St. Roch Parish Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -

Page created by Edwin Moreno
St. Roch Parish Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -
St. Roch Parish
Sister Parish—St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti
St. Roch Parish Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -
The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA           THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                         February 6, 2022

                        Mass Intentions for the Week
 Saturday, Feb 5  4:00 pm           Bette Stevens by the family
 Sunday, Feb 6     8:30 am          Anthony, Anna & Olga Kersis by the Jalbert family
                  11:00 am          Yvonne Reeks by daughter Yvonne Nelson and family
 Monday, Feb 7     8:30 am          Catherine H. Mills by Paula Miner & Ken Mills
 Tuesday, Feb 8    8:30 am          No Mass
 Wednesday, Feb 9 8:30 am           Eric White by Fr. Roy
 Thursday, Feb 10 8:30 am           Jeffrey Gentile & family (living) by Paula Miner & Ken Mills
 Friday, Feb 11    8:30 am          Joseph McDonald by daughter Sandy
 Saturday, Feb 12  4:00 pm          Brian Sklarz by Ginny & Stanley Sklarz
 Sunday, Feb 13    8:30 am          Bernice & David Christian by her sister
                  11:00 am          Mary Walsh (1st Anniversary) by the family

                                NEW ALTAR SERVER                       SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK

                                                                 Feb 6—Is 6:1-2a, 3-8, 1 Cor 15:1-11, Lk 5:1-11
                                Deacon Paul Connolly             Feb 7—1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13, Mk 6:53-56
                                will be training new             Feb 8—1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30, Mk 7:1-13
                                Altar Servers. Sign up           Feb 9—1 Kgs 10:1-10, Mk :14-23
                                sheets are available             Feb 10—1 Kgs 11:4-13, Mk 7:24-30
                                at the entrances to the          Feb 11—1 Kgs 11:29-32; 12:19, Mk 7:31-37
church for interested children in third grade and up.
                                                                 Feb 12—1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34, Mk 8:1-10
For questions please call the rectory at (508) 987-8987.
                                                                 Feb 13—Jer 17:5-8, 1 Cor 15:12, 16-20, Lk 6:17, 20-26

             PARISH DIRECTORY                                                        AMERICAN CHOP SUEY
             334 Main St., Oxford, MA 01540                                    may be dropped off in the church kitchen on
                                                                                Monday, February 7th before 3:00 PM.
Rectory Office …………………………..……(508) 987-8987                                                  Thank you!!
Fax ……………………………...……..……. (508) 987-8938
Religious Education Office……………..…….(508) 987-2382
Pastor                                 Rev. Michael J. Roy                                                IT’S BACK!!!
Deacon                              Rev. Mr. Paul Connolly
Director of Religious Education    Mrs. Terry Ann Renaud                                                 Saturday,
Administrative Assistant (M-TH 9-4)      Mrs. Teri Rawson                                               Feb. 26, 2022
Director of Music                       Ms. Anna Pizzolato
St. Vincent de Paul Society.…..………Arlene (508) 987-2813                                                  5:30 p.m.
Cemetery ……..…………..Contact rectory at (508) 987-8987                                                   In the Church Hall
                                                                                                         $8.00 Donation
                          Mass Schedule
                          Sat 4:00 PM                                              All You Can Eat!
                      Sun 8:30 & 11:00 AM                        Tickets available for sale at the Church entrances before
                      M-W-TH-F 8:30 AM                           and after weekend Masses and at the door that evening.
                The Sunday 11:00 Mass will also be
        LIVE-Streamed on the parish website.
          Confessions ~ Saturdays 3-3:30 pm
                  or by appointment

                    Office Hours
             Monday-Thursday 9 am—4 pm
                                                                                                   ONLY $39 PER YEAR
WEBSITE:                                                                           SUBSCRIPTION!
Teri Rawson—Rectory Office:                                       FORMS AVAILABLE AT ENTRANCES
Terry Renaud—Rel. Ed. Office:                                             TO THE CHURCH
St. Roch Parish Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -
The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA            THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                        February 6, 2022

