360 VISION Take a closer look

Page created by Nicholas Morris
360 VISION Take a closer look
  Take a closer look
360 VISION Take a closer look
1    Welcome to our
     latest production

2    A winning formula

4    The team just expanded

6    The human touch, with a
     little help from our friends

8    Running rings round
     the competition

12   Stay ahead of the crowd
360 VISION Take a closer look
RL360° (previously known as Royal London 360°) has been one
of the great long-running success stories in international financial
services. And now, with our recent management buy out, we’ve set
the stage for further expansion.

As well as adopting a (slightly)        Extending our successful run
new name, we’ve added to our            depends, of course, on us
winning formula in a number of          continuing to offer you these
ways. Combined with our rich            superior solutions, along with the
heritage and track record, we           benefits of off shore investing that
also have the energy and ideas of       our Isle of Man location affords.
a start-up. And, while we have the
fleetness of foot and scalability of     You can find out what makes our
a stand-alone company, we have          products so much more suitable
the support of partners who share       for worldwide investors later in this
our ambition, and bring major           brochure. As for service – we believe
private equity funding.                 one world is not enough. So, as well
                                        as providing exceptional personal
Most importantly, however, the          service in the human world, we’ve
award-winning cast stays the same.      also completely re-thought how we
And so does our driving vision:         can serve you in the online world.
to serve more markets with fresh,       As a result, you can access policy
innovative products and services.       and other information as and when
All characterised by exceptional        you choose.
flexibility and value.

We’re based in the off shore financial
stronghold of the Isle of Man, from
where we do business in the Far
East, Middle East, Africa, Latin
America and the UK.

360 VISION Take a closer look
Success is created by bringing together every
advantage, starting with the most fundamental
– location. That’s why we’re based in the Isle of
Man; and we think you’d be hard pushed to find
a better base for your money.

                                                    Welcome to the Isle of Man
                                                    First, consider that the world and its
                                                    financial institutions have endured
                                                    some stormy weather in the last few
                                                    years. The financial fortress of the Isle
                                                    of Man, however, offers a very safe
                                                    haven. As a well-established global
                                                    financial centre, the island has an
                                                    outstanding reputation for investor
                                                    protection and security. This is due
                                                    to the comprehensive legislation
                                                    enforced by the Isle of Man Insurance
                                                    and Pensions Authority (IPA). Our
                                                    policyholders are protected by the Isle
                                                    of Man Compensation of Policyholders
                                                    protection scheme, which covers
                                                    90% of our liability should RL360°
                                                    be unable to meet its financial
                                                    obligations (subject to the provisions
                                                    of the scheme). In short, our policy
                                                    holders are protected by the laws
                                                    of an off shore financial jurisdiction
                                                    that cares deeply about investor
                                                    protection and corporate stability.

360 VISION Take a closer look
The Isle of Man Government is             And, there’s more. Though we
also committed to promoting the           structure bonds as long-term
island’s reputation as a highly           investments, an off shore bond also
respected financial centre, and an         lets you access your money more
established platform for business         easily if you need to, when compared
success and prosperity.                   with other investment structures that
                                          may impose restrictions.
Third party referees agree. As at April
2014, the Isle of Man has both an Aa1     In short? By investing with RL360°
sovereign rating from Moody’s, and        off shore in the Isle of Man, clients can
has also been recognised by the IMF       hold onto more of their money. And
as a well-regulated off shore finance      they can also access a wider range
centre of excellence.                     of investment opportunities than are
                                          available onshore.
It gets better. The Isle of Man’s
off shore status offers clients           * funds in some jurisdictions may
greater scope for tax efficiency.           impose a withholding tax
This is because an investment in
an off shore bond is not subject to
any ongoing tax in the Isle of Man.
This means you can manage your
investments within the off shore
bond without having to worry about
tax charges arising each time you
restructure your portfolio*. Also,
depending on your country of
residence, you may be able to defer
any tax payable on the growth of
your investment until such time as
you cash it in.

360 VISION Take a closer look
Over the last few years, we’ve doubled our share of
business and increased our sales team accordingly.
Why? Because advisers like you have seen that
RL360° offers products and service of a quality
that our competition simply can’t match.

                                                      Meanwhile, behind the scenes, we’ve
                                                      been continuing to up our game. In
                                                      recognition of our success and drive,
                                                      independent private equity firm
                                                      Vitruvian Partners LLP (Vitruvian)
                                                      supported us in a management-led
                                                      buy out in November 2013. This has
                                                      been widely regarded as a winning
                                                      move. For example, following the
                                                      ownership change, AKG referred
                                                      to RL360° as ‘a financially strong
                                                      standalone operation with very
                                                      strong operational characteristics
                                                      and positive development potential’.

