Ted too!
  So from January we are both trying to do our
  bit to lose a bit of ‘timber’ around the middle
                                                                                                                    They also recommend
                                                                                                                                                      being stuck in the cab of a lorry over the holiday period. One of our
                                                                                                                                                      gardeners volunteered to spend much of her time collecting gifts and food
                                                                                                                                                      from Sandgate and delivering to some of the drivers. It was a drop in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Our Man In Westminster
                                                                                                                    following packet feeding
  and try and get fit.                                                                                                                                ocean, but at least a few got to appreciate that others were thinking of    On Christmas Eve the Prime Minister announced that the
                                                                                                                    guidelines and weighing out
                                                                                                                    food to check you’re giving       them, well done and thank you Theresa.                                      government had successfully negotiated a deal with the
  I bought a new bike back in the summer and
                                                                                                                    the correct amount to             The continuing story of the autumn was the roll of fleece ordered           European Union on our future trading relationship. This will
  I am determined to get out on that a bit
                                                                                                                    prevent obesity which can         months ago being delayed and delayed. A further message arrived             be debated in parliament on 30th December, so that it can
  more. Also Ted gets three good walks a day,
                                                                                                                    lead to diabetes, heart           saying the fleece would now not arrive until mid-March, way too late        be ratified before the end of 2020. The deal delivers on the
  but we will try and make them just a little bit
                                                                                                                    disease and arthritis. If you     to protect the plants over the winter months, and then as if by
  longer. But like most things it’s about eating                                                                                                                                                                                  commitment made at the general election last year, that we
                                                                                                                    are tempted to give them          special Santa post it arrived on the doorstep just a couple of days
  a balanced diet…. Something I definitely                                                                                                                                                                                        would leave the EU and take back control of our laws,
                                                                                                                    treats, make sure your pet        before Christmas. Incredible! The broad beans and peas are now
  need to do!                                                                                                                                                                                                                     borders, money, trade and operate as an independent
                                                                                                                    gets extra exercise to            tucked up under the fleece blanket ready for any cold and windy
                                                 The Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association           compensate.                                        weather coming their way.                                                   country outside the jurisdiction of the European Court of
  So, I have been reading up on this and
                                                 points out that a healthy and happy dog                                                                                                                                          Justice. The Agreement firmly and explicitly recognises UK
  these are my findings.                                                                                                                              We had a donation of a
                                                 needs 37 essential nutrients – including
                                                 water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates,             A dog food which uses fresh natural                few Cerinthe seedlings                                                      sovereignty over our fishing waters and puts us in a
  Whatever love you lavish on your pet pooch,                                                                                                         which have been planted,                                                    position to rebuild our fishing fleet and increase quotas in
                                                 vitamins, and minerals.                           ingredients, enriched with vitamins and
  the food you give them is the most important                                                                                                        and a very kind person in                                                   the next few years
                                                                                                   minerals, and is not bulked out with cereals
  ingredient of their care.                                                                                                                           Enbrook Road had
                                                 Decades of research and testing have              or soya, is the best option.
                                                 enabled them to develop the nutritional                                                              obviously been clearing                                                     This is also the first free trade agreement negotiated by the
  With more than half of the UK’s dogs                                                                                                                their garden and splitting
                                                 expertise to provide dogs with the correct        And if your pet has any additional joint,                                                                                      EU to be based on zero tariffs and quotas. UK businesses
  overweight or obese and the trend set to                                                                                                            up large clumps of plants,
                                                 diet at every stage of life, and these            digestion or immunity needs, specialised                                                                                       will be able to continue to trade smoothly with the EU and
  continue unless owners take drastic action, it                                                                                                      and instead of
                                                 guidelines are regularly reviewed by              foods are available such as Butcher’s
  is more crucial than ever that the country’s                                                                                                        composting them, had                                                        buy goods from Europe tariff free. I hope this will now mark
                                                 independent experts in Europe and the             Pro-Vitality which has no artificial colourings,
  canines are getting exactly what they need.                                                                                                         kindly left plants in their                                                 the start of a new relationship between the UK and the EU,
                                                 United States. There is also strict legislation   flavourings, preservatives, soya, or wheat
  Like all mammals, dogs require a wide range                                                                                                         driveway for anybody to                                                     where instead of focusing on the things we disagree on,
                                                 governing the ingredients that can be used        cereals, and so is gluten free.
  of nutrients to maintain a healthy body and                                                                                                         take and make use of.