My Dear Parishioners,

             Recently California Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation to remove the statue of St. Junipero Serra
from the state Capital in Sacramento. This attack on Serra is motivated by ignorance of his meritorious service to the
native people, the Indians in the 18th century.
             When the 17 year old Junipero Serra joined the Franciscans in 1730, his superiors immediately recognized
his fine mind and decided he had the makings of a theologian. They spent the next 14 years sending him to their best
schools and as soon as he completed his education they rewarded him with a position on the theology faculty at the
Lullian University in Majorca.
             What Serra’s superior failed to recognize, however, was that Serra had more than a theologian’s mind, he
also had a pastor’s heart. For all of his education he did not want to spend his days in a classroom. He wanted to preach
the Gospel. He wanted to evangelize. He wanted to help people know who Jesus was and who they were. After five
years in Majorca Serra got what he wanted; it took some persuading but he convinced his superiors to send him to the
Americas. He sailed for Mexico in 1749 and spent the next 19 years working in and around Mexico City as both a
preacher and administrator. Serra loved his work and the people he served, but he still dreamed of more. He did not
want to preach the Gospel to the already converted. He wanted more to introduce the unbaptized to Jesus.
              Accordingly, in 1768 when the Jesuits were kicked out of Alta California he jumped at the chance to go
north and establish missions there. At age 55, with asthma and open ulcers on his legs, Serra founded his first mission
in San Diego. Over the next 15 years he established eight more missions, laying the groundwork for California’s great
cities up and down the Pacific coast. He also laid the groundwork for California’s magnificent wine industry, planting
the future state’s first vineyards and building its first wineries. The grapes he planted are known as the mission grape, a
variety that had first been cultivated near Mexico City by the Franciscan missionaries who served there.
             In California the grapes thrived, and at each mission the friars and indigenous people worked side by side
tending the vines and making the wine. The wine was then used by the friars for Holy Mass, as well as for drinking at
              Serra passed away in 1784, but the vineyards he planted thrived for decades, with the Franciscans eventual-
ly selling the wine to support their work. That trade however came to an abrupt end between 1834 and 1835, when the
Mexican government dissolved the missions. The friars asked to transfer the mission stations and vineyards to the
indigenous residents and workers, who they believed were the rightful owners of the property. The government rejected
the friars’ proposal and instead allowed the land to be divided up among the wealthy politicians and landowners who
ultimately exploited the native workers and neglected the vineyards.
              Despite the neglect, the grapes from one vineyard, that of the San Gabriel Mission, just east of Los Ange-
les, have survived thru the centuries. Those grapes, which can be traced back to the first grapes planted there by Serra,
are once again being cultivated by Southern Californian wine makers. Their hope is to produce the once prized angelica
dessert wine. That mission just celebrated its 250th anniversary of its founding by St. Junipero Serra, the father of Cali-
fornia’s mission and California’s wine.
             I’m proud to be the chaplain of the Serra Club named after him. He deserves some recognition for the vari-
ety of ways he served the native people along the Pacific.

                                           Let us continue to love one another,
                                                         Fr. Roy
St. Roch Parish Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -
The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA          THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                         February 6, 2022