                                                      In addition, our previous parent
                                                      Royal London Group has paid us the
                                                      compliment of retaining a financial
                                                      interest in RL360°. And, as if all that
                                                      wasn’t enough, RL360° will be further
                                                      strengthened through support from
                                                      the global insurance giant MunichRe.

360 VISION Take a closer look
All this means we are financially         Altogether, we’re over 220 people         A closer look at Vitruvian
secure and, importantly, scalable.       strong. That’s more than 220              Vitruvian is an independent,
So while we will continue to offer       dedicated specialists committed           FCA authorised private equity
our entire range of products in          to delivering customer satisfaction,      firm which specialises in middle
markets where we already operate,        and protecting their hard-earned          market buyouts, growth buyouts
we’ll also build on these and move       investments. So whether you’re an         and growth capital investments
into new markets too. So wherever        investor or financial adviser, you can     in the UK and Northern Europe.
you may be, today or tomorrow, you’ll    be sure that we won’t outsource our       Vitruvian focuses on investing in
be able to rely on our global scale;     promises; and you don’t find that too      dynamic situations in industries
and the all-round perspective and        often these days.                         characterised by growth and
experience that comes from working                                                 change such as financial services,
with sophisticated clients, in markets   If you would like more details about      business services, information
from all points of the compass.          anything to do with our company           technology, media, telecoms,
                                         ethos, structure, products or services,   healthcare and leisure.
Alongside our deep financial              please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
resources, we also have full                                                       www.vitruvianpartners.com
continuity of key people. The            Ask anyone on the team.
entire RL360° senior management
team has committed personally
to the future of RL360°, ensuring
structural, operational, and
strategic stability.

360 VISION Take a closer look
As a busy financial adviser or time-
                                      pressed policyholder, keeping
                                      in touch by mobile, laptop or tablet,
                                      it’s vital you have ready access to all
                                      relevant and up-to-date information.
                                      That means you need a deep level
                                      of support, based on a deep
                                      understanding of your needs.

                                      Of course, you can always telephone
                                      or email us, and talk to a professional.
                                      (If you like talking to automated
                                      services, you may have
                                      to try elsewhere.)

                                      When you need to look at a
                                      multiplicity of real-time facts and
                                      figures, however, and compare
                                      options quickly and interactively, you
                                      can’t beat the power of the internet.
                                      Which is where our impressive online
                                      resources and tools come in.

                                      RL360° has launched a new (and
                                      now award-winning) Online Services
                                      Centre. For advisers, this offers
                                      comprehensive fund research
                                      facilities, a unique early warning
                                      system dashboard, and superb,
                                      intuitive online switching and
                                      dealing. You can also access a
                                      detailed valuation and premium
                                      history for all policies.

With a little help from our friends

360 VISION Take a closer look
The system is totally flexible and        Switching and dealing                        You’ll love us online
accommodates different business          When it comes to switching and               (just like the awards jury)
structures, that can be updated as       dealing the holdings in your policies,
and when people within your              you need a fast, reliable and easy-
business change.                         to-use system. Again, you’ll find
                                         what you’re looking for in our Online
Clients with an RL360° policy can        Services Centre. You can instruct:
register too, giving them instant                                                     Our upgraded www.rl360.com
access to their latest valuations and    • Changes to the holdings of policies
                                                                                      website won Best International
policy information.                        for which you currently have
                                                                                      Financial Adviser Portal in the 2013
                                           switching or dealing rights
                                                                                      Professional Adviser International
Of course, every online presence is a    • Transfers of currencies to invest          Fund and Product Awards.
work in progress, and we’ll continue       in alternative denominations, for
working hard to develop and evolve         onward investment                          Did we mention the human touch?
the services we offer you. But here’s
a summary of what you can already        • How future premiums will be split          While our IT experts toil away, we’re
call on, when you register for our         between different funds                    also improving human-to-human
Online Services Centre.                                                               service in lots of small-but-important
                                         • Rebalance a portfolios, based on the
                                                                                      ways too. So you can always speak
                                           last set of instructions keyed online.
Servicing                                                                             to a person, not some automated
                                         As always with RL360°, there’s more.         phone system. And you can do so
Our new Online Services Centre gives
                                         The details are, of course, online.          at a time that suits you, because
you everything you need to monitor
                                                                                      we’ve changed our opening hours
and maintain your policies. You can:
                                         Fund research                                to better serve our clients and
• View full policy valuations both       Developed with one of the leading            advisers in different time zones:
  current and backdated. You can also    investment data suppliers, FE                our Contact Centre is now operating
  prepare and save a valuation in PDF    (formerly Financial Express), the            12 hours a day.
  format for onward email                RL360° online Fund Centre lets
                                         you access data on over 80,000               What’s more, to further improve
• View all transactions that have been
                                         collective investments.                      turnaround times, we’re carrying
  carried out on the policy
                                                                                      out more of our business processing
• Receive advanced warning when          You can search, analyse, monitor,            locally from our regional offices in
  something has changed or needs         and report with tremendous                   Hong Kong and Dubai. Not only
  to be actioned, such as upcoming       flexibility, using a wide range of            because we treat you with respect,
  premiums or credit card expiry,        selection criteria. You can create           but because we also value your time
  through our unique dashboard           shortlists, and generate client-facing       just as highly as you do. What’s more,
  function.                              portfolios and reports.                      we keep our promises; and we do
                                                                                      what we say.
                                         All of which is to say that we offer
                                         you a site that you’ll find very              Any questions? Just call us for a chat.
                                         user-friendly. Almost human, in fact.        Human to human.
                                         But please, don’t just take our word
                                         for it. See our online vision for yourself
                                         at www.rl360adviser.com.

