St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033

St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ • June 5 & 6, 2021

                                                 St.P Mary
                                                      A R
                                                           of the Hill
                                                           I    S  H
                                                 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033
       Why Do We Do That? -                         Located on the scenic grounds of Holy Hill
       Catholic Life Explained

Question: Why are some saints honored
as “patron saints”?

Each person is unique and each of us has
different gifts, interests, talents, and, yes,
even struggles and areas where we need
to grow. This is no less true of those holy
women, men, and children who have been
canonized or beatified.

Because we believe that the saints and
blesseds are both models of faith and
intercessors, Christians have looked to
certain holy people as role models and
heavenly protectors for occupations,
spiritual charisms, and even places.
Although the Church sometimes names a
person as a patron saint (e.g. Saint Philip
Neri as the patron of Rome, Saint Clare of
Assisi as the patroness of television, or
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga as the patron of
youth and young adults), more often it
is popular devotion that inspires lay
Christians to turn to a particular saint or
blessed for heavenly help and support.
This is how, for example, Saint Cecilia
came to be honored as the patroness of
musicians, Saint Toribio Romo as patron
of migrants coming into the United
States, and Saint Gertrude of Nivelles
as patroness of cat lovers. Although there
are official and unofficial lists of patron
saints, we should always feel free to ask
any and all the saints to give us their
patronage and protection in whatever it is
that we need. ©LPi

        Liturgical Roles, Bulletins, Newsletters, and more… can be viewed at
St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033
  Quotation                                                                      Antique & Flea Market
    of the Week
                                                Mark your calendars for the 31st Annual Antique & Flea Market, Saturday July
Sayings of Light and Love. . .                  31, 2021 from 7am-3pm. Spaces (10 x 30) are $40 per space until July 6th;
    O Lord, my God who will seek you            $50 thereafter. Call Tony Heppe with any questions, 262-665-9209.
    with simple and pure love and not
          find you are all He desires. . .                                  St. Mary of the Hill Boutique
                     -St. John of the Cross                        If you (or anyone you know) are doing spring closet cleaning,
                                                                   please keep this year's boutique in mind. Items we are looking
                                                                   for include gently used name brand/designer women clothing
                                                (including workout and maternity), purses, hats, shoes, jewelry, belts, scarves
       Mass Intentions 2021
Saturday, June 5, 2021
                                                and any other fine women accessories. We also need hangers. You can start
4:00pm Parishioners of St. Mary                 dropping items off at the parish center, please have any donations to the parish
       of the Hill                              center by July 12th. Thank you so much! If you have any questions, please call
Sunday, June 6, 2021                            the parish office 262-628-3606 ext 3.
7:00am Tony Loosen †
9:30am Janet Rothenhoefer †
Thursday, June 10, 2021
                                                                       St. Dymphna Mental Health Group
6:00pm Jim Griesmer †                                                     Next Meetings: June 7 & 21 at 1pm.
Saturday, June 12, 2021                         We are a Catholic mental health and spiritual group for people with mental illness or
4:00pm for the Sibley family and all            addictions. We meet the first and third Monday of each month at the parish center. If
        families                                you have any questions, please feel free to contact; Kim M. Geisler at 262-229-0821 or
Sunday, June 13, 2021                           email: God bless you all.
7:00am Parishioners of St. Mary
        of the Hill
9:30am Xander Locke †
                                                                 YEAR END FFF CELEBRATION
         Weekly Donations                                                     Join us for kickball & fellowship
     Due to the bulletin deadlines the                                                Sunday, June 6th
    financial information will be listed
         in next week’s bulletin.                                                  10:30 am -12:00 pm
                                                                 Grassy Area North of St. Mary of the Hill
    Altar Flower Donations
    The flower intentions this week:                             Bring lawn chairs. All are welcome to attend.
    In loving memory of Joan Bodden

 Do You Play A Musical Instrument?
                                                                                        New Little Lambs Program
                                                                   Little Lambs Parents: "Gather the Lambs" save the date: June 12 & 13.
 How about sharing your talent with
                                                                   After the 4pm Mass and 9:30am Mass, this is an opportunity for
 everyone at St. Mary of the Hill? Give
                                                                   children of faith to meet other children of faith. In June children can
 Richard a call at 262-673-7505 ext 8.
                                                                   pick up their own Balsam Fir seedling to plant as a wonderful memory
                                                                   for years to come.

