St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033

Page created by Betty Morales
St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033
Third Sunday of Easter • April 30 & May 1, 2022

                                              St.P Mary
                                                   A R
                                                        of the Hill
                                                        I    S  H
                                              1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033
       Live The Liturgy -                        Located on the scenic grounds of Holy Hill
   Inspiration For The Week
What prevents us from seeing the Lord?
We are not used to seeing Jesus in the
ordinary, everyday events of our lives.
We expect some kind of startling,
extraordinary revelation to occur that
definitely and unmistakably sends a
signal that God wants our attention. We
don’t expect a visit from Jesus while we
are having breakfast, doing the dishes,
running after the kids, negotiating a deal
at work, or taking a shower! Sometimes
when God simply stands on the shore of
our lives casually looking for us, we don’t
recognize him. Did we ever stop and
think that God is really and truly
interested in the routine, run of the mill
events of our lives? So, “what did you do
today?” God may ask. Maybe we don’t
think that God is concerned about such
things, or we are so consumed with life’s
demands that we give it little if any
thought. Perhaps we are determined to
achieve our own success, desire to control
things ourselves or not really sure what
God cares about. God is there. One day,
out of the blue, God will get our attention
and ask, “Do you love me?” ©LPi

 Rosary for the Month of May
  In honor of Mother Mary, we will pray
 the Rosary 25 minutes before each Mass
      at the Parish Center during the
    month of May, beginning May 7th.
   Volunteers are needed to lead the
   Rosary, sign up in the entryway.

        Liturgical Roles, Bulletins, Newsletters, and more… can be viewed at
St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033
Carmelite Quotation                                                           Join us for
   of the Week
The Book of Her Life. . .
                                                                           May Crowning
  I started again to love the most Sacred                          Sunday, May 8, 2022 at 10:45 am
Humanity. Prayer began to take shape as
   an edifice that now had a foundation.       Please join us for May Crowning at 10:45am on Mother’s
               St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila)     Day, Sunday, May 8th, 2022. Crowning will take place rain, in the parish
                                               center, or shine, outside by the statue of Mary.

      Mass Intentions 2022
Saturday, April 30, 2022
4:00pm Parishioners of St. Mary
        of the Hill                                                       Flower Garden Help Needed
Sunday, May 1, 2022                            Help beautify the Flower Gardens around the Parish Center! We are looking for people
7:00am Karen Swearingen †                      to help weed, water, and help with occasional garden cleanups. Be as involved as you
9:30am Adam Baker †
                                               want. . . This commitment could be once a week or once every 2 weeks, the more people
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
                                               involved, the lighter the work load. Sign up in the entryway or call Mary Whelan at the
6:00pm Joan & Dave Ebert†
Saturday, May 7, 2022                          parish office 262-628-3606 ext 3 for more information.
9:00am Anne Grosel †                                 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
Saturday, May 7, 2022                                                                                                                 –Genesis 2:15
4:00pm Loretta & Chester Treba †
Sunday, May 8, 2022
7:00am Parishioners of St. Mary
        of the Hill
9:30am Laura & John Novak †                                              California Missions Pilgrimage
                                                                               August 25-September 2, 2022
                                               Fr. Thomas-Mary, OCD is organizing a pilgrimage to the California Missions. We will
                                               explore California visit the missions, celebrate daily Mass and delve into the beginnings
        Weekly Donations                       of the Catholic faith in California. More information can be found in the entryway.
     Week of April 23 & 24, 2022               Limited to 40 participants.
Weekly Envelopes….…………………..$9,518.00
Online Giving………………………………..$1,115.00
Building & Ground……………………..$1,190.00
Good Friday Collection………………..$280.00
        Thank you for your support!

     Altar Flower Donations
          The flower intention:
 For the safety of Ukraine children and
   refugees. By Pat & Paul McCune

      Prayer for Carmelites
              Each week, we ask that you
              pray for the Discalced
              Carmelite Friars.
              This week we ask prayers                             Rosary of the Seven Sorrows
              for God to continue to bless     The 7 Sorrows Rosary will be said first Saturday of each month during the
              and strengthen:                  summer at 10:30am. If anyone is in need of a 7 Sorrows Rosary and the
      Fr. Ralph-Elias Haddix                   prayer booklet, please feel free to contact Karen at:
                                      She will be happy to provide a Rosary and
 2    Welcome to St. Mary of the Hill Parish   booklet for you! We hope to see you on May 7th.
St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033
Family Faith Formation
                                                                               Next Sunday Classes: May 1 & 15
                                                                              Family Faith Pizza Party May 15th
                                                                      Mass @ 9:30am, Fellowship @ 10:30am, Class @11:00am

                                                                         First Communion Dates To Remember
                                                                   First Communion Practice
                                                                   Wednesday, May 4th 6:00pm– 6:45pm
                                                                   @ Upper Church of Basilica

                                                                   First Communion
                                                                   Saturday, May 7th 1:30pm
                                                                   @ Upper Church of Basilica
                                                                   May Crowning
                                                                   Sunday, May 8th following 9:30am Mass
                                                                          Please keep our First communicants in your prayers.

