ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST
                                 July 25, 2021
                      Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                Whether you’re a registered parishioner or first-time visitor, we
                hope you feel welcome. There are many ways to get involved.
                If you have any questions, please let one of our staff members
                         know or call the parish office 253-630-0701

                                           MISSION STATEMENT
            The Catholic Community of St. John the Baptist: Where stewardship is a way of
            life and the diversity of our gifts is used to answer Christ’s call to proclaim and
            live the Gospel.
                      Gather in God’s Name, Grow in God’s Time, Go in God’s Spirit

                                                     Fr. Bill is finding it very helpful having you put your name
                                                     on a Hello sticker so he gets to know who our parishion-
                                                     ers are. We will continue this until Aug. 1st.

                                                      Fr. Bill
                                                                              As a way of Welcoming Fr. Bill we

                                                                              have Welcome Banners in the
CONTACT INFORMATION                                   Fr. Bill
                                                           BIENVENIDO        Sanctuary. Please take the time to
25810 156th Ave SE, Covington, WA 98042
                                                                             write your name and if you want to
Phone: 253-630-0701
E-Mail: Website:     Fr. Bill
                                                           MILGAYANG         a message on the banner.
Regular Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 9 am—3 pm Saturday, 10 am —3 pm         PAGDATING
FROM YOUR PASTOR                                                            STEWARDSHIP
                 As I begin my time with you as your pastor,                        We are seeking parishioners who have a
                 I am focused and getting to know you and                           background in health occupations, such
                 how you do things. I sometimes forget that                         as medicine, nursing, dentistry, therapy and
                 you probably also want to get to know me. I                        counseling. If you might be interested in par-
                 have asked our transition team what sort of                        ticipating in a ministry event this fall, please
                 things they think people would want to                contact Anne Frederick at or call the
know. One item that came up a few times was “Why did                   parish office 253-630-0701. Thanks!!!
you decide to come to St. John?”
It is an interesting question, and the answer may not be
what you expected. Basically, it was because the Arch-
bishop asked me to. I was not seeking a move. My own
                                                                                       Parish Stewardship Report for
personal plans were to stay at my last assignment. Then
                                                                                          Sunday, July 18, 2021
one day, at an Archdiocesan meeting, the Vicar for Cler-
gy, who happens to be the cousin of Joan Williamson of
the parish staff, says to me “Bill, I’d like to talk to you
soon. Give me a call.” In that call he said, “The Arch-                Stewardship Envelopes                $      6,611.00
bishop would like you to consider going to St. John the                Stewardship Loose                    $      8,673.50
Baptist Church in Covington.                                           Vigil Lights                         $         82.60
St. John had a great reputation for being a stewardship                St. Vincent de Paul                  $        494.00
parish, active in many ministries, valuing adult faith for-            Facility Use Deposit                 $        100.00
mation and engaged in outreach and justice ministries.                 Mass Intentions                      $         40.00
That made it easier to say yes. The Archbishop was clear-              Euch. Bread Donation                 $         15.00
ly concerned about continuing the many good things tak-                Faith Formation Fees                 $         40.00
                                                                       Marriage Prep Fees                   $        100.00
ing place in this parish and wanted an easy transition as
Fr. Jim entered senior status (i.e. retirement). And I had             Total                                $     16,156.10
to agree with their reasoning. I think Fr. Jim and I share a
similar theological outlook, a common approach to pasto-
ral ministry and comparable style of leadership. But we
are also different enough to bring some variety and possi-
ble new growth. I also considered your founding pastor,                Mark your calendars! On September 11th and 12th St.
Fr. Jack, a friend and mentor. I have always been upset                John the Baptist will be offering everyone in our parish
when I hear about an assignment where the new priest is                family, resources and gifts on being healthy and holy
the exact opposite of the former. I think how unfair to that           across ages and stages of life!
parish. This is certainly not the case here. I thought this
transition would be easy for a parish (but not without the
usual hiccups). The rational of the archbishop and priest
placement board made good sense to me.
The vow of obedience I made to the bishop at ordination
was definitely part of my “Yes.” It’s not a blind “Yes,” but
hopefully one that keeps me open to what the Holy Spirit
wants to accomplish here at St. John. Together with you, I
look forward to discerning where the Spirit wants to lead
this community – especially as we emerge from the Covid
pandemic. We may not be the same as pre-Covid, but
hopefully we will be stronger. For that I want to remain
open ( what some spiritual writers would call
“detachment”) not overly focused on what I want or what
attracts me, but looking at the opportunities before us to             ¡Reserve la fecha!
say “Yes” to God.                                                      El 11 y 12 de septiembre la iglesia de San Juan Bautista ofrecerá
                                                                       a toda la comunidad recursos y artículos que promueven el ser
                     Fr. Bill                                          sano y santo a través de todas edades e etapas de vida.

