Standard Chartered - Publicised tax avoidance strategy

Page created by Allan Lucas
Standard Chartered - Publicised tax avoidance strategy
Standard Chartered –
Publicised tax avoidance strategy
January 2015


   Standard Chartered is a UK FTSE-100 listed               Mozambique it would theoretically reduce Capital
   bank with an extensive presence across                   Gains Tax from 32 percent to 0 percent. Among
   Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The bank               other countries potentially affected are Nigeria,
                                                            Kenya, Uganda, and Zimbabwe depending on
   offers a wide-range of banking services in
                                                            the specifics of their taxation treaties with Mauritius.
   15 African countries1. It has operated on
   the continent for 150 years and is a well-               Although it does not endorse the strategy, by
   recognised brand both in African business                publishing it Standard Chartered contributed to a
   circles and among consumers.                             conversation among companies about how to
                                                            avoid tax in some very poor countries. According to
   The bank plays an important role in                      ActionAid International research, almost half of all
    providing financial services for growing                investment into developing countries goes through
                                                            tax havens3. Meanwhile the OECD estimates that
    economies on the continent. In its report
                                                            developing countries lose three times more to tax
   “Impact on Africa” it states it supports 1.9             havens than the amount they receive in aid each
    million jobs in Sub-Saharan Africa and in               year4. This is money that could otherwise be used
    2013 supported trade worth USD7.2 billion2.             to pay for schools, hospitals and transport
                                                            infrastructure and to reduce aid-dependency.
   Evidence seen by ActionAid International shows the
   bank published an article by a Mauritius-based           The need for African nations to improve revenue
   financial firm describing a tax avoidance strategy in    collection is widely recognised. For example, a
   its publication Standard Chartered Insights              major report by the High Level Panel on Illicit
   2013/2014: Maximising Business Opportunities             Financial Flows for the African Union chaired by
   in Asia, Africa and the Middle East – a                  former President of South Africa Thabo Mbeki will
   Treasury Guide. The strategy can be used to              examine how African nations can prevent the loss
   legally avoid tax in some of the poorest countries in    of billions of dollars of tax revenue – which could
   the world and was contained within an article            otherwise be invested in vital services. To be clear,
   authored by Cim Tax Services managing director           ActionAid International is not suggesting that the
   Gary Gowrea.                                             use of the investment structure described in the
                                                            Cim article is unlawful or would constitute an “illicit
   The article highlights the tax benefits of structuring   financial flow”.
   investments through Mauritius in order to legally
   avoid capital gains tax and withholding tax. This        Standard Chartered states that the Cim article does
   strategy could be used by companies to legally           not constitute the Bank’s own advice or opinion,
   avoid potentially hundreds of millions of dollars of     and that it does not itself promote tax avoidance
   tax on a single deal. In the example of                  products to its customers.

ActionAid International Report                                                                          January 2015
The evidence
The ActionAid International allegation relates to          and opinion. The tax avoidance strategy appeared
 a tax avoidance strategy published in the journal         in an article entitled “Mauritius: An Investment
“Standard Chartered Investment Insight                     Gateway to Africa” and was written by Mauritius-
 2013/14”. This publication consists of articles written   based financial company Cim Tax Services.
 by external contributors offering investor information

ActionAid International Report                                                                  January 2015
The article explains that tax can be avoided           The key advantages of the tax avoidance
by structuring investments through Mauritius-          structure described in the article, which
based holding companies in order to take               uses the example of Mozambique, are:
advantage of the island’s network of tax
treaties (referred to in the strategy as Double        1. Capital Gains Tax
Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAAs).)
                                                       Using the structure, a company could reduce its
There is no suggestion that the structure included     capital gains tax from 32 percent to no tax at all.
by CIM in the article is particularly innovative or
                                                       This single tax avoidance strategy could potentially
unusual, or that its use by any given taxpayer is
                                                       be worth hundreds of millions of dollars to a
unlawful. In fact ActionAid International has found
                                                       company. As an example of the amount of money
a previous instance where a very similar structure
                                                       potentially involved – in 2014 the oil and gas
was advised by a major accountancy firm5.
                                                       company Anadarko was reported to have paid
The authors of the article advise investors            Mozambique US$520 million in capital gains tax at
that “adequate substance and commercial                the standard rate of 32% following a transaction
rationale be included in the structure to avoid        which yielded a capital gain of US$1,625,000,0007.
any potential challenge by tax authorities”.
                                                       The report describes the capital gains tax advantages
However ActionAid International believes               for companies operating in Africa as follows:
that the structure could be used where
                                                       “An increasing number of African states
there is little or no commercial rationale
                                                        are starting to impose capital gains tax.
for doing so other than to avoid tax.
                                                        However the DTAAs [tax treaties] in force
The article states that:                                in Mauritius restrict taxing rights of capital
                                                        gains to the country of the seller of the
“an essential ingredient [of Mauritian                  assets. Since there is no capital gains tax
 investment] beyond the commercial rationale            in Mauritius, the potential tax savings
 is the tax arbitrage a company can benefit             for a Mauritius registered company are
 from”. Expanding on the taxation advantages of         significant.”
 Mauritius, the article goes on to say:
                                                       2. Withholding Tax
“Based on the beneficial withholding tax
 rate that the treaties provide as well as the         Using the structure advised in the strategy could
 flexible Income Tax Act provisions, various           potentially lead to a 60 percent saving in withholding
 structuring possibilities are available, such         tax. In Mozambique, the rate of withholding tax
 as an investment holding platform or                  on dividends and interest is 20 percent. But
 regional treasury, or a structure holding             by using a holding company incorporated in
 intellectual properly rights.”                        Mauritius this rate can be reduced to 8 percent.

