ST. MARK'S MESSENGER VOLUME 23 ISSUE 3 MARCH 2019 - St. Mark's Lutheran Church (Auburn, IN)

Page created by Charles White
ST. MARK'S MESSENGER VOLUME 23 ISSUE 3 MARCH 2019 - St. Mark's Lutheran Church (Auburn, IN)
                     VOLUME 23 ISSUE 3 • MARCH 2019
The whole world for YHWH’s people in Egypt was making bricks. Bricks, Bricks, Bricks. Their task masters commanded
them to make bricks 7 days a week. They were tied to this calendar and to-do list; their value was determined by their
production. And it was never enough. Every day they had to make more bricks and more bricks, and the quotas never got
smaller, always bigger. They were appropriately labeled as slaves in this system.

Enter Moses. He came to Pharaoh and was used by YHWH to free his people from their slavery. He took the people
deep into the wilderness to Mt. Sinai, and there they met with YHWH to make a covenant with him. Tied into YHWH’s
covenant with his people was the command to honor Sabbath, to organize yourself around rest.

Sabbath is a reminder your value is not found in your production. This is why you can rest. We can rest because how
much work you got done this week has nothing to do with your worth. We find in YHWH’s covenant with his people at
Sinai the promise of freedom from slavery to production. Freedom to see ourselves as valued and worthy of love by
YHWH for just being ourselves. It’s a picture of how YHWH wants the world to be. Remember when YHWH created
the world, he rested on the seventh day enjoying his creation. For believers, Sabbath is joining YHWH in this celebration.

Sabbath is a day for fun and enjoyment. It’s a day where we reset and recharge. It’s a day where we confront Egypt as it
tries creep in. On Sabbath we align ourselves to the way the world that is as YHWH wants it to be.

Far too often, we allow our calendars, to do lists, and quotas to get in the way. We let our worth and our value get tied
into our production. Worse yet, we think we are following Sabbath but inside are still slaves to our production. This is
tempting though, because it is satisfying and gratifying to see the bricks you have produced. While it is satisfying and
gratifying, it’s a trap.

I don’t think Sabbath has to be a particular day (i.e. Sunday or Saturday). It could be any day of the week. (Christians
worship on Sunday for other reasons - I’ll write about that another time. Sabbath is not directly connected to Sunday
worship, although it can be.) In fact, Jesus said it is for us. It’s a day where we remind ourselves we’re not defined by our
production. It’s also a day where we reflect on the ways we have allowed ourselves to be controlled by that which we

For me, Monday is a reminder I am not enslaved to my work: that my worth and value are found in the fact that God
loves me. To do this, I have set some goals to help me.

My Sabbath (aka Monday) Goals:
 •   To not respond to (non-emergency) work                          •     To read a fun book.
     communication.                                                  •     To write.
 •   To be present with my girls.                                    •     To walk my dog
 •   To take a nap.                                                  •     To find new things to cook.
 •   To read about and obsess over Michigan football/                •     To take deep dives.

What about you? How is your life organized? is it organized around production? or celebrating God’s creation? Do you
take a Sabbath? How can you continue to remind yourself that what you do and produce is not the measure for your
worth and value, instead that you are loved by the God who created the universe by speaking it into existence?

For His Kingdom,
Dan Bellinger
Family & Outreach Pastor

ST. MARK'S MESSENGER VOLUME 23 ISSUE 3 MARCH 2019 - St. Mark's Lutheran Church (Auburn, IN)

        March Birthdays                           March Birthdays

  3 — Claire Greathouse                  23 — William Hathaway
  5 — Peggy Badenhop                     24 — Brian Moeller, Glenn
  6 — Katie Carlin                            Mundroff
  7 — Vickie Bergdall                    25 — Diann Hines
  8 — Laura Deckard                      28 — Carol Reese, Jerry
  10 — Ann Friend                             Springer
  12 — Marisa Meschberger                29 — Ruby Tuttle
  14 — Travis Moeller                    31 — Pastor Dan

                                        Prayer Requests
Church Members
Nila Muzzillo, Aaron & Breanna Orwig, Kathleen Lutz, our missionary in Kenya

Friends of St. Mark’s
St. Albens Episcopal Church, Norman Willoughby (friend of John Foell), Barb Zabel (friend of John &
Jane Foell), Paul Marlow (community member)

Shut-ins and Homebound Members
Mary Lu Kain, Joanne Ruger, Marilyn Imus, Dolores Souder, Richard Bowerman, Eleanor Thomas, Betty
Saunders, Ella McClellan, Maxine Mason, Jean Yoder, Noel Flannigan

*Prayer Requests will be kept on this list for two months, unless otherwise requested. If you would like to
add a new request or update us on the status of a person currently on the list, please contact Kathy
Fribley in the office.