                                                                                         Confirmation practice for confirmants and
                                                                                         sponsors is Thursday, May 5th, 6:30pm at
                                                                                         St. Gabriel’s Parish. Please pray for our
                                                                                         candidates as they prepare for this
                                                                                         important sacrament. Confirmation will
                                                                   be Tuesday, May 10th, 7pm at St. Gabriel’s Parish.

                                                                      End of Year Faith Formation
                                                                              Pizza Party
                                                                   Our Faith Formation year has come to an
                                                                   end. Please join us to celebrate on Sunday,
                                                                   May 15th. Pizza will be served at 11:00am
                                                                   following a flip of our parish center from
                                                                   Mass to Class. During this celebration, some
                                                                   classes will share things they have done in
                                                                   class this year and we will brief you on next
                                                                   year’s FFF schedule. Sign up in the entryway. Anyone who has
                                                                   participated in Family Faith Formation and Lifelong Learning are
                                                                   welcome to attend.
                       Icon Painting Workshop
                    Katherine de Shazer, Iconographer
                            May 13-15, 2022                                                   Totus Tuus is cancelled
                      Class held Friday-Sunday, 9am-5pm                                           for this year….
                        Old Monastery Inn at Holy Hill                                 Since Totus Tuus was cancelled due to
              Workshop cost is $230 and includes all materials.                        circumstances beyond our control.
              For questions and to register for workshop
contact Katherine de Shazer, 262-365-8958 or Claudine                                          We are pleased to offer:
Willoughby, 414-218-6982.                                                                            Camp Luminous!
                                                                                       Monday—Thursday 8:30-Noon, Friday
                                                                                       8:30am-2pm. We will provide lunch on
   How To Live Out Today’s Gospel This Week                        Friday. This is open for all children Grades 1 thru 6. Cost is
1. May 5 is the National Day of Prayer. AM, Noon and PM pray       $45/1 child, $80/2 children, $100 which includes daily activities
the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
                                                                   and lunch on Friday. Go to to register from
2. May 6 is National Nurses Day and US Military Spouse
                                                                   the scrolling banner or call Melinda at 262-628-3606 ext 4.
Appreciation Day. Thank them.
3. May 4 is St. Florian’s Day, the patron saint of firefighters.
Thank our firefighter parishioner and first responders for their         2022 Catholic Stewardship Appeal Report
service.                                                                 I. Total Received April 1st…………………..……...……$15,425.00
4. Next Sunday is Mother’s Day. What will you do to show your           II. Parish Goal...……………….…………..……....................$30,300.00
love for her.
St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033
Readings for the Week of May 1, 2022                             PARISH OFFICE
Sunday: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41/Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13 [2a]/Rv 5:11-         Phone .............................. 262-673-7505 / 262-628-3606
14/Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-14                                                      Fax................................................................ 262-673-7568
Monday: Acts 6:8-15/Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30/Jn 6:22-29                     Hours
Tuesday: 1 Cor 15:1-8/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5/Jn 14:6-14                               Monday ....................... 8:00 am-12:00 pm / 1:00-3:00 pm
Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8/Ps 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a/Jn 6:35-40                       Tuesday-Thursday ....... 9:00 am-12:00 pm / 1:00-4:00 pm
Thursday: Acts 8:26-40/Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20/Jn 6:44-51                        Emergency contact after office hours
Friday: Acts 9:1-20/Ps 117:1bc, 2/Jn 6:52-59                                  Please call the Monastery at Holy Hill 262-628-1838
Saturday: Acts 9:31-42/Ps 116:12-13, 14-15, 16-17/Jn 6:60-69
Next Sunday: Acts 13:14, 43-52/Ps 100:1-2, 3, 5 [3c]/Rv 7:9, 14b-17/Jn        PARISH STAFF
10:27-30 © LPi                                                                Pastor, Fr. Jude Peters, OCD ...................................... ext. 1
                                                                              Pastoral Associate, Wendy Newburg ........................ ext. 2
                                                    May 7, 2022                                                
                                                     First Saturday           Secretary, Mary Whelan ............................................. ext. 3
                                               Extraordinary Minister                                          
                                         9:00am Amy Faust                     Child Minister, Melinda Diels………………………………..ext. 4
    April 30 & May 1, 2022                             Lector                                                         
       3rd Sunday of Easter              9:00am Amy Faust
                                                                              Youth Minister, Grace Marie Urlakis……………………….ext. 4
     Extraordinary Ministers
                                                  May 7 & 8, 2022                                                         
4:00pm Kathy Schoenherr                                                       Adult Formation Minister, Bernadette Mesenbrink…ext. 4
7:00am Monica Bartley                            4th Sunday of Easter