The strategy is designed to be used in different       The report describes the overall benefits
ways in a range of countries which have tax treaties   of this form of tax avoidance to companies
with Mauritius. Mauritius has recently embarked        operating in Africa as follows.
on a significant expansion of its network of tax
treaties with African nations and currently has        “The majority of African states impose
more than 40 either agreed, signed or awaiting          some withholding tax on dividends paid
ratification with countries including Mozambique,       out to non-residents. These vary between
Kenya, Zambia, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and                   10 percent and 20 percent. The DTAAs
Nigeria6. The amount of money that can be               [tax treaties] in force in Mauritius limit
avoided using a similar strategy will vary depending    withholding taxes on dividend[s]”.
on the specifics of individual tax treaties.

ActionAid International Report                                                                   January 2015
What the companies told us:                                           Cim Tax Services Ltd Statement:
We wrote to both Standard Chartered and Cim Tax                       “The article in question makes mention
Services asking them to respond to our allegation.                     of a wide range of benefits for companies
Below is the text of the statements they sent us.                      and investors seeking to use Mauritius as
                                                                       an investment and trading hub for Africa;
Standard Chartered Statement:                                          the tax treatment of certain financial
                                                                       receipts could be just one of these benefits.
“Standard Chartered does not consider this
                                                                       Mauritius and other developing African
 article to be the advice of the bank. There
                                                                       countries have entered into mutually
 is a clear disclaimer on the back of the
                                                                       beneficial bi-lateral agreements designed
 report that says ‘The opinions expressed in
                                                                       to promote and increase the flow of
 this publication are not necessarily those
                                                                       Foreign Direct Investment to support the
 of either the publisher, Standard Chartered
                                                                       sustainable development of these countries.”
 Bank nor the institutions for which the
 contributing authors work or by which they                           Conclusion
 have been commissioned”.
                                                                      Standard Chartered clearly provide developing
“Standard Chartered is one of the largest                             economies with high-quality financial services
 corporate tax payers in Africa. In 2013,                             that in turn generate jobs and reduce poverty.
 across our 15 Sub-Saharan businesses
 we paid US$182m in Corporation tax. An                               But by publishing this strategy – Standard Chartered
 independent report, ‘Banking on Africa’,                             contributed to a culture whereby companies are
 found that Standard Chartered’s support                              exploring ways to pay minimal tax on their profits in
 for our clients underpins $1.8 billion of                            very poor countries. Tax avoidance costs developing
 annual tax payments in Sub Saharan Africa,                           countries billions of dollars a year in lost revenues..
 equivalent to 1.1% of the entire tax receipts
 received by governments in the region.”                              Taxation treaties remain a key tool currently in
                                                                      use by large companies wishing to avoid paying
“Our tax position is very clear. We do                                tax on their operations in Africa. Mauritius is in
 not enter into transactions whose sole                               the process of rapidly expanding its network of
 purpose is to minimise or reduce tax cost.                           taxation treaties – and there remain risks that
 Similarly, we do not promote tax avoidance                           these treaties will continue to expose developing
 products to our customers. We set out                                countries to further loss of tax revenues.
 country-by-country tax information in
 respect of the year ended 31 December                                By Richard Grange
 2013 on our website.”                                                With assistance from Nadia Harrison

1. h
    ttps://                 5.
   and-policies/impact-reports/africa-day.html                             publications/deloitte_in_africa_1.pdfN
2.             6.
    policies/impact-reports/sub-saharan-africa-report.html                mauritius-tax-treaty-introduction.html
3.   7.