ST. MARK'S MESSENGER VOLUME 23 ISSUE 3 MARCH 2019 - St. Mark's Lutheran Church (Auburn, IN)
Church Work Day                                          Conflict Resolution for a Healthy Marriage
Saturday, March 2nd from 1-4pm we will be                This seminar will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m.
having a Work Day to help empty out the                  and end by 8 p.m. This seminar is held at the
upstairs. If you can join us, we would appreciate        Crosswinds Corporate office (4150 Illinois Rd,
all the help that we can get!                            Fort Wayne IN 46804). Cost is $15/person.
                                                         Date: March 5, 2019, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
                                                         Presented by: Phil Erichsen, MA, LMHC
Family Game Night (March 2)
                                                         Online Option: If you are unable to attend this
It’s that time of year - come join us March 2
                                                         seminar in person, you have the option of
from 5:00-8:00pm for Family Game Night. Bring
                                                         purchasing a webinar ticket and viewing the
a chili to pass as we’ll have a chili cook-off!
                                                         seminar live online on your laptop or tablet.
We’d love you to let us know you’re coming.
                                                         Description: Every marriage has conflict; let us
Please sign up in Kraus Korner! See Pastor
                                                         help you navigate it in a healthy and productive
Dan with any questions.
                                                         way. During this seminar, couples will discover
                                                         how to develop greater authenticity, deeper
Preschool Expansion                                      connections, and increased understanding with
As previously announced, our preschool is                each other by learning a very simple process for
expanding and will be adding classroom space             honest expression and empathic listening.
on the top floor of the building above the office.
Starting Sunday, March 3, no one will be                 Coffee/Hospitality & Sunday School
permitted to go up to that top floor except              The Worship Assistant Schedule is located in
contractors, church staff, and our project               Kraus Korner. We need more volunteers for
manager, David Treckman. Thank you for your              Coffee/Hospitality and Sunday School. The
cooperation and understanding!                           Sunday School schedule is on a separate sheet
                                                         in Kraus Korner.
Ash Wednesday & Lent
Ash Wednesday service will be March 6 at                 Grandparents & Caregivers Support Group
7:00pm. Wednesday Lent services will be                  Every 4th Tuesday of the month, from
March 13, 20, 27, April 3 & 10 at 7:00pm. Lent           6:30-7:30pm at the Heimach Center (1800 E 7th
Suppers will be every Wednesday except Ash               St., Auburn) there will be a support group for
Wednesday at 6:00pm. There is a sign-up sheet            custodial grandparents and grandparents who
in Kraus Korner for helping with the Lent                often care for their grandchildren. If you would
Suppers.                                                 like to come and need childcare, please contact
                                                         Amanda and Rita at 260-357-3333.
Easter Sunday
Easter is Sunday April 21 this year. Our services        Save the Date
that Sunday will be 9:00am Traditional and               March 2 - Work Day for preschool expansion
11:15am Modern. Be thinking and praying about            March 2 - Family Game Night
who to invite to join us in worship for Easter.          March 9 - Quarterly Prayer Day
                                                         April 13 - Church Work Day
Choir Chimers Rehearsals                                 April 20 - Easter Fund Day
March 3, 10 and 17 at 8:45 a.m.                          April 20 - Prayer Vigil
                                                         April 21 - Easter Sunday
                                                         April 28 - About St. Mark’s Class
Confirmation Schedule
March 10 — Confirmation class at 5pm