                                                 in pet food.                                                                                                                                                                     we can instead look towards future areas of mutual support
  that means a nutritionally balanced and tasty                                                                                                       This was most
                                                                                                   Feeding quantities depend on breed, age                                                                                        and co-operation, as independent neighbours with many
  diet.                                                                                                                                               appreciated and we had
                                                 But with an overwhelming choice of food on        and activity levels but as a general rule,
                                                 the market, it can sometimes to be confusing      dogs weighing up to five kilos should get a        some for a section of the                                                   common interests. We will also be able to take advantage
  However, that’s entirely different to what we                                                                                                       garden we are developing                                                    in 2021 of the new freedoms we will have outside of the
                                                 to pick the right one for your prized pooch.      can a day, those who tip the scales at six to
  humans consume - despite the temptation to                                                                                                          near the bench, of perennial flowering plants for bee and insect life.      EU and European Single Market. Things will be different,
                                                 To achieve the right balance of nutrients, pet    10 kilos need a can and a half, and animals
  share our top treats with our four-legged                                                                                                           If you are considering clearing parts of your garden before the
                                                 food manufacturers blend mixtures of              who weigh in at 11-20 kilos should get 2.5                                                                                     and you can find out more information about how being
  friends. In fact, animal welfare experts say                                                                                                        spring, please bear us in mind for any unwanted plants; if we cannot
                                                 ingredients including meat and fish,              tins.                                                                                                                          outside of the EU will affect you and or your business at
  that’s exactly what’s fuelling the increase in                                                                                                      use them in the garden they could be very useful for one of our
                                                 vegetables, cereals, vitamins, and minerals                                                                                                                                      the government website gov.uk/transition.
  canine obesity which often leads to illness,                                                                                                        other projects such as Incredible Edible.
                                                 to satisfy your dog’s nutritional needs.
  injury and a shortened lifespan.
                                                                                                                                                      The Incredible Edible alleyway off Chichester Road in Sandgate got          In the days before Christmas I attended a series of
                                                                                                                                                      a weeding and general tidy up. Not much going on here for a while
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  meetings with government Ministers and officials to
                                                                                                                                                      but there are herbs and a few swede plants. Now we are past the
                                                                                                                                                      shortest day, it will not be too long before we can start planting and      discuss the delays to traffic being able to leave the country
                                                                                                                                                      sowing seeds again.                                                         to travel to Europe. As 80% of the road freight that passes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  between the UK and the continent travels across the Dover
                                                                                                                                                      Looking back to this time last year it seems that we were busy
                                                                                                                                                      making the pond and putting the liners in place, it has come a long         straits, stopping that movement for 48hours inevitably
                                                                                                                                                      way since then. We were also busy wheel-barrowing wood chips to             creates a severe backlog of thousands of lorries. Firstly, I
                                                                                                                                                      the garden then as we are now, and discussing how much we were              would like to thank the police, our public services, armed
                                                                                                                                                      looking forward to the arrival of the bees. What a difference a year        forces, and the staff at Eurotunnel and the Port of Dover,
                                                                                                                                                      has made. We all wish you a happy New Year, and look forward to             for everything they did to support those people who had
                                                                                                                                                      seeing how next year will compare with this.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  been left stranded in Kent and unable to complete their
                                                                                                                                                      What’s next?: Review any damage from storm Bella, Continue to               journeys home. Thanks to this effort we were able to
                                                                                                                                                      barrow wood chips up to the garden to store, Start sorting out the          provide food and facilities to those who needed it, whilst a
                                                                                                                                                      seeds for next year, Start work on tidying the wheelbarrow area.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  massive covid testing effort was set up to allow people with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a negative result to make their journey across the Channel.