ActionAid International
Postnet Suite 248
Private Bag X31
Saxonwold 2132
South Africa
ActionAid is a registered charity no. 27264198

ActionAid International Report                                                                                                January 2015
The key pages from the documents which are referred to in this report are attached below. They are the copyright of PPP
Company Limited, Standard Chartered Bank and contributors. They are drawn from the publication Standard Chartered
Insights 2013/2014: Maximising Business Opportunities in Asia, Africa and the Middle East – a Treasury Guide.

                      An Investment Gateway to Africa

                   Based on                                Investment Promotion and                 companies, these are deemed to
                                                           Protection Agreements                    be a foreign source and get the
                   the beneficial                          As an African nation, Mauritius          $3*%*%($*.(*
                                                           has signed Investment                    mechanism.
                   withholding tax                         Promotion and Protection
                   rate that the                           Agreements (IPPAs) with
                                                           15 African member states.
                                                                                                    Figure 4 depicts a typical
                                                                                                    holding structure that can be
                   treaties provide                        The IPPA typically offers                set up in Mauritius. We have
                                                           the following guarantees to              taken an example of a Chinese
                   as well as the                          investors from contracting               Investor wishing to invest in the
                   flexible Income                         states:
                                                           1 ((&*(*%$%
                                                                                                    emerging coal and gas sector in
                   Tax Act provisions,                       investment capital and                 the Mozambique Company can
                                                             returns;;                              be done either through debt or
                   various structuring                     1 +($*$)*                     equity.
                   possibilities are                         expropriation;;
                                                           1%)*,%+($*%$(+"             i) The Chinese Investor can
                   available, such                           with respect to the treatment          invest in equity in the Mauritius
                                                             of investment, compensation            Holding Company, which in
                   as an investment                          for losses in case of war,             turn invests in the Mozambique
                   holding platform or                       (#%$4*(%*)*$
                                                                                                    The advantages of this
                   regional treasury,                        of disputes between investors          structure are:
                                                             and the contracting states.            1)&(**.*(*/*-$
                   or a structure                                                                      Mauritius and Mozambique,
                   holding intellectual                    )%$*$3"
                                                           withholding tax rate that the
                                                                                                       dividend paid to the Mauritius
                                                                                                       Holding Company will
                   property or rights.                     treaties provide as well as                 be subject to a reduced
                                                           *4."$%#.*                 withholding tax rate of 8% in
                                                           provisions, various structuring             Mozambique.
                                                           possibilities are available,             1**&&"*%$%*
                                                           such as an investment holding               foreign tax credit mechanism,
                                                           platform or regional treasury, or           the effective tax for the
                                                           a structure holding intellectual            Mauritius Holding Company
                                                           property or rights.                         will be reduced to nil.
                                                           The Finance Act 2012 has                    right to tax any gains derived
                                                           amended the Financial Services              by the Mauritius Holding
                                                           Act 2007 to add two activities to           Company on the sale of shares
                                                           *+(*+)%($2"%"            held in the Mozambique
                                                           headquarters administration                 Company.
                                                           and global treasury activities.          1)%&&%)*%%*(
                                                           Schedule 2 part II and part III             tax treaties signed by
                                                           sets out that that at least three           Mozambique, Mauritius has
                                                           services must be performed for              exclusive rights to tax capital
                                                           three related entities, be it in            gains on the sale of shares
                                                           the treasury or administrative              held in the Mozambique
                                                           3" ,$**,*)(           Company even if the assets
                                                           provided to global business                 of the Mozambique Company

        260                                                                                    Standard Chartered Insights 2013/14
The key pages from the documents which are referred to in this report are attached below. They are the copyright of PPP
Company Limited, Standard Chartered Bank and contributors. They are drawn from the publication Standard Chartered
Insights 2013/2014: Maximising Business Opportunities in Asia, Africa and the Middle East – a Treasury Guide.