Support St. Mark’s Early Learners While                  Please be watching, reading and praying for
Buying your Groceries                                    updates on these three big areas of focus for
We have been approved to be part of the                  this year.
Community Rewards Program with Kroger. If
you have a Kroger card, please sign up and
                                                         Celebrate Recovery
Early Learners gets a percentage each quarter.
                                                         St. Mark’s has partnered with Celebrate
Steps to Sign Up
                                                         Recovery--a place for people walking through
        • Go to You may need
                                                         hurts, hang-ups, and habits--at the Cupbearer
to make an account if you do not have one.
                                                         Cafe. There is a community meal at 5:30 p.m.
        • Click “Savings & Rewards” at top
                                                         every Thursday with the Celebrate Recovery
        • Select “Community Rewards” from drop
                                                         large group meeting at 6:30 p.m. If you would
down menu then “I am a customer”.
                                                         like more information about CR or are interested
        • Search EA418.
                                                         in attending, please see a pastor.
        • Click to enroll in St. Mark’s Early
Please note that this has no negative impact on          Opportunities to Serve
earning fuel points and you get the normal               Nursery:
prices.                                                  We are looking for individuals to serve for one
                                                         of the Sunday morning services once a month,
                                                         especially the 11:30 service. Please contact
Support St. Mark’s while shopping
                                                         Pastor Dan if interested.
Do you ever shop on Amazon? If so, you can
get the same great prices and support St.
                                                         Church Picnic Coordinator:
Mark’s. Instead of going to,
                                                         We are looking for someone to coordinate next
instead, go to and select St.
                                                         year’s church picnic.
Mark’s Lutheran Church as your charity. Every
time you shop amazon, simple go to
                                                         Preschool Volunteers: and a portion of your
                                                         As our preschool grows we are looking for some
purchases will go back to the church general
                                                         preschool volunteers to spend time with our
fund. You will still get the same prices, shipping
                                                         children in the classroom. Ideally, volunteers
and benefits, but St. Mark’s will gain a portion
                                                         would come for 2 hours one day a week each
from your shopping. Note: this does not work if
                                                         week in the 9:30-3:30 time frame. Retirees,
you shop using the app or the regular
                                                         working adults, parents, grandparents are all page, but only if you use
                                                         welcome. Please contact Linda or the church and select St. Mark’s.
                                                         office if you are willing to help.

Weather Woes
                                                         Weekly Bible Studies
When winter hit in January, it hit hard. As a
                                                         Pastor’s Bible Study
result we have had one worship service
                                                         Pastor’s Bible Study continues every Thursday
cancelled for the first time in six and half years
                                                         at 10:00 a.m. Bring your Bible and join us!
and lower attendance on other Sundays. This
has put us far behind with our budget and giving
to start the year. If you need to catch up or are        Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study
able to help us catch up, we would certainly be          March 10th & 24th
                                                         Sunday Sermon Series
2019 Plans                                               We are in a three-week series on testimonies,
This year we have three big items we will be             Stories of Gods People that will feature some of
working on, our Engaging Young Adult Initiative,         our staff members. For Lent, on Wednesday
a Mental Health Ministry in partnership with the         night we will look at vocabulary and on Sunday
community and the expansion of the preschool.            mornings our sermon series is Wholeness in

Jesus. If you have to miss a Sunday, you can           Thank You
always watch or listen online to the sermon or         The Council, Staff, and Congregation of St.
request a DVD of the service from the church           Mark’s:
office.                                                Thank you for all your prayers. We appreciate
                                                       the food provided for the dinner.
                                                       Sincerely, The family of Terry Harr
Upcoming Sunday Morning Sermon Series
We encourage you to read the passage for
each week the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday           Winter Cancellations
before worship and the Monday, Tuesday, and            While the winter weather arrived late, it is
Wednesday after worship as a way to further            certainly here. We try not to cancel any events,
prepare for, reflect on, and listen to God as we       especially worship, however, weather and
look to the Bible together.                            safety often require us to do so. In case of
                                                       inclement weather or other emergencies, St.
            Stories of God’s People                    Mark’s Lutheran Church may cancel events,
3/3 - Testimony-Laura Deckard                          programs, services or close the church office as
                                                       needed. The following are some of the
           Ash Wednesday & Lent                        procedures and guidelines used for
3/6 - Ash Wednesday [TBD]                              cancellation:
3/13 - Vocabulary, Trust [TBD]
3/20 - Vocabulary, Apprentice [TBD]                    Communication
3/27 - Vocabulary, Equip [TBD]                         When Sunday worship services are canceled,
4/3 - Vocabulary, DNA & Culture [TBD]                  the church will provide notice via social media,
                                                       the church website, email and through local TV
              Wholeness in Jesus                       stations (currently just WANE TV-CBS). The
3/10 - What does it mean to be whole?                  cancellation will be listed as ‘St. Mark’s
[1 Thess. 5:23-24]                                     Lutheran-Auburn.’
3/17 - Obstacles to Wholeness [Matt. 23:23-28]         For all other events, programs and office
3/24 - Wholeness in body, mind, spirt                  closures, notice will be provided via social
[Matt. 22:34-40]                                       media, the church website, email and door
3/31 - Spiritual Wholeness [John 4:1-15]               signage when possible.