9:30am Kathy Parker                                                                                                   
                                              Extraordinary Ministers
                                         4:00pm Kathy Schoenherr
                                                                              Maintenance, Tony Heppe ......................................... ext. 5
4:00pm Bob Newburg                       7:00am Ann Faust                     Bookkeeper, Carla Dal Santo ..................................... ext. 6
7:00am Laurie Hilger                     9:30am Ken Schultz                                                    
9:30am Sue Munger                                     Lectors                 Visitation Ministry, Patty Sukalich ............................ ext. 3
           Altar Set-Up                  4:00pm Maria Stephans                Communication Coordinator, Mary Grosel ............... ext. 7
4:00pm Pat Luellwitz                     7:00am Mark Bourgeois                                       
7:00am Amy Faust                         9:30am Jo Mazik                      Music Coordinator, Richard Smith………………………...ext. 8
9:30am Michelle Dickau                             Altar Set-Up                                                     
           Musicians                     4:00pm Mary Miller                   Trustees, Laurie Hilger & Art Noe
4:00pm Marie Thierfelder                 7:00am Mary Whelan
                                         9:30am Nancy Preston
                                                                              Holy Hill Monastery .................................... 262-628-1838
7:00am Marie Thierfelder
9:30am Marie Theirfelder                             Musicians
                                         4:00pm Tim Thompson
                                                                              PARISH MASS TIMES
              Ushers                                                          Saturday 4:00 pm; Sunday 7:00 & 9:30 am
4:00pm Blaine Lauersdorf, Bev Meyer      7:00am Tim Thompson
7:00am Gary Vogel, Volunteer             9:30am TJ Dickau                     Reconciliation: Call Holy Hill Monastery for times
9:30am Becky & Brad Bautz                              Ushers                 PARISH CALENDAR
              Servers                    4:00pm Josh, Bec & Greg Honeck       Saturday, April 30th - 4pm Mass
4:00pm Phil Zblewski,                    7:00am Tony Hilger, Volunteer
                                         9:30am Dean & Sandy Schill           Love One Another Campaign Kick Off
       Landon Trahar                                                          Sunday, May 1st - 7:00 & 9:30am Mass
7:00am Mark Bourdeois,                                 Servers
       Volunteer                                                              Family Faith Formation 9:30am
                                         4:00pm Joseph Urlakis, Volunteer     Life Long Learning Presentation 11am
9:30am Joseph Urlakis,                   7:00am Laurie Hilger, Volunteer
       Nick Bautz                        9:30am Volunteer, Will Bautz
                                                                              Monday, May 2nd
                                                                              Monday Morning Small Group 9:30am
            Fellowship                               Fellowship
7:00am Sandy Jankowski
                                                                              St. Dymphna Group 1pm
                                         7:00am Judy & Brian Daley            Tuesday, May 3rd
9:30am Krista Kregel                     9:30am Pat Merkl
                                                                              Staff Meeting 9:45am
                                                                              Knit/Crochet Gathering 6:30pm
                                                                              Wednesday, May 4th
                                                                              Eucharistic Adoration Noon-6pm
                                                                                 Family Adoration 5-6pm
                                                                              First Communion Practice 6pm
                                                                              Thursday, May 5th
                                                                              Confirmation Rehearsal @ St. Gabriel’s 6:30pm
                                                                              Friday, May 6th
                                                                              Parish Office Closed
                                                                              Saturday, May 7th - 4pm Mass - Divine Mercy
                  Bulletin Sponsor of the Week:                               First Saturday Mass 9am
                                                                              Sorrowful Rosary 10:30am
                       P.L. Gehl Memorial Co.                                 First Communion @ Holy Hill 1:30pm
                 555 West Sumner St. Hartford, WI 53027                       Mother’s Day Blessing
                     262-673-2460                              Baby Bottle Collection Begins
             Lee & Brandon Schumacher, Zac Utz “Since 1915”                   Sunday, May 8th - 7:00 & 9:30am Mass
       Our sponsors bring us the bulletin at no charge each week. Please      Mother’s Day Blessing
   consider them when in need of goods and services. Tell them that you saw
                                                                              May Crowning following 9:30am Mass
               their ad in the St. Mary of the Hill Parish Bulletin.
                                                                                                                              Hubertus, WI 53033           4
St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033

Third Sunday of Easter         April 30 & May 1, 2022   5
St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033
Gregory Ledesma
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                                 (262) 673-6284                    P.L. Gehl                                                         N3731 Highway P
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                                                                                                        Contact Vince Olson
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		                                   For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                               St. Mary of the Hill, Hubertus, WI                                            A 4C 01-0680
St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033 St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033 St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033 St. Mary of the Hill 1515 CARMEL RD. HUBERTUS, WISCONSIN 53033
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