                                                                                             An Investment Gateway to Africa

              Figure 4: Typical Holding Structure for a Chinese Investor Wishing to Invest in
              Mozambique’s Coal and Gas Sector

                               1Dividend paid by Mauritius Holding

                                Company to China Investor is                   China Investor                         Interest
                                exempt from tax in Mauritius.                                                         payment
                                                                                                        Deposits       0% on

                                                                              100%        Dividend
                                                                        shareholding      payments
                               1Dividend received from Mozambique
                                is subject to 15% tax in Mauritius.
                                However, after application of foreign
                                tax credit – withholding tax (WHT)

                                and underlying tax – the tax is
                                reduced to nil.                              Mauritius Holding
                                                                                                           Mauritian Bank
                               1Capital gains derived on the sale of
                                shares of Mozambique Company are
                                taxable in Mauritius only under the
                                treaty. Capital gains tax of 32% in
                                Mozambique is therefore avoided.
                                                                              100%        Dividend
                                                                        shareholding      payments

                                                                                                      WHT on
                                                                                                      interest 0%      Loans

                                                                                                      as per DTAA
                               1Dividend payment is subject to                 Mozambique
                                8% WHT as per the DTAA between
                                Mauritius and Mozambique.                        Company

                                                                           Holds immovable property
                                                                                in Mozambique

                                                                                                                     Source: Taxand

              consist principally of                            between Mauritius and             1$(**(*/$*()*&
              immovable property.                               Mozambique.                         by the Mozambique Company
            1)*()$%&*"$)                                                         to the Mauritian Bank is free
              tax in Mauritius, gains are not               ii) The Chinese Investor can            of any withholding tax.
              taxed at all.                                 ")%3$$*%0#'+           1"*($*,"/*)#()+"*
            1 ,$)&/*                        Company partly through a                can be achieved if the Chinese
              Mauritius Company to the                      back-­to-­back loan.                    Investor invests the money
              Chinese Investor will be                      1 $) %#&$/                  as equity in the Mauritian
              exempt from tax in Mauritius.                    deposits money in a Mauritian        Company, which then deposits
            1$,$&($(#$*                    Bank.                                the money in the Mauritian
              can be obtained from the                      1+(*$$!&(%,           Bank.
              Mauritius Revenue Authority                      a loan to the Mozambique           1$*()*(,/*
              under Article 25 of the treaty                   Company.                             Mauritius Company from

            Maximising Business Opportunities in Asia, Africa and the Middle East – a Treasury Guide
The key pages from the documents which are referred to in this report are attached below. They are the copyright of PPP
Company Limited, Standard Chartered Bank and contributors. They are drawn from the publication Standard Chartered
Insights 2013/2014: Maximising Business Opportunities in Asia, Africa and the Middle East – a Treasury Guide.

                     An Investment Gateway to Africa

                    the Mauritian Bank will be             provided by the Mauritius-­              Conclusion
                    exempt from tax in Mauritius.          Mozambique tax treaty are                Mauritius continues to be used
                  1%-,(%0#'+%)              not available under the South            as a platform for investment
                    have thin capitalisation rules         Africa-­Mozambique or India-­            into Africa and Asia and to
                    which provide that loans from          Mozambique tax treaty.                   reinforce its reputation as
                    related foreign corporations                                                    a jurisdiction of substance
                    must not exceed twice the              Caution must be taken in                 through its network of IPPAs,
                    corresponding equity in                light of greater convergence             DTAAs and other such
                    the borrowing Mozambican               toward the adoption of anti-­            agreements. A testimony to this
                    corporation.                           avoidance rules by developed             is the December 2012 visit from
                  1"*%+*"%$)(%#             and emerging nations. It is              International Monetary Fund
                    the Mauritian Bank, which              strongly advised that adequate           Managing Director Christine
                    is a non-­related party, it is         substance and commercial                 Lagarde, which resulted in
                    advisable to keep a debt to            rationale be included in the             the signing of a memorandum
                    equity ratio of 2:1.                   structure to avoid any potential         with the Government of
                  While we have taken the                  challenge by tax authorities.            Mauritius to locate the Africa
                  example of an investor from a            In many cases, the returns on            Training Institute in Mauritius.
                  country that does not have a             investment will be yielded in the        As reported in the press,
                  tax treaty with Mozambique,              future. However, it is important         the Australian Agency for
                  the structure can also be                to provide substance to the              International Development and
                  used by investors from treaty            Mauritius Company well before            the Chinese authorities have
                  countries like India and South           there is any claim for treaty            also pledged support for this
                  Africa, as the advantages                $3*)                                 initiative.

                  About the Author
                  Gary Gowrea
                                  Gary Gowrea is Managing Director at Cim Tax Services. He has more than 15 years of
                                  experience in international tax and advises on tax structures set up by multinational
                                  corporations, fund managers and high net worth individuals. He is also a member
                                  of the operational committee of Global Institutional Investors Forum and sits on
                                  agreements. He has been a speaker at several local and international conferences and
                                  is a Member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (UK) and the International
                  and holds a Diploma in International Taxation. He completed his MSc in Accounting from De Monfort
                  University in Leicester, UK.

       262                                                                                    Standard Chartered Insights 2013/14
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