                                                       Criteria for Cancellation
                                                       Generally, Sunday worship services are not
                                                       cancelled unless a state of emergency is
                                                       declared, the church is unsafe/unusable or staff
                                                       cannot safely get to the church for worship
                                                       For all other events, programs and church office
                                                       closures, the decision to cancel or close is
The Loft Schedule
                                                       made based on safety, the significance of the
March 10 - Loft Gathering at 6pm
                                                       event and the population served. The decision
                                                       is made by the Senior Pastor in consultation
Pastor Marcus' Sabbatical Reminder                     with staff, council members or ministry team
As a reminder to the congregation, from May 30         leaders as appropriate. In the case of Sunday
-July 31, 2019, Pastor Marcus will be on               morning services, at least one staff and council
Sabbatical. If you have any questions, please          member are consulted before making a decision
see the Sabbatical Team, Sue Brown, Marilyn            to cancel.
Myers, Mason Reese, or Vicki Marhenke.

Summer Camp Reminder                                    Our business meetings are short, sweet, and to
While it is cold and snowy and icy, we believe          the point.
that summer is coming soon. If you are planning         When a person attends for the first time, they
on your kids going to summer camp through the           often say, “I feel like I have come home, this is
Lutheran Outdoor Ministries, we wanted to               my family.” As I have walked around the
remind you that St. Mark’s will cover half of the       convention centers over the years, I have seen
cost of their week of camp. If you have any             people visiting over a cup of coffee, getting to
questions, please see Pastor Dan.                       know each other, or reconnecting after a year’s
                                                        absence. I have seen people from all over the
ALPHA                                                   world—literally. People from Eastern Europe,
Alpha continues to meet each Monday in the              Southeast Asia, South Africa, South Sudan,
Chapel at the Auburn YMCA. We would love to             Europe, Canada, Mexico, South America, and
have you join us and invite your friends as well.       all across the US come to be a part of what the
We will be meeting every Monday until March             Spirit is doing in and through LCMC.
18th. Dinner is at 6 pm. Yes, you read that             One of the most fun things we do is to connect
right; we feed you too! Free child watch is also        with those who serve us our food. The
available to those wishing to attend. We would          convention centers have catering departments
love to spend time with you and enjoy fellowship        that employ all who wait on tables. I encourage
and good conversation. If you have any                  our people to reach out to them, get to know
questions, please contact Nicki, in the church          their names, and maybe even offer to pray for
office or email at             any need they might share. Seeing our people
                                                        praying with the wait staff is amazing. These
                                                        servers almost always have more than one job,
                 LCMC Update                            often struggling to pay their bills and care for
                                                        their families. After our last meal, I invite our
Article by Mark Vander Tuig, Service                    participants to leave a tip on the table. We find
Coordinator of LCMC                                     ushers to gather the tips, give them to our
                                                        administrators, Sharon MacFadyen and Cathy
We just finished our 18th Annual Gathering and          Nichol, to count, then deliver it to the food
Convention in Des Moines, Iowa. It ran from             service manager to divide among all the
October 7-10, and we had one of the best times          servers. I have been told year after year that no
that I can remember—and I have been to every            one ever does this. And we are generous! This
one of our 18 gatherings! Our keynote speakers          year our people left over $4000 for the servers
were Dr. Kent Hunter and Tracee Swank of the            —all in the name of the one who gave
Church Doctor Ministries; they were excellent.          everything for us, Jesus.
Their theology is orthodox Lutheran, their              If you have never been to an LCMC gathering
perspective is missional, but what makes them           and convention, here is my invitation to join us
such a good fit for LCMC is their heart for the         next year at the CHI Convention Center,
ministry and mission of the local church. That’s        Omaha, Nebraska, September 29-October 2,
what we are all about.                                  2019. You will find it unlike any other church
If you have never been to an annual gathering           meeting you have ever been to before.
and convention, you are missing out on a great
family reunion. I remember being a part of two
previous Lutheran denominations and attending
their annual synodical meetings. Ours could not
be more different. We enjoy each other’s
company; we worship in the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit; we vote on the
budget and the minutes and have regional
elections to the Board of Trustees; we worship
and fellowship together. We pray for our
pastors, and we pray for our church leaders.
Kingdom Community Page

     [This page is a place to find information for the Kingdom Communities connected with St. Mark’s.]