                                                                                                                                                                        Phil Sterling                                             Kent Police also activated the Operation Brock
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  contingency planning for the post Brexit period in January,
                                                                                                                                                                             Garden Service                                       which meant queuing lorries could be held off road at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Manston Airport. The deployment of the quick moveable
                                                                                                                                                            All it takesis one call for a complete gardenservice,                 hard barrier on the M20 between junction eight and nine,
                                                                                                                                                          that is professionalreliable and friendly. Most of all it is            on the London bound carriageway meant it was possible to
                                                                                                                                                         built around your needs, whether my services be weekly,                  keep the motorway open to traffic travelling in both
                                                                                                                                                              fortnightly or monthly, Iʼll alwaysgetthejobdone.                   directions on that stretch of road, whilst the coastbound
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  route was closed to allow lorries to queue there. These
                                                                                                                                                          • Paving • Driveways • Decking • GrassCutting                           measures reduced the impact of these delays on local
                                                                                                                                                           • Fencing• Garden Make Over • Garden Walls                             communities much more than would have been the case
                                                                                                                                                          • Pruning • Hedge Cutting • Ponds • Tree Work                           using the traditional Operation Stack system. The situation
                                                                                                                                                                               And muchmore…                                      before Christmas was also harder to deal with than is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  usually the case, not just because of the need to test
                                                                                                                                                        Telephone: 01797364952 Mobile: 07548201324                                passengers for COVID-19, but that rather than there being
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  delays to people crossing to France, we had two days
                                                                                                                                                                        philsterling06@gmail.com                                  when no travel was permitted at all.

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LOOKER. CO.UK LocalNHSatbreakingpoint Town in - The Looker
The Looker Look Back on 2020 a Year we will never forget
  There were, of course, a few recurring topics as we review the last 12 months, but we thought it only right to look back at some of the other stories we covered in 2020, just as we have done over the past decade…

  January                                                                  Issue 243                                                                  first, but it’s no joke!’, as the country became                        June
                                                                                                                                                      used to the reality of being locked down.
  Issue 240.                                                               The influx of migrants travelling to the                                                                                                           Issue 250
                                                                           UK started to rise, with over 200 men                                      Stories of toilet rolls and bleach being sold
  Our New Year’s front page was taken up by the devastating fire that      women and small children making the                                        out from supermarkets was a common sight                                We featured the ongoing battle of local
  broke out in Wear Bay Road in Folkestone, which tore through three       trip in a seven day period.                                                in daily newspapers.                                                    residents aiming to stop the building of 20
  Victorian houses and damaged a fourth, although thankfully all the                                                                                                                                                          new houses at Greatstone’s Coast Drive
  residents survived the tragedy.                                          The District Council took a further step                                   The District Council moved quickly to create                            car park.
                                                                           in realising its ambitious plans to design                                 a trio of community hubs across the district –
  We looked at the statistics of migrants who had crossed the Channel      and build a new 10,000 home ‘green’                                        in New Romney at the Romney Marsh Day                                   We also had the tragic story of some of the
  in the previous 12 months, with the official figures finding that 3600   new town along with infrastructure,                                        Centre, Age UK in Hythe and at the Three                                first deaths within our community from
  people had gained entry into the UK, either by sea or in the back of     business centres, schools and medical                                      Hills sports centre in Folkestone. Within                               Covid-19, as a Folkestone care home had
  lorries.                                                                 centres at Otterpool.                                                      days, a network of helpers, volunteers and                              the virus, spread through the home, when a
                                                                                                                                                      supporters were supplying essential supplies                            resident had been sent home from William
  Folkestone & Hythe District Council (F&HDC) announced ambitious          The Looker announced that it would run                                                                                                             Harvey Hospital, having been tested, but
                                                                                                                                                      to people in full lockdown.
  plans to be carbon neutral by 2030, with Council Leader David Monk       monthly fundraising events at St Marys                                                                                                             without the result being made known to the
  ring-fencing £20million over the following decade to help upgrade        Bay Village Hall, with half the money                                      We also featured the first show of                                      Home itself.
  and improve current housing stock and initiatives to help the Council    going towards keeping the paper free,                                      appreciation with the ‘Clap for the NHS’ campaign which saw many of
  reach its goal. Cllr Lesley Whybrow was given the stewardship of         and half going to a local charity every month. The tickets were limited    us, taking to our front doors every Thursday evening and clapping our   New Romney also had the green light from the district planning
  becoming the first Chair of the cross-party working group.               to 250 and sold out in under a week.                                       hands for the workers of the NHS and other key workers.                 authority to build a new state-of-the-art community hall and sports
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              centre in the town.