                                                Wedding Banns III
                                                               Debbie Smalley and Jeff Piotrowski
                                                Wedding Banns I
                                                                  Katie White and Tristan Hixon
      Prayer for Carmelites
               Each week, we ask that you          Please keep our engaged couples in your prayers as they prepare for the
               pray for the Discalced                                 sacrament of matrimony.
               Carmelite Friars.
               This week we ask prayers
               for God to continue to bless                                 Wedding Congratulations
               and strengthen:                                          Emilie Pellmann and Shaun Murphy
           Fr. Phillip Thomas                                                 who were married, Saturday, June 5, 2021

2      Welcome to St. Mary of the Hill Parish                      Please keep them and all newly married couples in your prayers.
St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033
The Most Holy Body and                   REGISTRATION is
                                    Blood of Christ                              OPEN
                                 As our world faces so much
                                 turmoil and change, it is now more                for
                                 important than ever to remember            TOTUS TUUS
                                 who God is, who we are and
where we are going. It is easy to get distracted and lose focus,           August 1-6, 2021
especially when we are being pulled in so many directions. We          Register on our website at:
can not only lose sight of God but one another. Maintaining our
well developed and mature relationships with God and one        >
another is essential to continuing to live, healthy, happy, and           events > Totus Tuus
focused lives. In a message to young people, Pope Benedict XVI
said, “the happiness you are seeking, the happiness you have a           Registration has been extended thru
right to enjoy has a name and a face: it is Jesus of Nazareth,                         June 30, 2021
hidden in the Eucharist.” What is true for those who are younger
is even truer for those who are older. Regardless of how the           Cost is $40 per child—$80 per family for a
particulars of life change over time, human beings are still              week of fostering faith through fun.
hard-wired to seek the fullness of life and happiness. How we
embark on this journey and what we choose along the way will              Grandparents consider sharing your faith with your
indicate whether we meet success.                                           grandchildren by signing them up for the week.
There is so much brokenness and pain in our world. Many
people are lost, feeling lonely, anxious, marginalized, victimized,         9:30am Altar Set Up and Ushers Needed
isolated, oppressed, and abused. Every time we receive the Body        Are you able to volunteer as Altar Set Up or Usher at just one
of Christ, we have an opportunity to become what we eat. The           Mass per month (12 times per year)? Before you say “no” go to
power and presence of Christ in the Eucharist becomes present, Mass info tab, click Liturgical Roles scroll to either
in us and effects change in ourselves and in the lives of those we     Altar Set-Up or Usher Training and find out how a small amount
meet. We are given the grace to become temples of justice and          of volunteering can make a BIG difference! Call Wendy Newburg
peace, carrying God’s sacred Presence within us wherever we go.        at 262-628-3606 ext 2 or email:
Our faith community is ignited with the fire of God’s love and         During these past months of “challenging times”, Fr. Jude and the
stands out as a beacon of hope in a world that is lost. This is the    whole staff at St. Mary of the Hill would like to express our
only way we can discover peace-filled resolutions to violence and      sincere thanks to all those who ministered at the Masses.
create innovative solutions to what is fueling its need in the first
place. True happiness, for the young and old alike, becomes an
obtainable goal.                                                         Baby Bottle Fundraiser
                                                                       The Human Concerns Committee is
St. John Maria Vianney says it so well. “There is nothing so great     sponsoring the 14th annual fundraiser
as the Eucharist. If God had something more precious, he would         to help the Seed of Hope Center,
have given it to us.” Only the Eucharist has the ability to connect,   formerly known as the Hartford Pregnancy Help Center.
sustain, strengthen, and properly orient us, not only on the road                The fundraiser started on Mother’s Day Weekend, and