Kingdom Keepers - Blessed to be a Blessing
We are a community that serves the women and children in need in our community by being the
hands and feet of Jesus. We do this by coming along side local non-profits and ministries serving
individuals that are in need. We also meet regularly for food, reading the Bible and to pray for one

Currently we are serving at Hearten House and Serenity House once a month and meeting once a
month for fellowship, devotions and planning.

Tuesdays: March 5, 12, and 19th we are meeting at St. Mark's and teaching ladies of Hearten House
to make tie blankets for the Women's Care Clinic. Come at 6:00-7:15pm. For more information see
Melanie Carlin.

Sunday, March 10 meet at Five Lakes Coffee for fellowship and planning at 4:00pm.

Sunday, March 24 we will meet at the church at 4:00pm and go to Serenity House to play some
games with the ladies and take a simple dinner to eat with them. See Diann Hines for more

St. Mark’s Culture & DNA

This new section of our newsletter is meant to be a source of education to help us better understand
the culture, DNA, structure and ministry of St. Mark’s. We hope you find this encouraging, informative,
challenging and inspiring. It’s critical as we develop a Kingdom Culture we have the same
understanding, language and information, so we do encourage you to read this section each month.

                                                    Our DNA:
While we are all unique and have our own unique DNA, we also as a church have a shared and unique DNA.
Below is our vision statement, a key part of our DNA.

Our vision is essentially a picture of what it would look like to be achieving our mission. Our vision is the story
that we are writing with God at St. Mark’s.
Our broader vision is to be a church, a community of believers who seeks to trust the Holy Spirit in all things,
seeking to do and be the people and the church we are called to be to one another, our community and the
world. Keeping Christ at the center with an emphasis on discipleship in word and deed, we seek to live out the
great commission in all aspects of our ministry and our lives. Being missionally focused, we are people and a
church that are sent into the world to make Jesus tangible to all.
Our specific vision is to be a church that revitalizes churches in Northeast Indiana. We want to work with and
lead churches to vitality and health. The goal is to help churches be revitalized spiritually and in mission and
vision. We want to equip, train and educate current and future leaders of churches that are in need of and
desire revitalization in Jesus Christ, helping all churches become New Testament churches in our society

Vision Summary:
• Build a Kingdom Culture at St. Mark’s.
• Reach people for Jesus, living out the Great Commission.
• Revitalizing Churches.

                                                Our Vocabulary:
Most churches (along with other organizations) do not realize that the language and the vocabulary of the
organization have great significance to the organization.One of the cornerstones of any culture is language or
vocabulary. This month our vocabulary word is Disciple.

Disciple: one who learns from, follows and is a pupil or apprentice of Jesus Christ. Following Christ, loyalty to
Christ, a desire both to learn from Christ and to teach what has been learned, a desire to multiply disciples and
become more like Christ are some key markers of a disciple. Making disciples is our focus along with creating
a discipleship culture. To be a disciple of Jesus is to imitate Jesus in all areas of life.

                                              Prayer of the Month:
Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, All things pass away: God never changes. Patience obtains
all things. He who has God finds he lacks nothing; God alone suffices. [Prayer of St. Teresa of Avilla]

                                        Culture Question of the Month:
What do you see God doing in the world right now?

Montessori Moment

Happy Valentines Day! We have had a fun month of
Valentine-themed work, and we passed out cards (and
LOTS of candy) to our friends. The fellowship hall play
space has been a blessing during this cold, snowy

We are so excited about the addition of a second
classroom upstairs. There will be lots of need for help
during the renovation. If you’d like to help paint, put
together class materials, etc. please email Linda.

        Do you shop at Kroger?                                             Want to help?

   1.    Go to                            •   Homemade play dough
                                                          •   Various sewing projects-email Linda
   2. (Optional) If you do not have one, set up a         •   Dixie cups
      Kroger account that is connected to your            •   Volunteer for church workdays upstairs to
      card.                                                   get our second classroom ready!
   3. Click on “Savings & Rewards”.