  Issue 241.                                                                                                                                          Issue 247
                                                                           March                                                                                                                                              Issue 251
  We told the story of the normally quiet                                                                                                             This was the first of the ‘New Look’
                                                                           Issue 244                                                                                                                                          We thought the end was in site when local
  town of New Romney, having its peace                                                                                                                Lookers, but we hoped you would not
  broken when men brandishing knives                                       The first mention of the newly-identified                                  notice the difference too much? Our                                     businesses started preparing to re-open,
  and chains tried to rob a local newly                                    ‘coronavirus’ first made the front page of                                 printers who had been with us since Issue 2                             with the Port Lympne Wild Animal Park
  opened Turkish restaurant. The incident                                  our issue on the 4th of March, with the                                    had to close their doors as the Covid                                   being one of the first to open.
  was shared on social media and                                           headline: ‘Could coronavirus be                                            Pandemic forced thousands of businesses                                 The Looker also took the step to open its
  several people were arrested and                                         crippling your community?’. Within days                                    to close. We thought at first it might mean                             new office in Hythe alongside our very own
  charged by the police, but then failed to                                shops were selling out of face masks                                       the end of The Looker, but thanks to Amber                              ‘Sweet Shop’. The building became
  attend court.                                                            and hand gel. But many claimed that the                                    Print Services, we managed to get the                                   available to us and within a matter of two
                                                                           paper should not be ‘alarmist’ or                                          paper back out within three weeks of the                                weeks we had transformed the shop into
  In Folkestone and Sandgate, people
                                                                           ‘scaremongering’ - and that this would                                     last edition. Everything was now being done                             Looker HQ.
  were saddened to see the condition of
                                                                           be no more than a winter cold for many!                                    from the editor’s living room, with a new
  the privately-managed beach huts -
                                                                                                                                                      computer system and software to collate                                 July
  which had once been so picturesque -                                     We also had the report from our first                                      the edition. Our front page featured a
  looking in a sorry state-of-affairs. This                                ever party night which featured local                                                                                                              Issue 252
                                                                                                                                                      collage of people who going the extra mile
  resulted in the district council agreeing                                singer Peter Dinsley and was a huge                                        within our community, and despite the country almost grinding to a
  to take back the running of the huts and                                 success, with tickets for the next event                                                                                                           The ongoing saga of Princes Parade, a story that The Looker has
                                                                                                                                                      halt, the community spirit had never been so good!
  setting off on a huge investment programme to replace many of the        sold within days of the previous event.                                                                                                            been covering for nearly 3 years, hit the
  damaged huts.                                                                                                                                       With superb weather, a further influx of over 170 migrants in the       headlines when a High Court injunction
                                                                           We also covered the Fifth Continent’s project to ‘Restore, Rediscover      previous seven days had made it over the Channel.                       was sought by the Save Princes Parade,
  Two former airfields were honoured on the Marsh with                     and Reclaim’ the Martello Tower 24 in the heart of Dymchurch.                                                                                      organisation.
  commemorative plaques - the Honey Child Airfield in St Mary in the                                                                                  May
  Marsh and the Jesson Airfield, which had been operational from           There was also a double-page picture special of the Cheriton Festival                                                                              We also covered how some of the play
  1917 to 1939 .                                                           of Lights.                                                                 Issue 248                                                               parks within our district were being gifted
                                                                           Issue 245                                                                                                                                          to local town and parish authorities.