of this life but the road to life eternal. Knowing this, when life     concludes on Father’s Day Weekend, June 20th. Please take a
gets challenging, unsettling, and difficult, we can rely on and        bottle, or two, home with you and return it filled with spare
cling to this gift we have in the Real Presence of Christ. This        change, cash, or write a check out to the Seed of Hope Center.
actual encounter with God celebrates God’s unconditional love                    The Center is a non-profit charitable organization. They
for us and grounds us to the truth of who we are in a way              assist many women every month who range anywhere from 12-45
nothing else is able to do. Because through the Eucharist we           years of age. Please be generous towards this organization that
really do become the Body of Christ, we are also bonded together       supports a Culture of Life in our community. Thank you!
in a most perfect way to one another as that Body. Nourished,
united, and strengthened by the Eucharist, let us individually
and collectively, bring this wonderful gift to all we meet,
especially the poor with whom we have a special connection.
                                                                                                Parish Library
                                                                                          We would like to remind you that our expanded
                                                                                          parish library is available to you. The Library is
                                                                                          located beyond the south door of our worship
                                                                                          area - in the hallway and resource room. The
    How To Live Out Today’s Gospel This Week                           following categories: Bible/God/Jesus, Saints/Angels/Mary,
                                                                       Church Teachings, Family/Parenting, Children’s Books, Respect
1. Before your family shares a meal today, read today’s gospel as      Life are located in the hallway and Spiritual Growth, and
your before meal prayer.                                               Fiction/Holidays are in the resource room. There are many great
2. Attend Sunday Mass, even when on vacation.                          books to help further our understanding of the Catholic Religion
                                                                       and to help us grow spiritually! No need to sign out; just take any
3. Pray the rosary together with other parishioners this               materials, read/view them, and bring
Wednesday at 6:30pm.                                                   them back when finished. So easy!             Hubertus, WI 53033    3
St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033
Readings for the Week of June 6, 2021                         PARISH OFFICE
Sunday: Ex 24:3-8/Ps 116:12-13, 15-16, 17-18 [13]/Heb 9:11-15/         Phone .............................. 262-673-7505 / 262-628-3606
Mk 14:12-16, 22-26                                                     Fax................................................................ 262-673-7568
Monday: 2 Cor 1:1-7/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [9]/Mt 5:1-12             Hours
Tuesday: 2 Cor 1:18-22/Ps 119:129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135             Monday ....................... 8:00 am-12:00 pm / 1:00-3:00 pm
[135a]/Mt 5:13-16                                                      Tuesday-Thursday ....... 9:00 am-12:00 pm / 1:00-4:00 pm
Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11/Ps 99:5, 6, 7, 8, 9 [cf. 9c]/Mt 5:17-19        Emergency contact after office hours
Thursday: 2 Cor 3:15—4:1, 3-6/Ps 85:9ab and 10, 11-12, 13-14           Please call the Monastery at Holy Hill 262-628-1838
[cf. 10b]/Mt 5:20-26
Friday: Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9/Is 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 [3]/Eph 3:8-12,          PARISH STAFF
14-19/Jn 19:31-37                                                      Pastor, Fr. Jude Peters, OCD ...................................... ext. 1
Saturday: 2 Cor 5:14-21/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-12 [8a]/Lk                                                 
2:41-51                                                                Pastoral Associate, Wendy Newburg ........................ ext. 2
Next Sunday: Ez 17:22-24/Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16 [cf. 2a]/2                                             
Cor 5:6-10/Mk 4:26-34 © LPi                                            Secretary, Mary Whelan ............................................. ext. 3
                                                                       Child Minister, Melinda Diels………………………………..ext. 4