   4. Click on “Kroger Community Rewards”
                                                          We are looking for substitutes for the
   5. Search our code EA418 for St. Mark’s                2018-2019 school year. If you would be
      Early Learners.                                     interesting in helping in the classroom as a
                                                          substitute or donating the above items please
   6. Click “Enroll”.                                     email Linda at

St. Mark’s Financial Update

Operating Fund Snapshot
General Fund/Budget/Operating Fund
The Operating Fund is our yearly budget. This is also called the general fund. This is what Pastor Dan likes to
describe as the ‘regular’ income and expenses of the church. The Operating Fund covers those things that
occur on a regular basis such as compensation for Pastor Marcus, Pastor Dan, Kathy and Laura and things
such as utilities, insurance and other regular expenses for our staff, building and ministries. This is different
from the special (restricted/designated accounts) that cover new initiatives and one-time or special expenses.

Through January 31, 2019                                     Operating Fund Reserve Remaining: $18,072.22
                         Income                        Expense                     Net
Budget                   $22,422.92                    $22,422.92                  -$0
Actual                   $20,117.09                    $23,833.83                  $-3,716.74
Difference               -$2,839.16                    -$1,410.41                  —————
Finance Education for March
St. Mark’s utilizes various funds to help categories, track and spend the funds we receive. This is due to a
variety of factors, primarily focused on meeting the needs of the church and honoring designed giving from
those who give to St. Mark’s. Throughout the year, we want to educate you about these various funds in our
newsletter. This month we are focused on our two funds: the Youth Fund, and the Memorial Fund.

Youth Fund: This is the main source of funds for ministry and programs to and with our children, youth and
families. We have a small amount of budget funds each year that are used for things like Sunday School and
Vacation Bible School. The youth fund is used when this is depleted an to cover other events, programs and
ministries for our children and youth. The primary source of income for the youth fund is our fair parking event.
The congregation works together to run this important fundraiser to support our children and youth. The youth
fund covers some of the cost of retreats, mission trips and other children, youth and family events. This fund is
also used to support our children and youth that go to one of our three Lutheran summer camps. St. Mark’s
pays half the fee for any child or youth from St. Mark’s that participates and has for a number of years. The
money for this comes from the youth fund. We do receive some donations to this fund in addition to youth
payments and fair parking monies from time to time. Next time you are working the fair parking, remember,
what you are doing makes a difference!

Memorial Fund: This is the fund that contains memorial gifts given to St. Mark’s in honor of the passing of a
person from St. Mark’s, someone who asks for donations to be made to St. Mark’s or someone who has a
connection to someone at St. Mark’s. When these gifts are received, the family is notified and the church
secretary keeps track of the amounts given in the name of each person. All these gifts are kept in the Memorial
Fund until they are used. There is a specific policy governing the use of Memorial Funds depending on the
amount and the project. The Pastor, the family of the person who the monies were given in honor of are always
involved in the use of the fund. Depending on the amount of the gifts, the finance team and the council may be
involved in the decision as well. Please note, this does not include estate gifts. Estate gifts are handled
differently and covered under a different policy. Estate gifts are gifts given to the church directly from the estate
of a deceased former member. If you are interested in seeing a copy of the policy that guides our Memorial
Fund (or our estate gifts), please contact the church office.

Worship Assistant Schedule March 3, 2019 to March 20, 2019

                    March 3              Ash Wed.          March 10          March 13           March 17           March 20
                                                                              (Wed.)                                (Wed.)

Preaching        Laura D.            Pastor Dan           Pastor Marcus   Pastor Marcus       Pastor Dan         Nicki M.

Assisting        Rod K.              Diann H.             Pastor Dan      John F.             Nicki M.           Dave H.
Minister (T)
Children Time    Jessica C.          N/A                  Nicki M.        N/A                 Andre V.           N/A
Acolyte (T)                          Abby C.              Alex L.         N/A                 Alex L.            N/A

Lector (T)       Jane F.             Bill H.              Marilyn M.      Sue B.              Mary H.            Kathy G.

Communion        Glenn M. &          Rex & Vicki B.       Rod K. &        Marge N.            Janice T. & Peggy Diann H.
Asst. (T)        Peggy B.                                 Diann H.                            B.

Ushers (T)       Jerry S., Rex B.,   Rod K., Tina M.      Jerry S., Rex   Kathy G., Stan B.   Jerry S., Rex &    Glenn M., Len M.
                 Tony K., Stan B.                         B., Russ H.,                        Vicki B., Art B.
                                                          Janice T.
Greeters (T)     Vicki M.            Ken & Mary H.        Russ & Barb     Rod & Barb K.       Bill & Sarah H.    Rex & Vicki B.
Nursery (T)      Barb H.             N/A                  Jessica C.      N/A                 Jim & Ann F.       N/A

Sunday School                        N/A                                  N/A                                    N/A
Tech (T)         Connie & Barry Barry T. & Micah C.       Connie M. &     Nicki M.            Barry T.           Marge N.
                                                          Alex K.