  We also had a sneak preview of the Marsh’s latest attraction, the                                                                                   Still the migrants kept coming, with
  brand new state-of-the-art cinema at the Marsh Academy, with news        The front page revealed that the former                                    confirmation that over 400 had crossed the                              With more unusually high temperatures
  that it planned to open in just a few weeks, with the launch of the      Debenhams building in Folkestone,                                          Channel in the previous month.                                          and people unable to travel abroad, local
  latest 007 offering ‘No Time To Die’                                     had been purchased by the District                                                                                                                 beaches were the ‘go to places’ for many
                                                                                                                                                      Local businesses were reaching out to their                             people who chose to ignore local covid
                                                                           Council and was to be a centrepiece in                                     local communities offering meals and other
  February                                                                 a huge multi-million pound five-to-ten                                                                                                             warnings and head for our beaches.
                                                                                                                                                      services, as we knuckled down to another                                Buses were unable to get through and an
  Issue 242                                                                year project to redevelop Folkestone                                       month of full lockdown.
                                                                           town centre.                                                                                                                                       Air Ambulance had to be called when an
  Dungeness hit national front pages                                                                                                                  The Folkestone Triennial was postponed                                  ambulance could not get through huge
  when Prospect Cottage, formerly                                          We also had more Covid news that the                                       until next year as more events were                                     traffic jams, to attend a small child who
  owned by film-maker Derek Jarman,                                        district’s largest employer, Saga, had                                     cancelled.                                                              had been hit by a car.
  was put on the market. An appeal for                                     suspended its two £400 million pound
                                                                           cruise ships for two months until the                                      The celebration and commemoration of VE day had to be postponed         Issue 253
  over £3million was launched to buy
  the Cottage to conserve it in                                            situation over the virus was known.                                        across the country, with people choosing to mark the occasion from      Hythe’s new Mayor wanted to spread
  perpetuity. This wasn’t popular with                                                                                                                their own homes instead.                                                unity within the town, by celebrating the
                                                                           The Looker launched its new website a
  everyone - although art is in the eye of                                 month early so that we could provide                                       Issue 249                                                               diversity of the historic Cinque Port town
  the beholder – when questions were                                       daily updates about the pandemic.                                                                                                                  by flying the Rainbow ‘Pride Flag’ from
  asked about how a wooden cabin be                                                                                                                   The first of several events across the South                            the Town Hall. But with the access
  valued at more than £3 Million?!                                         The local fight against drugs took a turn when 42 arrests were made        East, was called irresponsible by the                                   denied, this did not stop her and a group
                                                                           in the ‘county cines’ drug bust.                                           Police, when a hundreds of people planned                               of supporters ‘flying the flag’ throughout
  We also told the story of the Romney                                                                                                                a public barbecue in Radnor Park in                                     the High Street.
  Marsh Day Centre, which looked like it                                   In what was the biggest edition of the year to date, we also revealed      Folkestone. The event did go ahead, but
  could receive a drastic cut in its                                       that plans aimed at restoring the historic Leas Pavilion, whilst           crowds where soon dispersed, and a                                      Saga issued the dramatic news that it
  funding, as a result of the way the County Council allocates its         developing a bridged apartment block over the Folkestone landmark          number of arrests made.                                                 regretted having to cut 300 jobs across its
  funding.                                                                 were released to the public to gauge public opinion.                                                                                               business, in the face of business
                                                                                                                                                      The Looker featured on three national TV                                downturn.
  Ambitious plans to develop the Folkestone Harbour area were              April                                                                      Channels after we captured video and
  revealed by the Folkestone & Harbour Seafront Development                                                                                           images of the plight of another boat-load of                            The annual Jam on the Marsh Festival
  Company, headed up with private investment from Sir Roger de             Issue 246                                                                  migrants, including stories of how one                                  went ahead - albeit virtually. This was
  Haan. This had a mixed reception, with many claiming thar Sir Roger                                                                                 family had fled Syria.                                                  followed by a number of other events including the largest free event
                                                                           The Looker has become well known for its April editions over the
  had almost single-handedly saved Folkestone, and others accusing                                                                                                                                                            on the Marsh, the New Romney Country Fayre, being forced to
                                                                           previous nine years, but this time the headlines simply said: ‘April the
  him of profiting out of over developing the seafront.                                                                                                                                                                       postpone for 12 months.