                                          JAN 29 & 30                                    “Behold, I stand at the door
 Your Sacrificial Offering                                                                      and knock…”
 Offertory Envelopes                        2,375.00                                   It’s time. Time to learn more
 Online Giving                                189.00                                   about your Faith. It’s time
 Other sources of income                      630.00                                   to experience what our religion
 Total                                      3,194.00                                   can do for you. Jesus is waiting
 Weekly Goal                                5,872.00          for you, personally. Cursillo weekends are a wonderful,
 Result              Thank you!!          - 2,678.00          fun way to give you a start on this journey.
                                                              Men’s Weekend March 17-20.
               Online Giving Available                        Immaculate Conception Center, Putnam, CT
       on our website
                                                              Visit and download an application
                                                              today or call Pam Hamilton at 774-239-8909 for more
                            St. Roch & St. Ann                information. You will be so very glad you did!
                         Light of the World Retreat
                                                                 The Annual Worcester
                          March 25-28, 2022                              Diocesan
                                                               Catholic Men's Conference
                                                              Men (of all ages, including
   Call or email or return form to register now!              teens and college students)
Name________________________________________                  are invited to this important in
                                                              -person conference, scheduled at Assumption University
Address______________________________________                 on Saturday, April 2, 2022.
Email________________________________________                 Visit the conference website for
Phone________________________________________                 information and to purchase tickets online and elsewhere.
Special needs__________________________________               Come and hear dynamic talks from outstanding Catholic
                                                              leaders: Kevin O'Brien, Tim Francis, Dan Egan, Father
           508-987-8987 or 508-987-2382 or                    Anthony Hamaty and Dr. Pat Castle.
                                                              For further information please email Angelo
Adoration team is needed to pray during the retreats          Guadagno at
   sign up for times:        
                                                              or call Elaine Ford at 774-253-2996.
           Retreat Shepherds still needed...
 Call Fr. Roy if you are called to this ministry in any       Adult tickets are $45 until March 21, 2022;
          way—508-987-8987                                    afterwards $60. Student tickets ar e always $30.
    Bob Clouthier’s Team planning
       meetings Feb 10, Mar 10
    at 6:30-8 PM in the parish hall                                                         ANNUAL VOCATION
                                                                                           WITH BISHOP McMANUS
                            St. Roch Will Host                                              April 8-9, 2022, 6pm - 6pm
                            Poor Man’s Dinner
                           To benefit our Sister Parish       This retreat is for men who are at all levels of discern-
                                    in Haiti                  ment –– from a curious interest in the daily life of a par-
                                                              ish priest to the serious discernment of a vocation to the
                         April 9, 2022 ~ 5:30 PM              priesthood. Perhaps the thought of serving the Lord as a
      Donations as well as Planning Team needed               parish priest is a recent consideration, or perhaps it has
                —call 508-987-2382.                           lived in your heart for years. Regardless, this retreat is for
        The cost including soft drinks & dessert,
    is a donation of $8 for Adults & $4 for children.         There is no cost for this retreat and transportation to and
                                                              from Immaculate Conception Retreat Center, Putnam, CT
                                                              is available.
                                                              Men High School Age and Older
The St. Vincent de Paul Society will meet on Monday,          To register or find out more, contact Fr. Donato Infante at
February 7th at 6:00 PM in the chur ch hall.         or 508-630-4473.
St. Roch Parish Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -
The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA        THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                     February 6, 2022

                                                           NEXT WEEKEND IS SO CLOSE, WE CAN ALL HELP

 High School & Confirmation 6:30-8pm Rm 1 Center
6, 13, 20 Service projects /homework                       February 12th & 13th at all Masses soup pots will be
12-13     Soup-er Bowl Collection                          available at the doors of the church for your donations,
27        Session 6:30-8                                   and collection containers for the Oxford Ecumenical
                                                           Food Shelf will still be in the vestibule.
2          ASH WEDNESDAY                                   PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY.
7, 9, 14, 16 Novena
13         Session 6:30-8                                  In 1990, Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple
6, 20      Service projects /homework                      prayer from a single youth group:
25-28      Prayer & service project LOTW                    “Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game,
                                                                      help us be mindful of those without
4, 6     Novena                                                               a bowl of soup to eat.”
3, 24    Service projects /homework                        Since then, more than $170 million has been generated
8-10 Please save these tentative dates * High School       for local charities across the country. It has become a
      Ignite Retreat                                       powerful movement that transforms the time around the
10       Palm Sunday Session 6:30-8*                       Big Game into the nation’s largest celebration of giving
17       Easter Sunday no class                            and caring for those in need.
May                                                        Through this, people learn they can make a positive dif-
1        Confirmation rehearsal 7-9 pm                     ference in the world as they collect food, raise money,
5        Confirmation 7pm at Sacred Heart of Jesus         and serve at hunger-relief charities, and show caring and
                                                           compassion in local communities across the country.
                                                           Share in God’s love for our neighbors in need and give
                                                           generously on Souper Bowl Sunday. All the donations
                                                           collected will go directly to our own St. Vincent DePaul

 Kindergarten to Grade 8 & First Sacraments                                  First Eucharist Class Family Mass
Feb                                                                                      LISTENING
6          9:40 - 10:50 am K-8 & First sacraments                                February 12, 2022, 5:30 PM
12         5:30 Family Mass Listening
12-13      ALL MASSES Soup-er Bowl Collection                               All candidates & their family members
13         9:40 - 10:50 am K-8 & First sacraments                                   attend this special Mass,
20, 27 School Vacation Service/homework                         don’t forget to bring your bibles for a blessing.
2          ASH WEDNESDAY
7, 9, 14, 16 Novena
6, 20      9:40 - 10:50 am K-8 & First sacraments
13, 27 K-8 Service projects /homework                                           FORMED
25-28      Parish Hall & Center closed                     Enjoy a Free Subscription to an incredible online gate-
           Light of the World Retreat                      way of the best Catholic content, all in one place—books,
Apr                                                        videos, movies, audios, etc. It’s EASY and FREE to
4, 6       Novena                                          Register! A Gift of St. Roch Parish to Y ou!!
3-10       9:40 - 10:50 am K-8 & First sacraments          1. Go to
10         Palm Sunday                                      2. Select St Roch Parish by entering church name
17         (Easter Sunday) no classes
                                                            3. Register with your name and email address
17-24      School Vacation no classes
30         5:30 pm Family Mass—Giving Thanks for            4. Check that email account for a link to FORMED.
           New Life                                        That’s it! Now sit back, enjoy and enrich your life with
May                                                        an incredible array of resources focused on our rich
1          9:40 - 10:50 am K-8                             Catholic faith.
St. Roch Parish Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -
The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA            THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                      February 6, 2022