Prayer Team      P. Dan & Brian      Mary H. & Nicki M.   Andre V. & Sue Jessica C.           Jayne M. & Mary Sue B.
(T)              M.                                       B.                                  H.
Altar            Diann H.            Diann H.             Diann H.        Diann H.            Diann H.           Diann H.

Coffee/          Lora K., &          N/A                                  N/A                                    N/A
Hospitality      Hines
Emcee (M)        Pastor Marcus       N/A                  Pastor Dan      N/A                 Nicki M.           N/A

Communion (M) Pastor Marcus          N/A                  Pastor Dan      N/A                 Jeff R.            N/A

Prayer Team      Andre V.            N/A                  Andre V.        N/A                 Cindy R.           N/A
Greeters/Usher   Linda Wolff         N/A                  Tina M.         N/A                 Jeff & Cindy R.    N/A
Nursery (M)      Heidi M.            N/A                  Carol R.        N/A                 Ashlyn R.          N/A

Tech (M)         Alex K. & P.        N/A                  Barry T.        N/A                 Mason & Jarrett N/A
                 Dan                                                                          R.

Other            N/A                 N/A                  N/A             N/A                 N/A                N/A

Worship Assistant Schedule March 24, 2019 to March 31, 2019

                        March 24          March 27 (Wed.)           March 31

Preaching           Andre V.             Andre V.            Pastor Marcus

Assisting Minister John F.                                   Brian M.
Children Time (T)   Nicki M.             N/A                 Pastor Dan

Acolyte (T)         Camden K.            N/A                 Abby C.

Lector (T)          Lora K.              Russ H.             Marge N.

Communion Asst.     Glenn M. & Rex B.    Rod K.              Connie M. & Janice T.

Ushers (T)          Jerry S., Len M.,    Janice T., Rex B.   Jerry S., Rex & Vicki B.,
                    Tina M., Kathy G.                        Tony K.
Greeters (T)        Len & Carolyn        Dave & Jayne M.     Jim & Ann F.

Nursery (T)         Carol R. & Linda     N/A                 Jessica C.
Sunday School (T)                        N/A

Tech (T)            Connie M.                                Barry T. & Alex K.

Prayer Team (T)     Brian M. & Mary H.   Nicki M.            Andre V. & Mary H.

Altar               Diann H.             Diann H.            Diann H.

Coffee/                                  N/A
Emcee (M)           Nicki M.             N/A                 Nicki M.

Communion (M)       Marilyn M.           N/A                 Andre V.

Prayer Team (M)     Jayne M.             N/A                 Jessica C.

Greeters/Usher      Linda Wolff          N/A                 Tina M.
Nursery (M)         Heidi M.             N/A                 Linda Wolf

Tech (M)            Marge N.             N/A                 Pastor Dan

Other               N/A                  N/A                 N/A

MARCH 2019
              Sunday                         Monday                Tuesday          Wednesday                 Thursday                  Friday                Saturday
24                                     25                    26                27                        28                     1                        2
Kenya Trip                             Kenya Trip            Kenya Trip        Kenya Trip                10:00 AM Pastor's Bible Pastor Marcus' Day Off   1:00 PM Work Day
9:30 AM Worship Service with Communion Pastor Dan's Day Off                     8:30 AM Open Prayer &     Study                                           5:00 PM Family Game
10:30 AM Coffee Hour                    6:00 PM ALPHA                           Communion                 5:00 PM Modern Service                          Night
10:50 AM Sunday Morning Adult Bible                                            9:00 AM Prayer            Rehearsal
Study                                                                          Gathering                 5:30 PM Celebrate
11:30 AM 11:30 Gathering (Modern)                                              9:30 AM Pastoral Team     Recovery
5:00 PM Confirmation                                                           Meeting
6:00 PM The Loft Gathering                                                     7:00 PM Choir Practice
3                                      4                     5                 6                         7                      8                        9
8:45 AM Choir Chimers Rehearsal        Pastor Dan's Day Off                     Ash Wednesday             10:00 AM Pastor's Bible Pastor Marcus' Day Off   Quarterly Prayer Day
9:30 AM Worship Service with Communion 6:00 PM ALPHA                           8:30 AM Open Prayer &     Study
10:30 AM Coffee Hour                                                            Communion                 5:00 PM Modern Service
11:30 AM 11:30 Gathering (Modern)                                              9:00 AM Prayer            Rehearsal
                                                                               Gathering                 5:30 PM Celebrate
                                                                               9:30 AM Pastors & Kathy   Recovery
                                                                               12:00 PM Geneology
                                                                               7:00 PM Ash Wednesday
                                                                               8:00 PM Choir Practice
10                                     11                    12                13                        14                     15                       16
Daylight Saving Time Begins            Pastor Dan's Day Off                     8:30 AM Open Prayer &     10:00 AM Pastor's Bible Pastor Marcus' Day Off
8:45 AM Choir Chimers Rehearsal        6:00 PM ALPHA                           Communion                 Study
9:30 AM Worship Service with Communion                                         9:00 AM Prayer            5:00 PM Modern Service
10:30 AM Coffee Hour                                                            Gathering                 Rehearsal
10:50 AM Adult Bible Study                                                     9:30 AM Pastors           5:30 PM Celebrate
11:30 AM 11:30 Gathering (Modern)                                              Meeting                   Recovery
5:00 PM Confirmation                                                           11:00 AM All Staff         7:00 PM Council Meeting
6:00 PM The Loft Gathering                                                     Meeting
                                                                               4:00 PM Preschool
                                                                               Board Meeting
                                                                               6:00 PM Lent Supper
                                                                               7:00 PM Lent Service