As Fr. Bill is getting settled in, he finds that he will need a cou-
ple of small to medium size end tables for his office. If you
have tables and would like to donate them you can send us a
picture so Fr. Bill can decide if that is what he is needing.
Thank You
Monday, July 26
Word & Communion, 9 am                                               Please pray for those who are sick: Marylea Brown
Tuesday, July 27                                                     and Gina Howell
Word & Communion, 9 am
Wednesday July 28                                                    Please pray for those who have died : Donald Cote,
Mass, 9 am                                                           Shirley Stewart, Noel Bansil (brother-in-law of Antonio
Thursday, July 29                                                    Cabrera), and Theodorus Maria Pramudito Nugroho
Mass, 6:30 pm                                                        (brother of Maria Nugrahari)
Friday, July 30
Mass, 9 am
Saturday, July 31
Confession, 4 pm
Mass, 5:30 pm
Sunday, Aug 1
Mass, 9 am and 11:30 am                                                            Do you know someone that needs some extra
                                                                                   love? Maybe they are sick, grieving or just need
                                                                                   to be wrapped in prayers. We have many prayer
                                                                                   shawls to choose from at the church office. They
                                                                                   are blessed and free for the taking. Come by and
                                                                                   pick up one for that special person.
                                                                     Yarning for Community has been dormant this past year due to
                   As Fall approaches and hopefully our kids         COVID. We are meeting again at the Covington Library, Mon-
                   will be back in school, we want to reinstate      day, Wednesday, and Friday at 1pm. If the weather is nice, we
                   our Back To School Supply Drive beginning         sit outside on the grass. If it is not, we meet in the foyer of the
                   this weekend and into August. Please pur-         library. Come knit, crochet or spin with us.. Meet new friends
                   chase items when you’re out shopping and          and make items for those in need. All are welcome.
                   help us make this a celebration to get our
                   children back to their school activities. As
                   usual this drive will go to Communities in
                   Schools who support the more needy schools.
Thanks for your help.
The Life, Justice Peace Commission
                                                                                         Interested in playing CYO soccer
                                                                                         for St. Anthony next school year?

                                                                                    Fall Soccer registrations for 2021 are now
        VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL                                                       open
                                                                     If you have a player(s) interested in playing CYO Soccer,
                   All Aboard “Rocky Railway” VBS Train!             click on the link to register them. If this is your first time
                   St. John the Baptist is putting on a hybrid       using Sports Pilot, you need to create your account first
                   Vacation Bible School August 16-20th! The         and then register.
                   CREW will be on screen via zoom for the
                   first half, and in person at the church for the   Link:
                   second half each day. Registration forms are
available at the Faith Formation table, Parish Office, and on        Teams will be formed over the summer so we need all
the website. Please sign up soon so we can get you a music           registrations by the July 30th deadline.
CD! Talk with Joan Williamson if you have any questions. 253         Soccer is open to all St. Anthony school students and non
-630-0701.                                                           -students, as long as their families are members of St.
                                                                     Anthony, St. Steven the Martyr, or St. John the Baptist
                                                                     We have teams for all students in grades K – 8, both boys
                                                                     and girls. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to play CYO
                                                                     soccer next fall.
                                                                      If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
                                                                      Jenny Ramos at