                               Kathy Perry, Al Sinkis,
                               Andrew Rivers, Raymond
                             Joseph, Craig Ladd, Roseanne
Ferlito, John Barton, Carol Violette, John & Bev Makowski,
Dale Mahota, Liz Iandolli, Stephen Rice, Maddy Desrosier,
Phyllis Day, John Hickman, Timothy Bowes, Anita Prunier,
Judy Rodier, Roger St. George, Ed Carpenter, James
Sumerlin, Francis DeSimone, Robert & Beverly Burns,
Dawn Hoeg, Sean Bushey, Richard Fleming, Noelle
Silverstein, Edward Wissell, Eric Lambert, James Quaiel,
Deborah Mancini, Susan Gallant, Doris Prouty, Maureen
Germain, Barbara Quaiel, Pamela Rossley, Gary Ryan, Anne
Englehard, Karen Cowperthwaite, Jon Moore, Dave Shuster,
Floyd Supernault, B.J. Lapierre, Barbara Wessell, Cameron
Michael Sweeney, Dawn Clarkson, Lee Ann Morin, Liz Z,
Aiden Harper, Cynthia Clark, Michelle Kasprzycki and
family, Frances Smolenski, Jeanne Saad.

                         NEW BIBLE STUDY AT
                      ST. ANN’S—NORTH OXFORD
                     Begins Wednesday, February 23rd
                               at 7 pm.
                    Come study with us on Wednesdays
at 7 pm in the parish hall as we explore St. Paul’s letters
to the Galatians and Romans using the Little Rock Scrip-
ture Study Program. Sessions available in-person or via
Registration fee $17 per person to cover material costs.
Participants are also welcome to join us for a half hour of
Eucharistic Adoration beginning at 6:20 pm in St. Ann’s
Church prior to study.                                            → Volunteers needed – especially older teens.
To register, call Fr. Michael Lavallee at St. Ann’s rectory           Meet at common at 11:30 at the Volunteers Tent.
                                                                        OXFORD ECUMENICAL FOOD SHELF
                  334 CLUB WINNERS — Week 7                                The Ecumenical Food Shelf needs food
                                                                           for this very long winter. Please consider
                     # 357   Albert Groleau                                dropping off any non-perishable foods in the
                     # 127   Cheryl Lambert                                bins inside the church near the front doors.
                     # 235   Donna Turner                                  Needed items: Canned Peas, Rice / Rice,
                     # 118   Eva Givner                                    Sides, Hamburg Helper, Coffee, Tea, Jelly
                                                                           Instant Potatoes, Tomatoe Paste, Tomatoe
                CONGRATULATIONS!!                                          Puree — Thank you!

                                                                  Blessed Sacrament Adoration Chapel
                        St. Roch Trips                                         17 E. Main St, Webster
                        Red Sox Vs. Yankees
                                                                  Come spend one hour a week with JESUS!
                        Sundays—May 22 & July 10
                                                                  It is the will and desire of Jesus to be present
                        1:00 Games
                                                                  in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the
                        $23 per seat
                                                                  form of the Eucharist. Jesus calls each of us
Watch for details in upcoming                                     to spend time with Him in His loving presence.
bulletins or call Ed Renaud                                       Dedicated adorers needed. Please contact: Jeanne Guerin
774-232-4365 to reserve your seats                                508-208-9064, Barbara Avery 508-943-1489, or
for either or both games today!                                   Nancy Kudzal at 508-864-6147. Substitutes also needed.
St. Roch Parish Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti - St. Roch Parish Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti - St. Roch Parish Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti - St. Roch Parish Sister Parish-St. Anne of Chardonnieres, Haiti -
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