                                                                       Youth Minister, Taylor Kressin……………………………….ext. 4
                                                                       Adult Formation Minister, Brianna Vogel………………ext. 4
      June 5 & 6, 2021                    June 12 & 13, 2021
The Most Holy Body and Blood of       11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                       Maintenance, Tony Heppe ......................................... ext. 5
            Christ                                                     Bookkeeper, Carla Dal Santo ..................................... ext. 6
                                        Extraordinary Ministers
    Extraordinary Ministers         4:00pm Kathy Schoenherr
4:00pm Gino Dentice                 7:00am Tim Kelly                   Visitation Ministry, Patty Sukalich ............................ ext. 3
7:00am Rita Pruski                  9:30am Ken Schultz                 Communication Coordinator, Mary Grosel ............... ext. 7
9:30am Art Noe                                                                                
           Lectors                  4:00pm Bob Newburg
                                                                       Music Coordinator, Richard Smith………………………...ext. 8
4:00pm Gladys Dentice               7:00am Monica Bartley                                                    
7:00am Jordan Dvorak                9:30am Barb Schultz                Trustees, Laurie Hilger & Art Noe
9:30am Ron Gritt                                                       Holy Hill Monastery .................................... 262-628-1838
                                             Altar Set-Up
          Altar Set-Up              4:00pm Pat Luellwitz
4:00pm Patty Sukalich               7:00am Amy Faust                   PARISH MASS TIMES
7:00am Rita Pruski                  9:30am Diane Pietruszynski         Saturday 4:00 pm; Sunday 7:00 & 9:30 am
9:30am Martha Gritt                                                    Reconciliation: Call Holy Hill Monastery for times
          Musicians                           Musicians
4:00pm Anne Breitenbach             4:00pm Anne Breitenbach
7:00am Richard Smith                7:00am Richard Smith               PARISH CALENDAR
9:30am Anne Breitenbach             9:30am Anne Breitenbach            Saturday, June 5th - 4pm Mass
                                                Ushers                 Murphy/Pellman Wedding 1:30pm
            Ushers                                                     Monthly Food Drive
4:00pm Bec, Josh & Greg Honeck      4:00pm Scott Martin, Bev Meyer
7:00am Tony Hilger, Volunteer       7:00am Gary Vogel, Volunteer       Sunday, June 6th - 7:00 and 9:30am Masses
9:30am Luisa, Barron & John West    9:30am Dean & Sandy Schill         FFF Year End Celebration Kickball & Fun 10:30-Noon
                                                                       Monthly Food Drive
                                                                       Monday, June 7th
                                                                       St. Daphna Group Meeting 1pm
                                                                       Tuesday, June 8th
                                                                       Pastoral Council Meeting 7pm
                                                                       Wednesday, June 9th
                                                                       Arts & Crafts Meeting 7pm
                                                                       Thursday, June 10th
                                                                       Eucharistic Adoration Noon-6pm Mass 6pm
                                                                       Day 91 Group 6:40pm
              Bulletin Sponsor of the Week:                            Friday, June 11th
                   Ken Schultz, Realtor                                Parish Office Closed
             Coldwell Banker Homesale Realty                           Saturday, June 12th - 4pm Mass
                        414-732-7825                                   Smalley/Piotrowski Wedding 1:30pm
         Helping follow parishioners sell their homes                  Graduation Blessing
                 www.                                Little Lamb Meet & Greet following Mass
  Our sponsors bring us the bulletin at no charge each week. Please    Sunday, June 13th - 7:00 and 9:30am Masses
consider them when in need of goods and services. Tell them that you   Graduation Blessing
       saw their ad in the St. Mary of the Hill Parish Bulletin.       Little Lamb Meet & Greet 10:30am

4a     The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ                          4b June 5 & 6, 2021
St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033
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