               Find us on Instagram and Facebook:
               Visit our website at, pages are
               updated weekly!
Life, Justice, Peace
                                 Share Your Story:              July 30th is the World Day Against Human Traf-
                          If you have ways you care for         ficking in Persons: The UN lifts July 30 as a day
                                creation, let us know!          to raise awareness of human trafficking in our world
                           Do you grow your own food?           today. They state: “Every country in the world is af-
                         Drive electric or use mass trans-      fected by human trafficking, whether as a country of
                                          it?                   origin, transit, or destination for victims. Traffickers
                                Recycle or compost?             the world over continue to target women and girls.
                          The vast majority of detected victims of trafficking for
                                                                sexual exploitation and 35 per cent of those trafficked
                   Parishioner Spotlight                        for forced labor are female. Conflict further exacer-
Jeanette M shares: “When I was employed at the Reynolds         bates vulnerabilities, with armed groups exploiting
(aluminum) Can Plant in Kent in the 1980’s I learned about      civilians and traffickers targeting forcibly displaced
recycling aluminum. Since then I am a serious recycler of       people.” Did you know that:
numerous materials. I recently learned that just outside the     In 2018 about 50,000 human trafficking victims
  admission gate at the Renton Transfer Station is a abin for   were detected and reported by 148 countries.
used pillows, mattress pads, etc, also cardboard, no cost. I     50 per cent of detected victims were trafficked for
have changed to using pods for both laundry and dishwash-       sexual exploitation, 38 per cent were exploited for
er soap to keep from using those large plastic containers.      forced labour.
Thank you for your story Jeanette! Very inspiring and practi-
cal tips!                                                        Female victims continue to be the primary tar-
                                                                gets. Women make up 46% and girls 19% of all vic-
                                                                tims of trafficking.
“Our insistence that each human being is an image of             Globally, one in every three victims detected is a
God should not make us overlook the fact that each              child.
creature has its own purpose. None is superfluous. The
entire material universe speaks of God’s love, his               The share of children among detected trafficking
boundless affection for us. Soil, water, mountains: eve-        victims has tripled, while the share of boys has in-
rything is, as it were, a caress of God.”                       creased five times over the past 15 years.
Laudato Si
                                                                Let us pray for the intercession of St. Josephine
                                                                Bakhita, patron saint of human trafficking survivors
                   Do you have extra produce from               that together we can work to end this practice.
                   your garden? Would you like to
                   share some with the Covington                St. Josephine Bakhita, pray for us!
                   Storehouse Food Bank to serve
                   our neighbors in need?
                   There is a cooler on the bench at
                   the McMullen Center available to
                                                                                     A Traveler’s Prayer
                   receive your fruit and vegetable
                                                                              Whenever I travel
                   We will be collecting food dona-
                                                                              By land or by sea,
tions and delivering them to the Storehouse on a reg-
                                                                              I always invite God
ular basis.
                                                                              To travel with me.
Thank you for considering and your continued gener-
                                                                              For He is the One
                                                                              Who created it all…
- Garden of the Good Shepherd
                                                                              The tiniest star,
                                                                              Each mountain so tall.
      ANNUAL APPEAL UPDATE                                                    This is the One
                                                                              With whom I would share
                                                                              Each traveling moment,
                                                                              Each traveling prayer
                                                                              And when I come home,
                                                                              I look back and say,
                                                                              Than You, dear God,
WE HAVE REACHED OUR GOAL!!!                                                   For blessings each day!
If you haven’t turned in your pledge please do so.
Our rebate will be used to freshen up the restrooms.                                    Margaret Peterson
Thank you for your generosity.

Our Goal $113,508.00
Pledges= $ 127,258 = 112%
#pledges= 313
Avg. pledge=$ 406.58
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