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LOOKER. CO.UK LocalNHSatbreakingpoint Town in - The Looker
Another event which should have taken place was the celebration         Hythe Cricket & Squash Club announced that unless it could raise
     to mark the 200th anniversary of the Old School in New Romney,          funds it may have to shut its doors - within two weeks of The           November
     after many months in the planning, but the occasion was still           Looker-led campaign, the target of £25,000 had been raised, and
     marked with the unveiling of a flag and issue of a commemorative        the Club saved!                                                         Issue 261
     mug and DVD.                                                                                                                                    The Looker used its crystal ball when we
                                                                             The Looker also again hit the national media, when we came up
     Issue 254                                                               with the idea of using available cruise ships as a way of holding       warned that our district had gone from
                                                                             migrants so that they could be processed, in a safe and controlled      having one of the lowest covid infection
     Fears of cockleshell gangs hitting our                                  way.                                                                    rates to one of the highest within seven
     coast led to the a clamp down by local                                                                                                          weeks. We suggested that if we did not
     authorities, with police seizing several                                Issue 258                                                               get the number down, there was a very
     hundred kilograms of cockles and                                                                                                                real danger that we could be put into a
     taking in a number of people for                                        The Home Office announced its
                                                                                                                                                     district with more draconian measures.
     questioning.                                                            decision to commandeer Napier
                                                                             Barracks in Shorncliffe as a housing                                    We also announced that The Looker had
     Dungeness was named as the ‘go to’                                      facility for up to 400 male migrants -                                  opened its own miniature mainline, in our
     place in a survey by leading consumer                                   the only issue was that they forgot to                                  own shop in Hythe High Street.
     magazine Which?.                                                        ask the local authority!
                                                                                                                                                     With some of the season’s first strong winds, we showed what
     But there was more bad news for                                         Another story that made our front                                       happened to the illegal traveller site caravans which were blown over
     employees of Hythe-based company,                                       page was that the RNLI experienced                                 a    and completely destroying two of them.
     Holiday Extras, which announced it                                      a massive dip in donations, which
     was being forced to lay off 250 staff,                                  was put down to both the covid                                          Issue 262
     due to the fall in overseas holiday                                     lockdown and people not being able                                 to   A new leisure centre for Hythe was
     demand.                                                                 visit the boathouses. The Institution                                   announced for Princes Parade, but it was
                                                                             also had to defend itself against                                       the extension to the Hythe Imperial’s leisure
     And concerns were being raised about the number of covid cases          stories that it was using funds to
     at William Harvey Hospital, with infections spreading across the                                                                                centre. Following another fatal accident on
                                                                             rescue migrants, by stating that its whole ethos was to save lives at   the A2070 there were more calls for traffic-
     wards.                                                                  sea, without any judgement.                                             calming measures to be put in place - this
     More migrants arrived on our shores, with Border Force vans now         The announcement that the Nuclear Power Station police would            was the seventh death on this part of the
     being a regular site along our coastline, as the total arriving since   assist with Kent Police to help patrol the local district was           district’s roads within 12 months.
     the start of the year reaching more than 3500.                          welcomed.                                                               New Romney had the news that a new
     August                                                                  October
                                                                                                                                                     £7million business hub would be built at
                                                                                                                                                     Mountfield Road, as part of a joint venture
     Issue 255                                                               Issue 259                                                               with Magnox Dungeness A Power Station –
     The Looker once again made the                                                                                                                  the project is due to be started before the
                                                                             The first warning about the                                             end of the year and could create hundreds of jobs.
     national news with our reporting of an                                  implications of a ‘No Deal’ Brexit
     illegal party that was held at the
     Greatstone Sand Dunes. More than
                                                                             were being raised, with the                                             December
                                                                             announcement that lorries
     2000 revellers arrived at the beach                                     entering the county would need                                          Issue 263
     despite being told by police that the                                   international permits before they
     event was illegal. A number of arrests                                                                                                          Our whole county went into a Tier 4
                                                                             would be able to travel. This was                                       lockdown at a time when many local shops,
     were made and several police hurt in                                    also being made very real with
     scuffles.                                                                                                                                       bars and restaurants traditionally enjoy their
                                                                             hundreds of acres of Sevington                                          busiest period of the year, and hopefully
     A public competition was launched to                                    near Ashford being turned into a                                        make enough money to last through until
     find a new name for the former                                          lorry park, capable of holding and                                      the spring.