360 VISION Take a closer look
To begin with, we know the territory.
                                                                 Literally. We have a long and full
                                                                 understanding of the people in the
                                                                 markets we operate in. We know
                                                                 how, when clients are working abroad,
                                                                 they have greater responsibility for
                                                                 funding their own futures – and for
                                                                 protecting their families and their
                                                                 lifestyles against the unforeseen.

                                                                 And, to add a distinctly bright note,
                                                                 we understand how they may also
                                                                 be able to enjoy wealth-building or
                                                                 wealth-preserving opportunities not
                                                                 available in all domiciles. This is why
                                                                 we’ve spent so much time developing
                                                                 and bringing investment products to
                                                                 international marketplaces, as well
                                                                 as providing trust and tax planning
                                                                 solutions. As a result, our products
                                                                 work well for expatriates as well as
                                                                 local nationals.

Our unique product range and vision all circles around one
big idea: to build and protect wealth for our clients.
It’s why we exist. But what makes us different in this market?
So much more intelligent, and effective?

Our experience and expertise is         Finally – remember the human
then supported by some of the           touch? We operate exclusively
most sophisticated back office          through partners, independent
systems in the industry, giving us      advisers or networks of advisers;
the administrative heft to manage       and we provide deep levels of
white label ventures and platforms.     support not only online, but also
                                        through our marketing, service and
Next, and just as important, we         locally-based sales teams. We also
always think of our customers as        take the term ‘partnership’ very
individuals, every one of whom          seriously. We’re here for the long
requires a bespoke and flexible          term, and we appreciate that helping
investment solution. Which is           you develop your business is the only
why our products are specifically        way we can develop our own.
designed to fulfil these requirements.
They range from protection to
investment, and from tax to estate
planning, supporting the various
needs during each individual’s
investment or savings life cycle.

Here’s a quick round-up                  Regular premium                          Single premium
RL360° offers you a wide range           Our Quantum and Paragon products         When you have a lump sum to
of investment, savings and               give internationally mobile clients a    invest, we offer two broad choices.
protection products, complemented        simple way to add to their savings,      Oracle is a simple investment bond
by a sophisticated trusts and tax        by direct investment into a quality      with a specific, though wide, fund
planning service. We also offer a        fund range. (Unlike some, we don’t       range. More sophisticated investors
best-in-class investment platform        create insurance funds that mirror the   may prefer PIMS, our portfolio bond,
(Wrap) proposition.                      external fund but add more charges).     offering far wider investment choices.
                                         There are no initial charges – no
Flexibility and individual investment    bid-offer spreads – and no charges       First, Oracle. From a minimum
needs are paramount, so this isn’t       for switching. Nothing, in short,        $32,000 lump sum, you can benefit
the place to talk too much about         to cramp your investment style.          from premiums allocated at a rate of
specific products. But for now, here’s    We believe this makes portfolio          up to 105% for larger investments. In
a brief 360° overview of the ground      management within Quantum and            addition, you can receive a loyalty
we cover, and why our products offer     Paragon extremely cost effective,        bonus worth 0.5% of the policy value
more than just a degree of difference.   especially in comparison to holding      every year after the sixth policy year.
For more information, please visit us    funds directly. And, to round things     You benefit from direct investment
online at www.rl360.com                  off, we build in exceptional bonuses.    in a comprehensive range of quality
                                                                                  external funds. There are no initial
                                         Generally speaking, our Quantum          charges, no spreads, and no charges
                                         product is best for those with larger    for switching. We believe this makes
                                         amounts to invest over the medium        portfolio management extremely cost
                                         term. So it tends to be favoured by      effective, especially compared with
                                         people who want to save large regular    holding funds directly.
                                         amounts for planned events such as
                                         school and university fees, a future     PIMS is aimed at more experienced
                                         wedding, to supplement retirement,       investors, with a minimum £50,000
                                         or a deposit on a property. Quantum      premium. Investment choices range
                                         also has a very favourable bonus         from cash deposits to investment
                                         structure – the greater the growth       funds, and from specialist hedge
                                         achieved, the greater the bonus.         funds to direct shares. Many of these
                                                                                  investments can be purchased at
                                         Our Paragon product, on the other        a low charging level that simply
                                         hand, is positioned as the better        wouldn’t be available to individuals
                                         choice for longer-term investment.       if they purchased the funds directly;
                                         The substantial loyalty bonuses          while you also have the peace of mind
                                         make Paragon particularly suitable       and convenience of consolidated
                                         when saving for retirement over          paperwork and valuations. You can
                                         a longer period of time.                 also opt for discretionary investment
                                                                                  management within your bond.