                                                                               8:00 PM Choir Practice
17                                     18                    19                20                        21                     22                       23
St. Patrick's Day                      Pastor Dan's Day Off                     England Trip              England Trip            England Trip            England Trip
9:30 AM Worship Service with Communion 6:00 PM ALPHA                           Spring Begins             10:00 AM Pastor's Bible Pastor Marcus' Day Off
10:30 AM Coffee Hour                                                            9:00 AM Prayer            Study
11:30 AM 11:30 Gathering (Modern)                                              Gathering                 5:00 PM Modern Service
                                                                               9:30 AM Pastoral Team     Rehearsal
                                                                               Meeting                   5:30 PM Celebrate
                                                                               12:00 PM Geneology        Recovery
                                                                               12:00 PM Senior
                                                                               6:00 PM Lent Supper
                                                                               7:00 PM Lent Service
                                                                               8:00 PM Choir Practice
24                                     25                    26                27                        28                     29                       30
England Trip                           England Trip          England Trip      England Trip              England Trip            England Trip
9:30 AM Worship Service with Communion Pastor Dan's Day Off                     9:00 AM Prayer            10:00 AM Pastor's Bible Pastor Marcus' Day Off
10:30 AM Coffee Hour                                                            Gathering                 Study
10:50 AM Adult Bible Study                                                     9:30 AM Pastoral Team     5:00 PM Modern Service
11:30 AM 11:30 Gathering (Modern)                                              Meeting                   Rehearsal
                                                                               6:00 PM Lent Supper       5:30 PM Celebrate
                                                                               7:00 PM Lent Service      Recovery
                                                                               8:00 PM Choir Practice
31                                     1                     2                 3                         4                      5                        6
9:30 AM Worship Service with Communion April Fool' Day                         8:30 AM Open Prayer &     10:00 AM Pastor's Bible Pastor Marcus' Day Off
10:30 AM Coffee Hour                    Pastor Dan's Day Off                     Communion                 Study
11:30 AM 11:30 Gathering (Modern)                                              9:00 AM Prayer            5:00 PM Modern Service
                                                                               Gathering                 Rehearsal
                                                                               12:00 PM Geneology        5:30 PM Celebrate
                                                                               Group                     Recovery
                                                                               6:00 PM Lent Supper
                                                                               7:00 PM Lent Service
                                                                               8:00 PM Choir Practice
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
211 West Ninth Street
Auburn, IN 46706
Web Page:
Pastor Marcus:
Pastor Dan:

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                                 Building Relationships
                                  Transforming Lives

St. Mark’s Messenger is published monthly by St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
The Rev. Dr. Marcus J. Carlson Senior Pastor
Rev. Dan Bellinger               Family & Outreach Pastor
Andre Vogel                      Pastoral Intern
Nicki McKean                     Young Adult & Evangelism Minister
Laura Deckard                    Director of Music
Kathy Fribley                    Church Secretary
Linda Vandemark                  Preschool Director

Our Mission: To bring about transformation in individuals, families, our community, and
                           the world through Jesus Christ

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