     Debenhams building.                                                     processing thousands of lorries in
                                                                             24 hours.                                                               New Romney Town Council announced that
     Issue 256                                                                                                                                       it would install barriers around St Martin’s
                                                                             The development of the new flats in Folkestone that would enable        Field to try to stop travellers from making
     Former local political Leader Robert                                    £4 million pounds worth of restoration of the Leas Club in              illegal encampments.
     Bliss was remembered in the paper,                                      Folkestone was given the green light, providing what was
     after he suffered a massive heart                                       described as a major landmark building for Folkestone. The              The new beach huts that F&HDC built at
     attack. He had been the leader of                                       Folkestone Labour Party disagreed, with members suggesting that         Folkestone proved a massive success with
     Sandgate Council and Shepway                                            it would be better to use the land for affordable housing.              all being rented, and a long waiting list put
     District Council.                                                                                                                               in place. A possibility that some more huts could be built in New
                                                                             The District Council also looked at possible steps towards being        Romney is being discussed in the new year.
     A number of buildings were lit up in red,                               carbon neutral by 2030, and looked at the possibility of selling off
     which was to raise awareness of all the                                 the current Civic Centre and building a new smaller and efficient       Issue 264
     people who worked within the                                            one, possibly at Otterpool.
     entertainment industries, who pointed                                                                                                           Our last edition of the year focussed on the businesses of the local
     out that such an important part of the                                  Issue 260                                                               district that had been affected by the
     county’s economy was being let down                                                                                                             stricter Tier 4 covid lockdown. We featured
                                                                             The Romney Hythe &                                                      the Cinque Ports Pub which wanted to hold
     by the Government’s covid grants.                                       Dymchurch Railway had a                                                 a craft market to raise money for a high
     With schools getting ready to re-open for the first time since the      welcome boost when it                                                   street defibrillator. The district and town
     lockdown began, Kent County Council announced new travel                received nearly half a million                                          council stopped this, but the Mayor offered
     arrangements for pupils.                                                pounds of funding from the                                              to help make up the balance of the cost of
                                                                             Government’s Culture                                                    the defibrillator.
     September                                                               Recovery Fund. Some people
                                                                             had feared for the survival of                                          The five-year fight to try and prevent the
     Issue 257                                                               the historic line, without help                                         building of a new leisure centre hotel and
     This was The Looker’s 10th                                              from the fund.                                                          housing at Princes Parade, was lost at the
     Anniversary Edition, and had a lead                                                                                                             court of judicial review.
                                                                             Hundreds of people turned up
     story stating that no more major                                        to hold a ‘welcome party’ for                                           We also had a exclusive story of local
     developments should be built on the                                     the migrants who had just                                               resident Nigel Farage, played his part in
     Romney Marsh, until adequate                                            arrived at Cheriton’s Napier                                            rescuing two migrants who capsized in the channel.
     infrastructure was put in place. It                                     Barracks. However, a very small
     featured the story of a local New                                                                                                               With uncertainty of a trade deal being done between the UK and the
                                                                             number of what were described
     Romney resident who had to wait over                                                                                                            EU rehearsals for traffic management held up traffic across the region.
                                                                             as extreme ‘right-wing
     four hours for an ambulance, despite                                    protestors’ also tried to disrupt
     police informing the ambulance                                          the meet-and-greet’ event.
     service that it was a critical injury.
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LOOKER. CO.UK LocalNHSatbreakingpoint Town in - The Looker LOOKER. CO.UK LocalNHSatbreakingpoint Town in - The Looker
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