Protection                               Investment platforms (Wraps)             Trusts and tax and planning advice
LifePlan allows clients to protect       Internet-based Wrap accounts allow       We are all challenged by the age-old
their families against the severe loss   financial assets to be viewed and         conundrums of how to pass on our
of income that could follow either       analysed on one simple platform,         money as tax-efficiently as possible,
unexpected death or critical illness.    with dealing facilities too. In the UK   to the right people, and at the right
Available from as little as $200 per     market, RL360° is an experienced         time. So, you’ll be delighted to hear,
month, it can provide cover on a         provider of off shore bonds, and we      help is at hand. And, to make you
whole of life and a term basis.          support and administer these for a       even more delighted, it’s award-
                                         number of leading Wrap providers.        winning help.
As well as providing protection          The Wrap market continues to grow,
against the unexpected, LifePlan         and our support will develop with        Whether the intention is simply
can also facilitate IHT planning,        it. This includes a specialist section   to avoid Isle of Man Probate, or to
where this is appropriate. LifePlan is   of our website designed to assist        construct a comprehensive solution
also suitable for companies seeking      our Wrap providers with additional       for tax succession planning, we offer
key person insurance.                    information relating to off shore        a wide range of trusts to be used in
                                         bonds, their tax benefits, and our        conjunction with our products.
What’s more, when both primary           comprehensive trust range.
life cover and critical illness cover                                             If you would like to know more about
are included, we pack LifePlan with      Wraps are an important part of our       any of our trusts, our experienced
some very desirable ‘extras’ at no       development strategy, and we’re          and highly qualified technical team
extra cost – and these are real          building enviable expertise in this      is on hand to help advisers with their
benefits, such as terminal illness        area. In fact, we recently won Best      clients’ planning requirements.
benefit and long term care.               in Class, Wrap Proposition in the
                                         2013 Professional Adviser
                                         International Fund and Product
                                         Awards. (If that sounds familiar,
                                         they’re the same people who
                                         awarded us Best International
                                         Financial Adviser Portal 2013.)

With our Isle of Man base, global    So when you’re considering off shore
                                   presence and client focus, we can    providers, we strongly recommend
                                   take that all-important, all-round   that you think of us first. Nowhere
                                   view of individual finances. One      else will you find a service this
                                   that’s not limited by passing        personal, products this tailored,
                                   fashions or short-term reporting     or the imaginative excellence on
                                   requirements.                        which we pride ourselves.

                                   Add to that the all-round            We invite you to take a closer look
                                   perspective and experience that      at RL360°. We’re ready to show you
                                   comes from working with some         exactly how much we can do for
                                   of the most financially savvy         you, and how we can make
                                   and demanding (and mobile)           everything run smoothly too.
                                   clients, worldwide.                  Like it’s on wheels, in fact.

                                                                        We look forward to doing
                                                                        business with you.

RL360° gives you both the innovation and
support you need to leave the competition behind.
Here’s a speedy summary.

To get in touch, call or   Head Office – Isle of Man   Representative Office - Dubai
email our Contact Centre
                           RL360 House,                Office 1402, 14th Floor,
                           Cooil Road,                 Single Business Tower,
T +44 (0)1624 681682       Douglas, Isle of Man,       Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, UAE.
E csc@rl360.com            IM2 2SP, British Isles      Tel: +971 4378 2700
                           Tel: +44 (0)1624 681 681    Email: dubai@rl360.com
                           Email: csc@rl360.com
                                                       Regional Office – Hong Kong
                           Website                     Suite 3605, The Center,
                           www.rl360.com               99 Queen’s Road Central,
                                                       Hong Kong.
                                                       Tel: +852 3929 4333
                                                       Email: hongkong@rl360.com

Issued by RL360 Insurance Company Limited. Registered Offi ce: RL360
House, Cooil Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 2SP, British Isles. Telephone:
+44 (0)1624 681681. Telephone calls may be recorded. Fax: +44 (0)1624
677336 or Website: www.rl360.com. RL360 Insurance Company Limited
is authorised by the Isle of Man Government Insurance and Pensions
Authority. Registered in the Isle of Man number 053002C. A member of
the Association of International Life Offi ces.

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